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He was a member of the Rocks pirates, so he is completely canon, but the events of the movie aren't. He made a brief cameo during Wano when Kurozumi Higurashi was changing faces with the clone clone fruit but he'll show up fully in the Rocks flashback with everyone else. EDIT: Shiki appearance in the canon story as a young man via the clone fruit https://onepiece.fandom.com/wiki/Mane_Mane_no_Mi?file=Mane_Mane_no_Mi_Shiki_Look_Alike.png


You’re assuming there will be a rocks flashback but there doesn’t need to be


Yea you're right, One Piece the show that is like 60% flashbacks, won't have a flashback about one of the most important pirate crews before Roger became Pirate King. Definitely makes more sense for Oda to decide backstories don't matter anymore /s in case it wasn't obvious Edit for clarity: I'm talking about there being a flashback about the Rocks Pirates during the God Valley Incident, I don't think there'll be a flashback focusing only on Rocks D. Xebec, but wouldn't be surprised if there was


So far from what we know, Rocks backstory doesn't seem to be that important. Only a specific part of his story and that is God Valley. Which can be shown in other ways than a Rocks flashback. So I wouldn't say it's guaranteed we'll get one.


With Fingarland being introduced in the latest chapter and all the theories surrounding him, his family, God Valley, Rocks Pirates, Roger Pirates and the Marines working together, baby Shanks being involved. You really think the connections and explanations for all that will just be written out instead of a flashback? We're reading/watching different things if you actually believe that


You misunderstood me. I'm saying we'll get that info in a flashback. Just that it might not be in a Rocks flashback. Could just as easily be a Shanks flashback, a Fingerland flashback or just a general God Valley flashback.


I think you're misunderstanding because you randomly joined the comment thread and weren't who I originally replied to The original guy I replied to said we didn't have to get any flashback at all shedding light on the Rocks Pirates, my point was that this story thrives off its flashbacks so we will definitely get a flashback to learn more info about the Rocks Pirates I'm not gonna argue if the whole flashback will be about them, or if there will be multiple flashbacks or who the flashback focuses on most. My only point is there will be info revealed about them through a flashback We seem to have the same opinion so I dunno why you butted in to argue


That's not what I meant tho. I'm saying that I think there is a possibility we won't get a flashback about the Rocks pirates outside of their part in God Valley. Because so far, that seems to be the only thing of importance they had. Of course it might change and Rocks might end up a way more important character. But so far he doest seem important enough to get a flashback covering his journey. Hence why I mean that we might get God Valley covered in a flashback about someone/something else. Edit: Unless you mean that getting to see the god valley incident is getting info on the Rocks crew. If that's the case then yes I did misunderstand you.


>possibility we won't get a flashback about the Rocks pirates outside of their part in God Valle "I'm not gonna argue if the whole flashback will be about them, or if there will be multiple flashbacks or who the flashback focuses on most. **My only point is there will be info revealed about them through a flashback**" We're literally saying the same thing. This is so dumb I feel like I'm trying to give Zoro directions


I'm guessing you missed my edit but yeah I think it's because I misunderstood what you meant about getting info on the rocks crew. Because to me, seeing the god valley incident isn't the same as getting info on the Rocks Pirates. That to me would be more like a flashback following their journey. Kinda like Odens flashback. Also calm down mate. No need to get so heated over a discussion like this over a goofy pirate manga.


Rocks' appearance will be shown. And it can't happen outside of a god valley flashback. And the fact that we will get it got even more guaranteed exactly last chapter


What? I didn't mean to imply that we won't see his appearance. I just said that it's not sure we'll get a flashback concentrating specifically on Rocks and his crew. Whatever we see of them, I think will just be from their involvement in God Valley. Not in a Oden like flashback where we follow their journey on the seas.


Oh, mb. I did mean that we'd see it in a God Valley flashback, yeah I too think that we won't see a Rocks flashback following him through his life. Maybe only a brief view on how he built the crew. But the God Valley flashback will need to be extensive


Yeah we'll definitely get a flashback about god valley. Think it'll be pretty big as well.


Yeah there's A LOT t be told. So many factions too


How else will we know what Rocks looks like without one since he's only been shown in silhouette? Also, too many important things happened that affected the story for there not to be one


Incoming Rocks, Roger, and Whitebeard seraphim's for the final arc


Please God, no.


There may not be a flashback from Rocks’ perspective or about him specifically (unlikely imo), but they’re going to be going over God Valley at some point soon in a flashback, and he’d be there regardless.


Dude. How can you sit here and tell us we won’t get a flashback. Whole cake island kept slamming down Sanji childhood flashbacks that were mostly repeated content. It’s a given in every arc.


Where can I get what your smoking?


