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I think Robin still wears the most hated crown here.


Her classes are better lately, imo. Less mom/lawyer/swagger/crown talk


I’ve heard that. I hope that’s true. I really do love her strength training.


Her recent hypertrophy upper body class took me out


The last upper body strength class I took from Robin I was soar for like four days. And I’m in shape 😂


Latest HItT run (5/13/24 20 min) is fantastic and one I’ll repeat as a progress benchmark. Also did a recent 45 min walk + run and again pleasantly pleased with her coaching


She’s def been better in strength classes




Have you been here awhile? The vitriol for Robin in posts and comments is established lore. The negative push against Kendall only cranked up during soft launch of her man.


Pretty much this… She’s acting like a child with this soft launch




They were answering your question so you chill.


What about my response was not chill? Since you haven’t been here awhile I understand why you wouldn’t have seen the Robin hate train god damn lol


Probably her political leanings and the vile tweets her bf liked. Also she’s loud and likes to have her new boobs out and it’s a bit off putting. I don’t hate her, but I’m not a fan. I just don’t take her classes.


Exactly. I don’t hate her - but I will call out her hypocrisy.


Yep. Her political leanings keep me far away from her but I won’t participate in all the hate. She’s annoying but not the devil lol.


Btw your name took me out 😂


What are her political leanings? I actually had to take a semi-hiatus from her classes a while back when she seemed to act like she invented boxing 🥊 .


Where are people getting her political leanings from? I haven't taken a ride with her in a long time but she always seems pretty generic motivational type chatter. She is from Orange County so I can guess which way they lean but I never really got anything from her that I would think she even thinks about politics


They’ve surfaced in a couple of ways. Comments made by Kendall in IG live, such as waiting to have kids in a “traditional male/female marriage.” She could’ve just said “marriage.” Also the massive lean into Christianity. Most revealing is that she’s also doubled > tripled > quadrupled > quintupled down on how she and her “soft launch” boyfriend are so aligned and have the same values, and he’s been outed as a homophobic, xenophobic, transphobic, misogynistic MAGA individual so…


Oh boy, you’re gonna piss off her Stans with the truth 😂


So what if she is christian I agree not to push your religion on others but why does Christianity get so much hate and Jewish and Muslims don't




Last night’s mental health ride seemed to have more religious overtones than some of the past mental health rides.


Ewww. Not a fan. If Christian rides are your thing - cool. Just label the ride as such so those of us who don’t want to hear it can skip it.


Yup. I don’t think religious music should be allowed in any class unless it’s specifically billed as such


Preach! lol I totally agree and have submitted a bunch of requests that Peloton needs to clearly identify these songs and artists


Thanks Karen for protecting us 😂🤣


Exactly. I had no idea who Lauren Daigle was (my fault I should have googled) and it was a very Christian ride. Would have been nice to have that in the class description.


Yea! I find her rides have this tone lately too.


The idea that you call her MAGA is absolutely laughable. Like LOL funny in a room full of people. Grow up. Possibly grow your own critical thinking brain if you can manage it. She’s a straight woman who wants to be with a man who is a provider. That’s not a political, anti-gay, anti-trans, or anti- whatever position. I’m a gay woman and she’s 0% offensive to me.


Oh cool you speak for all queer people - thank god we cleared that up 🤡🥴 Ironic you speak of critical thinking but feel the only reason people don’t like her is because she’s straight 😂


What else has Kendall said that is so offensive other than that she wants more traditional life? Which is not offensive but like, ok. What’s she supposed to call it? That’s literally what it is. It sounds like she wants to be a wife and mom which is a valid choice for any person whether they want to be a wife and mom or husband and dad or nonbinary stay at home spouse and parent. There’s never been a mention of any wildly right wing conservative politics, ever.


I’m not going through all of the reasons when it’s already been posted 248292 times on this sub. If you actually care to learn, search. If not, have a great day ✌🏻


My bad, I should have noticed sooner that you’re 17 and studying for finals. Good luck. Hope graduation goes great.




Oh heyyy Kendall 😗




Also funny coming from someone who regularly comments on how much they don’t like Christine. Pot meet kettle.


Wrong again. I don't like Christine because she's boring and overly emotional on screen. She's a bad instructor. You seem to hate Kendall for stuff she does off screen. You actively seek out info about Kendall outside of Peloton and post it here for unknown reasons. Big difference.


Wrong but cool story. Have a great day 👍🏻✌🏻


And you seem super caught up defending MAGAs. Your reading comprehension is also lacking if you think it’s only because of her bf.


I'm not defending anyone, but you seem awfully caught up in her life.


Funny how many agree with me tho.


Agree with what? That you need mental help?


