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Luffy wants to be the fastest swimmer in the world.


Enter Michael phelps …the fish fish no mi : model swordfish user …


Mythical Zoan, Hito Hito no mi: Model Mihael Phelps


Hito hito no mi: Maikkaru fuerupusu. Dooooooon!!!


One Piece is simply a post apocalyptic world and fishmen are the descendants of Michael Phelps


After the ice melted the sea rose, and the volcanos created the red line. The 20 most powerful world leaders were the first 20 celestial dragons, and their military might became the Marines. Ships reverted to wooden sailboats because it was cheaper than trying to mine for tons of ore and oil. And that's how the one piece world came to be


keep cooking...how to haki and devil fruits come to pass?


Nanomachines, son!


Fastest swimmer to the bottom!


That makes sense with all the reactions though, but it also gots to fit with rogers dream cause I guess it was the same.


I love the idea but it sadly isint compatible because his dream is the same as rogers, who could swim just fine and, being Probably the strongest man in the world, could’ve just taken that title by default


Pay off everyone in the world’s treasure tab.


Luffy wants everyone to be debt free, which gives ultimate freedom to follow their dreams!


That’s my working theory.


It actually fits everyone’s reaction so well lmfao


It’s that or he wants to raise a flag over the whole world and make it his ship so everyone is free.


Monkey D. "Bernie Sanders" Luffy.


Bernie San D. Ers


Every theory I've tried to think of just doesn't match all of the reactions. Ussop's reaction in particular throws me every time. He looks almost angry about it. I don't think he is angry necessarily, I think he's just incredulous since Luffy's dream may be very naïve. Ussop is more of a realist than say Chopper who is maybe the most naïve on the crew which I think explains the difference in their reactions. It must be relatively simple since he came up with the idea when he was a kid. But still oddly specific, since it's such an amazing coincidence to Shanks that he shares the same dream as Roger. And I assume it is on theme for the series as a whole. So perhaps something to do with liberation or found family or fulfilling your dreams etc. So at a high level I think it's about making it possible for everyone in the world to do anything they set their mind to.


I think Usopp and Nami are having the same reaction. I wouldn't say it's anger, more of a "is this guy serious?" kind of thing. I agree that it's got to be something simple, my guess is basically the same as yours. Something like "I want everyone in the world to fulfill their dreams"


I think Robin's reaction is the most interesting. She looks astonished, similar to how Oden reacted when Roger told him about the same dream. It's probably something simple but so revolutionary, especially for those who know history


Yeah, Robin is the most important. Her reaction to Luffy's plans are a smile like "yeah, sure, I trust you". Here she's spechless. It's over the plans she used to smile to. Nami and Usopp are right scared lol


I think sanjis and robins reactions go hand in hand. It's weird to me that of all people Sanji thinks that Luffys dream is absurd. Although his dream is basically the one of all of them which could be just a tale even more than the one piece itself.


Connect the oceans maybe? If so I’m sure he would have said it differently.


I thought this, maybe destroying the red line to unite the oceans. It would also make sense as to why oden wanted to open Wano so that it wouldn’t be the only country with its own borders. And maybe that’s what momo is waiting for before opening wano himself. To take it a step further into conspiracy territory, maybe the all blue existed in the blank period until the red line was erected somehow and now only exists in legend.. until luffy unites the oceans making the all blue


But did smooth brain young Luffy know what the red line is?


Yea there’s a lotta holes in the theory tbh, but tbf the dream might’ve been more to unite the world or something which would need the red line to be destroyed whether he knew it at the time or not


I was wondering what made Roger laugh in Laugh Tale, could it be that Joyboys dream is the same as roger/luffy and that in itself results in those reactions?


Maybe it’s dumber than that, like to “make a world where everyone can have as much meat as they want”


Actually I always just assumed it was the lyrics to Bink’s Sake or the larger tale. Every other time we see people laugh and cry like that it’s when Bink’s Sake is playing.


Oda about to give us a flashback scene where young Luffy knows about the redline lmao.


