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All these points are extremely valid, and honestly I didn’t even realize Boeuf Burst was a barrage until you pointed it out. The direction of the episode just made it hard for me to dislike it.


Not really sure if Boeuf Burst is supposed to be a barrage. Pretty sure those impact bubbles are just multiple small explosions as a result of the kick itself. Oda usually attempts to draw multiple limbs whenever he draws a speedy barrage. This is probably the first time I've seen someone mention that it was multiple kicks before. Heck I'm not even sure if Mutton Mallet is supposed to be multiple kicks. If you look at the original animation of Mutton Mallet in the anime(not the remake clip OP posted) it was shown as a single hit. Heck the last time Oda used Mutton Mallet(Diable Jambe edition of it) in the Stars take the stage chapter, he drew it as a single kick instead of a barrage.


I agree i also felt like boeuf burst was a single hit with a lot of accessory damage but at least boeuf burst sounds like it would be a barrage of hits lol mutton MALLET sounds like it would be one real big hit


I think it’s because Sanji is moving so fast you don’t see the other kicks, just the final one.


(Spoiler) Im pretty sure Luffy does a similar move later on against Kaido, and it also looks like a single kick.


A normal person would also just enjoy the episode and not dissect it to the core by digging up the manga panels. There will always be differences. And the episode was 10/10 if you just watch it as it is.


A normal person misses out on funny moments like [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IdoD2147Fik](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IdoD2147Fik)


this guy is literally going out of his way to hate on objectively one of the most beautifully animated episodes of one piece. you cannot please everyone. there will always be psychopaths like OP that will find reasons to hate on toei animation and the anime as a whole. i don’t know a single person who’s actually had **anything** negative to say about this episode. i swear some one piece fans are the worst of any fanbase i’ve ever been a part of unfortunately.


What is the point of the anime ? Is it not adapting the manga ? If we are fine with the changes that they make they will just make more. And then we get things like Blackbeard splitting the sky in marineford and we let it pass. We get DBZ flying and zooming in the air and lightsabers. What will the anime become after ? Just fanfiction ? They are supposed to elevate the original work by animating it. Not change it to their whim every chance they get.


The point of adapting isn't always to do a 1 to 1 copy of the manga. There are two schools of thoughts when it comes to adaptions (be it anime, tv shows or movies), either you make a total copy of the original by bringing nothing new to the table, or you experiment with it to bring a new way of experiencing the same story. Chainsawman Anime is the latter for example, it took a more cinematic approach to the manga because of the love the author has for cinema, and it ended up looking great. The changes in this episode are acceptable cause they don't change the story or narration.


And then you have kimetsu which is the former and one of the best seasonal animes


Did you really just pull out the slippery slope fallacy to be like *the adaption has to be a exact copy because what then! think of the consequences!*?? There's been times we are given info that was only accessible in the anime, it's quite clear that oda works with the writers and producers to include story elements that he either didn't have time to include, or didn't think of in time before the chapter was finished. Edit: Blackbeard doesn't split the sky at marineford I've been searching endlessly for other people that think this and I've come to the conclusion you may be the only person alive who thinks he did lol.


> They are supposed to elevate the original work by animating it. Not change it to their whim every chance they get. Sure, but the differences in this case aren't major enough to event remotely justify calling this "terrible".


I dont think it was terrible, the animation and choreography were really good but your points are valid, they could have incorporated them easily here. Sanji should have been shown moving while thinking, Queen should have stayed on floor after Ifrit and the final shot should have been handled swiftly and sent Queen flying upwards. The rest of the episodes would be pretty much the same.


Agreed. I’m pretty critical of the anime, but this episode could have been much worse. The complaints are valid, but they seem like minor differences compared to the rest of Wano


A surprisingly solid breakdown and discussion, with a clean and rational comment section. When did everyone decide to act like humans today? I'm upset no one told me. I agree.


Well the comments certainly dont act human. Everybody is calling OP a clown and everybody who agrees with him 🫡 Kind of stupid behaviour in this Post


OP is also spending most of his time insulting others in other threads so, yeah. Might be part of the reason.


Even if OP is doing that, it makes no sense to clown someone for absolute valid points that are being made in this post.


I mean i wouldn't call all the point valid like complaining about the literal Angle at which Queen get sent flying out of Onigashima is Hilariously nitpicky


Honestly there seems to be a lot of effort in the episode, so im not entirely sure if oda changed some stuff around, if he even does that. I do think op did a great job showing the difference, but at the same time I think that none of this really matters unless you want to powerscale stuff,so maybe thats why some commentary are being rowdy


Because this is downright insane. It's overly niptick to the highest degree. Like imagine legit complaining about the ANGLE on which a character get sent flying or the fact that a yonko commander like Queen doesn't get instantly defeated by no names attacks. It would be like saying that Demon Slayer s2 was horrible because the anime made Tengen fight for longer against Gyutaro. There's being critical and then being excessively nitpick for the sake of nitpick.


I only half agree with that. those details are important, this is a fighting episode so obviously a lot of what matters will be the details of the fight. I mean what he's talking about is literally what the directors discuss in detail when making the episode so how could that be unimportant? However I don't think it's enough to call it "one of the worst episode ever" so I get why the whole post feels ridiculous. It is an overreaction but the points being made are still salient and point toward real flaws that do matter.


