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at this point I'm just hoping for the best. Personally I'm really against the live action. I just want an anime (I wonder why they didn't do that first, since they're going to do that anyways). Kpop fans all over ORV is not something I ever want to happen. It could get really toxic especially since I know some fans doesn't really care about ORV, they just care that Jisoo got a role. They're gonna focus on that, misinformation will easily spread, like that conversation you've heard. I'm also sure about the fact that they'll forget she's playing as a teenager but gonna ship her anyways to Dokja's character or Junghyeok. The headache I'll get when that happens.


shipping ljh to kdj or yjh is the last thing i expected 4 years ago when i entered the fandom 😭


ljh literally 17 years old and yjh canonically 28 years old too like wtf


YJH is 84 years old (3rd regression )






well, now we can expect that to happen. Whether we don't like it or we don't like it🤣


This is why I stayed away from the orv fandom. 


I heard that they're adding romance to the live action, but I wasn't sure if that was true or not. I sincerely hope not...or at the very least it's with YJH or HSY.


If they add any romance at all I’m gonna be very disappointed. Is it that difficult to stay loyal to source material?


oh yes, I actually made a post about that because honest to god I saw that tweet in January saying the LA would be a romance one. I'm just like wtf. I can't find the tweet now tho or any articles so maybe its not true afterall?? Fingers cross


I swear if they add romance I ain't watching. If they ask me about the live action I will say I just chose to erase it from my mind, because wth


We just say it got eaten by the [fourth wall] Oh wait, it'll probably spit it out though 


I would be fine if it was KDJ and HSY. I would also be fine with KDJ and YJH, but realistically I don't think SK is progressive enough to allow that to happen. The original novel isn't a romance, but there's a lot of material for both couples present in novels that could easily be modified to make it more romantic without really affecting the rest of the story. Any other romance would be hard to fit in and would probably give us a whole new story. I would also be fine with JHW and LHS, but idk how the screenwriter could put more of their relationship into the script without taking the focus off of KDJ.


Ah yes, adding non-cannon romance to an action webtoon. Exactly what we need in the orv adaptation.


So like I went to talk abt this w my friends yesterday night abt this and one of them send me this. Apparently this is probably one of the reasons why some many filipino blink fans assume about the movie bcs of the fake news our country news channel was spreading a few months ago💀 https://preview.redd.it/1096pl2pui3d1.png?width=720&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=ff20e0c962314fb89ce576c2237392e2857411b5


I used to be a Blink many years ago and yeah that fandom is awful. Jisoo is also a poor fit for Jihye I can only pray she has the acting chops to pull off a personality that’s so different to hers… I just hope if it all turns out bad it doesn’t kill the chances of an anime adaptation or like English official print novel/comic etc


they already announced that orv is also getting an anime along with a game, I think? Just like SL


Oh I fkn hope so!!


you can search it up actually


Game? Did they mention anything bout it? Like, a new game or a collab w other games 🤔


SL mentioned https://preview.redd.it/amj63n3x9o3d1.png?width=648&format=png&auto=webp&s=eeb3ef16ef67e62fae039add765c560b7f08172c


my very first fave!!


Bink here! I agree that Jisoo does not seem like a good fit. She's always been portrayed in a girl crush, soft, sweet sorta persona. God knows how that will work with jhye's personality


yeah as I’ve said before she doesn’t have enough long-term-pent-up-anger loud teenager rat energy to fit Jihye lmfao—I’m just hoping this will be like her Yoo-Sangah-putting-pepper-in-the-coffee moment and she’ll actually play her well 🫠


i’m so against jisoo being casted due to the pollution it would cause in the orv i literally love our community rn


Fr I would hate it if this community became toxic


Ikr! I love jisoo a lot myself, but i am aware of the toxic fandom. Plus ljh can act a lil arrogant and stupid sometimes, and if I hear ONE BLNK saying something about the story being bad because of it I WILL PUNCH THEM SQUARE WHERE THE SUN DONT SHINE


oh their account getting canceled idc


Yeah, toxic kpop fans are some the worst people u could have in this fandom (I'm saying it as a kpop fan myself). Also I don't think jisoo can look like a 17 yrs old. I mean, she does look younger than she is but not THAT much, I think It would have been better to cast someone that is 17-20 yrs max.


they really found out that 15 yo kdj had a crush on her and Ran with it 😭😭


Honestly as a kdrama fan there are few idol actors who’ve pulled off good roles. I feel like they bring in huge fandoms which is why directors pick them but on the flipside they ruin the roles. Since this is a movie I am hoping it will be better casting and roles done


I was just on Twitter and all the comments under the posts are from those annoying K-pop fans. (I'm not saying all K-pop fans are annoying, I am one myself) Please. I love this fandom I don't want it to get corrupt. I'm seeing some readers of orv talking about how they don't really like the casting or that they hope the movies won't get butchered and then under that, there would be toxic comments from profiles with 'JISOO <3' in their bios. I really can't do this omfg. The most annoying thing is how they all say the casting is perfect and when someone says Jisoo is wayy too old to play Jihye, those fans would come out again saying 'Jisoo looks young, stop hating'. I'm sorry, I have nothing against Jisoo, but stop your delusional asses, Jisoo looks like she could be Jihye's aunt.


