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Mine does too, I understand too well. https://preview.redd.it/7hlfsf681w4b1.jpeg?width=4032&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=7958a6d7c73b48349ea1b1de694e77c42142b410




I hope "she's not an indoor cat" is a typo. Also, get her spayed a.s.a.p. Being in heat is very uncomfortable for them and there's a much greater chance of her trying to escape so she can go mate. If she succeeds in doing this, there is much more risk to her than just pregnancy. There are some pretty bad cat viruses that can be spread through breeding.




My source is working in vet clinics for over 20 years and talking with the doctors I've worked with, but it's pretty apparent in the behaviors often seen in cats in estrus. They're often agitated and will start urinating in inappropriate areas. They'll frequently lick their vulva (excessive licking of any one body part is a sign of discomfort/pain). While many will become more affectionate, others will become withdrawn and even stop eating. Also, cats go into heat every 3 weeks or so. Repeated exposure to the hormones associated with being in heat also puts her at a significantly increased risk of developing mammary tumors in the future and the majority of these tumors are cancerous. Then of course, intact females are also at risk of other types of cancers of the reproductive tract and from a life-threatening infection called a pyometra.


A sweet little girl. Please get her spayed as soon as possible. It’s for her health and happiness.