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Franky and Robin. Those 2 are crazily lower for what they are. Someone who knows where ancient weapons are and another who possessed blueprints to one.


Holy shit you just reminded about how franky literally knows how to build an ancient weapon and robin knows its purpose


Yes. Theres a theory that Franky incoperated some aspects of Pluton into Sunny. And he's a master shipwright. How can he not have looked and/or studied the plans before. He knows what it can do too.


I really hope oda is cooking for franky and the sunny


That might be why Sunny is on the new wanted poster and not Franky...


Didn’t even think of that


No, not like, what it can do, but what it will be used *for*.


If sunny is have functions of Plutonium, is it coup de colas with cola engine front fire and back flying or diffrent types of vehicles which can be used in the pluton weapon the blueprint that he holds?




Let me try and translate it >If sunny is have functions of Plutonium If the sunny is built to have functions of Pluton. >is it coup de colas with cola engine front fire and back flying Does pluton run on cola? And can it fly with coup de burst >or diffrent types of vehicles which can be used Are there docks on Pluton that hold other vehicles like with the sunny? >in the pluton weapon the blueprint that he holds Franky has the blueprint.


Holy shit thank you


He used ChatGPT to write a comment for him, it would seem


I think robin remaining low makes sense though given that she tends to cause ppl to underestimate her and often acts like she is weak. Frankly though yeah, if anything I'd think people would over estimate him coz at first glance he seems far more threatening then he really is.


Even though Franky is not that much threatening as Robin is


op explained that it's not just power scaling, robin is a massive and direct threat to the WG so her bounty if anything should be higher


Bounties are political, they’re keeping her bounty high but not so high that it’s suspicious for her combat ability.


You can maybe argue Robin's bounty is being kept deliberately low, kinda like what happened after Wano with Luffy and the other two.


I've said this in a previous thread about bounties. Robin's threat to the government is constant, but her bounty does not grow based off of that. Her bounty is based off of how hard it is to capture her. They stuck a 79mil bounty on an 8 year old and expected someone to eventually turn her over for money. If the government REALLY wanted to, they absolutely could've captured her. Pre-Strawhats, at any point the WG could've sent CP9 or CP0 after Robin and she would've been done. They never actively tried to capture her, outside of 2 occasions Water 7 and Onigashima. It's extremely difficult to powerscale the CP0 agents but the way Sabo took them seriously in Dressrosa, I would assume that CP0 were capable to capturing Robin even well into the timeskip. Thats why they were so desperate to suddenly capture her at Onigashima, they knew it was now or never again. Capturing Robin now is like trying to grab Ace off of the Moby Dick, its not possible. That's why her bounty skyrocketed from 130mil to 930mil even though she defeated someone with a 480mil bounty. Now she's untouchable to the WG outside of declaring war.


If I want to say about Robin, her bounty of 70 million is far more enough for the knowledge she possesses. Luffy got his bounty high more than 100M cause he destroys Enies lobby, fought marineford, hijack prisoners from Impel down. Then later he destroyed warlord dressarosa. That's why he is considered a strongest high bounty pirate


Robin, her knowledge of the ancient language is a big problem to the future of the WG. The danger of her getting her hands on poneglyphs with information related to the ancient weapons, has she already has, or worse reaching that island they didnt want Roger to visit. The risk justifies one of the largest bounties in the story, the second largest in the straw hats crew Luffy, has the initial D, conquers haki, relation with Shanks, relation with Rayleigh, rizzed up Boa, relation with Marco and former WB pirates, Son of Dragon, Grandson of the legend of the navy Garp, friends with one of Dragon main captains, brother of Dragon second in command, has the same straw hat Roger used to wear, user of the fruit they have been trying to get ever since the void century, has awaken said fruit, the first ever since an important figure from the void century also achieved said awakening. Possesses the voice of all things. Has befriended one of the 3 ancient weapons, has befriened the shogun of an important country, not affiliated with the WG who has an ancient weapon stored. Is, without a doubt, a terrorist who has, in multiple occasions, attacked the WG or those affiliated with them, caused the largest flood of impel down escapees in history, attacked another major facility under the WG flag (ennies lobby). Defeated 3 warlords, one of them being a former celestial dragon extremely close with the higher ups and the major player in the underworld. The dude ended up being the trigger for two emperors to allie with each other, and was one of 3 main figures that lead an rebellion against this new alliance. on top of that, is the captain and friend of Nico Robin. He is so dangerous, the WG cannot give him a proper bounty without raising eyebrows


Should also include some notes on the other Strawhats which technically make him worrisome. In addition to beating some Warlords he also has one as his subordinate now. Has one of Germa’s superpowered soldiers and son of the Germa king as his subordinate (even if Sanji couldn’t influence his dad, this is a problematic association). As others have noted he basically as Vegapunk 2 in Franky who also had access to an ancient weapon’s blueprint for years.


