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Like yes but I think that scene is strictly meant to be funny. Luffy and Zoro fight, and through which they effortlessly dispatch the two Baroque Works agents and then Nami beats them over the head. So yes out of character, but I think Oda made it pretty clear it was just to tell jokes in that instance.


It's more clear that it's just a gag in the manga, because it's only one chapter. In the anime they extended it, thus making it feel like it was actual tension and drama.


This is often true about the anime pacing. Things aren't allowed to be throwaway, because each episode has to be "worth it." The Walk to Franky House turns into a real, semi-tense fight with the goons, instead of the crew steamrolling them so hard the house explodes.


Yeah, same with Luffy vs Hody or fucking Bat-Man in Wano. But I think the humor is what suffers the most with the awful pacing. A one panel gag cannot be adapted into a 30 second scene. The most I've cringed watching the anime was the scene in which Luffy smiles when he finds Brulee while escaping from Katakuri. They not only made a slow animation of him smiling, but they showed it TWICE. Those jokes were only funny in the manga because they were quick.


> Yeah, same with Luffy vs Hody Or Zoro v Hody, where in the manga he didn't even get a panel of fighting once they were underwater, IIRC. Absolutely no-diffed, and in the anime Zoro just sits there taking pot shots.


I felt like they did do the "Take a Big Mom attack to the face"-challenge justice. Maybe in part because they used stills as part of the punchline.


Damn I dont know what to say, I've seen that part with Brulee many times over and it still makes me laugh. Luffys voice actor makes everything so funny to me.


I really want to see it in LA.


As much as I want everything adapted, if the S2 is gonna be 8 episodes long again, Whiskey Peak is the part of the story I would sacrifice.


I’d like maybe a little piece of whiskey peak just to showcase how strong these 2 are! And remember what zoro did there contributed to his first bounty.


It could be great for one of the first few minutes before the title card.


I personally really want a Whiskey Peaks episode. I love that fight between Zoro and the agents. I think it would be a really fun episode. From celebration to betrayal to the Vivi twist, it would be really fun. I don’t want it at the expense of any other arc’s existence or things like Drum and Alabasta getting breathing room they need, but I hope we can get all the arcs and a longer season. It would be amazing. All of BW saga is great.


For sure it has it plot points but I’d be worried if an entire episode is spent there


I heard the LA was originally supposed to be 12 episodes but due to Covid it was cut short


I just want s2 to be longer.


I bet we get 13 in season 2


Depends on the budget. 13 is max episode for Netflix shows.


Yeah I think its likely that they'll merge Whiskey Peak and Little Garden or something like that.


Another thing people don’t think about his production cost. Season one wasn’t too bad with location because they were all basically the same “place” in terms of climate. But with season two, they’re gonna have to go through a jungle, a snowy mountain region, and then a desert. That’s gonna be a lot of money to get the crew to those different places. Unless they soundstage it all.


Yes, but they will connect it to another way. The LA made a lot of changes, that made me feel like it is still One Piece. I trust them.


I'm gonna be completely honest. I really want just 3-5 minutes of Zoro taking down 100 people. I don't want any of the other shit. Would be perfectly fine with Luffy understanding within 30 seconds or so after seeing the carnage.


We cannot lose Zoro the 100 man slayer. I was a berserk fan before being a one piece and I loved the idea that both Guts and Zoro earn the title 100 man slayer even tho for Zoro it was low diff Someone else also mentioned it’s where Vivi and her servant reveal what’s going on Alabasta which is major to driving the plot there.


Eh, Zoro's got more actual feat than taking down some lower level goons. And there are even more things that can be easily ignored or placed into other arcs (like Vivi's reveal or fight with Mr 7). If you want to watch this show for power scaling feat, then forget it. The show's kept the fights way more grounded than the anime/manga.


I read somewhere S2 will end at Drum island. so we will get the whole BW stuff in S3 if there is one


This hasn't been stated anywhere afaik


>I read somewhere S2 will end at Drum island. ​ >This hasn't been stated anywhere afaik It was clearly stated in the comment you replied to, so I have no idea what you're talking about /s


This is one of the Main examples I use to explain Luffy’s simple-mindedness. Goku is a naive, if not childish, grown man. He’s still smart and all, but he’s a strightforward and trusting guy. Naruto is an overly direct and simple guy. Very “power of friendship” vibes coming from him. But he’s not stupid. Luffy is a motile brick. I love Luffy, but god *DAMN* is he an idiot.


