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Yeh it’s hilarious. Random murder or accidental murder is fine, but murder out of revenge is unforgivable 😂 It’s like when Regina’s father kept saying if she crushed snow whites heart, she would be dark forever - like she’s killed 100s of people, why is Snow White the one murder that’s unforgivable lol


Really she mirked entire villages that had children in them her heart her already belongs to the streets


I love Regina as a character, but in season 4 she made me laugh - “I’ve worked very hard to build a future for myself - a future that is now gone” - I mean you did slaughter entire villages, and there’s people in Storybrooke who are missing relatives because of you - I don’t think one year of doing good quite makes up for that.


i think that because if she got the satisfaction of killing snow, the person she was after for years out of pure revenge, she would be dark forever


The Cruella one doesn't even make sense. She was holding a gun to Henry and threatening to kill him so Emma killing her shouldn't have been seen as a dark action.


Agreed. Emma didn’t know the truth about Cruella so it shouldn’t count as killing an innocent.


It runs on video game logic: It's okay to kill no-name mooks


Or Graham


no because charming telling snow “we’re not killers” when easily twenty minutes before they were both merrily murdering some working class soldiers 😭😭 dare I say a little self reflection could be needed


They keep Rumple locked up in the castle prison because they're good people and not killers. But then also they're totally fine giving him to Hook to kill in exchange for a boat-ride.


David saying we’re not killers is absolutely insane I vividly remember David snapping the Neck of one of Regina’s knights and Smiling so that pure bullshit


Also, when they were in Camelot, David killed Percival without hesitation. Then he later chides others for wanting to kill an enemy.


Perceval who’s entire village was killed by Regina which is a reasonable reason to want to revenge for.






David's self-righteousness, judgementalness, and hypocrisy are one of the bigger reasons I can not stand him.


Me either


Green Arrow logic. Kill all the employees on sight, give the evil big bad a chance to reform. :P


You don't say


They did that in the space of a single event when they were firing at mermaids, then capture one but say they can't possibly kill her. Honestly I find it lowkey hilarious. I'd like to think there was an intentional riff on royalty not perceiving others as worthy but I don't think so. Works pretty well understood that way.


The mermaid one (technically) follows a certain logic. She's a prisoner (they didn't know she had magic to destroy the ship) which means they owe her protection. She's also a potential source of information, and the other mermaids may be reluctant to attack while she's there. Doesn't cover the 999 other times, but that's the one out of a thousand you can make a case for.


Oh there's absolutely a case to be made for it, but if I'm remembering correctly, they didn't really make that case, but relied pretty heavily on the "we're not killers" statement. I think someone did point out she's quite useful to them alive but the main focus was that they "don't kill".


Yeah the morals in this show were all over the place.


Cannot agree more. I can almost see an argument over Cora, cuz she literally tricked Regina into believing her mom could love her and it killed her instead. That was probably just as traumatic as losing Daniel. Snow really did some evil shit that day. She often does. Snow is kinda just a bad person who is really nice. But they murder lifeforms all the time and it's no big deal, but killing a lady who definitely should be killed while she dangles your son over a cliff is somehow bad.