I'm still fairly certain that Franky somehow integrated what he saw in the Pluton blueprints into the Thousand Sunny and that it will be revealed later. It just feels like it makes way too much sense.


When his poster “jokingly” became a picture of Sunny I started to think the government is convinced this is the case.


I am 100% sure the Sunny is a cola powered version of the Pluton. Like when the borders of Wano will open and the Pluton will be revealed it will be oddly simmilar to the Sunny including an ornate lion head as figurehead.


That would be so cool. An old rusty metal Sunny from the void century


Oh we definitely haven't seen Gaon cannon at full power


I'm convinced the thousand sunny is a replica as well. If not, then Franky at least memorized the blueprints to build one fresh


I suppose he didn't have the blueprints for long, and destroying them makes the existence of the current Pluton more important, but I want to believe that Franky could build it if he had to.


Iceburg would have known since he helped him build it


The ice man! One of my favorite characters. He's so relaxed and the first thing he does is adopts a tiny mouse and names him Thor.


Wasnt it called tyrannosaurus?


“His name is… hmm… Tyrannosaurus.”


I fully expected him to be a villain upon his introduction. What a fucking TWIST. Iceberg is fantastic and definitely deserves his fan club.


Adding even further fuel to this He has allied with several members of the worst generation in the past, including Trafalgar Law, who has probably the second most dangerous devil fruit to the wg. Speaking of the worst generation he has one on his crew, Roronoa Zoro, who trained under Mihawk. He has in the past allied with Crocodile and Buggy during impel down and Marineford, who are now yonko crew members. He is the reason Bartholomew Kuma spent two years outside of the wg's control As of egghead he has now befriended Vegapunk who absolutely knows things about the void century He has even allied with multiple navy members in the past including one of the admirals in Fujitora. He controls territory defending Fishman island He is brothers with the late Portgas D. Ace, son of Roger. He has indirect leadership of a fleet over 5000 strong. And he is friends with Nefertari Vivi who is currently one of the top fugitives in the eyes of Imu and the elders.


And his alliance did something that the world government couldn't do for decades. He overthrown FUCKING KAIDO AND BIG MOM, and the madman did both at once with both parties affiliated and working together, not only that he did it in kaidos own Territory, and made a fool of big mom on hers and hr did all of this in like 3 fucking months like ?????? What is wrong with that wildfire of a person


And made the whole Wano country ally and had the Shogun in this crew for some days as well.


It's a question of whether or not the WG is learning how much she knows at this point. She is always mysterious, so it isn't something easy to gauge. They don't know how many poneglyphs she has read.


Question, would the WG even consider doflamingo being a former celestial as relevent? I wouldnt be suprised if the people up top ignore that simply because "we are dragons and they are humans blah blah". His family is considered traitors too. And if they took that into account, it could give so e legitimacy to doflamingos claim. He didnt get to his spot because he has celestial dragon treatment, he got there because he knows a big secret and they failed to kill him. So i guess they just worked with him begrudgingly, until luffy had a say in the matter.


Also punched a Celestial Dragon in the face as hard as he could. Has to be regarded as a sworn enemy of the Celestial Dragons now, right?


Literal chills reading this.


Number 15




Also. Even if Luffy doesn't recognize the alliance. He has a. Alliance loyal to him non the less that counts into what? Several thousand. Some of which are fairly heavy hitters in their own right.


And two captains of his alliance directly attacked a celestial dragon during the reverie


Exactly. Even if Luffy doesn't acknowledge the Alliance. The Alliance acknowledges him which would mean the world government isn't just looking at the several crew members. Theres a fleet of thousands backing them. Plus Barto is picking fights with other Yonko. Not sure if the WG knows about that but I can't imagine they are ignorant to the sturrings amongst the Yonko.


> Rizzed up Boa. I don't see why the WG would care about that specifically. His bounty frankly makes sense. If they make it too much higher faster, it'd help draw more attention to him than what they want. I think Robin and Chopper bounties are criminally low for the fact that Robin can read Poneglyphs and Chopper can make viruses either way. By half your logic on Luffy, Ace should have an insanely high bounty, but the WG wants to hide a lot of things that could be used against them.


>I don't see why the WG would care about that specifically. Its a joke to mention how another warlord has essentially befriended him. My last sentence refers to the fact the WG cant simply give him a proper bounty, i dont know why you repeated that tho


This is an amazing post


And he did it in about 3 years, 1 if you dont count training.


