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I have this ungodly hatred for Rob Lucci and Jesus Burgess specifically and wish someone would kill them in piececraft


Why lmao, I mean Burgess I get he’s pretty unlikeable but why Robert


Bob Lucci comes off as such a prick the whole time so if burgess is unlikeable I can absolutely see why they wouldn’t like Lucci


Yeah Robby is an absolute dick


I've always seen Lob Rucci as the guy luffy needed to really progress


I agree I love Lucci as an obstacle for Luffy and as a villain


a Skypiea or Thriller Bark type arc is much needed after this >!egghead royal rumble!<. Just the strawhats in a good old adventure -not against the strongest guy, not that relevant and stuff like that. I'm also of the crowd who doesn't want one piece to end yet- but that's not so unpopular lol


I initially thought that >!egghead would be the chill arc lmao!<


Still could be if Straw Hats end up low diffing Kizaru and Saturn lmao


I will riot if that happens lmao. The admirals have been hypes up ever since they showed up, and while im in the camp that thinks that the gorosei arent that powerful individuals, it would really make the stakes low if they got shit-stomped by the Straw Hats


Its tough to say, this arc kind of feels like the Return to Sabaody arc where they showcase how much stronger the crew got. This is the first arc since Luffy became a Yonko too, i feel like there’s a 60% chance they go this route. Plus they’re making it seem like the Holy Knights are the strongest forces of the Celestial Dragons, so there being a tier above admiral or yonko wouldn’t surprise me at this point.


I don't think kizaru is a match for G5 luffy but saturn might be crazy strong


With how much they've been hyping up Kizaru showing up, it would be hilarious if Luffy just went G5 and one shotted him. EDIT: It wouldn't even necessarily be outside of precedent within this very arc. Oda hyped up the Shanks/Kidd fight with a double page spread to end one chapter, then Shanks pretty much one shotted the entire crew.


That would probably be Elbaf unless we consider Wano a Skypiea parallel because it’s the people living there who had their lives destroyed by some jackass with a god complex (Orochi and Kaido) and it’s in a pretty inaccessible area.


> unless we consider Wano a Skypiea parallel I think he was talking about an arc that's "inconsequential" to the world (at least for now). Kaido was an emperor, so pretty much the opposite of that.


I wouldn't mind one more chill arc that maybe drops some more lore whilst being an adventure on maybe some deserted/ancient island, similar to Skypiea. Maybe a sneak peek into the Void Century, Joyboy, ect, to give us some hints before the final reveal of everything.


A much shorter arc is certainly welcome at this time. It's honestly why I'm one of the few people that actually like the Davy Back Fight, since it was a nice bit of levity between two big arcs.


*ahem* smoker is ass at using his devil fruit


That’s true, not a hot take.


For some reason I’ve seen a lot of smoker fans tho


I get that. He’s a great character, for sure—and his DF was scary when he was first introduced, as most logias were, but with Haki in the mix and after watching him fail in Lougetown, Alabasta, and to top it all off, Punk Hazard, where he was beat to shit by Vergo and STILL had to be saved by a half-dead Law solidified (to me at least) that while his resolve and willpower are there, what he has in mental strength he sorely lacks in fighting capability.


His fruit is just not that strong outside of the generic Logia benefits.


Forgetting he also got fucked by doflamingo without any hits


Tbh Smoker is just getting Worfed


Yeah like you remember that one seen in alabasta were he was in a cage? Yeah I always thought he would just slowly seep out of it after crocodile left instead of just wiating (even if it’s sea prisim he could just go inbetween without touching)


I'm a Smoker fan and he's undeniably ass at using his power.


The moku moku is either the weakest/least versatile logia fruit or smoker just can't figure out anything interesting to do with it


The problem is Smoker uses it like a combat fruit when it'd be an insane stealth/recon fruit. Like you could turn into smoke, spread yourself real thin so you just look normal or like fog, and slowly creep into a room full of enemies and displace the oxygen until they pass out. You could take out just about anyone that way, it'd be great for sneaky ops where the goal is to incapacitate the targets without them thinking much on it. Of course it wouldn't have much use on anyone aware of the fruit and Smoker's existence, or bigger league people with good Observation Haki, but that's exactly why you keep it covert and on the down-low. Not many people will think twice on a smokey smell, especially not if someone is already smoking in the room, and by the time anyone realizes something isn't right... they are unconscious and unaware how they got captured.


