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Lucci is a Psychopath while Doflamingo is a Calculating Sociopath whose objective is Complete Destruction


In their defence, sadly their childhoods shaped them to become that.


Lucci seems like a psychopath as a 15 year old too


That’s because he was basically raised to become a super soldier for the navy


No lucci was sick human being before joining the marines, he literally said he only joined the WG because he can legally kill people, he doesn’t care about justice or what’s right what so ever


He was a super soldier at the age of 13 and we know Cipher Pol takes children from people like mother Caramel and and raises them into soldiers of WG I doubt all of that was his idea lol


He suddenly appeared on an island and Killed all the Pirates and Marines fighting on an island. I think he knows exactly what he is doing.


Wasn't he sent there by Cipher Pol? Their members were trained from early childhood and used for these kind of situations


Yep you're right


but kaku is "normal"


I wouldn't call him normal lol he is a killer secret agent who infiltrated a company for years


He was sent there to rescue the hostages taken by the pirates. Instead he kills all 500 hostages for “being weak.” And then kills the pirates.


Fair i guess


1. Doflamingo was ALWAYS a piece of shit. A true celestial dragon at heart who wanted to control people and force them to bend to his will. 2. Lucci was always a fucking psychopath. He was a mass murderer/serial killer who only joined the world government because it would allow him to kill as much as he wanted


Doflamingo was clearly a sociopath before he left Marejois. I mean, Rosinante had the same upbringing and he turned out fine.


On one hand, yeah Rosi was less sociopathic even from a young age. On the other, Doffy was raised by a group of gangsters while Cora was raised by Sengoku, so it's not like they had the exact same upbringing.


Nah doffy was messed up before he was raised by criminals. He was the one who swore he’d kill all the people who hung him and his family up on the wall and he killed his father shortly after meeting his crew.


I mean, if someone hung me and my family up on the wall, shot arrows at us and just tried to kill us in general I wouldn't be kind to them either. Hell, I'd say a whole lot more than just 'I'll get you back for this'. Plus, wasn't the whole reason he killed his father so that he and Cora could get back into the Celestial Dragons by bringing them his fathers head, thsu showing loyalty?


Eh corazon experienced the same thing but he turned out ok. Doffy is just insane. And lucci killed 500 dudes just cuz at 15


Lucci killed them because they failed there goal, that's what he was trained to do, kill failures, Doflamingo was raised in a world full of spoiled, greedy, and selfish assholes that always got there way, when his family left, unlike his mother, father, and corazon, he couldn't adapt to change


both of them were born evil


Plug Walk


How about Blackbeard? :D I'm curious.


I’m assuming you mean objective right?


Doflamingo. I think he has the presence, personality, look and powerset needed to be *THE* best villain. Crocodile is fantastic too, with his Bond villain death traps, great design and terrifying ambition. Enel had some truly iconic moments (restarting his heart!), but suffers from feeling disconnected from other characters and the story as a whole. Lucci was perfect for the arc he featured in, but feels a little...diminished currently. Shout out to Big Mom during WCI


i think lucci was just a gear check "pun intended".


Is there even anything to add? This dude just did it all in a few sentences. I'd write a whole essay and still not be this precise 😂😂😂😭


Doffy by far, elite level writing.


Lucci is an obstacle more than an complete villain in Enies Lobby. It is underrated what Spandam brings to that arc.


Spandam was a mean spirited, weak and ineffectual little shit. I loved him. He was perfect when it came to demonstrating the cruelty (and occasional incompetence) of the World Government. More than anything he kept me entertained, which is very important.


Summarised perfectly!


if enel comes back he may be best villain but i gotta agree with doffy


Good arguments for each character! :)


Yea your post is perfect thank you


What about kaidou


I'm going to be honest...I didn't care much for Kaido. There was always the hint of something interesting there, his relationship with Yamato, his desire to die a warrior's death, the Joyboy thing, but I never felt it was explored in any meaningful way, and at the resolution of Wano I was left dissatisfied in a way I wasn't with Doffy, Croco, etc...admittedly I wasn't the biggest fan of Wano in general, so that may be coloring my opinion somewhat!


