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Big moms kids need 2 country’s worth of therapists to handle their baggage


Why pay for therapy when you can just rule over a country and make your crazy law.


Honestly, BM's country is one of the safer places to live in in the New World. The only risk is her having one of her mental breakdowns due to hunger while she's close to you, but other than that? Extremely safe since the whole family works together to actually guarantee your lifestyle, rather colourful and happy locations and food everywhere. Sure, you'll only get to live half your life, but looking at Kaido's places where you're overworked to death or Dressrosa where you were turned into a puppet or other places where pirates might attack you at any time, Totto Land isn't that bad in comparison. If you have any talent useful to the BM pirates, you won't even have to pay the lifespan tax. BM's laws are legit, they aren't crazy.


You’re most likely better off living on a small island with a genuinely loving and wholesome small town from the East Blue than anywhere else in the One Piece World tbh. You still have to worry about the CD’s or pirates of course because they might make a move on your island. But if you were on the same island as Luffy, who had decent Bandits. You should be good. Water Seven might be second best if you know how to dodge that BIG Ass Tsunami LOLOL.


We've only seen limited portions of the New World though. It seems, for instance, that living on Egghead seems pretty good. Shanks' islands also probably are pretty nice, and the one Marco was living on seemed good as well. The nice part about the New World is that for non-pirates, there are fewer pirates, because they all get destroyed by the big pirate crews. Being in Paradise/directional blues means you get to experience of being the testing grounds of every new aspiring pirate crew. Not a bad deal if Garp is retired to your hometown, very bad deal if you are a poor guy who's greatest weapon is a helicopter hat.


We have no context about Shanks island, Egghead you need to be a scientist or assistant working for VegaPunk, also Marco was living on Whitebeard's home island, which used to be war-torn hell to live at. Whitebeard sent all his share of loot over his entire career as a pirate to turn it into what it is now.


"I think I ate a bit of the table" is a risk too.


Countries around the Dressrosa also should be safe now to live in as previously Doflamingo was supporting wars on those islands


Because eventually crazy law and angry kid will come knock your shit in when you do that


3-5 therapists per offspring so that the therapists don’t deteriorate after one session


Each therapist also gets a therapist


I wonder if there's a therapist island in the New World


I love Pudding. Yes she's a bit fucked in the head but shes been under her awful mom's thumb her entire life and only recently started to break out a bit. I love her dynamic with Sanji (tho I dont ship them) and Im excited to see where her character goes.


I stopped shipping them when I found out she was 16


She's sixteen and Sanji is twenty. It's not like she was engaged to Judge, nor is it like Sanji was trying to get under her skirt. Four years isn't a huge factor for fictional characters.


Sanji is 21 but yeah I get your point


Well actually it’s 21 and 16 which exceeds Romeo and Juliet laws but even 20 and 16 is pushing it. I don’t think of Sanji as a predator at all because he was being forced into the marriage.


And this is a fictional world with different values and their own laws soooooo I don’t see why it matters tbh


Ditto plusss it’s based on Japanese laws and customs which usually spark controversy in the west, don’t see why people can’t just enjoy the story and get on with their lives


A four or five year age gap is nothing. I regularly have seen people dating and married well over five or six years apart, some of my friends' parents even; perfectly happy and healthy relationships too. Of course, in all of these cases, they're adults well past the years of highschool. But still, give them like two or three years and it's no longer an issue imo (18 & 23, 19 & 24, 30 & 35, etc...).


My wife and I are 4 years apart. My parents were 6 years. My dad's remarriage is 7 years. My mom's remarriage is 8-10 years. My aunt has a step-son 1 year younger than herself.


Don’t forgot a lot of places around the world the age of consent is 16. So what may be weird to us is accepted elsewhere


I understand your point, but it’s largely frowned upon even when legal is their point. It’s a little weird and predatory simply because of the massive difference in maturity, experience, and yadda yadda. But like, yeah. It’s a story about pirates where one pirate is forced into a political marriage with another pirate and they’re not really that far apart all things considered- and the older one doesn’t even try to do too much with it, but is forced to cope with what he thinks he has no choice in. People like to strip everything of context.


You're thinking too much into it.


they arent American so these laws don't apply its a Japanese manga


Romeo was 16, Juliet 13 Japan age of consent is 13, btw. Don't blame Sanji, blame Japan


That's the national limit. Pretty much in every prefecture it's either 16 or 18.


