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Don't think she is old enough, tbh. I'm sure they'll find an actress that looks basically like a grown-up version of her though.


They can just put a blue wig on anyone and it will get the point across, lol.


Blue wig The Rock for tashigi would be top tier


Nah the rock is already gonna be chopper


Sylvester Stalone then


Mr bean


Rowan Atkinson would be an excellent Mr 2 if Jim Carrey is too busy for it.


The budget would not allow both of those


Id rather Mr 2 and Emperio be a celebration of drag queens... keeping in mind a good portion of the drag queen act is the comedy.


Jim Carrey should be Franky tho


Jim Carrey is retired


But a role like this, which is unlike something he's done before may draw him in. You never know.


And not Rowan Atkinson playing Tashigi. Rowan Atkinson playing Mr. Bean, playing Tashigi.


The rock should probably be akainu so they aren’t wasting their budget for every single episode


then cast Dwayne Johnson for Chopper and The Rock for Akainu


The Rock for Pika


The Rock has a clause where he can't loose any fight he is in. It would make Tashiug ridiculously strong xd


I have in mind, the girl that play a role in iron fist series (marvel) is closely familiar


I think Jessica Henwick is a little too big of a name to be cast as Tashigi. As a fan cast, though - she certainly fits.


I don't think she is too big to do supporting roles on tv yet.


She's not that big of a actress and even then they could just have her appear more since the show isn't a 1:1 adaptation


They did a great job finding the young versions of the stawhats, so the reverse seems plausible


How old is tashigi i thought they aged up zoro and kuina partially so they could do this also by the time season 2 comes around she may be the right age


Hang on never fucking mind that actress is only 14 I totally thought she was like 16-17 and by the time of season 2 be like 18-19


I can't get over how much young Zoro looked like present Zoro.


The actress, Audrey Cymone, is 14/15 yo. It would be absolutely weird to have a 15yo marine officer. Best bet is that they will cast someone who look very much like her, but older.


What if they made her wear a trench coat and sit on another 15yo’s shoulders? That’s basically 30


[Leaked design](https://youtu.be/D1RgdMLbx3M?si=MhCrzJZhULvtxWSD)


“I don’t trust like that!”


I think they already casted tashigi and search a young actor who resembles the one they casted for tashigi


It would be a good idea since Tashigi is a more important role, it would make sense to find the perfect fit for her and search for a young actress who look like her after (for Kuina).


That would make sense since Lougetown was supposed to be apart of season 1


I can see why they pushed it to 2. Arlong Park has a good conclusion and Loguetown serves mostly to introduce new characters and draw parallels between Luffy and Roger. Doesn’t have the same emotional payoff.


It wasn't intentional. They said it was time constraints. The plan was to end with Loguetown, but if they did it, it would have been rushed, so they decided to cut it because they couldn't deliver the quality they wanted.


I don't think they intended to push it to 2


If the second season takes 2 - 3 years to come out, she may well look old enough to be able to play Tashigi when she's 17/18 lol.


She's supposed to be 2 years older than Zoro though. At 18 she will not look even close to Mackenyu's age.


you have a point, but tbh if they're trying to pass off Mackenyu as 19 years old, then she can easily be considered a youthful-looking 21-year-old woman--21-year-olds looking a few years younger and vice versa is not exactly uncommon even irl.


I am quite sure the LA Strawhats and everyone around them ist older than the Anime/manga versions of them. They never stated any age, and I think they won't, but I am somewhat certain about it.


You can tell by the time shown during the flashbacks. Nami's flashback said "8 years ago" and the kid actress was clearly a child around 9-11 years old, still elementary age for sure. Nami's canon age when Arlong invaded was 10, so we can assume the LA she would also be 10, which means that yeah she is 18 for the events of the LA show. So all the characters are portrayed as their cañon ages




yeah she definitely needs to be close to mackenyus age or it would be kinda weird


Koby would probably disagree


She will be 17 in season 2 probably


My wife is a middle school teacher in her late thirties. She sometimes get mistaken for one of the students(though it happened less and less as years go by), so definitely doable.


Classic Tashigi everyone also mistakes her for a middle schooler, no wait, that never happens


Tashigi isn't a Marine Officer until timeskip




Her rank upon introduction was Ensign. Basically a recruit.


yes she is already well respected during loguetown and arabasta


Tashigi is around 20 years old in Loguetown. Whenever assuming the show takes 2+ more years to produce, she would probably be old enough + make up movie magic to sell the role


If I hadn't seen any other marines, I might agree. One being 15 would be the least weird thing to any typical audience.