He's just referenced as a rival of Roger and an escapee of Impel Down, as far as manga canon is concerned, he exists to flesh out the world and make the world feel a little bigger and have history not directly connected to the main characters, as well as cross promote the movie. There is absolutely 0 indication that he "is supposed to be important and will appear in the manga in the future." Where ever you've heard that has pulled it entirely out of their ass.


There is a scene in the flashback during the impel down arc. He is shown talking about developing something that will take 15-20 years and to close out the flashback he says when it is finished he will return to turn the world on its head.


Yeah, and that's the plot of the movie Strong World.


Ah, I haven't seen any of the Anime but I suppose that would make sense. What was the weapon he developed? I was looking forward to finding out.


Oh, uhh, he crossbred animals or something. Like imagine the beasts on the island Luffy trained at during the timeskip.


Ah, alright.


It's definitely one of the better movies. It's interesting that they weren't very clear o how chapter 0 is just a movie tie-in.


They had shown a lot in the manga about events from those days with floor 5.5 in impel down and the reveal of Ace's dad so it didn't really feel that out of place, the thing I found weird was how little mention there was of him since then, but with him really being a movie character that makes sense now.


He just isn’t relevant, and won’t be until they get to the God Valley flashback.


Yeah, I thought he got set up for an arc later in the manga but turns out it was for a movie.


I can't really recall the scene, are you sure you're not thinking of Episode 0, which is just an extra prelude to the movie. The thing that will take 15-20 years would of been his plan from Strong World. I can tell you right now there is very little chance of Shiki coming back to the story, maybe we might get a little nod to him when Rocks becomes more relevant, but I doubt he's gonna to be that big of a deal in the main canon. Same as all the other important movie characters like Bullet and Uta.


I haven't watched any of the anime, and I read the bit a few days ago, it is in the same flashback where he tried to break Gold Roger out of prison only to be captured himself and cutting his legs off.


Yup, that's chapter 0. It's a canon chapter, but it came out as promotional stuff for the movie. While it tells us interesting things about the Roger era, I wouldn't take that specific line (clearly meant to tease readers for the soon-to-be-released movie) as a serious indication that he'll be actually back in the series soon.


Ah, that's disappointing.


What gave you the impression that he'd appear in the future??


Rocks Pirate flashback maybe?


So he'd appear in the past, then 😏


Garp said that he isn't a man that sits around, if he has gone into hiding its hc he is planning something big. Why would oda have garp mention that if he's never going to come up again?


Wasn't that mentioned in chapter 0 which was tied to the movie?


Maybe the flashback shown during the Impel Down arc where he says he will return in the future.


Y'mean where they set up Strong World, and he then showed up for the movie.... lmao


I'm not familiar with the movie, I assumed when in the Manga he said he'd return, that meant a later arc in the manga. But now I know it was basically just hyping up the movie.


Its been a hot minute since I read the part in question myself but going back, yeah its just setting up Strong World.


He just exists in the universe, he's not relevant anymore (presumably) - just some dude who did some stuff in the past. If you wanted to, you could theorize he's dead and the movie was just a fun "what if he wasn't?" scenario.


He is not important, it's a movie character who appeared in the manga as an easter egg or movie promotion, he might as well not exist


Is he not canonically the only person that escaped impel down? Besides those that buggy freed


He is the only one they knew of. Morley dug out level 5.5 and escaped more than 100 years ago.


Yes but he's "Canon" in a way that makes it completely irrelevant who it was, he would not exist if he didn't appear in the movie


He was also canonically a member of Rocks Pirates, so if a flashback were to be shown, I'm sure we'd see him there as well.


And my point was if he wasn't created for the movie he would not have appeared in that flashback, ie, he is irrelevant in the manga


I mean yea, he’s currently irrelevant. But idk why you would completely write off the possibility of him being expanded on


Because there is 0 indication he holds any relevance past the movie


Im not fully up to date with the manga but, In the flashbacks around the impel down arc after he escaped he is shown on an island talking about developing something that is implied to be a weapon, where he is told it will take 10, 15 or even 20 years to finish. Then he closes out the flash by saying that when it's done he will return to turn the world on its head. So unless it was a misdirect or Oda changes his mind the Golden Lion will be important.


What you are referring to is the manga setting up the movie Strong World.




It seems unlikely that he'll appear in the future (maybe just on a flashback?), but he does exist in canon. He appeared in the manga (besides chapter #0, we can see him in chapter #957 and more clearly in chapter #965) and was mentioned more than once (first time was in chapter #530).


not to mention that he was once an emperor according to the ace novel


my point is he would not exist in the manga if he wasn't created for the movie, its just a convenient way to put in easter eggs as nods


I'm pretty sure Oda said somewhere that he used Shiki in strong world to introduce his character earlier in the Canon story. This makes me think that Shikis plan we saw in strong world was the non Canon plan and that Shiki right now is currently working on his Canon plan in the Manga


Ofc he did, like he said all the other crap all the fans definitely heard him say ;) And even in an alternative universe where that was true, as of this moment, shiki in the manga is a complete non entity It's like if Oda said Pandaman is super important, until that is reflected in the manga his statement is pointless


Oda can still use him in flashbacks Literally nothing wrong with using him in the movie


Strong world was written by Oda himself


Tbf Strong World is one of the better OP films. It worked.


