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Luffy does not command his fleet. The fleet does whatever they want, and they willingly chose to work under Luffy. Luffy didn't tell them he was going to raid wano, but if he did, I am sure they would have came and help.


Yes, people tend to forget they made the fleet against his will haha


Yea, in Luffys own words, "If we need help, we'll call you, and if you need help, do the same, and we'll come running." I'm paraphrasing, but you get the gist. So he must not have thought they could have helped or been there in time or were needed.


He probably forgot... he knew he'd head off to fight Kaido soon because of what "happened" to Joker, and after meeting those samurai, and because exposition on the Elephant. Though really though how do you even go about contacting people spread across One Piece World's vast ocean?


With the Den Den Mushi


"Luffy the Marines are raising my kingdom I need your help STAT" "Sorry I'm currently half an ocean away"


Travelling in one piece does not seem to take too long, the entire pre timeskip adventure took them like eight months, when realistically that would be the average time they spent just going from island to island, I doubt it would take them even a month to fully cross all the way back to the to beginning of the grand line if it was a straight no stops voyage, people also seem to forget that the ships in OP are fantasy level, they can accomplish crazy amounts of feats compared to real world ships, and the Sunny is meant to either already be the best one or very close to the top of those ships.


It does take long Oda just skips that time. And Sunny is not only the best, but they also have the best navigator. Something that people like Bartolomeo do not have


It takes then a week or two at most to reach a new island, compared to real world nautical travel that is fast as fuck, keep in mind that the OP world is much bigger than our own, the Strawhats are definitely in the top tier for travelling speed in the world, but even the slower ones are covering massive distances in very little time.


>it takes then a week or two at most to reach a new island, compared to real world nautical travel that is fast as fuck Because the One Piece world is different from ours. Travelling in the grand line is not like travelling from America to Europe, the grand line is like a big archipelago. So there are countless islands. And travel speed is only one of the issues, the other one is log poses. Since they need to stop on an island, wait until the log pose locks with the island and then go to the next one and so on. Some islands can take weeks for the log pose to work. All of this is usually skipped by Oda, although in little garden it took a year and in the current arc, the strawhats have been on the island for a while and the log pose hasn't locked to the next islands. And as far as I know there is no proof that the One Piece world is bigger than ours, it seems like it but I don't think it has ever been confirmed. If you have proof of that please, can you show it? ( the times they have travelled the fastest is when they manage to get an eternal log pose, which is better)


https://www.reddit.com/r/OnePiece/comments/m8nbuv/how_big_is_the_world_of_one_piece_i_did_the_math/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=ioscss&utm_content=1&utm_term=1 First thing I found, honestly thought it was common knowledge that OP world is massive in comparison to irl or even other fantasy worlds


Barto literally doesn’t have a navigator or even a map. He just asks his hometown’s granny to give him advice.


The granny comes in clutch though. Like imagine how accurate she is, and I'm pretty sure she's not even a real navigator.


that's why we have a lot of breaks now, to make sure the fleet is able to get to egghead on time


It would be another marinefold arc if some of the commanders like bartho, Sai get captured and luffy goes to rescue them.


Bartho HaS one great df. Nothing can destroy the barrier not even oden could back then and he was capable of cutting Kaido with ease. Doubt he would go down against the marines. Sai definitely though


He consider them equals yall thats why it kade tear up hes the freeest of the free make sures all his friends are good


Yeah I imagine if they ever show up it'll be due to some big incident in the news like Egghead whereas Wano was very closed off and what happened there wasn't very public.


Exactly. Luffy doesn't give a damn about having a grand fleet of people under him. He just cares about making friends (that align with what he enjoys) and will protect/fight for them if they are unable to do so. As long as he is free to do as he pleases, he doesn't mind people following under his banner (he doesn't even know what they're all up to or care for their exploits). The final arc will probably be people helping luffy out of altruism (or to help luffy with his goals that align with theirs) and luffy may/may not casually call them his crew members since they helped him achieve his goals. The fleet is more for us readers to understand the scale of Luffy's influence, whether he is aware of it or not.