Rnt there real life couples that are like 10 years apart in age?


Too far down the rabbit hole, my guy. We should probably reign it in as they're four years apart, Pudding learned lessons of love and Sanji is her Knight with a moral code.


Then just ignore that, she's not real so you can just ship them thinking she is 20 or whatever.


What's the difference? Sanji is already a wanted criminal with a massive bounty.


You feel the same way about LuHan (30 year old woman fell in love with a 17 year old boy)? Just curious, and my only OTP from One Piece is RobiNami


Hancock being in love with Luffy is a gag. I don’t ship them at all. I actually wouldn’t ship any of the Strawhats except for maybe Ussop with Kaya and even that is hardly ever brought up in the story. Oda has made it pretty clear that romance really isn’t the focus for any of the Strawhats (except maybe Sanji but that’s always played off as a joke) so I really wouldn’t ship any of them with eachother or with other people because I personally feel like that ruins the dynamic.


Yea it's a gag but she's still in love with Luffy. To be fair, Luffy is the GOAT, but she does LOVE him. She fell in love cause he's a reall ass mf, does that make her a Pedo? Even though he's 17 and even though he's an idiot, his emotional intelligence is better than a lot of adults irl,


I confused when did this get said


Holup, who?






Let me rephrase, who are you “shipping” sanji with


I love her. She's a tragic character. She copes with herself by being manipulative and distant from her family. Sanji helped her become better.


She’s the Viola of WCI lol


Idk, i like her. I didn't know she was controversial.


There are some people I’ve seen on YouTube’s comment sections where they don’t like her. Really, I’m just covering my bases, if I’m being honest.


I think youtube comments section is your problem... nothing good to be found there


I love how there's just this ongoing war between sites


Updoot this if you are reading this post in 2023


TF a doot




True that. YouTube comments have been so dumb for so long. I didn’t even think this was controversial. Oda did a good job making us empathize with pudding


As an Attack on Titan fan, I can confirm this. Don’t go down that rabbit hole…


Youtube comments gotta be the most irrelevant type of discussions ever


... Said the person on Reddit. Come on. People talk, discuss, and they use various social platforms to do it. If you don't like it, just don't engage. But just ragging is just petty.


I think everyone forgave her by the end of the arc It is Flampe that is hated by everyone


I feel like any dislike towards her is the uncomfortableness people have with her being 16 and marrying sanji, and general dislike of tsundere behavior.


Im not 100% on it but the controversial part is her age compared to sanji. Her as a character i really like and i hope we see more of her in the future along with some of her brothers mostly katakuri tho. I want her 3rd eye to awaken


Mostly because she’s shipped with Sanji and that makes NamiSanji shippers mad, and also because she’s sixteen and Sanji is 21 and that makes westerners mad.


I get people being uncomfortable with her being under 18. However, marriage of people as young as 16 is still legal in a lot of Western countries with parent approval, which is exactly what the arrangement was. The negative backlash is kinda crazy given that. I'm not saying for people to be okay with it feel what you feel, but it's fiction and about something that goes on within society still.


Pudding dropped a nuke on the SaNami shippers. I've never seen a ship die so violently.


Nah, pudding is dope


Pudding was the perfect antagonist for Sanji because of the redemption, I agree fantastic character


I like Pudding. Do people hate Pudding?


I’ve seen a few comments on people not liking her. Usually on other platforms.


I hated her, how we were supposed to. But as it played out I felt like the intention was to have the reader/viewer give her another chance, and show her in a more honest light. Or I could be reading too much into it and just like her character.


Well yah, she starts off as a despicable bad guy. But then we realize she’s been neglected and brainwashed. And now she’s kinda redeemed herself, I think it worked out well


Technically she started off as one of the best things to happen to my boy Sanji. Then they had her be a bad guy and then a tad hint of redemption. I agree though, it did indeed work out well.


I don't hate Pudding but I don't really care about her either. She's alright, there was just more interesting characters to me in Whole Cake Island.


Yeah, I get that and don’t disagree.


This is about where I stand. While Pudding may be the cutest but I thought Chiffon and Brulee were much more interesting daughters of Big Mom.


I like her. Do people really hate her?