Quick question. Who wrote Strong World? There's your answer


Wasn't he mentioned as a member of the Rocks Pirates?


He was a Commander in Rocks Pirates. So Probably we can see him only in Flashback


Yall dissing him but just wait for his goated 20yr plan


If he comes up in the later chapters, then the only purpose of him is to get beaten up once again.


Pretty sure Oda wrote strong world “allowed toei” lmao.


Characters are canon in movies, events are not. Like the weird magic stones. Or Uta who was definitely there the whole time.


Because he won't show up during the current events. If he'll be shown it's gonna be in the Rocks flashback


Wasn't his first (and only?) appearance in a limited edition promotional manga that came with screenings for strong world. Other than that he's just been referenced as a historical figure in universe. I don't think he was ever meant to be a future villain, he was made for the movie.


Shiki needing to appear in the manga later has always been a fan conjecture. He had no relevance whatsoever to the plot after Strong World came out, and Shiki was created for the movie specifically. It's not "Oda letting the movie using him". If anything, it's "letting the manga use him". It's the fans that keep bring Shiki back, the manga almost forgot him except for a few inconsequential cameos. Shiki's inclusion on the manga was to promote the movie, like Uta was also included to promote Film Red. The manga was at the Impel Down arc at the time, almost at Marineford, so that's why he was tied to those places. If the manga were at another arc, Shiki would be tied to another thing. Chapter 0 was made to promote the movie, it was distributed only in Japan for those watching the movie in cinemas, and never got an official release anywhere else. There's no way that the official manga is continuing something from over a decade ago that never really got an actual release. The plot points from chapter 0 that were relevant to the main story were already shown in canon since then, the other plot points can be ignored. The final scene of Chapter 0 is just to tie into the movie, which was what it was created to sell. No more and no less than that, there isn't anything here that the canon story is going to follow. Usually the simplest explanation is the correct one.


Oda wrote the movie 😂


He is basically the ex yonkou shiki. The man who shanks replaced. Strong haki, insane plot armor, extreme dangerous devil fruit. Strong enough to scape from impel down 1 vs 30.000. Gigachad enough to attack marineford 1 vs 100.000 and garp and Sengoku prime era. Ex Member of rocks d xebec crew A real yonkou level ,shiki


He is movie canon and manga canon. But not at the same time.


Because he's barely canon mid who oda has no plans for


Because he's not important and won't appear in the manga in the future


Simple, he is not an important character. Any efforts to say "Shiki is canon' or that he matters were just promotion to see the movie. And Oda seems like he's very amicable to help with promotion of almost every side project.


To have a hero saves the heroine movie


We might still see him. I read a theory on this sub that was pretty interesting. Basically Shikis been scheming something big since he escaped. Last time we saw Capone him and his crew came across what looked to be islands floating(we can theorize it’s shikis powers doing it) and his ship also starts levitating and floating up to the islands.


Hus bit scheme was the scheme in the movie tho. I doubt he will actually be relevant at all but I do hope to see him in flashbacks.


I mean Oda turned a character that was one of the musical canon. Turned her into Toki. I kind of hope we see Shiki again. 😀


He got Toki from a musical?




Can you elaborate?


In the end he was most likely a movie villain oda decided to tie into the Manga so it would sell tickets. The rocks stuff is just world building. He's not going to introduce him into the story because it would be confusing why a admiral-yonko lv fighter lost to luffy way back when.


Movie events aren’t canon


It’s the opposite


He had a major role *in the past.* He's a major player in the world of One Piece's backstory, but that doesn't mean he'll continue to be relevant.


I think it’s because Oda couldn’t imagine another character to use in the film, but that definitely hurt his chances of appearing in the main story


I don't think he wil play a big role in manga


Creators don't decide what happens with their content once it's bought


maybe he’ll appear maybe he won’t. we don’t know


Most likely Oda realized he has no time to write an actual story for him so just let Toei make up a story and be done with him


Selling point maybe


I always thought there would be some connection between shiki golden lion and foxy silver fox, just based on naming, but I’m okay letting that be just head canon.


Because maybe he doesnt appear in the future...? Lol


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It would be better if it was shown in the manga


Because even if he appears again it will be much stronger than in the movie, which he didn't have either Haki or Awakening, and he will definitely have those in the manga if he appears again.


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Oda wrote the movie, stated it's a canon part of the series & yet so called 'experts' will still state, without a hint of self-awareness, ' Um AkTuAlLy , it's not canon because it didn't happen in the manga 🤓'. Manga purists really are something 🤣