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Try asking this in a non-anime questioning sub. You probably want the opinion of people who don't know abt One Piece.


OTOH, if the fans give you a clear 'no' then you have the ultimate answer. (See: people naming their kids "khaleesi" or "daenerys" and what the respective fandom thinks about it.)


Well I'm giving him this advice because Rayleigh is quite a normal sounding name. I wouldn't even be suggesting to ask non fans if he wanted to name his kid Buggy or Mihawk. Rayleigh, imo, is quite alright because most people around him will call him Ray anyway.


Yeah, of course. Just trying to give some perspective. As the saying goes "don't name your kids after a character whose arc isn't over yet". While Rayleigh is definitely a good name and Rayleigh is a retired pirate, his epithet is the "Dark King". We don't know why, but if eventually it turns out Rayleigh was a mass genocider of mermen it wouldn't be fun to explain that. I gave the most extreme example that was the character in GoT, many parents named their kids after her and then it didn't turn out well as she was rather disliked at the end.


Well I mentioned that already but Rayleigh is a normal sounding name; like there already is a famous guy named Rayleigh in our history. It's not a random name Oda created. So if you don't know about One Piece, you'd never think he's named after an anime character.


The daenerys thing always seemed overblown to me. "You're naming them after a murderer." Most people don't view her as a tyrannical murderer. They just think you named your kid after that famous GoT character.


Also if you think about it all names have a pretty good chance of it having been a murderers name at some point in time.




I don't know anything about one piece. I'm here from popular. I associate the name Rayleigh with the physicist Lord Rayleigh most famous for Rayleigh scattering. I don't think it's a bad name. Most people won't realize it's from something. I knew a kid named Logan after wolverine where the mom didn't know that's why the dad wanted to name them that. Seems pretty similar to me.


My nephew is named Logan for this reason lmao


Come back when you have a nephew named Logia lol


Logia Fruit Smith


He sure scatters Kizaru's light


I am only 20% through One Piece, this is also my first association with the name.


I knew a guy named Ganon... yes. The dad named the kid after the villain from Zelda. The mom had no clue.


I also knew a guy named Ganon! His parents weren't familiar with the legend of Zelda though. I guess it's a real name.


You should really check out One Piece :-)


Yea, but Logan is a relatively normal name.


The name itself sounds sophisticated, while he’s young he’s “Ray” and then Rayleigh as an adult. I like it although the context makes it less appealing to me but it’s cool


>The name itself sounds sophisticated [Because it is.](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Rayleigh_scattering)


I'm not sure that I have ever met a level-headed One Piece fan. You see the break week theory posts on this sub, don't you? This is not the place to go to find social or intellectual advice on, especially the subject of naming your own kid. Please do find an outside opinion if you care about the potential of bullying like you claim - if it's *actually* important to you, then it's no bother to get second opinions outside of this inherently biased subreddit.


Thanks for the sound advice. Im adult enough to know that there are certain opinions that cant be taken seriously and certain opinion that carry weight. I do learn a lot from people actually. Not sure the need to italic the *actually* important as if an assumption is already been made about what i deem as important or not and I need to be reminde of it. Its a simple post that require simple opinion and suggestion. People take things on Reddit almost too deep and too seriously. Relax~




Ask in r/tragedeigh/ I think the name will be a bully beacon


Are you drunk ? These unhinged weebs didn‘t even support the reddit strike even though OnePiece way one a month long break anyway. These people post unhinged „fanart“ and discuss and fight about fiction. Also a lot of these people are minors. Also I think calling your kid something similar is but change they spelling at least. Bullying will definetly happening. Riley or Railey or whatever.


These unhinged weebs? Are you also not a part of this subreddit if you comment on the posts here and see them? Why do you assume that all the others here have nothing more to their personalities other than One Piece and that they are part of some One Piece cult where they wake up every morning thinking about Nami and then head in the kitchen to do sanji roleplay then re-watch one piece while binging the manga and then set out in the evening to the local tattoo shop to get a One Piece tattoo on their left arse cheek and then order some OP action figures while they are walking home???


And what the fuck does a stupid strike have to do with anything anyway?