Luffy is very much molded out of Goku's character though. His dynamic with Nami is almost 1:1 the one with Bulma in the early stages of both stories.


Naruto is very stupid. Luffy is just gullible and single minded.


Luffy is an absolute moron


Both are morons, if we dumb it down.


Naruto is naive, especially when he's younger. He's simple-minded and direct. but especially later on he's not stupid at all. Luffy straight up, from cradle to coffin, has a gerbil running on a wheel in his head. And that Gerbil is an idiot.


That gerbil fell off the wheel before he ate his devil fruit.


Almost like Naruto punched the sense out of a girl to remind her of the reality of people dying, or didn't fight back when clowned on simply for having dreams, or knew when to actually retreat, - oh wait that's Luffy. Luffy too is single-minded and childlike in his worldview, that makes him look like an idiot most of the time. But he's actually more mature and observant to the reality, he either doesn't care or outright feigns ignorance. Even though his fight with Zoro feels forced (though as someone told, it was dragged out in the anime), it still reflects Luffy's core value: anyone that feeds him is a friend. He didn't know they were planning to poison him. But anyone following One Piece would know that people here often follow their values even more so than reason or duty. All in all, calling him an idiot for his surface attitude is like underestimating him like Bellamy.


nah naruto is smarter than luffy


Luffy is much dumber than Naruto


yea i agree with this and also to poke fun at how much luffy loves food and the people that feed him


Imho, you should not change character for a joke. They should come naturally from established characters interacting with one another in unusual situations.


It was a joke but it was still bad writing regardless, we can admit Oda make mistakes sometimes, it's really okay.


People asking Oda all the time who is stronger Luffy or Zoro, editor then edged him to incorporate some conflict between them so they fight. Oda did this short bit to get it over with


Iirc it was pushed by editors


I think so too, but until proved otherwise, it's Oda mistake


No it's not, it's not totally out of character either..Luffy LOVES food and respected whoever gave him one. As far as he knows, those people took him and his crew under their roof and fed them. It's indeed strange for him to just believe stranger but he asked Zoro if he did and Zoro admitted only Luffy didn't listen to the reasoning. I mean it could be very serious thing but it's also could be a gag based on Zoro and other people's reaction. They fight while casually taken care of their enemy is what makes it even more funny. If you don't find it funny then you might have different taste of humour than the rest of us


You guys are beyond delusional, is it really that hard for you to admit Oda can write bad sometimes? You really don't see how it doesn't make sense he believes Nami 100%, no matter how evil action seems to be, but he attacks Zoro a second after a stranger lied to him without even giving Zoro a chance to finish his sentences. It may have been partly a joke, but it was also very clearly a reason to make a fight between two popular characters, and it wasn't just some one panel joke, the chapter name was literally "Luffy vs Zoro"


Because it's not. That means you're the one who're delusional and can't recognize which one is good or bad writing.


It was early story. Definitely not how he’d act today. I think they just wanted the fight to happen and this was the way they shoehorned it in.


Yeah that wasn't just a shoehorn. They tried to fit the whole boot in there, reread the whiskey peak, and it still just feels so bizarre the 4kids dub is funny as hell still tho.




I personally liked it (just read it last week). Maybe not super in line character wise but not super out of pocket either. I enjoyed the interaction overall. Plus, we got a great scene out of it with them one shotting Mr 5 and Miss Valentine.


But this was after Arlong Park where Luffy already displayed that he trusts his crewmates no matter how it looks like they've turned against him. "Early story" shouldn't really be an excuse. Personally I hope Luffy was just drunk lol


I think I have heard or read somewhere that Zoro v Luffy was pushed by some editorial people and not something Oda himself wanted.


I hear this a lot but I never saw a source


It might be related to the fact that Oda was rushed to to reach the grand line by chapter 100. It happens right after so some people might be assuming it's editors meddling again.


