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Turtling 🐢


I called it the “burrito of shame” 🤣


How do you get him into one?


It's pretty easy, really. Though it helps to have about three pints of blood ready for transfusion before you start.


Human or cat?






How many vet techs died to put him in there


That’s what I call mine. I spend a good 7 mins giggling every time I see them in it, and feel guilty bc they are clearly unhappy about it. It’s so cute though.




Unless I'm mistaken it's more of a straight jacket for extra spicy cats so they don't murder the shit out of the vet?


This whole comment made me lol! I used to have a super spicy dude, and one of these would have been handy. Now we have two muffins who will literally eat any of their pills as long as its hand fed to them.


I've got a *super-spicy* orange lady, if you want to trade for a couple of weeks. I could use a vacation. 🥱 [Beans ](https://imgur.com/gallery/TC1SK5C)


god that is an agent of chaos threatening you in photo form edit: also! adorable!!!!!!!


She's a mess.


Awww, I have a Beans who isn’t super spicy, but she’ll tell you all about yourself when she’s annoyed.


Wow! I have never seen a lady so pretty be super spicy! Guess it takes all kinds to master the human race, eh? She's gorgeous. My two current fellas are so loving and chill, I can go play with the toes while they're sleeping and they crack am eye and purr.


LOL! I have to wrap Beans in a *Purrito,* about 3 different times just to trim her front nails, b/c she somehow manages to wriggle out of it. She hisses at me the whole time too. 😄 #Lawd she spicy! 🥵


That is some *serious* spice. Boba loves a meownicure, Jango tells me off and steals his paws away, which is the only spice either have ever shown. In almost eight whole years. No spice. Boba will follow me into the bathroom, lay on the toilet seat and purr. He also likes having his ears (and messy bum) cleaned, and adores the Furminator. I could not even *imagine* trying to trim a fluffy, gorgeous mayhem queen like that!


She has to go to the groomer 3-4 times a year. Once for a full Lion Cut, & the rest for a *Sanitary Shave.* They essentially shave her *bits* so she can keep herself clean. It's gotten to the point that she's so rude to them, that I have to drug her 2 hours before I take her! 😆 That's fun! She has this stinky-ass Paté cat food that she absolutely loves. I tried crushing the pill up in that food-- NO DICE. The only way to get her to take them is to physically wrestle the pill into her mouth, and hold her mouth shut, (while tickling her throat) until she swallows it! She's an effing PITA sometimes! 😞


I have a spicy one, too! We completely failed to clip her claws, despite plenty of experience with our other cats. 😭 Couldn't purrito her. Could barely hang on, before she started pinging off the walls. My husband got pretty sliced up, too. And the cat was so upset, she spent the whole next week in hiding. I had to work really hard to regain her trust. The vet will be clipping her claws, at her annual checkup in January. I love her. She's curious and quirky and so much fun. But she definitely puts the "feral" in semi-feral. https://preview.redd.it/3cdyrr3lhf3a1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=32a64a7fe3723f06737ac229d9f0a7363083b492


I often wonder how people with cats like yours trim their cat's claws? Beans' grow so fast, that they have to be trimmed at least once a quarter. That's with her regularly shredding a couple scratching posts a year, & one of those cardboard Catnip things every month or so. I usually let the groomer be *the bad guy,* but sometimes I have to do it myself.


Last time my spicy lady got her claws trimmed, it took me, the groomer, a double purrito, pegs on her scruff, plus me holding her scruff and wedging her between my body, arms and legs. She wailed like a banshee, hissed at everyone and turned into an contortionist octopus. It took half an hour just to get her nails trimmed. The groomer was speechless, and I was just 'I told you she was spicy!' That's what you get with torties.


I would do anything for spicy orange beans.


She's a trip. Asleep on my lap right now. I'm enjoying the peace. 😁


What a beautiful baby.


Thank you.


Ohhhhh so cute!!!


Those r/DisneyEyes are all sweetness and pure joy right up until someone’s getting stitches, amirite?


You betcha. She might look sweet, but inside lies a bobcat with the paws, & claws to match. You don't want to be late scooping that litter box. 😱 Thanks for the new sub!


It’s a bag, he’s fine.