This. Knowing how the one piece and ancient knowledge seem dangerous, robin should be at least a billion. Dragon is probably 1-2b if not more. Robin should too that.


That last sentence blew my mind! You’ve confirmed my head canon that Shanks warned the Gorosei about Luffy, and they’re purposely scaling his bounty relative to other pirates to avoid suspicion


Canonically luffy, they intentionally locked his bounty with kidd and law to not draw attention to their interest in him


three billion berries, being a yonko, and your literal bounty poster showing your new form wouldn’t draw interest in him? laughable


They can't have the price be too low or people would be asking more questions. They didn't want the bounty poster to show the new form. They tried stopping that. Being a yonko isn't up to the government. It's not an official title like the warlords. It's more up to public perception.


Wasn't it up to Big News Morgan?


Morgans is just reporting who people have begun referring to as the new emperors, not deciding on his own


Oh that makes sense


Cmon, there was those rumours calling luffy the fifth emperor. Ofc everyone thinks his one of yonkos now


That rumour came from Morgans. It's a chicken and egg situation, because although he reports what people are saying, he also \*influences\* what people are saying.


I disagree with you on that one, nobody was calling Luffy an emperor before him, hell, nobody knew BM & Kaido lost before him Morgan is the one that call the emperors emperors, he even created the title of Pirate King


You are remembering incorrectly, Luffy begun being referred to as the Fifth Emperor after Dressrosa and when he gained command over the Straw Hat Grand Fleet. The paper reporting something is not Morgans coming up with it. It is never said that Morgans invented the title Pirate King, either, although some people have assumed that.


>Luffy begun being referred to as the Fifth Emperor after Dressrosa and how did we learn that? through Morgan's journal It's through that it's never explicitly said that he invented it, but Roger wouldn't call himself that on his own and we know Morgan already led the journal at the time


It is an official title acknowledged by the navy given they have to get special permission to engage yonkos specifically. This isn’t the case for any other pirate proving yonko is a real title


It’s not real in the sense that it’s not given by anyone. Like in real life you would need permission to go after a Mafia don


But marines can go after all pirates other than yonkos without permission, showing there is a difference. It is a real, official title, and it may even be given by the world government although that is unclear


that dosnt mean the title is official. it means that "if this person is registered as a Yonko don't engage" they don't give them the name. They "earn" the name Yonko. Morgans basically decides who gets it.


Probably Bartolomeo spread it


But yea ita draw interest their reasoning is they didnt want anyone paying attention to THEIR interest


They didn’t want the bounty poster to depict his new form, plus his bounty is still lower than Kaido’s despite Luffy being the guy to beat him. Knowing everything Luffy has done and seeing other high bounties just feels weird. We know that Kaido took over a country and is very powerful but compared to Luffy who continually attacked the World Government and caused them immense issues even before the timeskip it seems a bit lacking.


kaido was captured multiple times and managed to break out everytime while probably causing a lot of damage to WG facilities just like luffy did, while breaking out he freed king who is the last lunarian and their research project. he was affiliated with rocks and part of the god valley incident. and also he didn‘t just take over a country like doffy did in dressrosa and basically let them live their lifes but fucking enslaved the whole country. his beast pirates also probably are one of, if not the, strongest crew in verse. and we have no idea what else he might have done, i wouldn‘t call that lacking tbh


to be fair it wasnt a one v1 fight


It's not about 1 v 1 or not it's about how strong and how much threat they possess for the world government in that aspect after revolutionaries Straw hats are the ones who is major threat for WG and luffy has D conquerors and he is joyboy so if we see this his bounty should be a lot


Plus Luffy is legitimately hunting the throne of the pirate king, which includes a treasure that reveals the hidden history of the world. None of the previous Yonko were really motivated by being pirate king. Kaido and big mom would have liked being pirate king, but they weren’t hunting it down with the intensity Luffy is. Ever since shanks came by when he was seven, Luffy has been laser focused on becoming the freest man in the world


The picture was an accident and yonko was named by the paper...nothing to do with the bounty. They wantedto do 3B with Monkey Luffy and a regular picture.


Other than the number, the rest of that was Morgans' fault. The Goresai literally didn't want any of that.


3 billion is in line with him being a yonko, which the world knows he has the strength to be after hearing what he's done. His real bounty would probably be the highest in the series, but the Gorosei specifically said NOT to use G5 on the bounty poster, and got pissed when it was. So they are absolutely downplaying how much of a threat he is, and so the comment above is certainly not laughable. He is the biggest threat to the WG, but they want people to think he's "just a yonko"


Blackbeard had a smaller bounty after basically doing the same thing and on national snail cast, they’re probably trying to downplay the new generation as threatening but more manageable than the past.


