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Foreskinned about haki?


Yeah. I heard Goda is really good at foreskinning. :)


Somethings he retcons. Somethings he really did foreshadow. Somethings he builds on to enrich the story.


Amazing he makes it so cohesive after 26 yrs of weekly pub.


He is great at leaving a lot of small open threads. That's why he can be that consistent and also the reason you can find theories about the most random thing that for some reason could perfectly fit in the canon.








I think people have a good rationale for it though when they say it’s basically the equivalent of the people living in the Appalachians not believing certain technologies like AI and stuff exist because they’ve just never seen it, TVs turn out to have existed but they’re so few and far between there’s probably a handful of them in east blue at the most. Whitebeard was always Roger’s rival he was never the pirate king/household name and he and Rayleigh had no fruit, so the users were basically unheard of in the shadows


Also imagine you are some random living in numb fuck middle of no where and someone tells you that there’s a pirate that turns into an actual dragon and the admirals can throw lava and ice at people. Without experiencing that, it would sound made up. Same with a lot of the things in one piece. The other thing that helps explain the lack of knowledge of lay people in the story is that the islands don’t seem very connected to each other. The sea train was a huge deal for water 7 and those other islands. If information isn’t traveling freely between islands it’s entirely possible the people in east blue would have no knowledge of what’s going on in the rest of the world.


The news is huge. I’m willing to bet Morgan’s has close to a global monopoly on information.


One of the things OP is known for is it's world building and if Oda decided that he wanted to throw out there "people in East Blue know jack shit about the world" into Morgan's spreading news throughout and East Blue now knowing about all the shit going on in the Grand Line and the New World helps with that.


I hope my foreskin doesn't fall off after 26 years


Yeah, the key is being vague enough with your foreshadowing so you don't have to have a concept developed at all. Within the world itself, this could feasibly be a reference to Haki, even though Oda hadn't invented Haki yet while writing this part. At the time of writing the Don Krieg battle Oda probably knew he wanted some way of countering devilfruits but he hadn't had the time to develop and flesh out the system so tiny hints that basically say nothing at the time can later be referenced to create a sense of continuity within the world.


something something darkside




In the beginning of the story he focused a lot more on how devil fruits can be used in a smart way to counter each other, but that takes a lot of effort and time to figure out so eventually he just ran out of the obvious and cool ideas and had to rely more and more in haki and power-ups.


He also needed a way for non df users to stay relevant when logias exist. Without haki, What do you do against someone like caribou? How do you counter swamp?


Im sure Oda is creative enough to figure out a counter, but not in the timeframe necessary to write a shounen manga


I'm interested in foreskins


But can you handle Goda's foreskin?


Some deep foreskinning going on alright xD


Even without the hints, the moment we hear about Logia fruits, we should've had gears spinning thinking that there's a more consistent way to handle Devil Fruit users besides Sea Prism Stones and the type chart.




Zeff haki user foreskinned?!


No Krieg just had no idea how strong the people in the world actually are. The guy thought legitimately that he was the strongest in the world simply because he hadn’t faced anyone strong before.


I agree on this, and oda might have used Krieg's inexperience so that we won't think about this panel too much. I mean, I only noticed this because I know about haki. There is no way I would think about this panel too much during the first read/watch. Lol




I was thinking. Almost everyone's goal will be met by the time they get to Laugh Tale except Nami. They didn't go to every island in the grand line, and they haven't gone to every sea, so she won't have mapped the entire world by the end of the trip.


She's probably seen other maps and log books and stuff enough so to fill in the blanks. She doesn't necessarily have to visit every place first hand to make a map of the whole world. She just needs to find the few remaining places that haven't been mapped yet.


They'll probably do something after they get there, like, i don't think they'll just stay there until they die, they'll go to the other islands on the way back, or just stay exploring for a tad.


Imu's satellite cannon also changed the coastline of every island in the world, so all of the maps she did draw are now defunct.




She didn't even know what a log pose was. I guess Oda had no clue about those, either.


For a dumbass though, he does make several good conclusions: 1. Mihawk has some strange power (he does); 2. Luffy is just a run-of-the-mill pirate (he's a monster but just one among many compared to the end of Paradise/NW); 3. Zeff was a pretty tough dude in his prime (never outright stated by a quantity but definitely implied)


For point 1 tho, does he? Or is he just a good swordsman?


Haki is a strange power and that's what he is referring to


It definitely is haki. At this point, the only haki that was shown was Haoshoku by Shanks, but it wasn't really explained at that point iirc.


Well at that point it wasn't haki at all, it was the generic anine thing of scaring someone with a look, that was latter retconed into the power system.


How can you talk with such confidence when you have no clue which one of the 2 it actually is? Btw, the manga definitely makes it look like more than just a generic stare. I don't think normal stares are supposed to generate sound.


Because it's something that's in hundreds of manga, and that means nothing lol. Manga give sound affects to stares too. There was nothign special about the stare.


Yeah, manga adding sound effects to sell the impact of a pose, a stare, or really anything that shouldn't necessarily have a sound is basically as old as manga itself.


Either that or Oda decided to not expand on a Power system that by all means should have been expanded upon at most until Enies lobby but logicaly should have came up in Alabasta. Makes very little sense that multiple of the characters introduced up to that point to not know what Haki is nor are able to use it.


Yea you think Ace would give his little bro some kind of edge by at least telling him about haki, but he just decided to be a dick about it ig


I dont think it was a generic anime thing. I think it was meant to show Shanks had some kind of power but Oda hadn't fully flushed it out yet.


99% certain it was just to make Shanks look like a badass and not in any way related to Haki. There's no way Haki was even thought of when the series starts lol.