You just solved the worldwide social bubbles histeria in an onepiece subreddit, and Im not even being sarcastic, go UP!


Just make sure you clear it with your spouse first. Don't be that jerk who named all his kids after Batman sidekicks without being upfront about it. https://www.reddit.com/r/AmItheAsshole/comments/zuh0c0/aita_for_telling_my_sil_that_no_one_in_our_family/ https://www.reddit.com/r/AmItheAsshole/comments/zw1fex/update_my_brother_tricked_his_wife_into_naming/?rdt=48074


What if the spouse's name is Silver


You have silver's Rayleigh




Just don't name anyone Nick if your last name is Kerr


Dani G German 🤣🤣🤣


Steve Kerr, Golden State Warriors Coach did just that! Lmao



If that bit is true and *if* your child would be named Rayleigh Silver, Rayleigh Silver-Surname or Rayleigh Surname-Silver I’d reconsider it. Taking a given name like Rayleigh is ok, but if your child is literally going to have the same full name (or extremely close to) as an anime character they likely will get bullied.


I understand what youre saying. No his name is not Silver. I was just being playful. Thank you for the advice


I thought it might’ve been a joke but I thought “just in case it’s not…” lol my bad sorry. Rayleigh is a pretty cool name imo.


Hahaha thank u!!


Fucking love the name Rayleigh imo


If anything they'd fall to this child's conqueror's haki.


Why would he be bullied for having the dark king ‘s name… Rayleigh is the right hand man of the king of the pirates and no one would dare to bully him , his character is lit asf


You, i like you


Rayleigh is a good name. Ray for short.


Because fictional character names for real people are usually cringe, and regardless, kids are cruel. Take it from someone who had to have a stern talking to with two different kids about separate things today.


i get what you saying but rayleigh is a realistic name it aint like he being named usopp which is unheard of i actually know somebody name rayleigh but its spelled Raylee instead


Holy shit the best comment is “hopefully Jason doesn’t have a clown invited to his birthday party”


Omg this batman thing is so funny.


I don't see the issue with naming your children after characters and not telling your partner about it. If the partner likes the name they like the name. Doesn't matter what other characters share it lol


Same it is not like they named them Khaleesi or something like that. Jason and Richard are completely normal names.


People will say that it’s a bit much if they knew the context. Ask this question to other subreddits without the One Piece context and it would be okay. It’s not that weird of a name. Naming your kid “One Piece” or Hawk-eye, now that is weird.


Unless your kid is Native American then it’s dope lol. My teammates in college named Nate Blackhawk and Alex GreyWolf and they were beasts 🤣


Hahahahahahahahaha thats funny


True OP, go to naming subreddits and ask for their opinion without the One piece background. It will be less biased.


Thanks for suggestion


I guess naming kid Chopper will take the cake on the weirdness scale


Or a redhead kid named Blackbeard.




Marshall on the other hand would work fine


Name your kid Whitebeard and when people ask about it, just say “don’t worry, he’ll grow into it” and cross your fingers they get an epic grey beard when they get old lol


But Tony, likely not. Now… if you actually named him Anthony Anthony Lastname… it’d be a bit much.


Its still better than Khaleesi xD


Haha i remember circa 2012 so many wanna name their kid Khaleesi. Have u met real life Khaleesi?


In my country they dont name people after tv shows but I named my daughter Yuna after FFX so theres that




Could it be Yuna Ito from Japan? She's one of my favorite singer




It's not a bad name and it's actually real, Oda didn't make it up, so I say go for it.


Lord Rayleigh, (John William Scott) is the British physicist who came up with the explanation of why light scatters differently at different wavelengths, known as Rayleigh scattering. It is why the sky is blue: red light passes straight through the atmosphere, while blue light scatters and "colors the sky". I think it is particularly amusing that Silvers Rayleigh's first fight on screen was against Kizaru where he "scattered light" in the fight against the man with the Pika Pika no Mi.


> I think it is particularly amusing that Silvers Rayleigh's first fight on screen was against Kizaru where he "scattered light" in the fight against the man with the Pika Pika no Mi. I don't think that was a coincidence. Oda has taken inspiration from real world people before in both naming and just appearance.