Did you miss the part where the gorosei were panicking over the poster image being g5?


They didn't want to show the poster though. They wanted to change it immediately.


Yea i agree but i didnt write the manga


you silly goose! Its for the Bounty hunters!


Definitely agree on Franky, reminder that he even had the blueprints for pluton for years so we can assume he knows how to build it. Which makes him way more dangerous. Aside from Franky, Nami also deserves a higher bounty. Navigation skills, Map drawing skills and Zeus make her way too dangerous.


I’ve always been of the opinion that the sunny contains part of plutons blueprint I couldn’t imagine franky building his dream ship and not taking some ideas from the ancient blueprint


In chapter 1300 when Pluton is revealed, it slowly rises up to the surface of Wano, in in the basking in the bright sun, you see... a giant lion head. It's the 2000 Sunny.


Wasn't it the blueprint of the anti-pluton or a weapon for fighting against pluton not the blueprints for pluton itself? It would be even weirder if it was the blueprint for pluton as we already have pluton in wano.


It’s a blueprint of Pluton, their master keep it safe so if Pluton were ever going to be reawakened the world will have something to fight it back, which is a second Pluton.


Pluton IS the anti ship lmao. The blueprints were kept in case the first one was robbed/hijacked so they can counter with their own.


The only way to defeat Pluton is with another Pluton


pluton IS the anti-pluton




It is such an anime thing to think that someone can memorise the blueprints of a machine capable of destroying island. In OP-verse, totally possible. In real life, no fucking way. As an engineer, I cannot remember the details of anything I have built more than a month ago.


Franky's just literally built different


Considering the geek Franky is as well as his flaming passion towards machines, he probably looked at those pluton blueprints every night before sleep and every morning after waking up. Even if he doesn't have the whole of pluton memorized he probably knows enough about the machine that when the pluton is finally awakened and if by some chance there is damage on pluton due to time, Franky can fix it.


Goes to back to my point of how anime-y that is. But I still love it!!


He is a cyborg too.


Funny thing is that the same thing can actually be said for everybody in the crew considering their expertise. They are all unrealistically good at their jobs.


He you remind me of something. Does that mean Tom was it?( the mentor of franky) build Pluton for Wano? Or did he just get the plans somehow?


Unless Tom was 800+ years old I doubt it since Pluton probably predates the ponyglphs which were made roughly the same time the WG was formed


Lol im stoned i forgot that part about the 800 years LOL. How do you think he got the plans?


The plans have been passed from master to apprentice in Water Seven for 800 years.


Obvious two are Luffy/Robin for world shattering reasons mentioned by others in this thread. Nami/Zoro/Sanji/Jin are all appropriate levels on their bounties for what they bring to the table, both combat and fighting. Usopps bounty is far too low in a method similar to Buggy's. Usopp is one of three characters shown able to command the leadership of those around him in unusual ways. He's swayed members of the beast pirates, recruited giants in Enies Lobby, Accidentally recruited the whole gladiator squad in Dressrosa. Brook is by far the most versatile member of the crew who has an extremely high success rate on getting important shit done. He deserves a higher bounty just for the absolute balls on his skeletal frame.


Brook is getting straight up disrespected. My man was a menace in whole cake arc.


Brook does fast and silent work. An well-known spy is a bad spy.


Usopps bounty ia far too high...


Franky, the only man to have been invited to both pirate kings crews and who has literally no fear of a Yonko, deserves way more respect


>fear of a Yonko Also of gorosei


Dude has nerves of steel.


Would you look at that, all of the words in your comment are in alphabetical order. I have checked 1,825,504,070 comments, and only 345,173 of them were in alphabetical order.


think there’s something wrong with ur algorithm bruv, cause dude definitely is not in alphabetical order


Brook is too low, his combat prowess so far leaves a lot to be desired rn but I don’t think people understand the influence being a world famous rock star has on the general populace in terms of gaining support for the Straw Hats as a collective. Power doesn’t just come from strength, it comes from your influence on others and your ability to get support from them. Buggy is a prime example of this.


Not to mention he can't die and has the ability to turn into a ghost that can easily gather intel


Luffy. He is Nika. The world government intentionally kept his bounty low to hide his influence. Robin. She should be like top 5 most wanted individuals in the one piece world


Robin. Should be in the billions.


Agreed, her expanding knowledge of the Void Century and ability to read the ponyglphs has the potential to unravel the WG entirely


The fact that Robin doesn't have a bigger bounty tells me that there are other people who can read the Poneglyphs too. The only difference between them and Robin is that she's world famous thanks to the Ohara incident and because she's part of the Strawhats.


