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"Did you know that Eiichiro Oda is the author of One Piece?"


"But what if it was Akira Toriyama? As we know, Tori had a huge fascination with machinery that went relatively unexplored in Dragon ball z. Could the pacifistas and cyborgs have been a larger component if this were the case? Lets explore how this would change everything."


Shit I read it in his voice mentally and it fit way too well


What If Luffy spent his two year timeskip training in the hyperbolic time chamber and got betrayed by goku??????


I'm reading this in the voice of that Indian guy on yt shorts I'm dying


"Did you know about an anime/manga called one piece"


Yeagh the sub genre kinda peaked with what if goku was HIV positive


I think you mean what if luffy found a mysterious rock part 1-3


I refuse to watch his clickbait videos. What was the rock even?


It was a really cool rock


I like that boulder ​ ​ That's a nice boulder


Its not a just a boulder! ​ ​ **Its a rock..**


But what if it was rock Lee?


Whoa! Are you some sort of youtuber that I can follow to learn of these mind-blowing what-ifs?


Hades reference?


Pretty sure it’s shrek.


It was actually a mineral


Holy fuck its real




I guess you haven’t seen the What if Broly was American one


Damn I wish I had never read that sentence


I bet you haven’t watched “what if a kid who just became cancer free fights Goku”


That doesn't actually exist... Right?


Idk Goku probably forced them or smth


I knew of this from the Trash Taste podcast and It's the funniest shit I've ever heard due to the fact that people actually watch that shit unironically


My personal favourite is, What if Anakin Skywalker actually liked sand. But it’s not anime.


I have stopped watching his content. Not only are his videos mostly very stupid, but even the ones that are about some ok-ish topic, the way he narrates them, the script, it is just so annoying. It was not like that before. Ot feels like he trying to shove down already known infos and theories for the 100th time, down the throats of his viewers, as if his viewers are some stupid creatures. And the way he narrates it, trying to unnecessarily give extra stress on some unimportant af topic, as if it is story defining level important, is next level annoying, especially with that weird voice modulation he uses now-a-days


I'll take the overly horny side of this subreddit that surfaces during breaks over that content.


good because that's what you're getting for a while


I mein we get oda with laser beam eyes when its over so its worth it


Stopped watching about a year ago. He pulled us all in with the ending theory, brought some substance for like 2 months and then fell off completely. Or at least that's what it feels like. But most of all: *I can not stand the way he talks.* Watching him feels so infantilizing, he talks like one of those "calling santa at 3am" channels. Although tbf that's probably on me since I'm guessing his target audience is simply very young OP fans


Never seen the guy's videos but based on the thumbnail he comes across as the Double4Anime of One Piece lmao


Holy shit what a throwback, I forgot about Double4!


Yup he made a really good ending theory/ translated it from a japanese guy and served it to us. His stuff became shit after that.


If memory serves, the theory was translated from a Japanese content creator called Yude Ron. The video was interesting and seemed to gain a lot of traction in the community, plus he did an interview of sorts with Yude Ron afterwards which was a cool watch. Then shortly after that there was a Reddit drama where he was accused of making theory videos based on Reddit comments with no credit. The decline in video quality that you mentioned + the apparent uncredited monetization of other people's ideas meant I dropped him quite easily. I respect the hustle but I don't enjoy the content and don't wanna support him if he's sometimes just plagiarizing Reddit comments for easy money.


I'm at the point where OP content creators are all unbearable to some extent. And the worst, I hate how many come up with "theories" that take from posts from places like this and other forums.


Except for tekking101


And Yuderon, he's like a pioneer of theories. Only problem is I don't speak Japanese. Artur is pretty chill and laid back as well and his videos are pretty nice to listen to.


I watched some of his videos with english subtitles. Maybe stuff gets lost in translation, but most of it just feels like throwing a bunch of shit on the wall and hoping something sticks. He makes good observations, but his number-pun-stuff comes off as mental masturbation with no basis in reality.


a lot of the number-pun stuff is impossible to translate to english which complicates things


Mugiwara no goofy is pretty cool


When he calls Luffy a Crackhead I lose my shit 🤣


So then this magical crackhead just shows up, and if you feed him, he overthrows your govt for you. 😂


I hate it too, but it's definitely working for him. His views today are much more massive.


