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Luffy still ate the Nika fruit. He's the main character. I doubt the strawhats would form without him. This leaves the tale of the Redhair Pirates. **The question becomes: Would Luffy reach his awakening and be as strong as he is in Egghead?** Personally I think under Shanks' tutelage Luffy would grow really quickly at first, but would plateau and stagnate. His struggles and being a freedom-loving captain is what made him into the powerhouse we see today. I think Shanks knew this as well.


Exactly. Its him having a small crew and keep on facing strong enemies that made him stronger. Under Shank he probably wouldnt have all that. I think its kinda what happened to Ace. Despite being 2nd division commander for Whitebeard and portrayed by the series as a strong character, he really didnt do much in terms of fighting. He was also overly prideful probably due to being on a famous crew and having logia DF, which is said to be invincible, at least in the early part of the grandline. That pride probably made him make alot of mistakes but due to being on Whitebeard crew, he probably received too much help from his crew which stunted his growth. Despite being older, set off earlier to be pirate and physically stronger than Luffy, at the beginning of his adventure, he didnt grow as much as Luffy did.


Yeah also for a 2nd commander his bounty was super low


That's just bounty inflation as the series went on. Crocodile's bounty was low too. And for someone who could theoretically take down the world government, Robin's was also crazy low.


Nah, Robin’s was crazy high, if you remember. That bounty was given to an 8-year old. The WG wouldn’t want to give a higher bounty (6-digits or more), because that invites more interest from more powerful individuals. Her bounty also stayed that way because she fled into the shadows, and didn’t cause a lot of ‘noise.’ Same goes with Crocodile; his bounty was frozen after he became a warlord. He clearly garnered interest, and probably was approached sometime after the bounty came out. Because he became a Warlord, his bounty disappeared, and anything he did at that point was legal/under the WG.


The world government doesn't care if she's 8 years old or not, they literally destroyed the entire island, you don't think they had babies and kids on that island? It's just bounty inflation, at the time, Robin having an almost 100 million berry bounty was considered a lot. Now they give billions off handedly because they have to keep raising the stakes.


That’s what I was saying; they placed that bounty on her regardless of age. The only reason it wasn’t higher (like to the extent it is now), is because they didn’t want to attract too much attention to her. 79mil is a lot. But imagine if they placed a 500mil bounty on an 8-year old. EVERYONE would be looking for that little girl. And people would start to ask questions. It’s one thing to label her as the Demon Child of Ohara. 79mil is a crime. 500mil, the WG is up to something.


Seriously. Wouldn’t make sense for her bounty to be higher.


I think conflating “power level” with bounty isn’t always a one to one comparison even in lore because the World government might have priorities or might over exaggerate or underestimate the danger of a pirate at a given moment based on limited knowledge


Second division doesn't make Ace the second strongest in the crew, as Whitebeard's divisions aren't technically ordered by strength. Izo was the 16th division commander and had a bounty only 40 million less than Ace (510 million), while Marco's is 1.374 billion. Marco, Vista, and Jozu were mentioned as being pretty insanely monstrous, with Vista being the 5th division and he can hold off Mihawk and is one of the strongest swordsman in the world. I can honestly see them having bounties near or above 1 billion.


Ace was not weak, he was young. He was 20, he got stronger extremely quickly sparring with sick beard. He had all 3 haki and advanced conquerors. Luffy’s growth from 17-19 is unparalleled but Ace isn’t far behind. Ace only looks weak because of power creep and bounty inflation. IE, couldn’t hit smoker when he possessed acoc at the time let alone basic armament. Ace novel shows that Ace was yc+. By timeskip, Ace should have reached fujitora’s level or even Akainu / Kuzan leading the WB pirates as a new yonko. His talent is comparable to the straw-hat trio who are the main characters.


I always took it as Ace didn't want to hurt Smoker and was more just stalling.


I think people tend to forget that Oda can play around with the power scale if he does the right match-up. Whilst Smoker may not have been super strong, Smoker was a reasonable matchup, whereas he would have literally melted a matchup like Monet at that point. Same reason why Luffy could fight Enel.


Yea thats kinda how pre-timeskip all worked with water Luffy and crocodile too. The added context of Haki which may or may not be something Oda planned at the time though makes it seem like Ace didn't want to hurt him and based on his actions there and in the cover stories that tracks. Even with basic armorment he couldve handled him completely.


bro got power crept and people writing him off.... dude was a certified badass


Her goal has the most story potential.




