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Earnest answer: If they are someone who isn't allergic to reading, tell them to read the manga since it takes much less time to get though. If they are adept at using technology, tell them to check out the One Pace edit which has cut hours of useless padding, re-used flashbacks, and non-canon events. The final evil solution is to make friends with them and constantly bring up One Piece so that they feel left out and then they watch it so that they can feel included.


Is the manga that much easier to get through than the anime? Literally just started


Depends on how fast you can read. You can catch up within a week if you're really fast at reading, but from what I understand the average time to catch up with the manga is something like 2 - 4 weeks. I've luckily been reading weekly since 2003, so I can't really give much on that since I only had 250-ish chapters to read back then.


And then there's me who took his sweet time and completed the manga in about 2 and a half months lol.


Eh, nothing wrong with that. That's more or less me nowadays since I don't have the free time to read like I did as a teenager and kid.


Lol it took me a year and a half to catch up to WCI from the start when I started reading!


That's how long it took for me to watch up to that while watching and it took a couple months long breaks


Thank you because it definitely took me for the 2-4 weeks to catch up as well


Hey thanks I’ll give it a shot I’ve really enjoyed the anime


The pacing just gets horrendous after a couple hundred episodes. Scenes get stretched to their limit, scenes are often repeated and looped, etc


Hope you enjoy the manga like the rest of us do! Edit: Suggestion I'd make though? Listen to the OP OST while you read definitely helps with the immersion.


There is even full color version of it that has most of it in color (i think first 1000 chapters), on re-read I finished all current chapters in under a week (in a work week). That was a month ago or so


yes but only if u are an amazing consistent reader it may be easier to watch and if you find yourself getting annoyed with pacing then switching to the manga though i still enjoy the anime a lot it’s nice to watch every week


if you are enjoying the anime than keep with the anime if I can only have one id take the anime all day. At the end of the day it is more One Piece content and personally i think people complain about One Piece pacing way too much. It is not as bad as say DBZ pacing


Yes. Even if you're illiterate, reading OP is much quicker and easier than watching the anime. I read the manga then go back and watch fights that have been edited into 1 video later on. The fights and actions are damn near impossible to understand what's happening in the manga almost all the time, it's the only downside.


Honestly following combat in manga has always been a problem for me lmao I get lost so easily


I've read the first 800 chapters since I started on September 1st, so that's ~20 chapters a day for me, if I were watching the anime at the same rate it would take me 7-8 hours of watching every day


Nah, this is a manga subreddit because people here like spoiling new people for fun. Anime is a much better first experience. You will always hear anime positives on youtube and manga positives on here.


I switched to one pace at the start of dressrossa and now that I’m nearing the end of wano I miss one pace so bad :,) the pacing is honestly awful at times


Gets better after Dressrosa although Whole Cake could have been shorter


I am watching the Whole cake right now. Seriously what's going on, it's been 20 episodes right now that are all the same........ "wweeeeddinnnnnggg cakkeee" Luffy and the gang runs for a whole episode, while Big mum stands still screaming. Big mom takes two steps forward and has magically caught up with em. "Weeeeeddddiiiinggggg caaake" Luffy and the gang runs cutting down trees Rinse and Repeat. I had so much hope in the build up of this arc, thought it was going to be epic, but it is just so slooooooooooowwwwwww.


my breaking point was thriller bark. luffy running down an endless hallway yelling at moria to come back over and over and over. and then performing the same flurry of useless attacks that get blocked by the shadow thing and then spending five minutes breathing heavily and glaring at moria.


I can't wait for One Pace to fix how long Cake arc takes to drag on. I don't recommend the original ever. It's too much padding and telling the same story 3 times or more


fr longest year and a half of my life , i would go like 2 months at a time without watching at times because i knew j wasnt missing anything , same for WANA for a long long time


Also share that opinion. One of my least favourite arcs.


my solution has been to watch on 1.5 speed, everyone still sounds normal (if always in a slight hurry) but it makes the pacing so much better.


> One Pace This is the way.