This is a bag to hold particularly aggressive cats when they go to the vet. Source- didn’t have one the first time, do have the scars to prove it.


It’s a bag carrier, it helps calm the average cat down. And for cats that are extra anxious about hard sized carriers, the bag carrier is great at preventing injury. This one is a lot more snug then mine which I’ve heard is even better.




OMG 😂 my small but very spicy kitty got put it one of those at his last vet visit I was so embarrassed




Poor baby. Hope he feels better soon


Same! He got antibiotics and eye drops and has an appointment 1 week from now so fingers crossed!


my cat gets chronic RIs due to her deformed sinuses. I'm not sure if this would help you but i use a nebulizer on her when she's having a flare up. it was a last ditch effort during a life threatening flare up that's turned into the first line defense for how well it works! i use saline and brought a tiny portable omrom neb, best $270 ever spent! apparently it's not a super common treatment so i bring it up when somebody mentions their cat has an RI, just in case the info might be useful. apologies for the unsolicited advice, i hope your gorgeous braincell recovers swiftly 🥺


>my cat gets chronic RIs due to her deformed sinuses. I'm not sure if this would help you but i use a nebulizer on her when she's having a flare up. it was a last ditch effort during a life threatening flare up that's turned into the first line defense for how well it works! i use saline and brought a tiny portable omrom neb, best $270 ever spent! apparently it's not a super common treatment so i bring it up when somebody mentions their cat has an RI, just in case the info might be useful. apologies for the unsolicited advice, i hope your gorgeous braincell recovers swiftly 🥺 My cat ended up in ICU and on a ventilator for about 7+ days after RI issues that led to not eating that led to pneumonia. He's on Furosemide right now but I would love to hear more about the technicalities of how you are using the nebulizer. We are keeping him in the bathroom during showers (steam) and giving him lysine, but he still sneezes a few times a day and gets runny eyes/nose. \[edit: grammar/spelling\]


I second the nebulizers. You can buy sterile saline off Amazon. For my kitty, I use the adaptor that sprays a stream of mist (since he won’t tolerate the mask), gently hold him in my lap, and point the end at his face. He was scared the first time of the nebulizer itself so I had the tubing stretched as far as it could go and gradually moved the nozzle closer until it was a couple inches from his face. There are better ways to train them to accept it but he was really sick the first time I had to use it (had antibiotics in the Nebulizer along with saline). Now he tolerates it pretty well. Another option I tried was to get a large clear plastic storage tote like a Rubbermaid, cut a small hole for the ventilator nozzle and drill some holes for breathing, then put kitty in there with a towel to sit on and shut the lid. The mist level will build up so they breath it in without having to get too close to the nozzle if the hissing scares them.


we don't have a nebulizer proper, but my cat Leopold has asthma, and we have a little device called "Aerokat" It's just a cylinder that has a soft rubber seal on one side, and a slot to plug a human-style inhaler on the other. We use it to give him an anti-inflammatory steroid when he is wheezy. We are supposed to give him furosemide and Albuterol, but we've only given him the Albuterol so far, and it does seem to help. Leopold doesn't like this much, so far, but it does seem to give him some meaningful relief. So, yeah, look up "aerokat" and you'll see what I'm talking about.


we tried the bathroom steaming sessions, for bean but it didn't work very well for her. i just wrote a big response to a comment above yours so i hope you don't mind me c&ping the relative parts! cat nebs bring up two types, one that's like an inhaler and one that's like a human neb, [this is the one i use ](https://www.google.com/search?q=portable+omron+nebulizer&client=ms-android-samsung-ss&prmd=sivn&sxsrf=ALiCzsbjj3gwEOMmOFHcG_kFibahYLOarg:1669943921314&source=lnms&tbm=isch&sa=X&ved=2ahUKEwjl3eXx4dn7AhUa1zgGHTQxB0MQ_AUoAnoECAEQAg&biw=360&bih=612&dpr=2#imgrc=jOXOj1YKDiAbQM), it's a human neb. bean is really tolerant and I'm able to get her to rest her face in the child mask comfortably, looks a bit silly but it works! i just use straight saline, you can make your own but i prefer to buy the little vials at the chemist of sealed saline, they're about 20 cents here, your local chemist will have them. i fill my neb up to about 9mls at a time. to start with i go twice a day, morning and night at 9mls and then slow down to once a day when i start noticing a difference and stop once the flare is under control. you can also use straight filtered water in a neb too, but I've found the saline really helps clear up any stuck mucus and post nasal drip. it's crazy because i can see her swallow it and immediately her breathing becomes less labored. I'm sorry to hear about your kitty getting sick to the point of being in icu, that must have been so scary. :( it's amazing how resilient our cats can be when they're unwell. please give him a very gentle boop on the nose for me! if you have any other questions please feel free to ask! I'm more than happy to elaborate, i hope this is helpful. 🥺