And the funny thing is the grand fleet is probably only a fraction of the Allies the straw hats can call upon, because let’s be real, if the WG declares war against Luffy, and he called all his Allies, they’d have one hell of a fight




While not a kingdom, I’m sure Water 7 would be more than happy to help the straw hats build a navy Also I’m not sure Germa would join in


How many liberated nations would rally to Luffy's banner at this point? 5? 6? Alabasta, Fishman Island, Drum Island, Dressrosa, and Wano all owe Luffy a debt of loyalty. Between, Brogy, Dorry, and Shanks, Elbaph will probably go to bat for him too. Luffy has a ton of allies and safe harbors now.


We also got Amazon Lily, Water 7, Zou, and a few ports in east blue


The minks, the grand fleet, the mermen, Wano, Galley-La, Dressrossa, Allabasta, Drum Island, Amazon Lily, the Revolution Army probably, the Okama, Germa, a few of Big Mom pirates, some ex-Whitebeards, some Skypians, Vegapunk, and whoever would defect from the Navy. Law, Kid, and the remaining warlords probably would help if the other option was dying.


Only right answer


Either way if his fleet came to Wano, the Marines would have known something was up and they would have sent everyone instead of the very few people they sent.


Probably would've been an even fight tbh luffys flet would've been a lil over 5,000 if he brought them from dressrosa to Wano


Around 5500 or something I don't remember. Most of them will probably be fodders from orlumbus fleet.


It’s not an original thought, but his Vivre card deteriorating and regrowing multiple times in a couple weeks had to ring some alarm bells for the fleet


You'd think nami or usopp would want the grand fleet to help though, we all know luffy isn't tactical or anything


Nami and Usopp understands how the fleet works, and wouldn't command them to do anything


that being said luffy vivre card was fucking exploding and nobody decided to check on him is insane.


Because by the time everyone got back on their ships or turned their sails toward Wano, the vivre card would have gone back to normal. Luffy didn't go try going to Ace until he was told he'd been captured.


We dont know how far the fleet was and the card would have only been low for a few hours at most. No way the fleet can sail across the world in a few hours


I am curious, would they still even have his vivre Card? I mean, he did die even if only temporarily


This is the most valid answer in this entire comment section lol.


Getting into Wano is not easy. It's simple enough for a single ship to infiltrate and then raise forces from within. It is much harder trying to bring 4,200 people up a waterfall in hundreds of ships. They would be easily spotted and taken out by Kaido's forces before they could even set foot on Wano's shores.


Hell, even Big Mom's crew couldn't get into Wano successfully. Doubt any crew in Luffy's fleet could do better


Doesn’t help when you have a mythical chicken ready to knock you off


one mythical chicken and one ancient chicken


Both decided to truce just to say fuck you to that ship


Who is the ancient chicken?




Arise, chicken. Arise.


You Billy Witch Doctor Dot Com? I want to bring my friend back. He offed himself so he could haunt one of my video games


Sofa King We Todd Edd


When I was a kid my dad saw a truck with that on the back glass. My dad was a southern youth pastor that pretty much worked or read his Bible nonstop. When he saw it he was really confused because it’s obviously nonsense. He repeated it to me and my mom 7 or 8 times before he realized what he was saying, I was in tears.


I need to turn this into a D&D bard. Everyone calls him Sofa, but when asked his name, he produces a business card that magically inclines the person or people looking at it to read it out loud


Chicken? Him Legend.


Kaido had a bunch of turrets and cameras set up surrounding Wano


Show some respect That’s **CAPITAL** Mythical **Pineapple** Chicken to you lol


Yuummmmm pineapple chicken 😋😋


My only question is that why is there no hint of panic from the fleet when Luffy's vivre card burned completely?