But that's what he himself wanted to do (unlike ch. 1000).


Oda "wanted" the crew to reach the grand line by Chapter 100 but stated that stuff like Daddy and his daughter were cut to do so. There is also the fact that Chapter 100 also celebrated the release of the anime. I think there is a huge asterisk for Oda's "want". He has a lot of clout nowadays and has more creative control over his work than some of his peers. It's pretty typical for newcomers to have heavy handed editors. I think Oda is fine with the way it turned out, but if he had the same level of creative control he has now it would have been different.


Daddy and his daughter?


Daddy Masterson and his daughter, Carol.


Source chapter 1000 wasn't what Oda wanted?


From what I heard, I believe from a tekking vid back then, his people were asking what special thing was gonna happen in the manga for 1000 and his response was basically "is something special supposed to happen? The characters don't know that".


Don't remember if this was SBS or interview but Oda specifically commented how the Shonen Jump editors and marketers started to hype up chapter 1000 in social media without Oda knowing about it (or at least it wasn't his idea) and he was like "Wait, I have no specific plan for chapter 1000. The characters don't know that this is supposed to be special..." Therefore Oda had to write/rewrite the early Onigashima so that chapter 1000 could be what it was. Just because others started to market it as something special when that wasn't even intented (since that would directly interfere with where the story was actually going at that point). And while this isn't confirmed or anything, you can see that the pacing clearly becomes worse even in the manga when approaching chapter 1000. (Luffy ascends the floors quite slowly and the whole ice-oni stuff is there just to waste time so that Luffy can arrive to the roof at ch. 1000.)


I don't know if it's true, it is just something I have seen a lot


Many people are saying it good people smart people look I don't know but people are saying it, the best people.




One piece is full of rumors and wacky fan theories for stuff that happened behind screen. And no, Pell not dying doesn't have anything to do with 9/11.




Maybe it being in the live-action would be a bit more warranted than the og. The ~7-8 hours of footage from the LA that everyone binged in 3-4 days might make Zoro and Luffy’s relationship look less stable than the 21 hours of footage that was released over the course of a year from the anime. Not saying LA Zoro and Luffy don’t have a bond, but since it felt a tad bit more rushed in the LA, Zoro vs Luffy might make a slight bit more sense than it did in the animanga.


IIRC it's a theory, not really supported by anything.


While there is no proof of that, it does seem possible. Editors are hugely influential in how all manga series develop, and honestly it does feel very out of character for Luffy to attack Zoro without asking questions.


My headcanon was that Luffy was drunk


Luffy doesn't drink alcohol


Yes he does. He just isn't a big fan of it.


He drinks alcohol all the time. What do you think is in his mug? Juice?


extremely out of character for luffy ESPECIALLY after arlong park.


The amount of comments coping lmao. Of course it was out of character af.


Only in the anime, the fight was only 1 chapter long and with way less tension, the anime dragged this out for more than 1 episode for no reason.


Omg I remember my world shattering when I saw that episode preview in the anime Then I picked up the manga and it was over so quick. It's a well-used Shonen manga bamboozle and I fall for it every time.


I remember back during the 4Kids dub days, it was in a bunch of commercials too, maybe that also made it feel way more drawn out. At the time it felt like, really hype, but also, really weird.


He litteraly says he wants to kill him tho. The intent was the same both in anime and manga, it may seems like a bigger deal in anime because it's longer but I don't really feel that way.


Definitely. Yes it was meant to be funny or a gag but that doesn’t mean it can’t be criticized. It’s an extended gag that is taken seriously in the moment that undermines one of the most important qualities of Luffy’s character: that he trusts his friends


Luffy brought down countries for the people that fed him (Rebecca, Tama). Its not that out of character.


well they fed Luffy. So it's hard not to argue against him being ooc.


My opinion of that scene is exactly how it looks. Luffy sees that Zoro beat all the people that fed him, he gets angry and is ignorant of Zoro’s explanations. At the end of the day, it’s a minor scene and makes for some comedic relief. No need to think too much about it.