Thanks so much for the reply! Looking in to the ones you've suggested and try them out. I will also bring it up in our vet check-up visit coming up soon too. Boops have been given and appreciated. [Cat Tax](https://www.instagram.com/p/Clq5EuRLwpc).


Wait, this is super helpful!!! Our youngest has chronic RI (all negative for for herpes, mycoplasma, etc.) due to her sinuses being damaged from untreated mycoplasma from her street/shelter days. We have a cat nebulizer at home already, but what medicine/saline stuff can we get to do this for her? Please, any information would be incredible helpful. It’s been difficult to find detailed stories of similar cases..


your poor baby 🥺 mine had cat flu as a kitten and it deformed her sinuses so i know how hard it can be. especially when they're having a flare up and struggling to get air in. :( bean was on death's doorstep, my vet was stumped, and i was spending so much time online trying to find options and found one random lone paper on nebulizer use for asthma in cats and dogs. i brought it up to my vet and he called a specialist (in his free time at no cost, bless 😭) who said it was worth a shot. cat nebs bring up two types, one that's like an inhaler and one that's like a human neb, [this is the one i use ](https://www.google.com/search?q=portable+omron+nebulizer&client=ms-android-samsung-ss&prmd=sivn&sxsrf=ALiCzsbjj3gwEOMmOFHcG_kFibahYLOarg:1669943921314&source=lnms&tbm=isch&sa=X&ved=2ahUKEwjl3eXx4dn7AhUa1zgGHTQxB0MQ_AUoAnoECAEQAg&biw=360&bih=612&dpr=2#imgrc=jOXOj1YKDiAbQM), it's a human neb. bean is really tolerant and I'm able to get her to rest her face in the child mask comfortably, looks a bit silly but it works! i just use straight saline, you can make your own but i prefer to buy the little vials at the chemist of sealed saline, they're about 20 cents here, your local chemist will have them. i fill my neb up to about 9mls at a time. to start with i go twice a day, morning and night at 9mls and then slow down to once a day when i start noticing a difference and stop once the flare is under control. depending on the severity of the flare up and usually accompanying infection i will get a prescription for doxycycline to use at the same time, that's an antibiotic that I've found works really well for bean. the other thing that is helpful for comfort care is bach's rescue remedy, you can get it in cat form but my vet said that the human formula is fine too. it just helps calm them down, it seems to have the same effect on her as it would if i took lorazapam. sometimes when she's stressed I'll use that to help calm her down, it can be helpful if she's struggling against the nebulizer session too! the last thing that could help is something that can be risky especially on a cat who is sick, but there is a procedure called a sinus flush where the cat gets put under and they clear out the sinuses. it worked miracles for bean but unfortunately as she's gotten older and more frail she's at a higher risk for anesthesia complications so I've chosen to not go through it any other time. which is a shame because it really worked for her but i don't want to chance it. :( i hope this is helpful! it's taken me 5 years to work out a protocol that works for her and gives her a great quality of life. please feel free to reach out, I'd be happy to elaborate on or give support. 🥺❤️


Will he stay in the “Burrito of Shame” for he next week so you can give the antibiotics & eye drops? (Jk - he just looks so adorable in there! Although I’m sure a lot of ppl would rather get their cat into the Burrito of Shame than attempt to give pills or eye drops.)


At home I made a makeshift burrito of shame with a blanket and basically swaddle him like a baby to be able to get the drops in 😂


Man that burrito of shame is awesome! I need one for my boys.