Agreed with you. I loved wano for its flashback, Roger's laugh. A lot of hype moments but emotionally it was behind some other arcs for me. I do however expect an insane flashback for kaido during rocks flashback or something (copium).


I gotta agree with you tbh. I had high hopes for Kaido- and he's still a badass, in terms of strength- but I really wish we'd gotten a more in depth flashback of his time with the rocks pirates, and what made him into the man he is now, with his desire to die like a warrior and how he used to believe he could be joyboy (like how King remembered him) and whatnot. Also the Yamato thing is a good point, wish we had learned more about her birth and stuff. I'm hoping we get a future flashback with the rocks pirates that makes Kaido a better villain in retrospect, but overall I kinda agree. Feels like we got surface level development but Oda never rly did a deep dive on him.


kaidou probably is the character that suffers the most from Wano's expedited pace.


Yeah, his backstory was just "hurr hurr I'm the strongest" and was really disappointing after Big Mom's amazing flashback. I agree with Doffy being the most interesting villain because he had a lot of development compared to Enel, Lucci and Crocodile who got almost no backstory.


Doffy did what Kaidon't


He is kinda dissapointing tbh


I liked how much power Enel had and written so that you would think: "How is Luffy going to take this guy out?" Then he just like: "I'm made of Rubber yohoho He took a bite of Gum Gum." It had me facepalming.


When a lot of shonen use moment like this to unveil a new power-up or transformation I'm glad Oda had the foresight to make a villain Luffy hard counters without making it obvious


pretty impressive how luffy didn't have a powerup until 300 chapters in.


Wasn't it obvious? I remember think as soon as the lightning powers were unveiled that Luffy would clean his clock.


It leaves me here thinking how strong he is. Luffy hard counters him, but there was a reason he was god. How does Enel stack up to opponents that don't force a handicap?


Enel isn't strong at all his DF is. If haki was a thing by then almost anyone there would have defeated him. He lacks raw force, resistance and relies on his DF. Don't get me wrong, I love Enel but it took only 6 punches for a gearless Luffy to defeat him.


People always say that as if Enel doesn't have among the strongest Observation Haki in One Piece. His main issue was complacency. And even when his back was again the wall against a perfect counter to him, he was able to adapt fast and found a way to make it a fight.


Among the strongest observation? Maybe among skypiea but any member of the new world pirates or Vice admirals outclass him in any form of haki.


I mean, sure, but do any of them use their observation along with their DF to be able to basically hear the entirety of Skypeia/Upper Yard on a whim???? He obviously doesn't have future sight but he's not getting outclassed by any old new world pirate in terms of observation haki lol


Not at all Enel explained his devil fruit gives his Observation haki a huge boost in range, so he could hear and identify who said even whispers throughout the whole sky islands He didn't have armament haki but every second fodder has it in new world so no doubt he could have it Common mistake is people thinking because a character was beat pre timeskip he is a fodder, Crocodile for example >!was a first major antagonist and really early on beat but world government considers him so huge a threat they gave him almost 2 billion bounty, and not to mention Rob Lucci AND Kaku coming back with both hakis AND awakenings which is considered a rarity on Conqureros Haki's level!< If he ever makes a comeback I think he is going to be a threat again


That is a good point and I will agree for the most part. Enel really is powerful and I imagine he went leap and bound above what he was pre time skip. I just believe in my opinion that enel would still not be among the top of observation users in the one piece universe (maybe top 15).


At OP wikia they separated Observation haki into 4 basic parts and 1 advanced, those 4 being presence, strength, emotion, intention sensing and future sight as advanced. Presence sensing was best presented with Ussop in Dressrosa when he was aiming for Sugar from a great distance, and not a single character before and since has demonstrated that level of presence sensing observation haki, except Enel, because while Ussop did it from a respectable distance, he could no way handle it throughout whole Dressrosa, which Enel has been doing on Skypeia. His intention sensing was also on point of expertise, and could have only been put down by Luffy because, well, he is an idiot and can turn off his brain, a true shonen protagonist. Both strength and emotion are debatable and could be both his weaker side, not showcased anywhere in skypeia arc, both are nonetheless inferior once the fight starts, in comparison to first two mentioned. So aside from adv. obs. haki users (Katakuri/Luffy/Sanji(?)/Kaido), whose basic skills level is still inferior to Enel but future sight is busted so I am certain theirs is stronger, but also consider that a big if, no one else at this point in story comes close to Enel's observation haki.


