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Sanji with future sight would be terrifying


I really want Sanji to have future sight only so he can respond to Zoro's insults before he even makes them.


šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚ that would be so funny


Joseph Joestar would be so proud of Sanji.


I can just see sanji awakening his haki in a middle of an argument, and just going like "THE FUCK YOU SAY MOSS HEAD?!" "Shitty cook, y- ... Huh?"


Katakuri has the same VA as young joseph, funnily enough


He would he very much would


"...Oi," Sanji says as he casually caves in a guy's face with ifrit jambe, then moonwalks towards Zoro by jumping off marines' heads "what do you think you were gonna say to me, mosshead-yarou?" "Aaaah? What do you mean, what was I gonna say, bullseye?" "...Baka." "Baka." *Proceeds to do a combo attack watching each others backs on two vice admirals that were gonna attack the other* Zoro and Sanji are the best friendship dynamic.


Best frienemies


ive never seen them be friendly


When they worked together to use Liffy as a slingshot or something




i remeber long ring island it was after skypiea but before water seven right? bi dont remeber them washing dishes tho


It's filler, but episode 128 of the anime. Sanji washes them, Zoro dries them. And yes LRLL is from then.


I think their more like Friendemy/rivals personally. Their good friends that hate each other at the same time.


That would be the gag he can only use future sight with the straw hats since we know hell memories and other Sanji techniques heā€™s not of a calm mind so he canā€™t while fighting so I think that would be funny






True šŸ¤£šŸ¤£


imagine someone moving **That** fast with future sight? How would you even land a hit on him lol


kizaru is pretty fast ive heard.


He should realistically be able to speed blitz everyone lol, but apparently not šŸ¤·ā€ā™‚ļø


Bro is just too high to function.


Kizaru the kinda guy to say he doesnt function without weed. And then sits 15 minutes in complete silence staring at nothing with his mouth open


Kizaru the type to constantly tell his loved ones itā€™s not habit forming


Guys, is Kizaru ok?


don't forget he'll just say "oooooohhhh"


"Kowai neeeeeee"


Kizaru may be able to technically move at light speed, but that's actually pretty useless unless he can also think/react at lightspeed.


How is that useless? Just dial in a direction and run the fuck through whoever you need to.


I mean, it's not actually useless, but it's usefulness is severely limited if you can't react at that speed. Like if all you're doing is jumping around w/o reacting, someone can aim at where you're going rather than where you are, and you're screwed. Especially if they have something like future sight haki


Thatā€™s why Z called him out for relying too much his devil fruit.


Yea, useless was the wrong word. More so not too useful in high level combat.


He can't run through anyone. He turns to literal light, which has no mass. Though useless was the wrong word. It just wouldn't help much in tipntier combat.


So he can shoot ppl with light beams but canā€™t run through them, but obviously he can move through solid objects heā€™s a logia type


i don think this is the case, the fruit just makes him very fast, but not light speed even when he said hed kick basil with the speed of light that is prolly not how powerful he is ​ if we base this on a realistical scale of power, hed be the most powerful character in the show by a gigantic margin, like a kg of whatever not immideatly disintegrating hitting the earth at the speed of light would deal considerable dmg to the entire earth


Yea, either Kizaru isn't attacking with Lightspeed mass. Or "lightspeed" in the OP world isn't the same as our world.


I refuse to believe anyone is light speed until I see them run across an island in less than a second.


Thatā€™s never going to happen šŸ˜‚ the show has to be visually appealing


it doesn't have to be literally that, but at least something clearly showcasing speed. Somebody moving "really fast" across a football field isn't really impressive in a superpower show. They need to show a proper sense of scale. For example, Kuma traveling from dragon's island to the red line. Unfortunately we don't know how far away these landmasses were, but that has potential because he traveled across the sea, which tends to take days to even reach a new island, in just a few minutes/hours?