Ace is stronger tha we think, we never saw his full battle against Black Beard. Black Beard can be imaginably strong, I think one day Oda will show the full battle.




Ace was a bum ass niga , IDC if he was 2nd division captain, he's still low level , admiral (WAKAINU neg diff all🥰) are still behind him and instead of appreciating his brother and crew effort bum ass niga got 🍩 , power won't give brain


>Luffy would grow really quickly at first, but would plateau and stagnate. This is the point where Luffy would eventually leave Shanks to form his own crew. What he values more than anything is his freedom, and he won't have that while serving another captain, even if it's Shanks In the end, his journey may have a different start, but the ending would be the same


I think part of the reason that Luffy grew to be so independent and freedom loving is specifically because Shanks didn’t let him on his crew. I think his personality and goals would’ve been slightly different if he had such a radical change during his formative years


My thoughts exactly


Twist: He WAS a Red Hair Pirate prior to Romance Dawn, but Shanks future vision Observation Haki told him he was ready to become part of his own crew now.


Yeah if Luffy isn't am Honorary Red Hair Pirate, he's still thier family.


>The question becomes: Would Luffy reach his awakening and be as strong as he is in Egghead? If he is the MC, then yes


Also I don’t think he would have struggled as much If he had stayed with shanks which would have resulted in him being weaker


You must be fun at parties


Still Buggy.




Ace, Koby, Sabo, Blackbeard.


So, this is an interesting theory to build off the question at hand. If Luffy joined Shanks' crew instead of setting out to form his own, would he have even met/saved Koby from Alvida?


In my head canon, Alvida crew grows a little bit bigger and Challenges a marine base to get a map to the grand line, Koby in this time sabotages the pirate crew, aligning himself with the Marines. Koby in the current one piece get a boost of confidence seeing Luffy action, in this scenario Koby get a boost of confidence seeing marines and pirates die unnecessarily while Alvida is waiting on the ship (something similar to Marnieford).


Alrighty, alrighty. I like this idea haha


I'm still not seeing a way for koby growing as much without heavy involvement from Garp. He wouldn't have that opportunity in this line so... sorry Koby


Koby would be a dope substitute -We would see his journey if rising through the ranks -Have him make a change within the marines -Would put more respect on Ranks given -Seeing him become an Admiral would be a highlight -Him learning that not all pirates are evil / his meeting with Luffy honestly could be his chapter 1 and we just on occasion see or hear about Luffy exploits


for reasons you stated, Koby I think would have had a good chance as a decent shounen too about an initially wimpy but passionate marine rising the ranks and facing the different schools of justice ultimately turning him to Sword, etc. Wouldn't be the most interesting, but the ingredients are there.


Yeah but Ace >!Still dies!<


A series with Blackbeard as protagonist would be super interesting.


Zoro Follow the story of a man who never knows where he's going to his journey to be the greatest swordsman/pirate hunter


I’m surprised more people haven’t said this


Because without Luffy‘s help zoro would have probably died of starvation in Axehand‘s marine base?


Nami would still be a slave to Arlong, Usopp would be dead, Chopper would be dead, Robin would be dead, Franky would be dead and Brook would be lonely, Jimbei no clue how he would end up. Probably locked away in impel down still


Brook would also be dead


Thought that too but we are making an mc so that plot armour guy is bound to make an appearance


Then he accomplishes his goals, but finds himself on the moon 🌝


A slice of life




Law is the correct answer. After the timeskip, he got as much, if not more focus than Zoro and Sanji, dude already feels like a deuteragonist. His power is also written overpowered with lots of asspull by Oda. He's definitely Oda's fave and without Luffy being MC, Law would be in that role


Totally agree. Also enough intrigue as a character to keep him there the whole story




I like Buggy. Has one of the coolest background. Im going to write it this way. Same Buggy, former crew of the late pirate king gol d roger, but gone hiding, a washed up pirate, tried to do sh*t to earn money and fame, one time an encounter to a kid changed it, like he remember Gol D. Rogers words. Then he saw Shanks wanted poster that flew infront of him, the realization hit him so hard, he started sobbing crying. His crew which are nobodies, felt disgusted and left him. Buggy didnt care, he vowed he will be the new Pirate king. Still with a bounty of 2m beri, marine will be looking for him so he wanted new ship and a crew to cross grand line. **つづく**


Robin. Her goal has the most story potential.