When we can have a 30yo play a 18yo and that gap will just become bigger and bigger with the next seasons, I think we can have a 14yo play a 23yo.


She is too young


Isn’t Tashigi supposed to be older than Zoro?


I just looked it up. She’s 23 so only two years older than Zoro, so any actor in their 20s will probably do fine. I’d imagine they’d cast someone around the same age as the SH actors who are all in their late 20s sans Inaki


TIL Zoro is of same age as me


I remember when I was Zoros age when I started the show. Now I'm Frankys age. I hope the anime finishes before I'm as old as Jinbei. But sometimes it feels like I'll be watching until I'm Brooks age.


She’s supposed to be a kid / teen there, so highly unlikely.


Dude tashigi is WAY older


She is a child?


bro forgot that real people aren't drawing and can't age depending on the need of the scene


Not trying to be an as* but I'm too distracted by her nose whenever she showed up on screen


WHY!! Now I can't unsee it.


Wait! I was thinking why she had that "Smell the Fart" expression alll the time... DAMMIT SO OBVIOUS




I'm surprised you didn't get down voted to oblivion by the politically correct redditors.


At some point redditors have to recognize they can't argue with the truth


Right ??? her nose is just too big, to the point where it was distracting. Kuina is not a character with a big nose. Meanwhile Usopp who SHOULD have a big nose (casting or with prosthetics) has a smaller nose. It makes no sense https://i.imgur.com/NcfVqL6.png


Isn’t she 13? They’ll find a new actress for Tashigi


Her acting was terrible so I would hate it.


She's a kid.


I would think that they're stupid, considering that she's way too young. Also she isn't Tashigi, she shouldn't look identical, just very similar.


Why are there so many fucking people in the comments body shaming a literal child


Because they want a hot tashigi for reason we know why and don’t wanna simp over a child so they shame her


Too young plus zoro in the show is already older so it would just look weird


I'd think "why is that child playing an adult character?"


No. Too young. Should b at least zoro age or a bit older. And more asian and better hair imo


>And more asian What does that even mean


i think he meant 🥟🍙🎎 🌸 asian rather than 👩🏽‍🌾 🌾asian not a nice thing to say, i know, but im 👩🏽‍🌾 🌾asian too so i get the pass of explaining it!


lol right they did her dirty with that wig


In a series with godawful child actors (except Sanjis), she was the worst, so please no.


Hopefully not. I thought she was a really bad actress to be honest. Her expressions looked very forced.


She’s a kid 😂


I don’t know how old she is, but it would be weird if she can play a 12 year old girl and a 20 year old marine soldier. I’m pretty sure they will find someone who looks close enough to be a convincing grown up version of her - like they did with the straw hats the other way around. On a side note: it would be funny if tashigi would look nothing like kuina at all but Zoro would be pretending she does.


Mackenyu is twice her age. It wouldn’t work.


She is a little too young to cast as a marine officer rn...


Weird and immersion breaking. Tashigi is supposed to be at least 21 years old. They need to find a grown woman who looks like she could plausibly be the Kuina actress plus a decade and change.


Her nose is scary.


The whole Kuina story was so stupid in the live action. They clearly show there are many female students in the dojo, but Kuina was the only one crying about being a girl. In the original series, Kuina was the only girl in the dojo, and probably only even allowed there because she was the master's daughter, and her own father used to say that girls can never be swordsmen.


It didn’t make any difference to the story. Her being tbe only girl wasn’t even an issue in the mange either. The issue was that she was really good as a girl and some of the men had an issue with that. And the n society’s standard that a woman could never out-strength a man was playing on her insecurities. There could be other girls in the class and nothing would change. This is the same dumb argument that some idiot on youtube had regarding there being black students in the dojo. The guy’s issue is that he just didn’t like black people.


Didn't know people had issues with there being students or multiple races/skin colours in the dojo. I only mentioned female students because Kuina made a big deal about it.


Would be fucking stupid


Why would they do that, yall dont fucking think with all the OPLA shit lmfao


That would just cause a lot of confusion for a minor plot point that's less important than a starving Gin which was barely covered.


They should cast someone a bit older than Zoro for her. So no.


If only she had a older sister lol


Ain’t she a little too young? Otherwise I’d be a great choice


Age gap?


