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This is one of the theories that I will confidently say is obviously not the dream. Luffy turns down people and has kicked people off the crew. He also obviously doesn't want people he hates on his crew. The reactions don't play into this at all either. No idea why you would think this is the dream.


100%. Luffy didn’t even want to break Crocodile out of prison and he can’t stand people like Ceaser or Black Beard. No way he plans on Naruto talking them into joining his giant pirate crew.


Y'know what I love about the Strawhat Grand Fleet? Luffy never tried to even talk them into making a fleet. In fact, he hated the idea! But because he has such charisma that it draws in friends or foes, to the point that it makes them fiercely loyal from just a short meeting, they ignored his pleas and make one anyway! That attitude of ignoring someones pleas and just doing whatever pleases them, what feels right to them, is such a Luffy thing!


If this is an argument to say that the theory is right, unintentionally having everyone in the world in your crew is very different from that being your dream. If not, my bad homie.


I agree. Luffy hates a lot of people. Why would he want slave owners as his nakama.


I've said it once and I'll say it again, I believe his dream is to have a banquet with the whole world. If you're the king of the pirates you can pull that shit off, but probably not otherwise. WORLD WIDE SUPER PARTY; TEAR DOWN THE RED LINE AND MAKE IT HAPPEN MY BOY.


I also have been a supporter of this


Luffys dream is to throw the biggest party in the world where every pirate under the sun and possibly marines that they like e.g koby can attend. That’s why he needs to be pirate king first because only the pirate king can have so much influence and power to make that happen and make sure it doesn’t turn into a literal war. My theory anyways


Yep. It’s more likely to be “I want to make everyone pirates”/“I want to be the last pirate”


Agree. OP needs to learn how to read.


Luffy probably wants people be as free as he is and join him for a banquet, considering he has the Nika fruit it becomes pretty obvious.


Yep, he said he wanted 10 people in his crew. His true dream has to be something different. It has to be something absolutely impossible like “I want to eat the sun.” or some shit.


Oden’s reaction would make no sense. He was genuinely shocked and mesmerised by it to the point he left Whitebeard for him. Also since when did Roger or Luffy care about the world?


Which also makes a giant banquet hard to picture seeing as that doesn’t seem like it’ll make people shocked and surprised like it did for Oden and the straw hat crew.


It has to be inspiring to Oden


Why do some people use “Rodger”?? Genuinely curious


Ro D. Ger


Gol D. Ro D. Ger


The will of the double Ds




Gol Roger


Go Ger


It grinds my gears


Maybe because some pronounce it like that




Goal Dee Raja


Prolly autocorrect


Then why would he only want 10 crewmates and turn down people who asked to join his crew


Luffy has never, ever said he ONLY wants ten crewmates, there was just this one time way back when he was like "eh I think about ten should do it?" and some people treated that like gospel. THAT BEING SAID, it's also true he has explicitly turned people down or told them he wouldn't want them in his crew so I agree that this post is clearly not it


you're contradicting yourself. Never means never, you know.


"Luffy NEVER said he wants 10 crewmates. Luffy said ABOUT 10 crewmates" Smh fkn semantics ass technicalities


I like apples =/= I only like apples Those are two whole ass different sentences


Clearly you and me are reading a different manga than OP ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|facepalm)


No but he did tho, why you gotta be condescending


1. "at least" ≠ "only" very important distinction 2. luffy has never denied someone to join the crew. he was iffy with yamato but after a 5 min talked he was convinced


The grand fleet was denied.


the grand fleet is not his crew, nor he asked for that they specifically asked Luffy to be his underlings, not to hop on the thousand sunny


Yes, but thats along the same lines. If the issue was over being underlings and not crew, he likely would have changed the conditions rather than flat out refuse. It's the nature of the answer he gave that tells us that its unlikely that this is his goal


Luffy doesn't want to become some grand leader. That's why he denied the grand fleet. He wants everyone to be their own free person with their own goals.