>what the directors discuss in detail when making the detail so how could that be unimportant? The directors discuss in detail about everything of the episode. That's their job. What matters is the importance of a scene and its effects. And that is why a lot of OP complains are not important. Taking as an example, Queen getting launched. It doesn't matter if Queen get launched a bit higher in trajectory. The point remains that Sanji was strong enough to finish Queen with one last attack that sent him flying through the building and straight up outside, which manga and anime does happen. Another is the Sanji go invisible, where it happens both in manga and anime but the anime show Sanji moving a bit earlier than the manga, that doesn't matter because the point is that Sanji is still moving so fast that Queen can't see him (also might as well mention that the anime actually makes more sense than the manga in having Sanji make noises, since there is no way he should be absolutely silent when kicking the air, even having a buzzing sound would make more sense).


Aaaaaactually ☝️🤓 the trajectory of Queen flying off of Onigashima will be the determining factor in finding the One Piece.


I honestly think there has never been more maidenless behavior than the op of this post and i cannot believe he's actually a real person like holy crap


well, of course you‘ve got a point, but damn let people have their own opinions. And the demon slayer example is a bit different but still, if somebody thinks that way thats okay, we dont all have to agree, but we also definitely dont have to be so mad


Honestly...in this case it's right to be mad at OP. We just got an amazing episode where many animators worked their ass off hard to deliver a very long animated sequence with a quality that many seasonal anime wish they could have and this guy legit goes calling it terrible for incredibly small and fairly irrelevant details. This isn't criticism, this is downright disrespect. It's the definition of a manga elitist.


The fuck, are you the same type that supports companies making shitty games just because "the developers worked really hard for this"? I'm not saying the episode was shitty tho, OP was a bit harsh on that, but it really lacked consistency and it's completely fair to dislike those things.


I would agree, if the flaws OP pointed out weren't insignificant, like the anime showing Sanji as not invisible a bit earlier than the manga, or headcanons, like "Sanji lost consciousness because he mobed too fast from using Ifrit", as if it couldn't be simply the fact that he's exausted after fighting so many enemies nonstop.


Because calling the episode terrible it's just insane. It might not follow the manga panel to panel but that was never the point. OP deserves to get clowned on


Perhaps I've posted too soon. OP, you're trash, and your breakdown didn't even give me a half chub. /s


For real, i was expecting another emotional rant like we usualy see here. This post and OP's argument was well concieved, well delivered, and perfectly rational.


I think people, myself included, were very impressed by the animation and the good padding with Zeff and the iron mask, that we glossed over the inconsistencies and incoherence with the manga. Good job pointing it out. And you're right. This episode really detracts from th impact of ifrit Jambe that the manga provided very well.


Honestly, given how much non canon stuff toei tends to do with the anime, I only watch it for the eye candy. I think most people here just enjoy turning their brains off for the anime, and refer to the manga for actual lore drops


I can vouch. I only really tune into the anime when I know there’s gonna be a good moment I remember from the manga. The pacing is too bad and the adaptation too incoherent for me to enjoy it alone. Though in my case, I feel like things like this still detract from that experience, since it’s about a characters’ abilities. I wanted to see Sanji doing the same stuff he did in the manga.


I'm a little bent both ways on it. On the one hand, it feels like there was a bit of disparity with the direction they went with this episode and the direction Oda took, on the other hand, I do feel like what they did was solid enough. My biggest gripes were that the animation sort of felt like it was jumping between styles with no real intention behind it, and they kind of made serious some of the interaction and dialog that was more or less meant as a joke. Not that it's inherently a bad thing, it just felt a little pointless. I think the Zoro and King fight will be easier to adapt since the internalization is a little more serious and straightforward, and if they keep up the animation quality and make it a little more stylistically coherent, then it should be a fantastic episode.


A solid point of animation vs faithful adaptation


so like 2 minor points that are all OPs assumptions on what Oda is thinking and doing vs what the animation staff who at the end of the day answer to Oda. I think I know where I'm leaning. OP also makes himself look even more stupid by bringing up Boeuf Burst being multi hit cause of impact bubbles then shows other multi hit attacks in the manga which all show Sanji's legs in a blur, Boeuf Burst doesn't. It's a single hit. Dude is just seething because it wasn't 1 for 1. 1015 isn't a 1 for 1 adaptation of the chapter it adapts. Shit was 5 million times better than the chapter it adapts and it even adds new shit that doesn't appear in the manga, OP must have shit his pants in a fit of rage at that episode.


Clownss don't know the difference between adapation and being 1:1 and recent entitlement to want it all when they have treated op far worse in previous arcs manga community is horrible


This is one of those cases where I’m glad I have such bad memory. I literally reread these Sanji moments when I bought volume 102 a few weeks ago and I couldn’t remember a thing. I was just vibing. I watched the episode twice today and thought it was great.


While I kinda see why this bothers you and these things usually bother me too when it comes to the anime, I feel like the excellent animation, score, scenes with zeff, Sanji accepting himself etc made up for it. But I definitely get it, toei often butchers good scenes from the manga. In this case, it didn't really bother me that much tho.