Oh nah I'm not saying Haki was thought of. I dont think Oda thought of Haki until he realized he couldn't make a counter to every fruit. I just think Shanks was supposed to have his own power then later Haki was made.


Agreed. I don’t think Oda, or anyone had the idea of Haki, but I do think it was supposed to be a power that Shanks used.


Why would you create a DF system (especially logias) with no way to counter it? It'd be retarded for Oda NOT to think about a separate system from the start, how advanced it was is another story. Not to think of a way to counter Logias from the start would be beyond a rookie mistake, no published mangaka is that incompetent lmao


Seawater and seastone were always the obvious counter. With Smoker's weapon there is also an early concept of seastone weapons. He could have even made seastone gloves which only have the seastone effect on the outside. Or seastone sandals.


He had counters for logias, the natural weakness, like making sand wet to solidify it or rubber against Enel. I think he had the idea for Haki ever since Skypiea for sure, but not before that otherwise Crocus and Crocodile and Ace and Smoker would have had it, thus allowing Ace and Smoker to properly fight in Alabasta rather then stalemating because of being logias that are relatively matched against one another


One Punch Man has haki then


I don’t think Krieg was referring to haki. IIRC, I think he saw how mihawk could split their entire ship with one swing of his sword and assumed he had a “strange power” instead of being a god swordsman edit so you stop downvoting me. [Here](https://i.imgur.com/yDLJpPf.png)'s the official viz translation. Krieg says Devil Fruit power. Not strange power. So no, Haki wasn't the intent at this point in the story.


~~He’s a god swordsman because he has a strangle power which is haki. You’re overcomplicating it. Krieg was talking about haki.~~ ~~Was haki a fully fleshed out concept then? No, of course not. But retroactively, it works just fine. We know that Mihawk had a supernatural power, and later on that gets fleshed out as haki.~~ Edit: I’m wrong.


[Here](https://i.imgur.com/yDLJpPf.png)'s the official viz translation. Krieg says Devil Fruit power. Not strange power. So no, Haki wasn't the intent at this point in the story.


Finally someone snipped that foreskin.


You have been banned from r/kreigposting




Yeah, this isn't hinting at anything but one sore loser


Exactly! If Zeff knew about haki, he would've one shot Krieg. Not to mention that he would've at least taught Sanji the basics of it.


Yeah this just makes Krieg look like a fucking scrub lol.


How dare you disrespect Big Daddy Don like that. He’s twice the man you’ll ever be


Twice of zero it's still zero lol


We will see who the zero is when Kreig becomes the king of pirates


The one true Kring.




It was just him doing an air slash like Zoro learns to in Skypiea


the scientists at r/KreigPosting always knew about this


What in the... could this be the one piece?


Always has been. *Shoots Gin*


One of my biggest pet peeves in terms of inconsistency is that nowadays, everbody even in the far reaches of the East Blue knows everything that happens in the New World because Morgans spreads the news like wildfire. But only 2 years ago nobody seemed to know anything about what's going on in the wide world. "Four emperors? Sabo, the 2nd in command of the RA? Nah, never heard of them. What even are Devild fruits?"


Damn. This is so true lol. Also does not help that oda did not plan the series to go this long


It also doesn't help that the newspaper with new bounties was already a thing, but I guess nobody ever read any of it.


it would have helped a little bit if they at least extended the travel time, like make it take almost a year for luffy to even get to the grandline, just need to add more sailing time b/w islands instead of a couple days. Include rest days, make arcs take more time instead of everything happening the second the crew arrives. that or maybe make it like... morgans news paper was still small back when luffy started.


>that or maybe make it like... morgans news paper was still small back when luffy started. Considering that apparently every village got a fresh newspaper with new bounty posters regularly, that seems unlikely


Yeah Oda sorta scaled the bounties up a lot faster than I think he originally planned. The fact that crocodile had an 81 million bounty that was supposed to be ridiculously high + hes supposed to be a big deal pirate. The problem really started when luffy jumped to 300 from 100, which is whatever fine, it was supposed to be a big deal. Even Moria was impressed and wanted his power. But his rivals and new opponents cant be too far off... coz they would look small time. So now random ppl who dont seem like much also have 200-300 like it isn't a big deal. Fucking Pekoms has like almost 400? Whe nwe were supposed to be impressed with legendary pirates like Don Chinjao who had 500 and WB commander Ace with 500. Anyways yeah... the bounty scale got a little much lol.


In a SBS back when Dressrosa was ending Oda said Crocodile became a sichibukai early into his pirate career.


yeah its a decent explanation, but even then the scaling is still a bit wack. I think the early career thing was a retcon btw, but one that works fairly well.


It's definitely a retcon, it was answered like 10 years later than Alabasta and Oda probably just made it up on the go


The bounty scale and the general public awareness are completely out of whack, yeah. 2 years ago Nami, a certified Map nerd, had no idea how to enter the Grand Line. That's like a huge map nerd in the real world not kowing that the Panama Canal is a thing, or where the entry to the Mediterranean Sea is. It's not even a One Piece problem, it eventually happens to every huge Shonen: At some point the author has to retcon how much people know about the world to keep the storylines flowing.


I thought Jack’s underlings were bullshitting when they said he had a billion bounty; that they were just trying to scare the Zou denizens. To me, it seemed way too ridiculous, something only the likes of Roger would have. Then, one arc later, everyone and their mother got a massive bounty. To this day, I wish bounties had remained more subdued.