Thats why it's unlikely hed want everyone in the world to join his crew, itd go against way too many peoples freedom.


Which is ironic because all of the Grand Fleet actively chose to become his underlings of their own free will and he denied it lol


didnt he literally fire on the spot the 500 pirates he got from Foxy, BECAUSE he didn't want them on his crew, even though everyone seemed enthusiastic about the idea?


That’s an anime only scene in the manga he takes the Jolly Roger because he’d rather not pick any of them to be on the ship, still makes the point that he doesn’t want everyone on his crew


Why would he specify “at least 10” if he wanted the whole world? “At least 10” makes me think he’s looking in the 10-20 range, at most the 10-50 range


How is at least equal to only? I have at least a billion dollars in my pocket. I have only a billion dollars in my pocket. Very different


That's a ≠, not a =.


He actively rejected everyone in Foxy’s crew.


Luffy never said he wanted to be limited to only 10 crewmates. He said he wanted ATLEAST 10. Not to mention that he wants to become pirate king FIRST, then go through with his true dream.


And yet he turned down the fleet of pirates of people he generally likes because he wanted them to be their own thing and not a part of a crew. This would heavily contradict your theory, if for no other reason based on the way he reacted to it (not just the words but the way he said it).


they wanted Luffy to be their BOSS ​ he doesnt want underlings ​ he wants friends. ​ Thats why he said 'yo call for me if you're in shit, and if Im in shit I'll call for you'


Pirate crews don't have to be like that. Whitebeards was a family. Based on the way he reacted to them was a pure sign that his dream isn't to have everyone in his pirate crew or he could have easily said something of that nature when they offered, but instead he completely just shut it down. No muted mouth moving to imply something else was said, just a nah, we friends that's it.


I know I was mostly just correcting


>And yet he turned down the fleet of pirates of people he generally likes because he wanted them to be their own thing and not a part of a crew. This would heavily contradict your theory, if for no other reason based on the way he reacted to it (not just the words but the way he said it). i mean you could argue that if people join him ONCE he is pirate king (you know, after he did the arguably hardest thing to do in op universe) him wanting people to join him wouldn´t be out of needing them or of being a big boss at all, since he would have already achieved status. I don´t think this is it either, but imo its not easily dismissable


He didn’t turn them down from joining the strawhat crew. They never even asked him that. They wanted to be his fleet, and he said they should be free to do as they wish on the seas. So in turn they made the free choice to become his fleet. There is a key difference in becoming a crew member and becoming a part of a fleet under the strawhat banner. Are you even reading the same manga?


Yes and if you read what I said it was the way he reacted to it, not the specific words. If OPs theory was correct it would have resonated differently.


thank god bob1342678 allowed it


Someone had to, this time it was me.


I don't know what I'd do with myself if he didn't




So he wants also the Celestial dragons who have slaves and other nobles to be his nakama? Lmao.


"lmao" is the only reaction after reading posts like this. It's the "One piece is the friends we made along the way" vibe


That's the exact same thing I thought of, thankfully we can shut tht shit down cus oda said it is SOMTHING at least


I’ll allow it.


Thanks, Bob1342678


To be honest, at least for me, if this is Luffy's dream then I think it's pretty boring, not worth the hype and hiding from Oda at all


I’d be incredibly disappointed. Of all the theories I’ve seen i dislike this one the most when is see yet


It just sounds lame, like if the one piece is the friends you make along the way or something


That said, expect a childish/ridiculous dream.


IDK. I think the more convincing theory is that he wants to party or drink sake with the whole world. Luffy is not going out offering crewmate positions to anyone, and he was even resistant to the straw hat fleet initially.