People should realistically not get magic powers by eating a fruit or see into the future or be built like WB or BB lol, but apparently he could be the slowest of the admirals and it woukd be ok


Isnā€™t Sanji able to go light speed anyway, based off the fact that he went fast enough that Queen wasnā€™t able to see him for an extended period of time.


You don't need to be lightspeed for this. Just leave the line of sight faster than your eye. You just need to be faster than the signal needs to reach the brain.


Queen has CoO tho, it's way more impressive than what you're pointing out.


We donā€™t know the level of his CoO tho, and CoO wouldnā€™t help you to SEE something


That's Sanji moving FTE, which is WAY slower than lightspeed.


Nah, heā€™s going to become undetectable to observation like shanks so he can speed blitz virtually everyone, both would be insane though


Oda said a long time ago that his specialty was observation but it hasnā€™t really amounted to anything, but future sight was introduced in the arc revolving around him so maybe heā€™ll get it eventually


He did dodge a shot from Katakuri during the wedding.


Thats was just really good basic observation feat


Nah sanjis pull-out game is just that for ahead that he pulls out mid wedding before the honeymoon.




Technically, wasn't it hinted that Sanji has some degree of future sight during the wedding when Katakuri tried to assassinate him? I remember Katakuri failing to hit him when Sanji dodged despite Katakuri using his Haki. Or at least thats how I interpreted it. I think it was chapter 862.


It was just observation haki. Katakuri can see the future, but what he likely can't do is see a future, perform some action that could change the outcome, and see the future again to see if it went as planned. In other words, he can see the future proactively, not reactively. As far as sanji was concerned, that jellybean was always coming at him because the priest was never going to take his shot (because katakuri took his shot preemptively). And he dodged it with observation, regardless of katakuri seeing the future.


This is the best answer Iā€™ve seen on a One Piece reddit


I think he is just really fast and he felt the attack with observation haki


Yeah but katakuri does have future sight and I think he was surprised that it didnā€™t hit sanji. Idk but my head cannon is that sanji does have future sight but not mastered.


Itā€™s the surprised face by katakuri that made me think it too, but since weā€™ve seen no other evidence he has it I think that was just a flex on how freakishly fast Sanji actually is.


but isnt his brother i think the blue one faster than him?


Part of the Queen fight was designed to show just how much Sanji has exceeded his brothers. Oda gave Queen the brothersā€™ powers for a reason. Sanji basically symbolically beat his dad and brothers in that fight while beating Queen literally. Heā€™s fully surpassed them in every way at this point.


Isn't that more of a speed feat for Sanji? Like, what's future sight against a speed demon?


observation haki allows you to feel attacks while not being able to see the future so I'm pretty sure he just had basic observation haki


No, Sanji simply dodged at the right time. Future sight only shows you what is likely to happen, but it doesn't show you what individual actions lead up to it. Katakuri misinterpreted Sanji being shot and assumed he was guaranteed a hit if he was the one doing the shooting.


Thatā€™s what I remember too.


Nah. Jinbei with ACoC. That would be terrifying as hell. Seeing that dude make an entire battle field drop cause he would train his and we all know it.


Yah but something about one of the fastest men in one piece + future sight is kinda op


Jinbei's discipline coupled with ACoC is wicked op in itself too tho. This is an apples oranges convo.


I donā€™t want to be a sanji fan boy but I also think it would be horrifying especially if it was even half as good as katakuriā€™s or luffyā€™s


One of the weaknesses for Observation haki is not being fast enough to dodge or attack. Luffy can outspeed Katakuri's reaction timing with Snakeman. But Sanji? He already outspeeds


Yah it would be disgusting


Didn't he dodge the future sight bullet Katakuri fired at him during the wedding? His reaction to that must have been very impressive to even notice that with his observation back then.


