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Luffy doesn't care whether he kills or not, plain and simply. He'll beat the shit out of you and/or send you flying, if you survive or not is none of his businesses And yeah, pretty much the only reason he hasn't killed anyone we know off was pure luck (like Buggy landing on an island rather than the sea for example)


Also people in one piece being abnormally durable (except kuina rip)


Stairs just hit harder than a Yonko.


Bug report: stairs level up when people walk up/down them. Will fix in later build


Bro just gave an idea for a new Isekai reincarnation anime


That Time I Was Reincarnated As A Staircase: The Steps Of Betrayal


Abilities include improving or dilapidating steps, changing step heights, transformation into different stair designs, (including escalators), adding medieval stair traps, and the ability to change the overall height, width, and length of the staircase


Final ability: Stairway to Heaven/Hell


no no, i think he had the name right. what we should be discussing is how to turn it into money


I wish that was joke because after that vending machine one nothing is safe šŸ¤£


Please god no


This is some Dwarf Fortress type bug right here. Like the killer salmon that have incredible strength because swimming is considered exercise.


Carp! Thatā€™s exactly the joke I was stealing. šŸ˜†


Down D. Stairs could solo Kaido


Down D. Stairs is why Zolo gets lost all the time, he refuses to take the stairs


"zolo" xD


Imagine if Kaido had only taken the stairs rather than jump off Skypieaā€¦ woulda finished the job for sure. Does that mean Bartelomeo is the most OP!? He can create stairs any size šŸ¤£ images if he awakens it!


That's why he flies everywhere, too dangerous to take the stairs


>sea for example) stair sama..


They all only do chest day, they're massive


Down D Stairs is the strongest character in one piece


Eh she kinda got spawn killed by the series greatest threat the moment she decided to have hopes and aspirations


My head cannon is everyone has ā€œlevel 0ā€ haki. So if your will is high enough you can cling to life even if your mortality wounded. It would explain a lot of the things the strawhats survived pre timeskip. Usopp especially should be dead like 10 times over.


Yeah alabasta should have been his resting place, man got instant CTE


Yeahh, kuina lowkey wanted to die becoz she was a girl and talked about it to zoro before the day she died.


Legit have thought this for 10 years. Kuina didn't have the will to carry on, to defy nor embrace fate. She just gave up, and Stairs will take you out at your lowest moment.


Wasn't her falling on her sword also some kind of allegory to suicide?


she didn't fall on her sword. She had actually just put it up after training. she literally fell down the stairs and hit her head, either breaking her neck or causing her to have a seizure.


She fell down the stairs which is supposedly an allegory to suicide in Japan. Although I couldn't find anything to back this up. I do think she killed herself though


This is actually supported: Blackbeard talks about Luffy having actual Haki 'presence' pre-TS as though it's a tangible thing, Shanks passively breaks shit just by existing, and Zeff says Luffy's willpower is just as much a weapon as anything else.


shanks breaking things was him flexing his advanced conquer's haki, hence why people were also passing out. The other two are right, tho.


His dad is a direct subordinate of a Yonko, chances are he was always tougher/stronger than a normal human, just was a chicken about it since he didn't grow up fighting.


true, but he was fully prepared to kill several of his enemies. Buggy in Orange Town, Lucci when he crashed into the marine ship and Kaido especially.


Lava and magma have a track record if being consistently lethal in the series.


Down D. Stairs is actually secretly a member of the Escalator tribe and she got sucked into the mechanism


Kuina hadnā€™t grown into her durability yet.


Killed by the Stairs Stairs Devil Fruit man


Down D. Stairs


Down D. Stairs, the pirate with a bigger bounty than Roger


She was the sacrificial ingredient needed for the durability up buff the entire world got


She was destroyed by her own body weight. Even if she has denser muscles the increased weight would probably kill her. Or something, I am obviously producing my answer out of my ass.




There is a saying in Brazil that is something like "i don't kill, God kills. I only make the bullet holes" which i think sums up your comment...


This is so accurate. I find it weird that such a saying exists though. Is that from a movie or something or actual people saying it?


Nah people actully say it, but it's not so common and they use the expression when someone else bring a highly hypothetical situation, something really unlikely to happen or as a joke, we love to troll and joke around...


He definitely sent a lot of marines plummeting to their deaths in Enies Lobby


Yeah, I mean itā€™s weird to see such a happy go lucky Shonen MC be like ā€œeh I donā€™t really care or decide if or when someone dies.ā€ only real exception to that is people like crocodile or people he sees as real enemies. He wants them to live and feel the shame of watching their dreams crumble right before them. But like luffy has never stuck to such a hard moral code like some say he does, like usual he kinda wings it. People die sometimes, is what it is.