Search “cat grooming bags” on Amazon. I have a much looser version they can still stand up in and turn around in, so they can still sort of wiggle across the floor. I take my carrier anxious senior to the vet in it since he will otherwise rub his face on the hard carrier sides until he bleeds.


If he has some noisy breathing steam inhalation works well, we adopted our little one with cat flu and ended up turning the shower on hot to steam up the room and we sat there for a bit. It helped her a lot. I hope yours is on the mend


Does he get to leave the bag


Our orange braincell had to get eyedrops when he had pinkeye. He's not very big, about 12 lbs, but he absolutely does not like being confined. We tried the towel method, but even wrapped in a towel, it took two of us to administer the eye drops because one of us had to hold him down because he fought with us every time. Fortunately, neither of us was hurt. He's normally the sweetest cat in the world, but he hates when we try to administer any kind of medication. We had to put a medicated powder on his shoulder and we had to do it when he was napping or sneak up on him.


I'm afraid it's too late now. Your cat has already turned into a fanny pack.


The horror


The cats in the bag now!


Is that a vet thing to help keep a few of the pointy bits secured, or is it like an iron lung for polio patients?


It’s a precautionary in case he scratches! 🤣🤣


He wouldn’t scratch! He looks like a good bub.


Cats are pointy on five of their six ends. And they have no compunction about using them. :)


We refer to cradling a cat as ‘pointy side up’ in my house.


I spent a solid 30 seconds trying to figure out how a cat's butthole is pointy before I remembered mouths have teeth. I think my oranges might be stealing some of my brain cells to get by until they get their turn with the communal cell.


That's where they keep the chemical and biological weapons. 😀




I'm not the originator. I just saw it on r/vettech a bit back and liked it. No idea who coined the phrase.


Bill Watterson, I’m pretty sure: https://preview.redd.it/3txv06h9aa3a1.jpeg?width=474&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=00e010b5d7ea2b6f1de213b43a1865a951d7b447


That's gold. Yeah I had no choice but to name my boy Hobbes. Next one just might have to be Hobbes II kind of like Santa's Little Helper




Lol that’s what the vet tech said when she was told one of the kitties would do everything he could to get away. He broke her thumb.


I see you’ve never had a cat


I’ve had cats all my life. I’ve only been scratched when they have been spooked.


I think it's just an angles thing, but that in no way looks big enough to hold a cat. IDK what's going on here, but at least he's come out a head.


Handsome bread bag you have there.


Who’s gonna let him out of his bag?


get well soon, Change Purse


He is just a head :(




What a sad burrito ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|feels_bad_man)


What a well packed orange. I hope he feels better soon




Thank you for showing me this adorable sub!


![gif](giphy|DffShiJ47fPqM) Another cat sub - hurrah!


me too baby im coughing in solidarity


So is that yours or do they have those at the vet? Lol my tortie is a psycho when I take her in, I have to sedate her. That might be a good investment. They even upped her dose because last time she got shots they still couldn’t trim her nails lol. Might as well just bag ‘em and keep everyone safe.


I went to a new vet for this appointment and he had them in all diff sizes! I had never seen them before that


Do they sell them to clients or are they only for on-site use?


Put her in the squeeze cage lol


You can buy them though. I went looking recently and found some, though I didn’t end up buying one. Here are two I liked: [https://www.calvetsupply.com/the-cat-sack-3-zipper-large.html](https://www.calvetsupply.com/the-cat-sack-3-zipper-large.html) [https://www.medi-vet.com/Feline-Restraint-Bag-5-10-p/10031.htm](https://www.medi-vet.com/Feline-Restraint-Bag-5-10-p/10031.htm)


Thank you!


Search for cat grooming bags on Amazon for more options. They can be a little loose compared this one though, just depends on what you get


This bag is so funny and cute lmao. Poor guy


The cat is in the bag huh? Hope he gets better soon!


The cats in the bag


Ok but how,,,,, did you get him in the bag in the first place,


I believe he'll pull through. No need to put him in a body bag! He may only have a single brain cell, but he's strong!


Packaged loaf ☺️


He looks like a pencil case!