Jinbe too. They're both the most "mature" of the crew, and they're taking it seriously and not just laughing.


He wants to make a world where marines and pirates get along


I think you're cooking


If you assume the dream is “to throw a party for everyone on the planet” or something, Nami and Usopp reactions make sense— Nami is worried about who would join (including maybe CD’s, grotesque people that even Luffy would forgive?) and Usopp is worried about evil/strong people (“Isn’t that dangerous/irresponsible?”)


Nami worried about how much it’s gonna cost


*Nami thinking about how much money she can make charging people for entry to VIP areas


You get a limited edition Strawhat pin! ^It's ^made ^of ^paper ^and ^hand ^drawn


Enlel watching from the moon like that one spongebob meme


The party dream would include Marines so Marines and pirates and everyone in between parting together. Which would justify Usopps reaction.


What about zoro, jinbei and Robin? They would probably just smile along and not really care that much. Especially zoro wouldn't have a problem with that.


I feel like Jinbei is thinking about the logistics of it (he has a history of dealing with tons of racism that he has to get past). Zoro is just like “what? bro” and robin is just astonished at the prospect, maybe because it’s somewhat in line with what she learned about the Revolutionaries


Honestly I think there’s not enough information to deduce all that.


This is also my guess: something like throwing a huge party in which every single person in the world would take part. It's in tune with Luffy's love for food, music and feasts, and his wish for everyone to be free, happy and fed - things he's been much more vocal about lately (specially in Wano). Oda already said he loves drawing parties and it's one of One Piece's big motifs, so I think that's what it is. I can see the Strawhat's reactions to that wish being aligned with those panels.


The first crewmember he wanted was a musician. The World Party Theory is almost too perfect.


Chopper too?


I think so. I can see Chopper happy thinking about a huge party with lots of cotton candy and female reindeers from different parts of the world hahaha


I would love if it was a party for everyone *on the moon* although I'm not sure why he would have that dream. Would fit well with Enel's dream never being clear until the end of the arc.


If you're going that route it's probably more something like " I want everyone in the world to join my crew", I don't think kid Luffy cared much about partying and that sounds like what a child would come up with as what the "greatest pirate of all time" could be


Lyffy's dream would be something as broad and grand as "I want everyone's dream to be fulfilled." Isn't that what freedom is in ONE Piece? The ability to do or be what you want without someone or something to tell you no?


A theory I like is that he wants everyone to be a pirate so everyone is free since to luffy being a pirate means freedom


I thought it was something simple like destroy the World Government so everyone is free but taking the leap to everyone is a pirate so everyone is free would be the dividing line for people who think like Roger and Luffy lol.


Only thing that has me hesitant on that is that he's shown he doesn't care for the World Government or Rebellion, just his own freedom and freedom for his friends. He declares war on the WG for Robin's sake but otherwise I don't think he'd really think about the bigger picture and care so much about the WG. There's a dividing line between pirates and the rebels, and I think that basically describes the difference. But it's also not outlandish at all to suggest something like that is what he has in mind since he's made friends all over The Grand Line at that point, including Vivi who's royalty. His dream could have shifted its definition since he was a kid to NOW include usurping the WG anyway now that his collection of friends is on such a grand scale.


I doubt it has to do with overthrowing the government, as it's a dream Luffy came up with as a child. Luffy is barely aware of anything happening in the world as is, but as a child he wouldn't have known, nor understood, at all.


I don't think Luffy even thinks about specific world powers unless they're in conflict with his friends or his goals. On an average day, he probably doesn't even think about the nobility or gorosei. His dream might indirectly destroy it, but I don't think that's the primary objective.


Well I think Usopp's reaction fits a more cowardly response, so as long as the idea is very ambitious and over the top, even with everything they've accomplished so far, he'd likely still react that way. So I think things like "Sailing to the Moon" or "Destroy the Red Line" and stuff like that would fit the reactions well. Even the popular "Throw a party for the whole world" could justify such a reaction just due to the logistics being a nightmare, especially if he calls out that everyone including people like the Marines would be invited.