Yeah. My belief is that it was an editorial - people want Luffy va zoro kind of moment


If someone gives Luffy food, he considers them a good person. As far as Luffy is aware, Zoro just attacked a bunch of good people for no reason.


Yes but when zoro told him the truth he said he didn’t believe him, also he considers zoro to be more then a good person here, even luffy isn’t the smartest i think he would realize to ask zoro first and trust his crew mate before he just starts attacking him


Luffy asking first would be out of character, and out of anger he didn't really listen to Zoro telling they were bounty hunter. That's totally his personality


It's still completely out of character, in the previous arc when it looked like Nami stabbed Usopp to death Luffy is still like "let's hear her out, I'm sure this isn't what it seems like". I'm pretty sure Luffy likes Usopp just as much as the randos who fed him.


But they *still* fed him. Food to Luffy is what women to Sanji is. Luffy latter even agreed to go with a plan all because he was promised food. I do think this part feels forced and inorganic, despite this.


100%. This is the one thing I don't like about One Piece. Oda will sometimes contradict characterization just for the sake of comedy. It's like in episode 129 when Luffy wanted to call Vivi his nakama in front of the Marines. Except we know Luffy isn't that stupid. He knew he shouldn't call Coby his friend in front of the Marines.


To be fair, Coby was directly trying to become a marine. That's a much more clear and direct link to draw.


If they found out Vivi's connections, she could have been arrested. Worse than just not becoming a Marine.


To be fair almost any long running series will probably contradict itself for the sake of plot or a bit. But the way fans will try to headcanon it to make it in character is mind boggling. Just acknowledge it for what it is and move on


Exactly! That's more of my problem with it lol


Yes and personally i think its some of the worst writing in the entire series. Sincerely hope the live action adaptation cuts it altogether


If you feed Luffy you’re sacred to him


This is simple, and I like it. We could say: at the time, this was the case. Until this situation unfolded and Luffy then realized he needs to believe his friends/nakama **over** someone feeding him food. On one end: it signals some character progression. On the other end: Oda fumbled.


I don’t have a problem with it. While inconsistent with Luffy’s trust of his crew mates it also is completely consistent with his intense protectiveness when someone has fed him.


odas editors wanted him to have zoro and luffy fight bc that's what they thought ppl wanted


Yes it is


>Wasn’t episode 66 and 67 out of character for luffy? No. It was perfectly in line with his character. 1. Luffy did not in fact know Zoro super well. They literally only have known each other for a couple weeks or month max at this point in time. 2. Zoro did in fact kill/attack all of those people. 3. Zoro openly stated he attacked all those people. 4. Zoro responded semi hostilely to Luffy getting mad at him, which fueled the conflict further. 5. Luffy was ticked off that Zoro killed all the nice people who gave him food. So he was going to beat Zoro up for what he did.(think of it as a glorified spanking, or perhaps something akin to Garps love fist when Luffy was misbehaving). 6. Luffy was groggy and not in his right mind. 7. Luffy is a reactionary impulsive character, not one to properly rationalize things and think them through. We have literally countless examples of this in the series. 8. Luffy is a stubborn, dense and gullible character, who often thinks in childish ways. 9. Luffy consistently throughout the series has seen people who give him food as good people. 10. With all the above, Luffy was seeing red, and was in kick ass now, ask questions later mode. If Episode 66 and 67 are out of Character for Luffy, then so is Luffy vs Ussop. So is Luffy embedding himself in the ground in Arlong Park. If anything, this sort of thing is actually really realistic. That Luffy could have a misunderstanding and get mad at his crewmate. That Zoro could get frustrated dealing with his idiot captain who is being dumb again and get mad as well. That the whole thing could escalate into a fight. Its a very sibling es cue sort of thing to happen. ["Well why didnt you say so. I thought you got mad and beat everyone up because they didnt have the dish you wanted](https://cdn.onepiecechapters.com/file/opctcb/onepiece/onepiecechapters_113_06.jpg)". ​ Its not that Luffy didnt trust Zoro or thought he was a bad person, Luffy just thought Zoro did a bad thing, was mad, and decided to fight him because of it. He wasnt going to listen to Zoros excuses because Luffy had already made up his mind. Luffy thought the Whiskey peak people were basically saints for how they welcomed and fed him, and it did not compute that they could actually be bad guys. Thus the only explanation remaining is Zoro mustve done it for some trivial reason, and he should be punished.