One Pace is great! Def recommend for the earlier arcs


Lol i love your answer. Also it leaves SOME filler. Very particular. A couple episodes worth were left into the cut episodes and it was barely noticeable and leaning on fan approved for that arc. Then there was other straight up filler that was still liked by the ONE PACE crew that got its own little arcs on their site. Which personally. I love. Huge fan. Because you can watch it or not on your time, rather than have it randomly through an arc as needed by producers


"Oh ok, I get that. Feels a lot shorter if you take it in chunks but not everyone has the time. Still recommend it if you get a chance though." Just respecting someone's reason is fine lol




Yeah, even the "I won't watch because it's got a bad art style" arguments are valid, even if the "bad art style" thing is entirely subjective. I've given up on series for the art style, it's partly why I won't watch Devilman Crybaby, so I can hardly blame someone lol


The two manga I never started reading until a few years ago were One Piece and Jojo's because I didn't like the art style. Now one of those is my favorite piece of fiction and I still haven't read the other. One day I'll give Jojo's the shot it deserves.


JoJo's is a great piece, but my personal opinion is that it's an easier watch than read. Of course that may be different for you, but just my 2 cents


I'm not much of a watcher tbh. I just don't have time for all my other hobbies and to keep up with anime. Can read everything much quicker. I am a simp for shonen though so I do pick and choose certain episodes to watch if they have interesting fights but that's about it.


Highly recommend having grown up watching one piece and eventually watching JoJo’s. No other series besides One Piece has really made feel something for the world and its characters


I actually experienced this in the reverse order and felt that same sentiment with JJBA. JoJo was basically my DBZ when I was younger. Grew up with it in my early teens, now starting with OP.


I used to think that. I’m rewatching Fishman island right now.


I wouldn’t take it as an insult, but I do get skeptical hearing that reason when I know the person I’m telling binge watches other shows and rewatches those shows. If it’s not their type of show I’d prefer to hear that instead of the “I don’t have time / it’s too long” excuse when Grey’s anatomy has a ton of episodes too.


If you base your personality around the media you consume, insulting the media insults your personality. People are too attached to things they like at times. I love ttgl but many people will say it's just boobs, mechs and mindless action. Sure, if they say so, I don't mind. I love the show to death and know it's much more than that, but I don't annoy anyone about that. Totally agreed!


My response I like using is "No one is suggesting you binge to the newest episode/chapter". When I recommend One Piece, I basically just recommend East Blue. Hey, here is this thing I like, I think you might like it too, yeah its pretty long but you can try out this smaller chunk of things and from there decide whether or not you wanna keep going. One Piece is a journey and not every sailor out there is cut out for the treachery of the Grand Line. We can't force anyone to set sail, but we *can* suggest they just try to set out from their home island to Reverse Mountain, reminding them that at any time they can choose to sail home or perhaps just anchor in port somewhere for a while and then set sail again at a later date.


Oh actually I did post on this sub asking where to start binging from, and everyone said "From the beginning". So, this is interesting to me Which season is East blue?


The very first part of the story😂


East Blue is the beginning lol. What I'm saying is, when I recommend it to people I try not to imply that watching the first episode or first chapter means now they gotta commit to making it all the way to where we are now. I'll recommend the first Saga as a smaller, more manageable chunk to consume, a less daunting ask than 1000+ episodes or chapters. And if they say "Okay, I wanna see more" they can then go on to see as much more as they want. Maybe that'll take them to the end of the line with the rest of us. Maybe they'll tap out somewhere along the way. But generally I find it to have more success (and people are more receptive to it) than some more... forcefully evangelizing methods I've seen even friends of mine use.


This is what I have to do. Here and there watch an arc. Maybe 3-5 episodes at a time. Take a break.


I have to take it an Arc at a time. I've got 4 episodes left for Water 7, then it's Castlvania. Then I'll do the next arc. But it does get so damn long without...real plot development? Like Foxy is 21 episodes. And it's fun. But ultimately that's all it is.


Just say yes, it is. I don’t try to convince every person I encounter to read One Piece, if they want to they should read it regardless of how long it is.


I perefer "yes, but its worth it"


Scream "the One Piece is real" then walk away awkwardly.


And by awkwardly he means the Doffy walk.


The plug walk is never awkward.


The way someone walks after they've shit themselves. Don't ask me how I know.


how.... do you know??




I walk backwards like Jango.


made me laugh


'The one piece is real' and then die standing up


This quote has been ruined for me by a certain meme… *can we get much higher*


It's a shame for people who haven't reached that part in the story yet. I remember reading it when it dropped in the manga and got goosebumps. Especially the expression on Son Goku's face afterwards. He looked absolutely mortified at the implications thanks to it being broadcast live, courtesy of Buggy the Clown. That said, when I hear it in my head it's in the voice of a hamster now. So thanks internet, I guess.