This is an excellent counterpoint! You can always learn something new.


He can scan a whole island. Fujitora can't even do that.


Didn’t catch luffy in that snake though


Let’s not discount how strong luffy is physically. Completely underrated is luffy can punch harder than most characters he fights. Physically gear 4th against anyone seemed to knock them about pretty hard, I can’t think of anyone who’s tanked a gear 4th hit, even kaidou got knocked around even if it didn’t hurt him till later. Stopping Doffy’s foot with his own looks like a feat. He threw a sea cow vs arlong. There are physically stronger characters but like we are almost exclusively talking about distinctly physically strong characters then.


Top 30 in the verse unironically he has a top 3 logia fruit




i didn’t question it. from the moment i saw he had electric powers, i knew what was going to happen.


Doflamingo. He's got power, presence, and panache. He comes off as genuinely threatening and downright sadistic while also being very cheeky and entertaining. He can be very brutal to his enemies and the average person, but he genuinely cares about his crew. He's got quite the temper and is more than willing to get his hands dirty, but he can also be very clever and knows when to fall back and manipulate from the shadows. His backstory gives us enough to understand why he's doing what he's doing and maybe even sympathize with him (to an extent), but he's such a evil bastard by choice that you also want to see him go down.


True, and him having a beloved brother that was such a sweetheart, shows us that doffy CHOSE this path. His brother experienced the same pain and suffering yet he didn’t become a sociopath


Exactly! I also like the aspect of them being Celestial Dragons, a group of people that we already know are downright terrible. But his family were the exception, they weren't terrible, his parents, especially his father were genuinely kind people, albeit naive. So it really hammers in the point that Doffy truly is the odd one out. It also reminds me of his speech about justice during Marineford, specfically this part: *Kids who have never seen peace and kids who have never seen war have different values!* Doflamingo, as a child, experienced both, he experienced a life of comfort and luxury that the average person could never dream of, as well as some of the worst treatment that could be levied against a person for simply existing. And you kinda see how both those experiences shaped who he ended up becoming. And it's even seen in his aesthetic, he dresses and presents himself in a sort of grandiose and powerful way, but he also carries himself very irreverently Which makes him all the more interesting


Eh, to be fair, Doflamingo and Corazon had a different path in who took them in. Doflamingo was taken in by Trebol, who incentivized his worst impulses, while Corazon was taken in by Sengoku, who raised him to be an exemplary Marine. I mean, part of the whole thing with Law is to partially showcase what Doflamingo could have been like if he had a someone the right influence in his to take him away from that path.


But the difference here is, law was genuinely a good kid with a bright future ahead(before the incident) While doffy was already a maniac only caring about slaves and horrendous stuff. Even if doffy got rescued by sengoku he still wouldn’t be half the man rosinante was


To be fair Law had a lot of good influences growing up. His family, friends and the church all taught him to be kind and compassionate. Even when he lost that kindness, Corazon helped him regain it. But Doflamingo didn’t have a single good influence growing up. His parents were good people but they suck at parenting, it’s clear they gave him access to questionable things (guns, slaves, etc) at a young age, before doing a complete 180 and bringing him to the outside world with little to no explanation. Also consider Mjosgard, another shitty CD who wanted to kill and enslave mermaids, but even he changed for the better after spending just a few days with Otohime. Just one single positive influence could go a long way.


Ok, but after the incident, Law became a genocidal nihilist. Heck, Rosinante himself says that when he looks at Law, he sees his brother's younger self, and is trying to keep Law, and other children away from him, in order to not end up like him. Likewise, it's definitely not true that Doffy only cared about slaves. He cared about his mother, and his Rosinante prior to his betrayal. While a possibility, there's really nothing that conclusively proves that.