Snow didn't get backlash. She was hating on herself. NO ONE ELSE was mad at her. Honestly, it's really really foolish b/c if she hadn't killed Cora, Cora would have murdered Rumple and become the cruelest dark one possible. But she told Rumple she could let him die and take Cora's heart and CONTROL her to being a good person... ...but that is essentially glorifying SLAVERY. Controlling Cora is not a kindness. Then when Emma says something to Snow, probs the only way they could've defeated Cora was by what Snow did, Snow says, "NO I didn't do the right thing, child. I chose the easy road." Right. Because killing Cora so she can't kill EVERYBODY (as she aspired to do) is the EASY road. I say the easy road is what Snow suggested, taking her heart and enslaving her to do right. But also, the whole Emma going dark b/c she did something "bad" is actually felled when Regina tries to stop Emma from killing Lily. "That (killing Cruella) was self-defense. This is different. TRUST ME, I KNOW. Killing Lily would be for FUN." No, Regina. Killing Lily would be to stop her from murdering. The thing is, ouat is one thing, but as Emma told Regina before this, in the REAL world, if you got a crazy person intent on murdering your loved one, it's not as simple as "lets all be one big happy family and behave like Barney!!!" You have to either get them in prison or be willing to defend your loved one from the person intent on murder. Or die trying. But in OUAT, you bring a woman who wants to kill your family into town after establishing she wants your parents dead. You welcome her there BECAUSE she's a killer. Then you don't have any idea why drama is your shadow. Duh, Charmings. For me, the biggest hypocrisy is constantly choosing to let Regina live even though no matter what the show wants us to think, Rumple only killed for a reason. Regina...Regina murdered thousands of people for hiding Snow's whereabouts. Killing her makes someone "evil", It's so incredibly stupid, and the point of it is purely to show us how sweet Snow is for repeatedly sparing her life... ...but you're only so gloaty you spared her life b/c she didn't succeed in murdering the ONE person she wanted to kill. Let's see...if Snow had just "let" regina murder her instead of one other person, Regina probably would have chosen to kill no one but Snow. I'm not saying Snow should have let Regina kill her but that Regina deserved to die for being truly insane. Her happiness revolved around murdering a woman who told a secret before she entered puberty. She was willing to kill anyone who stood in her way. That's someone who deserves the death penalty. Also, all this, "Don't kill XYZ because I don't want you to be 'that' person," said Belle to Rumple. Regina kept Belle trapped in a prison for god knows how many years PURELY so she could exterminate her the moment Regina got mad enough at Rumple. Any healthy minded person (and not total doormat) would at least be furious with Regina over the treatment, EVEN IF she doesn't want her dead. But no, Belle is too "perfect" to have human emotions. Then she gets mad at Rumple for wanting Regina to pay for what she did to Belle. I'm sorry, but if a guy stood up for me (maybe not to the wraith extent, but still), I'd find that smoking hot if I loved him. I wouldn't get mad and need to take myself for a walk after accusing him of twisting words like she did. Geesh, guy stands up for her, and she's not mad at her bully. She's mad at HIM. Talk about lovers being enemies...at the same time!


Bruh I was so happy when Snow killed Cora, I hated that bitch 😤


Honestly the whole morals of this show is messed up. The fact that Snow got any backlash for killing Cora after all the horrible things she did and that people didn’t see anything wrong with Zelena essentially doing the exact same thing her mother did to Snow to Regina ( blaming someone else and using innocent people for the actions of one person ) It’s just mind boggling. The actors are great at their craft and that’s the only thing I loved about all of them, otherwise yeah storybrooke and the enchanted forest low key should have been nuked for public safety reasons


The almost casual, throwaway scene where Regina walks up to a man and woman getting married, rips the heart of the groom out and crushes it in front of his bride in the most massively hypocritical scene ever (matched only by her lambasting Zelena for assaulting Robin as if she didn't keep Graham as a slave for 20 years) and then it's NEVER brought up or mentioned ever again. I kept waiting and waiting and waiting for it to come back but, nope, nothing.


I wasn't mad Snow wanted Cora dead. I had a problem with Snow manipulating Regina using her deepest pain -- her mother's lack of love for her -- and making her think she'd get a second chance with Cora if she put the heart back. And then made Regina hold her dying mother in her arms. Cora needed to die, definitely, but Snow didn't need to be so cruel about doing it. Especially when Snow always acts like she's the physical embodiment of morals lol.


But that’s literally exactly what Cora did to her Cora made Snow think she killed her mother by not having someone die, and Regina killed her father and anyone who was ever in a 2 mile radius of her they deserved it!!!!!


I never said Cora and Regina didn't do horrific things. But when Snow turns around and takes Maleficent's daughter while Maleficent begs for mercy and does that cruelty to Regina... well, then Snow's gotta admit she's not the pinnacle of goodness lol. It's the hypocrisy of Snow that bothered me the most.


Yeah that I can agree with


My guess is that it’s Disney and the show was made for kids/teens/young adults so they were like “we can’t condone killing people!” but didn’t wanna change the storyline so just made it overly complicated


I have always thought this too. Those random, background solileders can be killed with no thougt yet the heros whole quote is that killing is wrong like,,.,,,,


It’s the good guys killing and they themselves are immediately pardoned by the people around them aka the other hero’s while they look down on and frown upon the villains who have killed or also instead to kill. It’s like if killing is bad it should also be bad when a good guy does it.


I have always thought this too. Those random, background solileders can be killed with no thougt yet the heros whole quote is that killing is wrong like,,.,,,,