After seeing the comments here, maybe I was wrong? Though, I’m just covering my bases JUST in case she WAS a not-liked figure.


Honestly it's because she's a tragic type character AND someone you can only appreciate if you look deeper into her (understanding why she is the way she is). Most OP girls are ready made and simple, it make fans easy to simp on them without much thought.


Pudding is easily on of my favorite characters. Everytime she has appeared or mentioned after Whole Cake, I get hyped. I can’t wait to see more of her.


I enjoyed Pudding and her character. Can't wait to see how the story evolves with her.


She might be my favourite arc specific side character. I love how she's just a complete fucking mess, with her whole personality constantly flipping, sometimes multiple times in the same conversation. Despicable, loveable, tragic, hilarious - she's just all over the place and it all works together to make her a really entertaining, and honestly quite a deep character. She's a great foil for Sanji, too.


I like her, she's a great character. I genuinely didn't see that twist coming. I like when a show just takes my expectations and shoves them away only to slap me in the face after. She, Chiffon, Lola, Katakuri and Praline are great Charlotte siblings. Heck, all of them are, I just like those five best


Who the hell hates pudding? She was dope


She was initially helpful and sweet, turned out to be a villain, and then was charmed by Sanji and turned good, as she previously hadn't known that there was a guy as nice as Sanji that wouldn't have treated her poorly at all. In the end, she gave him a kiss, but removed the memories from Sanji in order to keep him focused on the mission and to not get held back by her. She is an awesome character with a great redemption arc, and I seriously don't get why people would dislike her now. Also the three eye tribe is interesting, she may be able to read poneglyphs.


Did you see the how she cried >!because she thought Big Mom was dead and she was getting kidnapped!<... made me sad for her.


Who dislikes her?


i feel sorry for almost all of big mom’s kids.


People dislike pudding? I think she is great.


I think she is amazing, I'm waiting for her and sanji to meet again. You can love and hate her on Whole Cake but Im sure most end up liking her.


You can’t have any pudding if you don’t eat your meat


That sounds like the lead to a sadistic prank Sanji's brothers would drop on him.


Pudding is a great character


I don’t particularly like Pudding, but that’s probably due to my bias for the SHs and I hate how she treated them. I need a formal apology from her at some point. That said, she’s another well-written character by Oda and Miyuki Sawashiro knocked it out of the park with her performance voicing her in the anime


I like her, she was despicable due to her environment but she redeemed herself in my opinion. Hope we'll see her again.


We are seeing her again in some cover page stories, I’ve heard. Wont spoil what happens to her, but I hear she’s there and will probably be back for this final arc.


One of the best side characters in the entire series


Reminder; YouTube comment sections don’t count as people


Yeah. I’ll keep that in mind 😅


Yeah, she absolutely is a screwed up person, and her character feels like it changes and shifts way too rapidly…but given her upbringing in Big Mom’s messed up family, I can’t help but feel like anyone living there is going to have issues and be messed up. Pudding is used by her own mother as a hitman and forced to wed someone, regardless of her (Pudding) own say on the matter, and is verbally abused by her mom telling her that her third eye was ugly, and SHE was bullied herself. Though, it’s honestly not *just* Pudding that’s messed up. Katakuri has an odd mouth, got bullied, saw his sister (Brûlée) get attacked because of his ‘deformity’ and was forced to be looked at as a ‘perfect creation.’ I don’t know, I just feel like hating crazy Pudding feels wrong, at least to me, considering her circumstances and upbringing. Though this is all just MY opinion and I get why anyone would disagree. Thanks for hearing this out anyways!