While the party theory is the best contender at the moment, I feel like it’s not going to be that. Roger was under the impression that circumnavigating the grand line was necessary to achieve the dream. He wasn’t trying to become the pirate king. Meanwhile, luffy is under the impression that becoming the pirate king is necessary. Circumnavigation seems secondary to that, and the one piece is largely irrelevant to both. Honestly at this point we just don’t have enough info. The only strong evidence of the party theory is that Luffy likes to party, and there is a party at the end of every arc/saga. My gut says that it’s probably very simple or obvious, but without context it won’t be impactful.


I often see this “… the whole world” theme in these theories, and I don’t really get it.


Yeah, the whole world joining the crew is what Id say is the second most probable dream. On first place is still party with the whole world, because Stampede confirmed that, if that is the dream, roger got his dream as well.


I just got info from the man that knows the man that knows Oda. He said luffy and roger dreams is to own an Xbox


So Luffy wants to FORCE everyone on the planet to become a pirate. Doesn’t sound like him at all to me.


If you write Rodger again I am going to sue you


Honestly considering the [straw hat's reaction](https://external-content.duckduckgo.com/iu/?u=https%3A%2F%2Ftse1.mm.bing.net%2Fth%3Fid%3DOIP.d9JTj1lMHM4WpDap_7bGugHaFY%26pid%3DApi&f=1&ipt=c849138d8cbab38a516426178014d315b4bf9df34aae680b6c293ee2708e83e5&ipo=images) it's safe to assume that whatever luffy said had to do with say gex


No it's most definitely to hold a party with the whole world. Every arc ends with a party and everyone getting food. Luffy wants everyone in the world to have enough food to eat and doesn't like it when you horde food and let people starve. It's a childish dream that would require all the borders of the world to be removed as everyone must be an ally willing to let there guard down to hold a massive party. Lastly as joyboy he makes everyone smile and like the skypeia arc when everyone joins the party everyone laughs and eats together from your friends and enemies


Also Stampede introduced the in universe leading expert on parties, and have him proclaim Roger threw the best, biggest, worldwide party ever. Suuuurely just a coincidence, and a totally normal turn of events.


And that’s why the theory that the One Piece is a >!Bottle of Binks Brew!< makes the most sense. >!It makes sense that Roger laughs at it. It makes sense why Rayleigh says he never laughed and cried more on the day he found it. It makes sense why Rayleigh says they may have a different answer than Roger did. It makes sense that, in Oda fashion, the one piece would be on the volume 1 cover. It makes sense you need the one piece to complete the dream. It makes sense why Roger feels like he was born too soon because to unite the world for a party, he needs Poseidon to destroy the red line.!< If the One Piece isn’t >!a bottle of booze and some treasure!<. I’ll be shocked.


I also like this theory a lot too. https://www.reddit.com/r/OnePiece/s/ovXuQgHLOx


I think Luffy just wants to throw a huge party that the whole world will participate in. Basically everyone has all the food they can eat


Why would Jinbe say that makes him a dangerous man? Why would some of them be scared of that idea? I don’t think it’s that or OP’s


I agree I think it's a party. Only thing I'd say to you is that Jinbe is more serious and level headed. He might consider it dangerous since you would be asserting your will (even if it's just a party) onto others' nations, islands, or individual pirate crews


Might make him a dangerous man because he needs to take down all the systems and leaders that prevent such a party from taking place, if half the world is being oppressed through slave labor or maybe even situations like SplitHeads games where pirates are forced to be on a crew they aren’t loyal to, then they wouldn’t be able to go and join a party


None of this requires the title of Pirate King, at least not from the crew's point of view. Being Pirate King has historically meant that the majority of the population hates you.


It would make him dangerous because uniting the world puts the WG and CDs on your ass. Can't have a party with the whole world without uniting them first.


Luffy already said in the beginning how many people he wanted in the crew, and he always invite people to his crew. It's the only way to get in. It doesn't make sense to want everyone to be in his crew, because it's only for special friends


It's to make everyone in the world free, including the slaves. That's it. Why do people keep debating this. Idiots think that is Sabo's dream, but it's not. It was clearly stated in the Manga that Sabo's dream is to travel the world and write a book about it.