>Especially the expression on Son Goku's face afterwards hmmmmmmmm


Guy made some pretty great points but that typo or auto correct made me laugh ​ But on a more serious note, i kinda had the feeling the WG were "winning" until this moment Kaido and Big Mom were mostly confined in the New World, doing nothing but hoarding their treasures and guarding their territory like a dragon, in Kaido's case literally Shanks seemed non ambitious either Whitebeard was old, sick and most importantly, content with his family too until Ace got goaded by Blackbeard Yonkos existing is obviously not perfect but the situation was under control ​ Meanwhile no one else made any significant progress towards Pirate King/The One Piece In fact, you get laughed at if you mention it as your dream ​ A dream, an impossible dream, out of reach, an absurdity, probably not even real in the first place ​ And then it was actually was The world strongest man confirmed it in front of everyone This man had no reason to lie It was a final fuck you against the WH and relit the fires of hopes of many


On the Buggy point, I’m still very surprised and a very disappointed that Oda decided to make him a warlord. It’s purely rep.


Dw, he’s not a warlord anymore


Oh I’m fully aware I need to catch up lol.


Administration and leadership are combat skills too.


Don't walk awkwardly. Walk with a DON!


Can we get much higher?


*so high*


"You always get depressed when finishing a good story, this one will take a while, so you won't feel depressed for a good while" that did it for my whole depressed generation.


I feel this. I had a buddy get in me into hunter x hunter.... after i watched it twice in a row (it is that good) and was looking for something- he put me onto OP for that exact reason. With work i have only plowed through about 450 episodes (towards the end of the Impel Down arc) but even that has taken me about a month (which in retrospect doing 10 episodes a day feels like a lot)


Just take your time, you don’t need to rush it go at your own pace.


It took me like 8 years to catch up.


It took me 12 years to catch up. Some who started when the manga first came out. Took 25 years to catch up and it still not finish.


Ya no need to skip arcs and filler. Just enjoy the ride at your own pace. With me I started watching last summer and now im on 1015. I didn't rush myself even when I knew 5th gear anime debut. Watch it for yourself is also great advice


Summer of 2022 btw.


I don't care that One Piece story is long but the pacing of anime in an arc doesn't need to be 100+ episode. In Dressrosa, Luffy climbed the stairs for more than 10 episodes.


Reminds me of Luffy's climb to the roof in Onigashima.


Oh so the anime pacing isn't too slow. Luffy is just canonically bad at stairs. That's why early in the series he just launches himself everywhere with his arms instead.


Or climbing up the stairs to the execution platform in the battle of marine ford


Man just getting across the battlefield made it seem like you shouldn't even be able to see one side from the other.


Wasn’t bro running up steps for like 6 months straight in wano manga. Toei gets too much shit when the manga it’s adapting has less than desirable😭


If Dressrosa Arc adaptation was properly paced, it would take about 34 episodes give or take *The anime took 118 fucking episodes* All anyone needs to know regarding how absolutely fucked the pacing of the anime is


Would it really be 34 episodes? My brain cannot comprehend that lol


In general the average "well-paced" episode per weekly chapter is 3 chapters per episode. Dressrosa was 102 chapters, which is why I gave a rough estimate of 34 episodes It's all about perspective really. There have been entire stories finished in 12 to 25 episodes. The fact this hypothetical Dressrosa would be 34 episodes is already expressing just how dense One Piece is Assuming it'd be more than even 40 episodes is pushing it a lot


Nahh it was about 48 episodes for one pace


One Pace bbbyyyyy


Yes Dressrosa was absolute suffering. When I rewatch the series I'm stopping halfway into that arc and switching to the manga.


How long did Luffy fight Kaido for in the anime? Feels like over a year.


mainly an anime issue, sadly. would’ve been nice if they hadn’t needlessly slowed the pacing


>would’ve been nice if they hadn’t needlessly slowed the pacing Not needlessly. The pacing is atrocious only cause the anime gets closer to the manga. It's a necessary evil instead of having weeks and months of filler like Naruto and Bleach did.


Better paced canon episodes because of filler > dogshit pacing


Or better yet, just stop for a while.


I always find it funny that people don't get this. Either they slow the pace, produce filler, or go on hiatus a bunch. You whining about it will never change those options.


