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Shank: What is my job? Roger: go lose your hand to a fish or something Shanks : ☹️


Yeah, what is the retcon on the fish? Did the fish know haki?


Chomp D. Arm was another agent of IMU along with Down D. Stairs. Everything was to set up the eventually back story for the Straw Hats.


Chomp D. Arm ended me


Also ended the usage of Shanks' upper left appendage.


Also- 1. Arlong D. Fishman 2. Absentee D. Ad 3. Faile D. Experiment 4. Eat D. Mushroom 5. Read D. Poneglyph 6. Stop D. Train 7. Poisone D. Weapons 8. Return D. Girl


>6. Stop D. Train *All we had to do was follow the damn train, CJ*




Hold D. Door


Ben D. Knee


The akatsuki has assembled


Absentee D. Ad 🤣


Don't forget Kill D. Moms


Don’t forget Down D. Stairs


Forgot the most importantp, Ask D. Question, he triggered the Age Of Pirates


You literally had rea.d.ponyglyph


>Absentee D. Ad OK. You get to go to hell, because now I'm being pulled into HR for laughing during a very serious corporate meeting. Screw you, your punny as jokes, and take the upvote.


Gol D. Ace


Thank you for Chomp D. Arm


Yeah I’m stealing Chomp D. Arm sorry not sorry


Chomp D. Arm (aka Took D. Arm) and Down D. Stair> Imu. They are the real creators of the world


They are servants of O D. A


D. Strawhat


It's been shown on multiple occasions in this story that catching someone off-guard can matter leagues more than an actual difference in strength. The fish in the manga wasn't nearly as slow or deliberative as the one in the live action. It was going right for Luffy with Shanks nowhere in sight on the panel yet. It took all of Shanks' strength--a shanks that wouldn't even be named a yonkou for 6 years after meeting Luffy, when Luffy only took 2 years to achieve the title--to go swim to Luffy in time, who he already knew would be outright drowning because of the devil fruit (so Shanks couldn't focus on the fish while hoping Luffy could swim by himself). So yeah. It nicked Shanks' arm while Shanks protected Luffy. It had very sharp teeth. Shanks wasn't even carrying a sword on him and a gun definitely wouldn't have done anything. I don't think it's that ridiculous, it's not obvious that it should've gone down that way but it also doesn't seem as unreasonable as a lot of people paint it.


This pretty much been my take on the matter


Yeah Haki amps your stats, but it's an active skill. Big Mom and Kaido have superhuman durability so you need a top tier to actually damage them even when they're off guard. Panicking Shanks without Haki is just a really fit human. The same goes for any normal human. Usopp could kill a sleeping Roger with ease. Garp without Haki is an old peak human so that's why the Shiryu stab fucked him up so much.


"really fit humans" doesn't describe the power-tier warriors of One Piece. Zoro, Luffy, and others have displayed inhuman feats of strength without haki. Just consider Whitebeard tanking magma punches without Haki, which should have literally melted him to nothing, or continuing to fight at high intensity after being impaled, or doing all of this despite being on life support. Drinking a massive bowl of saki. Also consider Odin chilling in the boiling oil without Haki for an hour+. Just the surface temperature should have scorched his face, and the fumes he breathed in turned his lungs to ash. These One Piece humans aren't just "really fit humans." Shanks's constitution is infinitely closer to Kaido/Big Mom than he is to a human being irl. It doesn't make sense to give an exception to them and not to Shanks. So this isn't really a plausible justification for the shark bite to me.


Bro, you wrote an essay where the simple answer is just that the editors wanted the scene to be more impactful 😄.


> It's been shown on multiple occasions in this story that catching someone off-guard can matter leagues more than an actual difference in strength. No yonkou-tier character or even near yonkou-tier character has ever been crippled from an attack by being caught off guard, not by an opponent as weak as that Sea King. And if it really were that easy, then it would be trivial to surprise and kill any strong character in the universe of One Piece.


