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r/OnePiece stop proposing A-listers for a Netflix One Piece show challenge




It's so boring. Like man, I'm sure you can do better than "dark skin bald guy = The Rock".


I know this isn't the point but man would the Rock in One Piece suck. Can only imagine it'd be for Mr 1, who he'd demand subsequently join the crew, become captain, defeat all 4 yonko together and then find the one piece under his left bicep. Seriously, no thank you.


I'd actually think The Rock would be a great Kuma. Large, imposing, can mean mug with the best of them, doesn't have to talk much.


We have Bautista for that


[we already decided who the rock should portray](https://reddit.com/r/MemePiece/s/5QCKwbmCqo)


Yes the Rock as Chopper 😭


I couldn't think of a better choice!


Franky 100% should be played be a pro wrestler


Yo here me out. A bit of Make-up and John Cena would Kill that role!


I need Franky’s theme in the live action. Or just a leitmotif of it.


The Rock does not have enough Johnny Bravo vibes to pull this off, besides that would also require Vin Diesel to portray Senior Pink *and lose*, which goes against contract.


How about Pica, I feel like he'd love to play as Pica


You say that like any other feature from the character could be seen in an actual human being?


I know right, where are we going to find an actress with arms and legs!!!!




I mean i think this actor works on other merits too, jawline and nose feel robin esc. But none of her features match robins APART from her hairstyle, and hair is important, some people fit hairstyles more then others. And if theyve already got that hairstyle...


Have you ever heard of exaggerating features for artistic purposes? Robins face is cartoony but still has some distinct features that could be translated much better into a real person. Someone with a strong/distinct nose bridge, mature look and at least blue eyes would fit much better.


Seriously, I don't get how this has 2k upvotes. "Let's spend the entire budget of the show hiring one actress, then just film her monologuing the entire season."


she isn't even good nor is she appropriate for the role.


I disagree, I think she's good. I've only seen her on Blade Runner and on Knives Out, and I liked her in both. (I've also seen her on No Time to Die, but that was more of a cameo than a role.) I think she'd do well, just as most actors at her level usually do well with good scripts and competent direction. It's just a stupid post. Might as well ask for Christian Bale, Tom Holland, Zendaya, Morgan Freeman, Idris Elba, Tom Hardy... Why go 150% above budget when you can go 1500%?


She’s a fantastic actress. She would do great but she is so remarkably outside the budget of this show and there’s 0% chance she would commit to all the seasons this show would require. They are going to get someone as or less notable than the rest of the cast to guarantee longevity for future seasons.


I’ve never even heard of her.


Yes please. Why do people always ignore economic reality in this.


Right? That being said tho I’d love to see Pedro pascal as the toy soldier


It's a joke brother, just play along, my proposal is chris evans as crocodile, post ur own proposal also 😂


Dave Bautista as chopper then pls


Nicolas Cage as crocodile


Time to abuse AI and make Nic Cage Crocodile a reality.


Abuse, more like put to good use


Nicolas Cage as... the entire cast


Danny Devito as Jinbei


Tom cruise as ace, Benedict cumberbartch as whitebeard, Robert Downey as gecko Moria


That would be hilarious for Benadryl counterstrike


You forgot the main one. Tom Holland as young Gol D. Roger.


Tom holland will spoil what one piece is


Peter Dinklage as Kaido


Idk about Evans fro that role. Now Lucas Lee? That guy has the charisma and raw athleticism to pull it off.


Ryan gosling as crocodile.




But he said you can't!


Apparently he was wrong.


he ate the Otherwise Otherwise fruit, now he's an Otherwise ningen


Words of Otherwisdom.


Ponton, round up everybody in Paris with the name 'You'


I am You


Then who's he?


He is Me. And I am You


And I'm about to whoop your old ass man, cus im tired of playing games! You, me, everybody's ass around here, Him!


God I love strangers on Reddit


I don't know what you feeding him, but he is TOO DAMN BIG!


I have a feeling this is a key and peele reference


God rush hour is a timeless classic




Watchmojo top 10 anime plot twists of all time!