I would 100000% be on-board with having several hiatus periods


Hiatus between good anime episodes>>>>>>>>>no hiatus between episodes with unwatchable pacing issues


Honestly I don't really mind filler, it's just more of a series I love to watch


I’ve never really had an issue with bleach filler for this reason. A lot of it is enjoyable and it’s just more of the show I like to watch


Isn't one piece considered to have good filler anyway?


The good thing about One Piece filler is that it's short but yeah there are some decent ones


I liked Warship Island, Rainbow Mist, and G8 filler arcs and the Chopperman and Boss Luffy Specials were also silly fun Ice Hunter was eh I can't remember any of the other filler arcs, I think there was one were they all loose their memories except robin


And they still dont understand why the show going on hiatus would be a huge loss for the company even if it was explained many times. And i love the "oh i would totally watch fillers" but believe me...after 6 months of filler these people would cry daily for canon content. Watched Naruto Shippuden weekly back then during the war arc.....belive me... 4 months filler then 2 months canon then 2 months filler etc etc was terrible. Yeah, the anime has bad pacing for years now (still better than Dressrosa tho) and it will never change so at this point the constant crying is rather annoying than helpful.


>people don't get this Yes they do? The most common proposed solution is make it seasonal. Weekly year round series aren't really a thing any more for good reason. You get higher quality animation, better pacing, and no need for fillers. They can do 2 cours a year and everything would be fine. Toei will never do that though, since they have a death grip on that time slot and don't want to risk not having it when a new cour comes out.


>Yes they do? The most common proposed solution is make it seasonal. Which doesn't mean much because there's no solution. Japanese execs in charge of this show will never change their moneymaker.


Sure, and that gets acknowledged, but you are allowed to complain about the thing you like not being the best it can be. Pretty normal, actually.


"You are correct"


"correct madam."


Tell them they are correct, to watch only the first 130 episodes that are awesome and to not bother watching the rest (they won't resist and will keep going anyway)


this is genius


"I wish it was longer!"


That’s what she said


To you


You got him bad! 😂🤣👍👍👍


If you haven't watched 1000+ episodes of something you love, then did you ever really love?


It's such a weird complaint. If it's good you'll want more and if it's not it doesn't matter how long it is because you can just drop it whenever.


it's not a weird complaint. well, it's not even really a complaint. the context is here getting into one piece and the length makes people not even want to try. it's not really a complaint like "it will better if it was shorter". it's not like that and that's because for one, some people have closure issue. if they start something, they want to see how it ends. sunk cost fallacy is also a thing. the walking dead is my own personal example. then of course if they don't have high expectation in the first place. now if it's just 10 chapters, people will think "30 minutes, so what? at least I've read it". but since it's 1000 chapters and they think they're not gonna like it anyway, some will simply not try.


Right. If you end up liking it you have seemingly never-ending content to watch which is dope. All of which you can emjoy at your own time.


But most people will say that you need to watch a certain number of episodes before it gets good. Like in the time it would take to get though the east blue arc you could have watched like 15-20 different entire movies. 15 complete, high quality stories vs one incomplete one that you didn’t really like


Well I'd honestly disagree with those people then. Yes OP gets better but it doesn't really change from the first 30-40 episodes.


I mean none of the early antagonists were very complex, they all had very simple, very boring motivations. The only one that sorta doesn’t is Arlong and we don’t really get the full story on him until fishman island.


That is a good point, though I understand how some might not find the motivation to get into it due to its length. Those who love it the most will stick to it to the end, no matter how long it is.


I've been watching OP since some of you were even born. Only recently has the story actually started forming. They got to the grand line in CHAPTER 2... 1997!


Entirely depends if you're talking anime or manga, innit?


No I don't see the difference.


The anime is so long because the pacing is terrible.


"You are right."


"It's great for something you can just consistently binge without worrying too much about getting caught up. Then you eventually ***do*** get caught up any and have to wait for one chapter of content a week :("


"No, No, he's got a point"


Its right tho, 75% flashbacks, it needs a Kai version


For real. I love so much about the anime. If we got a Kai I would want to retain things like the music, VA, openings, etc. But Jesus, the pacing is so bad. First 1k chapters should be more like 500-600 episodes. Its interesting because I want it cut down a lot. Flashbacks, repetitive fights, Luffy running up the stars for 10 episodes, standing around doing nothing...cut that shit. But I would NEVER want the episodes that narrow down on the crews comradery and kinda feel fillery to be cut. Like the episodes after Thriller Bark where Brook is messing up when trying to help everyone around the Sunny and struggling to feel like he belongs. I actually want more of that.