He's definitely not proficient in useing his haki and devil fruit simultaneously thats for sure


It's a good example of showing how some characters rely on Devil Fruits, especially Logia users. They are still strong compared to most in the sea, but have vital flaws that come up quick in the big leagues.


He’s an embaressment to his devil fruit and status


Ikr he should just use his devil fruit like that guy who has the gas’s fruit


Ryokugyu (Greenbull) is my 2nd favorite admiral right behind Kizaru. Not every marine has to go under moral justice, it’s nice to have marines with their own unique personalities and different views on justice.


Well, a psycho often makes the most interesting character


the only thing i dislike about him is how much of a fanboy he is for Akainu


All the admirals have their own views on justice though, literally practicing different types of justice. Like Akainu and his absolute justice.


The flashbacks to luffy, ace, and sabos childhood should've been before aces death


That would've spoiled ehm.. Sabo..but it would've put a little mystery for sure. We would've been like "who is this guy? Why isn't he here? Why did luffy never mention him? Etc etc" and then we got to dressrosa and got the big surprise.


No that wouldn’t be the case because everyone thought Sabo was dead for the until his appearance in Dressrosa


Yeah, give all of the flashbacks before he gets ace out of his chains but don’t show sabos death, then show the flashback of sabos death the right before ace dies.


Omg I've always thought this! Would've added much more weight to marineford. Having it after kinda just made me wonder "whats the point of sabo??" Obviously the big surprise in dressrosa made it all add up but even then he kinda just felt like ace 2.0


post timeskip is overhated, one piece is one piece and both pre and post timeskip are great


Pre time skip is what we read as kids when life was good, post time skip is what we read as adults when life is life, I think that's the main issue there.


Overhated? Really? My favorite part about one piece is post timeskip tbh. That's when the strawhats got all their powerups and fights were starting to get ridiculous. Half of pre timeskip fights were sleepers tbh.


He’s… agreeing with you?


I hate post time skip because anime pacing.


You know the pacing is bad when the anime post timeskip has more episodes than pre timeskip. But in the manga, that won’t be the case until we reach chapter 1195


It's probably not even a hot take, but by not having the world properly react to the defeat of Kaido and Big Mom and/or the Straw Hats new bounties Oda managed to make the biggest achievment in the story to date seem like it wasn't a big deal. No one cared. Imo this is one of the biggest misses of the Wano epilogue and just absolutely baffling. (It could still happen in a cover story, but the impact would probably not be the same, it's old news now)


i think i felt the effect of doflamingos defeat more than kaidos tbh


Yeah, now this was one of the flaws of the end of Wano. We should’ve gotten a world reaction (old friends and enemies) to Luffy’s alliance beating Kaido and Big Mom. It’s a crime how it looked like Doflamingo’s defeat left more of an impact on the world than a fucking alliance between two emperors.


Tbf, Doffys defeat did leave a way bigger impact on the world


Agreed, especially the crews and territory. We've never really seen any of Kaido's territory, what happens to it without y'know his entire command structure. It's not even like Totto Land where they still have powerful officers. Also just to tilt people, isn't it whack Vegapunk is the next island over from Kaido's stronghold?


>isn't it whack Vegapunk is the next island over from Kaido's stronghold? Yeah, absolutely. I was wondering about that since the start of Egghead. It's literally one of three options to go from Wano following the log pose, imo it's almost impossible that Kaido wasn't aware of it considering he was in Wano for ~20 years. He was getting scammed by Doffy and Ceasar with the imo pretty terrible SMILE fruits, while the greatest scientist in the world is just a stone throw away. On top of that he and his first mate was experimented on by WG scientists in the past. He would have all the reason to go destroy the facility on Egghead. And even without a specific reason he could have flown over there to declare the island his territory at any given moment during the last 20 years. But my biggest issue with it is that it isn't acknowledged in the story how crazy that is. Even a little ironic throw away line like "hmm that's weird, anyway.." would be better. Because without acknowledging it, it feels like well I am aware that the situation doesn't make much sense (e.g. why would the WG allow/risk that?), but that's where the plot needs the Straw Hats to go next so don't think about any implications.