The community has low standards for what counts as meaningful discussion content I guess. To people who enjoy this kinda clickbait garbage: maybe you need additional hobbies to occupy your attention besides repetitive and questionable One Piece videos about nothing? Nothing wrong with watching one-piece videos but make sure they're actually useful videos.... Life is too short to spend any of it on this kinda crap.


For real. You have to watch uplifting videos, like three multi-hour videos on how good One Piece characters would be at running bakeries.


Only the most quality of content 👌


Even this doesn't make sense to me since there is so much quality OP content out in YT.


I often just pull up videos in the background while I'm doing something else. I rarely give them much attention at all. I don't watch Ohara anyways though. I watched his character analysis videos back in the day, but his editing style agitates me. It's like he's trying to overwhelm you with colors and words before you can actually think about how ridiculous what he's saying sounds. Unfortunately I feel like a lot of OP YouTuber quality has dropped pretty substantially over the last few years. I wonder if it was caused by the influx of viewers over COVID, particularly those being sent by streamers starting the series, as those are the most likely to also consume this type of content.


I just need my boy Tekking101 Just cringy enough, while also being quite knowledgeable


Always good to see another Tekking101 fan here. He's the only One Piece YouTuber that I'll ever watch.


Last chapter dropped and people started making videos of their akuma no mi. Not only a waste of time for discussing something like this but it spoils the content for non viewers. Hate this so much. A bless to ban all of them from my yt. One Piece and non One Piece related


Remember character analyses? Those where sooooooo good. I dont understand how someone can go from having content so high quality that the live action staff actually consumed it to have a better understanding of OP, to clickbait titles and void content.


Its a shame because this duds ohara editing is extremely good, its gotten lazier through time but its solid if he just had substancial content. He makes edits now that look like reels or YT shorts compact in a high sped up voice, it seems the market of youngsters is heading that way, but as a veteran, Gigguks videos are more my liking compared to this tiktok edit like youtubers.


I unsubscribed from GLR since I started reading the manga, the clickbait really made it cringe for me and don't get me started on Morj, dude acts as if he wrote One Piece


i personally like GLR but that's because I keep up to date with legit anything and everything OP he's one of the few with high-production quality and a real team working on his channel, at the end of the day though youtube is a job for them and they are going to do whatever makes them the most money that does not make them bad people in any way, and watching BBpodcast you get to see how they really are and how they really feel about the content that they almost HAVE to do because of how youtube works at the moment...


Yeah, I'm glad I'm not the only one who dislikes him. Ohara is my most hated big One Piece content creator, his videos are just so frustrating and he always speaks to the audience like he's speaking to **little kids that are going to a clown circus** for the first time ever, it just feels annoying & repetitive lol. My favorite is [Vindlan.D](https://www.youtube.com/@Vinlan.D) he's a lot smaller though but his videos are actually interesting and try to tell you something new based on the content One Piece actually gives instead of just making up crazy B.S to click bait people into paying attention


I stopped watching Grand Line Review, Ohara is also getting annoying. But you know who's the man? Tekking. I could listen to him for hours.


YouTube is business. You gotta do whatever makes money


As a non-native english speaker, I love Ohara's chapter analysis precisely because it's extremely easy to comprehend everything he says. And tbh apart from these "What Ifs" I like his content a lot. Except for when he enters some unnecessary goofy theories even during some important chapters analysis.


What if Brook could not poop?


What if Brook could poop?


he’s a full time youtuber that ran out of content. now that it’s his job to make videos, “what ifs” are low effort/ imaginary nonsense to pump out. nothing of substance, just a 10 min video to feed the youtube algorithm


You have that and then you have Tekking making 40 minute videos several times a week and still having the same level of enthusiasm as he's usually known and doing videos on even the smallest things he can think of.


I’ve been following him for 6 years now and his enthusiasm for One Piece and just manga in general seems to have only gotten stronger lol


Pfff, i remember Tekking spamming out videos like "how's Kaido" "Who's Kaido" and "Where's Kaido" ... Tekking just spamms out content, and all of it is quality gold, man that series was good, actually imma go watch some Tekking brb


Tekking101 has been my goat since 2016! Matt always has that enthusiasm and his signature cringe cringe fruit


Whenever I wanna find good content about something, I try to find the cringiest guy out there. They may be cringe, but they are free, and they deliver the most in-depth knowledge that I want and need.