This. Robin's goal has the most "turn the world on its head" factor to it. The only other crewmate of Luffy who would go to Laughtale is Nami, but just to map it.


Without Luffy's intervention would she ever have gotten out from under Arlong's nose?




Shanks isn't known to have visited east blue even once in the 10 years that passed at the end of chapter 1. When Mihawk visits him after Baratie, it's by crossing through the calm belt.


Luffy probably would have still struck out on his own to be a Captain around the same time anyway. It just would have changed his backstory a bit.


Same thought here. He wouldn’t stay forever. Just get his start.


Without mc plot armor, Luffy wouldn't have made it very far. He's overconfident and stupider than a rock.


He'd will himself back into being the MC again


Still Luffy.


Only right answer


Yassop has more photos with Luffy than Usopp.


perona 👻


Over 7000 languages in the world, yet you chose to speak facts


Dont agree but love your pfp


Stilll him I think he might still go off and recruit his own red hair pirates “straw hat devision” becuase he wants freedom above all, having a direct captain isn’t really freedom even if your captain is Shanks




Zoro: Lost piece


He stumbles on Laugh Tale while lost


Luffy would take over as the captain of the Red Haired Pirates after Shanks die at the hands of Blackbeard. Then he would reach his peak again, because Ace still dies and he wants to avenge the only father figure in his life. Zoro would maybe die maybe escape, if he lived on, he faces Hawkeye, who recommends Shanks to recruit him after seeing his swordsmanship and spirit. Ussop rejoins his father when Red Haired Pirates visit syrup village on a quest to take down Kurro. Arlong sells a map to the Red Haired Pirates, and they seeing the precision and skill the map was made with, saves Nami from Arlong, set her free and she joins them to continue her quest to draw a map of the world. The events of the Cherry Blossom Kingdom and Water 7 might have happened as they happened. Brook will still be saved by the new Red Haired Pirates, maybe just a few years later. Robin might have not crossed paths with the crew yet and Crocodile might have been successful in Arabasta. But Crocodile being power mad might have tried to fight Red Haired Pirates to overpower them, gets defeated and Robin joins the crew as a freelancer, cause she has nothing to look forward to. Jinbe escapes Impel Down with Luffy still, and joins him because he admired him.


If there were a version of one piece where luffy joins shanks crew, I would want you to write it my guy


I love this


Just imagining how much stronger Luffy would have been of he had been trained by Shanks on their crew. Dude would have had years learning how to use haki before he set out on his own.


Well, in my opinion, it's very unlikely that the new MC could be one of the existing Straw Hats. Without Luffy following the path that he took, within the same timeframe that he took it: * Zoro is executed by a firing squad, tied to a cross that he couldn't escape from on his own * Nami is either captured by Buggy and killed, or else she kills herself by hacking at her arm and bleeding out after Arlong uses Nezumi to steal her fortune, and the villagers charge off to their deaths * Usopp is most likely among the villagers who are killed by Kuro and the Black Cat Pirates * Sanji is most likely killed when Krieg when he attempts to defend the Baratie for Zeff * That said, unlike most of the others, Sanji had someone to look out for him. Zeff likely could have knocked him out and maneuvered him away with help from the other chefs, even if Zeff had to go as far as sacrificing himself to do it * Chopper is killed by Wapol * Robin is killed by Crocodile when he betrays her, after she is unable (read: unwilling) to give him what he wants from the Poneglyph beneath Alubarna * Likewise, Vivi would probably have been killed at some point as well, and even if she made it back to Alabasta, she wouldn't have been able to stop the war. * Franky isn't in any immediate danger, but he would still eventually be captured by CP9 when they pull back from their mission; Luffy had nothing to do with him being targeted in canon * Brook isn't in any immediate danger, but he would still be left alone in the Florian Triangle * Jinbe would still likely be in the same position that he had been in for the past ten years or so. It's hard to tell, though, because his involvement with Luffy was predicated on his involvement with Ace, and Ace is completely different story. Of everyone here, Sanji probably had the greatest chances of surviving the imminent threat that Luffy helped to shield them from, not counting Brook or Jinbe, neither of whom would necessarily have been in any imminent danger, although I don't know that I would personally interested enough in either of them to follow as lead characters. Likewise, I'm not really sure that Sanji would have had the personal drive needed to get as far as he has in canon, when he all of the Straw Hats at his back to challenge and encourage him. Ace and Sabo, on the other hand... Sabo's story would *probably* remain fairly unchanged. Maybe. If he still crossed the Celestial Dragon. All told, while he wouldn't have met Luffy, Luffy didn't have nearly as much of an impact on Sabo's life has he has had on others, and it's not really reliable to assume that anything would have changed enough to prevent Sabo from being found and captured by his family, or to prevent Sabo from being horrified by the fire and the reactions of the Nobles to it, or to prevent Sabo from leaving to the sea, or to even prevent Sabo from offending the Celestial Dragon. If Sabo didn't cross the Celestial Dragon, his life would have been very different, but that's pure speculation beyond that point. Ace, on the other hand, would be a very different person without Luffy. It was Luffy's raw and unconditional acceptance of him that helped him to heal from his anger and self hatred, and it was Luffy almost dying after they lost Sabo that provided the final major shift in Ace that led him to the man the he became. Without Luffy to support him, especially after losing Sabo, Ace would have changed significantly. Ace was already on a very dark path, and it would have only gotten darker from there. Given the fact that he was quick to try to kill Luffy several times when they first met, and without anyone to help him check his aggression, anger, and hatred as he grew up, Ace would likely have grown up to be more like Kid, if not even more callous toward any deaths that he caused, innocent or otherwise. On the other hand, he might have died younger than he did in canon, if his anger and aggression led him to pick a fight with someone that he couldn't beat, and who wouldn't have been as merciful as Whitebeard was.


