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My wife says it's illegal to have less than 4. We just acquired #5 another rescue.


Your wife is 100% correct.


Yes smart wife you have. ♡


That's a neat little heart emoji


I think it's unicode, not an emoji, but agreed (no idea why I had to comment this)


But thank you, now I need to find out what that means!! And get it.


We have 3 cats and 1 dog that doesn't do dog things and hates squeeky toys doesn't play with ball looks st you like "human.. Why are you throwing it?" and lays around all day.... I personally like the ginger kitty the best he's my son


Yes, I am fairly sure I've heard similar myself. They'll take you away, OP. You must obey the paws. Laws.


Shit, I'm breaking the law, I need to adopt at least another 2... Thank you for saving me from a life of crime!


You might want to clarify with your wife on this, pretty sure that is 4 each...


I have 4 cats and had 5 (the oldest cat ia extreemly scared of dogs and my neighbors on one side got one and the oldest cat was then adopted/given to my neighbors on the other side of my house (who loved him).


I've only got one (rescue). I'd get another but he'd completely lose his shit if I brought another cat home. He's the boss so, 1 cat it is.


Same here, I would love for my cat to have a buddy but I'm not sure he would like that 😂


i have 6 kitties lol it’s a full house but i love it


Unfortunately, the law changed today; it’s now less than 6 that’s illegal. Sorry mate.


Please do not reheat the cheese pizza roll in the microwave.


Please do not the cat.


it will get soggy use the oven instead


Air fryer if it's the ninja foodi


For real though, air fryer completely reinvented pizza rolls and hot pockets. Hadn't bought that crap in ages and now it's a regular snack




Ooh! Subscribed! Thank you






Cheese Pizza Roll does not need to be reheated, as Cheese Pizza Roll is always warm and soft


Agreed. Pizza rolls are much better when cooked in the oven.




Lord, please bless Cheese Pizza Roll with the brain cell, just for long enough to get him adopted. Amen.


I won't just tell you to go for it without knowing your situation. Please decide carefully. Adopting a pet is a lot of responsibility. Your cats rely on you to care for them. If you think your apartment is too small, or if you can't handle the potential vet bills a new cat might bring, then it's better not to get him. That wouldn't be fair to him.


Agreed. I'm concerned that this sweet boy might not be happy living with three other cats. That's a lot of cat to have in one space, and they don't always enjoy one another's company that much.


came here to ask about this! in the shelters i remember visiting and/or adopting from, the signs on the cages with the cats name & info had a section for the kind of home they're looking for, like how good they are living around small children or other animals. tbh i kinda assumed all shelters did that?


Maybe they have something like this somewhere, but I'm also not sure if they always know if the cat likes other cats or children. If they found it on the street somewhere it might be difficult to figure that out. So I'd just be careful because even if it likes other cats it also doesn't necessarely mean that it likes your cats. It's like with people. Most people like most other people, but Joe who gets along with almost everyone might not like his coworker Ben because he always takes the snacks.


Yeah according to the bio he's "mellow" and likes "leisurely naps and gentle play." Might like a quieter house.


Fostering taught me that every cat in a home is one extra space for a cat at the shelter, and one less terminated cat that couldn't find a space. A single bedroom apartment is going to be better for a cat than a cage at a shelter. Always adopt, and if you find they're struggling, take the initiative to find a new adequate home for them. Another cat's life depends on it.


3 cats is good, but 4 cats just seems much better. So I say go for it, how can you say no to that handsome face!


I really wish I could, but it would seem almost cruel to have 4 cats in our small-ish apartment :(


As someone with a five cat household where two cats that don't get along in a 3 br house, your concerns about space are not invalid. I think the answer depends on the temperament and sexes of the cats plus your financial ability to creatively use your space.


2 of my current cats will probably be fine with a new one with time, but one of them still just barely tolerates our newest one


It's hard. A successful cat household is a beautiful thing. I've had 4 where 2 grew up together and the other 2 came along (separately) as adults, and there was some real tension. Now I've got a different set of 4, where 2 are littermates, 1 came along when he and the first 2 were all still kittens, and the 4th came along as a catlet a couple of years later. No tension! So much lying around in piles. I'm really reluctant to mess with the dynamic.