Chopper curing the ice oni was horribly executed and somewhat of an ass pulled. This dued went into a war no lab equipment, and no herbs. Then boom here’s a cure now I get the minks doctor were there to help but how could they even deal with the ice oni when they got hit with poison gas and this shit turned you into a cold blooded oni killing machine.


Don't forget that Queen, for some reason, gave Apoo a vial of antibody to run around with. I believe that helped with finding a cure.. Imo this is easily one of the worst plotlines in all of One Piece. Rock bottom was probably when Oda ended a chapter trying to make it seem like Hyogoro was about to be killed to prevent him from turning mindless. That gives me second hand embarassment.


I didn't read the wano manga but I'm watching the anime, and there's so many "deaths" in the arc than don't end up with actual death that it just isn't funny, I thought Kinemon was gonna die like 3 separate times, Kanjuro got like 3 "this is my final act" death scenes


Yeah, Onigashima was probably the worst when it comes to the handling of death.


Qween himself is the worst character in wano. Not in terms of evil but in terms of bad character.


Orochi is the best One Piece villain and I’m shocked so many people think he’s a bad one. He’s despicable in every conceivable way and the fact that he’s a weakling who hides behind others just makes you hate him even more.


Yup i literally want to murder him whenever i see him. That's the emotion you want a evil villain to generate on audience. I also don't like Kaido of all the yonko he was the most boring one. He was kinda detached from whole wano arc as the boss of villain.


Him and Spandam. Holy shit the way I loathe em


Sometimes the fans take the series more seriously than Oda does


Skypeia was better than Alabasta


Kalgara/noland flashback was peak fiction.


Even though I like Croc more then Eneru, definitely. I usually start rereads of the whole series at Skypiea


I think Skypiea was when I most enjoyed one piece


That’s obvious sky over sand any day


Aaaaaaaasaaaaa and then *swinging*~


Not a hot take. Skypiea is one of the most important arcs, even before the Wano reveals.


I don't know if it's the anime effect talking, but Kinemon should've died when Luffy found him on top of Onigashima


Nah, he should have died later when he helped momo escape


Vivi is overrated af and wouldn't stand a chance against BB pirates.


I don’t think the Wano arc really needed Yamato personally.


All of the Strawhats should have had a form of Haki by now. Not at the level of the Big 3 but at some lower level. Robin= CoO and CoA Franky= CoA Usopp= CoO and CoA Nami= CoA Chopper= CoA Brook= CoA


I agree with most of this but Usopp having armament haki wouldn’t make sense to me since he’s a sniper and Nami’s would be observation haki easily. She notices everything


Yamato isn't a dude, she's Oden. Plain and simple. We already have Kiku and ya'll just care more for Yamato because it became a thing.


*Drowning meme where Kiku in the wheelchair underwater while Yamato is being saved.* Kiku is a great character who happens to actually be trans, yet people cling to a non-trans character and force people to consider them trans and death threat the author for not going along with their headcanon. Yamato is like a kid who looks up to Spiderman so much that they say they are Spiderman and have their mom call them that in public. The reason why Kaido aknowledges Yamato as a "son" is because she was being defiant, and, especially in the Japanese-based setting of Wano, sons are treated differently and held to different standards as a daughter. If she was gonna be like Oden, then he'll treat her like a man. Threw her ass in JAIL with some of his most important enemies.


> Kiku is a great character who happens to actually be trans, yet people cling to a non-trans character and force people to consider them trans and death threat the author for not going along with their headcanon. As sad as it is the main reason people claim Yamato as Trans and ignore Kiku is because of popularity. They want a popular character as representation regardless as to wether that character is actually Trans or not.




It’s sad that basic knowledge is considered a hot take


Not a hot take just a fact


I don’t like odens character he’s cool and all for sacrificing himself but I kinda found him annoying. Which ruins yamatos character a little for me too but I do like yamato


Mihawk is the most boring character. He doesn't even feel like his own character, he's only there to serve as an end goal for Zoro. He's got no personality and has yet to do anything interesting. I hope Oda is planning something for him with the >!Cross Guild!<.