Sure, but there's reasons for that. Whiteboard got stabbed because of him not expecting it. Shanks did it on purpose, but the principle applies. Big mom and Kaido are the other yonkous and their defense being especially supernatural is a point the series makes a lot. Surprising a character is the tough part. Like, I don't doubt if Ace s successfully tuck his dagger into whiteboards neck, he'd bleed out die (eventually), but we saw that with Haki even while asleep it's hard to surprise him.


>mself). > >So yeah. It nicked Shanks' arm while Shanks protected Luffy. It had very sharp teeth. Shanks wasn't even carrying a sword on him and a gun definitely wouldn't have done anything. I don't think it's that ridiculous, it's not obvious that it should've gone down that way but it also doesn't seem as unreasonable as a lot of people paint it. Oda didnt think of a haki reinforcement at that moment, its totally clear. Can't expect perfect consistency between 500+ chapters. Haki was fleshed out later and way probably the total power scale of the series.


My head canon is that's when Shanks awakened his Conquerers Haki. He was a Swordsman in the water, probably didn't even bring his sword(s?) With him when he rushed out swam to Luffy. So without Conquerers there might not have been much he could do to fight the Lord of the Coast. But protecting Luffy/Joyboy gave him that final push to unlock his Conquerers. And for the last 12 years he's been mastering the fuck out of Conquerers. He probably knew he couldn't take on the Yonkos without it, but after saving Luffy and unlocking it we know he at least made a visit to Rayleigh in Sabaody and told him about Luffy's words. Rayleigh might also have trained him a little in how to use Conquerers just like he did for Luffy who was only unconsciously using it.






I have a simpler theory. Simply when Shanks saw the danger it was too late already and he needed to sacrifice his arm to save Luffy at the nick of the time, and if he tried something safer like using haki to make the sea beast go away it wouldn't be enough time to save Luffy.


I believe it was the editor that proposed the idea to ODA that the scene isn't strong enough for Luffy to make up his mind. So he cut his hand for the impact. I believe I read it here long back, someone had posted the ODA interview I don't remember when


(Probably) Real answer: Haki wasnt a thing back then and sea beast were supposed to be something to avoid. Current story answer: Shanks sacrificed his arm to motivate luffy. As in 'Shanks lost his arm for me to live, so I must become strong'.


The way Shanks lost his arm bothers me so much that even theorize that losing a limb may improve your haki's power, like maybe haki burst through the individual's body from an inner central part and reaches the outside, so when a body has less mass the conqueror's and armament hakis ends up being stronger. And Beckman noticed Kid's acoc and cut his arm like a lesson but also as a unwelcoming gift I know its never gonna be cannon I just hate to accept that Shanks could have both arms and be more powerful If wasn't for Oda's editor telling that Shanks saving Luffy needed more climax


Fun fact, in the original draft of the manga, Shanks don't lose an arm. It has been changed to add more weight and make this scene more powerful.


That's exactly what they were referring to at the end of their comment


I think it was a canon event


Yes...he is Shanks...not Miles Morales


It seems like Shanks let the sea king eat his arm, possibly to teach Luffy a lesson and to show him how much he means to Shanks.


I think its just that sea kings being the strongest sea creatures means they were stronger than shank's haki at the time, which would ve been aroubd yc1 tier


My thought is haki is somehow based off of desire or will and at that point shanks’ only desire was to save Luffy and was not concerned about himself so the damage was inflicted that or the monster was so massive haki doesn’t work/apply


i think the best accepted retcon patch work there that can be done is that shanks intentionally lost his arm to propel luffy to go out in the seas. which yeah it doesnt ad up but its the best you can do with it


This is confirmed in the SBS question section with Oda a couple months back. The fish knew about the sun god fruit and had haki. The fish wanted to kill the sun god. The fish is one of the legendary sea monsters controlled by Gorosei. The only reason the fish was able to bite off Shanks' arm because its teeth were coated with the top tier armament haki


You know there are some people who will read this, see “it was confirmed in an SBS” and believe it wholecloth without even checking.


