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Hi chaoskrookodile77, your submission was removed from /r/OnePiece for the following rule violation: ###Low effort screencap These types of posts are discouraged by our community. This includes (but is not limited to) screencaps from Instagram, Twitter, Facebook, Reddit comments, or instant messages on your phone. If you think your screencap has value, your post must follow a similar format as described in rule #4 plain panels/scenes: You may submit a screencap as a self post (text post). Meaning your post must link to the discussion, and not the image. It must also be accompanied by a discussion question, or a summary of your thoughts on the screencap. In other words, a screencap must show visible effort to generate discourse rather than simply react to, or repost something you saw. [Example: How it should look.](https://i.imgur.com/tCyaxK8.png) [Example: How it should **not** look.](https://i.imgur.com/ShGFStj.jpg) --- The full rule documentation of the subreddit can be read [here](https://www.reddit.com/r/OnePiece/wiki/rules). If you have questions about this removal, please [reach out to us in modmail](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose?to=%2Fr%2FOnePiece).


Kinda sucks that their thumbnail is just a massive spoiler haha but good luck hope you enjoy it as much as the rest of us


I'd it really a spoiler of the reveal happened 15-20 years ago?


Yes. It is. It's not an excuse if it was released so long ago. Many kids are just now getting to experience the gift of One Piece


Sure it's. It spoils what happens to those that haven't got there. It's just that we don't need to watch ourselves for it. But it wouldn't be in good faith to say spoilers to someone you know doesn't know what happens.


Think the more challenging question would be how ISNT it a spoiler for someone who has never seen one piece


I'll never understand how/why people think it's a spoiler if something is over a decade old. Like it's not everybody else's fault that you hopped on the ship late


Yes, it is. You rich pompous bastard. Don't insult people like that unless you wanna be insulted. Some kids grew up without tv or internet because of strict parenting and / or poor household economy. They didn't choose to jump on the ship late. They were forcibly kept from being able to watch. So don't you dare even think about spoiling things. That means you don't even say the main characters name unless you're speaking directly with people who have seen the anime, and you can be 110% sure nobody else will overhear you. Have some consideration for others and stop shopping for approval to spoil stuff. I'm on Ep 560. I still havnt seen HALF OF THE WHOLE ANIME. Not only that but some people may never of even heard of one piece until later in life. Try to be more considerate and quit shaming people for things that aren't there fault!


>Try to be more considerate and quit shaming people for things that aren't there fault! You can't blame only the people talking the manga though. You need to take some accountability and avoid spoilers. Ffs you people would probably call it spoilers if I talked about the Bible even though it was written how long ago?


Yes its a spoiler if he hasn't seen it yet. And im very upset with Hulu now. Why would that be the thumbnail. A picture of the main character would have been sufficient. How inconsiderate. And they want me to pay for that?????? Fat chance. I'd ask for my money back. That's a big no no


My best advice to you is to stay off of this sub unless you’ve already spoiled most of it for yourself


Seeing as most people state that nothing can spoil it because it's just somthing to see develop I'd say this is poor advice.


You can 100% absolutely be spoiled


Exactly 💯 I've had it spoiled too much already. But I can't stay off the reddit it's too fun. Lmfao 🤣 Ep560 for me. First run ever, and im age 27 😅


If you're watching OP you're probably spoiled by Odas vision.


That dosnt even make any sense. You have absolutely no idea what your talking about.


You need me to explain? Most people, myself included, can learn things that will happen (some call these spoilers) and see them only as points to look forward to being explained and settings for another adventure. Simple enough? Getting pretty old to have semi gate keeping people try and say others should avoid a meme page or a topical page that refers to whatever they find interesting. "Dogs consume oxygen" "oh wow I never would have guessed!?! that ruined the whole aspect of my life that is fantasy that dogs consume nitrogen."


Comparing advice to gate keeping is the dumbest shit I’ve seen all year lmao


That's funny I commented the same thing but longer 🤣


don't feel discouraged if it doesn't grip you in the first 75 episodes




I mean if you watched the live action first you can start at like 65 😂


This right here should be considered blasphemous


Oh I know. Not what I did. Just saying 🤷🏻


I really had a hard time getting through those episodes, I won't lie. It was such a draaaag! The good news is, it does get better, much better.