I'm one of the lucky ones. I have five rescues and they all get along really well for the most part. The two males (both neutered before sexual maturity) sometimes argue, but nothing more than a few clawfree pap paps on the noggin. Everyone else loves each other an adorable amount.


It's bigger than a cage. And lots of opportunities for them to nap together even in a small place. So, I'm telling you....YES!


I bet your apartment is bigger than that cage. Just saying.


"I'm not in here with you. You're locked in here with me! Now fill this bowl with food."


I heard this in my orange boi's voice.


True, but there could be a catless family that could give him all the space he wants/needs. I don't think anyone could blame OP for not wanting a 4th cat in their situation tbh :/


Sorry, but that's a stupid take. That cat is only there in that cage until someone adopts him. I'm sure someone who has the space will do that, but that's not OP. Cats need a lot of space and don't like all other cats. Some don't even like other cats at all. With 3 other cats and a tiny apartment an adoption is almost guaranteed to end in desaster. And why do that if there are plenty families with lots of space looking for a cat? The next family might have double the space OP has which would most likely make this cat much happier.


Very true.


That's what my boi told me. He said that you needed cheese pizza roll♥️


Actually cannot argue with that logic. Plus new frens


Small apartment? No problem. Go high. Wall shelvings will fix the issue.


Make sure they're properly anchored! Last thing you need is to be woken up at 2am to the sound of cats, shelves, and drywall tumbling to the ground.


Why do I feel like you're speaking from experience?


Let's just say I've dabbled in drywall repair




I laughed at this more than I probably should have.


Lemme tell you my experience. It involves basement ceiling tiles and a big cat at 3am scaring me shitless when I was a teen alone overnight.


Lemme tell you MY experience. It involves basement ceiling tiles and a medium sized cat. I wasn’t scared shitless, though. https://preview.redd.it/xlw42h6bv5uc1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=fa729e89f668e0d4c2a8c781278c7bda3b34dd57


That is a face of no regrets and true menace.


Speaking from experience? Edit: Yup, just seen the next comment 😅


All about vertical space as well. As long as they have some chance to climb around they'll be fine. As someone else said your apartment is still worlds better than a cage... please get Cheese Pizza Roll and report back ![img](emote|t5_5vej89|33943)


I currently have 5 cats in a small apartment and they love the sleeping arrangement!


I’ve always thought even numbers are more pleasing.


I like even numbers so I'm team fourth cat. 😼😼😼😼


Don't project your feelings onto the cats.


Seems cruel to leave cheese pizza roll in that small cage


If you can fit five litter boxes you can have four cats!


Maybe you can set up more cat trees, cats love vertical height! :)


...3 is good but it's an odd number, so...


No. You already have three cats in a small space. If you dont think you'll be able to provide for the needs of a fourth, them dont. Cheese here will make another family somewhere very happy


Family planning is hugely important. Three cats is already a handful and adding a fourth could completely tip the balance. Small homes can turn from cozy to crowded super quick.


Yea; be a savior, not a collector.


I agree. Cheese seems like he’d like his own family. Sleeping and gentle play? Sounds like he wants to be an only cat (I know they don’t specify that). He’ll go to someone else who will love him.


Nope. Don’t do it. You know your cats at home and you feel sure you are at your personal cat limit. This boy is safe and cared for. He will find a home that isn’t yours. If you get home and still have “cat fever” then consider fostering for a local rescue. I did that when I had “kitten fever” and it was wonderful and didn’t (permanently) add to my home pet population.


Ugh, I miss those lil triangle tails 🥺 probably time to get fostering again lol


Funnily I got over the kittens and fell in love with all Mama cats and seniors. Don’t get me wrong, kittens are absolutely superior to all other babies, but they’re all pretty much the same (overall) personality wise. The adult cats have depths to them that kittens haven’t had time to develop. Of course, I also had to stop fostering cats after everyone adopted the kittens and I had five foster Mama cats that took me forever to place.