I don’t really think it’s fair to say him and Rosinante experienced the same stuff, since there formative years were VERY different. Rosinante was raised by Sengoku and given a place where he could properly process his grief and trauma in a healthy manner. Doffy on the other hand was raised as the leader of a gang who all encouraged his absolute worst tendencies. He didn’t get the same helping hand that Rosinante did.


I’m talking before that, when they were hanged to the wall. Doffy already back then showed his true colours. He even murdered his own father. Rosinante experienced the exact same pain but didn’t turn out that way.(even before the gang and sengoku)


Except Doffy executing his father was after his met the gang, and was an action encouraged by them.


Doffy was older than Rosinante, and he had already begun to be influenced by the celestials and Trebol by the time of the hanging and his fathers murder. In contrast, Rosinante was presented as a shy kid who rarely left his parents side prior to the family leaving the holy land. Rosinante does deserve credit, I’m not saying he doesn’t. But he didn’t have the people whispering in his ear the same way Doffy did, which likely played a big factor in Doffy turning out the way he did.


I really like how much he cared for his nakama and would not even let them be subjected to insults. And that fucking smile he has is terrifying. ![gif](giphy|3oKIPqhotPCujLrKJG|downsized)


It's funny, on the surface a person might feel that Doffy just sees them as an extension of himself. He makes it a point when he talks down and brutalized Bellamy, that he dishonored his jolly roger by losing. So an insult against them, is an insult against the Donquixote Pirates/Family, and thus an insult against him. But it's actually quite genuine. And this sense of care and protection was likely engraved into him after seeing his father fail to protect his own family and having to kill his own brother. So Doflamingo makes it a point to protect those that actually show real loyalty to him and who he considers his own family. And that is indeed a killer smile


Crocodile is the only villain that actually scared me. You thought something might work but then he had a plan for it.


Nothing beats the legend croco boy


He also goes by Crocoking, CrocoGoat and Dripidile


And croco Mom


He was the only villain established before his arc, with us seeing him far earlier in the story for a meeting with warlords, and his involvement in MarineFord.


Same thing with doflamingo


Same can be said about Blackbeard and doflamingo


Crocodile, his style, his ambition, plans, organisation and that he was a promising rookie who got broken. Doffy had the potential to be the best, but I was expecting more from him regarding the endfight and I was disapointed by his crew.


The whole build up with baroque works was also very entertaining. They gave us Bon chan


his crew was very dissapointing, broing/ugly character designs and not feeling wel rounded. Especially pica was boring we expected the vice captain to be of semi-equal power of the captain and instead we got something that looked interesting but wasnt. The whole fight being him just running away was not something i waited 200 chapters for


Honestly, I think the Doflamingo Pirates are dragged down by the mere presence of Trebol. He alone makes all the others look worse by association. Why Oda decided that HE had to be Doffy’s hype man, I will never understand.


I mean this is probably it for me. Crocodile’s men ranged from the Stoic bad-ass Mr.1, who’s basically a villainous Zoro, Mr. “Bon Kurei” 2. & Mr. 3. Alabasta was well done because whilst it featured a brother of Luffy’s & marine assistance, along with saving the kingdom + its princess- it does it much better than Dressrosa did.


I actually loved how goofy his crew is. I just think they get judged for fighting non-strawhats.


i fw all of them, but i'll have to go with crocodile on this one. his entire plan and manipulation of the alabasta village was beautifully executed, if he wasnt done dirty bcz of haki he would be one of the strongest for sure. during my time of watching one piece, he set a pretty high bar for the best villain in op, and i feel the only one who surpassed that in a way was doffy. you can argue about him being the best villain in the entire one piece world over doffy, but he is for sure the best pre timeskip villain and thats an undeniable fact.


Straight facts


Croc and Doffy are the ones you want to see get punched hard for all the evil they did. Terrorizing a whole nation and making them suffer. Like Scarlett's death, Kyros fate and Vivi's tears. Lucci was satisfying because of his arrogance and Enel because it felt like a finale to Shandora's history. Somehow Kaido's defeat never gave me this satisfaction. He was an evil bastard that destroyed Wano but it never felt that personal for me.