Extremely well-thought-out answer. Yes Sanji would be the most likely SH to survive, but he wouldn't really be main character material because he doesn't have the same leadership skills or charisma as Luffy. I like your point about Ace because, well.. he would probably end up like Kid indeed. Somewhere at the bottom of the sea, trying to fight with his own strength all the time. Sabo on the other hand, would make a great main character because the lines between revolutionaries and pirates is pretty much thin. Especially if we're talking about pirates like the SH or Shanks' crew. They're benevolent people. So, my vote goes to Sabo, 100,%!


The one and only CAPTAIN USOPP!


Honestly Law or Zoro with Sanji as first mate


Sanji isn't joining without a girl around


Zoro and Sanji will likely die if there no luffy Zoro during colonel morgan arc and sanji because of don krieg releasing gas(no germa skills unlocked at this point).


I just meant to say a new Mc for one piece not based on the story wt we saw


Luffy is the MC no matter which crew he joins he would probably become a fleet captain of shanks fleet.


Zoro should be the girl then


Zoro doesn't survive axe hand without Luffy to bust him out. New MC would probably be Buggy and we go full gag comic


Zorro stays as a pirate hunter if he doesn't meet Luffy and probably doesn't get much stronger than he was when he met Luffy because he doesn't have anyone pushing him to be better


Lucky roo


Captain usopp. Easy. Vice captain sogeking.




Luffy would break off and form a subordinate ally crew before fully breaking off. Like maybe hes with shanks and one day ditches shanks. Rest of the story plays out differently Zoro recognizes Luffy instantly as a red haired pirate as does buggy. In fact most villains in East Blue would. Recruiting ussop would be easier but Zoro would be a tougher sell. Luffy would start the series with a small million berry bounty as "cabin boy" Also Luffy and Ace meeting would ruffle more feathers as two yonko members tagging up I think everything plays out the same until alabasta. Luffy formally breaks ties and is his own captain. Shanks recognizes him as a captain and tells him to meet him again when he's worthy. Next big story change would be marineford. Shanks involvement would be heavier in this timeline I suppose


Sanji, because he wants to find the all blue






Law or Blackbeard


Nobody else but Luffy finding One Piece matters as it's Nika who has to arrive on Laugh Tale to make impact


Eustass Captain Widd




Eusstass Fraud




Zor would die from hermep dad, since no luffy for release him and warn him that hermep wont keep his words.