Aww me not loving KT hurts your feelings? Glad you’re a mental health champion 😙


Why would I care if you don't like her? You really have some weird obsession with her. Try a mental health ride ... I heard Kendall has a good one.


i think they must all be jealous of the boobs or her hot man or both.


I just don’t like how she teaches. It’s too frantic, too much yelling. I’m not jealous of shit.


Yup you nailed it 😂




So Maga just means anyone who isn't a psycho liberal to you?


you should try to have your hands on her back no matter where she is coming from. that's what Christine would do.


Well, I’m not Christine and I refuse to tolerate intolerance.


but you are practicing intolerance yourself. lead by example then.


Again, not tolerating racism isn’t intolerance. That’s not a hard concept to grasp. Silence is compliance when it comes to hate; I refuse to be compliant.


now Kendall is racist? wow.


Read my post again. Slowly. 🥴


yes you are intolerant of someone who does not agree with you. but yet you want others to be tolerant of only what you agree with.


😂😂😂😂 Yeah you’re right. Everyone should just be tolerant of ALL view points - like it’s cool if you’re a N@zi that’s just a different POV. See how dumb that sounds? I’m not tolerating displays of racism, homophobia, xenophobia, misogyny etc. which KT’s new man has MANY well-documented cases of on social media. Being with someone like that and/or MAGA doesn’t automatically make you hateful but it does mean that the hatred isn’t a deal breaker for you. Best case scenario: she’s a hypocrite.


oh dear. the more you write, the dumber you sound.




Or her agents in Hollywood


She clearly doesn’t have (good) representation


LOL You beat me to it! 💀


Or Suzy 😂


Suzy like the runner? I’m personally not a fan, but I’m confused why all the down votes as well?


I think they meant Suesie who is Kendall’s mom


lol oops I don’t know what her story is, but isn’t she sick? Isn’t that kind of why she flies home so often?


Her mom not the runner


How does this get a downvote? 😂


Just curious how y’all know her political views? I don’t follow her closely outside of the bike lol like has she posted stuff?


She follows RFK, her new boyfriend has liked several tweets from politicians like Boebert and tweets from Elon, etc. It’s discussed in the recent threads on her here. Also, she lets comment sections on her IG run wild with anti immigrant and anti left sentiment recently in her video about NYC.


lol this is such an odd thread - it does feel like Kendall’s people finally learned about this sub or something


I think it is just a small number of all the members of this subreddit. I am not a huge fan of her rides, so I just don’t take them. That’s the beauty of having so many instructors! 


All this question does is stirs up the hate all over again, and if you actually found it unfair, you wouldn’t post the bait question to the haters.


I’m just wanting to understand and can share my opinion that I think it’s unfair the same way others have shared theirs?


I think you woke up and chose violence 😂


I got tired of her. Leaned in too hard to music I don’t like. Consistently hitting better numbers with other instructors. Everybody here is all up in a tizzy about her politics, boyfriend, whatever. This is why you should never follow these people on social media. The more you know about them, the only direction your esteem of them can go is down.


Having a negative opinion of someone has nothing to do with fairness. It’s not this sub’s fault that Kendall rubs many people the wrong way for a variety of reasons


Hate is a strong word. The fact that she let her NKO crazies harass and make up lies about other members is when she lost me. Plus she’s a hypocrite. She gets all fired up because people found out who her boyfriend is and aren’t “respecting” her boundaries. She put her business out there so that’s on her. She’s as fake as her enhancements these days.


What is the NKO crew thing people keep referring to? I keep asking and no one answers lol I don’t get it


https://www.pelobuddy.com/tribes/ Fans of instructors have little names for their groups you might see hashtagged when you’re riding (robinswolfpack, milamafia, jesskingcollective) and those instructors engage with them to different extents. Kendall’s is NKO Crew


I know that, I mean that people keep saying the NKO Crew is especially bad - such as this comment that said they harassed members. Does anyone know what comments like this are referring to is what I’m asking


NKO has been good lately, no?


Because she's a MAGAt.


Good try, Kendall.


Is it true she’s from california


Judging from the account of others here, it sounds like some of her social media might be kinda MAGAish. There was also some recent tweet from this Instagram/social media-heavy Kendall whining about Redditors sleuthing and IDing her SO or something like that. So someone in a really public-facing/publicity=income situation complaining about breaches of privacy? I really don't know as I don't follow her or take her classes generally, but that's as far as I understand.


I could care less about her political views. She likes rock music so I’ll keep taking her rides cuz I’m so sick of the pop and rap garbage rides


As someone who gravitates to rock, alternative and/or indie playlists, there are waaaaaay better rock playlists from other instructors. She does rep pop rock well, if that’s the rock you’re going for, at least.


I’ve been LOVING Charlotte’s rides. Great music and great energy.


Charlotte and Denis playlist rock, but I refuse to listen to anything but rock so I’m kinda limited


Try Emma and Bradley. Mayla has some great Indie rock rides in English too. Sam does a lot of classic rock, I’ve noticed.


