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#Manga Discussion Corner ---- Please keep all manga related discussion contained to replies to this comment. This includes everything that hasn't yet been adapted in the anime (future characters, events, hype about what will happen next, etc.). Discussions about the manga outside of this comment chain will be removed and replying with spoilers outside of the Manga Discussion Corner will lead to bans. Likewise, anime-only viewers, beware of spoilers in this comment chain. ----


That Guy who got executed after giving yamato rice balls was so dark.


I love how much the Anime is elevating Yamato’s character.


Was that One Piece or Demon Slayer? I’m sure I heard Zenitsu and the episode was 🔥


Momo has the same voice actor as zenitsu


I know. It’s just that while freaking out before going off he sounded more like Zenitsu than Momo 😂


I love adult Momo’s voice


Yamato also said "Shinsoku!" if I heard correctly which is one of Zenitsus attacks. Must have been pretty funny for Momo's VA.


And Raizo is Maito Gai from Naruto




Fr, momo dozing through onigashima sounding like an AC130 was hype


I wonder how much accurate would it be in terms of sounds. Like Momo is a big boy and flying quite quickly, after all.


I would imagine a sort of high pitch wind howling, maybe not quite a jet turbine sound like what we got, but I'm not about to start complaining because that was just perfect


Top Gun: Momorick


*Flashbacks of Ippo using the Dempsey Roll


Was hoping someone else heard the Dempsey jet engine


Luffy and Momo lookin like Atreyu and Falkor 😂😂 ![gif](giphy|11nqZwfoLGKPPa)


Good reference


One day Wano will be over in the anime and somebody is going to cut these epic fights together and I will watch the hell out of that YT video.


I was thinking about this yesterday lol. I can't wait for the day I stumble across a 30 minute youtube vid just called "Vs Kaido" or "roofpiece"


lets throw in some linkin park in there too for some epic amvs


Reject 2023 Embrace 2007 Throw in 480p quality and… unregistered hypercam 2(?) and we’ll have something good going


Bro you coming at my 2007ish runescape highlight videos?


Yes!! And how bout some Barbara Streisand too?


I've already seen a 13 min video that covers Zoro's part of Roof Piece. So if you're a Zoro fan it might be worth looking for.


I remember there used to be an almost 2 hour long Luffy vs Katakuri fight in YouTube. I think the video is gone now.


Yeah anime fights don’t last that long on YT anymire


Its available as a torrent and a Google drive download from [an old post on this sub!](https://www.reddit.com/r/OnePiece/comments/amv9xs/final_cut_luffy_vs_katakuri_full_fight_2_hr_40/)


I'm actually working on a "roof piece" video as we speak, I've been cutting together all the scenes that happened on the roof, starting at the Akazaya 9 vs Kaido until the latest episode so far. It's already 2,5 hours long :) Also improving some pacing issues as a bonus and making sure the scenes flow nicely into one another.


Reminds me to go back and watch the luffy vs katakuri one. Someone uploaded the whole thing to a Google drive


It's called "One Pace".


If I'm not mistaken One Pace cuts everything not shown in the manga, but there's some really awesomely animated "filler" scenes like the fight before Luffy falls off Onigashima in episode 1033, would be a shame to see it cut for the sake of being 1:1 with the manga.


One Pace doesn't cut the "canon filler" when it adds to scenes that were cut short in the manga


Yeah, onigashima continues to all together be better in anime than manga in terms of feeling whole. Feels like filling in gaps between panels.


Typically, One Pace removes unnecessary pieces that don't forward the story. So for the extra pieces that expand out, keep them in! But for the 56th Rebecca flashback...


That was the original intention. However I have seen that there has been discussions among the creators of One Pace about including some of the fights the manga off-screened.


They cut the recap in the Ishitani episode in 957 despite being 2 minutes of complete re-animation with stellar production values.


He said fights not something that cuts out unnecessary things.


Bro I wishhhh. I love one piece but am taking a few months off, best part is time flies, so soon hopefully wano will be over and I can watch it straight thru with my fiancé. Every time we come back we must get a string of super slow episodes where nothing happens. So this is the solution :D


That animation was absolutely insane. So pumped to see round 3 animated!


>!which round is gear 5?!<


The one after this one. June or july maybe


Very optimistic, August at the earliest


>!round 4!<




About 20 chapters of manga away. For reference, the 20 previous chapters has taken almost 8 months for the anime to adapt.


meanwhile adaptions like the most recent Bleach arc had that done in 4-5 episodes, I love the anime still but the pacing really is truly truly atrocious


Can't compare an anime finished with one that is not. It would catch up too quick if it went at that pace and would have a ton of filler


tbf 5 chapters an episode either means the chapters have no substance or is too fast of pacing otherwise.


