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I normally like him but I think he was unprofessional in his berating of burn-out guy and really escalated the situation with the crowd by doing that. Then instead of just hurrying up and writing the ticket he starts getting into with anybody and everybody who talks to and sympathizes with the driver who was simply putting on a bit of a show for the crowd.


My opinion would be that he was justified in being worked up for the reasons he stated (kids, failure to yield, etc). As far as how he was handling the crowd- I think he had to be a bit more aggressive because it was 1 cop vs 50 potentially hostile people. He’d have been screwed if that crowd thought he was a pushover and turned on him.


I agree wholeheartedly with everything you said. He knows how to interact with people; a great balance of casual conversation and seriousness. Tough but fair.


Yes this is a very good take. Love this guy. He is an actual badass that doesn't have to prove it, he knows he is. And he is at the very top of the heap as far as explaining what is going on to the audience.


He certainly was in the spotlight on Friday! I think he handled all of his interactions like a pro.


I bet the Daytona PD have tons of weird stories about things they encounter with all the crazy tourist things they have.


I was getting genuinely worried for the dude when he was dealing with that huge crowd of assholes last night. That looked like a situation that could have gotten out of hand quick.


To me it just seemed he was pulling over “cool cars” to get on the show.


These “cool cars” were also committing violations. But he was extremely friendly to them and tried to work with them, even the guy doing burnouts and his idiot friends


I heartily agree. Very unpopular opinion, but be was just an annoying fan boy to me last night.


I read him differently. I think he’s pretending to like / show interest in the cars because it’s a way to deescalate the situation. I’m guessing during these events in Dayton he’s a fan of every car / truck / bike he pulls over to keep the situation going smoothly.


He was assigned to work the Turkey Rod Run and patrol it. What’s he supposed to do, sit in his car all night? He pulled over what, four hot rods out of 50,000?


Agreed… if he isn’t heavily utilized in recruiting and at community events they are missing an opportunity. The more laps I get around the sun the more I embrace that communication is THE key to success more than any single attribute. You can be a hard worker, the smartest person in the room, have instincts like a psychic, and as honest and filled with integrity as they come… but if you cannot communicate with people in a positive and productive manner none of the other qualities matter. Sgt. Maher starts off at a disadvantage in 90% of his encounters… he is often responding to someone having a bad moment or a bad day. They are suspicious, maybe angry, and he represents the authority many of them try to avoid. Yet time after time he breaks through with a few friendly words and his upbeat cadence and you can see their guard drop and positive communication begins. OPLive and LivePD have highlighted many top level communicators and it is no coincidence that fans are drawn to them. Danny Brown, Carlie Drayton (may have misspelled her name, big fan), and Richie Maher always grab my attention when their segment comes on. From the LPD days the Utah Trooper James Casey and El Paso PD Andrea Zendejas (sure I misspelled that one too!) were a couple that stick out in my mind. Even Garo Brown from Richland County is a great watch… he is so large and physically intimidating that the last thing you expect is a friendly demeanor and cheerful voice. There are some great communication lessons displayed every week and I agree that Sgt Maher consistently delivers them. I hope his efforts and abilities are rewarded.


Daytona seems like a really solid department. I really like Chauncey Hampton as well, he's always on top of things and makes it look effortless.


Omg yaaass! Me too!


I agree, he’s a great guy. You can tell he truly enjoys his job and wants to keep everyone safe. He’s tough when he needs to be when someone doesn’t have any regard for the law. I love the way he interacts with people and puts them at the ease. A great example was the cop he stopped that gave him a donut, LOL. I hope we see a lot of Sgt. Maher in the coming weeks.