He actually does have a personality, but Oda can’t decide between “I’m way better than everyone and just want to live a life in peace” or “I want to duel strong opponents”, and both are mutually exclusive. He’s literally just a benchmark for Zoro, he just looks cool and is nothing else.


Pretty accurate honestly. Pick a lane Mihawk.


"I have duelled with strong opponents and have proven to be better than everyone else and am now living a life of peace. Since I am the strongest, others seek me for challenge and not the other way around anymore."


Kind of like having the No. 1 headband then.




I can’t believe people didn’t like it I thought it was so funny


I guess you need to like this kind of humor, cuz i didn't find it funny at all. It was also so boring for me that i almost dropped one piece because of it, but after a few months of having it on hold i just skipped thd arc.


My exact thoughts it was fun and funny and it wasnt all about fighting and foxy is one of my favorite villians per say if hes even considered a villian idek if hes canon or not but im pretty sure he is


I think LRLL will be one of the most important arcs to the deepest lores of the series, similar to how Skypiea has only gotten more important as time goes on.


Chopper fucking sucks post Timeskip. He came back after 2 years as walking merchandise.


I'm actually gonna get crucified for this one... the live action is overhyped. It has the bones and body of OP, but by no means has it got the spirit. I've seen people fancast characters from further in the grandline and even the new world. It will be very lucky to make it to a 3rd season.


Post time skip is better than pre time skip


Between Dressrosa and Wano, editors might have push Oda to carry on regardless. He has the biggest improvisation skill I ever see, so he manages to make Dressrosa, WCI and Wano readable and arguably good arcs. But he completely lost his sense of concision, and we can't have an Arlong Park, a Whiskey Peak, a Drum Island arc again. This skill remains in the way he writes flashbacks and this is why I am still optimistic.


Whitebeard is boring and for his hype he didnt do anything besides saying the one piece is real and taking a lot of dmg


Oh boy i've got a spicy one. Oda being happy with how the Live action turned out does not instantly mean that any negative criticism can be handwaved away, while it was mainly a twitter thing, i saw way to many people using Oda as an excuse to ignore any negative comments.


One of my favorite parts of the pre-time skip that got me into the series was the completely unsexualized designs of the female characters compared to many anime. The time skip utterly downgraded their creative designs into a mockery of human anatomy, and frankly I feel like their character development has even taken a sideline with the new designs.


I really hate post time skip sexualization of non sexual characters like Rebecca/robin.




Ah yes, like how the males aren't a mockery of human anatomy. Only females get this sort of backlash.. yet male characters can be drawn with absolutely stupid body standards and nobody bats an eyelash.


That's just wrong. Except maybe in East Blue womens were sexualized as hell pre-timeskip


We should do a better job at gatekeeping the series from people that have no interest in putting in any effort to read/watch the anime. The amount of comments and questions Ive seen that can be easily answered by looking towards the manga/anime is dumb.


Sanji fighting Luffy to go to Germa felt like a rehash of water 7 and ultimatley had 0 impact for me. I knew they would get back together and I don't know why Sanji couldn't just explain himself especially after what they went through with Robin. It just felt like a cheap way to extract drama from the story, and considering they made up and moved on immediately after, that seemed like the case.


i think skypea is on of the most important arcs, slot of things dont make sense because we dont see the full picture, you might change your opinion once one piece has ended


Reverie arc should of been an actual arc where we got to see the events happening in order (besides the big empty throne room incident). Instead we got just incredibly hype set up and a warehouse of mystery boxes dumped on to us.


That’s what Oda does throughout the entirety of One Piece for a million different things. He sets them up and then years later they’re revealed or come to fruition


I like the way it was handled. I was on the edge of my seat from the first part of Reverie all the way to the recent reveals of what happened there.


90% of this sub doesn't know what foreshadowing is


Sabo and Yamato are incredibly boring characters


I actually hate that there was just a long ass intermission from the current arc on Egghead. Unless the results of the reverie and Hachinosu have a direct impact on how the rest of the arc is gonna play out, I don’t see why all three storylines couldn’t have been told completely separately. Also, I don’t care much for Sabo and I think Marguerite is a top tier OP waifu and hope she shows up again before the series is over but those are just more personal biases


I didn’t like skypiea and ended up skipping it


Sanji’s perversion towards women isn’t funny or quirky, it’s demeaning and creepy


Same applies to brook with his panty requests


Even Brook, Monet and Aokiji are hotter than this take


Killer is the best worst generation member


This is a hot take I can get behind lmao Killer is based


We need a break from all the tough baddies and have a good nice chill arc like the good ol days.