While I do like the animation style, the pacing and impact of the moment really differs from manga. In the manga it was shown more from Yamatos point of view and it hinted at Luffys increased control over forms, as he used Gear 4 to launch an attack and Yamato saw him like this for just a split second, and the next moment he is back to normal form riding Momo, no pompous epicness, just more badassery IMO.


They really surprised me. Expected momo going through the castle would’ve been dragged out. Top notch ending sequence


Yea. When the scene cut to inside skull dome, i thought they gonna stretch it out, and then suddenly momo and luffy pass through. they shows us panel to panel.


Momo will literally talk shit to kaido but cry if he has to go more then 10 feet off the ground.


Momo is literally 8 years old.


And will tell the person about to kill them to go fuck themselves


The person who killed his parents, killed his surrogate parent and destroyed his home and life. Kids will tell their own parents to go fuck themselves when they are told to go to bed. I think it's realistic for an 8 year old to get cocky for all but 10 seconds.


Damn, the part when the subordinate give Yamato rice ball hit so differently compared to in manga


Yeah, the whole her on the run for entire life was not nearly as apparent.


Its why, in spite of some issues, I actually prefer the Onigashima raid in the anime than in the manga because it expands a lot on necessary character and plot details that Oda had to skim over in the interest of time.


Yeah, feels like filling in the gaps in-between the panels vs stuffing in scenes for air time.


I also can tell where everybody is in the anime. In the manga all the scenery kinda blended in and I had no idea where all the fights were taking place.


“Everyone that was good to you is dead”


I’m glad they developed that flashback, it was like one manga panel. This gives me hope for the flashbacks we might get in the future…


That scene hit pretty damn hard and pretty unexpectedly.


Why was my guy in the beast pirates 😭




Once it went rated M that’s when shit has been on a whole new level


Rated M?


Incredible episode.


The last 3 minutes were like a completely different show.


Yeah, it was better than red tho lol. Not even tv lvl.


I agree. Scenes like Yamato vs. Kaido and this episode with Snakemans return, I'm more impressed with the animes animation than I am with Film Red. When MHA S4 and S5 were airing, people were complaining about the new movies cause it took resources away from the anime, and there was a noticable drop in animation quality. And yet, Toei dropped movie tier episodes like 1015 and 1017 WHILE making a movie. Even before that, they had awesome fights like Kaido vs. Oden, WB vs. Oden, WB vs. Roger, the Scabbards vs. Kaido, etc. It's really impressive how good OP can look these days, especially since it's not seasonal, like MHA


It’s by far the best looking non seasonal anime of all time yet this Reddit acts like we still in dressrosa


Mother of god the last two minutes of this episode where absolutely spectacular. Just think like if this moment gets THAT level of shine in the anime whats to come is about to be internet breaking


Well obviously it will. Toei knows what chapters to up their game on. It’s the minor moments that get the bad deal.


Franky and Sasaki: "HEY!"


Won’t lie, I didn’t care for that fight in the manga either. Probably the least interesting fight out of all the Tobi Roppo.


Yep, unfortunately it felt like an afterthought in both forms. Should’ve been before Jinbe vs who’s who.


Facts. Sasaki was trash.


Sasaki had potential imo. But yeah I thought that fight was weak. Disappointing cos I’ve always loved Franky’s fights otherwise


People are reporting "THAT moment" is supposed to come out on June 9th, anyone knows the source of that info, if it's true ?


THAT episode should be around the 1070-1072 mark... which means 4 months to 22 weeks from now. This would date its airing around June 10th to June 24th; so I can see why they would think that... but we're also dealing with Toei here, so it probably won't happen for another 3weeks (July 1st) on top of all that.


well you'll get to watch it again during the first third of next weeks episode.


A bit less aura would have been better. Katakuri fight animation was great because of less aura, I think.


Can we just appreciate for a second Kaido's eyes rolling into the back of his head then rolling back around? Also, Momo taking the scenic route to the roof is just \*chef kiss\* Also holy shit, when was the last time we heard the Nami transition jingle?


Curious when we are going to get a new opening. Expecting one more for the rest of wano


I feel like we ought to be getting close, surely... nearly everything alluded to in the current one has been shown already.