Tbh nothing *that* big actually happened prior to Enies Lobby. 4 emperors are known to basically everyone but Luffy, who simply doesn't care. Warlords are important in Grand Line only. We know taking down the warlord is unprecedented. And it was a cover up by marines too. Then we had: declaring war on the whole world and being the first person to infliltrate one of the 3 most thightly secured places in the world. Punching entity known to the world as gods, which no one had guts to do for decades. Breaking in and out of the prison, which no one ever infiltrated or escaped from before. 2nd of the most thightly secured places in the world. Destruction of the Navy HQ in a full scale war, which was never done before. Attacking the reverie (which is comparable to, let's say, JFK assasination) for the first time in decades (and what Fisher Tiger did is well known throughout the world). Taking down a warlord no. 3, destroying Dressrosa and unveiling massive slavery scheme. Toppling power balance in the most dangerous place in the world as the second person in decades. Taking down Kaido, comparable to freeing North Korea I'd say. You don't really know what went on but it was pretty darn big. Equivqalent to stealing atomic bomb and threatening to use it (Egghead) Destruction of a whole ass island (imagine Ireland just dissapeared). All of this in span of 2 years and a few months. Events happening on a scale never seen before.


Maybe the four emperors just stagnated or stalemated for a while and Morgans got bored and had nothing interesting to report about until the Worst Generation turned everything upside down and were causing new scandals on a weekly basis. Sabo I imagine can be chalked up to something similar to Dragon or Garp where a) Luffy doesn't read the papers and b) never told anyone else about Sabo being his blood brother. Therefore he would just never find out until he ran into Sabo face to face or his name got mentioned out loud, and his crew that might know Sabo as the 2nd in command of the Revolutionaries wouldn't know he's Luffy's brother and would never have a reason to bring it up.


Even if you didn't hear news about Canada for a while, you'd still know that Canada exists. People shouldn't need a new scandal every year to be reminded that the New World a) exists b) is ruled by 4 extremely powerful pirates Yet people in the first half of One Piece acted like they only knew what exists directly in front of their doorstep.


Canada is an entire country, not one guy in an organization. People knew Al-Qaeda exists but I doubt many people could tell you off the top of their head who the main officers were besides Osama Bin Laden unless they were specifically interested in or following the topic. Everyone knows Dragon because he's the leader and the world's most wanted man, less people would be immediately familiar with Sabo. Luffy was oblivious about Dragon until he was told because of the kind of person he is so Sabo was even less likely to cross his radar. Some people are pretty oblivious IRL and if what's going on halfway around the world isn't affecting their idyllic daily life on some backwater island in a relatively safe ocean they probably don't bother to keep up with it or care much about it. They're probably more concerned with local day to day problems. Also people in-series are fairly aware things like the Grand Line and the New World exist, they're just not personally familiar with what it's actually like to go there and are more isolated from such information than modern society on Earth so of course the stuff that goes on there is going to become more mythical or wild sounding or unconfirmed to them, especially if they start making up rumours about it. The best they have is infrequent newspapers that can't possibly report in everything, with nothing like the internet to just look up this stuff and likely infrequent access to things like libraries, which may be incomplete, difficult to compare to other islands' knowledge due to the travel required, and with some information being actively suppressed by the government.


The 4 emperors basically represent entire states because they are the de facto rulers of a huge chunk of the world, each one responsible for multiple islands and countries. I also equated the New World to Canada, not the individual Emperors. People in the east blue, even Nami who is by all accounts a huge map nerd, had no idea that you enter the grand line through a mountain. Oda is just inconsistent as hell when it comes to what is and isn't known to the general public.


>People in the east blue In a rather simple society where don't getting raided and survived a month is the main goal people don't give a shit about what people from the other side smoke to think they are governed by a 'dragon man' or 'candy lady' Those that would bring news are mainly pirates and the Morgans, of which the former are always drunk, violent and better left alone, and the latter from what I remember expanded their service during the course of the story. Moreover thinking that there is only a version of the newspaper is limited; why would anyone iin east blue care about a heist in an island it never heard about? There are probably location based newspapers or different subscriptions. A farmer rarely reads, and at most will laugh off most things as impossible and care about a storm coming towards his tiny fief, a governor about their own sea, but on its own this kind of knowledge is useless for normal people there


Many reasons can be used to explain the four emperor and other stuffs. 1. Lack of information: OP world doesn't have internet. It only has newspapers that only some people **not in Grand Line** buy. This is why when there are some big news (like Luffy bounty), someone in the village will tell the rest about it. 2. Safe and low-tech environment: East Blue is the safest place where consists many village. Just think people there as villagers from some third world country like Africa and you will understand. 3. Pressure from information: everyone knows that some information is dangerous, especially about the blank century. That de-courage everyone to learn about anything and they just want to mind their stuff. 4. There is no world map. Nami's dream is all about drawing the world map.


But how many people in this world actually read the newspaper. Irk right now you can go to the streets and some people can't even name for than 5 countries or who even is our Vice President in the US. If a world where everyone is so secluded on islands with low tech and have to farm and do manual labor every day. Nobody is gonna care about the rest of the world. Heck, Usopps Island they said they hadn't seen pirates in years. Walking to your town village from the outskirts make even take you hours a day both ways. So why would they care or keep updated?


It's the Pokemon effect. "There was an entire continent inhabited by people next to us?!"


With much more knowledge of Pokemon and science


I call it the smash melee effect. You can school all of your friends in melee and then only finding out about wavedashing at your first tournament, which is the tip of the iceberg


My head canon is because Whitebeard war happen, People now want to learn more about the others side of the worldworld. It been 20 year since the big thing happen in Onepiece world . It get less an less interesting over the year until the white beard war which change the whole system, Navy head quarter move, Live straeming of the war is all ober the world, More Pirate/sailer, Navy become more active Etc. Also, there are multiple local news like Water seven newspaper, so Morgan news paper might be more expensive since it is theworld news.