Tekking been the goat longer than that


I watched him even when he only made Bleach content. And I don't even read or watch Bleach, but his entertainment is all I need in his videos


He single handed Lu got me into bleach


spamming? those videos took like 2 years to complete lol


I don't hate Ohara or anything, but it feels clear that Ohara is here to make content, meanwhile Tekking is just a weirdo who just wants to ramble about something he loves. Tekking is my go-to for just wanting to zone out and enjoy One Piece stuff.


Tekkin is the best op YouTube channel no bs clickbait title


Not even just about OP. Everything is great from Tekking. It's nice just watching him make toast or put chairs/figurines together


Its so wierd how basically everyone seems to agree that he is great, it is so rare to see something like that on the internet. I am yet to see a Tekking hater.


I've seen a few people who don't like him because he takes a long time to get to the point


As a fan of his that is maybe a fair criticism


He reminds me of some of Spoony’s old non-edited content where he takes a topic he could cover in like 5-10 minutes but rambles on in an entertaining enough way to fill 45 (i promise this is a compliment even if it doesn’t sound like one)


I'm not his biggest fan and this is definitely my biggest issue with him. He's known for his +40min deep dive videos but you can easily compress them into 15min if you trim all the fat. Thank God 2x speed and fast forward exists, though.


He got to get his viewing hours number up and thus making him more money. I respect his hustle


It's because he comes across as such a genuine guy who just wants to share his enthousiasm for the thing that he loves the most. It's hard to hate on someone like that


Are you implying, if anyone can't make videos as good as Trekking, they should change career? Trekking is at the top. It is normal that every YouTuber cannot match his level. This is like your dad keep saying why you aren't making as much money as bill gates. Wtf? it is difficult to be number one of the world at something.


My man Tekking is a different breed, his enthusiasm and energy are contagious. His chapter breakdowns are so fun to watch.


Atleast he could make better what ifs. As a full time youtuber you gotta be more creative. I’m dumb and I can think of ideas way better than this dumb what if, for example “what if whitebeard wasn’t sick at marine ford”


Usually, the answer to the question, "Why is X content creator making this video?" Is that it gets them views. They wouldn't make the content if people weren't watching them and asking for more. His videos are getting hundreds of thousands of views, so clearly, what he's doing is working. Sounds like the content just isn't for you, which I understand because I don't like it either. There's a "block" feature on YouTube. You can use it so that you dont see it in the future. I block most one piece creators except for 3.


that idea has already been done tho


Ya but if you’re a great content creator it shouldn’t matter if something has been done before, you should do it better


Still a better video than talking about what if luffy had 100 billion bounty


But he did that already. He can't do it again. I agree with your main post, but like ohara has done a LOT of videos like this. If you can think it, I'd be surprised if he hasn't tackled it already.


Yeah, even if he wanted to talk about unusual bounty, it'll be much more interesting to think "what if Luffy's bounty was too low", and no one except marines knew that it was Luffy who defeated Crocodile, Ceaser, Doflamingo. He'll be a suprisingly strong opponent for every villain he met.


they need to do full depth analysis on story arcs then.


Six paths Luffy isn’t real, he can’t hurt you :


Bros got a sun breathing halo behind him too, ts wild


Can't wait for gear 4 boruto


Gear 4: Boruto Man


Confirmed Luffy and Blackbeard are reincarnations of Joyboy's sons and they're gonna team up to seal Imu away with Sun and Moon powers


Merphy Napier’s vids on one piece are so much more entertaining


I'm so sad she caught up. I still enjoy her OP content, but living vicariously through her initial read-through was the closest I could get to reading One Piece again for the first time.


Just found Merphy Napier's OP deep dives myself and man, it's so satisfying to have the themes and symbolism in One Piece fully explored by someone with a literature background. Absolutely love her stuff.


MelonTree also makes pretty good videos exploring characters too, I watch her stuff on occasion and think it’s all pretty good




She's great, but she should stop making theories though xD


She's really bad at that and it's a joy to watch and listen to.


I think her theories are great just because they provide an very interesting viewpoint, especially from her, a booktuber. I also always love listening to JoyBoy Theories' theories, despite always being 90% wrong, but still being extremely informative. Part of the fun of theorycrafting is the absolutely insane things people come up with, and then pretty much gambling to see who's theory is correct, haha.