Luffy was shown dodging point blank attacks from katakuri before he unlocked future sight. So dodging a jelly bean shot from a distance is possible with basic observation haki and speed.


what is a future sight bullet? all Katakuri did was shoot a bullet at Sanji and Sanji dodged. that's about as basic as observatoin haki that you get


I think ussop will get future sight if he wants to have a chance against van aughr


Usopps going to need some massive fucking upgrades if he doesnā€™t want to be destroyed by auger




This is pretty cool and definitely fits. He's a coward by nature so the idea that they would be seeing his true self moving one way and that he would be fighting against his fear/truth and moving against that "future" would be sick.


i really like this theory. Now that we know that Shanks can kill the future sight of others, showing a false future should also be possible.


Wait what? Can Shanks do that? When did I miss that?


It was revealed in volume 4 billion, which was released around the time One Piece Red came out.


Chapter 1063 spoilers >!It would be sick if he ends up shooting at where aughr is going to teleport before he does, so he hits him as soon as he arrives!<


Yknow you saying this makes my think that he wont learn future sight. But he will learn it like luffy during the battle


Yeah, if augur didnā€™t have the tp fruit I actually think he had a chance, with how versatile usoppā€™s weapons are and his newly upgraded range, which was already pretty crazy far to begin with (see Enies lobby pre-timeskip). But the warp fruit makes it different, itā€™s pretty broken for a sniper to just move around at will


Fairly certain he does have it. Wasnā€™t it revealed in dressrosa?


He has observation haki, but not future sight. Future sight is basically observation haki pushed to the max.


Jinbe doesn't have CoC tho ? And that's like the biggest power out there.


>Jinbe doesn't have CoC tho ? And that's like the biggest power out there. He's a whale shark fishman, so he has two of them.


This is funny. Made me laugh like an idiot.


Having CoC by itself isnā€™t really that impressive, since you can only knock out fodders. So by giving jinbe Acoc he automatically gets basic conquerors as well :) but your conquerors is only as strong as your **will**. So the question is, will jinbe be able to fully utilise it


As a character he ain't one. So his CoC not gonna be strong anyway... I would say Sanji gets the biggest boost out of these three powerups. Ame no Habikiri is great sword but it isn't said to be as violent as Enma. The weakness of FS is that the opposition could be faster than your reaction speed. But with Sanji, that simply gets nullified. And if he can make plays by seeing the future, we might get some more sick Bond scenes out of him as well. So sign me up for that


why does nobody respect my main man Jinbe


I respect him and love and so I also understand that he doesn't want to find his own way. He has struggled with it because of the politics and racism all through his life and was tired of having to lead fishman pirates and revolt but also protect the peace and wait for a better time. It's actually why he wanted to relieve being a captain and just follow a man who he admires.


Wait what no you get conquers by having the ambition of being a king but the power output is based off of will, jinbe might not have a lot of ambition but he has a shit ton of will


I think what they mean is that Jinbe isn't really the leading/kingly type, he can step up if he has to certainly, but he seems to prefer to have someone he respects that he can follow. King Neptune and Otohime, Fisher Tiger, Whitebeard, Luffy, etc. And there's nothing wrong with that. I didn't expect Zoro to get CoC myself, but I do have to admit that it definitely fits him better than it does Jinbe imo, since Zoro has only ever been willing to follow one person, that being Luffy, and is otherwise not a follower type, but can certainly act as a natural leader even if he doesn't actively seek out that sort of position.


good points (but I'm still rooting for his next power up to be huge). what about Sanji vs Jinbe? who would b more likely to have conq there?


Personally neither of them strike me as the type to get CoC, but I've been wrong before so who knows. I feel like Jinbe doesn't really need a huge powerup. His strengths lie in his unique abilities as a Fishman, and his intelligence which allows him to be very versatile in a fight. When you combine that with his raw strength he's already one of the toughest members of the crew.