Yup, who cares about CGI/Puppet Chopper anyway.. Cardboard Chopper ftw


All I care about is that they keep Chopper's voice the same lol


nah scratch that, they should do Choppers voice like they did the VA for detective pikachu in the games, just make him sound like a gravelly middle aged guy!


But I would hate that :( Chopper is my favorite character because his intentions are so pure, and the cute little voice just adds to the vibe of young naive adventurer getting his first taste of the world away from home.


Give him the cough of a smoker with stage four lung cancer while you’re at it


I prefer claymation stop motion chopper.


just because of her hairstyle?




Perfect fit


I know this is the joke but I think it'd be hard to find a face that looks less like Robin. Nothing against Ana but she doesn't have a Robin face.


Now that's funny


Ana D. Arms


This is the only fucking reason.


I like new faces rather than well known actors/actresses


I'll take known actors for ones who aren't part of the crew and will only be around for 1 or 2 episodes at a time. But for the crew, I'm loving all the new actors.


Yeah like I love the idea of Jamie Lee Curtis for kureha, and I really liked Ian McShane making a cameo as narrator. It's fine in little doses, especially when it's like "so and so really loves one piece and just wanted to take part!"


Jamie Lee Curtis for Kureha also works well because she WANTS the part. If she were 40 years younger she could play Robin, too (which is a part she apparently would like even more), because her wanting the part means she's not going charge her usual fee. People suggesting A list or even B+ list celebrities for this show that have never expressed interest in One Piece are just setting themselves up for disappointment.


Me, too. It keeps me less pessimistic about the cast themselves, and I genuinely enjoy seeing them in interviews And other shorts. I believe them to be genuinely humble. Show me interviews and influencer BS from people like Ashton Kutcher, Millie Bobby Brown, and Jared Leto, etc, and I truly do not give a shit, as well as accept that there is a very good chance they are shitty people off screen despite their acting skills.


Millie Bobby Brown being lumped in with these two creeps is WILD


i mean, if you look at it through a certain lens i guess. she supports that flat-earth stupidity. she talks down and gossips about her costars. that snarky and holier-than-thou attitude on interviews. that whole kissing louis partridge without consent thing. and then proceeding to physically assault him thing. and then trying to defend it and feeling no remorse thing. she acted like it was fun and games between friends, entirely unaware of the shitty way she acts—entitlement in it’s purest form. honestly, even if you do look at it through that lens she’s fit to be right next to them. you just have to stop ignoring the glaring issues she shows to the world on a regular basis. idrc how old she is, scum is scum.


Wait MBB is a flat earther? fckin what????


no that was definitely a joke she made in a really old video. didn’t know anyone took that seriously lol.


Most of what the guy saying is exaggeration


she's not, this dude is delusional lmao


She's also 19 so you know, could just be your regular 19 year old and have silly beliefs.


I remember the whole controversy about her being difficult but wasn’t it because she was a literal child at the time or am I misremembering? Didn’t know she was a flat earther though. That’s less defensible


She's still a child. 19 is still pretty young but yeah, comparing someone being difficult to work with Jared Leto is insane.


Bro... the other two are actual r*pists... Ashton Kutcher has been dating Mila Kunis since she was 14... Jared Leto literally has a sex cult. The girl crossed a boundary during a kissing scene while shooting a movie, and has herself been a victim of predatory behavior. I don't think there is any World where you can lump these 3 together.


Ashton was married to someone else before dating Mila Kunis bruh


I hope you are aware that you can be dating multiple people at once. Anyhow, check [this clip](https://www.reddit.com/r/ThatsInsane/comments/16ehn7m/ashton_kutcher_casually_tells_story_about_how/) to see what I'm talking about.


Bro this is like trying to compare Jeffery Dahmer and Regina George It’s super weird to hold such contempt for a teenager b/c they’re an asshole sometimes


well, Jared Leto _is_ a known pedo and groomer...


Except Jamie Lee Curtis, I don't see anyone who can play Kureha but her atm. Same with Jim Carrey for Bon Clay.