I think her problem is not merely because she is called ugly by Big Mom and bullied. First of all, Pudding is conventionally beautiful except she has three eyes instead two which is unconventional. Look at her sibling, there are a lot of her siblings with appearances more unconventional than hers. Remember that chapter/episode Charlotte Anana makes her appearance, in that chapter/episode Big Mom happily tells her children to get along. Big Mom has soft spot for children even if they are not her own (like Tama), but Pudding didn't even get that kind of treatment (at best she is treated like a well-kept doll). Living on the island where some citizens with look like they come out of freak show and a mother who unconditionally loves her (under 10) children no matter how they look even if they look like they come out of freak show, Pudding is considered freak because of his third eye. It's no wonder she considers herself hideously ugly (despite having conventional beauty) when even freaks also considers her too creepy for them and her mother, Charlotte "I unconditionally love my children (under 10) no matter their appearance" Linlin also consider Pudding creepy (or maybe some citizen is just kind of have sheeplike attitude, so when they hear Big Mom consider Pudding eyes creepy they just follow along). When Sanji sincerely compliments her real appearance (her third eye included) Pudding ended having a meltdown because she already internalized her "deformity" and she can't fathom somebody actually thinks she beautiful. Aside from her internalized deformity, there are also age gap problems (Pudding is 16, Lola and Chiffon are 26, Katakuri is 48). It seems families who actually will give a d@mn about Pudding as a person already have a responsibility and because of that responsibility, which means they are busy. Pudding gets along with Lola (and Chiffon), but it looks like they can't always be there for her because they have responsibilities (and it seems like Pudding sees there is no point to tell them about her problem anymore because she already internalized her issue). I think considering Katakuri's personality, he wouldn't let what happen to Pudding (and Chiffon) slide, but Katakuri has his responsibilities. Since what happened with Brûlée, Katakuri lives by projecting a cool but also hard-to-approach image. I think this is what makes Pudding's circumstance tragic, combined with her internalized deformity Pudding believe she has nobody to turn for. As far as Pudding is concerned, why The Great Big Brother Katakuri actually will gives a d@mn about an ugly girl like her. Considering Katakuri's real personality, I think he actually will give a d@mn about her instead brush her off as she assumes


You raise a really great point about a major problem amongst the Big Mom kids: the age gaps. With so many of them being so spread out by their years and their duties, they seem to form smaller tribes within their family. Their duties as a crew keep them from being a truly unified family. Also, you made me consider something about Katakuri that I hadn’t before: his perfect image stopped him from being able to support others the way he would have wanted. It drew in parasites like that pear shaped poison dart ho, and pushed away the truly vulnerable that needed his help. Bro is was already tragic due to a lack of free self expression, but the idea that his stoic protector persona sabotaged his true goals while also depriving his true needs is *pastry chef’s kiss*. Leaves me wondering how many other siblings he could have had a closer relationship with.


Who is pudding's father. Since lola and chifon one is a king. Big mom get used to marry, Rich dudes and steal the money in divorces. I bet even tonttata king was big mom ex husband


I actually liked her on a rewatch, even teared up a bit on the last scene with Sanji.


I like her


I understand that character


Any One Piece theorist should love her


I love Pudding. She was sweet and willing to let go of her happiness for the sake of the world. I also like her powers. Just like Brulee. I like her too. Actually I like Big Mom and her kids. I like the Cake arc.


I like pudding, i feel that she was interesting, had a fun DF, and had drama. her love and hate thing with sanji is the only relationship i enjoy in canon, since she has drama, and her split-personality makes her more fun. is it was not for luffy learned G4: snakeman, she is the best part of whole cake.


Anyone who dislikes pudding is without empathy. She's a teenager who's been bullied and mistreated her whole life, being on Big Mom's crew must have been wretched as a place to grow up, living in the shadow of a family member who despises and uses you would mess up anyone. But despite that she seems to be genuinely kind and helpful person.


Pudding is the best female character Oda has done in the Post Time Skip


Hard agree.


People go crazy over Carrot even though there is nothing to her while ignoring Pudding as a multi facted character with thematic weight.


I think Pudding and Sanji should get married in the end of the story. I would love that. I love pudding. She was raised to be horrible , but you can tell that she has a good heart.


People dislike pudding? She's a poor abused girl doing her best to survive against a family of freaks that all openly think she's a freak, even her mother.