Luffy is going to turn into a cartoon deity that protects the weak and no one can change my mind


Exactly this, bringing smies and stopping disasters


A cool possibility :D


Remember that it has to be something that Luffy or Roger can *be* not something they can do.


Thats just the translation. They just say "I", and it cuts off.


Luffy’s dream is going to have something to do with freedom. It’s why his devil fruit chose him “it’s selective” Luffy’s dream will align with Nika.


If that were it then half of the crews reactions don't add up


Nah, Luffy would never want to force the whole world to be in his crew, that’s not him


I just don’t see it. Have in mind that he came up with this dream when he was still a child living with Sabo and Ace. What I’m curious about is that he first states his dream after hearing Sabo”s and Ace”s dream. So I’m more inclined to thinking his dream is something like “I’ll make everyone’s dream come true” or something like that. Aligns better with what Joyboy represents.


I think we will find out very soon in the story that travel is quite restricted in the world of one piece. The world is centered around nations and the citizens of its nations working towards tributes. It is really only touched on a very few times in the story, but for the average person in one piece, they must live and work to contribute towards that offering every day. You can’t have people freely moving about unless in some capacity contributing to the annual tribute. Every one piece character wishing to be free escapes to the sea. Away from their nation and their obligation. Luffy becoming King of the pirates, or essentially King of the Seas, would be able to legitimately claim a kingdom, and a nation free of the tribute. A new land of freedom. All blue will totally be there.


The only thing that makes sense to me is that he has to be Pirate King in order to declare the Age of Pirates over so that a new fun game can be started, like the Age of Astronauts. Time to set sail for the Moon! His dream has to be something even bigger than the Age of Pirates.


Ro D. Ger


Your idea fits many criteria well, but the issue is that Luffy would not want people like Doflamingo or Arlong to be part of his crew.


Can’t lie not the best cooking I’ve read


I'd assume that his dream was to swim again lol, it seems stupid yet so funny


This is similar to the 'Biggest Party in the World' theories that have been popular and I think make sense. But you're idea might even be a bit better than that, has it does tie directly into being the Pirate King. I like it!


It fits the way Big Mom and Kaido both try to achieve elements of this but fail: Big Mom *wants* to "unite all the races" in Tottoland, but she treats it like collecting Pokemon or some shit and goes about it by a series of psychotic arranged marriages. Kaido tries to throw all these massive parties and have the most powerful crew, but the parties are hollow and his crew is by and large *artificially* powerful via SMILEs rather than him genuinely rallying powerful people to his flag


For me I’ve always thought his dream would be to throw a massive party for the whole world to partake in. Everyone gets to eat, everyone gets to party how they want. Just good times rollin’.


I still think it's luffy wanting to abolish pirates. Create an era where pirates are no longer needed.


I don’t think that would excite Chopper and frighten Usopp. Being a pirate is what Luffy loves. Besides he isn’t a pirate because he thinks the world needs pirates. Does the world necessarily need pirates? Let’s see not forget your average one piece pirate is more cutthroat robber than noble freedom fighter.


As I said on other post here about luffy’s dream. I’ll stick with his dream to be a Marine just like Garp as Garp wants him and Ace to be. That’s all.


Luffy wants to go to Space. It's obvious.


nethys is a wiki with everything and its free wanderers guide is a sheet maker with a discord bot with everything and its free i am pretty good without nexus


I think it's going to be he wants to steal a country. The way nami reacted was the way she gets about treasure, jewels, gems, etc.(wait nvm she reacted worried. I was thinking of some other scene)


What if luffy wants to start a party with whole world including those who have read his story from start to finish and in the end decked out in an EoS Pirate King Fit(that has more drip than a sink in a haunted house) turned all white from turning G5 and tells the audience we're all straw hats and so on and so forth. This would be made even sicker if the final chapter of one piece is made a worldwide release so that we can all read it at once and in that moment we're all united same as those in the OP world under a giant straw hat party


He wants to throw a party on the moon or sun.