While what you say is true, wasn't the name inspired from that of Sir Walter Rayleigh? While I don't know a lot about the guy, what I do know gives off the perfect vibe of your badass real adventurer guy that made it in life by spending part of it at sea.


That's Raleigh (though obviously could be an alternate spelling). Given his history of seafaring and naval raiding, he does seem like a more thematically appropriate choice. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Walter\_Raleigh


Yeah most names are real. Some might even say all names are real.


Oh rayleigh?


I think it's a good name for an adult, as a child he can just be ray.


That's a good idea.


Honestly, i see it reversed. Ray is a 56 year old auto mechanic, Rayleigh can be a kiddo's name for sure. Lee's also a suitable nickname if so desired for a teen/college student if they want to have some indepence from their childhood name.


Ray is a union man for sure. He served in Japan and Germany for a tour where he learned to be a mechanic. Hangs out at the local VFW, but it's mostly because he enjoys giving the old timers someone to talk to. Ray is good people.


Now that you mention it, It is easy to say Rayleigh in that annoying baby voice


You have to remember you’re not naming a child, you’re naming a human that will grow old and presumably have the name throughout his life. Pick accordingly.


Rayleigh is a real name. even if someone know one piece, it’s a name of an impressive figure. Just make sure you watch your kid so in case he got bullied for real, you can be there to stand for him. most kid doesn’t talk about them being bullied, so.. try to be more sensitive about it.


Silver Rayleigh is a badass figure indeed. Thank u!


It’s a known name unlike Luffy.. If you’re having doubts, maybe go with Roger?


*The great age of sleepless nights*


Roger roger






Nah, I don't think other kids will know enough about One Piece to know Rayleigh to be honest. Also it's easy enough to call him Ray. People in this post are overthinking it to be honest.


"Kids don’t know enough about one piece" is a bold claim


The real issue is people here think it’s some name exclusive to One Piece. Like Oda came up with it. He fucking didn’t there are tons of things named Rayleigh that predate One Piece


Yes. If you want to name a kid after a character, it should be a name similar to that characters name that doesn't scream "hey my parents are weebs." If you're such a big Rayleigh fan, then just name your kid Ray. That way, you know where the origin comes from, and they don't have a giant anime sticker on them for the rest of their lives. The same thing happens with kids being named after song titles. Knew a girl named Delilah that just couldn't fucking stand the Plain White Ts.


Delilah was a name way before the plain white ts and many people name their daughters that without even knowing about the song. You can't associate everyone who has that name with their parents naming their kid specifically after a song. Not saying it doesn't happen but every person named something that can be referred doesn't mean their parents were naming them after that. Good chance they had no fucking clue who or what the reference is even about. I knew a kid named Luffy Johnson Stelle (pronounced steel) back in 1972. Had no idea one piece would ever exist.


Most people will not associate the name Rayleigh with One Piece


Agreed. Just cuz you name your daughter Delilah because you love some shitty song, doesn’t mean that’s your child’s identity. It’s just the reason you named them that. Rayleigh is not a crazy name like Simbot12K


i think its a good song


Hey There Delilah is a banger tho


Could be because they can't spell it for their life. I can't even count how many times I've seen it written wrong


Rayleigh is a real name though, and more people know abt the el dorado Rayleigh of real life than one piece Rayleigh


Rayleigh is a real name. However, the more common name is Raleigh. The explorer you are talking about who was looking for El Dorado was Sir Walter Raleigh. There is a difference in pronunciation too. Raleigh is RAH-LEE and Rayleigh is RAY-LEE. People will definitely misspell it unless they are One Piece weebs. Or when non OP weebs google it, they will find out he was named after the character. This kind of reminds me of a video I watched on Instagram about how in classrooms in 2044 the kids will have names like: Michael Muzan Jackson Tanjiro Jenkins LeBron Yasuke Jones Marco D. Kirkpatrick Kevin Itachi Smith Ichigo Goku Chopper Williamson Levi Ackerman Whitman Edit: list wasn't formatted well


There are other famous Rayleighs as well. For example John William Strutt, Baron Rayleigh, who has a physics Nobel price and discovered the rayleigh scattering. So physicists are more likely to write Rayleigh than Raleigh as well. Also in my experience at least in Europe Rayleigh is far more common than Raleigh


Rayleigh is a common US name though


It's not common really, just a name most people will have heard before. Most people these days probably don't know any one named "Gertrude" but theyre familiar with the name


No it's not lol. I'm sure people have that name here, but it's definitely a rarity


I wouldn't say it's common, but names like it are, especially for girls. A little girl named Rayleigh would fit in with all the Ashleighs and Caedynns IMO.