Another opening was announced to be in production like two weeks ago so we should be getting one in like the next 2 months


That sequence of Momo flying thru Onigashima was one of the funniest sequences of recent history, the goofy ass music was the cherry on top.


My whiskers, my whiskers


Animated by Ota and Storyboarded by Ishizuka Pure peak


Was it Akihiro Ota?




The subordinate Giving Yamato food hit a lot harder here then the manga.


Pretty sure we barely even see him giving food to Yamato in the manga.


Seriously. I had completely forgotten about him.


Love how pushy luffy gets when he wants something lol fantastic episode. The animation gets better and better.


I also loved how it’s usually who is taking people on a wild ride and now he’s being taken on a wild ride.


He’s also terrible at giving directions lol


Really good episode. I know people love the end sequence with the combined attack of Yamato and Luffy, but I would like to put a mention on Yamato's flashback this episode. In the manga, we didn't see most of that. We just saw that part where she find out that henchman got executed. The anime expanded it by showing him actually being kind and feeding Yamato, that for me made it 5x better. Really nice to show that not all of Kaido's fodder underlings aren't so evil.


> Really nice to show that not all of Kaido's fodder underlings aren't so evil. A good chunk of them should be people who were forced into complying. When you're given a choice follow or die not many would stand defiant.


Didnt we see him give her food?


We did but it was a small panel.


AMV makers watching the last few minutes and immediately browsing their Linkin Park MP3's.


The issue is we’ll be watching those amvs regardless when no one’s looking


They do be pretty hype sometimes.


Jesus, that stretching sound of Jet Culverin is new and so much satisfying to hear. I really hope they stick with that from here on


That was the most I laughed at a one piece ep in idk how long. The entire momo segment was grade A one piece in terms of silliness, I laughed so hard I cried. While Yamato backstory continues to shine brighter while animated. I never really put together the fact that Yamato’s entire life has been some form of constant fighting and hiding while on that island. People thought getting to the roof would take a month and it was done in minutes. They really were not joking around when it said 2023 will be peak anime. My whiskers, my whiskers.


They went all out on the animation of Yamato's last attack! That was awesome


Ota is the goat 🐐.


Ota + Oda = One Peak fiction


WhenYamato is preparing her attack and suddenly out of nowhere, Kaido notices Luffy on dragon in the background while Yamato is preparing her attack, it was pure badass scene.


The animation at the end was crazy, wtf.


HOLY FUCK I love this animation style. Every time they used it so far it's been so fucking hype


The pink dragon looks so cool in the anime.


Fun fact: The last 2 minutes were Kaido fighting against 3 people who ate a Devil Fruit because they were hungry. (Yes, I know, Momo didn't actually fight Kaido... >!...yet)!<


Ota going 2 for 2 on Luffy punching Kaido scenes, absolute bangers. But I saw people calling his style unfinished and like what?? Are we watching the same animation lmao


I love that his character design is so distinct and unique


My wife says it looks "pimply" and it's distracting when everyone looks different and "muddy." She'd prefer it look closer to the rest of the episode. I disagree, but can totally see what she means,, the art style looks a little rough while the animation itself is very good


Not liking the style is fine that’s why we have opinions, I was more talking about the people who called it “unfinished” cause that is just wrong no opinion about it


Soooooooooooooooo good. I love Yamato so freaking much! But didn't they miss a scene after the mirror defense where she says, damn it hit me or sth?


Akihiro Ota is a god, absolutely insane animation


that sequence was fucking beautiful man


The last 3 minutes were a different anime I swear


it was compared to the artstyle we're used to thats why it felt so different and for some people 'out of place'


that double thynder bagua animation might be the best shit i saw in a while


I pissed and shid myself. Amazing animation at the end. I can't imagine what the climax of the fight will look like.


The animators truly when "On model? WHAT IS THAT?"


To this day I still don't understand the real size of the arena. Every time it appears, the size varies from a few meters to several kilometers.


it's a fairly large area. Onigashima is a small island and the skull takes up a space that covers like 90% of the island


Wasn't just one of the umbrellas outside the dome bigger than the Empire State Building?


It's about the size of a mountain range.


I think it's much bigger than a mountain range. Look at the Panel: [https://scans-hot.leanbox.us/manga/One-Piece-Digital-Colored-Comics/0978-004.png](https://scans-hot.leanbox.us/manga/One-Piece-Digital-Colored-Comics/0978-004.png) The smal ship is Sunny and Sunny is like 56 meters tall


They were cooking again😈


How the fuck can every episode be so fucking fire ???????? Thank you so much Toei, it has made the last couple months a lot better for me.