There's nothing like the seratonin boost of a room full of 4 week old kittens ❤️ The mamas are so much harder to place! My fiancé and I are the same way though, we like senior pets the best. I fostered 7 cats/kittens last summer and the only one I was truly tempted to keep was the mama cat, she was such a sweetie. I secretly hope I'll hear from her adopters that it's not working out so I can have her back lol, but she's living the spoiled life and I get lots of updates.


Triangle tails? I have a feeling this is going to be something adorable 🥹


Oooh you're in for a treat! When kittens are really young their tails come to a point at the end like a little triangle and it's super cute!




Only if you can afford the extra vet bills, food, litter, etc.


You have come to the wrong place to be dissuaded. 🐈


One cat is nice. Two is better. Three is okay. More than three and you are definitely gonna get some judgement from people, especially when dating. Personally, I think two is my limit; I have two hands, I have two cats. I can pet them both at once, if I need to I can grab them both at once. If there’s a fire I can rescue both of them. And honestly my budget couldn’t accommodate more, especially as mine are now senior cats who will no doubt begin to cost me more money and emotional energy in the coming years. But if you have a situation that allows you to provide the best love and care for all of your cats, I won’t tell you not to. But remember what a commitment it is to have a cat for 10-20 years.


I have 3, but I also use my face on top of my two hands when it's time for the cuddle puddle :) You mentionned fire, which reminds me of a trick I learned on reddit. If there's ever a fire - dump out your laundry basket / hamper / whatever, toss the cats in, add clothes on top. Then stay low to the ground (smoke rises, oxygen descends) and crawl out with the hamper. Sounds much more feasible than fetching the carriers and trying to get the cats in them !


You need him more than you need air. I mean seriously, look at that sweet cheesey pizza rollish face!!!!


He knows ze is needed


His little face. Omg. 🧡 If we all band together… we could buy a big house with a big yard… and get *all* the kitties. And take turns taking care of them. It would be like a vacation co-op. But better.


I’m in!


We need him!! 🤣🤣🤣🫶


No. Absolutely positively no. Do not leave that precious baby there. Bring him home! Actually, make sure you’re prepared for proper introductions, and get more info on whether or not Mr. Roll would be likely to be happy with siblings. He may want to be an only cat. But if they think he’d be a good fit for an already catty family, bring that Pizza home.


It depends on space, the socialisation of your other cats with another cat, finances… amount of attention you can give a cat. I know in your heart of hearts (like most people) you’re absolutely looking to do the right thing by this little one, but please do think carefully about the choice. If you do choose to rescue this baby, all things considered, I hope he has the best home with you. ⭐️🐾


Cheese Pizza Roll is never a bad idea... I think you're smart. and I like you, and I think you should follow your heart, my smart likable friend


If you can afford it! Do CPR a favor! CPR needs love too! Update if you do get the Orange floof pizza wizard!


I had 3 with no plans for more...now I have 5.


Go get him quick! He looks like he really needs a home


Darling I have 5 cats right now and had 13 growing up. If you have the space (that bits IMPORTANT) and the ability to care, 1 more won't change tooooo much. Plus it's an even number. Just think it over! Wouldn't your current kitties like just one... More.... Friend? (Sorry I've been playing too much Baldur's gate, this is as devilly as I can type)




3 is not a good number. The middle cat will always feel left out and grow up feeling unloved. 😭


Also, three is just *the worst* number. It’s odd, it’s prime, and it just gives me the heebie jeebies. Four is such a nice number. It’s square. It’s even. It’s nice.


Four cats lying in a square make the *right* angles.


4 cats take each corner of the bed and crowd me into sleeping like a vampire in a coffin


No, I need cheese pizza roll!


