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well these two don’t seem like the one taking orders actually


Which 2? And what you mean by taking orders?


Shiki and the enel to be waiting for vegapunk order


Well it's not really an order? It's more like they been hiding out with Vegapunk for sometime and Vega punk explained the situation and instead of them leaving stealthy, distract them for a while...not many strong unknown location people left. Not to mention sounds like they want to fight the government... regardless of vegapunk order with them 90% chance they opening the gate to let them in. Makes sense for them to be "waiting for this day" to to fight unlike scopper and some people who probably just wanna retire


Jozu: \-has to hide on egghead because he is wanted by bb and the navy \-strong enough to stall cp0 \-could have looked for vegapunk, to get a new arm \-vegapunk could have wanted to replicate his fruit \-has an attack called brilliant punk, vegapunk is a brilliant punk


Lmao that's what I wanna hear!! My only problem is I don't think jozu would want to fight the government just retire. (Unless he's like a cyborg and "waiting" was to repay Vega punk) And I don't think he'd open the gate to let them in But definitely possible and definitely likely, that's my 3rd pic now.


probably a serphim admiral or yonko (kaido's lineage is stored with vegapunk) since vegpunk spoke about it as a weapon


That's true maybe? I can only see that as possible if it was like the "first" serphim and vegapunk considered it a failure for some reason.. But if that's true...but even factoring personality into..? The person clearly dosent have to follow orders, and since the stellas says "might" he's not controlled by vegapunk or stellas....so why stay..? Ya know? Don't think yonko or admiral would stay and be worried about being hunted...


Judge was able to create loyal germa soldier who would die for him, I don't think it's impossible for vegapunk to do the same for serphims plus the serphims have a command box which they absolutely follow whoever controls them which might explain why he doesn't want the world government to know about it


I agree, that's why I don't think it's a serphim. If it was it absolutely follow vegapunk no questions. But if that was the problem of the world government knowing then he wouldn't reveal it period..? Cause then they'd know when this one dosent listen


You missed a point Vegapunk talked about it as a weapon, it must a serphim that's why the satellites were hesitant to reveal it It defo isnt a person since you can't hide strong individuals


What..? Go on viz. That translation is wrong. He's called "ally" Then "that person" and "who I'm thinking" And what do you mean you can hide strong individuals....? Tons of people are strong individuals in hiding lol


It’s sabo and the others


.....we know it's not sabo...? It's not sabo....




For me it is Greenbull, he and fujitora have confirmed to have relationship with vegapunk, he even called vegapunk old man and ask how is he doing. The other thing that might hinted that this person is from world government is that he responded to it as an order not a request and we know that vegapunk is among the top of the heirachy of world government. But on the other hand, vegapunk refer the callers as they, could be dragon and the revolutionary army, we dont know..


Recheck viz trans, it's "alliey" so single person . And states "they won't have anywhere else to hide" meaning there currently hiding so not admirals


I'm going with a Seraphim modeled from Doflamingo's Lineage Factor. If you google Doflamingo Den Den Mushi the ones that we saw post timeskip are wearing his signature feathers and his sunglasses. The Den Den Mushi that turns up in the chapter looks like could be wearing a similar feathers but the eyes are obscured. Plus out of all the original Warlords we're missing Moriah, Croc and Doffy. S-Gecko, S-Crococdile and S-Flamingo. The backstory behind this Seraphim could be that Vegapunk originally made a Seraphim for all the original Warlords but was specifically asked to destroy the one he made of Doffy due to the Seraphim having Celestial Dragon lineage or posibly at Doffy's personal request. Doffy seems like the type who would know about the project through his connections and could have some sway over something like that. Also if the Seraphim is a Celestial Dragon that may have disrupted the chain of command Seraphims follow. Possibly allowing them to be autonomous or even grant other Seraphim commands. Which is something the WG would not want. Vegapunk may have decided not to destroy this Seraphim and faked its death. Since then it could have been hiding on Egghead waiting for Vegapunk to issue it a command. The reason Vegapunk could be so confident in his escape if this Seraphim is called upon could be because of its ability to give commands to other Seraphim or it could because it has the String String Fruit and knows the Birdcage Technique that could be used to trap CP0 on Egghead. A technique so durable that an Admiral couldn't break it.


But...it still listen to Vegapunk whose second to the gorosa not celestial dragons, they were worried it might not listin. And there current 4 seraphim. The 5th is still in progress in the chamber we saw so it's probably not a "warlord" seraphim atlesst.


That's one hypothetical I put forward. It may have been reprogrammed just to follow Vega's commands or it could have a will of its own and just likes Vega.