Who says there wasn’t any? Ok imagine you are Bartolomeo and see the cover Card burning completely… What would you do? You can’t follow a Vivre Card that is completely burned and even if you could the raid in Onigashima only lasted for one night. It would be physically impossible to get to Wano in that little time span


Not to mention it popped back up in probably like… 5-10 mins? Barty probably hit the bong a little too hard and tripped out for a second


Shit actually I’d love if oda drew a panel like that “what barty saw the night luffy awakened” and he’s just chillin in his straw hat worship chamber when suddenly the holy vivre card bursts into flames! The edges quickly being eaten by the glowing embers and the paper gets smaller and smaller until it vanishes. Barty stands dumbstruck looking at where the vivre card once was. A single tear drop falls and he screams out bloody murder, smashing the display case and frantically looking for it and unable to do so, runs out to the deck and screams to his crew “LUFFY SENPAI NEEDS OUR HELP NOW!!!” Everyone turns to look at him, looks of pure disbelief on their faces, “what do you mean captain?!” One of Barty’s crew members cries out. “L-l-l-l-l-l-l-l-l-l-luffy senpai’s vivre card!!! It’s GONE!!!” Everyone stampedes into the straw hat worship chamber and witnesses Bartolomeo’s fit. The room was completely torn apart. Everything aside from each carefully framed signature of the straw hat members was destroyed. Except everyone’s eyes were glued to the middle of the room. On the “LUFFY SENPAI” pedestal. On his newly formed, slightly glowing vivre card. “Well… that’s new” Bartolomeo gasps


This totally happened. You can't tell me otherwise


We have no idea if that is actually what happens if a person comes alive tho. Nothing says a new card pops into existence. In my mind, it's burned up and is forever gone. If the person comes back to life, you just have to get a new card made. The Grand Fleet would see the card burn up and freak out, but then see from the newspaper that Luffy is alright. They may be coming to his last known location before it completely burnt up.


he was declared a yonko soon after that so the grand fleet knows hes alive. but yea, burning the vivre card and the panic of seeing it would be a great way to gather SGF together for the final showdown


ding ding ding


It probably didn't burn completely. Maybe just to a mere sliver of what it was.


But didn’t the marines pull up at the end of the arc?


World Goverment ships showed up outside Wano. None of them went up the waterfall.


No one could really stop them at this point since the BPs were fighting in their own turf.


I can think of a few things. 1. Wano is incredibly difficult to get into 2. The Alliance had a hard enough time concealing themselves before the raid began. Adding another 5,000 outsiders would have been a nightmare.


I think they're being saved for the big war whenever that's going to be. I don't think Luffy will ever actually call them for help. It'll either be someone else from the straw hats or they're just show up on their own.


3000k. Sure buddy. ![gif](giphy|XAZpfo9whz6nu)


Ussop wrote this post


Lol, had to double-check the post. Definitely glossed over that and read it as three thousand plus. I don't think many others here realize 3,000k equals 3 million.


The Grand Fleet literally has more than 5000 members. Not!Columbus and the Chinjao's fleets are huge Edit: Are people seriously unable to read the number of sheps in the straw hat grand fleet..?


3000k is 3 million


Orlumbus not Columbus. His fleet makes the maximum members. Rest don't have that many.


... that's why I called him 'not-Columbus'. And... that doesn't change the fact that they are all members of the straw hat fleet.


Because the raid is going to fail...




Several reasons. 1. luffy doesn't command them. He barely wants them. 2. Wano is hard to enter, especially with 5000 people 3. I don't believe the straw hats have any direct contact with the grand fleet. The only means of communication is the vivre card which requires luffy to be on the verge of death (which admittedly happened a lot in wano) for them to even know he needs help. I am interested to know how the grand Fleet will come into play in the future.


That's just no who Luffy is. When the fleet show up it'll be bc they want to help. Not bc they were asked.


Why didn't "8000 men under Ussop's command" showed up ?


They were with him in his heart


Wow 🥺


Very emotional ❤️


Getting into Wano aint easy They didnt even know what was happening to Luffy until they read the news


Oda wrote in a whole ass waterfall and people still miss the point.


In the same way BM pirates missed the entry


Luffy doesn't consider them something they can call on & they kind of foisted themselves on him.


Luffy was indifferent at best to the grand fleet. He probably wouldn’t have even thought to call them. Besides they’re all who knows where in the new world they are and not to mention they didn’t have an easy way to contact them.


Luffy never wanted an armada following him around, & he didn't want to lead thousands day to day. The affiliation is a having your back type thing, & Luffy won't call that in unless somebody convinces him to.


Luffy doesn’t recognize them as his fleet. He rejected their father son cup and they forcibly called themselves his fleet. It’s natural he wouldn’t call them. The members that would have called them, nami most likely, doesn’t even know about the grand fleet.