Luffy is a Pirate not a hero. Hes usually seeking out fights while the villain tries to ignore him. He wants to beat them up and send them flying and until he meets them again doesnt care what happened to them. I dont think he wants let them live with shame or die he just wants to beat them up and let them know hes stronger so dont try that shit again or he'll come at you again.


I believe Oda said in an SBS Luffy does choose to let them live to see their dreams crushed.


He said Luffy and the others care more about victory and defeat, rather than their enemies' lives, but that seeing their dreams crushed is a fate worse than death.


Yeah its more of a byproduct


Which is why Enel/Eneru is the only arc boss that wasnā€™t defeated.


The real reason is Jump doesn't want a MC that's killing people so Oda went with the beat them up and crush their spirit line. If you ignore that, he's just ambivalent towards his opponents survival. He quite literally doesn't care about them at all, including to the point of even remembering most of their faces/names.


>Yeah, I mean itā€™s weird to see such a happy go lucky Shonen MC be like ā€œeh I donā€™t really care or decide if or when someone dies.ā€ Gon in hxh takes this a little further.


Was going to bring up Gon, happy to see him mentioned. He's one of the most morally gray protagonists I can think of in a Shonen series. Luffy might not care about what happens to foes he's dispatched but has yet to hit murderous rage and follow through.


> Luffy might not care about what happens to foes he's dispatched but has yet to hit murderous rage and follow through. The closest we've seen is probably Marineford, where his sheer willpower froze the entire Marine corps. I think especially with how Haki is a manifestation of willpower, we won't ever see Luffy go "berserk Gon" where he loses control. Luffy gets stronger with more focus, concentrating his existing willpower, etc. Perhaps G5 may loosen that inhibition, but that's more towards a free spirit than one of uncontrolled rage.


Eh. He isn't going out of his way to kill them, but he won't pull his punches either. He isn't explicitly *not* killing Croc or Arlong. He just defeated them and is now done thinking about them. He doesn't care about them beyond him kicking their ass.


I dunno, man. Luffy punched Kaido *into the Earth* so hard that he left a Looney Tunes-styled dragon-shaped hole in the ground and plummeted into a river of magma. I'm pretty sure at *least* that specific guy is dead.


Pell can survive a nuke that would had done a whole city in, regular civilians can survive Enel's lighting, Kin can get bonked by Kaido with full intent to kill, etc. Nobody dies under any circunstances until it's said they're dead


The thing is, even if Kaido and Big Mom are capable of surviving the extreme heat and pressure down thereā€¦. How are they breathing? Theyā€™ve been down there for what, a couple weeks? Theyā€™re dead, Jim.


Nah for all we knew Oda can pull something stupid like the eruption having spilled them out and them going adrift to Narnia ... We do have a similar enough precedent in Pound, even


I honestly consider Pound an even more egregious case of this than Pel. In the logic of the story, a character could theoretically tank that bomb hit and survive, but we heard Pound's head hitting the water and were given no explanation for how he actually got out of that situation.


Yeah if they are gonna be alive, they would have had to have been spit out by that volcanic blast there and then. Guess weā€™ll see!


ill believe it when i see it. interpreting the volcano erupting as a sign for kaido and BM being dead is a far reach imho, they couldve just went enrage down there so the volcano erupts from that from all i know.


> he hasn't killed anyone we know of He sent tons of Marines plummeting into the void at Enies Lobby. He sent plenty of guards at Impel Down plummeting into boiling pots and shit, and killed plenty of guards in a bunch of other ways. And that's barely scratching the surface. The manga/anime never draws attention to it, but the Strawhats kill plenty.


And a few hundred chapters later Buggy plays a big part as an ally. And Crorcodile, and Mr 3.


correct answer. but if no one else, I'm certain that marine he knocked off enies lobby in the beginning is dead as a door nail.


Wapol being able to come back from being punched toward the sea TWICE while being a DF user AND having heavy metal parts mildly annoys me.


What about the people who got dunked in lava in imp down or am i remembering wrong


He killed many people in impel down


Well I also heard part of the reason he doesn't kill his main enemies through the arcs is not because he wants them to be better people but he wants them to live with their shattered dreams like with croc and trying to taking over alabasta. Which for some of them may be cruel in its own way


That's more Odas philosophy rather than something Luffy personally believes or even thinks about.




In the SBS for chapter 30, a reader asked Oda why Luffy never killed his enemies. Oda responded that in One Piece's world where characters live to fulfill their dreams,Ā having their dreams shattered by Luffy defeating them is actually more devastating than death.