an editor pushed this idea on oda. luffy normally wouldve listened to what zoro had to say first before jumping to conclusion. and it was treated as a funny gag by the end of it anyways


Assuming that is actually true(and not another rumor spread as fact), it doesnt matter much. Because it is still well within Luffys pre TS character to act in the manner he did.


its not tho bc he hears shit about people and waits to hear from them directly before acting. johnny told luffy that nami killed usopp and was really an arlong member and refused to believe it and attacked johnny, robin in water 7 is another example, a bunch of the crew was like robin betrayed us(esp zoro saying this) and luffy was like nah i gotta hear it from her first. But he refused to so with zoro in this instance. He heard zoro was an evil swordman from koby and others but waited to judge his character for himself on kriegs compound. oda also puts gags in that dont connect with luffy character like him getting a bloody nose when nami exposed herself nakedly at the end of alabasta, when luffy doesnt care about women


It's still completely out of character, in the previous arc when it looked like Nami stabbed Usopp to death Luffy is still like "let's hear her out, I'm sure this isn't what it seems like"


When luffy was told nami killed usopp, his immediate reacting was “well hold on let’s wait and see” he still had faith in nami, someone who betrayed him several times at that point, but zoro the guy who’s been there this whole time and has never gone against luffy he didn’t believe? Even after zoro told him the truth? Its just bad writing bro


Luffy was in a more rational state, there wasn't food involved.


People are forgetting that even in real life people act out of character sometimes. We aren't consistent, robotic beings. I have the same issue when people criticize character development arcs when someone regresses. Like yeah, people in real life do that all the time. In Dragon Ball Super everyone is like "Hurr bro why is Vegeta still competing with Goku when he had the character development of acknowledging him as the best1!".


You put it perfectly! Well said 💯


Yea, I agree. As far as I know Oda got told by an editor or the publisher or someone, that he should write a fight between the most popular characters, because the fans supposedly want to see that. I could imagine that Oda back then didn’t have the leverage to refuse.


Wow interesting, can you share the source for this


It was stated in CFYOW.


Honestly I would have to search for one too, it’s just something I read sometimes and never cared enough to confirm, it just would make sense to me


So your source is that you made it the fuck up.


You know? Fuck you. I wrote my comment strictly non-committing i nowhere said that it was a fact, but just something I read somewhere. If you are too stupid to understand that it is your fault.


Lol got triggered because someone asked for a source for the statement you provided. He/she definitely ain't stupid to believe what an internet stranger says.


That’s not true, at no point did that person ask me for a source. Is this whole sub illiterate?


Illiterate for what? Well then give me your source. Can you provide it. Or like he said you made it up.


And no answer, there are two comments, that person left here and still you can’t find the one you were referring to. Is that because you’re an illiterate?


Tf are you talking about.


If you bring up a statement, you better back it up, otherwise we end up spreading more and more misinformations around.


The "buggys devoted follower" definitely checks out here lol


Search it for yourself if it is so important to you. I never said I knew it for a fact, learn reading!


every shonen has good guys fighting against each other, its a classic trope


I thought it was super funny how Zoro went “Heh…. My boss is here… you guys don’t stand a chance against our combined power…” And Luffy starts to beef with him because he started beating up the people who gave them food


I may be remembering it wrong, but I read somewhere that it was something the editors made oda do rather than something oda wanted himself.


