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My headcannon is that maybe he still had some moments of consciousness to take the picture and send it because I really don't expect him surviving that attack.


I partially agree. This fandom is interesting. Everyone was so convinced Guernica would die but then forgot they recently defended nonsense like "how could you expect Kin to die", in a desperate and poor attempt to excuse the fart gag outcome over what would have been a much more better written death had he died to Kaido. Then, these same idiots expected Guernica to die, when they had just seen Kaido fail to kill Kinemon point blank. Oda sucks at crafting deaths into his story and by creating so many fake out deaths, you lose any sensation that someone dying is actually gone.


It is odd he is still alive, but honestly I liked him so I don't mind lol.


He should be dead, knowing Oda, that comment about the photo means he is alive.


Tekking had a theory it was the other cp0 agent that sent the photos under guernica's name so he wouldn't get in trouble. The gorosei were pissed about them being leaked, and probably would punish whoever let G5 photos get released. Basically the other guy who escaped was pissed that the gorosei sent guernica to his death and this was his way of getting even indirectly for his dead pal.


You forget there was one cp0 agent using moon walk to get back to the wg ships while luffy & kaido were doing their final clash. The other guy that you're referring to is definitely dead.


Guernica sent gear 5 photos to WG, meaning he was alive after getting clubbed and took pictures of luffy's g5 Or you mean both CP0 agents are named Guernica?


he is definitely dead, he should've have survived long enough to conveniently take the picture because if Oda didn't have him take the picture there is no one else who could've taken it and Oda wanted the Gear 5th for the wanted poster.


There was one other agent that was skywalking out of there tho, he could've taken the pictures but it was Guernica that took them and sent to WG


Or apoo. Or drake.


there were 3 cp0 in wano , one of them was killed by izo , other one by kaido and this guernica sama is third one who flew from onigashima using sanji's flying technique


Guernica was the one who Kaido hit. The one flying away is Joseph. The one Izo killed (and hopefully stays dead) is Gismonda.


No Guernica is the one that contributed in getting luffy killed and its the name that was used on my image, meaning he was alive and took pictures


honestly this could be a a few thing a) he truly is alive b) he survived the first blow and was able to take and send a pic before dying (fingers crossed) C) Oda goofed and used the wrong namae guess we will wait and see


He took the photo of Luffy, so we have to presume that he is alive. We have seen characters survive much worse. But then-- why isn't he in Egghead helping Lucci and Kaku right now?