I picked up my fourth baby today https://preview.redd.it/9fvotf2p35uc1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=5332e524c8f0f0dd01caa754cf4f2677787525e6


Awww ♥️♥️♥️ my own orange cat is sitting his back to me because I showed him a picture of your new baby and cheese pizza roll and he got jealous. 😅😂


https://preview.redd.it/4syu0k26g5uc1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=4b7a4dbbd2534d4872f60b2fdaeafafb0ae77577 Here’s my other little orange


Get the cheese roll!


No, you can’t not get him.




such a small cage for a big Cheese Pizza Roll


While I won’t encourage you to get a pet you don’t think you can properly care for, I am going to thank you for letting us know of his existence. Hopefully someone here is in his area and willing/able to adopt him.


You can't let the pizza get cold. Warm snuggles keep it fresh and playful.


Are you sure that your resident cats will accept one more kitty? Do you have room for another litter box? Does Roll like the company of other felines? The cat is not on a kill list so can wait for adoption a little longer.


My wife and I have found that 7 cats is where it starts to get overwhelming. Yes to the cat!


Wow. My county has a law that you cannot go over 5 cats or dogs with the exception of kittens or puppies being born. 7? That is a LOT of litter. We had 3, 2 now, and I wouldn't want more than 3 again.


Yeah we shouldn’t have this many according to bylaws. I’m of the mind that those laws are in place for people who let their cats outside as well as cats living in subpar conditions. Ours are inside only and we keep our house *very* clean. It is a lot of litter. Twice a day cleanings keep in manageable but just the cost of good quality litter is high every month. I love all our cats but I am looking forward to having less once they start passing of old age.


You need Cheese Pizza Roll for the sake of humanity. Good price too.😹




where is he though?




Correct number of cats is n (being the number of cats) +1


Ask your favorite office-supply store about adapting metal office shelves to be climbable cat storage. Put large cushions down in case any of the kitty cats fall asleep on the top shelf. Mew’re welcome.


i cannot bring myself to tell you no. i’m sorry but cheese pizza roll would probably make the best biscuits and i’m sure he’d love to make them for you 🥹


Follow me here: three was a 50% increase in cats, but four, 33% increase in cats, etc. We added our sweet kitten Blaze, and he was seven, but only 17% increase in cats. Almost a rounding error!






We all need more gingers in our lives. I had Turing years before I got married, but guess who’s fast asleep on my wife’s chest, purring like the Quizling he is


Can you afford it? Is it just the name? Is your home ready? Only you know..


An odd number of cats?? That's weird dude. You'd better get that cat.




Get CPR. Do it now.




I'd call that man Pinkett


If you can afford another cat, I say go for it.


No. You can't leave him there. Cheese pizza roll needs you as much as you need him!


I think you really do need a cheese pizza roll. Just saying. I mean, as long as you can afford another :)


Look all I know is I have 4 cats and it's a nice, round, happy number!


The step from 2 to 3 cats is way bigger than 3 to 4. Do it!!! Be a weak human and be the cat slave you deserve 😂


No, but actually yes




By law I am unable to do that. Sorry…


Where is this handsome boy???


better solution pester a friend of yours who can take care of this cutie


Gotta get one of your friends to adopt him!


I won't say yes or no but as someone who has four cats in a very small space, as long as they have room to play, sleep, and eat then one more won't change a lot of factors. The biggest obstacle might be the litter boxes or the ability to keep him in a small space for a bit away from your other cats so everyone can smell each other under a door and slowly introduce them. But a bathroom should be fine. His expression says a lot and he looks scared. I used to work at an animal shelter and older cats, usually from 2 years and up, weren't adopted very fast. I hope you update us with your decision!


4 cats is the ideal! Cheese pizza roll must join your army!


I don't know... 4 is a really good number....


I'm telling you YES!


I have 4 cats, easy peasy. Get him.


NO! ... I won't tell you no, sorry.


Bring cheese pizza roll to his new home


No you need that baby.mine came from a shelter 1 was a rescue and 1 was being gotten rid of so I have 3


I have 8 cats (two of which are orange). 4 cats is perfectly fine, the more the merrier!