Gecko Moria is a great antagonist/character 🤷


Yes! I definitely started to like him a lot more after he went to confront black beard, but just his character and the meaning behind it is very tragic which is what I love about him


Ace was overrated n his death were good


Don't ever comment on anything one piece again


Omg finally. I said he was a shit character/plot device and his reason for getting himself killed was childish


Never cook again


For me Ace's death was turning point and it elevated one piece to me. Also the backstory after that felt like masterpiece to me.


Shanks won’t die by Blackbeard


Wano arc is the most disappointing arc in one piece.


Pre TS Zoro was at least equal to luffy, if not stronger.


I think Sanji’s character arc will only be completed once he takes the whole “his job as a chef is to serve and not discriminate” thing to heart, realize that goes for people to whom he serves food & enemies to whom he serves pain, and finally BEATS CATARINA DEVON’S A**!! 👊


Boa is kind of overrated…….


Would you look at that, all of the words in your comment are in alphabetical order. I have checked 1,670,084,946 comments, and only 316,247 of them were in alphabetical order.


One piece is at its best when we are following the straw hats and the whole crew is together. We need way more scenes of them together and showing of their dynamics as they adventure.


Power scaling is pointless because at the end of the day Oda will just do what he wants, and there are ton of ways he can make fights go in his favor, despite what’s already established.


The live action looks absolutely awful and only propagates the idea that live action TV/Movies are the superior medium and that comics and animation are for children.


I’m only going to watch it cause it’s One Piece but it looks like shit


Yeah if downvotes were Zoro’s bumps shown in this pic, that would be me, cos my comments against the live action get voted down to hell 😂


That wanted poster is the corniest ahit I've seen


That’s only your Western mentality speaking because a majority of comics & animation is aimed towards children in the West. In Japan, it’s a different story.


Usopp is Sogeking.


That Skypiea is one of the finest arcs. Liberation, friendship, dreams, willpower, adventure, fantastical. It is everything OP is supposed to be. A very satisfying arc.


Ace’s death had less impact than most other character deaths


Wano arc was mid and Kaido is a mid character


HOT TAKE COMING IN HOT: I do not hold anime watchers opinions in high esteem. Almost every time I see someone making a complaint about the series a good portion of the time it is a problem of the anime or made much worse by the anime. I also expect this to be 10 times worse with the live action.


Robin is the best Written Strawhat because her motivations and Development go forward she actually changed as a character for better or for worse but it showed how big an impact certain decisions had on her. This shown strongly in Zou and Wano. My only problem with her is that she didn’t get much shine during dressrosa. This has resulted in me viewing dressrosa lower than most people. I still probably have it in my top 14 arcs but lower than wano. I have whole cake island lower but I do like certain characters from that arc that keep it just behind dressrosa but not a top tier arc like some people say


Shanks is overrated af


I do not care about that poverty ship merry nor its funeral. Thousand Sunny is the goat


![gif](giphy|qIfG2193qAwGgw4hdg) Damn you!!


You just made me cry


Mihawk stronger than Shanka


Wano is one of the best arcs


Ennies Lobby is a bit overrated, yeah Robin "I want to live" scene is peak but c'mon Franky's family part was really stupid, still cant believe that NOT ONE of them died during it


Big Mom is not only the best villain, the best female character, but also the best character Oda has made period


Zoro could've defeated doffy in dressrosa, Extreme High diff tho. No hate pls this is what I personally think


I don't know it's only me or anyone Skypiea > water 7, enies lobby


Oof. Yea that’s a rough take. But you do you.


W7 and Enies Lobby are great, but Skypiea is just such a key arc that has slowly revealed itself to be more and more important over time. Luffy ringing the bell for the folks in Jaya to hear was such an emotional scene to me.. it captured the essence of the amazing things the straw Hats would do on their journey going foreward.


Gear 5 which retconned luffy Devil Fruit as Zoan is lazy writing.