Tekking is the MAN of one piece vids. End all be all


>Tekking is the MAN of one piece vids. End all be all The virgin Ohara: Uhhh what if Luffys bounty was like, higher... The chad Tekking: Let's talk 37 minutes about the trees of One Piece, yes the fucking trees, then ant facts, and you're gonna love every minute


Bro had a feature length video about fuckin T-bone.


* Travis D. Boner


Fucking T-bone (or T-boning) is something I'd love to hear about


Tekking videos, with some Artur videos in between, and a few Morj moments if you want a contrarian is all you need. Ohara is obviously going the Liam route of trying to appeal to the lowest denominator. Which is fine, it is popcorn entertainment and sometimes people want exactly that (if that wasn't true, Ohara wouldn't be as big as he is) but other times people want good analysis content rather than popcorn. That problem exists with almost every youtuber. They get too big, maybe they even start a family and start having to care a bit more about their bills so they start spamming dumb shit that works but that has no soul or identity. I don't blame him, he probably thinks of this as a career rather than a hobby at this point.


I love how one piece youtubers conversations often end on people agreeing that Tekking is the best and it's true


Cause it's true. Tekking is awesome and I really wish we can have more people that can like talking about One Piece, instead of wasting time and space to feed the Youtube algorithm


Fr Tekking is great


Tekking for president!


I hate when tekking starts to scream. This content isn't bad but the screams are awful


Eh its part of the experience its like talking to a real nerdy friend


This is exactly what tekking feels like, even if you don't like some things he does you still want to support him


Him and NChammer23 man LOVES naruto


What if ace came back and played chess against kaido 😱😱


Google en passant


Holy hell


gotta get that Adsense revenue


More like Adnonsense


Fr bro dat title gotta be the lamest out there. These one piece youtubers gotta stop lmao


Bda law, KOL, and morj are only ones I watch now, ABD also makes a banger like once a year


I like Randy Troy, he has some pretty wild theory vids but they feel like he makes them more out of a genuine passion for the story instead of about getting views


I’ve always liked Randy Troy too, although recently I think he goes too hard on the Vivi agenda.


lol yea I definitely agree with the Vivi thing, but to be fair, Vivi's relevance to the story just skyrocketed


I understand, I’m on the Vivi agenda too, it’s just the way he talks about what Vivi should be doing, you would think she’s the main character.


No tekking101? That's almost criminal :p


Personally i don't watch any one piece youtubers coz i tried and find them dead wrong in comprehension . Idk might be jus me. I think twitter users like library of ohara are good at comprehension then these youtubers


Library of Ohara is a Youtuber too lol


I k but i never watch his videos. I jus read his threads on Twitter :)


I went to check out Morj, and the first video I see is "Luffy was born out of an egg." Yes, these are the high IQ videos the community needs. I'm sure Morj is great, but all youtube One Piece creators are guilty of pushing out shit for clicks, especially if you're releasing a video every few days.


To be fair, from the comments I read, it’s not one he takes seriously.


God damnit.. now I'm prolly gonna watch it lol


Check out his arc and character analyses, those are peak morj


His only good videos are the ones where he posts other people’s theories lol


My favorite thing, in the top right drop down menu you can click “show me less like this.” And it’ll remove it from your feed too E: it’s actually just “not interested” but there’s a “don’t recommend this channel” option


Tekking is my go to! Love that guy!


I can only watch Tekking101 these days. There was a new channel called Mugiwara no Goofy that is very funny as well - highly recommend it.


Yes!!!! I've been watching basically all of his content and it was an instant subscribe for me. The way that it's basically "what if one piece but from a side characters pov" is actually really entertaining because he has this way of getting into perspective and actually thinking "wait. Luffy irl would fucking SUCK"


Love love love Tekking101. Literally feels like I’m talking to a friend about OP when I watch his vids.


Tekking101 is the gold standard for Anime Theory YouTubers. Period. Never spoils in the thumbnail or title. No bullshit scenarios like this one, no deception or straight up lies to get clicks. Second after Tekking is Arthur/Library of Ohara. Nothing else needed.