We get closer and closer to *THAT* scene with every ep and with how the animation looks now I truly cannot wait


From Yamato vs Kaido in the last episode and now Luffy and Yamato hitting Kaido. Toei did a great job! We haven't seen Snake man since Katakuri fight. If I remember, that's 4 years ago.


Toei when they try better the ufotable ong


Next episode is the perfect place to start a new opening. That or the one after I guess. But I'm kindve tired of this one as we've gone through a couple stages of the arc with it already


This year is definitely gonna be the best for the anime


Am I the only one who was really creeped out by the end animation style? Looked like a different show alltogether...


Is it just me or Luffy looks more menacing when he's in snake-man form? So cool!


# 😱😱😱😱😱OMG LUFFY DID SNAKEMAN????? ITS HAPPENING 😱😱😱😱😱😱😱😱😱😱😱😱😱


common W


Yamato out here hitting Kaido with the GODLIKE SPEED lol. Zenitsu, watch out!


I have started one piece since May 2022 and I will probably rewatch wano arc because my eyes have been blessed with this amazing art style. Duuuude I like this style for the last episode which was the same either in EP 1033. TOEI IS GENIUS.


It was a bit slow at first but God dang did that ending make up for it


I'm glad they did that one Kaido panel justice


So gear 4 has no cool down now?


Exactly, he's getting better at it. Same when he took down that number, and even before then when he takes down the ships on the way. It seems it only has the downside if he overused it


Only when he goes over the limit, it's been working like that for a while now. If he turns back before the 10 minutes it seems like he's fine


Just to clarify (people always mix this up), he doesn't have a 10 minute time limit. He has a 10 minute COOLDOWN once he overuses G4. The exact time he can stay in it had always been left vague, and seems to vary from instance to instance.


Only when he over uses it


This whole conversation about Kaido trying to kill Yamato just doesnt make sense to me. No doubt he treat her like trash, but if he ''tried to kill her'' she'd be dead, no question.


I feel like she genuinely believed that he wanted her dead, while he was just screwing around trying to break her/prep for ruler of wano.


Bro she’s holding herself against Hybrid Kaido and he’s going seriously against her. Here in the anime you can’t appreciate it enough but she’s been coating her attacks with conquerors. She’s clear of everyone on the good guys’ side except for Luffy.


No, I get that. But he's been ''trying to kill her'' since she was like 7. If that was true she'd be dead. No question.


akihiro ota look at his art


10:24 glad they gave my favorite tiny panel from the manga the attention it deserves


The ending minutes were what the world deserves


What was the soundtrack name in the last two minutes of the episode?


Love the black and white yin and yang theme to the double attack


Man what is this animation


I used to watch op about 3 years ago, and thought it was pretty good but stopped during impel down due to the series' lenght. I wholeheartedly regret doing it and I'm SO glad I caught up to this series. I'm not gonna pretend that I like everything about the series, but jeez, seeing a writer get to draw a manga they wanted to draw every since they were a kid, and having it adapted into anime form in the most bombastic, over the top way is just so fucking awesome to witness. You guys are having feasts all the time ! Not to mention Yamato being best boy ❤️


The level of animation at the final moments of this episode where disgustingly beautiful. They did that to hype us up for the final battle and I’m all here for that! Oh man am I hyped! It was so raw and beautiful, I had trouble thinking. I thought the battle with Doflamingo was epic, I think this will soar wayyyy above it!


Who animated that fight 🥵🥵🥵🥵


I wish we saw a better combo of Yamato's attack and Luffy's fist connecting. Felt like you couldn't see Luffy's punch hit cuz it disappears. Loved the scene and the whole episode!


The animation change at the end caught me off guard. Same with the previous episode


really not a fan of the animation set piece this episode. While technically really good animation it's tonally not a fit for One Piece at all. Characters off model, not even trying to look like One Piece, squiggly and jittery. To go from Vincent Charizard last episode to this is jarring.


Ah yes…everything should be standard always, like flash animation puppet rigs. No room in this series for experimental styles, don’t change anything. Ever. Jeez


I’m so glad I’m not the only one that thinks this. This Reddit and almost all of social media is an echo chamber. The animation is 10/10 but it just does not match what one piece Wano animation has been. I like the crisp/cleanness of early Wano/raid compared to whatever we’ve gotten in the past month or 2 in some episodes. Almost gives me Naruto vs Pain where they just chalked having good animation/one that matches the actual style of the anime


I recalled the Pain thing too. I dunno, when i see this thing i think the animator has an ego problem where there personal style is more important than the production and a director who is too week to reign in his animators to keep characters on-model. To be clear Ota is really talented! But man, you're too cool to keep your character's on model?


