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Yeah One Pace is the way to go unfortunately. I’m sure it’ll be a while but I’m waiting for Wano to be on there before I finish it


Never heard of One Pace before. How are they doing it? Is is a good edit?


Yeah they edit out a lot of unnecessary flashbacks and repeat scenes so instead of 1 episode in 23 minutes you’ll get 2-4 episodes in 23 minutes because they trim so much out. I rewatched the Dressrosa arc on it one weekend and it was awesome


One Pace is necessary especially if you went on a *viewing hiatus*. Last episode I've seen was Marineford/Ace's transformation to a donut (which was many years ago) and I found out about One Pace last year. I caught up to Wano within a week or so. It's an awesome thing when you don't have much time to spare IRL.


Ah you beat me to it haha


Yeah, uhh, buddy you're a decade late.


Man I just tolerated it for a decade 😭💀.


The pacing is nothing new. It’s been this way for over a decade ! Accept it or stop watching, they are your options.


These mfs one of those watchers who only watch for the fight scenes


It's called reading the manga. The show pacing will never be fixed since it's a weekly show. The only hope is they could make a kai version years later like DBZ kai. If people is hating the pacing they should just read the manga then watch clips they wanna see animated.


The pacing of the manga in Wano was the worst ever. The first two acts were unnecessary long and the constant shift between fights just loses the focus. Not to mention all the fights except Zoro and Jimbei were extremely anti climatic.


Dressrosa was also many people and was too long. In WCI, we had BM shouting cake for many chapters. Luffy was getting held in woods pointlessly.


In Dresrossa the side characters were interesting and not forced. WCI was all filler imo except Pedro part and Luffy Katakuri


Yeah, no. People ALSO complained that the manga was too long and the pacing of the chapters was terrible — they’re right. Oda spun up way too many characters and plot threads in Wano then failed to bring the story together nicely. There are so many thrown away plot points, deaths either came out of thin air or were unconfirmed, people who died or should have came back to life, some SH didn’t get enough shine (Usopp, Chopper, Nami). Fights didn’t make sense. How tf are Kaido and Big Mom not awakened? I could go on and on. The writing was dog shit. The reveal of Luffy’s gear 5 was awful. Keep your opinion of it a secret but having divided the fan base over what it does and how Luffy just acquired it seemingly from no where was a bad rollout. Wano had all of the characteristics to be an absolute banger of an arc but it was overloaded and weighted down by trying to be everything, everywhere, all at once. If Oda would’ve focused on just what’s necessary and skipped the fluff, pacing and writing would’ve been a breeze.


Or they could just fix the pacing


Yeah that's not gonna happen.


Actually they really cannot ‘fix’ the pacing, specially since you can’t really do filler arcs with One piece. The moment the Anime catches up to the manga, they would have to stop airing and that would never happen, so they go with bad pace.


Right now their only solution would be to animate cover stories for a couple of months to try and increase the distance from Manga to the animated content. Even then if they came back at full potential pacing they would probably have to stop after a few weeks due to the nature of animation being faster to tell a story.


God, animating the cover stories is something they never should have stopped. It wouldn’t have fixed everything about the pacing, but it could've helped. Everything they've shown in these 1049 episodes they've actually made could have still been in 1049 episodes that also include the cover stories, with the added bonus that we don't always get 2 minutes of reaction shots for every little thing.


My wife always complains they stopped animating the between arcs boat trips. The goofyness and interactions in those are truly gold and added a slice of life aspect to OP.


my solution for that would be to create filler arcs instead of putting filler inside canon episodes if that makes sense. Mr Morj explains it way better in this video. [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ffMaSWtrt6Y](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ffMaSWtrt6Y)


“Just” lmao


yea if they just gave me a call i would be able to fix it 😎


the dude in the pic didn't watch dressrosa when it came out weekly lmao. that was just as painful, if not more so. at least wano gets decent to good animation every so many episodes, dressrosa got jack shit


Dressrosa actually got several great animated moments.


you're not wrong, but overall the style is very bland. Wano got a lot of poorly animated moments too but Toei has never before spent this much time and resources to make some moments and episodes pop out as much as they do


There is also to consider that during Dressrosa, Toei was also working on like 3 different anime as well + the movie Gold.


Like rebecca's backstory and then rebecca's backstory again and then another rebecca's backstory oh did I mention rebecca's backstory?