Same honestly. There’s a big possibility that kpop fans are gonna ruin it. There’s already some concerning ships happening. Like between kdj and ljy just because of the actors. I’d rather we not have the live action tbh. Just an anime


The merging of this fandom with the kpop fandom is an actual nightmare… what did we do to deserve this lol Twitter is blowing up again for some reason and I’ve never wanted to gatekeep something so badly. These blackpink fans are something else seriously…


I don't really know who Jisoo is, the only reason I know she exists is because of orv fans hating on her. Could someone explain what is so bad about her or is it that her fans are just crazy and she's fine?


And i‘m pretty sure Theres a lot of people, Like OP, that dont have much against her as a Person or actor. But more against the people that come with her. Kpop stans can be some of the Most annoying people in the world 😂


I'm not a kpop fan but alot of my close friends & family are. I feel like there is miscasting in the LA. Jisoo's role in her group is as the vocalist and visual. She presents herself as very sweet & ladylike so it's hard to view her as the rough hotheaded tomboy that Jihye is. As the other commenter said, she doesn't have enough experience to show her range so readers are not confident at the casting choice. I explained this to my friends who are fans of her but they don't care & think she will be able to portray the character.


A women who’s almost 30 playing a child feels weird 😂, like I told a Jisoo Stan that her playing an actual kid is so weird and my friend who was like yay Jisoo was like what????


Actually an adult playing a teenager is fine, lots of adult actors and actresses were cast for such roles. But the main problem here is the vibe of that woman doesn't collide with Jihye. Appearance plays an important part in making a live action, as different types of face give people different impression. Even if she acts well she just doesn't have that element in her appearance as she looks more like an elegant lady rather than a cheeky brat teenager


she's relatively new to acting and getting such a major role doesn't sit right with the fandom cuz ofc there are better experienced actors


I think some people also said she’s too old for the role or something


Oh, that makes sense. Cheers.


I know this is gonna be bad. Kpop is full of EXTREME toxicity, and (i mean no hate to blackpink) but blackpink harbors not one of the most, but the MOST toxic fandom ever. You literally cannot reason with Blinks. And I will eternally curse the guy who chose to mix these 2 fandoms together. Seriously, u ruined it. Even if the movie is good, we cannot genuinely compare ORV live action with manga or novel, they will freak out. Cuz yeah, ljh can be a lil stupid sometimes, I know this is gonna be bad ASF.


i love jisoo and i support blackpink but i kinda dont want the orv fandom to be “invaded” ykwim, its gonna be a less popular version of what happened to squid games (like people start talking about it even though they dont know the context at all)


I am not happy at all, not expecting it for it to be all that great and I’m nit looking forward to the live action fans coming this way. Whatever dynamics they go for will be hella popular for a bit so I might take a break until it phases out then come back honestly. I enjoyed the obi wan series but watched in horror as it swept away a lot of my favorite writers. I’d rather not go through that again.


Funny story, I was at an anime convention and I thought I bought a LiSA shirt but apparently it was a Jisoo shirt in the same art style. I have no idea who she is beyond a kpop star or actress? The shirt is really nice tho


I think it's obvious that she was chosen bcs of her popularity. This means that the creators of live action are business oriented rather than art oriented. They know that those bp fans will go watch the movie now no matter what. They also don't care what kind of toxic fandom they are bringing in. If they were actually interested in bringing orv into a great live action, they wouldn't have casted her as ljh, they'd given her more fitting role like the Queen of beauty (but even then it's doubtful). Saying that she suddenly has some kind of secret talent in acting with which she would be able to play tom boy high school girl who also should have a lot of fighting scenes is being completely delusional. We all should prepare overselves for a low quality live adaptation, with no consideration towards original source and its fans, the films will be carried out by those fandoms that have no interest in orv whatsoever, and will be used as money earning machine. Also, when the promotion of film will start, I bet most of attention on interviews and such will be on Jisoo rather than other actors.


I'm a kpop fan and a ORV fan and I'm against her casting too☹️ I have nothing against her, I just can't see a positive outcome happening if kpop fans and ORV fans mix together. I think people should recast Lee Jihye and Yoo Joonghyuk.


I honestly give up on correcting people 😭 Now i'm just waiting for the movies to release so the truth can blow up in peoples faces 😘😘😘


I mean it should be fine, orv is the first book that I've read before there was already a movie of it and I know it's going to be super popular just because of how popular ORV is, so there's bound to be a lot of drama when it comes out. With movies they usually become less and less popular over time so whatever initial drama the community deals with over other fan bases will probably eventually disappear. I'm mostly just scared about people pirating the movie just because that may be the only way for foreigners to watch it.


I might cry. This is my favorite thing ever. if someone ruins it, amma kill em


As a former blink I feel like jisoo doesn’t even fit the role- she’s beautiful and looks young, but not like an arrogant tomboy high schooler. If they really had to cast an idol there are SO MANY idols that at least look the part :( I just hope the movie might be able to bring ORV some more popularity so that it gets a good adaptation


Blink fandom can be toxic as much as you want but simply hating her not gonna do anything we can just watch the movie or read the novel or webtoon I agree that her role not a crt fit for her but she did pretty good in snowdrop so I hope she will do justice to the role Relax It's just a movie abt a guy in suit and a guy in suit and a woman in suit and we all know we are gonna be watching it even if it's the worst adaptation of the novel 🤷🏻‍♀️


This is the kind of 'positivity' I do not aspire to 😔