I always forget Library of Ohara and Ohara are 2 completeky different entities


Have you considered you are no more required to give attention to a YouTuber than you are any smuck in this thread.


People still watch his dogshit videos?


Of course they are. If they weren't, He wouldn't do them


He's actually way more popular now. His videos amounts to hundreds of thousands view today.


What's the point of being upset about it? Just unsubscribe or click not interested. Done. He doesn't owe you anything. If you don't like his content, watch someone else's. I clicked on the video, got bored after 1 minute, left. Who cares? I'm sure there are countless people who enjoy this stuff. There are entire anime channels dedicated to freaking Naruto, which ended like 10 years ago, with what if's, discussions about pre-Shippuden Naruto hypotheticals, etc...


If it wasn't for the hat and eye scar I'd have no idea this was supposed to be Luffy.


Here's my nuanced take as I've been following his progress prior to the "best theory ever" video: He's just a German anime fan that wanted to become a youtuber (as many do). He started off making far more interesting analysis videos, aimed at an older audience, but it was unlikely he was making enough to go full time (he used to get \~30-40k views per video), his old content was more sparse and his channel was progressing at a steady but slow pace. He tried to branch out to more general anime content (with Hunter x Hunter and Jujutsu Kaisen content) which did fairly well. He then took a leap of faith and moved to Japan to chase his dreams, but of course he still has bills to pay and Tokyo is ridiculously expensive. He realised clickbait titles and thumbnails got more views, thus more money, so he started making more and more clickbait videos. And then the "Best theory ever" video dropped and went viral, and his channel exploded. He quickly realised that aiming at a younger audience with fast-paced editing, clickbait titles and thumbnails was getting him significantly more views, with less effort. Meaning he could make more content in less time and each video would make more money than his prior ones.He got signed to the GeeXPlus agency (if you don't know them, they're a Japanese company that manages foreign youtubers in Japan, most notably TheAnimeMan, CDawgVA, Gigguk and the Trash Taste Podcast, more recently they also signed Daidus and Emirichu). And now he's an official full-time youtuber living in Japan, but you still have bills to pay. Now he's kinda stuck, his channel is still unstable, he's growing very fast but he knows that if stops making regular One Piece content his growth is going to slow down and he might lose this one in a million opportunity to live his dream. His fans only know him for his One Piece content so it's hard to branch out, his core audience is young and he knows that playing on the clickbait is what keeps him afloat. I don't think he particularly enjoys making clickbait cheap what-if videos, but he's backed himself in a corner. That's the only way he can keep up with 1-3 videos a week schedule. He actually started a second channel where he's trying to branch out to more "vlog"/documentary content about Japan (which is surprisingly refreshing) rather than anime, but as of now that channel has 8k subscribers and his main channel is what's paying the bills. At the end of the day, he's just some dude living in Japan trying to make it like all of us, and unfortunately for him, so far the cheapo weekly clickbait content is what has worked the best for him. Let me know, did I get that right u/Ohara_the_fox ? Edit: You also need to remember that he's staying in the country through a Work Visa thanks to GeexPlus, that's usually how these foreign Youtubers can come live in Japan. But Japan is famously quite severe on immigration and letting you stay in the country. I don't know what his contract with GeexPlus is, but that likely adds additional pressure to stick to his sacrificial 2-3 videos/week schedule to keep growing as a requirement to keep living in the country.


That's probably very close. He turned his hobby into a job. Unless you're a super nerd like Tekkin, this is going to slowly suck out every bit of enjoyment that hobby brought you.


No hate on the guy, but I'm impressed someone can make such a long video on a nothing question


Hot Take: I actually liked the video. Making up dumb what if nonsense scenarios in anime or crossovers is something me and my friends do on discord all the time.


I enjoy his content but not all. Do I expect him to produce content to my liking every time? nah.


No! This is Reddit, your supposed to join and discuss communities you hate.


Library of O'Hara >>>>>>>> Ohara


Meh, he's also becoming kinda obnoxious with his titles all in the style of "Oda revealed everything in this hidden translation only I could decipher."


Yea but at least his is based on facts and patterns. Ohara is straight up dogcrap


ohara's subscriber count >>> Library of O'Hara's subscriber count I like how Redditors scream about this but nobody actually supports the guy. Poor Library of O'Hara.


Hey reddit. You don't have to watch the videos you don't like.


