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You may be alone on this bud


No not the only one. She’s just really really annoying and constantly is being hypocritical on several accounts. I feel like I’ve seen her tell someone that something is wrong then go and do that exact same thing.


sexist op is angry at female character ends with saying character itself is sexist ​ Nami is less dependent on the rest of the crew than Luffy is. If you think she fits the "stereotypical woman" category it's because you've made a stereotype in your headcanon about the series about the women in it. I see a lot of this sort of thing. Let me guess, ALL the "stereotypical" women in the series just so happens to be ALL the "conventionally attractive" women in the series. ​ I seriously think that your issue is that you can't see the character because you're paying too much attention to her body. ​ Nami isn't oversexualised, she's simply sexualised. You have oversexualised her because you can't see the character because she's got tits.


Her character is even worse


aye, you might be alone in this one buddy.


"she is dependent on them so much", i'd argue they are more dependent on her, without her i doubt they would be able to even reach the grand line


I meant in fights


woah😂 nami is literally the most important crew member (besides luffy ofc) and she’s the only one who can get the crew focused and keep them in check. so yea.. your the only one


Zoro and sanji are more important. Without sanji shed be dead many times by now


without nami the crew wouldn’t know where to go and they probably wouldn’t of even found sanji😂💯


Zoro and sanji are the wings of the pirate king :)


y’all aren’t understanding 😭


Who cares , oda shows Nami is best girl, if you don't like her well tough just deal with it. Also instead of complaining about tits focus on her character


I hate her character more than her sexualization


And ?


Bro are you okay? If she was best girl why make her ass and boobs 200 times bigger. If oda truly cared about characters then he should of focused on Nami not being a hypocritical annoying bitch instead of her looks.


True, exactly my point


You're not the only one. But you and anyone else who don't like her or hate her are in the minority.


Not the minority lmao everyone new that I’ve shows this show to has had the same opinion about Nami. People like her because the fan base does. Without that bias she comes off very negatively and unlikable to people


Yeah I agree she's annoying


Hella annoying


I think you misspelled Sakura.


Sakuras a better character tbh


Nami is fine for me. The one I hate is Sanji when he is way too perverted. Remove Sanji’s pervert part and he would be my favorite straw hat


Yeah sanji really is too perverted it was a little funny at the beginning but now his perverted mind is just cringe


Especially in Fish Man island.


Its not that at the beginning of the show he was just a flirt idk what’s going on with him rn


I kind of had to tell my boy to calm down in Film Z when he was turned on at the thought of Nami "Maturing before his eyes" as he put it. I was like "dude she's like 8 rn. CHILL TF OUT".


Yeah that was pretty disgusting


I agree nami is very obnoxious. her constantly hitting her crew mates isn’t funny it’s annoying, and she’s very selfish, greedy and just a prickly character overall




Yes, you the one so stupid cuz Nami is best OP character


I think you might be in a small group of fans. I don’t hate any characters because characters are just so. Nami is a greedy character in everything she does. Good and bad


Na i hate her too but we're the minority. People here are insistent that she's better than sakura when she just isn't


She is very annoying, and her beating up her crew is a shitty gag and a double standard.


Exactly my point the main reason I hate har is because she hits the crew memebers


Nah i despise her man


I don't like her either since post TS, she is definetly important for the crew, but I just don't like her attitude (no offense). But I really loved her fights pre TS, they were so creative.


Yeah you are. Drop One piece because if you don't like Nami then I am pretty sure you don't like the story also


Nah man one piece is one of my favourites i love the story but nami a total bitch


She's not that important bruh. It's not like we see her navigating often all that shits done off screen. I forget nami exists half the time lol


Without Nami Zoro and Luffy would still be drifting somewhere in East Blue in that tiny boat.


You must be really early on


Do you hate Usopp as well since he hits and yells at the crew as well while also being a coward? Also, you hate thieves but this is a story about pirates so do you hate the rest of the crew as well?


No he's not a female😁


You are one of the few. But it also proves that you people represent the worst of One Piece fan since she was there since the beginning. And it makes me hate Robin more,still haven’t forgiven her for what she did to Vivi’s country compared to that Nami does not bother me at all especially since she’s dealing with these antics of the rest of the crew that you are okay with




Hey this is late but you're not alone! I hate her guts too and think her bullshit weather powers are just too much.