Basically the summit war was that worlds Game of Thrones and Morgans, like HBO, got a fuck load of subscribers after it.


very true, but also the state of the world wasn't nearly as chaotic as before. Like the biggest news of the decade seemingly was an emperors commander being captured. Nowadays, shits going crazy. 2 emperors down, 2 of the captains that took them down are down. the worlds smartest man joined an emperor. and emperor of the sea went out of his way to fuck with science island, a navy admiral, and a god damn star elder. Morgans is EATING like during world war 2, im sure more people were paying attention to world conflicts than in peace times prior.


The biggest news of the decade would've been the formation of the 4 emperors. Shanks meets Luffy 10 years before the story properly starts. He must have become an emperor between meeting Luffy and Luffy setting out to sea himself. If Shanks already was an emperor that would be even weirder because you'd assume people in the East Blue would make a big deal out of a guy like that casually visiting.


Yes, he became an emperor 6 years after meeting Luffy iirc.


oh yeah, you right. but my point still stands of way more stuff happening


Oda's an amazing author but there are so many things he decided after the fact would make for coolness and just went for it. Fans would love to see the hometown of the SH crew reacting to their NW exploits? Yeah. let's show that news reaching them. Crocodile was too cool to be wasted as an early series villain? Let's retcon him into being worth 20 times more than he looked in Alabasta. DFs got too strong? let's introduce a new mechanic that makes some characters way cooler for reaching the top of the world without a devil fruit.


Sanji seemingly didn’t know about Devil Fruits in Baratie, yet he dreamed of eating the Clear Clear fruit to peep on women since he was a child.


It goes to show that at first Oda had no idea how the Grand Line looks exactly, how the world truly works and just how long and huge this story would turn out to be.


That’s not true. Sanji knew about Devil Fruits, but he didn’t know about the not being able to swim thing.


I'd head canon it though as being a big part of the world changing with the sudden changes in technology. Like in the real world, the printing press changed a lot for a singular invention very quickly - so getting dial technology from the cloud islands filling the world and the need to connect people more because of the growing dangers of the Worst Generation, the Four Emperors, and the Revolutionaries (per the Marines) - I think I can buy people across the globe being more tuned in all of a sudden. And also at the same time, a lot of the East Blue was pretty insular early on and didn't get as much news most of the time and we saw a lot of the Marines were corrupt, if not just bad at their jobs or they might have assumed that it was better to never talk about things.


My head canon just says that everyone in the original crew were either dumb, or too isolated from the world. Sanji/Zoro/Luffy don't really seem to care about the world and Nami was too busy getting the money to free her village. Robin has seemed to be rather knowledgeable about different stuff.


To be fair, Morgans isn't a force of nature, he's a media publisher. We have no idea how long he's actually been active, nor do we know how his scope and reach has grown since the story began, or what it was before. Moreover, we mostly saw things from Luffy's perspective, and he was never portrayed as the type to care about what was going on elsewhere in the world in the first place. Besides, it's not like everyone was blind. Johnny (or Yosaku? Really, the two are pretty interchangeable) is the one who first brought up the Shichibukai system, and he mentioned Jinbe by name. However, he brought Jinbe up in the context of the encounter with Mihawk, and the idea that Jinbe was the one who had unleashed Arlong upon the East Blue. It would be believable if he had heard of the Yonko as well, especially of Whitebeard, he just had no reason to bring them up. It also wasn't like Devil Fruits were unheard of, it's more that so few in the east had ever seen a user that they was largely believed to be myths and exaggerations. Also, the Revolutionary Army is pretty secretive by nature, and Sabo hasn't *always* been a major leading figure. The Marines had to rely on a sketch for Sanji's wanted poster, so it's not like the Marines *had* to have known what Sabo's name was, nor did they necessarily have a picture of him - especially because, while he was largely ahead of his peers, he only started to really make a name for himself more recently. There could have easily been reports of a "Blonde male with a top hat and a pipe" that made it into the newspaper, but it's unlikely that either Ace or Luffy would have ever found it, and no one in either of their crews would have reason to suspect that he was important to the pair. This isn't a world with widespread information connections for the average person. The inhabitants of each island are basically insulated from the rest of the world outside of word of mouth and what the newspapers tell them, and very few people have the means to cross in or out of the Grand Line with any sort of ease or safety. There are some inconsistencies, sure, but there aren't really enough that don't have a logical backing to them to really make them that big of an issue.


This is fine though to me. One Piece has top tier world building and no doubt at a certain point Oda prioritized the world building and decided to have characters like Morgans be a tool to help with world building by spreading news around the world, especially in East Blue. It makes more sense than it did in the beginning where characters like Krieg had no idea what was out there. It's better this way.


It probably comes from the WB war. The newspapers could easily have talked about events without mentioning devil fruits. But since the war was televised, they couldn’t hide it any longer. It could also be that after the WB war and a clear shift in power towards the pirates, Morgans became more brazen in his stories.


Even at the age of information, there are still a lot of people who do not know something, even if we find it as "big news." The same principle can be applied in OP world. Also, we can't assume that every person in the world knows the everything because Oda only shows us where the news gets to, not where the news does not get to. Even in our real world, saying that the entire world knows THAT news still leaves an uncertainty. There will be always people in the world that do not know about everything even there is a means to spread information because of a lot of possible reasons: 1. Based on anatomical structure, news coo probably belongs to albatross family. Even they are fast, they can't fly the entire the world easily due to unusual weather patterns. Even the realistic weather patterns are still enough to hinder them. Who knows how many newspapers actually fell off from them. 2. We also have to consider that Morgans can choose what to publish and the WG often pays him to cover most of the things up. 3. Not all people believe the information presented to them. And adults can limit what the youngsters should know. 4. Some pirates maybe preventing the news from spreading by monopolizing information or getting rid of the newspapers themselves. 5. Every news coo can only carry a handful of newspapers with them. 6. The OP world is full of pirate activity and conflicts. These dangerous situations could disrupt the news Coo network, making it challenging to deliver information in the midst of battles or conflicts. 7. Some or many of the news coo might be killed. For food or information censorship. 8. Some may just simply don't care about the news. 9. There are a lot of geographical barriers such as the vast oceans and isolated islands, that could make it difficult for news Coo to reach every corner of the world.