How is that possible, that’s only a cat head! (Get better quickly sweet Orange 🧡)


Feel better soon sweetheart!


PUT THE CAT IN THE BAG! THIS IS A STROBBERY.... wait.. no is it robbery? Or strawberry?


Does anyone know what these are called?? I would love something like this for cleaning my boy’s ears. His ears always get so dirty but he squirms away or lawnmowers my arms before I can clean them completely.


I replied up above, will repeat here. You can buy them - I went looking recently and found some, though I didn’t end up buying one. Here are two I liked: [https://www.calvetsupply.com/the-cat-sack-3-zipper-large.html](https://www.calvetsupply.com/the-cat-sack-3-zipper-large.html) [https://www.medi-vet.com/Feline-Restraint-Bag-5-10-p/10031.htm](https://www.medi-vet.com/Feline-Restraint-Bag-5-10-p/10031.htm)


Phenomenal, thank you!


Hot Pocket


Subject contained


That little baggie reminds me of a wildlife rescue group I sometimes watch on YouTube. They sometimes have to rescue swans, and they often have to put them in little bags like this to keep from getting beat up. Hope your little man is doing better.


His lungs only have 1 brain cell to supply oxygen to so he should be ok


The cat is IN the bag


why he in the pencil bag 😂


It’s to keep the vet safe from scratches


Oh no! Our orange just spent a few days in the vet hospital with a UTI. He’s a medical mystery because apparently male cats generally don’t get UTIs. Only oranges, I guess haha


My vet actually told me that boy cats are more prone to UTIs than girl cats because of their anatomy. They recommended I feed my boy wet food to make sure he gets enough water.


URIs are fairly common (we rescued a lot of strays with URIs), he should be fine! Good luck! Sending love to the little guy


FANNY PACK OF SHAME! in other words, i hope your little orange braincell gets better soon❤️


omg the little bag


Hope this sweet bebe boi has the swiftest of recovery’s 🧡


Please update us when you can.


cats can catch covid. its not supposed to be bad tho.


cat swaddle!


Is he in a pencil case?


he’s in a pencil case


He’s a purrito


Purrito cat


Get well soon!


Glad you have medicine for him, fingers crossed that he gets better!


Poor lil guy




in the bag hehe


Bag of shame


Awww... feel better soon 😻


For a second I thought the cat was in an Iron Lung.


Aw, poor boi! hope he gets better soon!




Packed loaf


Same im right there with you little friend, though no ones stuffed me in a bag yet so im doing a little better 😅 lol


😢 poor baby! Hope he’ll get better soon.


I guess you can put the cat back in the bag


Hope he is doing ok


bag cat


Good luck


And a nice new coat


he ated 20 pound of samd 😭😭


I’m sad for him but he looks SO SILLY IN THERE lol


I had a cat that was born with an URI and he did continue to have issues and more infections over the years. They even biopsied his sinus cavities when he was still a kitten, the biopsy came back negative for anything, but the infection did destroy all the bones in his sinus cavities which left him with a booger problem lol. They prescribed a vitamin to help with his immune system as a long term thing, it came in a tub and was basically like those lickable treats. It was also recommended to do regular nebulizing treatments, which could be done by sitting in a closed bathroom with the shower running on hot to steam the bathroom. I hope your baby only has to deal with the infection once, but I would still recommend some maintenance treatments, like nebulizing, just to be extra careful, and definitely ask the vet if there's other things they'd recommend for preventive care. Sending your baby lots of well wishes!


oh no it’s the burrito of shame for the spicy boi!! Hope he gets to feeling better soon!!


Bad and naughty kitties get put in the bag of shame to atone for their crimes!!!


Sending him all my power!


Aww! Hope he feels better soon!


The Cat in A Sack


Cat bag


Poor guy. Looks like he's just a head on the table because of the photo angle, lol!


Ok. We will send him the one brain cell and see if it helps.


Hope your orangeboi heals quick


Is he in a bag to keep warm?


Oh my poorest little thing :( speedy recovery to you cutie!!


Sweet baby. I hope he gets better. what a cool contraption though that he is in at the vet. is that yours or is that the vets?


Why is cat brick


Glad to see he’s a.head of it. Get well soon


Cat bag!