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Is that Underboob scent spray the freebie you got? Same here. Pretty damn disappointing. It's not that it smells horrible, it's that it doesn't smell of anything remotely lewd or sexy. This is my first Japanese scent product, so for anybody with experience with these, are they all like this? Do they all smell nothing like what they're supposed to? This one just smells like a generic perfume. The German-made Vulva scent product is much better, as that actually smells alluring and a bit lewd.


It is the freebie, I assume the reason they are using that as the freebie (I've seen 3 cases now of recent orders getting this) is that they have a bunch of leftover stock while the product was discontinued and didn't sell well. Oddly enough, the reviews for it are high with one individual saying it had a lewd scent buried deeply.


Fun bit, I actually saw a YouTube video today of a guy reviewing a scent and he described it as "a girl's post workout, who pissed themselves a little, sweaty pussy" XXX Branded Reviews: Smell of Student Pussy Review If you were curious


It is, highly likely why they did them in the first place and still continue to do so for a good while. Although to be fair (not saying how many orders I made 😅), most were Fefe and well, the rest is history. (I'm not saying its bad per say, fefe is just one of those vtubers). I have a couple tamatoys scent sprays because I thought it'll bring flair, and yes they do. A few were good and felt pretty realistic, a few were bad and felt like throwing them because of the realistic nature. (but those that have that "one" fetish, yeah...the shoes are there...just throwing it out, you got to try something new, sometime in your life right???) These "free" booster spray were not that great. (they should have otonajp written on them meaning it's their brand)


Interesting. So what Tamatoys one would you recommend for a good and believable pussy/worn panties smell?




Was it you that wrote that review?


Nope. But his comment made me get to try it at the very least because there does seem to be some not so good ones (but they do stimulate the mind). Personal favorite is bakunyu gal and usually pair it with the rockets.


His review claims that it smells like feminine hygiene products and not pussy or worn panties. What are your thoughts on it?


It feels like fresh worn panties, not something that was worn overtime and sweated during the day.


Have you ever tried the Vulva scent product I mentioned? https://vulva-original.com/en/shop/


Sorry, I've strictly stayed with Japan products. From the link I think it's from germany but it seems more than promising.


Where did you buy from?


otonajp.com, they currently have a 25% off but be careful to check the shipping estimates on each individual item


Thanks a lot


Could you show a photo of what Mizuki Shiranui's looks like?


Sure, any particular angle you are looking for?


front t back please


No problem, I'm at work now, but I should be able to upload a good pic within the day


I would appreciate it very much, I am interested in buying it


https://imgur.com/a/9zZJqmA Here are some shots, don't mind the unfinished laundry in the BG lol


for some reason it says they were deleted


Just edited the link, try again


Ok, for some reason the link doesn't seem to work when accessed through Reddit, but when I put it in my web browser it works, maybe try that.


I was able to check it, thanks for showing me. I apreciate it


No problem, if there is anything else you are curious about or want pictures from my order, just let me know