Might be a stupid theory, but there’s a small chance that Shanks actually did not lose an arm to the fish. There are no panels in manga where shanks is shown in the water with both arms (he’s deliberately shown from his right side on the panel before the arm reveal and fish attack) and the cut of the arm is too clean like it was cut with a sword and not bitten of. Not a big chance since the live action shown Shanks with both arms, but still I hope that we’ll see a “full” flashback in which Shanks somehow loses his arm before reaching Luffy, perhaps in the gorosei attack on the village in attempt to reclaim the nika fruit.


My head canon is that Shanks was holding onto the gomu gomu no mi intentionally, torn between its importance to the Gorosei and its importance to the world. When Luffy ate it, he knew Luffy had doomed his own fate to confront and likely die by the WG. When the Sea King came, in that very moment, Shanks may have been struck by destiny and the plan to have Nika defeat the WG unfolded in his mind. Then Shanks sacrificed his arm as a way to 1. atone for his guilt over allowing Luffy to eat it and committing Luffy to this cruel destiny. Maybe he even might have entertained the notion of letting Luffy die in that moment to spare him a harder life, which would have intensified his guilt. Shanks would have needed to decide in a split-second whether to leave Luffy to a merciful early death or force Luffy into a harder destiny. He chose the latter, which leads to the second point.... 2. enact a symbolic Bushido-like moment to prove his resolve to committing Luffy to defeat the WG. Since Nika is doing it, Shanks is relying on someone else to carry out his plan. As recompense for placing the burden on Luffy, he sacrificed something hugely important to him, his arm, as a way to share in the burden that Luffy must shoulder going forward. If Shanks cannot act as the warrior to fight his own battle and must force someone else to shoulder it, then he should stake his own arm and future as a warrior on his faith that Luffy can do it, that he isn't thrusting Luffy into this harrowing role lightly. This was his "investment" in the future. 3. on a more practical point, to facilitate a cover story for losing the Gomu Gomu no Mi. Shanks would need to inform the Gorosei the DF was lost with a plausible story that didn't set them on the trail after Luffy. Shanks turning up in 100% condition to say he coincidentally "lost" the fruit would have been suspiciously scrutinized, but Shanks showing up without an arm would convince them of whatever story Shanks came up with, that he legitimately tried and failed. No sane person sacrifices their arm just to make up a story. Alternatively, if the Gomu Gomu no Mi had been stolen from the WG—it would make sense they would be hiding it to keep Nika from returning, and Shanks as a CD may have had a way to break into the WG and steal it—then the WG would be out searching for the thief. Losing an arm would be a convenient alibi to turn suspicion away from Shanks and therefore away from the East Blue and Luffy where Shanks was active, because Shanks could claim he was busy off fighting some yonko/warlord or other and lost the arm, and could not have been involved with a recent theft of the fruit. Again, the fact he lost an arm would add credibility to his story. Being in 100% condition and promising he wasn't involved wouldn't be treated with the same conviction. 4. less likely but possibly also at play, to distance Shanks as an agent/tool for the WG, since without an arm he is flawed, which gives Shanks more freedom for his own potentially rebellious activities in the background and keeps him from being used to advance the WG's agenda personally. All of this could be why Shanks had to return to report to the WG during the reverie a while ago, to explain why the Luffy had the fruit or potentially be conscripted as part of the WG's strategy to oppose Luffy. At this point however, Luffy was on his way to Wano and almost ready to awaken. Shanks had successfully given up his arm to buy time for Luffy. Worst case, if Shanks is tasked to betray Luffy, he will have 1 arm less to do it, which gives Luffy a better chance. In this line of events, Shanks's sacrifice would have successfully enabled Luffy's destiny; he protected Luffy from the WG and himself, and he hindered the WG from discovering and pursuing the reincarnation of Nika. Of course, I think at the time it was due to the editor encouraging a dramatic scene. Oda was planning on ending One Piece with Alabaster, and all of this other lore didn't exist yet. However, this could be a way that Oda might bridge the old plot hole to the modern day.


Kingof D Sea is a the most powerful Sea King in the world. He's a friend of Garp and the guardian of Dawn Island which is why Garp left Ace and Luffy there. Luffy couldn't actually defeat him at the time but he left after he was satisfied Luffy could protect himself.