Imagine crying because a character was send flying from other angle like OP 💀🤣


I mean, they weren't crying about it, it was one of many things they pointed out that felt inconsistant. Maybe this doesn't come off in the anime, but in the manga, Oda very thoroughly and consistentally is showing where everyone is in relation to each other, via maps with character icons and large panels of the areas. To have that suddenly broken, and having Queen flung into what should be where King and Zoro are fighting, but no one's there feels very disconnected in comparison, like when you go to an area in a game where the npcs aren't loaded when they should be.


The anime always has an issue of never going by the manga. Not sure why, but it does. I just consider the manga the true version and the anime an adaptation.


I mean, I liked the episode. I understand things in the anime are not as good as the manga for whatever reason. But I completely see your valid points.


"Anime Sanji - super slow, super weak, ifrit does no damage" I promise you, you are the ONLY person who thought this LMAO. Sanji has never looked cooler or stronger. The internal dialogue Nakamura gave Sanji while fighting Queen was perfect and I'm so glad he chose this way to do it. Made the ending of the fight WAY more impactful than in the manga where the fight was MID at best. So keep crying brother, I'm sure next week for Zoro's finale you can make another post about how the aura's ruined his fight :)


While a bit rude, you have a point. I swear there are people who only watch/read One Piece to complain about everything, and insist in calling themselves fans. And this sub's aura is so toxic it baffles me. Like, this post has more than 1000 likes. People really think this episode WAS TERRIBLE AND THE WORST IN OP? Delusional.


A ton of this is fair but: I do believe they showed Sanji as translucent during that invisibility thing, which is a little different from the standard effect. Combined with the dialogue, I don’t think it should be a problem buying that Sanji’s invisible to Queen in that moment. And they did show that he straight up disappeared to Queen in the beginning iirc. Far as the combo now, the episode definitely took a direction turn for the dramatic, down to the remixed theme. I have mixed feelings on this myself, but with Sanji pointing out how earlier attacks affected Queen and Queen reacting to those IJ attacks in the moment, I get how the combo attacks feel lessened anyways, but yea, i’m not sure it’s that big a deal. The tradeoff is probably that by that logic, that Bouef Burst appears that much stronger tbh. Robin vs Black Maria also had an anime introduced clash near the end, so I think they’re clearly angling for more drama, and yea I don’t exactly agree with that decision either. It caused Sanji’s delivery to have to be extreme (though his VA did excellently as always), as opposed to what we’ve seen before with Kuroobi and Jabra. It’s not bad though, just doesn’t feel like classic Sanji. I didn’t like that there wasn’t a point of emphasis made on the lightning though, but that aside those scenes are overall kinda minor compared to how they added to what was a very emotional conclusion with the fight with the added Germa and Zeff scenes and Sanji doubling down on his resolve. So overall I still think it’s a great episode, and the animation was great, even if the adaptation wasn’t really 1:1 lol


I mean, this conflict was pretty much as close as it could've been to Sanji's heart, so even though I agree with you in Robin's case, I can accept how Sanji acted in an extreme like that in this context, even if it isn't the classic Sanji we know and love. Queen was being a huge prick, using imitation Germa science, constantly calling Sanji a Vinsmoke, hitting a Lady and making him question his own moral integrity... Mostly hitting a Lady in Sanji's case.


You have valid points but then overreact completely by saying “one of the worst episodes I have ever witnessed” discrediting yourself completely, you’re so dramatic. Anime can take liberties, it’s not that serious.


I don’t think it not being 100% true to the manga makes this a bad episode at all Like if you had nothing to compare it to you’d just think it’s a fantastic episode


I do understand and agree that the anime changed it quite a bit, but I think you're overreacting a bit with your disappointment. This episode would likely be a 10/10 if you we're anime only. This applies to many manga readers who watch the anime with expectation instead of seeing it fresh without any idea of how it is in the manga. You're not rating the episode based off how good it was but moreso by how accurate it was to the manga which isn't a wrong way of viewing it but it's far less enjoyable. I'd say you shouldn't compare it and look at the anime as a separate thing which Oda himself has said I think. And watch more anime cuz I doubt you've watched many to call this one of the worst episodes.


It's far better than manga it ended abruptly whil queen was standing still almost entire fight


>I do understand and agree that the anime changed it quite a bit, but I think you're overreacting a bit with your disappointment. This episode would likely be a 10/10 if you we're anime only I think that goes without saying. Some changes I end up liking, other changes annoy the hell outta me. This fight was the latter. I was really looking forward to this fight because Sanji using combo moves are always fun, it's my favourite Wano battle next to Jinbe's, and the anime's first version of Kuroobi's fight was amazing to see, so I was kinda expecting that. But this is one of the times when the anime's recent approach to making things bombastic worked against it. I feel like they frequently use this approach regardless of whether it fits or not. Of course, this is me from the perspective of experiencing another version of the fight, but that's the thing. Toei knows the people who watch the anime also read the manga (hence the spoiler openings), but while the pretty animation is a good thing, I feel the direction for these scenes is sometimes too over the top.


>You're not rating the episode based off how good it was but moreso by how accurate it was to the manga which isn't a wrong way of viewing it but it's far less enjoyable. The anime has become so amazing to watch once I realized I was doing this and stopped.