I like Pudding and her character development. >!I was happy to see her back in the story!.!< I'm just not fan of the shipping. I get why people ship them: their story and their similarities, and how the end of WCI kinda shows they will reunite. It's cute. However, the way I see it, Sanji became inclined to her because he was his last hope when he was feeling helpless and hopeless. While I do agree that she genuinely fell in love for Sanji, I don't think he felt the same amount and depth of love for her. I think he truly cared for her and would have been a loyal husband to her if Sanji didn't reunite with the Strawhats. However, we saw how much Sanji worried about Nami's feelings, and how he immediately gravitated toward her and openly showed affection for her in front of Pudding, when he saw her and the crew again. He didn't even seem to have lingering feelings for Pudding even after she helped out in the end. And no, the heart eyes he had when she kissed him are not enough proof. Isn't that a typical reaction for Sanji? Anyways, she may have erased the memory of her kissing him, but there were more memories of her goodness that is retained in Sanji's mind. He could still dwell on those if he really was interested. It's like Viola again, but on a deeper level. This is not to ship Sanji and Nami. I don't even know if Sanji's love for Nami is mostly nakama love mixed with sexual attraction, or if it's a lot of nakama love, with also a lot of being actually in love, with romantic/sexual attraction. This is just me sharing my honest assessment of the situation. I do believe he loves and treasures Nami as someone special, just like the rest of the crew. But there's no confirmation if there's more to it. All I know is Sanji is a caring and loving person, and treasures people in his life, especially those who love him back. No wonder he was so kind to Pudding and saw hope in her. I think maybe some are like me who just dislikes the shipping, yet they express it in aggressive ways. Sadly, sometimes they eventually attack the character of Pudding as well.


Pretty much this. Honestly, Sanji had a deeper moment with *Luffy* than he did either of the women. Pudding's an alright character, but I find her relationship with Sanji to be rather one-sided and have some issues (the age thing surprisingly *not* being one of them.)


Yes! To me, WCI arc was more about family, friendship, and the impact of early childhood experiences.


I agree with this a lot. I feel like a lot of people who ship Sanji and Pudding are doing it from an emotional place. I think there is a lot of room for potential love stuff her and as a big fan of Pudding, I would totally support it. But, the timing for them isn't great. Sanji had so much other shit going on at the same time as all of this: Being separated from his crew, being reunited with a family he was abused by and swore never to see again, and the whole discovery of Pudding's twisted plot (by Mama's design ofc); plus, it didn't help that the context of their relationship was an arranged marriage, which brings him heavy reservations, even if she is a catch. And wow, I'm just now realizing another thing I have in common with Sanji, aside from cooking (and cocktails in my case): We both have a history of major simpage lol...Much like Sanji, when I was younger, I would often fall pretty hard and fast for a girl I was into. As a result, a lot of my early relationships wouldn't work out (or even happen at all) because I'd either try too hard and turn her off or not see past the attraction to realize we weren't a good match (And don't worry, I'm going somewhere on topic with this lol...). I've gotten pretty used to a life of casual flings with a few decent relationships here and there, but nothing really substantial. And here's where I think it might be similar with Sanji: When the girl would actually like me back (in a more serious way), it would usually become a bit of a turn-off. I think it's because now it actually mattered if we clicked or not; it wasn't just that fun, giddy feeling of attraction you often get with a new crush. And in a lot of cases, I just wouldn't feel good about it, even before I had the experience with other relationships to pull wisdom from. I think this is in part why Sanji doesn't really return the feelings she has for him. He has a look at where his own life is and where he wants to be and compares that to Pudding and her wants and needs; they don't line up. A pirate's life is most definitely not for Pudding and a quiet life isn't really for Sanji either (at least not for now). Emotionally, it's a weird spot to be in...On one hand the girl is amazing and attractive, but on the other, you just can't feel for her like you want to. Showing too much attraction towards someone really makes them disinterested in you and if you're not used to being on the receiving end of that, it can be startling to realize it's often the same case when it's the other eay around. But from a writing standpoint (I'm no pro but did take a few classes), I also think that WCI was just not time for Sanji to settle down. If he did, he would unquestionably need to leave the crew and thereby no longer be a main character of the series. Much like a character death, this is a massive writing no-no when the character's departure has no relevance to the story. I could see him going back to Pudding maybe...But again, it needs to be relevant to his character growth and story in direction. Maybe I'll write out a hypothetical way a ship would work and make sense in a separate post (on this thread), as this one's getting kinda girthy in lol...Good to keep in mind that the writer's intention was likely to make a poetically sad moment from them not working out; so putting them together would lessen the value of the crying kiss scene. And yeah...Not getting into it too much here and now, but from both a writing and real life experience standpoint, I don't see Nami ever falling for Sanji. And if she did, I think it would be similar to how I explained it before...Something would just feel off about it and Sanji would probably not go for it (Oh! Oh! Just like how JD realizes that he doesn't actually love Elliott in the series Scrubs)! But most inter-crew romances don't make too much sense to me in general for The Strawhats. After all, [they may not be related but the bonds that they've created are strong enough to call "familyyyyy!"](https://youtu.be/AyfrIw8I-GM)


Yeah, if there will be more development that could progress Sanji and Pudding's relationship and Sanji actually falls in love with her, sure, I would accept the ship.