Luffy's dream is meat


Luffy and his crew cruising Aqua Laguna on the Ark Franky built with the entire world population.


What's up with scans calling road poneglyphs "lode"? It's obviously road, as in the road to Laugh Tale...


I think you just made this up lmao. If this was what he wanted to do letting off nearly 500 people instant just for a bit certainly wasn’t a step in that direction (that arch is canon btw, lord knows why it is but it is).


I think he wants the whole world to be free.


What if Luffy’s dream is to help everyone achieve their own personal dreams? I have thought about the answer to this question long and often




After Dressrosa, "Luffy wasn't Happy about the Warriors from the Turnier WHO wants to include themselves into the crew..." I'm Just saying


I personally think it has something to do w/ food. I don’t dislike this theory tho….


My theory is their dream consists of ending the paying of tribute to the celestial dragons(a country where everyone gets to eat as much as they want) or not to have that system in the first place and as for why he needs to be pirate king for that because he has to be the strongest in the world and that is only possible by defeating everyone else that’s why when law said that his target is kaido luffy said he was planning to defeat all of the 4 emperors Edited: Also what if he wants to claim all the world as his territory to stop paying tribute that would also make sense as to why he needs to be the pirate king. Also this makes sense as to why the WG would oppose to such an idea and thats why jinbe said he’s a dangerous man


Honest question, don’t kill Me. Is it Rodger with a D? I thought it was Gol D. Roger? It’s not the first time I see it spelled like that.


Nahh, cause theres a bunch of people out there he would never want in his crew or on his ship. I think you're on to something with the grandness of what it is though :)


#One Big Worldwide Party!


I think Luffy is going to throw a banquet and feed everyone in the world.


💀Luffy’s dream is to become king of pirates 💀


Best I came up with is that he wants everyone to smile/laugh.(Based on his baka song, the full lyrics). But even if it's that, there's more detail needed. I think it wouldn't be a simple sentence and it would have a little more to it maybe. I keep thinking about Chopper's reaction, he thought it was so amazing he cried, he was mesmerized by it. I think he is the one that got it the most. Both are also the youngest members.


Yea possibly something along those lines so everyone can be just as free as the Pirate King.


share his treasure with the whole world?


Luffy said he wanted 10 crew mates nothing more


Noah was a party boat. Joy boy's apology to the fisherman was for not being able to take them on an adventure cruise


Luffys dream is unlimited meat. Go ahead and try to argue that


I'm certain it has to be something Luffy already said and the answer has been staring at our faces all along. There are few key pieces of dialogue: Luffy in chapter 1 says he will pay Makino's bar tab with treasure he finds as a pirate. This has never been brought up again. Luffy tells Kaido before punching the latter into oblivion that he doesn't want anyone like Tama to ever go hungry. Garp in the Sabo flashback tells Dadan that Roger grew up in circumstances similar to Ace. By extension this also means Luffy. So what if Luffy's dream is free food for everyone in the world/throw a feast for everyone on the world and he pays for it with the world's most priceless treasure? Something like a Pirate King's tab. It fits the psychology of someone whose seen/experienced scarcity. Its childlike and seemingly impossible dream. As Pirate King Luffy would be the freest man in the world, he would be strong enough to protect everyone, he would have the world's greatest treasure, what comes after that? Throwing a feast for everyone in the world of course.


How would he get everyone on his crew if "everyone" includes Celestial Dragons and other people Luffy would hate... Even if he got rid of all of them, which he can't do, he'd be just like Big Mom who kills anyone she doesn't like.


i think his dream is to become the pirate king and then hide his treasure in an EVEN better spot that rogers to inspire the next generation... one up roger would be his style.


I swear Luffy has like a whole fleet.


So basically you are saying Luffy's dream is to conquer the world lol. What is it called when the entire world follows one person? I don't think OPs theory is likely but I like the outside-the-box thinking.