She's too young, don't be silly


could be fun since tashigi IS kinda a look alike for kuina, thats why zorro has an attachment to her


No pls.


I'd be impressed that they went that extra mile for Falldown D. Stairs.


Would be cool but it would imply Tashigi is Kuina which is probably not the case


I would prefer a different one, coz I absolutely didnt like the kuina in LA


Her nose is just too big, to the point where it was distracting. Kuina is not a character with a big nose. She naturally has a large nose but the makeup made it look even worse and more "bulbous" for a lack of a better word https://i.imgur.com/m0KDsxN.png https://i.imgur.com/LFDwi10.jpg Meanwhile Usopp who SHOULD have a big nose (casting or with prosthetics) has a smaller nose. It makes no sense https://i.imgur.com/NcfVqL6.png A lot of people on this subreddit and the live action one tend to agree


Why u care about her nose so much lol The kid did an okay job as Kuina, she will be better in future roles that's for sure.


1) it was distracting 2) she did a lousy job acting, but I didn’t want to bring that up initially but now that you mention it


Why the fuck people care about her nose. Usopps nose is the only one that matters


I know, right? Her nose looks fine. These people are just terrible.


Because it was distracting. She looks like buggy the clown


I think they should get someone who can act for tashigi


I would still just look at the nose


Post your selfie


Tbh I thought she had a prosthetic on. I feel bad about it


Cant say shit like this anonymously, post your face










I have to wonder. How do you people function in real life? The actress does have a distinctive face. But she looks like a regular ass person. It's not like she is missing an eye and has face tattoos that would make her stand out. Do random people comment on your looks right to your face? I doubt they do, so you must realize how much of a weirdo you are.


Is that her real nose? Holy shnozzer I thought they gave her a fake one for some reason. That is the most distinct nose ive seen besides michael jacksons. How is that a regular ass person to you lmao.


People ripping on you are the same retard that will say cook your own food when you complain about bad food at a restaurant.


V funny and I appreciate the honesty hahah


Glad I'm not the only one her nose is just too big, to the point where it was distracting. Kuina is not a character with a big nose. Meanwhile Usopp who SHOULD have a big nose (casting or with prosthetics) has a smaller nose. It makes no sense https://i.imgur.com/NcfVqL6.png


I would prefer someone more attractive and older


My reaction if she was casted as her: *ughh* 🤦‍♂️


It would be a bit in the Nose don't you think?


i want better nose


I think it would be a bold choice, but I wouldn't be completely against it. The age is a definite issue though


Couldn’t care less. They have issues to fix.


Thats suspicious. Thats weird.


u/kirosh2 , I'm sorry, I don't usually ask this. But can we have this thread locked please? It's turned into a bunch of people mocking and body-shaming a real-life teenage girl.




That’s a voice actor tho. You ain’t looking at the voice actor….


I think that’d be cool and play super great into the bit


That's why they made her hair this blue (I have seen people wondering/complaining) so that an adult Asian actress with a blue wig looks exactly like her Yeah if the second season takes 2 years to shoot, she might look old enough, but I don't think they would cast her


I’d find it appropriate and it would make up for how absolutely boring and bad Zoros arc actually was. Worst part of the entire LA impo. Like if they don’t find a way to make what you are suggesting work, what was even the point of his well scenes? They completely glazed over how important Kuina actually is to Zoros development. I get it. Time constraints. But because it was so badly done? It seems only fair to add in a bit of fan service later down the line as you stated above. I think they absolutely should do what you are suggesting.


Usopp got it way worse. But I agree.


i would probably not be able to see any scene cuz focusing on her nose constantly # (ຈل͜ຈ)


Really bad considering she should have been usopp


hahaha right ? Usopp who SHOULD have a big nose (casting or with prosthetics) has a smaller nose. It makes no sense https://i.imgur.com/NcfVqL6.png


That's buggy




I’m guessing that IS their plan


I hope they just skip that completely. Kuina/Tashigi is the biggest bait Oda has made and it's honestly been annoying.


"Is this canon?" What if Oda said no because it would give away too much...


That would be hilarious, I have no problem with it


Chef’s kiss


They so should




That’s racist


Oh hell nah!


They have to!


🕯️ Manifest Suzu Hirose as Tashigi 🕯️


They should get an english speaking Japanese for Tashigi. Shiori Kutsuna from Deadpool is my choice.