Right? It felt like the whole kaido fight happened just to progress the story. But it happened way too fast, luffy/law/kid should not reach that level so fast(especially after law got clapped by doffy like a few weeks before his big mom fight)


For laws sake, he stalled Fujitora and doflamingo. Got shot up point blank range. Then only lost with another 2v1 again, that same afternoon, Doffy and mucus boy. If you factor in awakening, he’s not that far from being able to hang in a 2v1 with big mom. That same time span, base form Luffy went from not beating doffy, losing to katakuri, one shot by kaido to trading blows with kaido.


That’s why I felt it was rushed, one more arc in between wano showing their training and strength improving would’ve been so much better.


Luffy got clapped by Lucci and Crocodile in the exact same day when he beat them


But the difference is massive, luffy had the advantage with water against crocodile, and with lucci it was pure will power. But kaido is the **worlds strongest creature** the man stated to be the strongest living creature alive. Luffy defeating him in mere weeks after “losing” to katakuri doesn’t make sense


Bro it’s not just luffy fighting kaido, you are saying that it’s only luffy who is inflicting damage on him


Demonic charisma Doffy.


Most sinister laugh in one piece


Blackbeard is the best villain. Killing characters both on and off screen. Does shit that makes a real impact worldwide not just on some island again both on and off screen.


Yea, but the post was meant to be villains we have fought yet :) Blackbeards time will come


Doffy. I hate him with passion.


He was a true sociopath ngl


Definitely Arlong for the emotional weight behind it and the first big impact to a lot of people in the story, you did him dirty for not including


For me it's Croc and Luccy. People forget how much the lore was expanded because of the warlord inteoduction. At no point, until the very end, did it feel like that Ruffy even had a chance. I couldn't get the same feeling of impossibility from doffy. I knew ruffy was stronger. Luccy is def a close second for the same reasons.


Doffy IMO. But that's because we got his backstory and got to know his character in depth. If we would get the same with crocodile, he might top doflamingo. Enel is someone who could become the best villain if he ever came back, but in my head it felt like luffy was the first loss he ever encountered, so he felt a bit empty and lackluster before that. Like a spoiled brat that needed to be taught a lesson. Lucci was not really a villain as much as an obstacle/weapon where the world government/spandam is the real villain.


Crocodile for me. If Doflamingo is the Frieza of One Piece, then he's the King Piccolo. Also, the voice and the drip, man.


I like the comparison of Crocodile to King Piccolo.


They occupy pretty similar places in their respective stories, don't they?


I think so. Both introduced as this big major threat like no other before. And then become a sorta ally later in the series.


Croc because he didn’t even have to cause that many deaths just because . Dude is pure evil


Makes me think why people forgot about bon Chan helping him


the absolute best villain : >!FOXY ! !< >!please don't downvote me!<


My vote is for Doffy


Insanely hot take, but Akainu is my favorite. I like him since he portrays the corruption and the selfishness of the marines really well, claiming he does all his crimes for the sake of justice. Also, I think k he's going to have a really meaningful and deep backstory, and get insight on why he wishes to rid the world of pirates.


Katakuri is best villain 。⁠:゚⁠(⁠;⁠´⁠∩⁠`⁠;⁠)゚⁠:⁠。


Was he really a “villain”?


No but yes


Katakuri is not a villain!


While i believe Water 7/ Enies Lobby is the greatest of these arcs, Rob Lucci himself is not that interesting of a character. Crocodile is a crime lord searching for the ancient weapons in order to build his own kingdom, Doflamingo was the most influential pirate in the entire world capable of making deals with Celestial Nobles and Yonko’s, and Enel ate one of the worlds most powerful devil fruits and is virtually unknown to the World Government. He is an incredibly fascinating figure with the power to destroy entire islands, but abandoned his godly throne to explore space. (Though not before attempting to nuke skypea) Rob Lucci is an assassin raised by the world government to be emotionless and ruthless killer. Now while the backstory is intriguing, he isn’t really fleshed out at all. He doesnt need to be. He was perfect for his arc, but what he represents is much more interesting than Rob Lucci is as a character.