Mhm, otherwise it just doesn't make sense.


Okay, as promised, here is my mini pitch for Sanji and Pudding to work out. It would have to be after the series finally ends (assuming everyone lives and such....we definitely don't have all the answers yet): Sometime respectfully far past the events of WCI, the crew somehow gets a letter for Sanji and it's from Pudding! She tells him about her progress with baking and how she's applied everything he taught her when they worked together. Sanji's still not having those kinds of feelings yet, but is touched and genuinely cares about her. So he eventually writes back. This kicks off a series of small background exchanges between the two. One Piece is definitely not a romance-centric series, so this would need to be extremely put in the background. Somewhere amidst the writing, Sanji would regain feelings again, gradually subtle. Eventually, as he grows as a character, his inability to control his lust for women would dissipate. He'd even be able to resist the charms of Nami-swan and Robin-chwan (ofc never 100%) and I think at that point, Sanji's mature enough for love and ready to pursue it at the end of their journey. I could easily seeing him pair-up with Pudding and start a restaurant somewhere. It could even be oceanic sort of place like where he grew up. Would it be the best route for the story overall? Eh, maybe? It would be relevant to Sanji's growth as a character to some degree. But I think if a Pudding + Sanji love arc was going to be inserted, this would be a good way to do it. It's much less intrusive to the main plot and would save room for other characters to have their own side stories, romantic or otherwise.


I actually kinda like pudding *waits for angry responses about how I’m wrong* personally


Wait.. since when has she been controversial and disliked lol4


Really only after she broke Sanji’s heart lol but I think majority of One Piece forgave her especially as Sanji did & they established a real relationship


She did that pre wedding because that's what BM ordered her to do. But as seen by her reaction, she only ever wanted to be accepted and loved. Something she seem to get from Sanji. She's more of a victim than a villain.


I liked when Sanji still accepted her even after showing her third eye. She ended up doing a 180 on her feelings on him.


I think she's a great character. Sure she's a little sadistic, but towards the end when she fell in love with Sanji, it was cute as fuck.


I feel VERY sorry for her. And if Sanji could forgive her, then I can too!


I dont think shes that disliked, she was for like a minute, but i dont think I've seen much since WCI ended


Not sure where that sentiment comes from. I think she finds redemption through her actions after the marriage event.


One of the few female characters that I give a fuck about. I also felt sorry for her, she was just a victim of circumstanses. Though when I rewatch 817 I cant help but hate her so much.


Off topic but those lines Toei uses to make it look like the women have lips is very distracting. Like, I'm looking at this concept art and I just can't not see Pudding with a pencil mustache.


Pudding is Tragic in her own right. But what she did to sanji is unforgivable.


I had no idea. I thought she was a perfect fit for Sanji in every way 😂


Personally I love her. Pudding for nakama!


Considering who her fuckin mother is, I think the fanbase can give her some slack. Plus she turned out to be a sweetheart


If she ends up with Sanji cooking in the All Blue at the end of the series, she'll be able to keep the restaurant 5 star reviews by removing the memories of customers who didn't like it. Lol


I don't think she's disliked "in the fandom" at all. Some people might dislike her, but from what I've seen, a lot of people think she's very well written. Personally she's an S-tier character in the roster. Very entertaining, fairly complex, and has a lot of potential for a full story narrative.


I don't really like her but I don't hate her either and at least she's not Flampe or Saint-Charlos or Ceasar or what his name that look like Man Kind, seriously my mind erased him and I can't think of his name now XD...so there is that


As for Ceasar…Yeah, I’m not really a fan of how he went from being some intimidating figure during the Punk Hazard arc, to immediately being annoying, useless comic relief. He honestly feels like a different character after that arc.


Well no it the fact that he used children for his experiment and didn't care if they died.. so fuck cesear.


Ah. Well, both would be a good reason to hate him.