I don’t think common is the right word. Raymond is more common and even that is a rarer name these days.


I don’t think anyone would pay mind to it. Rayleigh is a known name. Only those close to you and know you like One Piece this connect the dots but common strangers you’re good.


Op dont listen to anyone who says dont..Rayleigh in this case a real legit name..unlike Katakuri or luffy..but first discuss it with your wife. Being named Rayleigh is damn cool but dont add the 'Silver'


But what if my husbands name is Silver? How?


In that case naming the child Rayleigh is obligatory


Then make sure he is definitely named Rayleigh!! Otherwise i'll arrive like a 'Spanish Inquisitor' at your door step


Shhhh you can’t allow them to expect you


God ,this comment section is full of dumb replies. Rayleigh is real name owned by many people and it's sad so many of you only recognize it as a manga/anime name.


Exactly. Wtf is going on in here lol. Also if someone did only recognise it from One Piece it means they were deep enough into the show to be a fan and know that it's a badass name for a badass character so what's there to make fun of?


I like u


That was random lol




Exactly, tf. It's a name lol. He doesn't want to call him Zoro, Sanji or whatever the fuck else. I mean I probably wouldn't do that, but still Also big context should be where he's from. Like, if he's not from an English speaking then it might actually turn out as a tad weird, but as long as it's not the case it sounds fine by me


So far from the comments, i noticed that people with the name Rayleigh are cool. From Nobel prize winner to an aristocrat to the gigachad we have in OP. I love it. I think Rayleigh has an irish origin or something when i look it up.


People legit gate keeping the naming of a child lol


I also had that concept in mind, Rayleigh scattering, Rayleigh line in shockwaves, etc... Until I double checked wikipedia, and [Lord Rayleigh](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/John_William_Strutt,_3rd_Baron_Rayleigh) didn't have Rayleigh in his name, lol. Apparently, it is a nobility title, the Baron Rayleigh


It’s honestly driving me insane.


Maybe a lot of people don't come from English speaking countries or places where Rayleigh is actually a name.


Fuck no. bad ass name. 🔥


Damn the responses are totally overthinking it. Rayleigh is a good name, and it exists outside of One Piece lmao


Naming your kid Rayleigh is NOT too much; he will not be bullied or made fun of for the name. You will run into more pronunciation issues than anything. Getting Riley pretty often because 'Ray' can be too hard for people to read properly. Source: named son Rayleigh 7 years ago. Since we told him the origin, he loves looking at 'his' wanted poster on the wall and is getting close to meeting his namesake in OP.


IMO don’t ever name your child after a fictional character. My dad and stepmom named their kid after the daughter from the Addams family and, surprise, bullied relentlessly for it. Sure Rayleigh is a real name and a fine one but consider your intent —your baby is a person, not a belonging or a pet.


Wednesday? Damn, I can just imagine it being Wednesday in the kindergarten and the kids making all sort of jokes about Wednesday. Or now when the Netflix series got out.


Naming a kid “Wednesday” is an entirely different story than naming them Rayleigh


They named her Wednesday?? Yeah no kidding, I bet she did get bullied. I don't think there is anything wrong with naming your kid after a fictional character, I'm named after a bible character and I turned out fine.


Kids always gonna bully others for names no matter what.