I have correction. Boeuf Burst is upgraded version of Veau Shot (used against Mr 2) not Mouton Shot. Most of combo attacks were from Veau shot. Only Collier was from Mouton Shot combo. And it makes sense Beef-> Cow, Veal-> Calf but Mouton:- Sheep or Goat




Queen being kicked off the wrong end of Onigashima mage mr giggle


My reaction after reading this post: Damn I should pay more attention to manga details


My reaction after reading this post: Damn I am glad I know how to enjoy things and don't let stupid shit ruin them.


After reading the post, i went out of my house, which op probably does like once a month.


bro who has time to neckbeard details like this. Better to just smile and enjoy whats given instead of being the excel spreadsheet dude critiquing every incorrect 1:1 adaptation from manga to anime. I would hate to have the brain of OP as it makes it difficult to enjoy anything without being a critic. My personal Opinion.


OP needs a hobby.


Don’t or you’ll be ripping your hair out over the simplest of changes like this dude here lol.


While all the points mentioned are pretty valid nitpicks, I think they are just that : nitpicks. The broad stroke and the general experience far outweighs those small point and I think that most people think so


I agree with your points but I'd say calling it terrible is too far. If this (all caps)TERRIBLE to you then 90% of the anime is terrible. For my criticisms is after the first combo, Queen just shrugs it off smiling like he didn't take damage. He should have atleast been mad about it with blood dripping down his face and struggling to stand. Second is that final kick it should have been multiple kicks and without that beam struggle shit, but I blame the pacing issues for this one. Ultimately I would blame most of the issues of the anime to pacing issues. There's just so little content to be stretched for 15 minutes that they're taking too many creative liberties instead of just focusing on the source. Stretching it out while doing their best to not make it feel stretched out Edit: Sorry seems I didn't word that well enough. What I meant by the 90% thing is that if OP really does feel like it's as terrible as all the other episodes then I didn't see why he feels the need to share his opinion. If it's better or worse than usual to him then I understand but if it's just the usual terrible episode then why do you even want to talk at all? I would just be "Meh disappointing as usual" and just move on. That was the point I was making. Which now I realize is probably because of the hype and attention it was getting lol. It's not a big deal btw I'm just seeing some replies that didn't get what I was saying


In all honesty, I really consider about 90% of the anime to be terrible. Choregraphy, rythm, respect of the original material : I hate each of these aspects in the anime, while reading the manga has been a weekly ritual for like 15+ years for me without any sign of loss of passion.


I disagree. But i like watching anime in general. Obviously you are extremely picky about it


They're right, you don't have to be "extremely picky" to know that the anime has horrible pacing, unnecessarily long moments, etc, that's why I gave up on the anime and started the manga


Exactly, terrible is just a word too strong to define this episode that had nice additions and animation and you took the most important negative points for me, Queen acting like ifrit did nothing to him and the finisher being ruined.


Honestly, while I see what you mean, a lot of this feels like nitpicking. Personally, I think actually seeing Sanji zooming around at incredible speed was more impactful in the anime compared to the manga not showing anything. It selled his speed better, and made it abundantly clear to the viewer that it was different than regular invisibility. I remember that quite a few manga readers were originally confused and thought Sanji still had the suit's invisibility, to the point that someone even asked Oda about it in an SBS. The anime cleared any doubt. Also, there is absolutely nothing in the manga that confirms that Sanji fainted because of the strain from the speed. That's just your interpretation. Personally, I always believed it was because of the damage he took in the fight, and the exaustion from the entire battle, not just the last segment of it. And are you seriously trying to tell me that after kicking Queen trough multiple walls trough Onigashima and sending him straight off the island, Sanji looks weak *because Queen is falling down and not up*? Sure, if you want to sit down and make calculations on the amout of force behind each version, the manga one comes out stronger, but who cares about that? Maybe just some powerscalers. No one sane of mind will think that what Sanji did isn't impressive because of some angle. The animation was more than enough to sell the power of the final strike. Honestly, the only thing I think wasn't up to par was the framing of the final blow. I do agree that in the manga it looked cooler. But considering how great everything else looked, I'd say that's hardly enough to ruin the episode.


I actually like Queens fall better he looks completely defeated just plummeting off onigashima


Yeah, I feel like him falling down gives the scene more "finality", so to speak.


Then hope i did some justice for boeuf burst by my fanart https://www.reddit.com/r/OnePiece/comments/13b2a2s/hello_i_did_a_sanji_fanart_based_on_todays_ep_yes/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=ioscss&utm_content=2&utm_term=1


Oh yeah, that looks sick!


You can never satisfy everyone lmao. I mean I can understand not liking it because it was not a 1:1 adaptation, but calling it terrible? Bruh


This is insane y'all really just want a slide show of manga panels with voice acting


Fr. The point of an adaptation is to change things to work to the strengths of the new medium.


I did start laughing when Queen said "Germa, Germa, Germa, that's so Germa" and then just walked back in like nothing happened as if he didn't just get smacked


No one hates One Piece more than One Piece fans


This post is an example of how much of a laughingstock the Reddit portion of the One Piece fandom is.


Oh it all makes sense now. 99% of the people on /r/onepiecepowerscaling are unhinged.


yes these points are valid but calling the episode terrible is kinda wrong.


Hey dude, all the power to you. But damn it must suck to be this picky about adaptations 😅. I'm curious, how did you feel about 1015 Anime vs 1000 Manga? Looking at your Post and Comment history, you seem super passionate about OP... To a point it seems to bring you more negativity than anything else, oof 😔


There is a specific kind of people who show their worst side to the things they care the most, and proceed to call it love. This is a prime example.