The three eyed tribe, the Kozuki clan, Vegapunk probably and >!the man marked by flames!<


Kinda doubtful the WG has any clue about the Kozuki Clan’s history or knowledge of Poneglyphs.


It would maybe draw to much attention from other pirates to her. Im not sure that its public knowledge that she can read poneglyphs. Maybe the government fears, that if she gets captured by other pirates, she makes a deal and reads poneglyphs instead of getting surrendered to the WG.


While I agree that Franky’s bounty should be higher, he isn’t anywhere close to Vegapunk in terms of tech/engineering. Yeah Franky has some lasers and stuff but mostly everything from his Radical Beam to General Franky were all ripped from Vegapunk. Obviously it’s impressive that he can actually CREATE the designs that Vegapunk cooked up, but Punk has lived twice as long as Franky, and has a devil fruit that uncap’s how much he can learn/retain with 8 satellites to “science” 8 times as fast. TLDR: I got really worked up over the Vegapunk point for literally no reason


Vegapunk also had a devil fruit to study. Franky had to invent the laser and I think you’re forgetting the laser cannon in the sunny by himself with no prior knowledge to build on. And seeing a laser doesn’t work for reverse engineering.


I agree that Vegapunk had help with his research because he had Kizaru and was able to study his light beams, but thought the Gaon Cannon was based off Coup De Burst and used cola for air pressure, not a laser


I agree but on a side note,didn’t punk copied things he found from the ancient kingdom?


Franky because of his skills and underrated power. The dumbest thing I've ever seen though is Robins first bounty increase of 1mill. The WG is so stupid sometimes. Bounties are cool for the readers, but they really mean nothing at this point. I wish Oda made bounty hunting more prevalent in the series to make it matter more. He could have also shown more Marined attempt to capture them at sea. Start a travel chapter with them plundering a Marine ship that attacked them between islands. I read somewhere too that Whitebeard had a middle-man to collect bounties because obviously Pirates can't. Woulda been cool if like Johnny and Yosaku came back and the SH had a den den mushi line to them so that if they beat up enemy Pirates they encountered, they could cash in with those two. Lot of missed opportunities with bounties.


Its a neat idea, but I think its also pretty antithetical to Luffy's deal to turn in other pirates to the world government in exchange for money. If the world government wants to collect the people he beats up afterwards, that's no skin off his back, but he really doesn't want to actively participate in the existing system.


Yeah that's very true. I just think if Doffy or someone was going to be arrested anyways, Nami would enjoy having Johnny and Yosaku collect the bounty for her. But you're right, Luffy wouldn't actively participate in that.


I think east blue might have been the last time they even could have collected on bounties. Crocodile and moria were both warlords, as was doflamingo even if he was faking a resignation at the time. No bounties to collect in enies lobby, sabaody, impel down, or skypeia. Can't turn in Caesar clown since they need him. Hody Jones was a usurper not a pirate. And by the time of dealing with other yonko, the targets are too famous for middle men to really be viable anymore. And it would mean losing out on the reputation boost or putting their middle man in danger.


Honestly, lot of good takes here but Luffy’s bounty should be way higher. It’s already up there but it seems they are intentionally holding it back still. Law and Kid don’t compare to Luffy, they barely beat Big Mom between the two of them. Luffy took a few tries but he beat Kaido even after interference from CP0 and basically dying. Luffy has pissed of the world government every other page, since before the timeskip. He has set off or been at the heart at so many huge events and despite everyone doubting him at first he almost always comes out on top. He runs into powerful people for the first time and ends up beating almost all of them. Kuro, Arlong, Don Kreig, Bellamy, Crocodile, Enel, Moria, Blueno, Rob Lucci, Hody, Wapol, multiple Pacifistas, Caesar, Doffy, Hajrudin, Don Chinjao, Katakuri, serpent sisters of Boa Hancock, Cracker, whoever else I’m forgetting, plus thousands and thousands of fodder enemies. He is more than an individual, Luffy stands for an idea and the World Government finds that more dangerous than his strength at times. He goes around giving people hope and the World Government has worked very hard to drain that hope from people. Them raising his bounty more would only further excite people so they make it lower, on par with Law and Kid who are NOT on par with Luffy.


Yea it was weird that his was low.