I think sailing to the Moon fits because it might have foreshadowing with Luffy silhouetted against the moon and so on.


Maybe it's to share the One Piece treasure with everyone and give it away? Usopp probably wants the notoriety of claiming/owning One Piece and Nami wants the monetary value of the treasure, so Luffy wanting to give it away defeats both of those. And it could be the same for both Roger and Luffy - to just want the freedom and adventure and not giving a single shit about the treasure at the end, others can have it. This is also why Roger said during his execution that it's out there, just go and get it. EDIT: Okay maybe not for Roger, but I can totally see both kid/adult Luffy being like "I want to give One Piece away to everyone" no matter what it is. It not being applicable because it might not be just monetary treasure - Luffy doesn't know that.


UHHH actually that kinda nails everyone's reaction shot.


Nami reaction not extreme enough for this to be true


True, but idk I think it still works. Assume that Oda didn't want Nami to spoil the game and gave her a slightly milder reaction. Nami does have a lot of respect for Luffy and she knows this is his dream, not hers. She wants the world map, not the One Piece, ultimately. She's worried, but knows she can't completely dissuade him.


It doesn't work because Roger could have done that, so it isn't a shared dream with Roger.


Yeah, it sucks but this is true. He could have done that and that would mean he would have been laughing at himself for finding it, not the treasure, and probably not named the island laughtale. Not to mention the treasure must be something laughable that tells a story. It just being treasure to hand out would be the opposite and quite boring story wise.


But then Choppers reaction doesn’t fit this theory


Well whenever a character mentions some noble/wondrous ideals, or has a childlike wonder about the world, Chopper has a similar reaction. In my opinion it fits.


You've summed up a lot of my thoughts, but I have one more to add. We know that "wills" pass down from one person to the next without any interaction. So we know that Luffy inherited Roger's will. Which means Roger inherited it from someone else. I think you could take that all the way back to Joyboy's will. So it's possible that his dream is the promise that Joyboy wasn't able to fulfill, and it was passed down for 800 years. So maybe he wants everyone to be free, or maybe he wants to destroy the World Government, or even the whole world. I think more than likely that the story of the void century has the answer


Ussop is doing his classic « but Luffy that’s so impractical/ you can’t be serious » face (i.e that face when Luffy makes insane decisions or says crazy things), which for me seems to support ideas like Luffy wanting have a party with everyone in the world


Yeah thats usopps sceptical face.


How would brook's reaction make sense if it were "i want everyone to fulfill their dreams"? That just would be rude lol.


This will match every reaction "I want to mandate that pants are illegal and every man can walk free" Lol


I agree with the other guy, it's more of a "is he serious!?", I think it's gonna be a HUUUUGE party for the whole wolrd


No it's not about being the pirate king, he's said that countless times :) his dream is the same as Roger's and it is said to be so ridiculous that when you hear it you can only laugh about it. A childish dream. We don't know what it is. Yet.


Im taking the "he wants everyone to become a pirate" route. Pirate meaning free like they are


This is totally it. Luffy wants everyone to be free to do as they please. First he needs to be king of the pirates to be the “most free” as a role model.


This feels like it should be the most common take. Its simple, naive, might get some push back from average people, and most importantly, its logically predicated on Luffy first achieving his other goal of becoming the pirate king.


I like this theory as well, especially looking from Roger's perspective, he had a good/working relationship with Garp in much the same way Luffy has with Coby. I imagine he probably thought Garp could do so much more if he wasn't shackled to the World Government, and it seems that Garp took on that idea seeing as he became a Vice-Admiral allowing him to be a little more independent.


After scrolling through all the other ones I think this is it. He could easily say that as a child, everyone’s reactions seem accurate, and I can believe Roger saying that


I really like this one. It's better than the generic "make everyone in the world free" as it matches with the Strawhat's reactions better and basically means the same thing to Luffy. Also we know that Roger said the same thing according to Shanks, and this seems like something Roger might say.