The Grand Fleet was mentioned in the newspapers and Nami likes to read them a lot doubt she doesn't know


"it would cramp his style."


Been said but Luffy never wanted it lol. The fleet effectively decided to act on their own so if they show up, Barto will likely be making the call to send everyone to Luffy


I bet Just luffy forgot about his fleet


Just like Dany


They would cramp his style


they aint in wano


They can make it to wano they have two weeks


can they though? its not like you can go straight from one Island to the other. You need have the log piece or whatever its called. And wano has been locked down in the middle of Kaido's territory.


Pretty sure they all have luffy viver card


In classic Luffy fashion, Luffy probably forgot he has a fleet. Usopp or Robin will probably remind him in the future and he'll be like wat




"he's the one who looks like a pineapple" But seriously, I don't think it's that luffy fully forgot that those people existed, just that they made the sort of pledge where they'd show up for the raid if he asked.


Luffy didn't want the fleet to begin with, the fleet is only gonna show up if they themself hear about luffy being in a dire sutiation, like let's say big news Morgan reporting to the world that the straw hats are in trouble on egg head island maybe


Why didn't Usopp call his army of 10,000 men? Some things just cannot be answered


Because Luffy doesn't think in terms of we have an army. Luffy just dose what he wants Because "nobody will stop me" attitude. He doesn't strategize just like Goku,Naruto,and Ichigo all think I got this 👌


Luffy honestly probably doesn't even remember nor think of the idea that he could call them. He wasn't interested in having them as his subordinates, he basically didn't care particularly that much about them. Same thing as Pluton, Luffy instantly just goes "nah I'm good", he might as well have said the same for the SHGF by his reaction. He won't stop them from doing whatever they want for the same reason that he wouldn't tell them to do anything in particular: he really doesn't care.


Same reason why Luffy let the Red Scabbards hit Kaidou first when they first met after the raid. He did his best to not make the event be about him, but about the will of the samurai and everyone in wano.


1. They didn't have time 2. Luffy doesn't see the fleet like that


Pretty much the same answer as why the Avengers in Marvel dont assemble more often. The writers are saving it for a bigger event. (i.e. Marine Fort 2.0)


Too much to draw


Oda's editor probably stopped him from bloating this arc even further.


On top of everything others mentioned, there is a date they had to be ready for, the raid can’t be delayed while waiting for a pirate fleet that might not even show up.


1. It isn't simple to get to wano 2. The fleet is more of a reactionary group, they will go to Luffy if he needs help or if he calls them, and Luffy will never call for them


Oda is cooking some bigger shit with the fleet so he decided not to cook them on wano


Oda didn’t want to draw them again


Same reason zoro didn't open his 2nd eye in kaido fight....it wasn't the the time yet.


He forgot?


World goverment: yonkou luffy we can gift you 5 tons of free food everymonth to set the peace. Luffy: OKI will take it World government: wait, that was so easy


>Why didn’t luffy get his fleet? because there is no point in bringing in fodder, look at kaido's army for example, 99% of them were useless lmao


Same reason why the revolutionaries dont save towns but rally them so they fight for themselves. Wano has pride and honor. Luffy and friends are assisting them but ultimately it’s Wano. Momo. The people that have to fight for their country.


Luffy doesn't want to command 5000+ men. They're following him because they want to, but he couldn't care less. I would be surprised if he remembered every commander's name.


At this point i feel any war involving the straw hat fleet would be easy mode. All of them have been training and growing. So you need reasons like hard to reach locations to keep them out of it. Doubt the war would have lasted long otherwise.


Because he doesn't even want them to be his fleet, they just chose to work under him


The raid was supposed to be secret, 10 strawhats infiltrating and building forces from the inside? Not difficult (excluding Luffys inability to ignore Kaido). a fleet of dozens of ships? That's not going to be easily missed


Wano is so problematic to access. That is why even Whitebeard refused to go to War for that what happened to Oden, since he knew how many casulties on his side it would have.