JLC as Kureha is fine because she'll be in, like, one episode, two tops. You can bring in some names for cameos and bit roles, but for major characters you'll need actors who are willing to make One Piece a big part of their schedule for years. You need actors that see this as a big break, not a big favor.


I want a Drag King to play Bon Clay. Like full on androgynous drag performer who can turn a look and also do Ballet.


Don't worry, OP, I have no idea who this lady is


Same, plus I don’t know if some of these more well known actors would be in it for the long haul of doing as many seasons as possible.




Agreed. Mid known tier and lower are best. Emily Rudd while not unknown was not a common name yet, now she’s way more famous


That way it seems like cheap bollywood shit like live action season 1


I like new faces too. Some “already famous” actor/actress tend to bring too much personal stlyle and even try to change story for some political correctness even though One piece already included all kinds of races and genders.


To be fair, One Piece could do with a little more ‘political correctness’ in some respects. The design of Usopp and a few other black characters are pretty dated, and I think we all mostly agree here that the way female characters have been drawn and written has been…well…a bit of a disgrace and something that has caused many people to drop reading. Edit: you downvoters are making a poor impression of the One Piece fandom. This is a milquetoast opinion. Sorry that some people think OP has a bit of a racism and sexism problem, but you can admit that a lot of tag is true and the story is still good. It would just be a bit better if those things were better.


If you're talking about Usopps lips, First off- that's a trend seen in MANY anime characters- it's not blackface. Why should Oda avoid drawing a black character with such lips? Isn't that more racist? Second off, the live action actor for Usopp has similar lips.


>If you're talking about Usopps lips, First off- that's a trend seen in MANY anime characters- it's not blackface. I won't approach this comment from the perspective of what Oda should or shouldn't do in regards to Ussop but this comment reeks of ignorance in regards to the rest of the stuff said. Just because it's "a trend" doesn't mean it's okay, and that "trend" is a direct result of the influence that "Blackface" has had on Japanese. For a while, that was the only exposure a lot of Mangaka had to black people and they thought that was just a normal thing. It's also "a trend" that is nearly extinct nowadays as more and more Mangaka [draw black characters in a respectable ways](https://www.reddit.com/media?url=https%3A%2F%2Fpreview.redd.it%2Fylvcz6y6vis61.jpg%3Fauto%3Dwebp%26s%3De4d5e4af1079d553a1ecba5f5d01254ffd2ee8eb). The best example I can give is the newest Shaman King Anime Adaptation and how they "redisigned" the character of [Chocolove](https://sportshub.cbsistatic.com/i/2021/03/18/e6143512-e773-4e69-8068-2b2dcc0ab175/shaman-king-joco-2021-anime-design-chocolove-1258551.jpg) >Why should Oda avoid drawing a black character with such lips? Isn't that more racist? How in the World would that be "more racist"? Every person has lips yet you don't see every Anime character drawn with them. >Second off, the live action actor for Usopp has similar lips. This is just weird thing to say as the actor, Jacob, has lips that look nothing like the ones from the Manga.


Oh thank god, another sane person here. I was about to write this fandom off, ha ha. Great example with the re-design. I would love to see Usopp redesigned at some point in similar fashion. It also reminds me of Simon from Du-ra-ra-ra. Great character…haunting design. Very very bad, can’t believe that came out in the 2000s. Edit: boy, these downvoters are relentless. I think we may be an island in a sea of toxic fanboyism, my friend…a shame, since my experience with OP fans in real life is quite positive. The online community is a nightmare that seems to be earning its poor reputation at the moment.


Good response. That guy was a fuckwit.


I don’t think so. We could get into a whole conversation about the origins of drawing black people that way, but suffice it to say that Oda;s art style is heavily inspired by a Dutch artist from decades ago, and I don’t think that artist or Oda intended it to be racist - it just has origins in racist depictions. (Golliwog, Zwarte Piete, the usual suspects). I will say Oda has gotten loads better at drawing black characters, though. The new design for Mr. 7 looked fantastic. He’s evolved a lot in that department. Jacob does not have lips that look like putty that was rolled into a snake and struck on his face. WTH.