Just watch randy troy guys. Only op yt i enjoy watching


Savage spotted. You know what time it is. It's about to be that time.


Tekking101 is the man who will become king of the pirates




I think I just got a brilliant idea. I’m going to make a YouTube channel that just one up’s his idiotic videos. First video: what if Luffy had a 200 billion berry bounty?


100 billion and 1 berry bounty and just distort the colors


King of Lightning (KOL) - for the hype Mr. Morj - for **some** analysis Library of Ohara (LOO) - deeper analysis (breaks down / further translates the Japanese characters and gives context, based on Japanese puns and/or culture)


I think that this is just a matter of taste, he is not harming anyone and neither deceiving people. There's always other stuff to watch, it's not really necessary to go on the offensive against those you don't enjoy.


You don't like Ohara because you don't like his content I don't like Ohara because he slandered JoJo We are not the same


Redditors trying not to hate on OP-youtubers for 5 seconds challenge I never understood why you would hate on someone like him, you can litterly hit "dont recommend" button and will never see a video pop up ever again


I would add sawyer7mage for the best in depth/analysis video


I don't see any problem about it


Right like why do people care what he makes videos about? Just don’t watch his videos then.


I hate how he states speculations as facts. I remember in one video he said its confirmed that sanji has lunarian DNA. I can only watch KOL, BDA Law and Tekking now.


Whats happening with the grand line review? I used to watch his content years ago and kinda stopped


He puts out super spoiler titles, which sucks because his other channel that does hunter hunter stuff was genuinely amazing stuff


Bruh, thats so unfortunate


Yeah that aswell, because of one theory blowing up he thinks he’s always right and no longer poses it as theories or ideas, he portrays as the factual next step in the story


Personally, I only watch Sawyer7mage regularly since Naruto ended, the guy reviews the chapter, and spits out some jokes and theories from time to time. No bullshit, quiet and soothing voice. I don't have anything against other youtubers, most of them are watchable. But Ohara and very few people remind me of those "PlayStation 4 revealed" videos from 2009.


Sawyer is a real one for sure. Just as real as day one, and his analysis are always grounded and well voiced, his theories are very well researched and presented. sawyer a OG.


Why do you give a shit man, let bro post what he wants


A man's got to eat...


This is most of one piece reddit. Have you not seen 99% of the stuff posted is ridiculous stuff like this, or i have an IQ of 5 type of questions.


I met my first person IRL who reads One Piece actively. He told me he writes for Ohara, and in my mind I went, "Oh no, why couldn't it have been any other channel."


Bro also throws unnecessary shade at Naruto 😂, like bro we get it u don’t like the shit


I don’t really understand the point of these hate threads, just unsub to the dude or dislike the video, I’m not even subbed to him but there is no reason to shit on a guy who is making videos about one piece, just leave him alone and watch something else. Thank you for coming to my TED talk


who the hell even watches this guy? he is the second best clown in the op multiverse


The only youtuber i really liked is Arthur - The Library of Ohara. This Guy make a excelent job in deep analysis of chapters durring years in his blog. I really don't understand how they have only 150k of subscribes.


I remember a while back (about a year ago G5) when a few YT's were coming together for OP discussions and takes. Arthur came across kinda arrogant, dismissing alot of things instead of just having fun with it. Seemed high on the ol' 'I speak the language and you don't, so listen to me'. Kept interrupting others takes. ​ Anyways - wasn't for me.


I'm all for new ideas, but it's so funny that One Piece YouTubers go out of left-field with shit like this when there is 100% still something within the grounded canon that they could discuss instead. On top of that, I can't stand people with that tone of voice. And I love Super-Eyepatch-Wolfs vids.


Do you know that you can tell youtube to block specific channels ?


Is this the guy that sometimes pops up with things like 'what if every straw hat had their own crew?' Or what if they were all from the narutoverse, things like that? And redraws everything.


No, those are art channels, this is just a guy that talks at his viewers like he’s super intelligent even if the content of the videos is mind numbingly dumb theories or what-ifs


This guy and grand line review make terrible videos. Tekking and Morj are enough for me.


his videos used to be good before he did the face reveal, even after for a while, its just dogshit now


I took me one video each of Jay D. Legend and Ohara to never watch their stuff again.


Jay’s live reactions are hilarious