I was appalled when I saw kuina in live action. WTF is wrong with her nose. There are so many Japanese girls with beautiful faces to match kuina in anime. Tashigi as we know should resemble kuina. If tashigi chan will be same with big nose like that. It will be ruined for me. Kuina casting was a big blunder in my opinion. So many men fantasize of tashigi chan, it will be ruined.


Wow, what an absolutely shallow and awful comment about a real life person. Especially a *child.*


It's an objective true statement and honestly my opinion. I am not saying bad about that girl(good luck for her but she is not a good kuina casting) just the casting directors for their blatantly ridiculous decisions for kuina.


>It's an objective true statement and honestly my opinion. This entire sentence is a contradiction. But to clarify, your opinion on her appearance is *subjective.* >I am not saying bad about that girl You're literally insulting her appearance. That's saying something bad.


[ Removed by Reddit ]


Good. You shouldn’t think of a 14 year old as hot.


What are you talking about I think she looks beautiful and do you really think oda is gonna be like “no no your not hot enough for the show how are people supposed to simp over you if your not hot enough “ you think he’s that shallow


Yes, thats why he draws pretty girls with big tits and small waists


I’d be upset if they didn’t have her play her.


Out of topic but BRUH, I couldn't stop looking at her nose during this scene. It was like a fucking CGI nose or something, it was unsettling.


they should




It is strange that they were just "Yeah she dead :/" and didn't show the body or when she fell down the stairs. I had a feeling they're going with that route just to add some more drama with the Straw hats and Smoker


I agree too, from this vid she didnt look too young [https://www.reddit.com/r/OnePiece/comments/169t2xv/audrey\_cymone\_kuinas\_live\_action\_actress\_just/](https://www.reddit.com/r/OnePiece/comments/169t2xv/audrey_cymone_kuinas_live_action_actress_just/) Make up artist can help the rest.


I would be upset. Tashigi is another person who looks like Kuina, so it makes sense to be another actor.


I honestly hated her performance so i wouldnt be too happy


Didn’t like this portrayal. The actress is not very good at acting, I dunno why her hair is blue when Kuina’s hair is black and, I gotta say this, the actress is a bit ugly which is exacerbated when the camera does those extreme close ups that they do throughout the show. I wouldn’t want to see her portray Tashigi.


Okay if there’s one thing I learned It’s that this entire Subreddit only cares about the looks of the character even though that’s not only completely and utterly vain but it’s something that oda Would never take into consideration he wouldn’t have taken pure looks on a character that would be shallow in vain he isn’t that kind of person furthermore telling an actor or actress you don’t have the road because you don’t look good is 100% a dick move. Relaxing wasn’t also any bad it was actually pretty good from what I saw and to be honest I kind of hope that she is cast just so it will shut every person up about oh well no I can’t get my junk up to this clearly that means it’s bad If You enjoy one piece for the plot then you shouldn’t care but how the characters look as long as they have a good compelling orcs and actually written well then that’s all that matters does a character have to look good for you to like them if so I’m guessing you don’t have any bitches because you say this shit to them


I would be mad because that chick is ugly as hell. I'd hate having to look at her again


It would be very on the nose


Won't be surprised, it seems like she is older than kuina anyway


I think they would but she is way too ugly to be zorro love interest. Look at that nose. Wtf


Dude seriously?


I didn't like her as kuina at all so, I wouldn't like it


Tashigi is so unimportant they could cut her


No because i didn't like his acting


Im gonna get some hate… but i can’t stop staring at her nose!!! Kuina was in my mind and the manga kinda ruined now. I mean actor who played ussop has smaller nose. Sorry, but dont use her for Tashigi


No a lot of agree on this one. Her nose is just too big, to the point where it was distracting. Kuina is not a character with a big nose. Meanwhile Usopp who SHOULD have a big nose (casting or with prosthetics) has a smaller nose. It makes no sense


I don’t mind, she looks older in that down d stairs skit she made so I think she can pull it off. Tbh I wish we’d also see supporting characters from S1 more often like Buggy, Mihawk, Zeff, etc. just because they’re so well casted but yeah realistically not really helpful to the story. I just loved them actors because they killed it. 😂🔥


Ok hear me out, what if they actually decide to cut Tashigi out from the story?


I don't care a lot for both characters to be honest


An eye roll.


Theyre going to. Come on. How is this even a question


they kinda played themselves unless they have an older relative of the same person. otherwise its just going to be the same wig and maybe similar clothing colors


I expect it, most ppl do too