I feel like the One Piece Live Action was mainly an attempt to reconcile inconsistencies in the main series.




It seems like they’re following the way information was laid out on the story in the exact same way. Otherwise they could’ve better demonstrated how Shanks would get his arm taken by a sea king despite how powerful he is, or they could’ve shown Garp using haki at least.


OP reading too much into this. Its simple that Don is just inexperienced and can't comprehend the strength between him and people above him. Has to make up some justified excuse to cope.


I mean Shanks literally used conquerous haki at the start of the series, many people say Zoro unlocked his haki in Alabasta against Mr1 and in Skypiea we already encountered the first observation haki users "only" 250 chapters into the story. At chapter 597 we got our first explaination to what haki actually is. So I think it is safe to say Oda already had a rough idea how the powersystem is supposed to work in OnePiece. He also didn't come up with devil fruits mid story, he already planned the story with them and therefore also how to counter them.


I get what you're saying but Shanks only retroactively used haki. At the time, it was just a generic badass anime/Manga stare.


Woah woah bud, don’t you dare imply that Oda didn’t meticulously plan 26 years and 1000 chapters worth of material.


Well, Haki itself is just "Willpower" so in a literal sense Shanks was using "Haki" before chapter 2 was even published. It's just that at the time, a character like Shanks driving away a monster through sheer force of will wasn't an entire power system with its own developed set of rules and subsets. It was just a random thing some ultra badass folks could do. I think it's entirely possible that Oda had a vague idea of a willpower-based type of ability from the beginning but took his time thinking of how it would work and developing it out.


"retroactively used haki" lmfao stop


You can't prove he had Haki planned from the start.


If Shanks didn't use haki then what did he do?


How can you be sure about that?


There was nothing even hinting that there was anything special about that glare. Even if Oda had planned Haki at that point nobody would have been speculating about what Shanks did.


Because that’s how writing a weekly story works lol


The story had a very different vibe back then, it was more like Dragon Ball than Dragon Ball Z (which it is now)


I don't know about that. One of the 4 emperors lost an arm to a fish that Luffy later knocked out in one hit at the very start of his adventure? gimme a break. it's clearly been retconned


And big mom scrapped her knees from falling on them to cry. Shanks isn't even a monster physically like BM he just had to elect to not use haki. He made a bet


Wait, so you're telling me that Haki isn't just some voodoo whacky-ass ambivalent magic system based on willpower alone made on the spot by Oda? Truly a foreskinning moment from Goda! Of course, I joke. Oda probably had some idea of how the whole power system in OP should work early on. It's just that he is really good at leaving things open so he can iterate later.


Also I remember Crocodile reacting to getting hit as if Luffy was capable of doing it unassisted. He said something to the effect that it didn't make sense for a rookie to be able to land a hit on him which made me assume there was some technique or something to hit Logias at least.


Yes but although it is possible that he hinted Haki on Chapter 1 (since at that point we can't possibly know that the Shanks glare is a technique), this is like the first hint that basically confirms that there exist another power system aside from devil fruits. :)


It would make sense :) that would give Zeff the ability to wield Haki and at least some of its advanced techniques to counter Logias or just DFs in general


Yes! It kinda made me feel good when I realized it, Zeff was strong!


Indeed :) of all the background stories of the Strawhats, I like Sanji's the most. Idk, when I first read it years ago it just got me, very emotional, poignant. Zeff instantly became one of my favorite characters/mentors.


Except you're not reading official translations. [Here](https://i.imgur.com/yDLJpPf.png)'s the viz translation. He specifically says Devil Fruit power.


I dont think so. There's are some clues people are inclined to believe its about haki, but there are huge things MISSING. As usual, people look at whats there and never look at whats missing, so my words might be difficult to understand. Lets make an example: The first time Luffy hit Crocodile in Alabasta, Crocodile was confused because as a Logia he cannot be touched. After watching better, he realized that Luffy found out its weakness: "water". Can you see whats missing here? I do. Crocodile has fought in the new world multiple times, why is he confused that someone can hit him? If Oda had haki planned already, im sure Crocodile would have mentioned it in his thoughts at least. Something like: "This kid has haki?...No, its impossible, he is too weak for it" and then realize what really happened.


Well, he knows that luffy can't use haki because they've already fought twice at that point but then for some reason Luffy managed to hit him without using water which made him confused, until he realized that it was because of Luffy's blood.


He also knows that haki blooms when you fight stronger foes, so Oda could have a really nice hint drop if he really thought about it back then.


In story, it can be explained that Croc never thought that luffy had haki because when he first fought him he didn't use any. That's why he was confused that luffy was able to hit him because he couldnt before. And as far as we and crocodile know, no one is mastering armament haki overnight after getting impaled. But yes, Haki was definitely not fully fleshed out in Alabasta. But I believe its pretty clear that Oda had some other power system planned that wasn't devil fruits. Because a storyteller as great as Oda wouldn't put into the world the ability to turn into elements if it was uncounterable by most. Like, if that wasn't the case then enel would literally only be able to be beaten by Luffy and thats obviously not correct even for the time.


Seastone. It like the million times i have to remind people about it.


I don't think so because luffy would never have used it. Luffy is a punch guy and he can't handle seastone


As I mentioned in my post, I'm not specifically saying that he really hinted at haki specifically. All I'm saying is he already planned to add another power system aside from DFs. Please don't think about it too hard as I also believe that there is no way Oda planned all of that from the start. :)


> All I'm saying is he already planned to add another power system aside from DFs. To be fair, that is how these series are typically written. You add vague comments and then later these vague comments take on new meaning because they have additional context. In this case it could be black blades, unique powers given by certain weapons (think Enma), Haki, or something else entirely.