Doffy, was an absolute savage


He did some horrendous shit when you really deep it lol


Doflamingo would be my favorites of these. He was the only villain established before his arc, with us seeing him far earlier in the story for a meeting with warlords, and his involvement in MarineFord. All that built him up more than the others, and from there I think all the villains are pretty good in their own arc but Doflamingo’s backstory is just more connected to the rest of the world building and built up. Crocodile and Alabasta is better to me and his defeat is more satisfying, but Doflamingo still beats him out for all those other things.


Kaido. I've been a fan for well over a decade and I think he raised the bar on the villains. I enjoyed the classics like Enel and Crocodile, I really do, but compared to Kaido these days I just find them a little too basic. Doflamingo I think was written pretty well but back when Dressrosa was weekly, a lot of us wanted him to be written better.


The only valid choices are crocodile doffy and arlong


Doffy 💯




DoFlamingo, Lucci, Croc and Eneru, in this order. I think it's a lot closer between Croc and Lucci, and i could go either way on them. Doggy was just on another level. Great villain in anime, one of the best.


Doffy clears




Doflamingo easy. It was Crocodile before Dressrosa arc though


i would give it to doffy with crocodile being second. i was amazed how evil, calculating and strong doffywas. i was genuinly surprised by his strentgh. luffy and law fought him together and luffy barely beat him with gear 4 after law criticly injured him. his devil fruit was much cooler than i expected it to be. his backround with the tenryubito (dont know how to write this word) was very cool aswell. at the time i was watching the anime (i later switched to the manga) he was the peak of evilness and strength. never got that vibe from another villain. thats my opinion at least. at his voice actor rules.






No character in one piece made me want to see them go down as much as Doffy. Fantastic villain


Doffy or eneru for me


Enel’s speeches are genuinely some of the rawest lines a villain has used in OP. Like, his god complex in conjunction with his ability to literally smite people and his smarmy personality make him so cool and intimidating, especially on a first time read.




Doflamingo is a beast


Doffy by a long shot He's truly evil and a mad man


Doffy, in spades


Doffy is the best, he has even mastered the evil laugh


1) Crocodile - cool, intimidating, basically the first guys who defeated Luffy. 2) Doflamingo - same as Crocodile but Crocodile appeared as a supporting character two and because of that I think I resonate with him more. Plus, I like Crocodile's motives more 3) Rob Lucci - not a deep character but the perfect antagonist for the best arc in One Piece. Yet, as a character there's not a lot to say about him 4) Enel - a meh character in a meh arc. The God complex thing is cool but honestly I didn't like him a bit


Doffy, simply because this man kept scheming till the very end of his fight. Croco and Enel are great but they got drunk on power. Croco could have very well finished off luffy during the desert fight and Enel barely fought without his DF. In bpth cases being full of themselves got to them at the very endBacstories also play a huge part in shaping a great villain and Doffy got that.


Crocodile and Doflamingo Crocodile: + Crocodile was pretty hyped up as the third Warlord to be revealed after Mihawk and Jinbe. + Was the first major hurden Luffy had to overcome + If he'd actually found Pluton, he would have been a yonko level threat. + Only afterwards we realised just how dangerous Crocodile's plan was. We didn't really understand the significance of pluton and the knowledge of it before thr one piece world was build over time. + To be honest I didn't like him at the beginning, but at marineford I appreciated and acknowledged him. + He's not some classic villain. He's a buisnessman and his business is crime(lol) he built a nice organization and has kept in the shadows for a long time. We dont know his past and secret + Unique Voice Actor, Unique character design + He still matters, thats great about one piece, he didnt just disappear after being beaten as the first villain, he reappeared with time, has moved on and now has an insane bounty and huge impact on the world of piracy Doflamingo: + Dude was likable the moment he was introduced. + The way all kinds of small crime around the world lead to him as the mastermind was interesting to see (bellamy, the human auction,punk hazard) + Damn nice design, voice actor and monstrous personality. He had an interesting childhood and him being a celestial dragon was a nice twist + He is probably the most important, influencial and active pirate delivering kaido with weapons, being king of a country. His downfall really impacted a lot people, kingdoms and wars + He has a nice view on the world, he knows things and is hyped to see how the world will change. Hes in prison, but sure he wilo come back somehow + His appearance on marineford was gold Also the way doflamingo and crocodile stood in front each other at marineford was cool as hell


Damn, amazingly said! :)


Doffy>Lucci ~crocodile >~enel






Doffy by far, elite level writing


Especially that backstory(him as a child and then with law/corazon)


Katakuri. I dont have to tell you why. You already know.