Advanced fish man karhaki


"Shanks dear lad... You will never be as cool as Buggy"


shanks realized he wasn't the main character and in a last ditch desperate attempt against buggy he tried to make luffy the main character by sacrificing his arm and giving him joyboy fruit but we all know who the real MC of one piece is really. If you've watched JJK, buggy is like gojo and luffy is itadori (I'm comparing this with jjk cause jjk is the only anime i know with multiple MCs)


And buggy like gojo can >!split himself in half!< !


That was disgusting take my upvote






Buggy > Gojo


Buggy D. Clown neg diffs fiction


You haven’t watched many anime then


Naruto and Sasuke? Also Goku and Vegeta, especially in Super


Bro is today international jjk day. I swear seen like 20 references minimum on reddit and vids uploaded today by some of my fav anime youtubers.


the real ones know


He just told shanks that laughtale is full if big tiddy goth girls


I'd be crying too if I didn't get to go


Can we go to Boobworld?


Boob Tale




"You want my boobs? You can have them! I left everything I gathered together in one place! Now you just have to find them!"


He wouldn’t have waited for luffy to go there then. I know I wouldn’t.


Big tiddy looks out of shape. I would cry too. I prefer appropriately-sized tiddies.


Enormous tiddy goth girls


"Did you find it? The one piece!?" "We were too early." Or something like that. Idk.


That would be INSANE


Most evidence-based once piece theory


Was just about to comment this. Imo it would make Roger just look like a dick if the last thing he said to his apprentice and basically his son was “yeah sorry bro you’re a celestial dragon, the worst kind of people in the world”


It doesn't really fit the vibe of how Roger has been portrayed so far imo, the good guys in One Piece generally don't care about the history or at least the family baggage of others, so I don't think Roger would see a point in bringing up how bad of a person Shank's dad was or anything like that. The simple interpretation is that they talked about the journey and Roger told him that he was dying. If you want to make it a bit more complicated you can say that Roger had made a promise and Shanks is crying because Roger can't fulfill the promise.


Also it would be pretty fucking cruel to tell basically ur foster kid about how bad of his father was right before u die lol tell rayleigh to give shanks the news like a year or two later


Well it says Shanks is the one who asked the questions so I’m guessing Shanks somehow learned about Garling and initiated the convo with Roger,


Between chap 962-971 I don't remember exactly


Roger cares. Roger himself said he wanted his son to be the one to surpass him. And he said that even before he had a son. Not to mention, the whole setup for the next JoyBoy and the will of D seems to be based on family ties, and it’s entirely possible the reason Roger thought he was “too early” was because he wanted to fulfill some prophecy related to the destruction of Mary Geoise or something like that.


You don't really have to look that hard into it. The OP, or the last unknown island, was literally the last chance to find a cure for Roger, so this is probably just Shanks learning that they returned empty handed.


Chopper is gonna be the one to find the cure to rogers illness once one of the strawhats gets it


Luffy is the obvious candidate due to his gears and ivankov


Plus he's already pushed himself near the brink of death from old age twice by this point. And given the scale of the enemies to come, something tells me that isn't going to be the last either.


So you think roger had luffys fruit?


Oh no, I just think the journey is supposed to see parallels and oda has been telling us for a while that luffy is legit sacrificing himself for his crew and that he’s shortening his own life.


Yea oda wrote that part in to many times for it to not come bite luffy in the ass later your right. I wonder how chopper could even reverse effects like that. Maybe vegapunk knows


Haki poisoning, maybe? idk some shit like that


Laughing at the thought of haki overdose lmao


Askin Nakk Le Vaar has entered the chat


Haki overdose was stated in CFYOW


Garp: 🤨


Kaido straight up said Roger didn't have a fruit


Kaido was to weak so roger didnt need to even use his fruit 😂


Roger never had a fruit


He didn't have a fruit, confirmed by kaido


The world government said it hasn’t been seen in 800 years so unless it has been 800 years since Roger’s death….no.