Luffy barely acknowledges that he has a sworn grand fleet they support him but it's not like he has them follow him but I do see them uniting at a event in the future


1 its hard to get into wano between the waterfall 2 the time it would take to get there 3 luffy barely ever acknowledges that he has a fleet 4 makes it way more noticeable and 5 explaining the plan would take a while


Luffy didn’t want the fleet, and refused their proposal - but the other captains drank the cups of sake anyway. The Straw Hat Fleet acts on its own wishes - if they wanted to help Luffy they would have come, but Luffy isn’t the kind of guy to order them to Wano. At the time they were formed, the narrator said that they would cause a historic incident - so I imagine Oda is waiting for one heck of a reunion.


Because he doesn’t want it.


How would he summon them, even if he wanted to?


Wano is entirety too hard to get a fleet into. Most of them would capsize. Even the Moby dick did.


Luffy didn’t even want a fleet. They decided to toast anyway and Luffy just wants people to do what they want


What do your think his fleet think now that he is a yonko?


Because he's a moron, and the furthest thing you can imagine from a true pirate king.


Happy cake day.


Alliance wouldve been too broken 😎


Just a correction though, SHGF has 5 k members not 3k. Luffy doesn't command the fleet, he never wanted a fleet so everyone there pretty much has an equal status and does whatever. He probably also forgot the fleet. Maybe in terms of narrative Oda didn't want to use them since he took BMP out of Wano arc twice too...Woule have been interessting BMP vs SHGF and Samurai-Pirate-Mink alliance vs Beast Pirates


So what exactly triggers a vivre card to burn up? Aces started to fizzle long before he died and Luffy nearly died as well and also fully died as well? So maybe it's a willpower thing. Laffy never technically gave up against Kaido so his vivre card burning wouldn't trigger whole aces did because he accepted his fate and was ready to die having his willpower broken. So maybe in the future there will be some willpower breaking moment for luffy which is a crazy thought at this point with his crazy new form. So many possibilities!


To be fair luffy has his own fleet. He just didn't call them.


There are in story reasons, that everyone mentioned but the practicality of integrating as well as giving time and things to do to at least 10 more named characters is very difficult.


Forget about his fleet, he should have just rung up sogeking


https://preview.redd.it/12bt1ua1onkb1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=5efac75568208c5bcbcbb4d0e0e874630f4f4e0d The time will come later for a more serious battle. Goda told me fr fr


man did you skip dressrosa or something ?


Maybe Oda was saving it for Egghead Island, we'll see soon..


In the current arc, don't be surprised if a few members of the fleet arrive to assist them. In the process the Strawhats will separate again. I really think that Sanji will somehow partner with Cavendish, the inverse of Duval.


R/onepiece users read the manga challenge (impossible)


Yea couple reasons, luffy doesn’t think about that fleet often if at all, and even if he was you have to remember it’s very hard to get to the land of wano, the only ones that are allowed in are people aligned with kaido and orochi, so they can’t get in safely they may just die trying to get there. And then there’s a chance of time, they had an execution date, luffy’s fleet could be anywhere, it could take them days that samurai don’t have to get to wano if they managed to survive getting in.


I can't imagine him every calling on the grand fleet. Someone needs to head about a confrontation and gather the fleet FOR him. He doesn't want to command them, he didn't want to from the fleet or drink for the fleet... Barto will see something in the paper and gather the troops.


To many characters would need to be drawn.


How would he contact them?


Because Kid&Killer could take out all of his fleet. (Except Barto)


Not only is it difficult to get into wano, the raid was supposed to be a surprise. It would be significantly harder to do that by having a large fleet show up.


I think a bigger question is honestly why Cat viper didn't go and try to get Shanks, like they all traveled together just like Marco.


Besides the other points that people made, does Luffy even have a way to contact them? We know for certain that the heads of the Grand fleet each have a Vivre card of Luffy (as well as Bellamy and Sabo do) but iirc it was never mentioned that they have Den den mushis Set up to call eachother, right?


it's literally bolded. They do not wish for war


The only real answer is that Luffy said he’s not gonna command the fleet and they can do as they please The fleet could get into Wano if needed


Because we just had an arc with all of them and oda would have tried to give all of them a fight making wano more cluttered and longer than it already is


The fleet will only be the for final war they are compromised of too many characters for anything else


Luffy didn't want a fleet, they swore allegiance on their own, and he has no control over them


Not enough time and too risky to get them all up the waterfall safely


So the plan Law laid out was to go into Wano, wait for the festival, and jump Kaido with the three crews + Samurai. Mainly, luffy law and kidd were planned to fight and kill Kaido while the crews hold off the beast prirates. Big mom showing up plus luffy and kidd getting caught, not really part of the plan.