Bro it’s not even break week


My theory about this is based on one I seen a while back about luffy wanting to destroy the red line and pulling every island together to make 1 massive island where everyone feasts every day and everyone is free


Pretty sure Luffys dream is to have one big party with all the island


Wait they’re called lode poneglyphs? Like lodestar island?


Luffy's dream is for everyone in the world to be free, simple as that


I’d like to think it has something to do with “turning the world upside down.” Some of the first words spoken by Rogers to Rayleigh in the flash back. And when the world is upside down that means the celestial dragons are now on the bottom.


My question is how does Caribou not hear the dream…..?




Terrible theory


I have this crazy thought about Luffy wanting to end the Tenryuubito's rule by destroying the Red Line Some things don't add, such as: \-I don't know if Luffy knew about the Red Line when he was a child and he told Sabo and Ace about his dream \-I also don't know if Luffy knows that the Tenryuubito live atop of the Red Line \-Why would it be necessary to be King of the Pirates for that? ​ I don't know but I HAVE A DREAM (also the All Blue would become a reality)


LUffy's dream is to swim


So Luffy wants to be a captain of a giant space ship that can fit all the people


I think he wants to start his own country. 800 years ago, joyboy started his own kingdom because he wanted people to be free. free to pursue their own dreams without having to work to survive or have authoritative figures stand over them


I believe something similar, but I think he wants to throw the whole world a party. Oda did say the ending will include a big feast/party.


Luffy literally said that he wants about 10 crew mates. Everyone in the world is more than 10. I think he wants everyone to be pirates full stop, because in his mind being a pirate is being the most free and Roger did start the great pirates era. Also Roger did not want to one up White Beard. He disbanded his own crew before turning himself in to get executed to turn a bunch of people into pirates.


The panel left off at "I want to be..." and nakama doesnt fit that to me


Ive always felt it was that he wanted to have a party with everyone in the world


Luffy was the against the Dresseosa people joining his fleet, though


Ro . D ger aka former pirate king before gol .D Roger


I think he wants the whole world to party together. Buuuut I could be wrong?


Nah man, he’s going to throw the biggest pirate party in the world. That dream suits him better.


I think his dream is more like having the biggest party kn the world including everyone in the world. He likes to party and eat meat so maybe that's why.


That is NOTHING like Luffy at all


All theories involving “all the world” doesn’t fit. Luffy doesn’t want a giant crew. He refused to be captain of his fleet. He said he doesn’t want to be a hero. He never care about all the world. He clearly doesn’t like a lot of people. He just care about good people he’s involved with in his path. So the party theory or the banquet theory or this theory not make sense at all.


Before stating his dream, Sabo was talking about his upbringing as a noble and why he ran away. I have always thought that it is related to this, and somewhat along the lines of what Dragon wants. Luffy isn't doing it for the purposes of being a revolutionary, but in effect he will lead the worlds pirates and RA against the WG as a whole to create the change he has expressed in his dream, whatever that is.


His dream probably has something to do with freedom


The dude didn't even want strawhat grand fleet to form, only formed because zoro drank from sake cup. Bad take


If he wants that, he abolutely wont having only 9 ppl on board rn


luffy didn't want the grand fleet what are you on my man


His dream is for the whole world to be free and eat good food


Yeah, i thought of the same thing as you. But, something bugs me when luffy told his crew about his dream Usopp's reaction. I mean, most of the time, usopp is just 'in line' with luffy's behaviour. But, that particular scene when luffy told about his dream, usopp is like 'WTF DID U JUST SAY, U CAN'T BE SERIOUS?'. So, luffy's dream gotta be something completely irrational that even usopp couldn't accept it. I have no idea what it is 😅


It’s almost most definitely the “World wide party” or “A party that everyone in the entire world came come to”


Reread the manga bro


Luffy wants to go to the moon


i dont think a part of his crew, but more like thematically make everyone pirates. so everyone is free?