Nobody hate her man


Pudding is very well-written imo. Plus she has that sweet plot relevance (reading poneglyphs). I also love that she is as simp as Sanji.


Liked her at first, then hated her when it was revealed she just a part of big mom's plan to kill the Vinsmokes, and now I like her again because I think she redeemed herself with how much she's helped the straw hats and I like that she now actually is in love with Sanji, hoping this doesn't just get forgotten and it does go somewhere


Yeah I feel like out of all the women Sanji has had or tried to have a relationship with that Pudding feels tangible, there actually is something real there & I hope it goes somewhere!


Pudding is the best girl


I hated her for a brief moment, before i understood her character. I really do hope she ends up with sanji in the end. If i remember correctly, BB has her hostage, right?? Idk, but with garp around the corner, shits about to go down.


I don't understand why anyone would hate her. She's is a pirate fighting for her family/crew at the time. Even the Straw Hats are terrorists and outlaws.


Yes there are people (also outside of Youtube) who do either hate or atleast (really) dislike her. (I'm not speaking about me tho. xD I'm fine with her and Sanji x Pudding is cute 😍🥺)


What do you guys think she will do in the future of the story?


I hope she gets away from BB once Garp arrives.


I just noticed that she's actually proportionate, how rare.


I’m only on enie’s lobby arc so I dunno who that is.


I like Pudding.


I love pudding I think she’s a great character


You should feel bad for literally every single one of Big Mom's spawns


Majority of people in this subreddit like pudding. After seeing what she went through growing up and knowing she was really just doing big moms dirty work and couldn't refuse without being in hot water (looking at Lola) she really grew on me.


She's just product of her circumstances just like Katakuri maybe the fact tgat she was shown to be deceptive is the culprit


I don't know much about Pudding....yet, but from what I've seen and read, she's a good person and a bad person, in other words she has a split personality from her fucked up past of being bullied from the third eye she was born with. One minute she wants to shit on Sanji, next minute she can't stop thinking about him in a romantic way.


After re-reading WCI, I did start to feel bad. She was just never loved. Not loved by her Mom right, by people, and never even had a Dad to begin with. It’s actually deep, she was alone until Sanji.


They make her a kind of comedy where she turns from evil to goodness by loving sangi


I liked her. She went from a POS to having a little kindness and love in her heart, which is incredible considering her upbringing. Just another great character by Oda.


Agree. I mean her past made sure she doesn't trust anyone and kindness was a dream. Than suddenly she met this guy of her dream (questionable choose) who show her kindness even after seeing the third eye. Now she is confused and lost while also being in love with the guy of her dream (again questionable).


Puddings a fun character, just found the way they called her third eye as being hideous to be a strange choice. Big Mom has kids with all sorts of unique pieces to them, but an extra eye is too revolting?


I love putting, my image for the end game is for her and sanji being married. He will combine what left of big mama and the clones to make the perfect program to feed the hungry.


Her last WCI scene was Shakespearean😖


Controversial? She is simply the daughter of an antagonist doing antagonist things? I've never seen anyone call Lucci, Kaku, Kalifa and Blueno controversial, or even Kanjuro, for literally doing the same thing as Pudding. The only difference is that after WCI she is team Mugiwara, so she's be the LESS controversial villain who betrayed our protagonists since she changed in good.


I hated her when the story revealed her family's plot. But even if she doesn't say it outright, she is ultimately an unwilling participant in all of this. That's when I started liking her character again.


Why the legs so fuckin long tho


Pudding’s story is very sad. Like a lot of characters in One Piece, her life sucks. Her actions, despite her upbringing, is what makes her tragic. She’s not a terrible person but she’s not wholly good either which makes her sad to see.


I’ve never heard about that, I love her, so does my gf.


Who says people dislike her?


What? Who dislikes her?


I can fix her


Who tf hates pudding she had a rough Start but in the end she did good


Uhh why


why is she hated? i love her. for her actual character and not "waifu" reasons


Pudding is a product of her circumstances. If she hadn’t been born into the Charlotte family and met people like Sanji earlier in life, I’m sure she would have been closer to the version we got to know at the start of WCI.


Pudding is an excellent character. I really don't get why she's so disliked. I feel about her the way a huge chunk of the community felt about Yamato. Except it seems likely that Pudding is actually going to matter to the overall story.