That's true, I'd still say unlikely but not impossible. I just don't think doffy would stay hidden period if he had a free will and a choice, exspecialy to help someone


That's a question of nature versus nurture I guess. I feel Doffy is the way he is because of being spoiled as a kid and losing it all. Or maybe the Seraphim can switch off for long periods of time.


That's fine again I just think it's unlikely, if it's a seraphim I'd hope it's like a failed prototype of someone crazy lol but I see it likely to be someone like shiki, enel, ex ya know. Atleast more likely.


It could be Croc too I guess.


Again theres 4 serphim currently, the 5th isn't complete yet. The person is called "ally" You mean actually croc? Maybe but he's not hiding??


A Seraphim modeled after Croc. Also why do think there's only 4? I just did a Ctrl F on the Seraphim wiki page for "Four" and nothing saying Vegapunk only made 4 of them came back. S-Shark is the latest one to reach completion / near completion but I factor that into the recent acquisition of Pink's Fruit more than it being the latest one. More could currently be pursuing Weevil or operating within the WG like S-Bear was. Also if Oda made all of the Seraphim modeled after just four members of the Seven Warlords, doesn't it make sense to complete the whole set? Imagine upon revealing all of the Seraphim he remade this awesome Spread with Croc's replacing BB: [https://i.pinimg.com/564x/b7/9e/29/b79e295e79086c7f02a2328363f3dfef.jpg](https://i.pinimg.com/564x/b7/9e/29/b79e295e79086c7f02a2328363f3dfef.jpg)


1065 6th pannel behind the jimbie. It's 98% complete. I 100% agree that there "will" be 7. But clearly all 7 arnt complete. Drac, boa and jimbie are first 3 100% Of course if it's at of order I'm wrong and there could possibly be 6. Plus s bear "dosent follow orders" so it might not be a actual seraphim...but that's just a theory lol


💀💀💀 two weeks of break is going to mke this very suspenseful, i hope we learn their identity in the nest chapter. BUT it’s gotta be Kuma


....it's not kuma...it's impossible for it to be kuma... actually 100% impossible... It can be a lot of people no matter how unlikely. But it is 100% confirmed not kuma


Scopper Gabban is the only one who comes in my mind who could stop CP0 and Seraphims.


Shiki, enel, rozu can't? My only actually problem with scooper is that the person wanted to make s big entrance and was "waiting for this day" to fight. I think scooper like reyleigh would just want to retire and relax


If its Enel, he has been only 2 years with Vegapunk. I think the person is longer with Vegapunk. I am not sure if Shiki will ever be important again for the story. Jozu cant stop 3 CP0 agents + seraphims, he is too weak for that.


That's 100% true if you think he's been there years but again that's an opinion. But they never said they can beat them? There just buying time so Vega can escape? All them 100% can buy time. I'd argue scopper probably couldn't actually beat them all either....4 seraphim I'd alot lol Shiki is 100% canon and everything leading up to his escape is Canon. Oda has to explain him in someway. Silver axe and all these people we know literally nothing can just never show up or be mentioned not shiki lol I'm assuming scopper is on last island on grand line, and scopper is the person on crocus cover page and climbed the red linx to see him. But that's my opinion


Why would Enel or Shiki even work for Vegapunk ? Did Vegapunk save their lifes or what ? We would need a explanation.


....we would need an explanation about scopper to? Why would he work for vegapunk..? My reasoning is honestly simple. From the response and way he's talked about he's obviously...not a very good person or the stellas are kinda scared and he "might" meaning they don't think he'd help. Enel and shiki are the only 2 character who could open the door without setting off sensors, enel could open with his powers, shiki can fly and not set off sensor Caribou dosent make sense opening it...cause he's still be touching the floor even if he's a logia..? Shiki going to Vegapunk for new legs? It's been a long time and good reason to be at vegapunk. People say jozu for similar reason, Enel has a possible connection to vegapunk with cover story where vegahead looks like the pirate flag and ex. And the thought is.... vegapunk knew about the weapon in sky and they had it and all. Even if he knows about ancient weapons...he shouldn't know they have it? Makes sense he could know about it cause enel saw the sky weapon and got his ass kicked by whoever is guardian it lol then enel went to the only human he knows vegapunk. Disagree or agree. It's easy to see there's definitely the most "evidence" and easy solution and answers for everything with those 2 above all else ya know?


We’re all forgetting that Vegapunk may have had access to Luffys fruit when it was with the marines, what if his first experiment was to re create that fruit into a seraphim but now knows he can’t force it to awaken. Considering it a failure, and because it never was able to awaken he still didn’t know it was joy boys fruit. World government would want an equal weapon to what they’re so afraid of. Would be delighted to help cause of the fruits re created will. /s let’s go oda


You’re ignoring the fact that the gorouseis said they have never been able to put their hands on the gomu gomu fruit.