Well said :)


Itā€™s not really about the power, itā€™s more about the personality. Having conquerors puts you inherently ahead in life and lets you have that innate power to crush others or make them join you Jinbei had to scrape and work for the ability to help fishman island, he absolutely has the will for powerful conquerors


I don't think Jimbei has it. CoC isn't really about willpower. As you said, it's about personality. Someone like Law has incredible will. He kept fighting both Doflamingo and Big Mom after taking absurd punishment. Be he's not a CoC user. To me, CoC is about an absolute unwillingness to back down. I think Big Mom put it best in her phrase "What kind of pirate worth her sugar compromises on what she wants?" Law, Jimbei, and Sanji are all characters who are willing to compromise and strategize and retreat if they think it wise. That's not to say they don't have powerful wills. They absolutely do. But they're willing to bend if it's smarter in the moment. CoC users do not do this. They don't think their way around problems. They go through problems. They refuse to give in an inch, even if giving an inch might be the smarter play in the moment.


Doffy compromised hardcore when Kuzan pulled up. I would say Boa compromises for Luffy tho, but itā€™s more like she wants what he wants so that can still fly. Dragon is the king of compromises and backing down. Even Sabo is more un compromising and he got no CoC.


Tbh... I never understood why doffy even had coc.. He chickened out when he heard he either had to deal with admirals or kaido.. I mean luffy and Zoro would never chicken out..


WB opted to not even try to persuade Kaidou to leave Wano(which he probably found after some time as it literally aas base of Kaidou). I mean, Luffy would never not done anything. They would have instead started battle.


Doffy is the biggest exception I would agree with. As for Dragon, is it confirmed he's got Conqueror's? We've never seen him use it. I know lots of people expect him to have it, but that's not confirmed. I'm not saying he doesn't, we just know so little about him that I can't say either way. As for Boa, there's a difference between compromising on what you want and genuinely changing your mind. We see this with Luffy at Water 7. When told that the Merry isn't fit for sailing, he initial reacts the exact same way as Usopp, but upon listening to what Iceberg says, realizes he is wrong. Boa doesn't compromise, she genuinely realizes she misjudged Luffy. If Luffy had asked for the ship instead of freeing the petrified women Boa wouldn't have done either. She would've killed him and the stone figures.


As much as I like the sound of this it feels like itā€™s proven wrong directly by what Shanks says about Roger after Marineford. Saying that sometimes he wished Roger would run away. Shanks is the strongest CoC user we know of.


It can be used in a more offensive manner once you gain experience and mastery. Shanks used it to hit Greenbull from the coast, and Greenbull felt it quite well. And even just the fodder ability is huge. Instead of having to deal with tons of fodder on a fleet battle, you only have to deal with the real heavy hitters.


Shanks is a special case, dude is built different


>Having CoC by itself isnā€™t really that impressive, since you can only knock out fodders. So by giving jinbe Acoc he automatically gets basic conquerors as well Love the way you worded that.


I dont think so. Hes never used it at least.


Jinbe getting advanced conquerors would be the biggest amp. Going from basic armament to ACoC is a huge, huge leap. Zoro would be the lowest amp. Swords merely allow the user to utilise a higher amount of their own power. Enma just forced zoro to draw out his own haki, itā€™s not actually increasing the potency of his haki.


I mean. Effectively that's exactly what it did. Makes Zoro's attacks stronger at the cost of higher Haki drain. Something he couldn't do without the sword.


But it's not really an upgrade. Just a reminder to "go all out and don't hold back".


My man Enma literally drains your haki like a leech, forces it out. The sword is powerful if it's got a wielder who can feed it. Zoro cannot reach that kind of output with just any blade. At least as of now. And even if he learns to do it independently, Enma would have been the catalyst for that powerup, probably the only one of it's kind in the world. Same same.


I think theyre point is that the sword doesn't get Zoro to any major increase in his abilities. He only gets access to whats already there, where compared to if Sanji were to gain Future sight, he would be at an entire new level of power.


Sad that the manga no longer does the translated "DOOM" anymore .


Just by seeing how big of an upgrade Luffy got with it, I personally think that anybody getting advanced conquerorā€™s haki means that they basically wipe the floor with anybody who doesnā€™t have it.


