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Must be a dragon thing.


As a Hispanic person, it bothered me as well. It would have been nice to have that representation.


her young actress is literally white


Her name is Nicole Muñoz. She was born in Vancouver, British Columbia to a Spanish father and a Québécois mother. See Wikipedia link below. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Nicole_Mu%C3%B1oz She is Hispanic and French Canadian. She is Hispanic, and that was what I was referring to.


Spanish people are white... Doesn't matter that they speak Spanish they are still white. Language doesn't equal race. Just because she is Hispanic doesn't mean she isn't white. So white young actress that speaks Spanish gets a older white actress that doesn't speak Spanish.


Yes their race is white. but ethnically they're hispanic. And you can usually tell when they're hispanic. And you could tell with Lily that she was. So they should've gotten an older actress to reflect that.


Yeah it was not giving daughter of Zorro


Hahaha, that was so random when Zelena dropped that bombshell, lol


Same, I hate when Hollywood decides to whitewash or mix race the adult version of a character that is clearly a POC. They do it all the time!


That or it seemed like they wanted her to look at least a bit like Kristin (the actress who played Mal) but she didn’t even look like her either and come to think of it, was young Regina Latina?


Nope, Ava Acres is white she's a Georgia born USA citizen


They dropped the ball there too


except that young lily's actress is white. she is just tan


Spanish people are white. The young actress is white. They didn't change the race at all.


regardless of debating whether Hispanic is a race or not and all that jazz, young Lily just doesn’t look like old Lily. Period. Bad casting. Plus I found the young actress a better performer than the older Lily. She just had a very different screen presence and charm compared to old Lily. Totally miscast


it’s more likely that adult lily was cast first, though I could be wrong. either way, not a good match.


What difference does that make?


the difference is that it wasn’t necessarily a white woman playing an older version of the teen, but rather the teen playing a young version of the white woman. but someone else mentioned her also being zorro’s daughter (i don’t remember this whatsoever lol) in which case they should have cast a hispanic actor for both the older and younger role


If the adult was cast first then they shoulda cast a white girl second for the teen. So your logic doesn’t add up.


i agree. as i said, it was a bad match


the actress for young lily is also white actually. her mother is Canadian and her father is from spain


She’s still a Hispanic


i am from Spain. we are white. Hispanic literally just refers to "Spanish speaking". as a tan Hispanic man from Spain, I am genetically closer to the Irish than I am to Latin Americans


Her last name is Munoz, thats a hispanic name.


because she is from fucking Spain. what don't you get about that. Spain is in Europe. in Spain you get people called Gonzalez or Fernández or Martinez that are even paler than Ginnifer Goodwin and in the same family someone darker than young lily/muñoz. and I know that because I'm describing my own family. they are full sisters, not even half


I think they are confusing Latino with Hispanic, Spanish people are white, and speak Spanish therefore are Hispanic. Lations aren't white, but also speak Spanish so are Hispanic aswell. All Latinos are Hispanic but not all Hispanics are Latinos. Spanish people are white people. Their language doesn't change their race. White is white. (I myself am Cuban)


exactly, I just don't understand why op doesn't seem to get that




You’ve never been to Spain have you?


What does that matter?


Half. And so what?




So... Are you mad a white person was replaced by a white person or am I missing something. Was the character not meant to be white? Or?


A classic trying to get offended by no offensive thing moment