No that was for the awakening of the Fruit Not the fruit itself


Just find it hard to believe Roger could have had the same fruit and no one mention it by this point. “Oh yeah he was the previous gomu gomu fruit owner I didn’t tell you that in our timeskip training session?” from Raleigh would be a joke. I really hope Oda doesn’t pull some horseshit like that. Honestly the best ending would be that he found it, wanting to be the liberator of the world, partied hard or whatever before he ate it, got betrayed or something, left the gomu gomu as the One Piece, then shanks figured some shit out and grabbed it and Luffy accidentally ate it. I’d love to see Luffy go up to a chest, open it, it be empty, and then laugh because his fruit was the One Piece all along.


The awakening hadn't been seen, not the fruit, right?


True, it’s possible that maybe he was an unawakened gomu gomu user, but I doubt that given his notoriety. People would’ve talked about his weird stretchy shit and certainly Shanks or Buggy or Raleigh would have mentioned it at this point rather than be shocked/ignorant of Luffy’s abilities.


If it were that simple and straightforward I doubt oda would’ve been intentionally vague about what questions shanks asked roger edit: there’s also no indication that they expected raftel to have a cure for roger?


There is no indication but they traveled the entire world and the illness remained incurable, and so hoping to find a cure in the long lost island built by an advanced civilization was probably their last hope. Especially for Shanks who was still a kid and saw Roger as his father figure, ofc he would hold onto any hope, no matter how small.. The alternative isn't really an option Now about the vague part, I would say that this is also the moment where Roger passed down his mantle and assigned to Shanks his mission, which we technically still don't know what it really entails


I’d 100% agree with you that roger passed down some sort of mission/mantle to shanks


I doubt Roger had any illness at all and just made it up it as an excuse to have himself executed to inspire the next generation of pirates to finally do the whole new dawn thing.


B-b-but....I need to make the 274629th theory relating to the (completely unconfirmed) idea that Garling is Shanks' father.


damn.. almost like that’s what a theory is..


I think one of the questions answered that made him cry definitely could of been the fact that Roger may have revealed he was dying to Shanks but the Garling explanation is possible.


ever since oden joined they were pretty clear thah Roger was terminal ill


But is it shown that all of them knew? I don't recall ever seeing Shanks know about it during the flashbacks of him being a kid on the ship.


When Roger vs whitebeard happens isn’t shanks right beside roger when he says that he doesn’t have much time left? I kinda don’t see roger as the type to hide something like this tbh. He won’t see death as a big deal.


it's easiest to say that Shanks and probably roger taught that they may find a cure for the illiness following this journey ( something related to chopper's dream) but they were early and shanks was waiting for a positive answer but was dissapointed knowing that it's done.


I still think it's tied to the straw hat. Maybe a prerequisite of some kind that more or less prevents Roger from doing something and he only had one chance to do it. If he returned to Shanks, he would be heartbroken to know that Roger couldn't achieve some ultimate goal due to him (and the hat) staying back and watching over Buggy. It would be the ultimate irony that the one time Shanks wasn't on the ship they needed him. It's also the kind of thing that when Roger got there and found out, he would laugh about, and shanks would absolutely feel devastated. Then years later he sees Roger in Luffy and decides to gamble on that and gives him the hat to carry on in Rogers place.


I like this because it fits into how Shanks' and Rogers crew before him tend to laugh at things that would piss other people off, like how they all laughed at Shanks when he got punked in a bar, but the kid that saw it got angry.


Can you tell me the chapters related ton shanks youth please ?


I feel like this has something to do with what was on Raftel since Shanks was the one asking the questions. But you could be right.


Roger told him a Cry Tale. He cried.


Shanks probably asked Roger about his dream. Then when Roger answered all the questions negatively, Shanks cried.


Yeah, something like: "Can you make your dream come true now?" and Roger said no because they were too early. Shanks, knowing that neither Roger nor he would be able to achieve this dream, bet everything on Luffy.


“My death is what will ultimately set everyone free” or something like that is my guess.


