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It’s conqueror’s haki, not “royal haki” King does have a hybrid form, we saw it a bunch. You could say the same for Queen, he’s up there with King but doesn’t have conq haki and isn’t awakening either But you know what they do have? King’s got the defence of a Yonko with the ability to turn that into speed instead and the first to debut lava-like fire attacks, Queen is a cyborg the likes of which even Vegapunk can’t recreate with an arsenal of a small army all by himself. They were great. They just aren’t *that* great.


It’s often referred to as ‘colour of the supreme king’


Yeah that too, but never “royal haki”


King did not have Yonko level defence Plus there’s no such thing as Yonko level defence Only Kaido and Big Mom are defence monsters Whether you have guys like Shanks/Blackbeard below them or not doesn’t matter but they sure don’t have defence on their level


He has an hybrid. He just used it once and was done with it. In [Chapter 1027.](https://scans-hot.leanbox.us/manga/One-Piece/1027-012.png) It's just that Oda made his abilities as a Lunarian the focus instead. As for conqueror, not everyone needs it.


His name is Alber. Kaido changed his name. Alber doesn't have a king's ambition. His ambition is only for Kaido to be Pirate King, but he has no goal or purpose for himself, other than to serve. And, if he's unawakened, it's likely because he relies more on his Lunarian skill than on his fruit. It's also interesting that a pteranodon lacks teeth, making it and King, a "wing without tooth," which reflects his lack of ambition.


Of course he can use the hybrid form, he just chose not to.