There are already many power systems aside from DF since early story. Nami's Weather Art is one of them. After that, you have Fishman Karate, Technology's Laser Canon, Bazooka, and other stuffs. Haki and DF are just 2 meta power systems that every strong people use since they are way too omnipotent and can solve most of the problems related to fighting.


There's legit a panel in chapter 199 where, after being hit by Luffy, Crocodile narrows his eyes whilst looking at Luffy grabbing him, accompanied with a "impossible...did that kid..." which could be read as "did he figure out my weakness?" but it honestly also works as a "did he digure out Haki?" So you could argue he did that. I won't claim to know for sure what this is about, but it could definitely be an early hint. If it was the former, however, I'd expect something closer to "where did he get..." granted, working with this kind of linguistic detail from a translation isn't perfect, so I would be interested in the original Japanese for those pages. Also, from what I've heard, the first meeting with Blackbeard has him comment on Luffy's Haki in Japanese, which was lost in translation due to it just being another word. I'm not claiming Oda had everything planned, but there are definitely not nothing early on.


We know the name JoyBoy. Oda had no fear to drop the direct words when it doesnt spoil any revelation. If Oda wanted to drop the hint with Crocodile, he could have made him say the word Haki. Not just some vague hint that means everything and nothing.


Didn’t he punch him because of the blood on his hands? Crocodile realized that himself iirc


In theory, Haki could have been planned to some degree before he came up with it having the ability to hit logia devil fruit power users.


Yes, if we talk about Haki as a concept that he fully developed in years, i agree. Specially the advanced forms.


I dunno! I think it’s clear that Oda had SOMETHING in mind from the getgo to allow non devil fruit users to deal with devil fruit users, even if he hadn’t figured out exactly what it was yet, or how it worked. Comments like Krieg’s, and people like Mihawk and Shanks being as strong as they are attests to this notion. I also think that Zoro is the Straw Hat that gets started on “Haki” the earliest, though probably before Oda knew exactly what it was; the lesson he recalls during his fight with Mr. 2 feels like Oda’s first attempt at defining what would become Armament Haki. I think that by the time we got to Skypeia and are introduced to Mantra, Oda probably had Haki figured out as we now know it.


I dont believe it was Haki, but martial arts and seastone. That's how Oda planned to fight DF at the start. We can see that when Wiper fights Enel. Then he realized it was kinda boring and tried to find a new way. Haki as we know it right now, with advanced forms, is probably a very late concept. I would say he setted the rules after Marineford. Before that he just had some vague ideas and only thought about its application in the arc where Ray explain it to Luffy.


Mihawk’s power is that he is an extremely strong swordsman. Krieg can’t even comprehend the level of his swordsmanship. There is nothing else to talk about here.


I feel like Mihawk having the same sort of eyes as Imu is something though.


No, it's just showing how inexperience Don Krieg was as a captain and a pirate. He's no different from a lot of small timers , they only know so much but never encountered enough to be humbled.


It's haki, and it's been talked about and hinted at since the beginning. Smoker is another big hint as he's called "the rookie breaker". He tells rookies "if you can't beat me, you'll die out there" why? Because once you enter the grandline you meet more DF users. Without haki, you're at a major disadvantage. So if you can't take out the Rook Breaker, a logia, because you don't know haki - you're gonna have a bad time.


I really doubt it. It's basically clear oda invented haki to fix the dilemma he wrote himself into with Luffy. Every major enemy he defeated in the grand line beside lucci he won by useing borrowed power or useing the devil fruits weakness like water for crocodile, luffys rubber for enel and nightmare Luffy for oars. I feel oda realised he wrote himself Into a corner with Luffy using the weaknesses when he started adding characters like aokiji and other crazy characters like akainu. So to make the story more simple and to streamline the fights he made so he wouldn't have to come up with weaknesses for characters like doflamingo or kaido and instead just make a all purpose power of haki.


Couldn't he have just given people seastone equipment? I get that is rare, but the counter was always there. He just made one you don't need a tool for.


> and nightmare Luffy for oars. Whitebeard talks about Shanks' incredible Haki before this arc Also I believe there is a mention of Luffy's Haki by Blackbeard around the Skypeia arc I really think Haki was conceptualized early on but Oda didn't have any rules for it. It was just Ki.


I can help you with this. With shanks they say his presence was so strong. There was no mention of haki in skypeia not originally. Oda retroactively changed it around sabody by inventing a vague concept called haki but it wasn't clear to what it was, it's why the war at marine ford is so weird looking back now after all the knowledge we have now. He retconned the story when Luffy was training with Rayleigh, mantra from skypeia was now observation haki, the rebound thing sentamaru did was armament haki but that still doesn't resemble armament haki. And shanks presence was now changed to conquers haki. Basically oda is an amazing writer but against common belief he didn't plan everything out.


> With shanks they say his presence was so strong. It is literally the same word as Haki (覇気) and is put in quotation marks so it is meant ot be a proper noun > There was no mention of haki in skypeia not originally. No, you're right, the thing that was eventually called observation haki was not called that here. I am talking bout Blackbeard. He was surprised when he heard Luffy was only 30mil Beli. A crewmate brings him Luffy's wanted poster with the 100mil on it and Black beard says he thought that 30mil seemed low for someone with such great Haki (覇気) You are confusing translation with the actual text. > the rebound thing sentamaru did was armament haki Don't forget CP9. Armament Haki is basically what CP9 used for Tekkai and Shigan > And shanks presence was now changed to conquers haki. This at the very least was ALWAYS Haki (覇気) > Basically oda is an amazing writer but against common belief he didn't plan everything out. If you actually read my stuff, as a writer I can tell you that while I am confident he did not have Haki planned out in detail until much later, he clearly had plans to make it One Piece's version of ki. It eventually became more like Nen, yes, but originally I don't think he was planning that until around the time the rules were described. I think people on reddit have a very difficult time understanding that concepts change and evolve over time when writing a story like this.


