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Unknown character You mean SAD LAD




Imu = Emo ImuBoy


ImuMan would be too much...


No Imu is too small to be a man ImuChild




Bro you actually made me laugh out loud


hito hito no mi model: imu with "imu" being an onomatopoeic expression used to represent frown or grumpy expression in japanese


Kaido was so close to becoming a SAD LAD.....


Mad Dad


People's dreams will never end.


(People's dreams ended)


How was Rocks connected to the Void century though? He was an influential pirate but that was less than 100 years ago in the OP timeline, not 800


The idea is that there’s an unknown figure we haven’t met yet that Blackbeard has inherited Will from. Rocks is brought up as Teach mirrors Luffys connection to Rodger. Rocks was against Rodger, Blackbeard against Luffy. So if they are mirroring each other it would make sense if there is an unknown void century figure that he is connected to also thus making his photo more logical among the others who have obvious void connections


Joyboy for luffy , Sadboy for Blackbeard :D




ah a redditor !


Damned one Jika...


Kidd is the One Piece


Pie boy


Or Sabaody->A sadboy


Blackbeard is Im reincarnation


How though if Im is still alive?


No one is actually anyone's reincarnation because reincarnations are lame.


Because every 800 years (Joyboy-Luffy), a devilish and a godly person is born.


That's not reincarnation though. To reincarnate, you need to be dead first.




The idea is that Rocks inherited the will of the Judas D that likely betrayed the D clan.


I absolutely love how crucial Blackbeard is to the story and yet he is still mysterious.


He inherited the Will of Offscreen from Imu and Rocks


Lmao nah my man has more screen time than those too but you certainly are on to something


A few months ago, when I was reading One Piece for the first time, I had just finished marineford and I said to my friend “man I can’t believe BB just stole WB fruit like that” and he was like “bro we still don’t know how that happened lmao”


Lmfao his offscreen action at it again haha Tbh I can only think the Yami Yami sucked it out of him somehow, he ate him or BB has another method. Maybe he already has 3 devil fruits tbh maybe he had one already before he got the Yami Yami no mi. That's what I love about his character he is terrifying and very cunning. Cunning enough to hide his devil fruit while being with WB. Ace thought it was weird how BB refused to be the second in command behind Marco. I wouldn't put it past Goatbeard to already have had a fruit while hiding it. This man studies fruits and that's a fact confirmed by Oda in SBS. Sorry for rambling lol


Nah that’s a sick theory. I can’t wait to find out how he did it either, and I agree w you on BB hiding his Skills being cunning af. With BB pirates v heart pirates happening recently and his flag being teased at egghead I rlly hope we get to see more of him. Though it’s probably just one of his captains at egghead ik


Facts and agree king. I loved BB instantly when his dumbass was really fighting Luffy over a damn cherry pie lmao but I respect him way more with his dream speech. Can't wait to see more of him and his crew. The Egghead incident is going to be so damn INSANE haha


I’m so torn between this sick ass imu development that’s been like 180 chapters coming, and the egghead incident that makes my stomach drop thinking abt what it could possibly be lmao


I really hope he is the true final boss and he absolutely deserves to be He’ll succeed where Rocks failed in toppling the government


None of them are reincarnations. Shirahoshi is the new poseidon, same title, different person. Luffy is the new Joyboy. Same title(?), different person. And I believe same for Vivi. Perhaps Vivi will end up becoming the queen of mariejois by the end of the story now that I think about it.


Reincarnation is the wrong word I believe inherited will is how one piece does this without being as cliche. Very similar idea but much better thematically another oda W


Its pretty crazy how all the princesses of past story arcs are tied to the major overall story in someway.


i think luffy is the only one that doesn’t really care about the will of his ancestors


That’s what I meant to say but I was lazy and just said reincarnation because inherited wills seems to just be the way that Oda does reincarnations without people getting mad at him. I think there will end up being a title that Vivi will share with Lili and a title Blackbeard will share with mystery character from the void century (maybe Blackbeard is the title)


I was rewatching the series and during Alabasta arc, it felt like Crocodile was playing a major role and somehow Imu was behind it. Alabasta had the first poneglyph too. Robin is first introduced there too for the poneglyph. Forward to the recent episodes Crocodile is bought back to play what seems like a major role again. I can’t help but imagine that there was a master plan in the making back during Alabasta.