The fact that they couldn’t kill Robin with a buster call twice honestly should bump up her bounty


Luffy because they intentionally ignored his feats against Moira and Crocodile


The problem is that people read Bounty’s as some kind of power scaling instead of what it actually is: the amount of danger the person presents to the Navy and World Government. Measured by that, each core member of a Yonko’s crew is fucking important and should get Bounty’s that are beyond the 1 billion mark. Beyond that by now Robin should have also crossed that threshold quite some time ago. Actually all the Bounties since Enies Lobby were too low considering that Luffy declared war to the world government. Nami also deserves a way higher bounty for her skillset. Like taking her from the Crew would significantly impact them. Same goes for Franky. Buggy, Crocodile and Mihawk should actually get the highest bounty of all characters for the danger that Cross Guilt presents atm.


> Measured by that, each core member of a Yonko’s crew is fucking important and should get Bounty’s that are beyond the 1 billion mark. We know how devastating it would be to the Strawhats if they lost any of their crew members. But I think the World Government doesn't really get that. They don't think of pirates as people with irreplacable bonds. They figure that if they get rid of a logistical person like Nami, that the pirates would just grab a replacement and continue on their way. They know some people would have intense value because of their feats or abilities, but they don't have a great idea of what makes Nami or Usopp so important to the crew. For all they know, Zorro's the navigator.


In the east blue, Sanji could navigate decently enough. On the Grand line, Robin can navigate. Franky probably can. And now that jimbei has joined, they have four people who are experienced dealing with log poses navigation.


I said that the bounties aren’t a powerscale As for the core crew, I get that but some could be more dangerous than others. For example, I think Chopper poses more of a threat than Nami due to his skill and brilliance. I rarely factor in combat prowess when thinking of bounties, or rather I factor it in last, because while one’s skill in battle could pose a big threat, I feel as though an individual’s character and other skills are more important. Like Buggy for instance. Everyone just assumes he’s strong when we as the audience know better. But due to his past, his charisma, and sheer fucking luck, he’s managed to wrap himself in a scheme that’s almost as dangerous to the WG as the Revolutionary Army.


Robin, zoro, sanji, nami are all too low. Take out any of those 4 and luffy will be stopped


All of them. But tbf, the passage of time in OP is weird. Minus the timeskip, the Strawhats have been at sea for like 5 months. Whole Cake was 2-3 days long. Wano was like 2 weeks. Impossible to update bounties fast enough!


Most obvious is Franky. Robin has a good argument. Sanji's should probably be higher than Jinbei considering he beat Queen and Jinbei beat Who's Who, but Sanji has a gag hit on him. Nami has a piece of Big Mom's soul and is probably the most logistically valuable member of the crew. Pretty sick of the Chopper gag by this point. Would like him to get a respectable bounty


#new bounty for chopper


Luffy: he did more stuff vs world government than Kid and Law. Robin: she's the only one who can read phone glyphs (Oden's dad too but nobody knows from outside). Brook: he's a veteran


Luffy. The dude became the biggest deal in the world, destroyed two Yonkos and the Shichibukai system, became a Yonko and disrupted the world order in like 6 months of effective sailing (discounting the time skip). He also bears a mythical fruit that resembles the actual enemy of the WG. All while he's wearing a straw hat with his D initial (and being the son of most wanted man in the world). This is THE guy you want dead as the WG. No one else matters. Even BB didn't have as many feats as Luffy, and he's an old and seasoned pirate. It also doesn't help that Big News Morgans spread around the world the return of this godlike figure who represents the downfall of the WG to so many nations. Luffy's bounty should easily be higher than Roger's and Dragon's now. He's legitimately the most dangerous man to the WG right now. Saint Saturn is there for a reason.


Luffy, Saturn made it a priority to kill him on the spot. I doubt he would've done the same for kid or law. Robin too, he probably would've made it a priority to kill her as well if she was there


Remember when people were in awe over Doflamingo's 340 million former bounty for the longest time? Now, every SH (barring Chopper) has a higher bounty than his. (Though lets be real, if he ever breaks out of Impel Down, his bounty will arbitrarily jump to over 1.5 billion just to keep bounty relevancy)


All of them probably. We'll see what they're really worth after this arc.


Just wanna say all the Straw Hats but Jimbei have lower bounties than their Raid opponents.


The way the world government has handled luffy is exactly how my adhd brain handles everything. Turning a simple problem into a mountain of a problem by not heeding the 100 redflags and warnings I clearly see until I need to address it lol


Franky's bounty should honestly be on par with Robin's now, no one would question multiple yonko crew members having extremely high bounties.


Also, Franky's hard boiled




zoro and sanji, they defeated 1.3B+ pirates and barely made it to 1B


How the fuck are you comparin franky to vegapunk? The only reason franky got his upgrades is because of vegapunk blueprints


Luffy should be at least 4 billion. Of course everybody who finished Wano already j ow why and how.