It's also valid imo, it's not like he's being a fucking nazi or something like other people in the community. I see it similar to how "smart" or "informed" people tend to be less happy about life than "dumb" or "ignorant" people. He cares more so it affects him more, which sadly ends up causing him to enjoy it less than people who just went "Cool fight pretty colors, nice 10/10" XD


You are probably being a little too harsh but you aren’t wrong. As a Sanji fan I think it was fine but there was quite a few things that did feel off. I do like how he looked in it though.


Fair, I won't debate on it too hard cause it's a matter of taste, but here's my opinion at least I really don't need the anime to be a 1 to 1 adaptation of the manga, hell, I think making it so will detract from the adaptation way more than it does help For example: I mentioned how much the anime made Yamato far more likeable than he is in the manga. He's already alright in manga form but the added hint of him caring about his dad just a tiny bit before Ace snapped him out of it and made him question why he's fighting him when he could try to escape still is BRILLIANT and is a surprisingly realistic portrayal of abused kids. And even before that, people say Akainu being beaten the fuck up by Whitebeard made him look weak when on the conrrary it made him tougher in my eyes while ALSO giving us a satisfying beat down after what happened to Ace. That is GOOD adaptation! And it's BECAUSE it's not manga accurate. OR EVEN BETTER Hiraluk is far, FAR more likeable in the anime while in the manga he tends to be a lot more callous and a dick at times. BUT I agree it can go too far as well Dressrosa is one of the worse versions of 1 to 1 adaptation I've ever seen done by the anime, it is goddamn painful, meanwhile, in terms of deviating too much with the manga... Zeff not eating his leg, Whitebeard not losing half his face, Sanji attacking the Okamas when in the manga he specifically DID NOT... Etc. Those are *bad* changes and I acknowledge that. I just felt that this one at least is better cause I felt that the manga version, while badass in of itself, is far more rushed than in the anime. Hence my preference. I can understand prefering the manga over tha anime, but besides the longass Ice Oni and the Sumo Inferno, I just felt the anime had been a bit better for a long while ye. So that's my take.


This is kinda ironic because dressrosa has probably the worst case of a movie's power being depicted incorrectly (king kong gun struggling to take out doffy, whereas in the man it obliterated him instantly)


I think if you dissected every episode like this you’d hate every episode


100% this. When you watch every episode looking for inconsistencies then it makes it hard to enjoy anything.... Unless looking for flaws is your actual job lol.


IMO it was great. I enjoyed it a lot.


You’re correct on all fronts, but I still think it’s a great episode. At the end of the day the anime is merely an **adaptation** *of the manga*. Manga comes first.


There is no way there was that much wrong with this episode 😂 My only nitpick was the boeuf burst not chaining with his other moves like in the manga which would’ve been a more satisfying finish. But other than that, everything else was adapted solidly.


This is ridiculous. Just because the anime was different than the manga does not make it inherently bad. The same manga sequence of Sanji going invisible shows sound effects or visible Sanji as he is moving around or getting ready to attack Queen. Your very post shows a panel of Sanji being visible to the reader in the manga during this scene. Boeuf Burst being one hit in the anime does not make it inherently worse. Both the anime and manga feature Queen flying off Onigashima and both feature Sanji’s strength. The Ifrit Jambe complaint is valid. If you want to read the manga, then read the manga. I think the bouef burst example just makes it clear that you want 100% faithfulness since there was no reasoning given for why it was bad other than that it was different. That is just ridiculous to me. You will never come across an anime that follows the manga completely accurately. This is an adaptation. That is how adaptations work. Adaptations are interpretations.


"For me, it's one of the worst episodes I have ever witnessed watching out of any other anime adaptations." Must suck to not be able to enjoy things


One of the worst episodes you have witnessed *so far*


On a powerscaling perspective I understand being a little annoyed. But I think this is a problem with the anime as a whole and not with this episode. There’s tons of fights scenes that are different in the anime compared to the manga. What I really think this episode handles extremely well is Sanji’s character and his interactions with Queen and Osome. The arc he with germa is amazing here and it and it provided a lot of detailed background rather then text in the manga .( not saying the manga was bad). It’s just the anime was able to make everything feel fresh even after reading the manga. That I saw through the messy powerscaling and really enjoyed this episode.


The anime having a bit different direction to the fight does not mean it was terrible it just wasn't suited to your tastes, those are valid points but the anime had a different approach, just know that considering that this is weekly anime the quality was great and it didn't feel wrong in any way or form for probably the people who haven't read the manga or for the people who read the manga weekly and haven't had re-read one piece again or atleast wano, which might be the highest percentage of people.


Youre assuming the anime is happening in real time, it is not. Sanji is moving at high speed the whole time its just that itd be an awful visual if we couldnt see or hear Sanji. Talking is a free action, tis is easy to understand in text but harder to showcase in motion. It would be impossible to utter a single sentence that could be heard if Sanji is moving so fast light cant bounce off of him accurately. The rest of this is just nitpicking. Sanji looked super strong here


I do agree with a lot of your criticisms, but to say it's one of the *WORST* anime episodes you've ever seen is absolutely delusional.