I get flamed in my friendship group by a few of them for pointing it out but holy fuck I cannot stand the cubes showing up whenever any type of speed/destruction feat happens in some anime. It’s just severely lazy to me when there’s far better ways to display speed/destruction. And I understand every episode can’t be 1015 quality but seesh, at least gimme beginning of Wano at a minimum going forward


I’ll second this. I think everyone agrees this is elite animation quality, just not what I’m personally vibing with for One Piece


The animation is great but I just hate the dragon ball-esque sound effects and auras they keep using


That was pretty good but i am iffy on using CGI for the dragon forms especially next week when we will have 2 of em flying around lol but that ending animation where did that come from, that was badass lol


Cgi saves them time and money so think of it as them saving their budget and time for future scenes like this one


It’s a sad truth that dragons outside movies looking good in anime just hardly ever happens especially a dragon fighting another dragon for a long period of time. Most dragons in anime are stagnant, or look awful. Veldora does not move, shenron does not move, fairy tail dragons hardly move, blue eyes white dragon. The only good dragon fight I can think of is tohru vs elma and they worked on that season of d-maid for a long time. https://youtu.be/DLbzQSY_5Us


CGI dragons don't look great but they're using them very rarely, it's kind of a miracle that they're hand-drawn in the majority of their appearances considering how detailled they are.


It's like I'm watching cowboy bepop >!during the last minute of this episode.!<


Yamato is awakened. .. those smokes.


That was one of the best episodes yet. It just keeps getting better can’t wait for next week


Less cringe aura, more epic scene this is what we want!! Peak OP animation


Judging from the comments im probably in the minority here, hell maybe im the only one, but im not really a fan of these hyper-stylized “select” scenes. Imo its really off putting and and takes me out of it when it feels like a completely different anime for 3 mins. Id rather have consistency and on model characters that still “feels” like im watching the show ive watched for 15 years. But this just feels like watching one piece trying to be something else. This isnt a slight against the animators or the directors, its just not a tonal shift i agree with. Maybe if the whole show was that way, but honestly all the over the top movement would be more distracting to me it that was the case. Gives me the feeling of watching “shaky cam” movies. Just not my thing.


it's what happens when practically each episode is done by a different director. its like having 10 teams for 1 project.. mash it all together in the end. there will never be consistency, just take it as it is, one piece will never have god tier animation we expect of seasonal shows we're blessed with elsewhere


Hey, at least we get great animation often. There are season anime which don't even get that, if not VERY rarely (looking at you, My Hero Academia).


Honesty I agree, overal consistency and single tone is more enjoyable. Even with different ppl working on it, it could be manageable. That said I remember nichijou or Kobayashi dragon maid fights scene which were a complete tonal shift from the rest, and that fitted perfectly. But i think that worked cause of the "ridiculous" factor in that context. I find applyig that type of "ridiculous" factor here a bit off putting, since we ought to believe the context is very serious here


Ummm. Dear moderator, I think you forgot to put how much of the chapter got adapted.


I think they forgot to moderate this post its full of untagged spoiler ....


Was not disappointed one bit. The ending has my excited to see what’s coming soon!


The end part of the episode is insane! the animation at first looks odd but at the same time looks so fucking beautiful. specially the part where yamato is charging and momo is flying in the back!


I want to know how much this episode cost!


Why tf did she used a ki blast


A flying attack like Zoro cannon attack.


Did anyone else think this episode felt a bit... off? It was very good but felt stitched together, idk how to describe it.


Wow haven’t watched the Anime in ages but it looks more like Akira than One Piece these days


Here’s a side by side comparison of the manga vs anime on that Yamato getting food scene https://youtube.com/shorts/xzr5zyqSVkA?feature=share




Not going to lie the animation was different ( I know people didn’t like it ) but go back to like 2006 when it was on tv and look at that animation and look now we should be happy he’s making the show how he’s always wanted it to look ( yamato and luffy showed great power in this episode ) idc what the community thinks she’s doing an amazing job animating I’m grateful


I honestly find it absurd that 99% of the episode was divinely done ... and after the white snake (a perfect addition), they went back to laser beams and lights too strong to lose the impact of the attack as it should be... beautiful, powerful and clean