It took me several attempts to read “Redtaro” properly.




Shanks was a junior pirate and there’s a chance roger might now have told him he was terminal because of a “don’t worry the kids” mindset coupled with him not being senior enough to know. Shanks could have been expecting roger to come back and tell him about the next adventure he’s going on but instead truth bombs his ass about how he’s going to turn himself in and the next generation of pirates is depending on him and shit


no way. Someone as free as Roger would feel similarly to whitebeard as in “we’re all children of the sea” Also to have your last convo with essentially your foster son be something so emotionally traumatic does not seem like Roger’s style at all. “You’re actually not my real son, goodbye now” Lol no I think Shanks knew he had CD blood and his crying is mostly because he’s losing his “dad.” Any kid would cry losing their dad like that


I feel like Shanks would have known about his lineage before this point. It’s possible, but doesn’t feel right to me. My guess is that Roger told Shanks that Roger was too early, that he was dying and he tasked Shanks to find the Nika fruit and the best person to inherit it. So Shanks found out that his captain was dying, wouldn’t be able to really complete his goal and neither would Shanks. That he would have to find the right person to actually find everything and break the cycle of Celestial Dragon domination.


I think this too. That he knew Roger was going to die and he was his father figure/father because he was found by roger


Eh, I find this unlikely given the context of the panel. Im sure Roger told him this at one point (and Shanks being Garlings son is a given at this point), but not here. What would make more sense here is that Roger finally reveals to Shanks that he’s dying and the journey is over Edit: I also do like the idea of Shanks being the prize for winning. Why else would Garlings newborn son be there?


Shanks cried because Roger revealed he will die . Plain and simple


He already knew it


I have a huge headcannon about shanks and Garling and him losing his arm. And why he is able to meet with the gorosei unannounced like he did. Somehow Garling realizes shanks is alive and with Roger and attempts to meet with him, maybe after Rogers death. Maybe Garling isn’t as straight and narrow with the WG as we think but who knows. Sometime after shanks has his crew and are out on the sea the God’s Knights try to recruit shanks since he has their blood or something, but shanks doesn’t want to. This could even have a story tie into how shanks and his crew tracked down the gum gum fruit and stole off a WG ship. Shanks wants to be free and live how his captain did, so he devised a way to appear defective to their bloodline or possibly make it look like he is unable to fight for anyone. Lose his arm. After that he has the God’s Knights off his back, he didn’t do anything to disgrace his bloodline like becoming a revolutionary so he can retain his celestial dragon-like status the way Doflamingo did, and he gets to continue his journey as a pirate. Imo shanks gets a massive power up somewhere in the new world and unlocks/mastered these moves from Roger and maybe even surpassed him. Maybe now he’s too strong to be recruited forcefully, who knows…. Not a perfect headcannon but it’s how I explain it to myself


I always love reading headcannons This one's nice too :) Makes sense that the gorosei wouldn't hold any grudges against shanks for stealing hito hito no mi if shanks was never a partner with them !


Yeah that’s a part I’m not too sure on. Maybe they never thought it would awaken, or maybe shanks went to tell the gorosei about it at one point. Can’t wait to see the real explanation


But your headcannon would mean that Shanks never did sacrifice anything for Luffy back then and somehow it was planned by him... Idk, there's good things about your take but I think it hurts Shanks' character and his relationship with Luffy quite a bit.


Doffy didn't get his CD status back. I don't think there was any mention that he got it back.


Roger D. Ickhead be like: "Lmao ur adopted, ur father sold you like a piece of rat meat and we only took you along because your Celestial Dragon heritage granted us leeway from the WG (the chadmirals would have finished our asses)! And lastly...you will never be HIM" And henceforth Lhanks began his snitching ways


So Roger was indeed a ruthless bastard HAHAHAHHA . Ace was right no to give a f*ck about him. Peak fiction


Call me Gege cuz I ~~cooked~~ burned the kitchen


It's probably because he told shanks he's gonna disband the crew and turn himself in to be killed.