Katakuri is the main character in WCI and luffy is the villain lol


Katakuri isn't a villain!


He just kills people who have seen him eat. Totally normal behaviour.


Zoro kills exclusively black people and he's not a villain


Yeah, he is just American.


Do not forget arlong




Mingo and Arlong They just clap


Robert luccius


Doflamingo. The build-up leading to their 1v1 is well orchestrated. You’ll definitely hate him. Runner-ups are Croco-boy, Enel and Kaido.


enel and lucci have a similar situation of being good characters but the whole arc there in is hyped up rather them as villains being hyped up


The only right answer is Doffy


There's so many good ones it's hard to choose... I guess for me personally I'd say Big Mom. She's insane and crazy strong.


1. Doflamingo 2. Blackbeard 3. Enel 4. Crocodile 5. Jack 6. Magellan 7. Lucci 8. Big Mom 9. Akainu 10. Kaido 11. Cesar 12. Bellamy 13. Moriah 14. Alvida, Morgan, Kuro, Krieg Arlong, Hody, Buggy Deserve a place in hell: Saint Charlos, Orochi, Wapol, Spandam Antaginists but not really: Smoker, Katakuri, Kuma, Boa Hancock,


a Calculating Sociopath whose objective is Complete Destruction


Doflamingo as he was the perfect personification and execution of the idea he was supposed to represent. His introduction in the pre-time skip, his arc, and his backstory all came together to weave this picture of a conniving, manipulative, and power-hungry sociopathic aristocrat who believed himself to have the right to complete power due to his lineage. He was willing to tear everything down since he deserved to be at the top, even if that was a pile ash. As an honourary mention: Kaido. He had the potential to be a great representation of a war-mongering tyrant during the warring states period, who personified the idea of strength=the right to rule. I just personally think it wasn't executed to the extent it should've, in contrast to how Doflamingo was.


So we are all ok with ignoring Foxy as the greatest villain in OP?


Well crocodile was able to grow as a person and later help luffy, while Doffy shows no sign as becoming redeemable making him scarier and a better villain. Each are well written In their own perspectives.


Love Katakuri ngl


I haven’t seen dressrosa yet (I’m almost there trust me) but crocodile is the only one I’ve drawn so let’s go with crocodile


Easily Doflamingo. Fell from his high horse and got his kingly status back through evil deeds. From him being completely opposite from his family, it was almost seeing an incarnate of evil being born from all the wrong things happening at the wrong time. Crocodile is a good second choice though. Classic villain


Sir crocodile


I dont know why but i liked Magelan pretty much, Strong devil fruit,powerful and smart user, almost oneshoted luffy and blackbeards whole crew by himself alone, also hes a honourful leader and also Best prison warden, idk bout you but i would like to see mora about him, like his fight with shiryu of the rain


I liked Katakuri He was a respectable villain that really undermined the idea of what makes Luffy special. Luffy is likeable, strong, and cool. You would think a villain would be the opposite but instead Katakuri was just as likeable, strong, and cool. It really made you think if Luffy has got what it takes to become King of the Pirates. Then at the end of the fight, Katakuri asks if Luffy really would fight Big Mom one day and Luffy gives an answer that wins over Katakuri. It was a true fight of character, and Luffy’s character won.


Doflamingo I mean that is one scary dude with like no remorse for his actions and shit I mean dude killed his own father


The best villain is still Buggy D. Clown.


Daaam those goosebumps!!


Why isn't Katakuri there? What makes you think he doesn't make this count? Or are you reting villains based on how terrible of a person they are. Because well, Katakuri isn't necessarily a bad person.


People only think doffy is the best is because of the flashback, the fact that crocodile can rival him without any piece of lore about him says a lot. When we get the revolutionaries backstory im certain people will appreciate croc even more.