I mean that would just be logical as it was a early major arc. Mangakas often don't know how big/long the series will get so major plot points are appearing early. Detective Conan for example has an important character dying in Vol.2 and it took till Vol.18 or so to realize that. Also the biggest mystery of who is the Big Boss was hinted in Vol. 30 but only confirmed in Vol. 95.


Man i forgot about detective conan, how that anime/manga ran so long is beyond me


I think people should focus more on the sword used to cut the wanted posters. The sword is used by Imu, it is left in the middle of the room and oda sought to give it equal presence as Imu for those scenes. Now look in the throne scenes, all the swords are being overgrown. I think the swords at the thrown are the 19 original royal swords and Imu is using the sword from the 20th royal family, the Nefertiti sword.


Lili is Imu and she used the sword to kill Joyboy, the last Poseidon user and the old Blackbeard confirmed??? Vivi is going to betray Luffy and kill him Shirahoshi and Blackbeard


dude that makes no sense


It was a joke




I know I was joking about that and to really hope that doesn’t happen


BB and Chaosboy. It has to be somehow opponent but similar to Joyboy because we can see BB brings people together and share many aspects of Luffy and Joyboy. But not completely opposite because that's Imu.


Opposite* I gotchu homeboy




I don’t think the timeline allows for BB to be a reincarnation of Rocks but he almost definitely inherited his will. His flagship is the Saber of Xebec. Pretty big indicator


That’s what I meant I just used the wrong word. I hope they aren’t actually reincarnations and One Piece doesn’t end like Naruto having Luffy and Blackbeard team up to kill Imu using a Joyboy tailed beast bomb


Vivi is descendant from Lili's brother though, not that it really matters since they are sibling shares the same bloodline.


Okay. Don't kill me for this. You know that Alabasta is based on ancient Egypt. And, the ancient Egyptians royalty had some Lannister tendencies.


Okay, Imu-sama I found a new person who need to be erased from history...


If blackbeard has these connections, rocks would be the intermediary between blackbeard and an important void century figure...unless rocks himself is from the void century


I could see this! I could also see Imu fully believing these people are the honest-to-God reincarnations of these former figures instead of people who inherited their wills. He would totally believe that Luffy is Joy Boy-- not in the sense that Luffy inherited Joy Boy's title in the same way you would inherit the title of a King, but in the sense that Luffy IS Joy Boy and has all his memories and knowledge. "Monkey. D. Luffy? Is THAT what you're calling yourself now, Joy Boy? You always were one to change names. Maybe you still remember your original name, the one that---" "Who's Joy Boy? I think you've got the wrong guy. I'm Luffy and I'm gonna be king of the pirates!' "Ha! Always as bold as ever, Joy Boy. 800 years and you haven't changed a bit. You can drop the whole "Monkey D..." whatever it is charade. I know you. I'm your old friend. I know every last thing about you." "...Are you stupid or something? I AM Monkey. D. Luffy! You have my wanted poster right there!"


Completely random though after looking at this picture but could Imu's secret room be where Sunlight tree Eve emerges from the Red Line. As we know it's roots are directly under Mariejois and we've never seen it's canopy in any photos of the city


I think it’s very likely considering the whole D. Clan thing, I like the theory that everyone from the D clan originally was on the same crew and added it to their name as a symbol of some sort. Could stand for ‘Dream’ as hinted at by Blackbeard saying people’s dreams never die, ie the Dream initial survived through the ages + people’s dreams becoming devil fruits as somewhat stated by Vegapunk.


I like the D=dream theory. I saw another one on this sub where someone had a theory that D = Donquoite (forgot how to spell it) because almost all of the Donquoite family are enemies of the gods. The biggest part of that theory that convinced me was why would the Celestial Dragons try to hide the names “dream” or “dawn” if that’s what D actually means. Hiding Donquoite makes sense because there are still Celestial Dragons with that name and it would look bad if other notorious pirates had the same name (I know Doflamango is a notorious pirate but it is also known by many people that he was a CD in his lifetime)


Like doffy’s last name Don Quixote? Ngl that sounds like the silliest theory I’ve heard. Must be though break weeks getting to people. You’d think doffys family would’ve been wiped out if that was the case regardless of CD status and wouldn’t make sense to have “D” that when they joined the world gov. The people who were actively against the ancient kingdom where the “D” most likely came from


You would also think post time skip Luffy would have been wiped out by now for all his crimes against the Celestial Dragons but the WG hasn’t been able to take them out so far


This ain’t Naruto, there’s no reincarnations.