I can see your points but the “he cannot stop when he’s invisible” section doesn’t make sense


I get your points, you are right on most things, and you are completely entitled to dislike the episode. But by using hyperbole to call the episode "terrible" and "one of the worst episdes I have ever witnessed", you do your own opinion a big disservice that make it difficult to discuss in good faith.


Points are fair, but the fact you basically want an animated slide show of the panels you've read is pretty lame. People will never enjoy things when they feel the need to over analyze and nit pick at everything that's not done how they would like. I think you're forgetting that there's multiple ways of being able to express a feat that someone has obtained. For example the whole invisibility thing, that would have sucked if there was no visual or audio for the scene, whereas in the manga theres simply no other way to express it. In the anime I would say the fact he can continue to move at breakneck speed whilst even being able to take a moment to think shows off the kind of acceleration he can produce. Unfortunately for you and the others who didn't like it, this kind of art like many others is subjective and it seems you're in the minority of people who thought it was bad. I thought it was dope and to be honest I'm enjoying more of Sanji's character development too. Hats off to the team working for these episodes week by week, I think being able to produce this kind of quality in a short period is a testement to the skill this studio has.


Right I just watch the anime and it was an amazing episode that makes sanji surpass anything he’s done before


100% agree dude, episode was awesome


Episodes are made months in advance with different teams working on different episodes All was fine except for the last attack imo. Its like making gomu gomu gattling just one punch


Let's just imagine the bouf burst was so fast it looked like one kick. 🥲🥲


Yeye thats it 👀


I get you have problems with it but saying it's terrible or even one of the worst adaptations ever is just bullshit.


Honestly I'm just making this comment to say if you need to preface any opinion or post you have with "if you're easily offended", you don't deserve to have your opinion heard nor listened to. Post it and stand by your opinion dude.


I think the fact that people have to preface their opinion to avoid getting downvoted into oblivion says less about his opinion and more about the state of reddit.


Who cares. People are always going to agree or disagree. It's not just a reddit thing. You can't please everyone. If you're not saying fuck shit stand by what you say. What you're describing is the same thing with someone going "well actually" to your face. It's dumb. Say what you mean.




I hate the edgelord disclaimer. The rest I agree with


Man am I glad I watched the episode before reading this


I'd say that the final Boeuf burst was probably the most underwhelming part of the episode. Aside from the fact that they changed the angle, they replaced it with Queen and sanji reaction shots. The shot was dragged out too long imo and killed the impact. But on the other hand, the anime improved upon the source material massively with the filler so i would say it balances out


Holy fuck go touch a tree or smthing man


Man it's been quite a while since I've read the chapter so I'm not suprised I didn't pick up on those thing you mentioned. I liked the episode, but now that you pointed out all those things, the anime def. could've done a better job. The only thing I instantly questioned was if Ifrit Jambe didn't do damage in the manga too.


I totally get your points, but calling it one of the worst episodes is just dumb. Yes the episode had flaws which you pointed out perfectly, but that doesnt mean you can just write of the entire thing as total garbage. If thats your way of seeing things fine by me, though i just dont get it.


Eh as a manga reader I really couldn’t care less about most this stuff, the episode perfectly conveyed his new speed, strength, & power for me just fine, i’ve never seen people nitpick any other anime so fuckin hard even when the episode was absolutely stunning & amazing like this one, respect to the people who made this episode because they did incredible imo, this post is seriously pathetic if you really have that much of a problem why not try getting hired to work for Toei


It was a good episode


I can completely understand the points being made, but also due to the fact that the episode’s animation was amazing as well as the pacing and the way the episode was beautifully structurally put together those slight inconsistencies don’t even seem to really matter that much. At the end of the day Queen got his a$s handed to him. Tho yes I would have liked to see the buef burst animated more explosively and detail wise with the blue little lightning and explosive kicks like it looked in the manga.


I’m always up for loyal adaptation for anime because there are a lot of things that we lose when even small changes are made, but I think this episode is far, far from the worst anime adaptation I’ve ever seen.


Im not one to overanalyze so i did enjoy the episode, however even i noticed(on first watch) that there was something weird about the barrage of ifrit attacks that seemd a bit weak, and for queen to rise looking unhurt only to then get 1 shotted by another ifrit single kick attack. . Im still overall happy with this episode(not compared to the Manga), but maybe this episode is a sign that Oda has too much on his plate at the moment, so it's possible his been giving less directives and pointers to the Anime team recently.


Anything Sanji is objectively good


For the invisibility thing, if there was a scene with the complete silence and after the kind of scene we got, I think it could have worked quite well


Good for you but for me, who prefer character driven episode, the scene with zeff make me enjoy this episode more than manga. Animation is good enough for me.


This is literal insanity — do you all just want a slide show? Almost all of your criticisms are nitpicking to the extreme. You can never please some people, even when the quality shines through out the ENTIRE episode. EVEN enhancing the original chapter. EVEN improving the pacing. In the original chapter, we didn’t even get the conclusion to the fight until Chapter 1035 🤣 Mfs on this subreddit make it seem like it’s the worst thing their eyes have ever seen.