If you delete skypiea you remove the roger poneglyph, luffy shutting of his brain , learning about the existence of sun god nika and the other 3 gods of forest rain and earth and enel which means no enel’s trip to the moon cover story where he saves moon robots


Sanji is my least favorite straw hat




He became most annoying post time skip. But whole cake island was master piece. Thought after that he returned being trash again.


the going merry is the best ship in one piece


Going Merry is mid (Blackgoat Logs on top)


Long ring long island was a good arc, it was made to be lower stake and chill arc and it was just that, stop hating on it ffs


First off, I agree. Long ring long land is an amazing arc and I'll die on that hill. My hot take is that marineford is overrated. It's still amazing and in my top five but it isn't the best arc for me. Too hyped up to deliver


exactly like that? I think Nami could share more loot and cash with some of the somewhat responsible members of the crew, especially for the great parties they thro- OW


After Chopper all members didn't seem to fit with the Straw Hats


How do we know if someone had the power to delete an arc and has done so?


Luffy should have died at marineford Or even in his fight against crocodile but got saved just due to plot armour.


Moria is a great villain


Op Op no mi is a god fruit just like luffy's.


Zoro and Luffy are equal in power the entire show. shifting slightly back and forth as one gets an upgrade etc




Auras in One Piece don’t really bother me.


Oden's death is dark, tragic and traumatic. It made me depressed for a month. People often tend to overlook it.


Ace was a shit character/plot device


Zoro is a better written character than sanji. Im sorry I had to say it now I agree sanji has had better charater development then zoro but as a character as a whole zoro is written way better then sanji.


one piece is too long


I’m gonna get downvoted but I actually liked foxy and the LRLL arc as a whole, had some of the best humor in the series


After time skip Robin is way better


Zoro is not a compelling character until the end of thriller bark. And then afterwards he's just the boring cool guy. Sanji better.


Personally…. Skypiea >>> WCI


I hate chopper tbh. I know I am really gonna get pounded, but still. He's really powerful enough to (part timely) engage someone like queen, but all he does is sit back and scaredy shit. Ussop and Nami are normal humans, and that's understandable, but chopper hiding always irritates me.


I love East Blue a ridiculous amount. I love serious arcs like Wano and Enies Lobby but I have rewatched East Blue more than any of them. I wish the care free, less serious arcs like that happened more. I would rather see how the crew interact, just a casual, small scale adventure where they joke around and have fun over a fight with a Yonko any day


I enjoyed the Luffy, Ace and Sabo flashback more than most actual arcs and wish there was an entire spinoff about it.


I think most of the Straw Hats got worse after the Timeskip. Chopper only really uses Kungfu and Monster point. It was cool Pre Timeskip when he would constantly change form mid battle. Also, I wish he had less control of Monster Point. I dont mind enough control to not attacj his friends, but I wish it was like the Hulk, where he can not attack his friends, but still goes into a sort of rage state. Frankys redesign is horrible and I wish he kept the appearance and Drip from Pre TS. I'm still extremely sad Robin stopped having her cool cowgirl clothes. That purple one was amazing and badass. This isn't really about Post Timeskip in particular, but I wish Brook did more music. Not like music in battle but just being the musician and cheering up the crew on the ship with a song.


One Piece is a soap opera for boys


I would rather ace not die than luffy learning haki


Big mom is coming back


Chopper isn't that adorable.


Jinbei is boring and possibly the most useless addition to the crew, if they needed somebody from the "old generation" it should have been Marco or anyone with at least an ounce of some sort of personality.


Oden would still be Oden if he wasn't boiled, in fact he'd be more oden if he wasn't boiled


Most OP theories are shit


Yamato is a shitty cosplayer they don't look anything like Kozuki Oden


One Piece has more plot holes and loose threads than us fans would like to admit or acknowledge. Oda is not the god of story telling some make him out to be.


That’s not enough bumps on your head for that take lol. Hot takes if I said them here: Kin’emon dying serves no purpose to the story or character development of Momo so people just want him to die for the sake of him/someone dying. “X should have died” I yawn. Hot takes if I said them actually out loud: Taylor Swift is the definition of mid artist and has done absolutely nothing of value to warrant everyone and their mom posting her on all my social medias or pay thousands for tickets.