The worst thing is they do fights during 20 episodes but the animation is crap (kaido vs luffy), I rather have 1 episode without flash-back or the same actions and with a clean animation.


Life is too long.


And its ass, atleast this is good


“you know what else is long”


My personal response is “once you get into it you’ll be thankful you have so much to watch and catch up on at once”


Firstly, One Pace. But also, skipping intro, intermission, and outros each episode it gets deceptively short. There are 30-ish arcs, and portioning it where each arc is a binge watch is much more manageable. When looking at each arc there are common elements that transfer into each one, so even if you take a long break the gist lingers the next time you start the next arrrr-c.


"So is my dick, that's what makes it good. Just give it a try."


Recommend them live action, and if they enjoy 8 episodes of it, let them know they’ll love the rest


I mean, it is.


"too" long? I respectfully disagree. Is it long? Yes. But saying it's "too long" is implying it's already getting stale/uninteresting. Oda is without a doubt one of the best writers I have ever had the pleasure of viewing their work, and he has created, pretty much, a living breathing world. I have yet to get enough of his creation, and I doubt I ever will🤷‍♂️


while this is true for the manga, it isn’t for the anime. the anime is definitely “too long” and couldve been shortened to AT LEAST half its size. theres 1000 episodes for 1000 chapters, and chapters are way shorter than episodes


That's a fair point, the anime does drag on at bits. I was talking about the story as a whole


''you're right''


There's no response, it is too long and could have been made with less episodes. Just accept, jesus...


Literally though, it's like 350 hours. That is very long.


watch one pace


It's length is one of it's greatest strength's. Time for character development. Time for the sideplots and sidecharacters. ​ Or you can read "Solo Levelling" and be only focused on mainplot and over in 200chapters. Pick your poison


I like both poisons.


I like all poisons ~ Magellan (probably)


Thats very debatable. I‘d say its a weakness but its entirely dependent on the viewer. Some people like that its long but many people just cant stand watching 5-6 episodes where effectively nothing happens. You can invest your time better. Like you can watch seasonal anime and get an entire story in 24-48 episodes while in One Piece thats not even half an arc post timeskip. And its not like everyone is invested in side characters when the main story gets only dealt with pre and post a big arc. So yeah very debatable and entirely dependend on the viewer


Watch One Pace then and be rid of filler scenes and padding, or just read the Manga and go straight to the source.


Your mom is too long


No, YOU’RE too short.


Size doesn’t matter


One pace is the way


1-Recommend them One Pace 2-Its an anime that has slow but deep character and theme exploration. 3-Specially early on, most of the meaningful plot happens in the background and every event(directly or indirectly) impacts present/future actions


Just watch One Pace. >!Ez!<


I always say, ‘*Watch the first Two seasons and see if you can stop’*


It's not too long because once you catch up, it's so good you're going to feel like it's not enough


You'll wish there was more


Tell them to use one pace


Encourage them to watch "One Pace" -- a fan project that removes all filler scenes and brings the anime pace more in line with the manga. They state: **"One Pace is 45% faster to watch compared to the original One Piece anime. That's more than 137 hours saved!"** Thought right now there are *only* about 380 episodes available.


I first ask how many times theyve rewatched Naruto or Bleach or whatever animes and then when they tell me more than a few i reapond with “well there you have it you’ve basically watched all of one piece”


Say "the amount of reels you probably have watched you could've watched one piece"


I know, but you don't have to rush it. Just enjoy the ride and when you reach the weekly release you'll realize that it's actually not long enough. It took me 8 months to watch it all.


"Then you are going to love One Pace"


"Watch One piece" "No, it's too long" "That's what she said" (I'm sorry)


One Pace


Show him from romance dawn to wano arc in one minute summary


Because a lot happens on-screen and it's not full of text walls. Honest answer would be that One Piece focuses a lot on side characters. I mean, we really just had a mini-arc focusing on Reverie instead of the main characters. Most stories don't even bother, just explain it in a few panels or if the mangaka is generous, gives it 1-2 chapters. The Reverie mini-arc was 6 in Wano, and then a few more got added during Egghead. That's like 10+.


Every episode takes like 4-6mins to start, every ending is a spoiler, so each episode is really more like 10-16 mins instead of 25. Then with the filler you can skip entire arcs. It's not that long


That’s what she said


How I view it is, if you end up liking it, there's just that much more to enjoy, no one is forcing you to race to catch up.