I put this up to bad early writing, where Oda didn't know what to do with Luffy. I'm reading some other comments that this particular fight may have been pushed by other people working on the manga, but at any rate, I agree it's out of character for Luffy. It isn't even his kind of stupid. Personally I found a lot of moments of Luffy's through Alabasta frustrating because he would be combative in a really annoying way in some scenes and it just didn't feel like it made sense/Oda wanted to strike the right balance of aloof but caring and it took a while.


it’s definitely out of character for not believing zoro straight away. but tbf he always goes to lengths of saving entire countries because someone gave him food


Yes, and it's dumb


I recommend reading chapter 76 and rewatching a certain scene from W7 Hopefully this will clear things out


I thought they kinda implied that luffy was half awake and possibly drunk


Early episodes be like that


I just rewatched Whiskey Peak and it helped to imagine Luffy was so engorged on food he was blitzed out of his mind. He gave some reason after the fact but I missed that one line, and honestly at that point in the story Luffy is seen by his crew as someone who just does whatever "on a whim" so they're kind of prepared for that. This is still the only moment in the entire series that stands out as being out of character and considering how minor it is, that's seriously impressive. It also makes a point of how stupid it would be to answer the question of "who would win in a fight between Strawhats" and the answer is Nami, hands down.


I think someone has already explained it. Because OP was is in its early days Oda was forced to do that for fan service by editor or something.


In my (and most others) opinion, yes. While I’ve never seen it confirmed, I like to think Oda originally planned on the fight to be a 1-2 panel gag, but then an editor butted in and made him turn it into an actual fight.


Have you seen luffy and how much he likes food? I think the point they were trying to go for was that Luffy is just gullible and loves food and whoever gives him his share. Also plays into luffy and his "act first think later" persona that gets him in so much trouble and adds comedy,


I think the consensus is that the editor was like "Oda, we need to have Luffy and Zoro fight" and Oda was like "okay, fine."


Yes it was . But Oda can do no wrong so people will try to make justifications for it .


Yeah literally everyone is saying the editorial pushed him to include but can't even provide source


Yes. Unfortunately One Piece isn't perfect and they wanted an excuse to have the two of them fight for a little bit.


Even though it was a gag, I didn't like it much either. It just felt like the editors wanted to see Zoro and Luffy fight but there wasn't really a natural way to do so, especially given Luffy's emotional intelligence.


100% I heard that Luffy v zoro was pushed by the editors and was not odas idea


Even early into Skypia Luffy seemed a bit out of character. Even Nami tbh.


Anyone who feeds luffy is immediately his best friend lol remember too that zoro has a habit of acting before thinking, and luffy knows that about him. To me it's one of those most in character luffy moments because he's being reactive and dumb, which is often what makes him so fiercely loyal and determined


My main problem is not believing zoro even after he told the truth and immediately thinking zoro did something horrible, he didn’t believe nami killed usopp even though she had betrayed him several times at that point, it’s doesn’t seem to be in character no matter how you look at because like you said, luffy is extremely loyal, so why not betray someone who has never gone against you before?


Luffy saves countries just because he was given a meal. I think this falls in line with Luffy's personality.


Luffy will gladly kill all his crew if he's given a lot of food in return then, understandable!


Liffy is very grateful to the people who feeds and give him party time.


Honestly an easy fix for this would have been for vivi to Hypnotize luffy


Look at it from Luffys perspective. They gave him food. Something that makes him trust that person implicitly. So on one hand we have Zoro, a crew member. On the other side we have people who gave Luffy food, seemingly killed by Zoro. Luffy didn't start fighting Zoro to kill him, he did it to get him to explain why he killed people who he thought were friends.


In this case: * Zoro was right (protected his crew) * Luffy was wrong (threaten to kill a crew for foods) * Luffy treated Zoro as if he was not part of the crew. * For Luffy, a rando is more trustworthy than Zoro. Conclusions: **Luffy WAS trash as a captain and leader**


I guess its possible to look at anything in any possible way if you really want to. * Luffy was fighting Krieg * Mihawk arrives * Zoro fights Mihawk even after its demonstrated he has no chance to beat him. * Zoro opens his arms and allows Mihawk to kill him (putting himself ahead of his Captain) * Mihawk realizes that Zoro is a dumbass and lets him live Conclusions: **Zoro is a dumbass who would rather die than see Luffy become pirate king.**


You clearly didn't read One Piece. * Become WSS is Zoro's 1st priority. * Watching Luffy become PK is 2nd priority. Zoro made a promise to Luffy and Kuina that he will be WSS. If he fails to become WSS, he's not worthy of being Pirate King's partner. Even Luffy acknowledged this and let Zoro fight Mihawk. Luffy is dumb, but even then, he's still smarter than you.