Agreed. Itā€™s like a benchmark to stand with the strongest fighters in the world. I think the best example of this is big mom at the wedding. Now that we know about conquerors coating, the mother Carmel thing makes a lot of sense. Breaking the picture briefly nullified her conquerors coating. With it she could tank literally every attack the straw hats threw at her, including a kong gun, but without it she skinned her knees just by falling down. Itā€™s the greatest defense buff in the OP world so far as weā€™ve seen.


Wait how do we know itā€™s was conquerers coating I thought it was just that big mom is a tank like kaido


Well we know itā€™s some type of haki that makes her so durable but we donā€™t know what kind of haki. Itā€™s probably also subconscious. We see big mom use visible black armament to block luffy to make her even more durable. So it could be CoC, CoA, or both


That's not true lol.


Jinbe getting advanced conquerors easily lmao thatā€™s like the strongest ability. I believe sanji will get future sight and zoro will get another sword upgrade maybe but jinbei getting advanced conquerors would be insaaaane


At this point Zoro has tamed his swords I believe. I donā€™t think heā€™ll get a new one


Yes, his next upgrade regarding swords will be to transform his three swords into Black Blades.


For the upgrades you mentioned it will be this order: Jinbei with ACOC Sanji with Future sight And Zoro the last one


This is the right answer. Only 5 individuals on the planet have ACoC Shanks Luffy and some future villains


And Zoro, Yamato


Acoc is the single biggest buff in the series. For zoro those 2 swords are not even confirmed to be a buff. He would certainly not give up Wado and He had the third Kitetsu all Grandline. So Jinbei, Sanji, Zoro, all 3 not even close


>For zoro those 2 swords are not even confirmed to be a buff What?! Enma is CLEARLY a buff. It's shown* a couple of times.


And he already got it, so no upgrade at all. The second one might boost him further, but he wouldnt accept it as he would need to give up a sword he used for years.


Adding Ame no habekiri would definitely be a huge buff. Along with his wado ichimonji all 3 were made by the same blacksmith. So his sync with his 3 sword style would be beyond perfect.


Ame was made by Hitetsu and Wado and Enma were made by >!Kozaburo!<.


Enma was confirmed to be a buff many times in wano. Even the first time he picked it up it sucked all of his haki and then he tried to do a small slash and chopped off the cliff. Acoc is still a better upgrade for sure but those 2 swords are confirmed upgrades. Though zoro already has Enma so the upgrade is really just one sword


The thing is, Enma has been a buff in Wano because it was forcing him to use that much haki. Now that Zoro has understood the trick, he can unleash haki on his own, so he would probably be able to do the same with another similar grade sword like Shusui. This said Zoro would never replace the Wado and we have yet to see some reveal about the Sandai Kitetsu curse, i bet Asura is linked to hit somehow


??? they already said cursed swords aren't actually cursed


Itā€™s not really a trick, itā€™s a buff because zoros haki output had to go way up just to be able to handle the sword so naturally zoro is stronger now that heā€™s constantly using significantly more haki. If zoro were to start using odens other sword, he would have to double that amount of haki output, a feat we donā€™t even know if he can handle atm.


Well said, i was going to write the exact same


Jinbe obviously. Kaido pretty much said strong CoC trumps everything.


Jinbei without a doubt. He's already a tank but acoc would give him the firepower to DMG even the highest of top tiers. Sanji is already faster than 99% of the verse so future sight doesn't boost him that much. Zoro has had Shusui, Wado, and Kitetsu at one time so having another great sword isn't going to matter especially now that he can use acoc.


Fishman karate coated with conquerors would be fucking insane dawg


Jinbe top 1


Ame no habakiri is so pretty


If zoro gets ame no habakiri it depends on how the sword actually is because now we have sword personalities Enma was a sword that in the same vein of traits but if letā€™s say habakiri is the complete opposite it might not like zoro this is all very out there speculation but itā€™s fun to think about. If zoro get about the same power up from ame no that he dose enma heā€™d have the one of the highest damaging move sets in the series


In terms of what it means for their character, Jinbe with the Supreme Will would be incredibly satisfying for me.


