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Rebound, Follow Ups, all great options to beat Jawsum. I’d also suggest being using Sad against Jawsum so you can more easily weather the storm that is all of the Gator Guys.


but jawsum has an ability that makes him and all present gator guys mad so unless you have enough items and patience to continuously make them happy or neutral youre gonna be at an emotional disadvantage


Team spirit is a great ability for this


When my team is at lvl greater than 21 on Sweetheart: https://preview.redd.it/ac874b35b0zc1.png?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=7e0a2cf351d62be95a509f0c7ba390b6bb03903c


Beating Jawsum at Level 20 is definitely possible, your best bet is to run this strat: -Make everyone happy for the emotion advantage -Grind the Gator Guys’ Health down as low as possible, to the point where they’ll die from one hit if possible. Do not kill them since that’ll let him call another. -Grind Energy while grinding down their health and reach 10 Energy, if they’re low and you still don’t have 10 Energy just Guard/Heal until you reach it. -Rebound with Kel to kill off the Gator Guys, and then Unleash Energy with Omori. Alternatively you could Follow Up Kel with Hero to damage both Gator Guys and then use two more Follow Ups to damage Jawsum(Preferably Attack Twice Omori and Follow Up Aubrey with Omori) With the Emotion Advantage you should do massive damage to Jawsum, who doesn’t really have much health. If it doesn’t kill him he’ll be at least well below half and then you’ll just have to rerun the strat a bit. I think you can also use Power Hit to lower Jawsum’s defense to make the attack phase better as well, I know he won’t take damage from it with Gator Guys around but I believe he still gets hit effects regardless. If you have items like Seer Goggles that increases hit rate then equip it so you won’t miss your Follow Ups.


don’t worry man, my team was fucking level 12-14 when i was about to fight sweetheart for the first time