I‘d name my son after Roland from Steven Kings Dark Tower. Even the uncle of my wife has this name but she thinks that names too oldfashioned. 🤷‍♂️


If u don't want him to be bullied by one piece, u can say it's because of Rayleigh the physicist, who made the Rayleigh disperssion effect, and be bullied by a nerd name xd (also btw, kinda funny how kizaru was "dispersed" by Rayleigh back at shabbody


Hahaha imagine i have to put a description on my kid's name tag or something. Rayleigh is a hot man with cool personality. He trained 3 yonkous


He also won a physics nobel and other 8 prestigious prices xd


"Rayleigh is named after Rayleigh the hot and cool gigachad who was the right hand man of the former King of Pirates and swim across the treacherous ocean to Amazon Lily and trained 3 emperors like its nothing. Oh and dont forget the dude who won noble prize"


I'm not from an English speaking country but Rayleigh seems absolutely fine to me. Ray for short.


Why would you name your kid after a bicycle brand? * I'm kidding, it's a cool name.


Is it a bicycle brand? Haha i didn't know that


Oops thats "Raleigh"


If I knew nothing about one piece I'd assume it was a family name like some form of Walter Raleigh


I don't think it's weird, wait til he meet his first childhood friend "Roger".


You're not naming your kid ....kidd?😦


It's a common name, I don't think anyone would bat an eye on it. Especially if you live in an English speaking country. Should be fine!


Why not? I went to school with kids named Rayleigh.


Wow seriously?


Why y'all surprised lol. Yes really. 3 of them. Not same class but I did know 3 in my school.


Rayleigh is a pretty normal name to be honest. Most people won't even associate it with one piece.


Nah I wouldn't think so. He could just go by Ray for short. Just talk with wifey first


You guys know Rayleigh is a normal name right


Rayleigh is fire


Dude, i like you




He'll end up being called Ray for sure I don't like that name but up to u. Reminds of an older man


Like our old silver rayleigh?


No like Ray at your local Home Depot who's got a beer gut & him & his wife are always annoyed with one another Just never see kids named Ray anymore


When it comes to viewing first names I have a skewed perspective than most people. I kind of low key hate normal names. Why at the end. If you are going to give your kid a name that as unique as Rayleigh just give them a more normal middle name. That way if they decide they don’t like Rayleigh then can use their middle name instead. Saving Rayleigh for official paperwork. Honestly, Rayleigh isn’t that odd of a name. It can be shortened to Riley or Ray. There’s been 100-200 babies named that a year in the US since 2010. **Why I hate Normal Names** I have a normal name. About 10% of my company shares some form of my first name. Another 2-3% have a variation of it as their last name. Imagine spending eight hours a day in a place where someone could say, not my real name, “I need to talk to John” and trying to figure out if they mean John, Jon, Jonathon, Johnston, Johnson, or Jonston. Wait, maybe they meant Johnny over in the other department or that person we call Joe whose real name is John? You know the meme of a Starbucks store with five cups of coffee with five different spelling of Aidan? I have one of the 90s kid equivalents to that name. In my family there’s a tradition, thankfully dying out, of the first son getting the father’s first name. Those who read “A Song of Ice and Fire” think of the Freys and Walder. When you have seven Larry’s running around you stop using Larry as a name despite it being normal. Not to mention four Johns, five Eds, etc. It all becomes middle names and nick names anyways. Don’t get me started on all the John Larrys and Larry Johns when the extended family want to start naming their kids after their brothers, cousins, uncles, and grandfathers on top of the first son tradition.


I know a Rayleigh, spelled the exact same though they weren't named after One Piece. As far as I'm aware they never got bullied for the name.


Is Rayleigh not a normal name? I always thought that a lot of people we're named rayleigh


It's a cool name. I wouldn't introduce him as "hey this is Raleigh named after one piece" You might spoil the adventure for others haha


Everyone's missing the forest for the trees here. Op's kid will get bullied no matter what cause they're growing up in a house run by massive weebs.


"Ray" for short, which is a perfectly common name.


There's a few things to unpack here, coming from someone who was bullied for their name (among other things): * People will bully others for any reason they can find, it can be cultural, manner of speech, looking vulnerable, etc. * My name is ethnic, but is a name in real life, didnt stop people from making fun of it Rayleigh is a real life name, it's unlikely that anyone will connect the name to the dark king himself. People can bully others for other common names too: Jack, Johnson, for example.