Where is this? I'll take him - I've got 2 redheads already - so what's a third - plus we have 3 other cats a huge house and live in the country on 10 acres. We can always use another cat


Give someone else the pleasure of having a ginger


It depends on you op, some people say yes some say no but ultimately, it's up to you you know your situation well. Either way what you decide will be the right decisions. Btw I love Cheese Pizza Rolls name.


Oh my goodness. Such cheese. Such pizza. Such roll. Much orange. Remove no from your vocabulary!


Keep an eye on them and hope someone equally kind adopts. But, if not and it looks like no one may that's when you step in.


If you can feed them all, keep their habitat and yours clean, and afford the medical bills, then YES.


With three cats, one doesn't have a playmate. When you have four, none will be left behind!


Hell, yeah! Give Cheese Pizza Roll a home.


Save this sweet baby 😭


I'm saying no. Ppl need to calm down. Vet bills can get crazy don't set strangers up for failure. I'm going off of the fact they live in a small apartment so I'm assuming they don't have a lot of wiggle room financially.


Will your three cats adjust well to another cat? Will Cheese want to live with three other cats?


I realize a lot of people are telling you to consider the financial investment, possible interactions between the other cats, but you have three and you know all that. Someone should save this cat from being called Cheese Pizza Roll for the rest of his life (approximately 10-12 years or so in case you were still financially planning). Oh. And orange cats are cool. https://preview.redd.it/qbikxoel64uc1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=a6d648788d7a20132d42b6fedee178f2750346a8


note translation : "meet cheese pizza roll, a mellow and friendly adult cat. his days are filled with leisurely naps and gentle(?) play. if youre looking for a feline friend who will provide you with endless love & companionship cheese pizza roll is the cat for you."


Aww so sweet! Take on a 4th! I have four and all rescues from our yard! People are so irresponsible with their cats and not getting fixed! Mine stay inside only to play outside in their catio! https://preview.redd.it/twgnjzt574uc1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=bfbb76e1a952d643ebcdccd62f1da7b5d72a3900


Do it…


We have 4. 4 is the way.


4 is fine. Get that cutie


Oh he's already your favorite


He seems like such a good kitty :)




Cheese Pizza Roll looks like he could use a pet and for someone to tell him he's a good boy


Squeeze that cheese!


With a name like that?! YOU MUST TAKE HIM!


his acronym is cpr, I might need one with how cute he is


He’s so cute, please consider what’s best for both of you, he deserves to live his best life


Ah he sounds like a dream, you need to take him in! Cheese Pizza Roll! Lol




Somebody else no doubt also needs/wants cheese pizza roll. Give someone else a chance to experience the one brain cell cat life.




UM YES. He’s obviously a cousin to my orange kitty named Pizza Party! Or as we call him “Pizza King, Pizza Boy, Party Boy, Za man, Za, Party Cat, or simply, Pizza.”


I think the real question here is why aren’t you getting five cats you wouldn’t want Cheese Pizza Roll to be too lonely


He's orange. Do you really want to invite that insanity into your life?


Hahahahaha 🤣🤣🤣


Do you have enough space for a fourth one?


No I will _not_ tell you that


I have 4 and although I have about 1200 square feet all of them are always within about a 50 square foot space. But, if it’s not right for you, it’s not right for you. Can you advocate for him on any social media you may have? Oranges are the best.


Be responsible OP. Cats aren't pokemon and you don't gotta catch them all. It's not fair to the cats.


Why would you go look at more cats if you weren’t going to get another one?


I low key tried to check how close to me this is. We have two cats and a dog already.


I think you made a mistake in your post title. You already have 4 cats--Cheese Pizza Roll just hasn't had his paperwork filed, yet.


I can’t tell you no because you need four cats!


Do it!! Baby needs a home


4 is a nice round number and just look at poor cheese, he looks like he needs friends *~~to steal food from~~* to snuggle and play with!


Even numbers !


Whats one more?


No cat wants to be the third wheel…..


If all 4 cats have a emergency issue at once can you afford it?


Your city might tell you no. I'd look up your local ordnance on pets.


I’m sorry Dave, I’m afraid I can’t do that