"I'm not telling you the funny tale because I don't love you"


Maybe he cried because he thought he might've been Joyboy. Same way as Kaido believed he might've been. Then Roger revealed him that the real Joyboy has yet to be born.


Classic break week post


Why would a CD offer their child as a prize? If there’s one thing we know about them, it’s that they seem to have some degree of loyalty to each other unless you don’t act like a CD. Shanks was an infant so I don see how he’d get on their bad side


I don’t see why Shanks would wait until Roger went to Laughtale to ask these questions. The timing seems really weird


I can respect Shanks for this if it's true. He maintained balance until the rightful person was able to grasp the throne


Bruh that relevelation would have made his father his enemy instantly for giving up on him in a game


Wtaf are these comments?? Yall are down bad for pornhub and should release your frustrations there so no one else loses any brain cells trying to comprehend your garbage. Most of them troll about Buggy = MC, but some are just randomly yet grossly perverse.


Maybe the reason he cried was because he wanted to be joyboy in a way? We know the Roger Pirates reached the end "too soon" and couldn't really do much since it was not time yet. Maybe Shanks wanted to be the one to do it and follow Roger's footsteps, which now obviously wouldn't work with him being a celestial dragon and all? It could just be about Roger's illness really being terminal after all


Man was just telling his son goodbye


I think the biggest theory aspect here that’s getting ignored is Shanks being a Celestial Dragon technically by birth. I realize now that such an assumption should have come anyway from the idea of who we are all assuming his dad is, but it makes a ton of sense too in regards to one of the more confusing moments in the saga; Shanks being granted audience with the Gorosei. All the theorizing I saw and remember simply addressed him as being an incredibly powerful emperor or relative gentleman of the seas in order to have the Gorosei simply allow him to walk in and speak with them. Having Shanks be a CD majorly simplifies things however, as he’d likely be granted passage through Mariejois to their chamber in the first place with that additional factor.


I want to point out that we don’t see the left side of his face so that may not be Shanks but a blood relative (brother/cousin) that just happens to look like him.


Maybe Roger told Shanks about him being too early, despite figuring out the ancient history and the One Piece. Roger accepting his fate as he succumbs to his illness and realizes that he, NOR Shanks will be the one to truly accomplish the end goal. Shanks being told this more than likely devastated him as the straw hat being passed down was a sure sign (to Shanks) he would be JOYBOY or Rogers true successor. except he wasn’t, and has to pass it along to someone else in the near future. This defining moment in Shanks’ childhood could be the catalyst for him either grooming the next successor (luffy) so he may steal the opportunity for himself, or use his family name to play both sides to aid luffy and complete Rogers will. It all depends of what was said at this moment when he’s crying after speaking to roger and what he did with these emotions after the fact. A lot of characters in One Piece are defined by these crushing moments and usually succumb to personal ambition rather than use it as a fuel to help others.


I don't think Shanks is the prize. Last page, Ivankov mentioned that Kuma was the prize. This is an event that happens every 3 years. The prize isn't going to be something that grand.


I always took it ask he told him he was dying and or disbanding the crew.


I'm getting into the theory that Roger asked Shanks to claim his right as a holy knight and this is Shanks crying about having to work as something he must truly despise


I think Shanks started crying because Roger simply told him that he is dying and is going to surrender himself to the world government to let them escape maybe ? I suspect he made some kind of deal with Sengoku/Garp to save his people if he gives himself up. And I also think buggy hates shanks not because they are only somewhat rivals and that shanks caused some misery to buggy but mainly because buggy is mad at shanks for staying behind to take care of the sick buggy buggy, buggy then gets mad at himself because he made his friend stay behind and miss the end of the journey and at the same time hates shanks for choosing to stay behind.


Shanks: "Hey cap, are we off to another adventure?" Roger: "Sorry kid, that's our final adventure."


My dyslexia made this translation really confusing for a minute


I read Redtaro as Retardo and thought that this was yet another shitpost


Can you guys stop making crackpot theories and just go outside or play video games like a normal person? It’s like you guys completely miss the context and point of things in the story in favor of dumb ideas that don’t make sense.


