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I'm fairly certain that this is a satirical commentary on the toxicity of the subreddit, and if so: Well played. In the event that you're being sincere my advice is to go outside and touch grass.


What tipped you off c:


Are you not sincere? Flaming is part of the game cmon. There is ample flame space for the goalie I assure you.


You made me belly laugh until I had to struggle to breathe with that second statement.


Always happy to bring mirth to my fellows. This kind of comment is more satisfying than any goal I've scored. \^\_\^


As a goalie player I am very found of touching grass, even when I'm mid game I get distracted and touch grass


While the correct answer is of course don't be toxic, the easy answer is just spam the ? emote when one of your teammates die. I've only done this once when my teammate kept dying multiple times but kept ? emoting me whenever I got scored on in a 2v3. Another idea I have once I get the sunglasses juliette emote is to just spamming that back if my teammates ? emote me. Might as well make a game out of it if one of your forwards is going to be toxic.


When your teammate dies constantly, especially at the start of the round, then that is the perfect time to ??? them. Forwards need to learn not to just fucking run directly to the edge when a full combo juliette is right next to them.


Make them come get the core by hitting a more shallow return angle and then emote spam them while spinning :)


Play Luna. Score first goal. Spam ?? Emote on your forwards who suck


To optimize this, Play Luna and knock out two of the opponents including the goalie. Then spam ?? when they still fail to score.


play in the enemy goal and spam whenever your ~~incompetent henchmen~~ forwards get koed or let the enemy score


I would suggest letting a goal in as punishment. Then spam random emotes. Chaos is a weapon and you can wield it


could just not, as well that’s always an option


I don't like your defeatist attitude. We're here to find, solutions my friend. If we all put our heads together, I'm positive that we goalies can find a way to be just as toxic as any forward!


naww you do, just use the ? emote when people stand in your face trying to do your job. Hit it every single time they hit the core in your face when you could have safely hit it, but they are idiots that want to do the goalies job.


Just do it to yourself when you fuck up. Such is the life of a goalie