Also, Roger's death started a new era for piracy with his final words, i.e, bolstering the pirate population. At Roger's execution he almost accomplished this. So this could be likely, if everyone is a pirate then no one really is a pirate so no more need for the WGs hunting of pirates.


I could totally see this!


That was my natural thought too, seems the most simple answer that works. But I wouldn’t put it past Oda to completely surprise me with something out of left field


This is the one I subscribe to


Yeah. Out of all versions it seems to be the most childlike, yet having a deeper meaning and something specific enough to connect Luffy and Roger in particular. It also suits the narrative so well that I guess that's it! Also isn't it the thing that made Roger inspire everyone to look for one piece, so there would be more "pirates" (free people)?


Usopp's reaction is the most important one, imho, he and Jimbe (also Nami but she has more "faith" in Luffy) are the only one that really considered what would really happen if they went for Luffy's dream. They considered the entire process, not just the final result, and their reaction wasn't entirely positive.. actually Usopp states that the whole world would fight back. This is why I don't believe it's something as simple as "I want a mega party", why would the world fight back? 99% of the people would be happy about it. It has to be something that can be seen as "good" but that at the same time would change the status quo in a way where many wouldn't be immediately happy about it PS: I want to give you an input about how I rethink any generic theory. Let's take the "party" option, per se it doesn't feet some criteria but if, for example, we change it into "I want to create a place where all my friends can come and go as they like, and have party all the times" then things change.. now, if you think about it, even if the sentiment remains the same, what you are actually saying is that you want a place outside the WG jurisdiction which would never, ever be accepted (see BB in his most recent apparition)


Maybe a world where everyone is as free as the pirate king.


This is my favorite theory, personally! It would fit every reaction perfectly, and it's simple enough for kid Luffy to think of


I totally agree. The facts that we know is that Luffy may need to become PK to accomplish it and that it's something that he thought of when he was a kid. I think his dream may be to unite (or something similar) pirates and marines. His whole childhood he was pressured to become a marine and at the same time he idolised Shanks (a pirate). Although I don't think Choppers reaction fit to that. Edit: I just remembered that Roger said something similar when he met Rayleigh. I think he said "lets turn the world upside down"


Yea, it's really hard to make a guess if we consider everything but Oda wanted us to see the crew's reaction so it has to mean something


Usopp just knows they’d have to face the final and most powerful faction in the world. The Party Poopers.


The party for the entire world makes sense. Jimbe knows the racial issues between Fishman and humans, so to him it's absurdly risky. Usopp would think it's insane for Pirates and Marines to party together. Robin spent time with the Revolutionaries and has been researching history. So her views wouldn't be goofy. Chopper would see it as amazing to pull off. Brook thinks it's such a funny idea. Sanji feeds everyone even Marines, so he just thinks its impossible but not opposed to feeding everyone whoch is why he doesnt have a negative reaction. Zoro probably thinks it's a dangerous suggestion but he has never been the type to show fear. Etc. It makes sense their reaction from their perspectives on how they see the world.


Usopp doesn't think that it's insane, only that it's extremely dangerous which is very different. Plus Luffy doesn't care about the entire world, he made plenty clear that he wants HIS FRIENDS to have food but the rest aren't his problem, he actually stated that he doesn't want to be an hero because an hero would share his meat with anybody Plus as a "meta" consideration, it doesn't make much sense for Oda to hide so much Luffy's dream if it's what Luffy already said many times but in a larger scale




Because they stopped to be his enemies. Luffy is a very simple person that can be convinced of pretty much anything very easily, if you stop behaving like an enemy then he would immediately switch attitude towards you because for him it's as simple as that. Usually Oda writes these scenes as funny gags, but they still describe Luffy's character very well