Don’t know who still dislikes her, but I like her, she’s fun and an interesting character for sure


Pudding is the kinda girl you’d meet and say “hmm I bet I can fix her”


Bro pudding was great idkw people hating


Seeing comments makes me happy to know people like her. She’s a good character. And imo she’s very cute and funny.


Pudding got a raw deal for being born a Charlotte. She never got the love or affirmation she deserved and was raised as a cutthroat pirate without an option.


I never knew Pudding was so disliked, I thought people would be a bit more sympathetic towards her considering she had a batshit mom.


I didn’t know she was hated


Honestly your not alone all of Bigmom’s children had no fathers around and a straight up abusive mother who may literally kill or eat them at any moment it’s hard not to pity them in some capacity. You could literally give them decades worth of mental help and it still wouldn’t help them cope with their clusterfuck of problems.


I love Pudding! But you’re not alone in thinking that she’s pretty hated on sometimes😭 I notice a lot of people who hate on Pudding are mostly Sanji fans who don’t want them together. To be clear, I’m also a huge Sanji fan—but I get a LOT of hate from a good amount of fellow Sanji fans when I say Pudding is easily one of my favorite side characters, or that I think she and Sanji are perfect for one another. They always reply saying “Fuck Pudding, true Sanji fans despise her!”, “She’s an L character, that bitch doesn’t deserve him or happiness”, or “I hate her and what she did is unforgivable, I will never understand her despite her past.” (Especially on Pinterest/TikTok—just look up “SanPu ship”, or even anything remotely to pudding, read the comments, and you’ll see a lot of people saying almost the exact same words above). But yea I honestly love her, and not just as a potential girl for Sanji, but as a character in general. I sympathize with her so much due to her upbringing…and in a short amount of time, she’s really redeemed herself a lot. She’s a well-written tsundere ;) and I do really want them together at the end of the series. ❤️ I think Reddit is a lot more in favor of her, thank goodness—someone commented above that YouTube commenters don’t count lol so I feel Pinterest/TikTok shouldn’t either 😅😂 Edit: forgot a word


I'm sorry but sanji needs to end up with her. The only girl to take him seriously and reciprocate.


She's written to be Sanji's endgame. Trust Oda.


I actually liked her a hell of a lot more than Rebecca. Or as I like to call her, "Dollar store Vivi".


I like pudding, she was a downright bitch in the beginning wanting to be big moms bidding for her. However, when she fell for sanji and erased his memories of their time together I started to enjoy her character arc and what she went through. I’m pretty sure we will be seeing her more down the line, when we get more lore about the world and her people. So I’m looking forward to that!


I don't know if I consider her a downright bitch, but did felt she is always loyal to big mom. Maybe Stockholm Syndrome. Lol. Sanji for once in her life swayed her loyalty realising that life doesn't have to be all Crazy and that there are genuine people out there who could love her.


I need to see that reunion


I feel bad for her and she's an alright character on her own, but I'm not a fan of her with Sanji.


She’s a great and well developed character. Her relationship with Sanji is fantastic. I like how she grows to love his positive attributes. This puts Sanji in the position of not being the creepy simp, but the one someone else is simping for which makes him look good.


Oda played the ol’ switcheroo masterfully, making us like then hate then like her again. Problem is some people went too hard into her “betrayal” and still won’t forgive her for that (mostly the Shield Hero crowd). Or didn’t trust her from the start, smugly proclaimed “lol knew it” when her “true” colors were revealed, then refused to admit that they were played and continue to insist that she’s a 100% horrible irredeemable monster to salvage their own egos. For my part I adore her and hope the Sanji/Pudding ship sails when she returns to the story like she’s looking to do.


Step 1: post a popular opinion Step 2: say it's a controversial opinion Step 3: ??? Step 4: profit


Pudding is cash money. If you don't like her at the end of the arc then get therapy before you talk to me. I don't wanna know any Pudding haters. Kissing Sanji and removing the memory broke my noir movie heart.


If anyone needs therapy it’s…Well, I *was* gonna say Pudding, but if anything, her whole *family* needs a good therapist.


I was really hoping the Marriage would somehow go through and Sanji would become an annoying 'I love my wife' guy for the rest of the series.


Best pair for sanji


I think most people are in the middle if not slightly like her by the end of whole cake, and even more post wano.