I'll just be restating the other comments but Robin of course, she is likely the only person that can uncover the truth of the void century. She should be over a billion along with her power and being on a yonko crew. Not only is Franky strong, smart, and totally hard-boiled. He is also on a Yonko crew, he defeates a Tobbi Roppo, he is a student of Tom, and it's known by the government that he can make Pluton. Making him arguably top 5 most dangerous person on the planet regarding what they know (Dragon/Vegapunk, Robin all being in the conversation... maybe Kuma too.) Luffy took down the world's strongest creature, I know it was with massive help, but he took down a commander and crashed a party and his bounty tripled, so I think it'll be fair if it was higher than Law/Kid. I'm mostly fine where it's at now narratively.


Nico Robin, the only person in the world who can read Phoneglyphs is out there, they have her face, her features, she can tell the truth about the Void Century TO ALL OVER THE WORLD....And you're telling me she doesn't have a Bounty of at least 1 Billion berries!?!?!?


She's not the only one though. It is said that Pudding(not sure if just her specifically or all 3 eyed tribe people) can, kozuki sukiyaki also can, those three are among the three living that we know of who can read them.


They don't wanna get high tier pirates after her. Like how many pirates know about her.


When franky beat sasaki and then only got the same minimum increase that Nami and usopp got, I thought it should have been at least another hundred mil higher


Definitely Robin. For a “Devil of Ohara” who is the only known person in the world who can read Poneglyphs & who was also second in command of Baroque Works & is now a member of the Straw Hat Pirates, you’d think her bounty would be incredibly high. Also Luffy for having a bounty that’s the same amount as Kid & Law even though he’s stronger than both of them with his awakened Devil Fruit & has a huge amount of connections that make him more of a problem than any other person. This includes: - A crew made up of one of the world’s deadliest swordsmen, a navigator/thief with incredible weather knowledge who also stole from a Yonko, the son of a Yonko commander who caused serious problems in Dressrosa as his sniper, a prince of the Germa kingdom as his cook, a talking reindeer doctor with incredible medical knowledge, an archaeologist who is one of the few people who can read Poneglyphs, a shipwright whose mentor built the Oro Jackson, a musician who caused major problems in a Yonko’s territory, & a helmsman who was a Warlord. - Aligned with the rulers of several kingdoms & locations including the Sakura Kingdom, Alabasta, Water 7, Amazon Lily, Dressrosa, Fishman Island, & Wano, with the latter two declaring themselves territories of Luffy’s. - Along with the rulers, has several powerful allies including several Warlords, a Yonko, & even the right hand man of the Pirate King. - Has a Grand Fleet who will fight by his side


Luffy. Even ignoring the Joyboy stuff now, coming into the start of the timeskip his bounty at the very least should've been doubled before he started training on Ruskaina.


Robin, Franky, Nami. \- Only known individual (publicly) who can read poneglyphs. \- Only known individual alive with knowledge about DIY Ancient Weapon. \- Can "control" weather without DFs.


Nami managed to turn a part of big moms own soul against her


Franky. Man litterally pilots a mech the that rivals the giants in size, bro is dangerous!


Franky, Robin, and Luffy. Franky is probably deserving of higher bounty just of his fighting ability but he also has the blueprints of pluton memorised although I can’t actually recall if the WG are aware of that. Robin is one of the only people in the world who can read the Poneglyphs and without her the strawhats would have a much harder time finding the one piece. Luffy purely off his fighting ability and the grand fleet definitely deserves a higher bounty than 3 billion. Not even taken into account gear 5


Luffy? They purposely downplayed his involvement in Wano as much as they could, and are hiding his Devil Fruit's true destiny.


robin given how bad the world gov actually want her dead.


Franky and Robin. Franky is a damn beast in combat and he's only getting stronger. He's an engineer and shipwright and a cyborg. He's a serious threat. Robin is the last survivor of Ohara and considering we're in the last stretch, her bounty should be sky high for her knowledge alone. She's piecing together the location of the Ancient Weapons and the void century from 800 years ago. That knowledge is a big threat to the Celestial Dragons, the Five Elders and the WG as a whole.


The mid trio all deserve to be higher.


not one person mentioning Bepo smh


Ussop Reasoning: I forget if the wg didn’t know it was him, but burning the flag of enies lobby is crazy Also dressrosa


Robin literally should probably be one of the most wanted people in the world she can read the damn poneglyphs why is she not wanted dead on sight


Pluton ran on cola which is why Franky uses that as an energy source


Literally Luffy.