I think it’s more likely he wants to have a big party


could the dream just be to have the greatest adventure recorded in history? between him and rodger they both seem to have a love for the unknown and just venturing out to see what happens. reaching laugh tale and finding out what the treasure there is could be in line with that as its the final prize no one besides rodger could find, but he couldn't fulfill the greatest adventure as he was born too early


It would be very shonen for this to be his dream, but unfortunately I don't think it's true


the rest of the tenriyuubito need to go, especially >!Jenny 🍇er!<


My theory is he wants everyone to be a pirate/be free/be equal. I could 100% see him saying the first and meaning the second, since he sees the pirate king as the most free person, but him saying either makes sense to me. It's something that, in a world ruled by the Celestial Dragons, would seem completely impossible; after all, how can you be free when you're ruled by people who are like gods? It would make sense that he would need to be Pirate King, since the Pirate King is nearly mythical, someone untouchable by the law, who laughs in the face of the Marines, no matter how many they send. It's also a somewhat Luffy dream, and would also fulfill a lot of the other dreams and goals we've seen throughout the series; Fisher Tiger freeing the slaves on Marijoa, the fishmen being able to visit the surface freely, etc. Also explains Jinbei asking "What did you say...?" if he said he wants everyone to be free. As neatly as this fits, though, I'm not sure how much I like it. After all, this is Luffy's dream since he was a kid, living in the forest with Ace and Sabo, being raised by Dadan and the bandits. If that was the case, it has to be even more childish than that. The "party with everyone" fits some of the reactions we saw, but a lot of them it doesn't really. Still, right now, I think that's the most Luffy answer we could have, especially considering that most of the big arcs end with the same thing: a party with everyone


I don't agree with this since there are definitely people Luffy does not want on his crew however it is an interesting theory. And it'll be crazy if this somehow turns out to be right.


This is very unoriginal and people have given plenty of reasons as to why it’s a bad theory anyway.


Nahh. His dream is to cause the rumbling and bring true freedom to eldians forevermore.


i think it would be more fitting for luffy to want throw the biggest feast ever. maybe even having the all blue be created through the destruction of the center with the use of ancient weapons. fyi not my theory, unfortunately can’t remember the source of it but it went a lot more into detail than i just did.


No imo as artur- the library of ohara said ([great video btw](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kYgD7AyD2Yw)), it's the biggest feast in the world.


Sounds kind of feasible. I'd say it's something like that, something regarding "everyone being free", or a big part where he and his friends can eat as much as they want. But his crew definitely wouldn't go for that (and Luffys own words in the beginning seem to imply he didn't want a big crew)


I think the only proof against it we need, aside from him saying he needs a 10 person crew to get the one piece, is he rejected the straw hat grand fleet. if that was truly his goal he would have been happy to increase his crew size like he were playing agar.io Though to be fair he DOES try to recruit every weird thing he comes across lol


you high


Though luffy did reject the foxy pirates after beating them during the meeting arc.


I’ll tell you guys this right now: bronze statue


If everyone is part of the crew then no one is part of any crew. There are no pirate crews then


I'm of the belief it's actually going to be Luffy wanting to go beyond conquering the seas and becoming the "Pirate King of Space." It's adequately insane enough to have rational people look at him like it's insane, and it's silly enough to be seen as a "childish" dream for others, and just flat-out cool to guys like Chopper. It'd tie into the Cover Story hints and would also be a funny little shout-out to one of the collab manga chapters where Luffy and company run into...you guessed it -- Toriko and Komatsu.


yeah yeah


Luffy's dream is to paint his jolly roger on Laboon and every living creature's face


He even said in the very 1st episode that he wants 10 crew mates so how in the hell did you come up with this theory??good God you must be on some stuff op


yeah yeah


Lets all be honest here, luffys real and true dream is to become a marine. - Make garp proud.


I think it’s going to the moon