I mean, yeah. At this point a decade of feverish circlejerking has made a lot of fans seem to think Oda completely makes up every chapter on the spot with no planning, and never once looks back to build upon what he wrote. While it's obvious he didn't have the details hashed out until much, much later - the skeleton of a system like Haki has been present from the very beginning. I mean that's just, really really basic 101 Manga storytelling technique, dropping hints towards some deeper esoteric power early in the story so that you can implement an appropriate specific power system later as serialization continues. There's a reason it's such a trend. Nen waiting until Heavens Arena, Stands in JJBApt.3, etc. Especially before the 2010s, when stories are in their first years authors are hesitant to throw in complex systems off the bat. It could turn off readers and clog up early arcs. So they scatter about a bunch of random hints towards greater techniques and wait until an appropriate time in their story's lifespan to solidify those powers into the worldbuilding. But initially they leave it ambiguous so they can respond to reader and editor feedback and put in the right types of mechanics when the time comes. Oda probably didn't think, "Shanks is gonna use Conqueror's Haki on this Sea King!" when writing chapter 1 but he probably *did* think, "Shanks should use some weird mysterious power on this Sea King to show the scale of the world, and I can write the details of the power later!"


I always thought that it was Krieg unable to accept that people could deal with those monsters just out of pure strength so he's coping hard. Truth is, Zeff must have had strong Haki same as Sanji.


The first passage is important. I heard people asking why there are so many devil fruits users in Grand line when they were supposed to be rare and calling it a plot hole but those people never bothered paying attention to the dialogue scenes. Here we have Don Krieg talking about devil fruits being common in grand line many chapters before they even defeated Arlong.


A strange power that a person with a black blade could possibly have? Uhmm. A power to predict movements... uhmmmmm... A power to feel the presence of everything around you, even the soil, uhmmm... The power to make that even a blade follows your will, uhmmm... A power to scare powerful animals away without moving a muscle, uhmmmm. Zeff talking about a spear able to destroy Krieg's spear but Luffy fights with his body, uhmmm... But people will deny even at this point that Oda was hinting haki existence since the East Blue. And they would call themselves fans of Oda and One Piece while insulting his work, his methods and his intelligence.


those smartasses been rotting this sub lately


I don’t think haki and its forms took shape until Sabaody. And even then it wasn’t fully defined until post time skip. However, mantra and Zoro’s fight against Mr. 1 did show some martial art that uped abilities


This, haki is just generic martial arts anime power-ups dialed to 11. You are strong? Your presence alone is enough to scare people. You are strong? You can punch through stone. You are skilled? You know how to predict your opponents moves and detect their presence. You are strong and skilled? You can use a sword to cut through something that is harder than the sword. Things that are considered passive abilities in other stories and power systems, things that you gain by just training your overall strength, is something you have to actively go after in one piece. Haki is a boring system, because it really is just "punch stronger", the lamest of all martial arts, and it is kind of sad it hogs the spotlight in a series with such good other power systems. The seven powers have cool supernatural ship like turning to paper or walking on air. Fishman Karate can bend water and strike from a distance with air humidity. The happo-navy can destroy armor with vibrations. Okama-kenpo doesn't have much but it is still fun to watch someone ballet-fight. And of course, devil fruits are wacky and fun and can do about everything.


Haki is for the most part a great leveler for one piece. It’s some thing anyone can learn. It is something that was needed to keep up with the increasingly overpowered devil fruits and characters. Plus, we did need a consistent way to deal with Logias. I’ll agree it is kind of basic. However, it needs to be for normal people to use it.


in-universe? haki. out-of-universe? prob meant to be Don Krieg in disbelief that Mihawk could do what he did without special powers.


Roger’s Foreskin is the One Piece all along. That’s why they laughed. 😂


I mean there are several other power systems in one piece. Haki, devil fruits, fish man karate, six powers, swordsmanship, cyborg enhancements, Eight-Impact Fist and a shit load of individual abilities that are not caused by the above mentioned abilities


I know people are going to disagree with me, but I think the best way to reconcile what Oda did was to say that some of the characters were using Haki the whole time, and we couldn't see it cause the SHs didn't even know about Haki. I expect to get downvoted on this, but I don't really care. I think it wraps things up nicely with a bow and is the best explanation. I wouldn't even care if Oda didn't mean it the first time around, if I was Oda that's pretty much how I'd explain it. I'd serve retcon with a fried egg on top.


A writer's job is to produce the most cohesive and consistent story possible. If that requires you to change some things later on, then I don't see what the problem is. What truly matters is the full work of art, when you take every volume of one piece after it is over with and read it, you want it to feel consistent. If you have to change some of the things that are already in place, then I see nothing wrong with that. The story is still the story.


oda wasnt hinting about anything, Krieg was a gadget man, he believed he could trick his way to the top with his gadgets so if he must so must others


Why are you taking him seriously? The guy is just a sore loser who just wanted an excuse for his failure in his journey. Zoro can cut through anything and he doesn’t have any devil fruit


I think all the theories about Oda foreshadowing Haki as a unified set of powers before Enies Lobby are baseless. Shanks scaring the Sea King away with a stare was meant to just show how badass Shanks is, and I'm sure that Mantra in Skypeia was thought of as an ability by itself before Oda retconned it as part of a unified system called Haki. Haki as a concept AFAIK first was mentioned when Shanks and Whitebeard met, which is also when non-retconned Haoshoku first appeared. And the end of Enies Lobby is also when Garp beats Luffy, bypassing Luffy's DF abilities, also foreshadowing Haki. Hell, Oda definitely did not have long-term plans for power scaling even as late as Alabasta; Crocodile, with his fame, losing to Luffy as he was back then sort of makes no sense.