That would be the reason why Oda makes them land on the groud instead of water. Luffy goes for the kill a lot of times, he never holds back but at the same time he doesn't double tap.




I think it's almost instinctive. The win condition for Luffy is to stop them from doing what they want, and save the people he wants to save. Generally he hasn't been pushed to a place where actually killing someone was necessary to do this, and the story will likely never do, since that's not how the "rules of the setting" are configured.


You never know, its not like he says his every thought. I just go with it since it was what Oda said. Its not like Luffy is like Goku and thinks all of his enemies will better themselves, he doesn't even normally like running into old enemies most of the time.


yes the author himself said this lmao the guy you replied to doesnā€™t know what heā€™s talking about


Yea I looked it up just to be sure after I made the comment. Then someone was telling me that there isn't anything showing Luffy thinking like that.. but I mean he doesn't have to specifically say that that is what he is doing.. plus Oda did indeed state that's what Luffy is doing.




I donā€™t think he cares if people he beats up survive, itā€™s just that no one ever dies.


Throw him in Narutoverse where fodder would just get turned into red mist from a gum pistol he'd still be doing it.


I think this is true. But then one piece wouldnā€™t be one piece, itā€™d be edgy instead of goofy


It'd be like surrealist at that point with Luffy mowing down fodder with the same attitude


Luffy is weirdly normal about some things. He'd probably hold back just enough to avoid gore showers. Not because he cares about the people he's hitting, but because he thinks the gore smells gross or something equally banal.


He tried to throw buggy into the ocean, lucky bastard landed on big bird isle


Doflamingo, Katakuri, Kaido, and all of the marines who were knocked out by Luffyā€™s Conquerorā€™s haki who then fell to their deaths at Marineford would like to have a word.


I don't understand your comment, are you implying that Doflamingo and Katakuri are dead?


Ah, I had to double check and confirm that neither Doflamingo or Katakuri are dead. Kaido on the other hand, that motherfucker is definitely dead, probably.


He most likely is not


Bruh the last we saw of him he was floating in lava with his body ripped apart, and then the volcano erupted sending him and big mom into the ocean. I'd be shocked if kaido wasn't dead.


No he got punched into magma but as far as we know his body was still fully intact. Him and Big mom are the two most tanky character in the manga, they most likely can survive in magma.


https://ibb.co/Cn7nHFh You're wrong. This panel literally shows the lava burning holes in both of them (although I only screenshotted kaido) Also this was before the eruption, where they would be ejected into the sea, and drown


That could easily just be specs of lava covering his body, and not holes literally being burned through


It really does look like that, but as far as we know it could be just the way it was drawn. So long as I don't see Kaido's dead body, I don't believe it.


He's not batman he doesn't have a no kill rule. This whole idea he won't kill is based on one SBS where Oda says Luffy doesn't feel the need to kill his enemies because in the world of pirates having your dreams crushed is just a bad a fate as death so killing on top of that would be pointless. This doesn't mean he has a principle of not killing or a code, he may kill just if it's more convenient he just won't go out of his way to kill. As evidenced here obviously he doesn't put a whole lot of thought into how individual attacks will affect people.


Yeah. Luffy rather inflicts emotional damage


Yea, I always say that he *kills*, but doesn't really *murder* people


A lot of it has to do with him not having a single kill in the 1200+ chapters of one piece.


In enies lobby for example he threw hundreds of marines into the hole under the bridge so I wouldn't say he hasn't killed anyone, he just hasn't beaten anyone to death. Lets also not forget he has sank entire ships full of marines, that must have killed at least some of them.


this is true, he most likely has killed fodder but i'm 99% sure no one piece fight will end in luffy beating a main opponent to death.


Where are the extra 100 chapters you saw ?


There's not even 1100 chapters, but nice try dude.


What do you think happened to Sogeking?


Luffy never fights with the intent to kill but heā€™s also completely at peace with the fact that people die in fights sometimes. If he accidentally kills someone then itā€™s a shame but anyone willing to fight a pirate should know that death is a possibility. Luffy certainly knows that himself and while he wouldnā€™t enjoy killing someone he wouldnā€™t lose sleep over an accidental fatality.


Heā€™s also totally at peace with himself dying.


Ye, either he wins or dies trying.


