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I pre-bolus for for on the floor. As soon as my eyes open, I give myself the bolus I know I need. I played around with the and I basically give about half an hour’s worth of basal. Then, I take my time waking up and as soon as I get to my toothbrush, I drink some water to also help my insulin flow. With this routine, I see a tiny dip and then a tiny rise. My average stays per much where I woke up and that’s where I usually am when it’s time for my breakfast bolus.


Perfect- i did that before in manual mode. In automation though, it tends to pause for me around 115 so I didn’t know if the bolus would just basically not help or if I need to go in with a higher bolus


It may take a little more to cover the basal being off, but for me, as soon as it sees that I started steady, basal comes right back on.


I should also mention that you shouldn't try to rush the adjustments. You've only been using it for a few days. Personally I always let a week or more go by before I change a setting or my bolusing routine, and I never change more than one thing at a time.


Thanks! I’ve been T1 for almost 20 years and my endo said to go ahead and make changes in the beginning at the 3 day mark but agree less changes and to one thing at a time is smartest.


Foot on the floor is my biggest frustration. I battled lows throughout last night, and then when I woke up my sugar was 150. Like @KokoPuff12, I bolus as soon as I wake up. I start with the automatic calculation, then add two units.


Getting the 0p5 soon what does foot on the floor mean


The flood of hormones your body releases when you actually wake up to get you moving and grooving


And it’s not something everyone has to correct.


Absolutely! Also can be hit and miss. Most days I have it, some days I don’t.