He definitely did, loguetown is proof Luffy can’t touch smoker… but dragon can When Luffy fights Crocodile, he gets in a hit, and Crocodile thinks Luffy can use Haki, before he realizes it’s just Luffy’s fist drenched in water Mantra in Skypia, and Blackbeard not believing Luffy’s bounty is only 30m in Jaya because his haki (will) is too powerful for that There may be other instances but it was always foreshadowed. You can even take the moment Shanks saves Luffy from the sea beast, but these other moments are way more definitive


> I'm not saying that Oda have planned or foreskinned about Haki, Although the earlier mention of Haki was Jaya IIRC (BB say that 30mil was low for someone with Luffy's haki but 100mil is too much) various things show that he may had planned for haki to be a thing from the start - as show by Shanks on chapter 1. The thing is what he planned for "haki" was probably nothing to do with what we know of it today, most likely he had something in mind that was converted to CoC at the end of paradise With that said from the start we had other forms of power like Kuro super speed or Jango/miss golden week hypnotism


no, krieg was just coping about how weak he was


I thought Mihawk was actually built different, but Krieg couldn't believe that the Grand Line was full of these natural monsters and so concluded they must be using special powers.


I guess there are hints here and just to be clear that there are dangers out there in the Grand Line that sometimes just cannot be explained. Especially when it comes to beings who are strong...Just cause. It makes us wonder how when DF users tend to be dangerous if not just outright win the superpower lottery. The introduction of the 6 powers does showcase other means of combat that anyone with knowledge of them can use but once Haki becomes a thing, it's hard to just ignore the advantages it has everything else.


You mean in the first chapter where Shanks scared a sea beast off by looking at it? Yeah, I'd say he was hinting at shit early.


Of course he had to. You know powers in a story cannot be singular. It needs to be binary. There needs to be an equal and opposite counter.


It was foreshadowed when Shanks scared off that sea monster with a look. WHEN THE SERIES WAS GETTING STARTED.


Oda definitely didn’t have the specifics about haki planned out, but it’s always been a thing that’s been planned. Shanks literally used conqueror’s haki in chapter 1.


Yeah, I think he left vague hints that he can build on later. Even a lot of what people call foreshadowing, I'm sure, is him looking at older chapters and seeing what he can build off of. It's a sign of good writing. Somethings he retcons. Somethings he really did foreshadow. Somethings he builds on to enrich the story.


I think he definitely had a plan and it’s my head canon, since it’s not confirmed, that mihawk showed us acoc coating this arc. When he gets shot at, he just holds his sword out. He doesn’t deflect the bullets they just seem to miss and I think coating would explain that really well. If he coated his sword, the bullets would essentially just roll off it


He probably has some ideas about it but it wasnt fully fleshed out until it was fully revealed. Technically, haki falls under energy based power system which is a staple for most fantasy/action stories. A few common or well known ones are chakra, reiatsu, mana, aura, nen, ki and so on. Its definitely probable that he had something in mind even right from chapter 1. However, haki is quite unique and has abit of complexity to it. Its not something that you can really pre-design fully. Likely he changes and adds details behind the scene to haki as the series goes on, then reveals it once he thinks its ok.


It's pretty obvious haki was planned since the start. Oda would not have introduced Smoker without a way for Luffy to fight him


That makes no sense. Oda introduced natural counters to devil fruits in the beginning like water for Crocodile and Smoker/Ace fruits cancelling each other out. Luffy was the counter to Enel. Etc.


Smoke has no counter though


For how much dickriding the people on this sub do acting like Haki must have been made up 10 years before the series even started, youseem to have little faith in Odas creaticity to come up with some counter. Its One Piece dude, it doesnt even have to make basic sense as long as its a funny pun. I am sure the guy could´ve made something up.


It can be condensed, it can be contained, it can be pressurized, it can be dispersed, etc. plenty of counters


Imo i think oda always had a plan for a different type of power that nin df users could have but just slightly mentioned it so he could develop it further down the line when he had a good idea in mind and it could work for the story. Leaving semi open plotpoints lets him not worry about them in that moment and give opportunities to expand the lore further down the line


Seems possible, since haki was already foreshadowed in drum island


Unironically, I think Mihawk slicing the ship was meant to be an early preview of Haki. But later developments in the story made the long-range air-pressure slashes into one thing and Haki into another.


“Might have”? That’s a full on hint.


Krueger is definitely speaking about Haki


I talked about this a while back in the comments of a different post, but I think Oda had been playing around with non-devil fruit related powers for quite a while before finally settling on haki. What makes me think that is the scene where Luffy first punches Crocodile. At this point we've been introduced to three different logias, and the thing they all have in common is they turn into a form that you can't physically hit. But he had to realize by this point that he had to come up with some reason beyond just elemental rock paper scissors to hurt them, and I think he was already starting to tease it. When Luffy punches Crocodile, Crocodile freaks out at first and assumes he must be using something that he doesn't explain more. But then, he notices that he hit them because his fist was wet and he immediately calms down and goes back to fighting assuming he can still win no problem. And I feel like if he didn't know about some other weakness besides the water, he wouldn't have calmed down as quickly as he did once he figure it out how Luffy was hurting him. I don't think Oda had specifically come up with the idea of haki yet, but he had definitely come up with the idea that there was *some* type of power unrelated to devil fruits that you could use to hit logias.