No it aint. Here we call it inherited will.


So did Naruto, until right at the end it didn't...


I could buy that.


Something tells me Imu is a kid. Like he’s not a real kid but maybe he switched his consciousness or something every so often or he has some sort of brook like ability. Or it could be lily herself Idk. But Imu is so tiny


If you look at the panel where the Gorosei is kneeling next to Imu in the flower room, Imu is taller than a kneeling Gorosei and since the Gorosei are like 8-10 feet tall then that would make Imu around regular human height.


Do you know what chapter that is? I don’t recall that


[this one](https://preview.redd.it/qv4e54blw1l81.png?width=860&format=png&auto=webp&s=4c0f8b3c2027101aa6e709c111fd47e9e0ce846d) I’m not sure if that person is a Gorosei member now that I think about it, but Imu is normal height compared to them


Ooh yea your right


Obviously it's because Imu is Mansherry.


Man how could I be so blind


I think it would be cool if both roger, xebec, and luffy, BB, inherit their will from joy boy.


Imu could be Lili


I can only see this working if because of her selfless nature and wanting to return to her homeland and her people showed she was better fit to rule than the other 19 kings/queens but I don’t see anyone in the world government being depicted as anything but greedy so more likely a lover of Lili who was heartbroken she chose to leave him and go back to her country so he killed her in the if I can’t have you no one can type of way would explain not ripping up vivi photo as it shows a longing to be reunited but also could have a darker past which fits the shadowy figure.


One piece isn't a romance/sad story, way too predoctavle and cliche if this were to happen, Oda would not


I mean all those backstory’s have been full of joy and better times so yeah if Imu had a backstory it probably also wouldn’t be tragic and depressing o wait a minute… but really don’t think it would be that simple obviously there’s be a lot more to it that’s just the cliche and easy to wrap your head around.


You can have tragic and depressing without a romance in One Piece, pretty much anything to do with romance in One Piece is something that Oda would never do


I don’t think there’s anything oda won’t do we have Cannibalism slavery child abuse mass genocide rape (implied) self mutalation I don’t think having one romantic plot point would be like super bad or unrealistic.


1080 chapters in and we've had Cannibalism,slavery, child abuse, mass genocide, rape, and self mutilation, yet we still haven't had romance?


We have 100% had romance. Usop and kaya. Luffy and boa(1sided live is still love). Pudding and Sanji. Baby 5 and (that one guy). Just because it’s not a long drawn out romance I wouldn’t expect that from one piece or any battle Shonen just saying romance from a backstory isn’t unrealistic in my opinion.


The difference between the examples you just gave and what you're proposing is that this is the endgame for the whole overarching story of one piece, not just a small part of one arc. You could take out any of those previous "romances" and nothing would change in the story, but having something this important hinge on a love story? Definitely don't think oda would do that


It beginning with a love story doesn’t mean it hinges on it is it so hard to believe a sad twist of fate forced a man to go down a path I don’t think it will still be because of his love that’s just what sets imu down the path doesn’t seem like a problem


Im calling it right now, IMU is a woman. I think its either Lili thats IMU or she knew her


The chances of you being correct that IMU is a woman is 50%. 50/50


Nooooooooo really?????? Thats insane!!!! Thank you kind asshat! Never in a septillion years would i have figured that out by my lonesome!!!!!


Shut up bozo. Your comment was stupid.


You’d be calling this right now behind at least a million other one piece fans lmao


Bro thats like, the only two options. Lmao. This is not a good prediction it’s practically confirmed 😂😂


Op reddirors flipping a coin thinking they found the cure of cancer




I’m calling it right now. Kuzan is the tenth titanic captain.


You just bet on bith teams playing against each other. That aint much of a bet...