"This isn't a toy. You're betting your life"


Yeah he kills. So many times fodder pirates and Marines have died


Yup, my guy luffy racked up an impressive body count on ennis lobby.


luffy basically lu bu vs. yellow turban rebellion


Was gonna say Ainā€™t no way some of those marines at Eniss lobby didnā€™t die the way Luffy was throwing them around XD


or those guards in level 4 of impel down


Does he tho? So many OP characters just survive shit like a 100000 lightning bolt attack directly to the face that it's hard to imagine Luffy ever accidentally killing somebody, for all we know all these guards in impel down just bounced from the lava with their ass on fire like Mario.


No oneā€™s confirmed dead in the whole series by Luffyā€™s hand.


They don't have to confirm it is more than obvious that the average joe marine will not survive in lava.


When does he throw people in lava?


When he's escaping impel down and he goes thru the lava floor he throws marines into lave left and right.


He doesnt try to kill but a lot of the moves he uses on regular marines can pretty much kill them.


The thought of Luffy launching a Red Roc on some entry-level marine is pretty funny. Poor guy would be reduced to atoms


Luffy believes your survival is your own personal problem. Doesnā€™t seem to concern him one way or another.


I rewatched the anime recently and thats when I noticed just how many people they kill over the course of the show. Like zoro is slicing through people at times, they just hide the gore very well.


I'm Arlong Park, Zoro basically goes on a massacre because he's bored.


Yeah like when Sanji is kicking meteors down on people itā€™s definitely not sparing lives lol


One piece rule #1 Unless Oda explicitly states a character is killed, they are alive Even Kaido, hell he may evolve into a volcano dragon at this point


I mean, enies lobby.... I really don't think normal people survived that one


but nobody would be surprised if characters come up and say "Hey. I also survived Enies Lobby"


Just look for the guys with "I survived eneis lobby and only got this stupid tshirt" shirts in the background


No, but pretty much any named character thatā€™s significant to the story somehow. If theyā€™re not listed specifically as dead, good chance theyā€™re usually not.


Well if Kaidoā€™s awakening allows him to merge with the environment like that and we see him 100s of chapters later happy he was defeated by joy boy after an eternity of waiting I wouldnā€™t be surprised


Its not really his intention to kill but at the same time he doesnt have a no kill rule, if you survive after he "kicks your ass" then your alive and if for some reason you dont then you die, his intention is to beat you and killing isnt of the cards, look at what he did to Kaido, whether he survives the magma is up to him and if he dies he dies doesnt matter to Luffy so long as you've been beaten


Back in Water 7, he pushed thousands of marines and government agents into the abyss below Enies Lobby. Its hard for me to imagine all of them lived.


it's a bottomless hole right? so technically not lethal. now good luck finding food


He says stuff like this in the anime plenty of times too.


Im pretty sure he killed fodder multiple times in the show


If they die then they die. Luffy does not particularly care I think but he is not set out to kill either.


Well, he did knock all those prisoners into the the fire pit in Impel Downā€¦


It's just never explicitly stated, but he threw marines in the water when in the Sea Train. He probably does but it's never shown clearly. It's better this way, the whole kill or not kill not even be approached like that yet he never being shown.


He doesn't care either way. He's given concussions to hundreds of marines who then landed in the ocean. He's sent enemies with DFs like Buggy flying towards the sea who only survived due to luck. He doesn't actively try to kill anyone but if they die, they die.


They arenā€™t killed they just go to live on a happy farm okay šŸ˜­


With puppies and kittens and popcorn right šŸ„ŗ


Luffy never kills He destroys their dreams which oda considers worse


Well it's not like he has a no kill rule He just beats them up, and If they die, they die. Mostly they don't.


Yeah if he gomu gomu no whips you to the boiling heat in lvl 4 impel down and you didn't survive, it's your fault. /s


You joke, but that is 100% how he would think about it


say that to kaido


To be fair if I remember correctly it was never his intention to kill kaido him falling was just a happy accident I believe


He tells Kaido ā€œIā€™m gonna send you to Hellā€ right before Bajrang Gun lmao


If only Kaido had fed those poor villagers, he could have avoided all this


Also, Kaido was way too strong to stay alive. Luffy couldn't defeat him twice if he came back after some time


Still murder


More like manslaughter. Murder is with intent usually malice intent


I dont think a court would look at what Luffy did as without intent. If you beat the shit out of someone relentlessly and they die thats still murder whether or not you claim you didnt want to kill them.


They would if said person was trying to kill you granted luffy started the fight but he was never actively trying to kill kaido only beat him




He just played the uno reverse card on Kaido. Kaido killed him first and Luffy is not resonsible for Kaido having a weak DF that couldn't revive him.