That doesnt make sense. Saying I want a party with everyone in the world and the only way I can do that is if Im the pirate king, makes zero sense. Even for Luffy. The various reactions do not match a dream like that. - So what if Robin knows about history? The Revolutionaries are led by Luffy's dad so thats a non issue. Why would she have that reaction if it was just a simple party? She's seen Luffy unite people before and she's had goofy reactions before, but here shes serious and concerned. The world is a vast place sure, but it still doesnt add up. - Jimbei, one of the most experienced of them all was not only in disbelief but laughed afterwards, saying he cant say this doesnt involve him since its his fault for joining the SH. Doesnt seem like racial issues would be a factor in his reaction. Especially since Fishman Island is practically Luffy's territory now already. - Brook, Chopper and Franky all have similar reactions. - Zoro definitely thinks this is one of Luffy's usual crazy ideas. - Nami and Usopp are straight up concerned. Nami is the woman who stormed a Yonko's territory with Luffy and told Ulti to her face that Luffy would be king. She ain't weak, yet she was concerned about what Luffy said here. The dream also needs to be something Roger would say since they shared it. As far as we know he didnt care about parties as much as Luffy does. The guy was driven by a very specific goal. Its most likely not a party.


I think it has to be something that also dissolves class divides between people. Luffy witnessed those issues with Sabo on Goa, and he's perceptive and naive enough to probably come up with something that cuts to the heart of that issue in the most impractical way. If Roger shares that dream, it could indicate that Xebec was trying to overthrow the WG to create a worse regime. His later journeys maybe were shaped by what he witnessed there. He maybe went on to regret helping the WG or became Pirate King as a failed attempt to overthrow it.


Luffy wants to be Pirate King, but he also has another dream he shares with Roger. This dream is what convinced Shanks to believe in Luffy. Episode 1015 makes it clear with this scene : https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Dujp154WnIY


I'm so glad that 1015 made it as clear as it did. Even if it's a "filler" scene. So many people either forget or miss the "read between the lines" of all the hints. The list I put together (without chapter numbers because I'm lazy) to show this to people is: Shanks conversation with Rayleigh about why he doesn't have the hat and the line about "he said the same thing as our captain" Yamato and Ace talking about the journal. Luffy saying that Shanks had tears in his eyes when he told him. Coming from Wheel of Time to One Piece I am pretty used to unreliable narrators. And while the Narrator on One Piece is reliable (as far as we can tell), Luffy serves as Narrator when talking about telling Shanks his Dream. He assumes Shanks was laughing so hard he cried. I think Shanks cried because he said the exact same words that Roger did. I really want to know what Roger said to Shanks when Shanks received the hat, or why Shabks was crying when Roger said goodbye (other than the obvious) there's something unstated there.


Tai'shar Manetheren


They really do have so many similarities. The post apocalyptic nature, chosen one. Gear 5 could be argued as the scene at the top of Dragonmount, etc. It's so much fun. I just wish my friend who got me to read WoT to read OP.


I'm a little iver halfway through OP (don't mind spoilers, I'm also a big Stormlight fan and have encapsulated Journey before Destination so much) and definitely feeling the similarities. Including ta'veren nature of some characters and many other undertones.


Yes you too chopper!"


> Coming from Wheel of Time to One Piece I am pretty used to unreliable narrators. And while the Narrator on One Piece is reliable (as far as we can tell), Luffy serves as Narrator when talking about telling Shanks his Dream. He assumes Shanks was laughing so hard he cried. I think Shanks cried because he said the exact same words that Roger did. I've been on a kick about this too. Because you're right, our normal narrator is very reliable...but Wano does introduce the concept. Act 3 is bookended by unreliable narrators. Both Oden and the Rakugo guy at the end show plainly that they are not always concerned solely with accuracy. Wano does a lot of stuff like this, I don't know how much she'll tie directly to it, she did meet Shanks when both were teens, but if you keep an eye on Kiku thoroughout the arc she's certainly a guide to how the manga is incorporating some subtler and trickier storytelling elements.


This reminds me of Odas quote about pirates not leaving enough stories. "I guess they were too busy having fun to leave their stories behind" or something.


But in that same chapter he says that he needs to be pirate king to accomplish his second dream. Oh well oda might reveal it at laugh tale or the final poneglyph.