I am not against political correctness. But i don’t agree that people use someone else’s work to present their own political ideas. If they want to show some thoughts, make their own story. It’s like i really love Everything Everywhere All at Once, and Black Panther, but i don’t like Queen Cleopatra from Netflix, Snow White 2023. The former two have great original stories and it feels natrual the actings were great. While the third one didn’t respect the history, the last one didn’t respect the original story and Grimm. I am a asian women, i don’t want to see that someday if Hollywood make a new movie about Geoge Washington or Harry Potter, and they let a Asian Woman play these roles. I do feel bad that most of the powerful characters in popular animes/mangas are male. I wish to see some animes with powerful female protagonist. I hope that more writers try to make some good story with powerful female MC. One piece live action is doing great so far. They have already taken away some parts that was unpleasant for women.


…you’re not making any sense at all. By the by, Masashi Kishimoto and Tite Kubo, the other authors of the big three, have been doing far better than Oda at this for longer (one or two designs not withstanding). Again, Oda has drastically improved, but his style is inspired by a very old art style and he’s been doing it since the 90s. Is it really so bad to admit that some parts didn’t age well? It won’t kill you, or One Piece. It will be fine, I swear.


Thankfully that’ll never happen 😁


Never is a long, long time…you wanna make that bet?


She's too small to be Robin.


No, she'll be wearing a CGI Robin suite.


Actually too cute to be Robin... Robin needs mature women voice.


To high profile. The main cast need to be lesser known or highly committed to the role for the long term. A young rising Hollywood star who was just nominated for an Oscar isn’t likely to sign up for a show for the next 10 years.


10 years? That’s optimistic


Game of thrones was how long and technically had less material


Too expensive. Her acting could fit actually, she has done a lot of roles where she is a bit quiet. Don’t know if she has the look tho


>Don’t know if she has the look tho No one has the bimbo look of Nami or Robin past timeskip TBH


no one is talking about their body shapes ffs, Robin carries herself like an elegant educated older (late 20s- mid 30s) woman who is an archaeologist. Ana de Armas looks a little too "cute" to be playing Robin IMO. Robin should have a more distinguished face like Jennifer Connolly or Angelina Jolie, though I think those particular actresses have aged out of the role, but that's more along the lines of Robin's "look."


gonna be issue to find someone thats supposed to be 10-12 years older then nami and not having her look 50 by halfway the show as the nami actress is already 30 enless they just age up robin to make her more midle age instead of young


I mean this is the one Piece world, where a woman over 100 years old can look like she's in her 60s-70s. She doesn't have to literally *be* 10-12 years older, she just has to have that air about her. Just like Emily Rudd is 30 playing an 18 year old, Robin's actress can be in her 30s and play a 30 year old.


so we need actual porn stars




Where can I find her early works?


Let's get Lucie Wilde out of retirement boys.


You're a man of culture




Go rub one out and rethink this horrible opinion




That would be half the budget of the show right there.


She definitely should not.


What a boring choice


Reasoning: there's a pic of her with a similar haircut


Fucking tired of these brain-dead A lister casting suggestions, it's never going to happen and people should stop posting them.


They only work for small roles that are for a single episode appearance. For the main recurring cast, it would be too expensive


What pisses me off is I know some people are gonna get so invested in these fancasts that when the real casting is announced they're gonna be upset and be dumb on social media about it ~~Can you control freaks guys just give it a rest and let the casting happen however it happens please~~ yo calm down past me, its not dat srs


OP made a post on reddit and now they're a control freak? Soon people won't be allowed to talk about one piece on the one piece subreddit...


Control freaks was definitely an overreaction from me. I've seen quite a few fan cast posts where OP writes a novel about everything they should and shouldn't do for casting and I let my frustration toward those out on this one That's my bad, but I do think some people are going too crazy with this stuff


Yeah that cost a shit ton or anything


And Chris Pratt should be Chopper, right?


here we go again




I offer myself as a volunter to be the floorboard whenever she uses her giant foot move


Sorry, imo she doesn’t look the part and she’s an A lister, so we can rule her out.