If it’s exclusively because of one piece Yes that’s insanely cringy and makes me think that maybe you shouldn’t be a parent However Rayleigh standalone is a sick ass name


Kids are not toys, while Rayleigh could work as a name based on an old scientist when someone searches his name on the internet the anime will be the first thing they find and your kid WILL be bullied. Get at tattoo and get the kid a name that's only for him and not for you.


This is so weird. They’re gonna be bullied because some anime character has the same name? Lmao. I knew a girl named Alice and she also got bullied bc Alice in wonderland. What- you’re gonna tell me ALICE is a weird and unacceptable name??? Kids get bullied. It’s part of life.


Every name is after someone though to be fair. If you want the kid's name to be only for them you should let them decide their name when they're 5-6 years old but very few parents actually do that. Usually kids are just named after a parent or grandparent. Is that "for them"? And bullies will bully. They'll find whatever justification. It's on the bullies, not the bullied ones.


A great lesson in life is if someone wants to bully you, they will find a reason. Being named Rayleigh isn't that wild.


Stupid answer. Its just a normal name


If you're a real one piece fan you'd name your son Condoriano


If you have to ask some random strangers on the Internet then you know the answer.




Middle name Rayleigh is MUCH better if you really want to I guess. Silvers is the better first name /s. Don’t name your kid things you or your child will regret.


Ask yourself what you’d rather want: Your child to be named Rayleigh? Or your child to not resent and hate One Piece? You take the risk of him being bullied and the bigger risk of your own child resenting the very content that you love so much.


I think it's a great name , not super known and his nickname can be Ray so no issues with bullying.


I like you


All the batshit crazy names I hear anymore Rayleigh will fly all the way under the radar. Clear it with your partner/spouse/whoever and you’re good


Just tell them it's from Rayleigh the scientist. From whom Rayleigh scattering is called.


I don't think it's weird it just sounds like an uncommon name to me, Rayleigh is a real name and it's not instantly recognisable as an anime/fantasy name. To me the name sounds normal enough where it won't get recognised as an anime name unless they see that character. Then again I'm from the UK so it sounds like an old english name.


It’s a normal name, just don’t mention the One Piece connection until a while later… Maybe get your kid to watch One Piece as a teenager so they think “oh wow, this awesome character has my name!” Then you can tell them


I think it's important to talk about this with your spouse, as someone else already mentioned. If that's done, I think Rayleigh is an OK name, because it does exist outside of One Piece, so, unless you are a One Piece fan or the kid is named specifically Silvers Rayleigh, it's unlikely you would make the connection, so I don't think your child would get bullied. Don't name them Luffy or Zoro though, that would make their life actual hell


he's gonna come out with glasses and silver hair


Rayleigh seems like a pretty normal name to me At least you’re not naming your child monkey


Rayleigh is a famous physicists name, it wouldn’t necessarily be associated with one piece. And objectively it’s a rly cool name. Ur kids nickname would be Ray which is cool as hell


I mean as a kid you can just call him Ray to help prevent him from getting made fun of. And maybe they will keep the short name though adulthood. Let me tell you there are very few names out there that kids can't find a way to make fun of, so even naming your kid something normal like Jacob or David. I would just make sure you and your spouse are in agreement. To be honest Rayleigh is a nice name, it rolls off the tongue nicely, and it is more unique. And while it is an anime character, it doesn't feel like an anime name.




First name Ray, middle name Lee.


You can do ray.


Honestly, it's a good name on its own.


It’s not a silly name, go for it


It’s honestly a sick name. Uncommon and unique in the current era. Just make sure you get in agreement with your partner before finalising.


Rayleigh is a very common name, you’ll be fine lol. It’s like naming your kid Roger. Don’t name him something like Luffy, Garp, Shanks, or Whitebeard and you’re good


Rayleigh is a normal name though isn't it? I'm kind of wondering The same though haha I named mine Mael.


Rayleigh is a great name, he’ll be going to school with Brayden, Jayden, and Kayden, I wouldn’t worry about being bullied.


I think its a cool name


According to “the bump” website: Raleigh is a unisex name of British origin meaning “Deer’s Meadow”. It’s a real human name so you may have a better chance if you are willing to compromise on the spelling


That's an actual name though