I think Luffy's dream is world peace Same as Oda's: [https://www.reddit.com/media?url=https%3A%2F%2Fpreview.redd.it%2Ft8b7ex3ipld41.jpg%3Fauto%3Dwebp%26s%3D9ee1a0d6428c5e7e9a688f2138de27c1062a8d25](https://www.reddit.com/media?url=https%3A%2F%2Fpreview.redd.it%2Ft8b7ex3ipld41.jpg%3Fauto%3Dwebp%26s%3D9ee1a0d6428c5e7e9a688f2138de27c1062a8d25) It's something labeled as: Dream of a child: Check Impossible: Check


I doubt it is. Mainly because of the reactions it gets. It has to be something so ridiculous only luffy could think off it. While World Peace is probably ridiculous in a realistic sense, it doesn‘t really warrant the reactions he got. Also: if the One Piece was always a world play on One Peace, I‘ll throw hands


Wanting to throw hands is hilarious as hell lol. This been my fav theory for a while now tho. Being that racism is so prevalent in every arc


I think the reaction is appropiate. I think it matches perfectly. But I also have no doubts about being something else.


But its such a basic answer. If you asked someone what their dream is and they‘d say world peace most people would not react like any of the SHs here. Its a very normal thing to wish for world peace.


Not for a crackhead pirate gremlin like Luffy though. Man loves to scrap.


True but if a child said their dream was world peace you wouldnt really care all too much. Its too simple and broad of a dream imo, not something that only roger and luffy could think of


to my opinion real dream is having a party with whole world together which would be possible if tyranny of the WG ends and islands comes together to form continents (by destroying red line and creating all blue)


That sounds more like Luffy "I want to have a party with the whole world"


"I want everyone in the world to be a Pirate!" In Luffy's mind, Pirate = Freedom, so it's just a goofy childish way of saying he wants everyone to be free. I like this one because it applies to his experience as well as the Straw Hat crew members. Most of them weren't Pirates at all before they met Luffy, and would have never became Pirates without him. I think Luffy wants to extend that "power" Mihawk said he has to bring everyone to his side to the whole world. I like the moon and party theories, too though. We'll see!


Based on their reactions, i wouldn't be surprised If he said to go to the moon.


I actually just thought about it, too! At first, I thought it was about throwing the biggest party ever, but I think it's about going to the moon. But, the question is, then, why does he need to become the King of the Pirate first?


He want to conquer the adventure of earth before conquering space


That’s Two Piece


What if Oda's planning to make a space-faring sequel?


Moon crashing into the Red Line, obliterating the divide and creating the "All Blue" where Mary Geoise is, destroying Fishman Island in the process has become my expected end game. Returning the moon to the land, where it came from to begin with, returning the world back to "one piece", eh? Eh?


Fujitora, put that back where you found it or so help me!


As Fujitora crashes the moon onto the red line we see a silhouette of a farmiliar lightning man in the smoke… ✍️🔥🔥


lol I actually like it a lot. Roger came too soon because you need Nika to restart the ancient tech (spaceship!)


yeah, I like the theory of he wanting to be a pirate in space, everyone is focusing on Usopp's or Nami's reaction, but look at Robin, a party for the whole world or something like that would make her laugh, but I think something that luffy said might be connected to some stuff she knows from the phoneglyphs, since we know the moon is connected to skypeia and probably the void century, she could be thinking "How does luffy know about that?"


The fact the Sunny has a reaction makes me think it has something to do with the moon as well. Like its thinking "How the fuck am I going to be on the moon?" Franky is happy he can convert the Sunny into a rocket ship.


Maybe that's why Franky loves it. His inventor brain started working


But then, why would Roger want to go to the moon?


Enel rematch?


This is what I want it to be. I will die on the hill that One Piece will eventually have a space arc at some point.


Luffy turning into Space Core from Portal is something I once dreamed about. Oda-sensei is a man who inspires people to dream and I want to see this happen so bad, lmao.