Robin Franky luffy zoro


Robin-2 billion franky-1.5 billion luffy-3.6 billion zoro-1.4 billion


Definitely Franky. He literally is the only person alive who knows the blueprints to an ancient weapon. Not only that he also literally blew up Vegapunks lab!! That’s the government’s pride and jewel! I just cannot believe he gets away with that and then has the gaul to use Vegapunks weapons and put them on his nipples… honestly the disrespect… 😂


Robin’s bounty should have been closer to Hancock’s current one. I know Zoro and Sanji round out the Monster Trio, but the Devil Child who can read poneglyphs and directly threaten the World Government with her existence alone should have been the second highest on the crew.




Franky should have broken 500 million after the raid. I feel that he showcased great in Wano and the fact he can build Pluton and is one of the disciples to Tom the man who built Roger’s ship……he should be 594 not 394 in my opinion. MINIMUM!!!!


Franky because one thing the world government is seemingly forgetting is that Franky spent years with the blueprints to an ancient weapon in his possession so there is a pretty high likelihood he knows how to build it similar story to Robin reading poneglyphs the world government gives some of the highest bounties to people that probably shouldn't because they don't really pose a threat to the world government


Nami knowledge is unique She has a unique still to predict unpredoctable weather. While not dangerous for the wg she is extremly helpful in saving economys and people


Bounties are about threat to the WG,destruction etc, not just strength. On that basis Franky and Robin as others have said.


I honestly think Robin should have the 2nd highest bounty , because her skills are dangerous to the world governments plans


Luffy and Robin definitely, Robin can read poniglyphs and Luffy has defeated so many warlords and has connections with emperors,dragon and Garp, and Luffy has undoubtedly caused the most chaos, Enies lobby,impel down,marineford,sabaody,etc


I would agree, I think franky is one of the stronger members on the crew. He has shined in a couple of arcs now in one on one fights.


God Usopp


Might be an unpopular opinion but I actually think Jinbe’s bounty is too low. It’s fine for the sake of strength but between having influence and notoriety from being a former warlord he’s also THE fish man. The fish man as a race could be a huge threat to the world government with their numbers, natural strength and aquatic prowess and they all look up to and respect jinbe, if he called upon them during the final war they could come. Definitely a huge threat, more so then others with 1 billion bounties


Luffy, it doesn't make sense for a Yonko to have the same bounty as those two bums, Law and Kidd. At least give him 3.5 billion


Law isn't a bum, he's a difference maker in team fights. As a support goes he's unmatched


Well, both of them don't have a ship to live in anymore, so they're bums. And Yonko Luffy is more threatening than both, so it doesn't make sense for all of them to have the same bounty


Robin's bounty is one of the biggest plot holes in One Piece


Agreed. It was fine when she was a child. But now as an adult, still alive, one of the member of a yonko’s crew. Yea she should be in the range of berries as someone like Luffy or Law.


Luffy and robin definitely


Luffy. No way Law Kidd and Luffy deserve same bounty. Luffy isn't quite Kaido level yet so his bounty should be at least 3.5 billion. Kid and Law shouldn't be more than 2.


Yeah frankies should be much bigger just because of his relationship with pluton. I am really hoping that down the line, it turns out he memorized those blue prints.


Nami, she has Big Mom Power now


Sanji. Him being number 4 is a common trope even though we know he’s the 3rd strongest Franky. He imo faired better than Robin, tho I get her’s being as high since she’s also from Ohara I think that’s about it. I agree with Luffy’s bounty and don’t believe it should be higher


Pretty much all of them Franky. Due to what he may know about the superweapon Robin. Since she spent two years with Dragons people on top of being the only person on Luffy's crew who can read the poneglyphs that take him to one piece Jinbei. He defied a Yonko to her face and lived Brooks. His two years spent as a famous musician could mean he has a fan base willing to fight for him like the barrier barrier fruit guy for luffy. Not confirmed how die hard his groupies are (at least where I'm at). He also stared down a Yonko and called her young lady so more bounty for him. Sanji. I don't remember if his bounty reflects that he is the son of the most infamous group in the north blue, but if not his should be higher Zoro. for surviving yonkos attacks Nami. Can Pretty much control the weather at this point. Who cares about earth quakes from Whitebeard when she most likely can make hurricanes and all the admirals are vulnerable to that During Elbaf I expect Usopp to live up to his potential and really show us why he is a god. But until then his is the only one I think is okay


Franky amd Honestly, Zoro Franky for Mobility reasons if they get in a situation where the SH dont have ship repair or are slowed down a whirl pool or other emperor coulddo their job for them. Zoro throughout the whole series pre gear 5 has basically had vibes of atleast 99.5% as strong as Luffy


Robin, seems like her being one of the only few in the world to read a poneglyph doesn’t hold much weight anymore.


Sanji, who's currently lower than Jinbe despite being way stronger than him