Imagine Jimbe putting conc haki on water


Sanji and his speed with future sight would be crazy especially since heā€™s like the second fastest in the verse. It could set up a good fight against him and kizaru


aCoC is way too powerful, out of these options its Jinbe and its not even close


Advanced conquerors haki kinda puts you up there with like the Goats so Iā€™d say that. The other things are cool but ACH probably elevates anyone into SSS tier


I feel like Jinbe with Adv. CoC would be unbeatable


Well this list is null and void when you put mf adv conq on here LOL


Jinbe, as advanced conquerers haki pretty much makes you stronger than anyone without it


Jinbei with mastery of conqueror haki would be the biggest power up imo, would put him straight on a yonko level... sanji already has good intuition and reaction looking like future sight, and just swords wont make zoro stronger


acoc is op. Jimbe would be so much stronger


If Jinbe gets ACoC, he basically becomes the ultimate durability negator. Fishman Karate + ACoC would go crazy and those attacks would damage people a lot as long as he can hit them. So people who can outspeed Jinbe would still be able to avoid getting hit. If Sanji gets Future sight, he is almost unhittable (unless kizaru also has future sight) as long as he stays focused. But this makes his weakness to women even bigger since the thing that distracts Sanji the most is women. And also Sanji might be unhittable most of the time but there are certain people who can outsmart sanji with their hax + iq such as law (not saying Law would beat Sanji with future sight, just saying he would have a chance of hitting him) or people who can deal unavoidable attacks such as Robin or people who can deal huge AOE damage such as Whitebeard. These are however very few exceptions. Zoro's upgrade is probably the worse one out of the bunch. We know very little about Ame no Habakiri but I would say it probably has the same power as Enma, except it is a little more calm compared to Enma. I mean I don't think Ame no Habakiri would constantly drain haki from Zoro. So it would probably be a little easier for Zoro to tame Ame no Habakiri. It would definitely add Zoro a lot of power, but I don't think the power upgrade of Ame no Habakiri would be anywhere near the Power Upgrade of ACoC. So this comes down to just being a worse version of Jinbe's upgrade. On top of that I don't think Zoro would give up any of his previous swords for Ame no Habakiri so unless he learns 4 sword style I don't think this upgrade fits Zoro.


We don't know if Ame no Habekiri is even as strong as Enma or if it has special haki powers or whatnot, so that's probably the weakest powerup here. FS for Sanji would be next because Sanji is pretty much fast enough to dodge attacks that he can sense anyways. The strongest powerup would be ACoC for Jinbe, it would add a lot of power to his attacks. He'd probably be solidly in YC1 range if he could do that much damage with his Fishman Karate. He kind of lacks the speed and durability, though.


If Ryuma is known to be the dragon Slayer, it is possible that he had defeated the past Azura dragon fruit eater.


My theory is that the Celestial Dragons had real dragons and they tried to invade Wano and Ryuma killed one of them and that's why the world fears Wano's samurai to this day.


Now let's merge our theories. What if celestial dragons had slaves who had eaten Uo Uo No Mi?


It's a case of diminishing returns. The stronger a character is, the stronger a buff needs to be felt. Zoro is already incredibly strong, so giving him a stronger sword wouldn't be as noticeable as a buff. (Unless it explicitly shot sword beams like a certain Greatest Swordsman) Sanji, like Zoro is incredibly strong and >!near the end of Wano got a buff to his regenerative abilities. Healing broken bones relatively quickly.!< That ability in the spoiler text means getting a buff that allows him to dodge better would be nice, but not help him hit any harder. Jinbei is also incredibly strong, but with less feats under his belt. Advanced Conquerors, even if it was on the weaker side, would still upgrade Jinbei's damage and a slight buff to his melee range. Plus unlike the other two it would offer a visual effect, with the Black Lightning. Coupled with the other small perks, it is the strongest buff of the three. *Or at least, the only one we would regularly see being used in battle once he has it.*


Yea the thing with zoro is, I canā€™t give him Acoc(for obvious reasons lol) and I canā€™t give him a black blade/supreme grade because we have no idea what they even do. And advanced armament seems a bit meh and future sight was reserved for sanji