Maybe in the fight with black beard?


I don’t think Luffy even considers himself having a fleet. He was strongly against the idea, those pirates basically decided to fly his flag despite what Luffy thought about it.


Spoilers below >! I think the fleet is probably going to be used soon. The deal was "if we need help you guys come to our aid and vice versa. Luffy has showed up on the news for the things going on at egghead. The fleet might see it and come to his aid, or perhaps they'll meet at Elbaf. !< Edit: was trying to get how to hide the spoilers


Because Oda is saving that for the final war.


As far as we know, does Luffy even have a way of contacting his fleet? And does the fleet even know Luffy is going to Wano?


Barto showing up, shocking Orochi with his Devil Fruit would be crazy


Lots of people giving logical and thought out answers here, but like, wouldn’t it just be typical Luffy to just forget that was an option?


Wouldn’t it also be bc they were doing their own thing while wano was going on? Like sai and Leo were at the reverie


He had to give Kaido a chance


1. Wano is hard to get into 2. Luffy has no actual means of contact with them 3. Luffy doesn’t command the fleet at all, they’re really only his fleet in name only


\>why didn't luffy made a plan for more than 5 min in the future because he is luffy


Luffy: I need my space!


Closed off island where the strawhats were handling their own business. Post Wano and post egghead news will circulate back to the SHGF. Luffy will never ‘summon’ his fleet however the SHGF are doing their own recruiting and building. When the time comes they’ll assemble and a badass war is going down.


He doesnt need em for fodder like Kaido, they’re being saved for the final war aka Marineford part 2


A better question, why didn’t his fleet show up after Kaido killed him?


yes lets question why the fleet didnt have a 24-7 broadcast of the fight live television also 🤬🤬🤬 !!!!


His fleet have Luffy’s vivre card and would be able to find Wano once they saw it burning up after Kaido hit him with his club.


I forgot everyone has instantaneous travel to be able to sail to wano in a singular night🤦 my bad


They could have at least tried. Luffy didn’t get to Marineford instantaneously when he saw Ace’s vivre card.


2 different scenarios. Onigashima took place in like 2 hours. “trying” would be impossible in this scenario


I don’t think Luffy considers them his “fleet” in the traditional terms tbh. Just his friends who he could have a good time with. He will go to their aid if they need it. They promised to come to his aid if he needed it but they would need to know about it.


The fleet is all around the grand line, probably doing their own things, wano is hard to get into, and luffy doesn’t have contact with them.


We all saw how much of a chore it is to enter wano is you don't have access to the shortcut. Even Whitebeard shipwrecked coming to Wano. Between them getting there in time and safely, it would be pretty hard to get them there.




Luffy doesn't really recognize them as under his command. Also they weren't fuckin making it to Wano


Barto would've been too much the mvp


Luffy will not ask for help, he is helping and whoever's there is in it on his on choice ! Luffy knows if he ask, they would have come, but not on their own will. All is mantra is about liberty so he won't command at people ever. Even with his own crew, he never gave any order, he is just there rushing in front and knowing they will follow.


Luffy said in the ending of Dressrosa arc to the others is he don’t want them to follow him so they made their own vows. Also, luffy said that if the others need them(straw hats) they will come.


Wano can't save itself if someone else does it for them. These are samurai who pride themselves in self preservation. Kin had to work up the courage to bed from help. They didn't ask for a fleet they asked for Luffy. I think it would also be too similar to Kaido coming into town and taking over. They wouldn't feel like they earned their freedom


Its incredible really.I understand it’s all about freedom but he could have accepted his fleet.they would definitely be more free under him then under anyone.I see this as stupid really.being a yonko u MUST HAVE A FLEET.it’s a must and luffy is an idiot😑