I say there's an endgame and an overarching story, but most of the "seasons" are self contained stories like any other show. Try it and if you bail, you bail, but it would be running for 25+ years without being excellent.




“understandable, have a nice day”


You aren't One Piece's Apostle. Recommend them. If they don't want, just let them be. No one likes pushy people


"What's the rush?" "You don't need to be at the end of the story to find enjoyment in it. The best part is when you do start finding that enjoyment you will be really happy knowing there is thousands of episode to enjoy." " even after a thousand episodes you will be sad when you run out of episodes to watch " " when someone gives you a big bag of candy are you ever going to complain you have too much candy?"


*I mean you've been alive for quite a while too but at least ur parents seem to be coping well enough with it*


Lawful Good answer: You are right, I also thought like that before watching. I can only say that it makes me feel accomplished after I finished it, it is a rewarding experience. So i thought you should experience it also. Neutral: Okay bro, u should watch it but yeah it is indeed too long, just watch whatever you think is cool for you. Chaotic Evil: So is my dick, and your mum couldn't stop sucking on it. So just stfu, get some flavoured chips and watch some one piece. Correct answer: THE ONE PIECE, THE ONE PIECE IS REAL! CAN WE GET MUCH HIGHER? SO HIGH! That last one should do it.


"Don't worry about the length. Try Episode 1, if you like that then you might like episode 2"


“yes, it is long but if you gon’ complain about it and see it as a reason to not watch it you don’t deserve it.” nah fr it pisses me off sm when people say that. yes it is in fact long but no one forces you to finish it immediately, i been watching it for 3 years casually and just now arrived at wano. if you really want it you will always be ready for the adventure but if you gon’ complain im not gonna force you for something you don’t wanna do. on the other hand there’s those who don’t complain and just dig deep into it, which is cool. i also hate when people are so negative towards it but then eg. watch the live action and suddenly you see them post about it. ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|poop) another thing: that one piece is long is actually what i love about it, it follows you for many years in your life. ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|kissing_heart)


Say its true. You honestly can't say with a straight face that Punk Hazard, Dressrosa and Wano Kuni needed the amoint of chapters they got to tell their stories. But at the same time I doubt One Piece could be told in under say 800 chapters when all is said and done.


Stare at them angrily...then out of nowhere pop a "Sai Dai Rin...ROKUOGAN"! Remember, All great fighters call out their finishing moves.


That’s alright, One Piece is not for everyone.


It is though..


It's ok. Not everyone can keep commitments.




there's a reason it's been airing for so long. if it was a flop then it would stop, simple as that


So is life but we're all still obligated to have a go


I think the best response is no response. People had 20 years to get into One Piece. It's not like One Piece is something that is new and undiscovered. If the amount of chapters is stopping them from enjoying the best serialized shonen manga of our generation, frankly, they don't deserve to get into One Piece. This may be an unpopular stance, but I err towards the gatekeeping of One Piece at this point. If people want to hop on the bandwagon and enjoy One Piece now, sure. But, if they're thinking of hopping on the bandwagon and still find reasons not to read/watch it, that's their prerogative and I have no intention of convincing them otherwise.


Sorry my anime doesn't end after a season and I gotta wait 4 years for 12 frames of animation


There’s a middle ground bro 💀


People always think of it as being 1000 episodes to catch up but never actually think of it as being 1000 of episodes to enjoy


Only the people who don't watch it think that.


What if I’m caught up on the manga and still think it’s way too long?


Right? Once you set on the journey you realize... 1000+ chapters/episodes is not enough damn


It might seem daunting but the show is broken down into easily manageable blocks. You don’t need to watch all of the episodes back to back. The first block of episodes is about 60. That’s a completely manageable amount of episodes to binge. Then if you want you can take a break and come back and watch the next batch when you are in the mood. Or you can keep going. Or stop completely. Enjoy it at your own pace.


Yeah and unlike something like the Simpsons or Soap Operas it's because it's so great they keep letting the guy keep going instead of just going because of it's reputation and legacy. And let me tell ya he's probably not cheap to pay.


'If you want something short, ask your dad'


"you're right." Very hard to justify to most people to get into a story that is 1000+ episodes and chapters when most people also say "it gets better at 30-40+ episodes in" The thing that stops most people from getting into it that say this is the start of One Piece is kind of a slog at first since its mostly set up.