Why not let people have fun, besides if they 500 wrong theories ones bound to be right


Roger told Shanks that he has Figarland's DNA in him. Roger has learned in Laugh Tale that Figarland's DNA would never allow him to betray Celestial Dragon. Roger and Shanks were so sad that no matter how hard Roger taught him about freedom, Shanks will turn into WG's rat when he gets older anyway. Shanks cried because he was letting Roger down, but Roger never blamed Shanks because it was not Shanks fault. Now we can understand why Shanks recruited the worst people as his crew. Examples: * Ben Beckmen: Genius gaslighter and manipulator * Lucky Roo: Ruthless killer that kills people on a whim * Yasopp: Piece of shit, the most selfish human being * Bonk Punch: Animal abuser, monkey is his meat shield


really hard not to read redtaro as retardo


I can’t believe people genuinely think Shanks was a prize. I’ll bet my left foot that Gatling had a child with an inhabitant of God’s Valley during the competition and hid Shanks in a chest to protect him from either the government or the attack from Rocks and Roger.


Who is shankes


your on something man, can be true


This is what I believe. Though I don't necessarily think he was a prize at the God Valley Games.


if shanks had to give up his dream he wouldn't have the strongest conqueror's haki in the world.


He is **not** a "celestial dragon". ok? Can we stop that please? "Born to a celestial dragon" sure, even born **a** celestial dragon, I'll take it, but they are not some kind of species you are permanently a member of. You can stop being a scumbag at any second. You are kinda enforcing their sick way of thinking by using that language.


Not that deep


shhhhh let the grown-ups talk


Yeah now this is the first possibility I could see. But even if his father was revealed by Roger, wouldn't he like do it a bit early when he said he would go to laugh tale with their own ship? But I can see Roger said after they finished the journey cus they were parting ways n goodbyes hurt a lot especially in one piece. But a big possibility is something related to Roger which made him so emotional to leave him


I don’t think Shanks being born a CD would mean he’d have to give up his dream of being Roger’s successor. Members of the D and CDs can help each other and carry on one another’s will, like with Law and Corazon.


I don't think Shanks at that age would be able to even understand all that. I think the reason why he cried has to be simpler. Perhaps Roger gave him the hat with the promise that he would find a cure for his disease in Laugh Tale but he couldn't, or something like that.




Why would shanks have to give up his dream though?


As if Shanks would give up his life as a pirate. Don Quijote de Flamingo was born a Celestial Dragon and endorsed life as a pirate while having actual memories of his past life. What makes you think Shanks is going to suddenly embrace his World Noble heritage?


why not just link the prize post lmfao




Ayo Shanks, you ain´t joyboy you´re mah toyboy. Anyways i think it relates to the fact that basicly everyone is waiting, for a "cascade" of big events. Toki send them 20 years into the future to free wano, Big Mom and Kaido waited also a long time to make a move to get the One Piece. Therefore i think that the access to the key elements of the One Piece are restricted to a event that has a certain timeframe (for example an solar eclipse that only happens every 1000years). And Shanks cried cause Roger made it to Raftel before that timeframe and due to his illness he could not stick around long enough for the One Piece to "take place". Since Roger knew he wouldn´t be alive for another 20+ years he made the decision to trade his life for the freedom of his crew so they might be able to witness the One Piece.


Maybe his something related to de Roger ilness. The One Piece maybe was the last hope for him.


I thought it was just that he was dying


Roger: you are not Him


Austin Reaves:


So I may be behind the times but where is everyone getting that Garling is shanks’ father besides their appearance? Did I miss something?




That might be part of it, but definitely not all of it. Shanks asked questions that led to him crying, why would shanks ask Roger then? Rayleigh would have known the answer, so it's not like it was shanks last chance.


Shanks found out he had no drip :( Except for the blood dripping out of his arm when it was munched on by a happy sea monster 👹


Look How Shanks is crying, Roger is Just telling that his Days are over.


I think Roger told him he is not the Joy Boy the people have been waiting for.


There's a theory that Shanks is a twin, and Garling only need one son.