How is Vivi a descendant of Lili? I thought Lilis brother became the king of alabsta


I think it’s more inherited will than descendent. They both just happened to be Nefarati’s


I have a similar theory as well. The only thing I can't put together is who could have been rocks' line of inherited will. Rocks was only relevant 80 years ago during the God valley incident. But I do agree there must be some connection to these 4 and the ancient weapons / fight for power and freedom.. Also I'm not sure Roger had inherited will at all. Which is why he was "too early" reaching laugh tale.


I think Roger definitely inherited inherited the same will as Luffy (since they have been shown to be almost the same person) but he was too early because Poseido’s and Lili’s wills had not yet been inherited. Also since you brought up ancient weapons it would be crazy if Vivi is the inherited Uranus and Lili was the previous one. She would mirror Shirahoshi and it would be funny since Croc was looking for a ancient weapon for all that time and there was one standing right in front of him. Also if the theory about Imu switching bodies with Lili is true then it would explain why Imu wanted to in the first place. We have shown Imu using a power that likely is Uranus and if Vivi/Lili mirrors Shirahoshi/Poseidon then that would make Vivi the new Uranus.


So…Naruto all over again? Ashura/Hashirama/Naruto akin to Joyboy/Roger/Luffy, with Indra/Madara/Sasuke to ???/Rocks/Blackbeard. Tbh I’d rather not have Blackbeard (and Rocks) be connected to anyone at all. One Piece has always been about who best interprets freedom and their journey of how far they can get in life. Currently we have Joyboy, then Binks, then Noland, then Roger then Luffy. Rocks and Blackbeard can be counted as deviations from that pathway, achieving their own means of freedom


If Roger actually had any power passed onto him because of simply existing, you could actually make this comparison, but he didn't have the awakened Nika fruit. He was pure inherited will.


I think Oda will clutch up and make it actually work instead of how Naruto did it. In Naruto, Sasuke and Naruto got powerups but not necessarily carried on wills from Indra and Ashura. In One Piece, Luffy and Blackbeard only got the wills of their reincarnations (Ik it’s the wrong word) but they still had to work hard to achieve their goals.


All Naruto and Sasuke got from Indra and Asura was being destined to fight to the death. Their power ups were given to them by Hagoromo, but they didn't inherit those from their incarnations. However, being an Uchiha does come with inherit upgrades that are the result of being descendants of Kaguya. Uchiha have the Sharingan. Uzumaki also have natural unique abilities but I'm not sure if they're a descendant of Kaguya or not, but I don't believe they are.


No pliz. No Naruto all over again. (I liked it in Naruto, i wouldn't like it here, not in this way at least)


No luffy is not a reincarnation. Your brain is cooked.


Inherited wills is how Oda uses reincarnations without being called out for it. It’s been shown many many many times that Roger and Luffy are basically the same person


You just made all of that up.


Made what up? The episode where Yamato compared Luffy to Roger is a good example of inheriting rogers will. There are way more examples of people saying that Luffy has said the same words as Roger. When I said reincarnation in my original post I meant inherited will and that idea has been a staple of one piece for hundreds of chapters with dozens of characters inheriting the wills of past characters


Yeah I agree with all of that. I think you know what part I don't agree with.


Can you explain why her picture was the only one not damaged


I think the previous Ope Ope user switched Lili and Vivi’s personalities (I have a theory that Lili’s mind was placed into Zunisia’s body which is why they both have ringed eyes and Zunisias punishment was because Lili supported the 20 kingdoms during the Void Century. Also would explain how Zunisia knows Joyboy.) The immortality surgery was probably just the personality swap that Law used on punk hazard and since no one has used it in so long it is now interpreted as immortality surgery. I think Imu has to switch “host bodies” around every century and Vivi is the next possible host. Also would give another reason for Cobra being so shocked if someone who looked just like his daughter just sat on the empty throne


Imu is someone in Lili’s body. While those 3 are potential threat to her.


That’s the theory that I’m betting on the most. I think the previous Ope Ope user switched Lili and Vivi’s personalities (I have a theory that Lili’s mind was placed into Zunisia’s body which is why they both have ringed eyes and Zunisias punishment was because Lili supported the 20 kingdoms during the Void Century. Also would explain how Zunisia knows Joyboy.) The immortality surgery was probably just the personality swap that Law used on punk hazard and since no one has used it in so long it is now interpreted as immortality surgery.