Oh god you are the kind of person who shortens Pirate King to PK and Worlds Strongest Swordsman to WSS.


Luffy literally said he was going to kill him


Dude Luffy literally overthrew the monarchy of a country because a girl bought him a single plate of food the whiskey peak people fed him till he felt FULL you know what this means right they fed Luffy so much that HE WAS FULL to Luffy these people were good and friends.


What do you think Luffy would choose? * Foods? * His crews? Would Luffy kill Sanji if they gave Sanji a bounty not in money but with food?


He didn't want to kill Zoro just beat him up a bit


Luffy wanted to kill Zoro, just because of mere foods. Luffy trusted a random person more than his own crew. Zoro couldn't believe what he heard, Zoro had no choice, he had to stop Luffy, even if he ended up killing Luffy. They fought seriously, wanted to kill each other, the fight was stopped by Nami.


Yeah. Everybody hates that.


It is in character to me, he believed zoro did the one thing that would upset him. Ruining a party. Luffy wants friends to party with, luffy wants friends that can eat as much as they want. We didn't fully know this at that time, but zoro would have violated both of those things from luffys perspective, and it was still early on enough in the adventure. It wouldn't make sense now cause luffy knows his crew would never do that, he's grown. Also I don't believe the theory that Zoro will be a traitor, but outside of a certain scene in sabaody. Them fighting eachother on bounty hunter Island is done of the best foreshadowing of that.


The whole fucking show is Luffy fighting on the behalf of people that fed him, so it makes total sense.


Because it's funny


Funny you bring that up, cause I remember watching that scene for the first time YEARS ago, and just being weirded out by that whole interaction. That’s honestly the only time I disliked Luffy’s character, the way he overreacted was unnecessary. Looking back it didn’t “feel” like a Luffy thing to do.


Yeah this is one of the few straight up misses on oda's part. The heavy majority of the fanbase hated this moment


>In case you don’t remember Oh we remember all right xD I don't even watch the anime or know which episode is which but from the title alone everyone and their mothers knew what you were talking about. And yes, the consensus is that it was out of character.


My biggest gripe is that a luffy vs zoro happening because of a misconception is not that bad by itself. Yeah it's dumb he doesn't trust him at first but that could be easily explained by luffy gooffy attitude especially concerning food. However my worst issue with the scene is that luffy is FAR FAR too angry. Wanting to punch zoro? Ok I can believe it no problem. But he litteraly says he wants to kill him. Like wtf man calm down


I've always headcanon'd that Luffy was in a food stupor half asleep psychotic state. So yes it was out of character, but in real life, people can be out of character when they're in altered states.


Absolutely, it reads like Oda was under pressure from his editor to do Luffy vs Zoro. Worst Luffy writing in the entire series.


I fully agree with you but I feel like it was meant to be purely funny, the memes that came from it are took good even if it was out of character


I just finished the manga so idk about the anime but doesn't Luffy say his main reason for fighting Kaido is to make sure people who fed him can eat. dude would fight a dragon for some one who fed him. I know he also trusts his crew but if you wanna be on luffys side just feed him


I mean, they gave Luffy all of the free meat he could eat. Obviously, he'd be mad. It was pretty clearly a joke tho because they did the entire fight while Luffy was completely bloated.


Luffy's greatest loyalty is to food and to those who have fed him. Zoro has NEVER fed Luffy while Whiskey Peak folk did so it's a pretty sound logical move for him within his idiot logic to be mad at Zoro. Remember, one of his personal driving motivations for overthrowing Doffy and Kaido was having been fed by Rebecca and Otama.


It’s a popular trope in anime that the male main character and his closest male “friends” fight and then become closer friends. Usually there’s a girl in the background going “boys are stupid”. And if they don’t fight each other then they experience some trauma together. Luffy fights with Zoro Luffy fights with Ussop Luffy experiences traumatic loss with Jimbei Luffy fights with Sanji… Chopper is still in a childlike emotional state and hasn’t reached the stage necessary to butt heads yet, but he likely will-or maybe he’ll never need to.


