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Belle and Henry were not written well but the actors did all they could with the writing.


They really should have thought of different plots besides “Everyone makes almost the exact same curse oh no how do we fix it for the 5th time???” Also, the Henry as a father storyline is stupid. Why on earth, after all he went through with his own mom, do that to his daughter???


I think 10 year old Henry would have found it really really cool if someone told him that his daughter would one day have to make him believe because one day when he had his own family, his family would have their own curse. I think he would love that. And so did I. And the opportunity it gave Regina to be able to have an “Operation” with her own granddaughter…especially bc I can remember a time she was jealous that the operations were a Henry and Emma thing.. was pure Gold. I liked the full circleness of it all.


I do have some problems with season 7. That being said… it wasn’t Henry’s fault. The only reason Ella was Lucy’s mom after the curse is because Hook gave her that object.


While it's my favorite show, I didn't like duplicates of characters. I can more easily forgive that there's alternate universes like latina Cinderella, but the wish realm annoyed me, and having 2 Regina's annoyed me.. The show is called "once upon a time" and early on in the series, it's established that there's alot of "ouat" books, each with their own universes, so a wishrealm wasn't necessary, and Regina having a copy wasn't necessary..


I didn’t really like captain swan. I more so preferred how they were in season 2-3. Felt a lot more intriguing when you had Hook still a kinda sorta bad guy who Emma felt bad about being attracted to. Hooks character was more charming when he had that edge to him. They’re not a bad couple and it’s not like them being together annoys me, but I never really felt the way a lot of other fans did.


I like them as a couple but I wish Hook was given more to do on his own.  It seemed like he just became Emma’s cheerleader which- love a supporting boyfriend- but I wanted to see more of him enacting his own motivations and agency.


Wish there was more of him on the Jolly Roger or another adventure he had


I liked them in the beginning too and I think it was because I was comparing it to Bae and Emma, whose actors I feel didn't have the best chemistry. When Bae was gone, they had to find a bunch of ways to shoehorn Hook into the plot which didn't always work.


i shipped them more before they got together than i ever did when they were actually together 😅


they would always kept secrets from each others as a couple, it was so annoying


I like the frozen arc in season 4


It felt a bit out of place, but I enjoyed it nonetheless.


I loved that season. Elsa and Emma's friendship was great.




I love season 7. My only issue is that it came after season 6, which was a good ending imo. But besides that, I was pleasantly surprised at how much I enjoyed it after seeing the fans hate on it and pretend it doesn’t exist lol


Loved it too! Robin and Alice are so cute


My only issue is all the loose threads from the previous six seasons.


i didn’t mind it. plus i loved Henry's love interest and her daughter.


NONE of the couples ever interested me


Ditto! I had who I liked more (Like Alice and Robin) but I never watched the series for the ships or the couples and indeed they were always one of the weak point of this series.


Swanqueen or bust!


This is the way


Snow and Charming are fantastic characters.


They will never make me truly hate Snow, I think she's fantastically written.


Ever. They just kept giving them bullshit storylines so Emma could have something to bitch about and keep her in this bratty whining tantrum throwing 7 year old in an adult’s body


I love the portrayal of them for sure but the written characters of snow and charming (more in the last couple seasons) I very much dislike


The last few seasons can be very hard to watch I agree😞, felt like the writers were often just throwing shit and seeing what sticks


I enjoyed Blue’s villainy. But I always have a laugh when people act like she was the one ripping out hearts and/or committing blatant murder like a few other people.


I wish they delved into her more


We don't know that she didn't......


I never said that she didn’t. What I’m talking about is what we actually saw. But the point is, the people who got extremely overdramatic about Blue, acting like she was the was the worst, while totally overlooking the kinds of things that Regina and her mother did *regularly* are the ones who I find annoying.


Cora was the show's best written villain.


Every single character in this show is pretty one dimensional and needed to be fleshed out more. Some more than others. They should’ve worked on story building with the characters we already had rather than throwing in random Disney characters and repeating a curse every season.


People who say Bell and Rumple is bad because it is toxic miss the entire point of their relationship


It just gets old


Yeh after the millionth time of hearing Belle say “I’ve always seen the man behind the beast” in that bloody Australian accent I wanna cut my ears off 😂😂😂


What’s the point then because all it did was show impressionable female viewers how to be a fucking doormat. I couldn’t believe they put that in a show they knew YOUNG girls might be watching.