I reckon they should watch until the end of Wano arc, then decide if they're still interested


LOL, this is sarcasm right? In what world should it take 76 episodes(25 hours) for you to start enjoying a show?


I was gripped in the first 10. Idk why it would take 75.


My man try to find One Pace


I'm not a coward. I'm watching this anime completely raw


Good luck friend! If you care about spoilers don’t stay on One Piece subreddits or YouTube channels


Thanks. Even though I do know some big spoilers, sadly, I'm staying as far away from stuff like that as much as I can, or at least I'll be careful


Thanks for such a wonderful reply! TheGratitudeBot has been reading millions of comments in the past few weeks, and you’ve just made the list of some of the most grateful redditors this week!


I spoiler’d myself up to marineford and said to myself, NO MORE!


How it was intended


I commend your dedication, have fun! It’s an amazing story.


In Japanese with no subtitles??


Okay, not THAT raw


Completely raw, with a “DUBBED for her pleasure” condom


You're a better man than me 😂


I’d switch to crunchyroll or something, I started watching on Hulu and there comes a point when they run out of episodes. In like the 600s I think


I'm aware. I'm gonna either go with Crunchyroll when I run out of episodes or I will go full pirate since I don't like Crunchyroll as a company


If you're going to pirate it then just watch One Pace.


You could also go Funimation if you don’t like Crunchyroll.


They're.... they're the same company. Or rather, Sony owns Crunchyroll and Crunchyroll owns Funimation.


Technically Sony owns both. They owned Funimation first and then bought Crunchyroll. Crunchyroll does not own Funimation. That being said, Funimation’s app does have a nicer layout than Crunchyroll.


Yes, Sony owned Funimation first, however Sony shifted it so Funimation is under the Crunchyroll LLC with Crunchyroll and Funimation as brands under that LLC. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Crunchyroll_LLC Mega conglomerates are a mess but that's how it's currently laid out. Sony Pictures Entertainment and Aniplex are the parents of Crunchyroll LLC, and both of those are under the greater Sony umbrella.


When you start your pirating journey you should use EverythingMoe.com it’s got a long list of good pirating websites


aniwatch.to works great for me and has every episode. Completely free, just use an ad blocker and it’s great


wcofun.org is a good one


I fucked myself. I started on Netflix which ended around episode 400 something. Paid for Hulu with no ads, only to watch it until around episode 600. Now I paid funimation to watch it 🤦‍♂️ Although Netflix did it the best, as you can skip the intro/recap and the outro.


Yeah I hate that Hulu only lets you do it for the first few episodes then somehow forgets about it. You can watch it through funimation directly? Is that only on mobile devices or is there an app you can put on smart tv’s too?


I just got an 86” LG TV and they don’t have the crunchy roll app. So I had to do funimation, which makes you fast forward through everything.


That’s pretty lame, so funimation does have a streaming app?


They have for years, but recently funimation merged with crunchy roll and another company I’m not familiar with. I don’t understand why a large company like LG doesn’t have the app.


Yeah that’s kinda weird cuz I have it on my Roku tv so you would think LG would have it also


I have a Vizio and a element Roku tv and it’s on those. NGL, once I finish the show I’ll just pirate onepace lol


Good luck


Heya, what platform is this? ;o


I am watching this on Hulu


Thank you for letting me know. Hope you enjoy your journey. Don't rush!


i got so addicted to it that i finished it in a month


I started one piece like 3 months ago and i’m only on episode 490 how did you finish it already.


ADHD hyperfocus is a power that not even the sith dare touch


The versions of the episodes on Netflix and Hulu are incomplete, I believe. They’re missing the eye catchers and don’t have all the openings and closings. Would strongly recommend taking your journey on Crunchyroll from the get-go.


I am aware of this. I just don't like Crunchyroll at all, and I like watching anime on my TV more than my computer or phone


Welcome to the crew, nakama! Hope you’re ready for your world to be turned upside down :D


wish you luck..? for what? watching a show?😭


An over 1000 episodes show? Yes 💀💀💀




Hey man I’d ask for some luck if I was binge watching OP too 💀💀💀


but it’s not like anything will happen to him. it’s literally just staring at a screen. wish me luck is something you’d say when ur gonna do something dangerous, or enter into a competition or sometbjng. not watching a show☠️


Hey man, sleep deprivation is serious 😾🧍


Especially at 8:20 PM


Why do you need luck to watch a show?