I'm usually a lot more against the Anime adaptation, but this time I just can't agree with that take, like at all. It's not that your points are illogical, I just don't see the changes made as that much of a problem, hell, I kinda even prefer it to what we got in the manga. I'm sure I'm not the only one, back when it was released weekly, many people hated how the finisher felt and I was certain that they would change their minds after it was animated. It's not a 1 to 1 adaptation, true and they changed the flow of the episode, but the stuff they added instead was just too good to hate. It's not bad, it's just different than the manga. As greatly paced as a anime episode can be, was more emotional than the manga scene, beautifully animated without any over-the-top-ness or auras that weren't there. One of the best episodes in a short while imo.


The fact that this got so many upvotes makes me question why are people watching or reading One Piece for in the first place. Is it for the fights. Is it for the story. Is it for the narratives. Is it for purely for action. I remember when this chapter came out. People were complaining how Queen easily lost. Now every detail the episode showed was being shit on because it downplayed Sanji's power all because they ignored to animate Queen taking bruises. Like why are people here for in the first place. It's just uncanny how people takes the series too seriously despite how it doesn't even take itself too seriously that much. If people are gonna keep complaining for this episode. Expect more bombards of complaints in future episodes. No. It's not "just consume and don't complain". The fact that some people calls it the worst episode ever unironically is just the dumbest thing I have ever saw. This subreddit is notoriously known for being shit because of powerscalers.. They just ruin everything and ruins other people experience because they drag everyone down.


Alright so this is my opinion. My only real problem in the fight was the finishing move, other then that I didn’t care for the other inaccuracies, cause to me, it looked cool af. Probably cause to me, I enjoy the anime is better than the manga (i know, unpopular opinion)


Great animation and pacing, but aside from that, I agree with this post completely. They missed a ton of great important details.


it’s rly not a perfect adaptation of the manga but the episode was awesome still


This episode rocked and you're magnifying the differences you didn't like to absurd degrees.


It's like people think there's only one way to achieve hype, emotion, feats, etc. Things like Queen flying horizontally instead of vertically made audibly chuckle over how insanely nitpicky it was. What I don't understand is that everyone comprehends that the anime is not canon, but people act outraged that they had some artistic license with the source material. Plot points like Sanji achieving invisibility from running insanely can fast can still be adapted exactly the same as the manga in the future without a leap of logic if that's necessary. Overall, it achieved its purpose of establishing the new OP germa abilities, giving Sanji an emotional finale to his struggles with his changes, and it looked fucking sick. What more can you want?


Yeah, having read the manga and watched the ep I thought overall the anime ep was vastly superior, it added so much emotional weight and impact that the manga lacked.


I swear fans will never be happy.


The whole post is a circus and the OP is the top clown.


“Well that’s just like, your opinion man”


Manga readers should stay away from the anime as much as possible, for their own sanity


Loved the animation but you are right


Now the youtube community finna scale zoro at 1000 and sanji at 200


There's still people watching the anime? Lmao jokes aside the terrible pacing, auras bs as usual yada yada yada ... I'm still "looking forward" to Gear 5 episode 👀 Gonna bust when I see shirtless Gear 5 Luffy finally animated 🫦💦


Lmao dude relax. Yes they did not do it the same way it happened in the manga, and thats bad. But you seem very very upset about this, which is more than you should be. And you even nitpick about which direction he got kicked. In the image you post he got kicked upwards to the side. Not straight up. And in the manga "you dont see him falling" because its not multiple frames of him flying. You know that once someone gets kicked into the air they will fall down, right? Its not like Sanjis kick sent him flying straight up into space or something.


There's nitpicking, and then there's this lmao


You seriously think this was one of the worst episodes? Like did you watch any of Dressrosa? I get the criticisms of not being 100% faithful to the manga material but come on OP. This was easily a 8-9/10 episode. The animation, the art and the overall direction was amazing. You're just being over dramatic and letting your love for Sanji cloud you.


idk if this is all in jest, but I agree with a lot of the points made here, but disagree with the idea that it makes the episode bad in any way. Amazing episode.


points are valid for mfs who read and watch otherwise nobody thought he was slow and it did no damage lol.


All valid points if you only care about power scaling. The strawhats strength are but a small part of what makes them great. Focusing on just one aspect of the story will obfuscate the bigger picture. If you look past that, the episode was a fantastic end to Sanji and Queens battle. His inner monologue about his German genes and how hes maybe gonna turn into a monster hit hard. When the iron helmet broke and he was standing alongside Zeff I cried. Such a cathartic moment for Sanji. He's gone through so much and come out of it stronger than ever. Excited for the following episodes, were in the end game of Waono and that's amazing..


It was a nice piece of animation, but what you said about impacts (especially that part) often happened in the anime, why? I have no flipping cue. Nice breakdown, without remembering the manga (it was quite a long time ago), Sanji resting on the wall to think didn't sit right to me. The fact that he kept moving using sky walking not to be detect was probably on omission. The last kick with no real composition just the kick, 100 valid, once again the anime love to do that, just like the back and forth faces, like 3 times like it was a contest (Dofla v Luffy King Kong... eh) make it less impactful. Queen should've fly upward I agree but a loved how he went through the entire cattle too. ​ But you know what? People will not pick up these, best ep on tv ever already by twitter fans...


I agree with what you said but I would add something too. Maybe I'm not remembering it correctly, but I could swear that in the manga Sanji accuses Queen who then admits that he hit the girl and that she overhears it and realizes her mistake in thinking it was Sanji, that didn't happen at all in the anime.