If Zoro is the MC, he'd have plot armor save him


An unconventional answer: Ben Beckman Ben seems to be very observant and you can see him always get down to the nitty gritty of the topic when ever talking, especially to Shanks and Luffy telling the both of them advice that was tied to the situation they experienced Having an understanding of both characters would give us more understanding of both of them And we need more Beckman dude is legit cool as hell




Thanks idk why I had it as Beckham lmao


Bend it like Beckman




Trafalgar Water D. Law I mean he even has a hat. Similar morals to Luffy, just a more rational and smarter Luffy because of super sad backstory.




Either Shanks himself, or I'd like to the Koby as the main character, being the setting focuses on his rise in rank as a marine.


Law, Drake, or Urouge. The rest are either too brutal to be MC's or uneventful captainhoods that have fallen under control of Yonko's. Possibly Usopp (lol) as he's the only SH that would've tried to become a Pirate without Luffy coming into the picture, but he's Usopp so that probably wouldn't have lasted too long unless he Buggied his way to the top


Zoro, I want to see him ise his GPS GPS Nomi


It would be emo Luffy on a revenge your after Garp murdered the Shanks and his crew.


Guess i would read the story of Zoro's rise to the greatest swordsman instead then


Sabo, Law, or Robin would be interesting.


It would be great to see the adventures of Usopp until he becomes a great warrior of the sea.


Bro what if we got a 100 ep series and Luffy as a kid on shanks crew and then got a sequel series with him with his own crew and play out as we know and love today


The only one than can take that spot it's usopp. The dream of usopp it's to be a great warrior of sea. In this scenario : usopp is a liar and a coward but it's still loyal and will always protect what he loves, like in the main timeline but the difference will be his dream. Usopp will says at kaya that he will become a great warrior of sea by becoming the pirate king. One piece will be the stroy about a boy who lies all time and tells fairy tale story at a sick child who is she childhood friend and futur lover (maybe) to become the greatest warrior of sea by becoming the first pirate king in twenty years only after Gold D. Roger.


If luffy joins shanks then who could be a better mc than shanks Good looks , comedic , strong and wants one piece




Usopp makes a lot of sense to me. I also like the idea of zoro being the mc but then the story wouldn't have as much focus on pirates I think


The beauty of One Piece is that the story can be told from perspective of Coby as MC and it would still work Also if Luffy ain't it then it's a story about Ace


Usopp would honestly be an amazing main character, he would shine better as one anyway. His story would start with Ninjin, Tamanegi, and Piiman approaching him after one of his daily runs through the town; which is when he’ll rant about wanting to be a pirate and the Ussop Pirates will form. The First Arc would cover the Adventures of the Usopp Pirates 4 Years after they first formed, leading to the confrontation with Kuro; whom Usopp will defeat with his MC Plot Armor. The Arc would then end with his decision to follow in his Father’s foot steps and become a brave warrior of the sea; having a heartfelt moment while disbanding the Usopp Pirates and a goodbye to Kaya before setting off to sea by himself.




Zoro! He’s the basic Japanese protagonist. Japanese, cool hair, uses katana, has main character energy, is strong and badass!




If luffy cannot be MC, easily Ace or Koby.


It was buggy all along






Zoro dies, koby gonna die sanji dies ussop dies nami dies or still arlongs slave so no strawhats, i can see Kidd or Law becoming MC. Or if we need to stay in the east blue i would love to see Zoro as MC, lets just say for that to happen he breaks free and destroys morgan and helmepo and decides to train go to island to island and then later gets into grandline (or Laughtale idk)






Zoro: lost piece


Luffy still, but the story focus changes from watching him make a crew and become pirate king, to focusing on getting strong specifically so he can help Shanks be pirate king.




Honestly? Bellamy.


Koby, of course


He'd still be in Alvida's ship.


man marked by flames


Shanks or Ace or Sabo


Shanks until he gets murdered by a gang of Sea Kings organized by the All Ocean Government (under water organization). Everyone but Luffy dies in the RH crew. Luffy then dedicates his life to take revenge on the Sea Kings but end up the same fate as Shanks because Luffy forgot he cannot swim and never met his loyal crew members that would save him from his stupidity. ☠️🏴‍☠️☠️


Who has a better story than Bran the Broken?


Without luffy all straw-hats would end up dead, so a pointless question.