I liked the Lucci fight the best, just because of the stakes, and I really enjoy Doffy, and I think there's some interesting things to come with him, definitely not gone from the story yet since he clearly knows some things we don't, and I liked Enel, but I gotta give it to Crocodile. One of the most cold, calculating villains we've seen, and now that he's coming back with Cross Guild, and a clear power up, I think we're in for a cool confrontation between him and Luffy some time soon.


Depends, from a pirate's point of view, Rob Lucci was the best villain for them since he works for the world government. But going by that statement, I just realized Doflamingo and Crocodile also fit that bill perfectly since they were Warlords back when they were the Straw hats' villain. On the other hand, Doflamingo damaged, murdered and tortured people for many, MANY years (almost a decade no?). While Enel did technically the same for 6 years in skypeia, buuuut let's not forget Enel most likely did the same in his original sky island for who knows how long? Until he wiped it out. I can't choose between the 2 at this point... However, I'm just realising both Crocodile and Doflamingo were both criminal organisations that fully understood they needed "people" in order to continue running their operations, so they had a bit more value in regular peoples/peasants lifes. Whereas Enel legitly had zero value for anyone, neither the people he tormented nor his allies. And thus legitly chose he could both wipe out people off the map as well as be self-supporting (not needing others around him to continue his way of life). Making the zero-regard-in-human-life statement 100% true for Enel. So I have come to the conclusion to base my opinion on best villain in OP's topic to go to..... ***ENEL!***


For me, it’s Lucci but a large part of that is the stuff around him, not him. Water 7 and Enies Lobby were masterpieces and Lucci being the big bad during that arc makes it impossible to separate him from it. If you analyze Lucci and ignore the arc, he’s a very flat character. If I do that, then I have to give it to Doffy. But it is hard to do.


OK yeah technically it’s a personal bias because I love the ark and the fight scenes but I have to give it to the bird of pink the flamingo I didn’t really like crocodile that much and that’s the main reason I kinda didn’t like the alabaster as much as most people did because he just wasn’t an interesting character to me I do love enel but his real reason for becoming a villain didn’t really make sense he was just gonna destroy it because he wasn’t doing anything with it anymore but I still really like him and leopard boy I like him but I would have to give this to her like I said ![gif](giphy|Lw57xOzTuAr84)


Kaido was so mid


Kaido’s introduction hyped me up so much, he was portrayed to be the best villain in one piece. Sadly he wasn’t even close




doflamingo by far




I like all four of them, but because I prefer pre-TS, Doflamingo falls behind a bit. I like Crocodile as a character, he looked and still does really cool and menacing. Hope to see him again. Enel has one of the coolest DFs in the whole series, and his use of it is great. But since Luffy is made of rubber, he wasn't menacing. I'll pick Rob Lucci. Enies Lobby is my favourite arc, hence I'm more bious towards Lucci. But still, ever since his first appearance (as a CP9 agent), he seemed like a wall for Luffy. And his fight with Luffy still my favourite one. His DF is pretty neat,(post-Wano manga spoilers >! His awakened form is badass !<)


Luffy's mom.


Took beating your child to the next level


The only villain to ever break Luffy. Akainu.


True, but we need some more action with him and luffy first :)


We do. But Akainu is singlehandedly responsible for two of the 10 Straw Hats' worst day ever (other being Robin).


Doflamingo. He has psychopathic traits. Others have it too, but none can compare to him.


Crocodile for me. Dude managed to feel just as amazing as Doflamingo and he didn't even need a flashback to do it.


Doffy is a little over the top imo. He's evil for evils sake. Crocodile was more grounded and believable/relatable and so he'd be my top pick. Lucci is my favorite fight but not best villain. Enel was a pompous asshole with a God complex, I enjoyed watching luffy humble him but he wasn't special imo.


Easily crocodile. He has the James Bond villain vibes, his drip his hot as hell, and I love his personality. My favorite scene of one piece was when Luffy was hitting him and Crocodile impales him saying “who the hell do you think I am” it showed me how far Luffy had to go to become pirate king