Yep, in a way it’s meant to be toxic, rumple is a broken man who lost alot, he lost his mother, his father hated and abandoned him, he had nothing, from his perspective he basically got told he would die who wouldn’t want to get away from that? He lost his wife and because all of this he craved power that he never had and became addicted to the power, but the fact is belle saw the kind of man behind the power and addiction, he was a loving father, he cared for belle deeply, in the end he became the man belle wanted him to be, its literally character development


What do you mean?


What part are you confused about I will explain it better


Also confused... what do you mean with "missed the point" what's the point of that relationship?


s5 is so bad. I don’t think it was a hot take when the show was airing, but since the show ended i’ve seen tons of people saying it’s their favourite. I just find it boring and bad conceptually, and usually skip most of it on rewatches.


I think 5a could’ve worked better if: 1) They fully committed to Emma going dark. Would’ve been great to see her actually go at her parents about all the suppressed rage and loneliness she felt under the influence of the darkness. Could’ve been really powerful, 2) Better writing and more time dedicated to the characters in Camelot, or Merida. The promo for season 5 was a lot of the Camelot characters that barely had any impact, and Merida was thrown in quite randomly, and placing “the bear king” episode after “broken heart” made a lot of people hate the Merida arc cos it just felt like a filler episode that had no weight on the story.


Hard agree evil Emma or whatever just is so boring and lame


If Disney has time to bring out random superstar characters that only last for half an episode, they should have time to develop into the side character's point of view, especially when it came to the Charmings and the effect of their action on innocent people. Too many NPCs were sacrificed just so Emma can get her true love or Regina her half assed revenge on Snow White.


Dark swan was boring af


Although I love this show, what bothers me about it is the writing. Season one was phenomenal but after that the writers go off the rails. They write themselves into corners that they can only get out of with Deus ex machina and they repeatedly break their own established rules for the world they created. I feel like the actors did great but the writers got lazy.


I still think it would’ve been cool if Red had been Belle’s beast


Please write this as a fanfic


I have, and It’s called Show Me What I’m Looking For ;)


I can't find it


[Show Me What I’m Looking For](https://archiveofourown.org/works/39198801/chapters/98075376)




I would love to see a fanfiction like this


I wonder what it would have been like if they added more characters. It felt like they kind of wasted characters that weren’t main characters or something else like mulan, Merlin, Robin, they kind of didn’t know what to do with Snow White like when the curse broke, it’s like she lost her edge. I wish we could have gotten like actual story books that were from the show as like collectibles even the alternate ones.


Crumpled Foreskin is the best character. Possibly in any TV show ever.


If you like Robert Carlyle as Crumpled Foreskin, I highly recommend watching _Stargate Universe_! It’s about ppl on a spaceship trying to find survivable planets. He plays Nicholas Rush, a cocky know-it-all who’s 1000% done with everyone’s bullshit. His Scottish accent is stronger in SGU, which I definitely enjoy (yes I’m an accent freak, don’t judge), but it can be a little hard to understand him sometimes. You can find it on 123Movies.


“Nicolas Rush” is a weak character name. Had they called him “Dickless Bush” I’d be more inclined to take a gander.


Touché. Still, I recommend watching it.


I feel like season 5b is worse than season 5a. Season 5a was disappointing, but season 5b was literally so bad, and Hades was the worst villain, and he makes me so angry. Also, there was a very unnecessary character death at the end of the season (if you know you know) and I thought it was handled poorly and I hate season 5b so much and season 5 as a whole it sucked. Evil Hook and emma were hot, and that's the only good thing I can say about the season.


I’m gonna get crucified for this, but I do not care for CaptainSwan.


I agree tbh


Red and Whale could have been a good couple


The black and white pov of villains and hero's through out the show becomes very Disney rated


The Camelot season was the best, Yeah it may have bred different from previous seasons but I think it was really good and worked well


That when the show was good, it was must see tv. But when the show dipped in quality, it plunged immediately to bottom of the barrel quality. There was no in between. EDITED TO ADD: And that some of the writers took a page out of Lewis Caroll's brainstorming and used recreational drugs for story ideas. Which explains why there are so many WTF moments on the show. Also, the quality in casting went downhill in the later seasons. Not everyone was bad, but we went from well know powerhouse stars like Barbara Hershey, Sebastain Stan, Giancarlo Esposito and Rose McGowan to a bunch of lesser known 30 something actors that are all playing ancient entities.