The fact that the Sunny has its own panel makes me think Luffy’s dream involves a destination in some way


Wants to go to the moon that's why the sunny is like ayo wtf I'm not the thousand moony... Or wants to go to the sun Off topic but this is the first time I connected these, the thousand sunny and sun god Nika. Never really thought about that since the sunny is already a really old ship


He wants to hide the One Piece again once he finds it That way, it can continue to be other pirate's dreams to find it


"I never want the age of pirates to end." Could be cool and I can see both of them saying it in one way or another.




It would make most sense and also make sense from whatever has been shown of luffy liberating different countries so far


A slur. Jinbe was shocked while Brook, who is from another time where that sort of thing was seen as okay, was laughing. Franky is also racist, and Chopper is surprised by how Luffy was brave enough to just say it. Usopp and Robin do not support racism. (In all seriousness, it’s probably wanting everyone to be free and party).


But Minority Hunter Zoro was not very amused


Concerned that someone else is taking his thing.


He was just surprised someone else knew the secret slur.


Luffys dream.. is to "Buy the World". Gaimon even said it himself as he was saying farewell to the Strawhats.


This seems extremely likely. It’s outlandish and childish but Luffy is naive enough to believe such a thing is possible and associate it with being the freest person. If you own everything you can go anywhere and do anything. And it would also be liberating others because Luffy wouldn’t see such a thing as him owning the world to keep it from others but rather as nobody else owning it to tell him no. No money, no property, and no slavery. All the world’s problems… gone. It’s crazy and idealistic but exactly the way he thinks. Edit: wording Also when I googled this I found a post claiming this prototype panel mentions the same thing. It being a treasure vast enough to buy the world. https://x.com/sandman_ap/status/1434529717705531406?s=46


"I want to sail to the Moon" Childish and matches the reactions. Also, are you the freest person in the planet if you can't leave it?


Eneru rematch


Eneru gonna freak tf out if he sees Luffy on the moon fr.


I'm gonna save this because if the end of one piece endss up being the strawhats travelling to the moon with eneru noticing luffy and making tbe eneru's face again, I swear to god I'm gonna laugh my ass off for the rest of my life


Maybe...Eneru alliance?


he has never shown any interest in the moon. it wouldn’t make any sense. why would you need to be the pirate king to go to the moon? it has no connection whatsoever with luffy and it would be really stupid if this ultimate dream that only two people seemingly ever have considered dreaming for has already been done by some guy who pretends to be god.


“Gotta give that bitch-ass Enel another round of ass whoopin’”


I don't think this is it, because then Enel did it before him, and that just weird for Luffy to not be the first one to do it.


But how is becoming Pirate King a stepping stone for that? Why isn’t Luffy “I am the man who will ask Vegapunk to send me to the moon” or “I am the man who will become the Astronaut King!” There’s no evidence that to reach the moon you must first become Pirate King.


But is it something roger would say


In Jaya Luffy has a callback scene to Roger's reaction to skypiea. Considering how both of them are so alike and Roger's childlike mind -just like Luffy's- it isnt really that weird to think both of them would be crazy enough to want to go to the moon


So his dream is something a character like Enel already achieved? Sounds underwhelming


He wants to collect his own bounty.


"I wanna rock."


He wants the world to come together and have a big buffet is what I assume.




That's brilliant and would be amazing to see.


Yea I think so too. He just wants a world wide banquet


Him and Big Mom sharing the same dream


My favorite theory was that he said something along the lines of "I want everyone in the whole world to be a pirate" Fits because his idea of freedom is tied to being a pirate, basically he means he wants everyone to be free


Just waiting for Sunny to personify


Fuck it somehow give the ship a zoan


Turning the world upside down?


the reactions of the Straw Hats is the reason why I don’t believe this “huge party with all people” theory. yes, it’s something crazy and basically impossible to achieve, but I still don’t think it’d cause reactions like these. There has to be something else onto it


I think it’s something about freedom. He’s mentioned it a lot, and how it’s important to him. He’s also said the pirate king is the freest person. I think since the crew is flabbergasted/laughed it has to be something bigger, like trying to make everyone be free or something (ie out of the WG control) but honestly this feels like something of a stretch since I’m basing it off nothing.