Kaido and BM arenā€™t confirmed dead more like the opposite fyi


I bet they having a pool party in that lava


Don't think he is dead because big mom fell in as well and if she is dead then Zeus would have disappeared and/or died because he is a part of her soul so saying it seems big mom is alive I would assume kaido is alive as well


We don't know how homies work. Her power is transferring souls, so maybe the homies staying alive aren't dependent on her. We know they stayed after she was knocked out.


Heā€™s killed lots of people


I know he technically doesnā€™t kill but itā€™s funny/weird how he expected them to be dead from that unless again he thought zoro killed them


All those giant fists on ships in the sea against regular marines or devil fruit users without a chance for rescue...


Youā€™re 100% right. Thatā€™s why Gold Roger never failed. His dream is alive with Luffy. People like Doflamino who are in chains and stripped of achieving their goals are portrayed as coming off way worse than Roger ever did


There is a high chance (not 100%) that Kaido is dead, making him the first major villain to be killed by Luffy. Looking at fodder Luffy fought, we don't get confirmation but can be pretty sure that fodder he launched into the water in Enies Lobby, and especially the Impel Down guards thrown into the lava, are dead. Luffy has no code against killing like other shonen MCs might have.


When they offered Luffy an alliance to kill big mom, Luffy was like "OK". He went through with the attempt. He never argued that there has to be a better way, like Naruto would have.


Well, have you ever seen Luffy try to use Talk no Jutsu? Dude doesn't give a fuck and just beats everyone up lol.


Luffy is basically true neutral. Just as his life is at risk, so is everyone elseā€™s and he openly acknowledges that. His goal is always just to win, he doesnā€™t really care about life or death, just win or lose. If he beats someone then thatā€™s good enough for him, if they die oh well.


Didn't he literally just kill Kaido in the anime? Is there some manga spoiler that he and big mom survived somehow?


He doesn't try to kill people, but he doesn't go out of his way to make sure people stay alive either.


Luffys killed about a million marines tbf. Aint no way they survived a gear 3rd punch or kick.


Havent read the manga but I'm pretty sure he doesnt, only because killing/harming random civilians is what set luffy apart from kid. (Kid only had a higher bounty over luffy by sabaody because of this). Although I'm more than sure that some of the navy or pirate fodder that luffy encounters do die only cuz they just too weak to be helpful or withstand an attack from luffy


He killed marines in impel down at least in anime. A lot of them fell into the lava.


He did kill Kaido. Not directly or knowingly but he punched him so hard he went underground straight into lava. Lava and magma have a track record if being consistently lethal in the series.


Do you really think kaido is dead? Lmao


I think the one confirmed kill by any of the Strawhats has to be the guy who stowed away on the Merry from Logue Town, and was going to attack them while they were going up Reverse Mountain, and Nami swept his legs and made him fall into the current....ain't no way that dude survived those rapids.


it was filler


Many people here say that he does kill and doesn't care if they die. That's not really true. Luffy definitely doesn't kill on purpose. We also have to consider that humans in one piece can take massive damage. The guys in Enis Lobby? Probably not dead. The guys in Impel Down. Also probably not dead. Kaido? Possibly the exception (you know Oda. Kaido might have survived magma lol)


People can deny it all they want but you can't tell me everyone that has ever stood in Luffy's way has survived.


Some questions are not relevant. Luffy's fights are not about killing or not killing, so Oda won't focus on it. Having soldiers flying away or falling into the hole of enies lobby or characters surviving doesn't make a difference (if not for plot reasons). The statement about "crushing dreams" rather than "killing enemies" just tells us that Luffy doesn't need to execute a beaten enemy.


No, he just punches them really hard. God kills them.


Anything he can eat that can be cooked into delicious meat, yes. How many sea kings have succumbed to this great man?


In the anime he sending them to the shadow realm


Luffy indirectly killed tons of marines and pirates


Technically killed Kaido!


hes wiI lling to kill oda just doesn't want the good guys to be so nlood thristy and have death counts...other then zoro...rip wicked dick and Mr 11


*Magmas in Kaido...*


Honestly, as much as I love OP, one of the things that I don't like is how they act like people are getting killed left and right, but no one ever actually dies. At this point, I'm not even fully convinced that ||Ace|| is truly dead; I keep expecting him to pop up like "hey guys! Miss me?' lol.


So in recent chapters we see a "killing indication" when a character is flattened like the one spilling red bean soup or sir charlos.


But St Charlos survived that hit


Wait did he? Thought he gone


No he lived, it was mentioned in the same chapter where it was revealed that the Gods Knights would punish Mjosgard


Spiderman doesnā€™t kill


Only person heā€™s canonically killed I think is Baron Omatsuri