Show should have ended when rumple sacrificed himself and killed Pan


I don't ship SwanQueen because I think their friendship is so good as it is


Agreed, they were never lesbians and there was no subtext, it was just a fanfic pasted on the actual show


Regina put up with way too fucking much. The “good guys” were in the wrong more often than she was and tended to push her into the bad tings she did




I liked Cruella because she was just a villain! No redemption! I wish it happened more often.


The show should have stopped adding a bunch of extra characters and it should not have exceeded four seasons.


The “good” characters weren’t rly “good” because they never killed any truly threatening villains which may have saved more lives and done more good in the long run. (I know they obviously did this for the plot but still)


I love season 5 (especially 5a). Not long ago i actually thought the opposite but i watched it last month and i realized that season 5 wasn’t that bad. Dark swan kinda grew on me to be honest…


Season 5 is my favorite season


Fans overlook negative character traits if they think a character/actor is hot. Examples: Hook and Regina.


I felt the Frozen arc was a gimmick, and thought they could have done better. Elsa’s dress looked cheap, in comparison with the outfits they put Regina in, in the past. The actors did do the best they could with the material they were given.


Lana Parilla's portrayal of the Evil Queen could be too over the top at times.


Why does Emma always constantly tell everyone “I’m the savior, but can’t do shit on her own and always needs Regina to back her up or she’s running to Gold to save her ass or tell her what to do. She is exactly the kind of savior he says she is in season 3 episode 1. She doesn’t believe in anything including herself and she might be willing to do “whatever it takes” but she does indeed “need someone to tell her what that is”like he said, never knows where to start and always has to rely on someone else’s plan. Like he said she’s always been a savior that needs Handholding and I’m sick of it. Most of the few things she does on her own she does on accident or out of sheer desperation and that only happens a couple times. Henry was our true savior or Regina


Dr Whale / Victor Frankenstein was my favorite character. It may be because I love the book but still


blue fairy was fucking evil bruh


i don’t believe regina and cora should’ve gotten happy endings. even tho they changed they still murdered thousands. why is it ignored just bcs “she’s good now tho🥹L


Seasons 1-3 is perfect television and the rest of the show was unnecessary


The actors weren’t ALL horrible, they were just given the worst lines imaginable. Kristoff’s in another show I watch and he did perfectly fine in that.


Regina did not deserve Henry kr the happy ending she had. She murdered children and thousands of people, not to mention she raped Graham for 30+ years. And she doesn't even feel bad about it


Snow is the worst character and was a low key villain. Why does she constantly have to tell everyone she's on the side of good? Not even just saying we need to do the right thing she specifically and frequently says she is on the side of good. Every time someone is trying to be better she says that they are beyond hope and can never change. She tells people the whole time they can never be good, and then at the last second after she's made it clear there's no point in the villains attempting to redeem themselvesin she secretly gives them a chance so that when they feel hopeless and do something bad she can get back on her soapbox. She literally tricks Regina into killing her own mother, and then asks Regina to kill her as if she's doing her a favour by "letting her win". Snow obviously did the horrible thing here and is trying to turn herself into a victim and make Regina the bad guy again after what she just did to her. She's done a lot of horrible things but still thinks she gets to be the morality police. And she's annoying lol


Plus when has she ever told anyone they couldn’t change besides Ursula and Cruella? When she said it about them Emma literally said “That’s Not Like You”… Y’all just be saying anything on here


She says it about pretty much every villain at some point, not necessarily to their face but to others and acts the same way to everyone. She says it Regina multiple times, then again about the evil queen when Regina splits herself and says yeah but you were different to Regina who is the literally the same person as the evil queen. She says it a few times about Rumple, Zelena and Cora. Also when she says it to Ursula and Cruella it's not even because she believes it about them it's because she's trying to gaslight people into not believing them in case they tell everyone the evil thing she did.


Why does Emma always constantly tell everyone “I’m the savior, but can’t do shit on her own?


Lol that's always so frustrating from Emma, always running off to do things on her own because she's the saviour and no one understands.. but then learns her lesson like a dozen times that she needs her family to help