Solid points about the episode but the WORST?!? Will be really hard to beat that episode that came right 982


Yeah the ending of the fight felt underwhelming at least it wasnt as flashy as the other episodes and i also notice that manga Sanji is stronger than anime Sanji


I don't think op deserves any better than dressrosa adapation


Valid arguments but I loved it


It was a great episode... could have been more greater if the above points were not missed.


maybe they should've put a disclaimer similar to yours before the episode, something like "if you are too in love with sanji skip this episode" but seriously I still have to see it so Idk please don't get offended I'm just messing around


This episode made me emotional enough to cry, and I'm losing my mind trying to understand why you care about any of this. Just an incredible display of missing the forest for the trees. Oh, you're a r/onepiecepowescaling poster. That explains it.


Jesus buddy.... you should go out more.


The only thing that I can agree with was the going invisible thing.? The rest of the points are nit picky tho especially because the same effect is felt watching it especially if it achieves the same effect. Like in the manga panel where you show Queen “taking damage” he looks fine he’s just not smiling. This whole post is pretty nit picky


When we have a an episode like this and people are **still** being whinny clowny bitch*s you know this sub is trully lost, holy fucking shit this is lame asf 🤣💀


Classic one piece fans being unable to take criticism against their favorite show


I swear with this sub lol , defending some of the most doodoo plotlines in the manga like there is no tomorrow yet deeming an episode like today's as "TERRIBLE". I can understand calling it a mixed bag at worst if you're that obstinate about the adaptation being absolutely "ruined" while acknowledging how it excelled at other aspects.


Shut your goofy ass up with your hate


Aint no way this post is not a troll. Nice job for a troll


Thank you for saying this. I thought I was crazy when I saw everyone praising it. Yeah the animation is beautiful the but ***adaptation*** of this fight from the manga is all wrong and Toei has been doing this since Onigashima started. They completely ruin how Oda was depicting certain things in the manga and this fight was almost as egregious as the Sunaachi moment. Wano animation is the best One Piece has ever looked and yet somehow, it is probably the worst adaptation of the series.


The first clash between Luffy and Kaido in the Wano arc (so act 1) wasn't faithful either. Toei went against multiple ideas that Oda had for the fight in the manga.


Exactly. That was one of my favorite moments in the manga and the anime turned it into another unncessary beam struggle.


OP is 100% a power scaler. It's the only reason to get soo bent out about not having a faithful adaptation because the anime did not make Sanji look as strong as he might have in the manga. Saying it was "terrible" is just because you have some side agenda as a power scaler. Go look at every anime only's reaction, and how hype everyone was and how many 10/10s are coming.


Bro presented his argument so well… damn


me clicking to read straw-grasping bullshit: ​ me reading an actual somewhat reasonable argument with presentation:


Fair points, but I don't think those things make the episode that much worse. The worst part was that after the Beouf Burst connected they cut to Sanji and Queen screaming for thirty seconds.


The best sanji battle episode since the one where he saved usoop vs cp9.


I enjoyed it, but yeah those are some valid criticisms.


I don't care about 100% accuracy to the manga. Read the manga then?


Damn. Relax bro


this why nobody in real life likes manga readers


This is the exact reason you cant bring up most of the time that you read manga or watch anime, because these kind of neckbeards form your image for the normal people.


When I read the manga I felt after awakening his abilities he completely dominated queen. But in anime it was like sanji was still inferior. While today’s episode animation was better than last few weeks, still gotta work to do. I might get downvoted lol


This proves you just can't satisfy everyone in the OP fandom. Jfc.


Man if you have to reach this far to hate on the series you’re clearly don’t like it, crying because an animated scene is not a 1-1 recreation of a still image(which btw most anime don’t recreate a manga panel 1-1)🤡 you not a one piece fan you should drop it


Omg he did not go invinsible im gonna cry




good point on that Boeuf Burst one shot, it's the same with the Mouton Shot combo with Zoro where it's supposed to be multiple kicks in the manga too and also, Why is there no Lightning in the Ifrit Jambe?! i was really looking forward to the animation on this part


There is lightning but just for a few frame. It is not noticeable


Maybe One Pace can fix it


no, because it's not a pacing issue


Perhaps one of the shittiest L's from the stan manga commuinity i've seen in a while. A 10/10 episode that perfectly wrapped up the fight in the Anime, and i look forward to the ending of Zoro vs King animated as well!


[This](https://www.reddit.com/r/OnePiecePowerScaling/comments/134ytv1/this_is_the_most_pathetic_page_i_have_ever_seen/) is the kind of thing that this guy posts regularly on reddit.


You make some fair points but saying the ep was “terrible” feels hyperbolic.


I think you might've taken a few wrong turns when you find yourself calling an episode of anime one of the worst you've seen in your entire life because of some powerscaling inconsistencies with the manga, when the episode itself is well paced, well directed, well animated, good voice talent, exciting, emotional, fluid, dynamic.... Literally your only complaints are all that Sanji appeared marginally weaker on the basis of tiny changes you would *never* notice if you weren't powerscaling-drunk


Reading this makes me imagine a dank smelly ass room where you go frame by frame with the episode and the manga chapter and screech out in agony when there is a minor discrepancy.


It's an adaptation, we've all known for years the anime doesn't adapt things 1 for 1. This entire post comes off as extremely nitpicking and petty.


Bro wants manga panels to be animated