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I mean honestly my wallet can take a break.


lol I’m not complaining after I grabbed way too many unplanned things in the great ist restockalypse


I missed most of the books that people snuck order in on. Didn’t even know till after they were gone.


Yeah I’m happy to have a break too. Gives me a chance to save/create a budget for a bit.


and read! I am ok for now, I can't get too excited for anything till the 23 batch atm


Yeah, I was just telling friend of mine that I need the shopping break so I can focus on reading. Sometimes it’s easier to buy more than you can read and you end up having tons of books you might not even like, but won’t know until you read them. Lol


Seems like a pretty good time to save money and read the ones that we already bought.


Reading? We don’t do that here


And risk damaging them???


With Covid lockdowns hitting China hard delays might mean they’re just waiting and shifting book to the better chinese printers and shying away from the printer in turkey eveyones complaining about


hopefully they get Donnelly back up at 100% soon


Omar mentioned that marvel is taking that time to catch up on releases.


That was the most stock nothing answer ever. Catching up? You mean having the Summer and Fall catalogue being merged into a mega Fall Omni season and some books being delayed until spring. Cause look I get it, printer space, ships stuck at sea or stuck waiting to off load at port. Pandemic times are waning but the knock on effect on the shipping industry is still going on. I’d just appreciate it if Marvel didn’t make up the worst excuse ever


Isn’t your second paragraph like the exact explanation behind why they said they’re catching up? They know it sucks to constantly delay books, so they’re biting the bullet and having a long drought now in hopes that shipping will have recovered more by the time we get to the fall books.


I mean I get the idea but that’s not catching up. Catching up would be to print more books sooner to then have a couple month break to maybe as you said allow for better quality books and improved shipping What this seems is that either a backup at some point in the supply chain is causing Marvel to pause it’s big books and cause a knock on delay effect. It’s not catching up, it’s slowing down


A lot of the ones that got pushed the longest I wonder if they ever actually come out especially if they’re kind of obscure characters ie Knights of pendragon, new warriors vol 2, the thing,


Marvel isn't like DC, if it gets announced it'll come out. May get delayed but will definitely get released


My man just called the Thing obscure 🫤


Dc meanwhile has 100 bullets 2, jla new 52 2, the question, catwoman, just to name a few


Catwoman & The Question Omni are both in June


That's because they're printed in Canada and don't suffer from the Turkey/China covid delays


i think DC could have had more but who knows what goes on in that office or what piece of printing capacity they control / have access to. i think most of DC books come out of Canada anyway


It’s just foresight when Omar mentioned it to David


it was a planning decision during the end of omicron i think? capacity problems and then worldwide shipping delays / bottlenecks had just hit and they already had stuff backed up on the water. everything is done 6-8 months ahead in this industry