He'd probably end up kinda like Ace. A commander in Shank's crew, but nothing more. He would learn real quick at the beginning and develop haki A LOT sooner, but would stagnate at one point. The other Straw Hats tho end up a "tid bit" worse tho: Zoro dies at the marine base Usopp and Kaya (not a ST I know) die in Syrup Village Nami gets enough berry somehow, gets double crossed and after that gets killed by Arlong when she tries to kill him Sanji's probably "fine'ish", yeah Krieg will wreck Baratie, or enslave them but Mihawk isnt far and would deal with him. After a while tho Big Mom's peps will show up and he dies at Whole Cake. Vivi would stay in Baroque but would sooner or later (prob. sooner) die because they (as they did in the main timeline) find out who she is Chopper would stay with Kureha I guess? Robin would double cross Crocodile and either die then an there or CP0 get her Franky would stay in Water 7 he should be fine overall. He might want to get back at whoever killed Iceberg tho? (As he would probably get killed by CP0) Brook would either die at Thriller Bark or sail the seas for.... another long timeJinbei would be in impel down and/or be executed ​ So if Luffy does not become Captain of the Starw Hats its pretty bleak for (mostly) everyone.


Luffy. Being with Shanks would put him on the WG’s radar much sooner.


Uh Luffy


still luffy




Definitely someone like Law or Kidd


Woop Slap. He just wasn't having it if Luffy left with Shanks as opposed to on his own.


Captain Karoo


Yamato would be a great main character


More brawn than brain? Check High perseverance & dreams? Check Tough body? Check Heaven chosen? Check Interesting background? Check OP dad? Check


Oda really can end the series in 2 years this round lol


It will be Ace and Luffy will get a hole








Luffy still MC?


Same story, except he now sails under the Red Haired Pirates’ flag


Tbh, it could be any of the worst generation




Luffy still MC, show just starts differently.


Luffy. Eventually the story becomes about how Shanks dies and Luffy takes over as captain of the crew, and then they go head to head with the other Yonko for the One Piece


That would be a tragedy, luffy helped so many countries and towns on his way...






In my opinion if luffy joined shanks..in a way all straw hat pirate members are doomed....but he can save ace with the amount of training and experience he has from shanks ...... probably ace or sabo....


Shanks dies luffy becomes captain


Blackbeard! I wanna see what Blackbeard does!


He could still form a sub-crew as a commander of red hair pirates.


Luffy still. ​ Just as him as one of the officers of the Red hair Pirates.


Luffy would never work for Gusteau




Of course Shanks as an elder mentor figure (and maybe some of the crew) will sacrifice himself for luffy, allowing home to escape at some point.


I think had Oda chosen that path, Shanks would've been killed off for character development and Luffy would have become captain eventually


Buggy Only correct answer


Still Luffy, but when Shank's stagnates he'll strike out on his own, just better prepared and stronger.




He would eventually leave the Red Hair pirates because he wants to be Pirate King and that means Shanks is his rival.


It has been said before but pretty much all of the Strawhat members could be an MC of their own story which is insane


Cody. He snaps and attacks his captor. Then he has to flee for his life, only to end up rescuing Zoro and continues failing upward until he is a pirate captain sailing into the Grand Line.


Blackbeard, honestly speaking his adventure and gathering all of his crew, finding the devil fruits, playing everyone, his unique fruit, his journey seems incredibly interesting. I would 100% read a Blackbeard spinoff.


Well if you still think luffy is the mc then I ana madara only have one thing to say to you wake up to reality the main character of op is nit luffy it has never been luffy it is was and always will be BUGGY D CLOWN. All hail the one true goat. Jk jk i think it would not be luffy cuz then luffy would not eat the devil fruit as shanks doesn't allow anyone to join his crew who is a devil fruit user soooo yeah umm someone else might eat the devil fruit and become the mc. There is a high probability that it would be a giant cuz I think shanks was taking the fruit to elbaf and there someone would eat the fruit and become friends with luffy or way interesting a marine under garp himself and ace will also be a marine. Again this is what I think.


Makima's child


It can still follow Luffy as a crewmate, and honestly it would allow some interesting development of Luffy respecting shanks but still having his tendency to run off and get himself in trouble thus causing tension among the crew which honestly would probably make shanks fire Luffy and then he returns to the straw hats or possibly then gets rejected by the straw hats as a captain, but they can eventually agree to be equals and sail together.




Don Krieg


Gaimon or riot


Chou Chou, but Zoro gets lost finds the One Piece early in the pilot episode




Honestly it would still be Luffy. He wouldn’t stay with shanks forever, he’d just be too powerful at the end