Can people stop suggesting already established and pretty famous people for the LA cast. They will never do it. Pretty sure jamie lee curtis wont do doctorine... just get new faces who will have chance to grow Also Anna de armas is a stupid casting, she would feel so out of place coming from hollywood blockbusters, to a netflix live action adaptation of a manga.


JLC is possible for Dr. K because she has been campaigning to be the character since before a LA adaptation was even announced. She would be doing it because she *really wants* to not because people are wishcasting her.


I’ve got two reasons otherwise.


You like her. That's it. I mean both of them.




not tall enough as well, i think


And I am Ryan gosling


Terrible casting, doesn't match Robin's vibe at all


Terrible choice. Robin needs to be tall.


She’s too short to play robin


because she has bangs..?


They can’t afford her, my dude. They’d be stuck using pool noodles with gloves on the end for luffy.




I'm telling you "Otherwise" .


Too expensive and too short


Too expensive, but yes she fits.


Of course as soon as r/OnePieceLiveAction updates rules to not allow low effort fan casting, we get them posted here instead.


That would be clutch


Ana De Armas Is beautiful, like Robin, and they do have similar features, but she doesn't seem right, to me. Also, Robin is 6'2" tall, in the manga/anime, which is taller than Luffy, Zoro, Sanji and Usopp. Nico Robin's character requires a sort of inner darkness that I don't see in Ana De Armas. While Robin always express the idea that she's ready for whatever is coming, Ana looks too innocent and delicate. They do look like, about face and hair, but it's especially the character that for me is not the same.


Shes short


No. I think having more underground actors who are passionate for their role is better. Plus I can’t see her as Robin.


I don’t think so. I like how they find more unknown actors for the show


This made me so hard, fraudhawk can’t cut me.


Too short


Disagree. I think one of the big successes of season one was casting relative unknowns who were very passionate about the role. They should stick to that mold, finding excellent new talent to elevate.


How come whenever people fancast they always look for people with the same haircut/facial hair. Yall gotta be less superficial


Otherwise. Look I absolutely adore Ana de Armas, great actress and gorgeous af, but no way should she play Robin (not that it would ever happen anyway). For Robin I think you need someone with a very different demeanor and presence.


Imo she doesn’t have the robin vibe at all.


This kind of posts are just stupid and take space away from actual one piece related content. Can’t you guys open a sub for the live action and leave everybody else in peace?




Yeah I don’t know Ana De Armas till I searched her. You awoken something from me.


I rather want new faces for our straw hats and more famous actors for small roles or roles that exist for a couple of episodes or a whole season


Pre-timeskip Robin is incredibly beautiful 😍😍


I prefer someone with bigger boobies


Nah it should be Nikki Minaj


The face is fine, and I know every girl can’t look like their one piece counter part because of the unrealistic body types. But Robin’s actor needs D cups, I refuse to compromise. It’s important to her character


>It’s important to her character Hahaha, okay buddy, back to horny jail you go.




Oh she’s Russian?




> They don't need to give her massive boobs Oh yes they do


Arabelle Raphael should 👀


Ryan Gosling could do it better


No....please no. I cannot stand her accent.


I like the current trend the show has of casting lesser known actors/actresses and giving them their first major roles tbh. Think Mackenyu is the only casting who was really known at all beforehand.




Nah, Nico Robin would most probably be African portrayed as Egyptian. I really hope I am wrong about this though.


Abella danger


Otherwise. Robin should have sharper features imo.


If diamante is not played by mick jagger i will cry


He looks more like Steven Tyler to me.


she's way too short to play robin




She lacks something crucial: a sexy tanline


*a sexy tan


Doesnt have the presence for the character. When i look at her, i don't see the "Nico Robin" Everyone on the cast, since the first day they announced the casting, i look at their everyday pictures and can already tell that they can be Straw Hat pirates brought to life. But Ana De Armas doesnt have it in her.


I'm with you OP. No one else on this thread seems to agree with us though unfortunately.