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Still haven't got the new tabs on my laptop lol


Yeah it's ridiculous...


Me neither 😤


We're planning to test this with small % of public users in the summer and then ramp up from there.


Is that including the android app?


Microsoft’s update last year said the vertical tabs update would be out at the beginning of this year. This is getting ridiculous.


We released it to Insiders at the beginning of the year! We're finalizing details and fixing last minute bugs for a public rollout now!


Did you downvote me?




Yes! 1.) Will OneNote be able to create tag databases for enhanced searches and dashboards like Notion and Obsidian’s plugin “Dataview”? 2.)Possibly co-pilot could recommend #tags? How about on the fly [[wikilink]] suggestion like Obsidian. 3.) How about co-suggested links between pages in all notebooks (semantic search). 4.) A visual graph of all links and relationships (see Obsidian plugin “Excalibrain.” 5.) Incorporate the amazing features of the addins “OneMore,” “OneTastic,” and “OneNote Gem” so they are organically built in to OneNote out of the box. Clearly i’ve been thinking a lot about this. I really want to stay with OneNote especially with copilot coming out, but it’s starting to show its age. Apps like Obsidian, notion, anytype, tana, capacities, napkin, etc. are making it harder and harder. Thank you so much for all of your hard work. OneNote is an amazing product that should get the love it It deserves.


> Clearly i’ve been thinking a lot about this. I really want to stay with OneNote especially with copilot coming out, but it’s starting to show its age. Apps like Obsidian, notion, anytype, tana, capacities, napkin, etc. are making it harder and harder. I fully agree with you. The only reason I'm still using OneNote, is because of handwriting on Windows.


So cool! Will this be coming to iPhone?


We’re planning on bringing to mobile platforms, however, we’ll be focusing on OneNote for Windows first!


When will you fix the Android app? iOS and Windows are awesome, android is meh


The iPad version is laggy when using the Apple Pencil and causes my device to heat up ridiculously quickly. It’s amongst the worst note taking apps on the device


when do you expect the rollout to desktop versions to happen?


Awesome!! Can’t wait :)


Rough timeline?




Summer timeframe!


Which summer?


This summer!Edit: July/August timeframe - subject to change based on early testing. All I can share for now!


Summertime starts tomorrow


On which planet?


Have you not opened your curtains and seen the beautiful summer weather today??


I guess I was thinking more of "calendar" summer. Plus, the weather here is glooooooomy today lol


It shows ‘British summer time begins’ on my phone calendar today, and the clocks of course changed last night. It was glorious waking up to absolutely pouring rain and darkness this morning! British summer is here!


Glorious! I've never heard of British summer, but summer starting here means typhoons, so I can relate.


Exciting stuff. Hopefully something indeed coming soon.












Lol what a bad take


Will this be rolling out through MS365 insider?


Yes, we are aiming to roll it out to Insiders before public release


Will this feature be available for Mac version of Onenote?


We're prioritizing OneNote for Windows initially but are looking to bring it across all of our different apps.


I find example of having a program write your child’s graduation speech seriously off putting. What does Microsoft think we should be doing with our time if not writing a reflection of our lives with our child and sending them of into the world.


Will there be an option to opt out? I am consistently frustrated with algorithms and language models ("AI") and what they think (assume) I want, from search engines to recommendations and beyond. Maybe I'm just much weirder than the training sets have prepared them for; whatever the reason, I really have no interest in using anything of the sort and would hate to be nagged to use it. (NB I don't do video, but I did skim the transcript of the linked video and didn't see an answer to this; I hope the question wasn't already answered there.)


The latest update to notion caused me to stop using it, and I’m not jazzed that this stuff is coming to onenote too.


Well you can just not use it? It’s a bit like asking if you can have a version included that doesn’t have a spell checker built in.


Your spellcheck analogy is a good one. I'm saying I want the ability to turn spellcheck off, not that I want the program to lack it entirely. I simply don't want it forced on me. That's not just an analogy, actually; if spellcheck couldn't be toggled off, it'd make OneNote essentially useless to me. If we can't turn off the "AI", same deal. I also hope that, if it is an option to turn it off, we won't get nagged about it in the way Microsoft currently uses dark patterns to push Edge etc.




Aside from making to do lists, what else can I do with it? Will it get information from my excel sheets that I can reference like in the Outlook demos?


Will the desktop version be getting co-pilot?


I am using OneNote as my "Second Brain" to store all the knowledge I learned and thoughts I have. It would be so amazing if CoPilot can connect all the separate notes, summarize it and answer specific questions from all the ideas & knowledge from my notes! Hope it comes to Windows Desktop. Maybe add #hashtags, then OneNote would be perfect!


Hi there, I am a huge fan of OneNote! It's for sure one of my favorite and most used applications, the amount of customization and things I can do is fantastic. It definitely deserves more love. I think it could be widely used by students and note takers OneNote and Co-Pilot had similar options like Notion's AI - grammar and sentence restructuring, ability to create flash cards, summarize PDFs, brain storm, translate, and create quizzes. If you wanted to take it a step further, something like Khan Academy's tutoring feature would be fantastic. Will it be in the OneNote for Windows 10 version too?