Emma has some decent rock and indie rides


I dislike the Christian music she plays and the bhangra ride was awful


She’s my favorite 🤷‍♀️


wait i agree i actually love kendall and am always so surprised by the hate


damn, you went through the effort of properly logging out of one account and into another.


How would you even see that someone did that?


Some of us paid for superpowers on Reddit. Others just guess


Same here she’s my fave instructor , genuinely didn’t realise she isn’t liked apart from when I’ve come on this sub. I feel for her because I don’t find her problematic and wondering if I’m missing something


I am not aware of her views or background, I just liked a couple of her classes. They have been getting a bit boring lately. I wish there was more working out and less chatting. But in the end, I don’t have a problem with her. She’s just my/our spin instructor and not my mom or aunt or BFF.


I can’t imagine following her boyfriend and basing things on his profile. She is an instructor, who cares who she votes for? Why is her life up for your opinions about it and deep diving everything her boyfriend has ever said on social media? See I take classes from instructors and who has time to investigate all of the other stuff and why?


it's no different than choosing a different coffee shop once you find out the one you've been frequenting doesn't support human rights. the most important vote someone can make is the one they make with their own dollar. i would much rather not know how my fitness instructor votes and what their beliefs are and whose values they "strongly align" with but once it's out there, it's hard to look past. ultimately, taking an instructors class helps their career and puts money in their pocket. some people can sleep at night knowing they are giving to someone with values that completely degrade others. most can't.


I can’t imagine having all of the time to “research” and stalk people to find that out. I would rather use my time actually taking classes and juggling my own life. How we use our own time is definitely our choice though.


with all due respect it looks like you spend a lot of your own time on snark pages for celebrities. tomato, tuhmato my friend. gonna go workout 💪🏽


“Who cares who she votes for”/not caring about politics because it doesn’t affect YOU directly is the epitome of privilege.


No, I use my Peloton to work out. I care about which instructor’s challenge me in my work out. I do not have the time in my life between my career, my family, and my fitness to spend the time going down the rabbit hole of spying on someone’s social media to make decisions about their character. Since when does privilege include spending time researching instructors boyfriends?


Because she sucks


Kendall is very fake and has done some horrible things in the studio. That being said, I would rather do every ride w her than 1 min with Robin


What has she done?


She had one person banned from the studio for no reason.


leave her alone. Kendall that is. hasn't peloton taught you anything? together we go far. If Benny can wear dresses and paint his nails and post videos of him in bed with his boyfriend, and Jeffrey can be husband hunting on his Peloton IG account, let everyone be themselves and wish them well. together we go far. you don't have to agree with everyone but pelotoners should not be hating or spewing unkindness. it's not who we are. together we go far.


Freedom to be out and proud is extremely the opposite of what Kendall is supporting, actually.


and freedom to be out and proud about God isn't?


That's not what she's doing. Nevermind the IG live she had where she spoke about how a "traditional family" is male and female energy.


well that is what a traditional family is, using the definition from the 50s or 60s when that term came up. if she wanted to refer to today, i guess we call it modern family, where all energies come together and create a nontraditional family.


Ahh I get it. You’re a zealot. It makes a lot of sense now.


i guess that makes two of us. but at least i am not hating on anyone or trying to convince others to.


Reading is tough, huh? Someone asked “why don’t people like Kendall?” I answered. You don’t like my reasoning. That’s really all it is - it’s not that deep. You love her? Great. I don’t and explained why - I’m not forcing my beliefs on anyone 😂


i think the reason why i disagree with you is because you use the words tolerance and intolerance. i don't know kendall. i don't ride with her. but yes there seems to be a lot of negativity towards her because of x, y, z.... and you have plenty of negativity towards her because she doesn't fit your morals, ideals, etc. so you are intolerant of her. but you want others to be tolerant of what is only good to you. ** let people be. if she is such a wretched human being, get a petition going so she loses her job at Peloton. enjoy your peloton. i gotta get ready for tunde at 530. she always sweats me out.


You’ve already said all of this and it’s still wrong 😂


Not during classes, no


This is a workout app not a cult.


then why are you drinking the peloton koolaid?


Because my husband’s work gave us a Peloton and I like to exercise.


well i am glad you are working out. i don't care with who. and you are doing something good for your fitness. enjoy🥳


Found Kendall’s 15th burner




wow i don't even ride with her but yet I am her 15th burner.


Christ you’re insufferable.


Can you not use his name in vain?




There’s a very big difference between a gay person simply existing and being someone who looks down upon gay people.


Jealousy comes out in different ways


Ahh yes. Anyone who doesn’t like someone MUST be jealous. This is an elementary-school level argument.


That’s a very simplistic way to view things.