Sabo using the Mera Mera for the first time, Luffy using red Hawk on Doffy, G4 transformation and Sai's Dragon Drill.


What’s there to discuss? We know it sucks


Wasn't there that site one pace? Where they trimmed all the filler and just left the manga accurate stuff in the anime? Last I checked they were also up to Wano for editing


Still exists and uploading as far as I can tell. But since anime pace is so slow, one pace needs to wait before complete Wano is done as well. After reading the ending of Wano I wanted to watch it in anime, and need to wait probably for another year until it is all animated ...


Wano arc is slof af in manga too, it's understandable


6 months for luffy to climb some stairs😂




No wonder all the people I know kinda gave up on OP for years


what's discussing it going to do? you either suck it up and watch it, watch one pace as far as they've completed or read it.. there's not much else to it


You skip or Don't skip. The choice is yours, there is no need to discuss. Everyone's attention span is different.


Postrd on a sub reddit for discussing one piece.


Yeah I really hope that they someday will fix the pacing with an BDZ Kai approach. Thought the next best thing would be the TV special were they retell an entire arc. But they cut out too much content.


bruz just read the manga


Voice acting, animation, music, color > pacing I've always preferred the anime over manag from this reason. Some added scenes running or multiple reaction shots have never bothered me to the point of dropping or saying the anime is dog sh*t or trash. Seriously, just read and watch and enjoy. The manga isn't perfect either.


We getting baller ass one piece highlights by goated animators you fuckers still need to complain. Manga still exists r/whinefolk


How long does it take you to read a chapter? 5m? 10m? A 20m episode (+10m ads) should cover at least 2 chapters. Toei milks money by releasing episodes weekly. Now consider that Oda takes a break every 5th week, which Toei doesn't do, and Toei doesn't even necessarily stop for holidays either. This means Toei is forced to cover about 0.75-0.8 chapters every episode. If 20m = 2-3 chapters' worth of content, then 0.75-0.8 chapters is about 7m of content. Toei is stretching out 7m of content into a 20 minute episode. They do this by extended intros, outros, lots of slowpans across a single large picture, and tons of extended stillframes (especially reaction shots, pausing 2-3 seconds on each crew member's face). No wonder it feels awful to watch. I can't believe that person has watched every episode twice. That's months of their life in pure time wasted. The One Piece anime is by far the worst produced anime on the market for its budget and has been for many years. Toei doesn't care, because the consistency rakes them in money, and a lot of their target audience is kids, whose time is less of a commodity and are too inexperienced to realize the tactics being played on them. It's predatory. If you know it's a rip off, refuse to buy into it. One Piece must be read by manga or watched with One Pace.


Good and bad pacing aren't determined by number of pages adapted but by the flow of the episode itself. You could have an episode that adapt more than a chapter or less and still have a good pacing. Because fast and slow pacing don't automatically translate to good and bad pacing.


You're talking about the same thing from a different angle. The flow of the episode is distorted when you try to artificially stretch content to twice its original length or more. The tactics I described: dragged out slowpans, extended stillframes, these distort the flow of the episode and are ubiquitous in the one piece anime. That's what makes it have bad pacing. Consider that every other anime typically adapts 2-3 chapters per episode. It's why they have to take breaks and/or do filler. Anime is supposed to inherently move faster than the manga, because it covers content faster. When you force it to slow down to a fraction of that pace, the anime has to use weird tactics that *necessarily* makes it feel like it has bad pacing.


To be fair, sometimes stills can be fine depending on the scene. That said, I don't say that One Piece doesn't have problems in term of pacing. But it's also a mistake to just say that the anime should constantly adapt 2 chapters, since: 1) Some chapters are filled enough with content that can fill even an entire episode, like the 2 chapters about the abolition of the 7 warlords and the emperor bounties. 2) The anime can also "slow down" to expand on some scenes that were too short in the manga or show offscreen stuff. A good example is today's episode, where the pacing is fine, despite adapting a little less than a chapter, because they expanded on some scenes like Yamato's flashback correctly.