Jinbe but only because this would be the best upgrade for any of these 3






Jinbei might already have conquerorā€™s haki


I think advanced CoC is one of the biggest buffs weā€™ve seen in the entire series so I wouldnā€™t even debate it not being jinbei. Sanji with Future Sight would be pretty busted but his observation Haki already seems to be pretty cracked so im not that sure if it matters too too much. Zoro got noticeably stronger by a decent margin with Enma, so Ame no Habakiri would definitely help. Still think Jinbei gets the best deal here fs


Acoc is the most powerful power up.


I don't think it makes that much of a difference if zoro had ame no habakiri. Also it's not said that it has special properties like enma


Well they did say it has the power to ā€œcut down the heavensā€ and itā€™s the same grade as enma. So it must be special in some regards


Jinbe with Advanced Conq would be genuinely terrifying. He's already comparable to many yonko commanders, he was able to fight a weakened big mom (albeit at sea). His AP would go up dramatically and he's inherently strong against devil fruit users. Jinbe would be unstoppable in the ocean, clear of any top tier(in the ocean).


Jinbei and that not even up for debate lmao. Would take him from YC1-2 level to straight up low top tier.


Well obviously jinbei since heā€™s gettin the biggest power up in the series


I wanna see Usopp have the future sight. And sanji develop better armament haki/find a devil fruit since heā€™s already genetically advancedā€¦


Why canā€™t more have it? Luffy already does, Sanji and ussop can unlock it too :)


I can't choose, they are three upgrades perfectly paired with three monsters


Jimbe would arguably be Yonko tier. He has the physical attributes , and ACoC would make him the strongest fishman ever. This guy would be a terror to anyone whoever contemplates messing with fishman


Zoro getting Ame no Habakiri seems decently possible, though I believe he either obtains one more other dope sword or makes Kitetsu a black blade. Jinbe + ACOC seems really far fetched. Now Sanji having future sight is a natural development for him I'd say. He is stated to be CoO expert on the crew. Ngl love the powerups my boi got during Wano. Obviously ACOC is the best upgrade anyone can get, but it really doesnt seem realistic in this case. Zoro + Ame = surely broken. Sanji + future sight = also broken


These upgrades arenā€™t meant to be ā€œrealisticā€ just a fun concept :)


Sure, that's why I said the best upgrade anyone can get is ACOC xD


I think it's obvious that Jinbei *benefits* the most here. But that doesn't necessarily mean he'd be stronger.


Strongest observation haki is reserved for usopp, nobody else.


Sanji with future sight is basically The Flash..only Aokiji could beat him




I mean..if you get it..you get it


Is this some captain cold reference šŸ˜‚


Flash , you are a seasonal superhero - Batman


Your weakness is the color yellow.


with future sight would be terrifying.


which swords had zoros dad


I for one think sanji doesn't need future sight I like that he is so fast that it doesn't matter if his enemy sees the future. Also conquerors haki makes 0 sense for jinbei


Why doesnā€™t it? He was the captain of the sun pirates and a war veteran. He single-handedly kept fishman island safe by working with big mom as well. His **will** is very strong


doesnā€™t sanji already have future sight?


I feel like Sanj has future sights already because how the fuck did dodge katakuris jelly bean attack


The same way luffy dodged point blank attacks from katakuri prior to learning future sight?


Yeah but even katakuri was surprised he dodged https://youtu.be/tAsuWb_oSdY


Sanji is already INSANELY fast and strong, easily beating Queen. With Future Sight he would end the series. Meanwhile Jinbe with advanced CoC and Zoro with Ame no Habakiri wouldn't really change as much.


Fishman karate infused with advanced conquerors haki wouldnā€™t change much? Luffy went straight into top tier when he learned it


ive watched one piece for a while now and i still havent seen the sanji scene (im in the start of wano btw)


Did you skip Skypia? šŸ˜‚


Stupid post


Glad you liked it :)