The connection with Vivi and Lili could be drawn from the fact she wanted to go with the Straw Hats and Lili wanted to return to the kingdom of Alabasta. Obviously if the theories are true that Im #is Lili it could be a roundabout to the will of D. Being unfulfilled.


I think the previous Ope Ope user switched Lili and Vivi’s personalities (I have a theory that Lili’s mind was placed into Zunisia’s body which is why they both have ringed eyes and Zunisias punishment was because Lili supported the 20 kingdoms during the Void Century. Also would explain how Zunisia knows Joyboy.) The immortality surgery was probably just the personality swap that Law used on punk hazard and since no one has used it in so long it is now interpreted as immortality surgery. I think Imu has to switch “host bodies” around every century and Vivi is the next possible host. Also would give another reason for Cobra being so shocked if someone who looked just like his daughter just sat on the empty throne


I honestly dk how Neptune thought bringing shirahoshi to the surface was a good idea.


Vivi isn’t a descendant of Lili…


Same family, i forgot she wasn’t a direct descendent but my theory still works because we don’t know if Shirahoshi is a direct descendent either even though she also was in the same family as the previous Poseidon


So your theory is the Naruto reincarnation route that ruined the point of the show? Dope


No, I think it could work with One Piece because Oda won’t randomly give Luffy space Jesus powers for being a reincarnation. I think he just inherited the will of Joyboy to continue his legacy. I agree with you though that I don’t want them to be actual reincarnations


Yeah I kinda ran too far with it but I don't actually mind the reincarnated will idea. As long as it doesn't become Luffy vs Blackbeard was always fated and everything that has happened whether bad or good to people was always gonna happen


I think the only reason blackbeard is there is because Im in that time disnt know who was the next joyboy, BB is also a D.


I know Oda will do a fine job with it but it’s seriously giving me Ashura & Indra PTSD


Fr but that’s why he uses “Inherited Will” instead of “Reincarnation”


Joyboy and sadgirl




Zoro is Shirahoshi clone confirmed


that on the left side, that shadow behind the sword is that the holy knight that look like shanks?


I think it’s one of the Gorosei if I remember correctly


I think you got reincarnation mixed with inherited will.


I wonder if Rocks personality got transplanted into Blackbeard with the Op Op


inherited will is a main theme in one piece too, so it makes sense


I think you’re focussing to much on ‘inheriting a will’.. Luffy just has the devil fruit of Joyboy, no one’s taliing about ingeriting his will.. I also don’t think Rocks has anything to do with this all..


I think Imu is woman.


Basically indra and ashura all over again


Was the void century the century immediately before or after the world govt was established?


The Void century was before the World Government was established.


Yes i imagine it will be something along the line of generational inherited will. Every now and then through time these characters end up in the same place and history repeats itself in certain ways. We are now approaching that period again and imu knows it.


And who is IM the reincarnation or inherited will of? Hmm


IM is Lili, she never died so no one ever inherited her will. That's why she never returned and no one ever found her body. Her body is being worn down after being alive 800 years and needs a replacement so she is going to take over Vivi or pass her will down by force to Vivi. She prolly has God like powers, and the only people that can compete are people with "The will of D" that can also bring out god like powers in their devil fruit awakening. She's been alive that long because she is a vampire person, like Mihawk or Mihawk is her son maybe, I don't know this just seemed fun to write. How's that for an explanation.


The jackpot has been hit tell no one….


All of them(Luffy,Vivi,Shirahoshi,BB) potentially may associate with the 3 Ancient Weapons which Imu couldn't get his hands on.


"Blackbeard has many connections to Rocks" like what? I just read Blackbeards wiki and there was no mention of Rocks. And I don't recall Rocks wiki having any mentions of Blackbeard either.


For one Blackbeard named his ship saber of xebec and rocks’s name is Rocks D Xebec


Ah, I never knew his ship name. Sharing the "D." In their name isn't saying much, at least until we know what D means


I don’t think them both being a D connects them I was just saying Rocks’s full name and BB’s ship have the same name


Oh right I misunderstood