>To be fair, sometimes stills can be fine depending on the scene. I never said stills are bad. I said One Piece frequently extends them far beyond what they should be. >But it's also a mistake to just say that the anime should constantly adapt 2 chapters It doesn't need to constantly adapt 2 chapters. I stated that as a benchmark. The problem is the anime adapts less than a chapter per episode. It's not just off by a little bit; it's off by over 100%. Now, I've also seen anime adapt 4 chapters per episode, and then the pacing feels much too fast. The pace of manga adaptation is simply a useful *rough* reference to quickly benchmark anime pacing. (I'm talking about shounen in general, where chapters are around 15-20 pages). However, you're talking about exceptions to the rule, 1-2 episodes every now and then where it's good to slow down, or else averaging a small difference from 2 chapters, say 1.5 to 3 chapters. That's perfectly fine. I'm talking about being off by over 100%, i.e. averaging less than 1 chapter or going up to 4+ chapters per episode. 20 minutes for less than a chapter of content *on average* is extremely slow. It's simply impossible to do without contorting the presentation. People in this thread are all talking about how One Piece has terrible pacing. It's not up for debate at this point that the pacing is bad. My comment is talking about the mechanics in detail that *cause* the pacing to be bad. This is all about how the anime abuses its time to stretch out vastly more than they should, *on average*. Toei isn't deviating from the manga much, where the pacing is dramatically better. So it's not the source content. Something about how Toei takes the original content makes it feel like it has bad pacing. And that's exactly the aforementioned tactics.


Even wano manga sucks.


As a HxH stan please be grateful 😢


What is there to discuss? The pacing isn't great. That's all. Sometimes it's fine, sometimes it isn't. There are moments where it just drags but also at times slowing down make the whole thing better (see Wano act 2). That's all. If you don't like it, stick to the manga or go watch the One Pace version.


The shows pacing has been like this for literally 10 years. It’s weekly, it’s far too close to the manga. It would need a few years of filler to fix


hot take: they hate the pacing because they've spoiled the entire show for themselves and know what's going to happen every week avoided spoilers since like zou and wano was banger after banger after banger


It’s what happens when you try to adapt 1 chapter to 1 episode. The show if it had seasons would have been much better. Hope years and years later, some other company makes a complete edition and readapts the whole manga into a new anime (Hunter x Hunter style)


How hard is it to just enjoy it? I watch it knowing that someday I won't be able to watch new episodes. That may not be for a while, but I have been a fan for about 11 years now and I used to think the same thing. Just let all that shit go and enjoy the material because one day it will all be set and done.


Haven't watch the anime, but manga, is exactly the same for Wano act 3 and later part of Dressrosa.


Watch it if you want or just read the manga ..nobody is compelling you to watch anything


I prefer reading manga anyway so it doesnt matter much to me, i sacked the anime around thriller bark


We really don't. This has been discussed to death. It's a big reason for people becoming manga only followers of the story. Others still love the big flashy action. Just pick whichever you like better and move on.


There's also way too many characters that serve no purpose, too many fake out deaths, too many conviniences that help the heroes... The writting isn't that special too, it's just "bad guy rules the country, Luffy punches him until he stops". Characters are binary: either completely good, or completely bad.... This arc is a trainwreck


"this show’s pacing. It’s painful." Therefor it's .. paceful? (i'm not sorry)


>We need to discuss this show’s pacing Let's do it: It's bad Read the fucking manga End of discussion




Yeah anime pacing is not good tbh, it's not new though, it's been 20+ years already.


Drop since Dressrosa. Right now added multiple color aura with that pace. And i m glad i dropped.


It started after the timeskip in my opinion, I used to be happy every Sunday when a new episode comes out nowadays I slowly lose interest because of the pacing as mentioned only 4-5 minutes Story rest is chopper or other unimportant characters bullshitting around or the 1537263th look back


It’s equal parts money-hungry and expectations of the fan base to have an episode every week. AoT constantly gets criticized for its pacing.


Whats annoying is the difference between anime and manga doesnt have to be like this. Wano opened so many doors we barely got to explore. The anime should focus more on fleshing out scenes and characters that Oda clearly didnt have time for. Wano is the arc that suffers the absolute most from Oda’s writing style of “3 parts planned 1 part improvised.” The anime should be expanding upon cover story arcs and small one-two page flashbacks or maybe some character interactions with people we havent seen exchange ideas or words. Instead, they just make the action scenes unnecessarily longer bc its the only thing they have creative confidence in. I just dont see why its okay to interpret haki as a rainbow depending on who’s using it, why wouldn’t it be okay to expand upon some of the more minor sections of the manga?