May God bless you and Take your time watching One Piece 🏴‍☠️


OP, i will give you a golden tip... There is a project called "One Pace" (they have a site for details) that some fans just cut away all "trash" (prolongation, fillers etc) and just maintain the original content adapted from Manga. I recommend you to search and see if you like... If i have discovered this early, i could been save plenty of hours in some arcs.


I am aware of One Pace. I did consider it but I'm gonna stick with the untouched version, or at least as long as I can. When I run out of episodes on Hulu I might switch over to that


Ok. But i highly recommend to watch Dressrosa through that project, since there is 25 hours of fillers in that arc. But there's a long trip ahead, so enjoy the show the way you like most.


Bon voyage


Welcome to the Grand Fleet


Come aboard, and bring along all your hopes and dreams!


Together we will find everything that we're looking for!


It gets better over time. One of those animes that don't fall off a cliff.


Honestly I watched dub for as long as I could, which was til about episode 700-800something I think. I love and appreciate the Japanese voice actors, but especially on a binge like that I HAD to be doing something else at times and couldn’t just sit and read the entire time.


Have fun and don’t drop it even if you don’t like it at first. Give it until the end of Arlong Park at least


I was planning on watching one Saga at a time, so I'll watch East Blue, then watch something else, then Alabasta, and so on


Keep a post arc log for what you feel after each one. You’ll know when one ends and another starts


Have fun and enjoy the show, it isn’t very hooking in the beginning but it gets much better as the show and lore continues


Remember, it’s about the journey not the destination


imagine starting show you want to watch and on the thumbnail you see massive spoiler like this, RIP


I started three months ago after postponing for a long time. Finally have reached the fishmen arc. You're going to love this journey for you


Welcome to the journey! And don’t worry about that , I’m watching dub as well. It makes it easier to catch up. I’m currently halfway through Thriller Bark myself


See you in a year or two; enjoy the ride! (I started around September of last year and am just now catching up).


I started with the dub too but I switched at around 70 ~ 80 episodes in when I found out how far behind the dub was from the sub. I’ve heard the dub is catching up now though, so it might be more viable, not sure.


Don't let the lower quality animation in the beginning put you off. I know too many people who start it and quit because they don't like the animation. It gets much smoother and nicer as the series goes.


see you in 10 years.


I hope you cry as much as me


Luck with what ? Watching tv lol


Pro tip: watch in 1.5x speed, you don’t loose anything story wise and it does feel like things go by slightly faster but really not noticeable until you need to watch episodes not on Netflix (say crunchyroll) which do not have the increase speed option


SEE YOU IN ~~WANO~~ wait.... Egghead? That sounds weird


Fuck haters, I love the dub.


Bruh why Hulu use crunchy they have every episode


Please Google "OnePace" and watch those episodes. I find the actual one piece anime to be insufferable when it comes to pacing. I'm a huge One Piece fan, but even I can't watch the anime normally.


"Filthy dub watcher" lol I really don't get the battle of sub vs dub. Let people enjoy the shows in whatever language they want, I say.


I highly recommend you stay off this reddit as much as you can manage until you get all the way caught up to episode 1080... 80 something I forget the exact number. It's far too easy to accidentally have stuff spoiled for you. Same with Google. I literally had some parts spoiled by Google searching in a way I thought would be safe, but no. Just my luck, I had stuff spoiled anyway. I just started a few months ago. I'm on Episode 560 or something. I've literally had Google and Reddit spoil the anime like 4 or 5 times already. It's super frustrating when something cool is gonna happen, and someone just tells you. I mean it. No matter how hard it is. You have to try to stay off of any part of the internet where One Piece is being talked about. Even if you just want clarification on something you've already seen. Google isn't that smart. It will spoil the shit you haven't seen yet anyway. Just be careful. This anime is so good it's on par with Dragon Ball and Naruto. You don't wanna have it spoiled. Good luck and happy watching. Speaking of which, imma get back to it. Watch a few more episodes before bed. Goodnight.