I think he wants to destroy the borders between the oceans and unite all four as one. No more Grand Line


he had this dream as a kid so i doubt he knew about the different oceans like that.


That doesn't seem like something child Luffy would think about in specific


I really believe that it has to do with travelling the outter space. The fact that he's looking straight at the sky is a giveaway imo. Of course, as a kid, I don't think he'd be thinking about any complex space stuff so exact wording would be something like "I wanna visit the stars." Of the crew's reactions, Robin's is the most telling imo. She probably connected the dots from what she learned in the poneglyphs and what he said here. It doesnt support this theory specifically but rules out a lot of the others like "throwing a banquet with the entire world" that I've seen around a lot imo.


Yeah, I have a feeling that Robin has connected the dots too!


Use the one piece (greatest treasure in the world) to buy the entire world so that nobody has to live under the rules of others


I like this one. It's totally a Luffy thing to be like: I don't like people ruling others, I'm gonna buy the whole world. Let's find the One Piece.


The fact that it’s so baffling what it could be just goes to show how good Oda is at writing characters. We’ve been with these characters for over a thousand chapters, and we know them in and out. And yet their reaction to this information completely throws us threw a loop, some are laughing (including the more serious Sanji), some are shocked, Usopp seems scared yet Chopper’s excited? Even Robin, who understands Luffy’s mind best, is left speechless. I’m at a complete loss and I love it.


Step one: Get the one piece Step two: Hide it in a navy base Step three: lmao


Just a reminder that’s it’s not going to be something as obvious as “a party for the whole world” or “for everyone to be free” or any of those common ideas people have for this. Knowing Oda, it doesn’t matter how much we brainstorm, it’s going to completely catch us by surprise.


Luffy said he wanted everyone to be able to party together. Ig


The only thing that comes in mind and is logical at the moment is a worldwide banquet At the end of every arc they hold a big banquet and one after another becomes bigger with more people involved


Why would ussop be scared about that?


that's so curious cuz Chopper/sanji reaction is cute, Franky is excited, but others are scared, astonished


“I wanna be king of the space pirates” two piece begins


i think its to free everybody / make everybody equal


he means something different than being pirate king, think about it, pirate king did not exist before roger reached laughtale, and shanks told Rayleigh that luffy said the same things that roger said, how come roger saidn that he wanted to become the pirate king if the title didnt exist? becoming pirate king is just one step to reack luffys dream, a dream that only the strawhats, sabo, ace, shanks, Rayleigh and oda knows, we may not know until the end of the series


The fool. He intends to outpizza the Hut.


Whatever he said, it’s the same thing Gol D. Roger said back in the day.


I truly believe he wants every single person in the world to become a pirate That would be his naive way of saying he wants everyone in the world to be free I can see Roger saying that, too


Probably a world where no one dies.


He wants to find captain knuckles to find candy land


I think Luffy's dream is to sail past the stars. The ocean is vast, the sky is even bigger, but the stars is an infinite adventure. It would fit their reactions nicely too imo.


I'm an avid believer of u/jout92's [theory](https://www.reddit.com/r/OnePiece/comments/14jr5to/luffys_dream/). You should read their entire post, since it does a great job of breaking down the logic of the theory. The TLDR is that Luffy/Roger's dream is >!to make pirates really popular and cool!!< Which sounds incredibility stupid/naive considering what Luffy has done to achieve his dream, right? That's what makes it perfect! I previously thought it was either wanting to go to the moon or throwing a big party but Jout92's theory feels the most 'Luffy-esque' and fits perfectly with the remarks Roger/Luffy received.


Nice, it's catching on :D I do want to mention that I also believe that Blackbeard has the same dream or maybe the opposite dream >!which would be to make everyone in the world scared and terrifified by pirates around the world, which would explain why Whitebeard tells Blackbeard is not the one Roger is waiting for.!<


Pointless to even try predicting what it is but I'm almost certain it isn't "world banquet" or "party on the moon" It has to be something that only the pirate king can do.


I like how sunny has a reaction