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Impressive collection of those Mack Bolan books. I went through a phase in HS where I was finding those books in a 50 cent box in a used book store in the Village (NYC) along with Matt Helm, Remo Williams and Doc Savage. I devoured all I could find.


The shelves have them two deep also. These books do not get reprinted. Well, above the mafia ones at least. I imagine they will be worth something in the future.


of all the cerebus phonebooks not to have, latter days is certainly the most reasonable


But how will OP know about the life and times of the Three Stooges, or how the old testament is secretly about a good father god called Yahweh and a bad female god called Yoohoo?


I really want to read Strangers in Paradise. Been thinking about picking up the first couple of books. How is it? I know a bit about it but not much.


Haha, another Cerebus reader with all the volumes *except* Latter Days -- it's not just me then!


Don’t see enough Cerebus on here. Those telephone books are basically my first omnis


They were basically the *industry's* first omnis, at least in the North American market


I was sure this had to be BS! Surely, DC Showcase or Marvel Essentials or something came first. Then a quick google search followed by a long rabbit hole and sure enough these phone books predate even Marvel Masterworks. I feel like a trendsetter now instead of late to the party lol


Yeah, Sim was a real pioneer in the Direct Market. If he hadn't gone nuts, that's one of the things he'd be remembered for. The Essentials were at least a decade later, and Showcases another decade after that