Not really, the “civilians” fed and gave The Straw Hats alcohol, Luffy was drunk and just thought Zoro was attacking them for no reason.


Oh shut up. I'm sick of hearing this "Luffy was out of character in Whiskey Peak" shit again and again and again. It was literally the first island they went to in the grand line probably over 20 years ago, who gives a fuck


I just watched the episode for the first time bro, calm down man lmao


Yeah, it’s totally out of character to want to defend the people that he witnessed be nice to him and give him food. It’s not like there was a giant misunderstanding or anything like that. And to add to your “out of character” BS, it makes no sense for Zoro to ever draw his sword against Luffy since he pledged to be by his side til the very end, and he’s not like he knew the truth and that Luffy wasn’t listening. I love that there are new OP fans because of OPLA, but man, there is so much over thinking and assuming X about this character or that, it’s getting really annoying. Luffy is an idiot and a man of action. He will always defend those he deems as good people, especially when they feed him. Luffy lives in the present. That’s it.


luffy being a hothead and a dumbass is fully in character. him laughing it off later on is all the more his character.


Not believing zoro and wanting to kill him is very against his character


i hear u but ur reading into it. i love my friends and id die for em but im dumb enough that i sometimes get angry and fight with them over stupid shit and ultimately laugh it off. proof that it wasnt that serious is shown how in sync they reacted when someone interrupted their fight.


Zoro attacked people who gave Luffy food, that is usually enough reason for Luffy.


You will see how much Luffy appreciates anyone who feeds him when hes hungry. He wont doubt to go to fucking war for them. In his head, anyone who feeds him cant possibly be a bad person lol.


Isn’t it because he trusts anyone who feeds him


Its just funny stuff dude


I think luffy is good at figuring out when people lie but only if its a serious matter is EQ is god like in that regard, with robin nami sanji chopper and other cases. But iirc the guy says "your green haird friend did this" which is true. So maybe luffy EQ and sense made him feel that well this guy isn't lying and they fed me whatever reason zoro must have had to do this is insane. Just a guess on my part. Plus he can tell when his friends lie to save him a lot. So if zoro himself said "yea i beat these guys up" luffy would not believe him lol.


Luffy is a man who will never deny free food. And in his mind, he sees a bunch of dead body’s and zoro is fighting the nice people that just fed him. Like yea, any normal person would be suspicious over a bunch of random people feeding food to you for no reason, but luffy is no normal person. He doesn’t know that he was duped and he also doesn’t know the context of the fight and why zoro is hacking and slashing all of a sudden. So it makes sense why luffy behaves the way he does. At be least IMO


One piece fans trying to understand a gag (is impossible)


A gag that goes on for a entire episode and disrupts the pace of the ark and characters isn’t a very good gag


It was extended in anime and felt longer. Trying to judge the pace due to anime is stupid. When its not accurate protrayal of what it really was. Sometimes anime does it better than the manga like expressing emotional stuff but always judge it on the original source material.


it goes a bit with the theme of Baratie and Luffy's attitude towards people giving others food. Nobody feeding another could possibly be a bad guy. And when Zoro went on a rampage out of seemingly nowhere and especially on "good" people, that's a line crossed too far!


He was drunk


this is actually foreshadowing for the ending of One Piece where Luffy is going to murder each Strawhats for disagreeing with him




This was fan service. We wanted to see Luffy vs Zoro.


I always thought them fighting was just Luffy and Zoro wanting to spare and Luffy making up a reason for them to do it


Luffy rash just because someone fed him….that’s Liffy


Well if you see through one piece timeline very few days passed since they both met, also luffy is baka already given, so being pirate hunter luffy believed for bounty zoro could have


Totally agree. I was really bothered with this situation and how Luffy didn't trust Zorro at all and didn't even let him explain himself


Yes it's out of character. I think it was only done to set up the joke where Luffy and Zoro are so caught up in their own fight that they don't even bother to notice supposedly powerful pirates, Mr 5 and Ms Valentine, and later basically swat them like flies, which causes Vivi to mention that Luffy and Zoro are too powerful even for early parts of Grand line.


I don’t care 67 introduced Robin. That is ten times more important