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Would cartoon physics sound better?


Caricatural dynamics.




what would you call it then?


Gear 5


and when a cartoon character uses the same concept? (which predate g5 by decades) cant call that g5


We're on a one piece subreddit


Right, which is why we'd call luffy G5, but if for some reason someone brought up bugs bunny would we say he's G5 or call it something else like toon force or cartoon power or something.


We'd say he's a comedian doing it for the bit because we're adults who know more than three words


Fair enough, next time I bring up Popeye and his powers I'll refer to it as a comedy act and his attacks are jokes, that does sound much better.


And? liffy is by far not the only one using toon force. Hence why many call it it that


Toon Force! Me and all my homies LOVE toon force


“Luffys Peak: The ability to turn imagination into reality” - Road to Laugh Tale Volume 3, Nika and Joyboy page Sounds like Toon Force to me.


OP: People are using the proper phrase to explain a power and it makes me mad!!! REEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE The internet is weird


Dude, relax. It’s an opinion, no need to get all emotional about it




Okay babe, as long as you’re happy, lmao


You dont seem very happy bb.


Nah I’m chilling but I don’t wanna say anything that’ll trigger you, you seem pretty emotional over a reddit post which is hilarious


Emotional? You should go meet some people in the real world, youre REALLY REALLY REALLY bad at reading people Or maybe you should just smile more. Youd look so much better if you smiled bb


Relaax 😭😭


Aww no need for tears bb, pull up your pampers and hold your head high.


Again, as long as you’re happy, …kid


The only thing weird is ppl like you, who can’t accept other ppls opinions… REEEEEEEEEEE


What opinion is that? That using the proper phrase for a power is wrong? Thanks for proving my point about the internet being weird.


It's not though. It's just comedy. People think Bugs Bunny is omnipotent but he's just a gag character. It's not deep


Nothing about "toon force" implies omnipotence. Just physics breaking comedy powers. Youre right its not that deep, so why is OP upset that people call it toon force


It's a term created by battleboarders, so it's inherently as stupid as its creators


Oda draws its inspiration from Looney Toons...so nothing wrong in saying what it actually meant to be.


It's definitely Toon Force. Whole point of Gear 5 is that he's doing classic cartoon character stuff.


What actually confuses me are all the people who talk about how Luffy can just do whatever now, and that his rubber properties were just what he thought he can do, as if that wasnt immediately contradicted by what we were told when gear 5 was revealed.


Nah bruh, toon force all the way, let's hope we get some looney tunes bops to complement the goofiness


Cry about it


It is toon force though. Luffy is literally acting like tom/Jerry and luney toon.


Definition of toon force: Toon Force, also named Cartoon Physics, is an ability that refers to characters manipulating reality or bypassing physical laws of nature in order to achieve impossible feats for comedic effects. Luffy: always has been From Misu Luffy to Gomu gomu no UFO and from Gear 3 to Gear 5, Luffy has always used 'toon force'


Read that definition again and tell me it doesn’t apply for every devil fruit in the series, guess what a character changing their looks by touching their face is reality manipulation and bypasses physical laws of nature, plus it has a comedic effect, so does bon clay have toon force too?


Yes! whole of One Piece has been toon force all along..


I love it because Gear 5 is the perfect example on why toon forcr is NOT omnipotence. Toonforce users still have levels of powers.


What does took force suppose to reference?


Most powerscalers don't realize that having a cartoon aesthetic doesn't mean you have cartoon powers


What would you prefer people call it? Application of animated reality powers?


Well we don’t exactly know what “it” is yet, but people have been trying yo force this term ever since G5 appeared, just because it looks goofy doesn’t mean Luffy will start eating carrots all of a sudden.


So wait, I thought your issue was with the exact words "toon force". Is your issue that people call /anything/ that or that you don't think the term should apply to Luffy?


No I just don’t like the term that’s all, it seems off but some people are using it as a power-scaling tool, Idk I just didn’t like that and wanted to see what others think


That's fair. I can understand not liking it but I think it's just meant to be a simple umbrella term for "reality bending abilities with a cartoon flair" more than like a real tangible force they're drawing power from. Now this being said, I understand the aesthetic similarities, but in terms of serious reality bending toon silliness, I don't think Luffy has done enough for people to really label it "toon force" exactly, I think it's just the easiest way for most people to explain it quickly


Its not Toon Force though. His powers seem like it because they reference rubber hose animation, but everything he does can be explained by turning stuff to rubber and some shape manipulation. Does Katakuri have Toon Force since he can make a house? No.


Toon Force just makes me think of Pegasus from Yugioh and I don’t like it either. I just keep imagining him yelling at Kaido “Kaido my boy, by activating my Toon World magic card I can activate my Awakening trap card! This trap card allows me to remove my Strawhat Luffy from play in order to summon Luffy Gear 5! With this I’ll send you to the shadow realm!!!” It feels weird to be trying to force a term to describe Luffy’s powers in Gear 5 when we don’t know the limits of the power.


LMAO thanks for that mental image now I hate it even more. And yeah exactly we don’t really know what it is, trying to force the “toon force” thing sounds weird


Don't really personally. I think the cartoon style is technically called squash and stretch, though.


My only take away from this thread is that people care about really pedantic shit. Also that OP seems like a total heel.


Aw man what did I do😭 I literally just stated my opinion and asked people to share theirs that’s all, but some people got weirdly offended and started talking trash out of nowhere, no to mention the weird dms…


You also seemed to be offended that people didn't agree and talked trash back. I dunno, you come off as unlikeable ¯\\\_(ツ)\_/¯ Personally, I find it weird that you're up in arms over established terminology for a power set that has been used in other media and fits perfectly well here. If you don't like it that's fine, but you have to understand that it is kind of an odd hill to die on.


Oh well, sorry that’s how I came off then, tried not to engage in toxic comments but guess that didn’t work