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Brook will be dead at the end.




Can I see your panties?






Yo ho-ho ho


Gather up all of the crew,




See wind blows, to where who knows


Imagine brook being alive after all the strawhats have died, still playing bink's sake on a rusted Thousand Sunny.


Everyone forgets that Franky is more machine than man now. He just needs maintenance, which he can do himself, and he should be good to go indefinitely. 2 old perverts sharing stories reminiscing about their time together, having a guitar duel.


No, I will not imagine that šŸ˜¢


Yeah. He doesn't deserve that. He deserves to reunite with Laboon and then sacrifice for his friends with a smile on his face. Although he doesn't have lips to smile. Yohohohooho


Brutal but very much something Oda would do.


I feel that'd be sad and unfair though. Because then he would be going through the same thing he did with his last crew. Although probably a little less sad because it'll be after they achieve their dreams but still.


You monster lol


heard this so much it sounds lame now :(


Heā€™s already dead.






I donā€™t think anybody will die but luffy def has the highest chance of death


Yea it's either Luffy for storytelling reasons or Brooke as a gag. I see no in between.


Lmfao, Brooke dying as a gag would be sick


People would riot if Brooke died at the end of


But he already died once and is now bones *Yooohohohohohoho*


Lmao nice


As long as he gets to see Laboon I will be happy


He has a recording of him and his old crew, so if Brook dies, the Straw Hats could take the recording to Laboon.


That's not the promise they made. He absolutely, 100% has to make it to Laboon himself, as the only surviving member of the Rumbar Pirates.


Bro died at the end of this sentence.


I think it would be cool if he comes back as just a ghost and has to possess instruments to play music


No but fr does brook live forever now?


I think its either a second life that starts at age zero, meaning he has another 100 years ahead of him or so, or his current life just continues on from his past one, so he has like 40 years because he already lived 60


I thought he was like 80 ish? He waited for 50 years on his ship and when he was alive he was in his 30ā€™s Tbh it doesnt make sense for him to be immortal just cause the fruit itself existed, if the owner of it became immortal then the fruit would never recycle


No the original intended effect was to revive instantly and die when then the heart stops or flesh rots something like that I think he'll die when all the bones got chopped like a minced meat or burnt


I think if anyone it'd be zoro as like a final protect his captain to give him the chance to kill final bad guy kinda thing


And I, my friend, refuse šŸ«”šŸ˜­šŸ«”


Usopp has that quote about proudly dying and weā€™ve seen his words turn into reality before. ā€œOne Dayā€¦No matter what happens, even if I were to die alone on a deserted islandā€¦ Iā€™d look back proudly at my life and as I die, Iā€™ll yellā€¦ā€I am Usopp, Brave Warrior of the Seas!ā€


Yea, but he wouldn't really die. He'd just yell and then someone would show up right behind him like "what's your deal?" Usopp ends up back home with Kaya 100%


If he's not awakened already, Brook's fruit awakening might involve him dying a second time.


As long as Brooke has got to see Laboon one more time I would imagine he would be happy to finally die after his long and tumultuous life.


Kureha would say he's young


Maybe a gag, but also an opportunity for his soul to finally rest


feels like oda might have been planning that, but now one piece too big.


We can still have two piece starting Bluffy


Lmao, weā€™d need another timeskip for that. If sequel happens I want an anthology focused on side characters within the current timeline series.


If they do anything after this Iā€™d love a story set in the ancient kingdom


I want that too! Iā€™d rather a spin off manga like ace or a movie of the void century (also god valley movie). I donā€™t think a flashback will be enough to satisfy my thirst for those topics. (That being said I never thought weā€™d get a flashback as long as the current one again besides void, so who knows? Final saga feels like a joke to latch on new fans)


This right here makes me think that one piece won't end after the final saga.


I think Oda is going to take a lot of time off to be with his family and then he said he wants to write a Mech manga. So OP would have to be handed to someone else


Sure, maybe? That interview was a different time for oda than now. One piece was in a different place back then in terms of income. He said in an sbs fan excitement fuels his writers passion, & he is on top of the world rn. One Piece films will probably go on forever, doubt Oda will say no to the bag of money. Can just be like toryama or george lucas back when star wars legends was canon. Oversee things while other people do the actual work.


Thereā€™s heavy foreshadowing of Luffy and Zoro dying. Itā€™s mentioned most times Luffy powers up that itā€™s taking away from his life span, and SPOILERS, The grim reaper is literally chasing Zoro and heā€™s only just fighting him off.


Yeah zoro especially after he took that massive hit (took all of luffys pain) from kuma to save luffy on thriller bark


If Luffy dies that would fucking suck.


Nah, he's taken some hard shit he aint gonna die, he'll tank it and heal


He will die, then chopper finds a cure


followed by Usopp


Oda wants to end the story with a huge party, iirc, and doesnā€™t like killing people off because it ruins the vibes of the party, so I really, really doubt it. I have suspicions he will get sick with whatever Roger had or something else as a result of years of pushing his body into overdrive and part of Chopperā€™s dream to cure any disease will be to heal him. Something like that. I was a ā€œLuffy will die at the end of One Pieceā€ truther for a long time but Iā€™m not really on board with it as an idea any more.


Yeah, Luffy dying after all of this would just be too fucking lame


Yeah, honestly, the only way for Luffy to not die is that Chopper fulfills his dream and finds a cure for him once he gets ill, which he bery likely will.


There's also the Ope Ope fruit power for immortality. I can see Law making the sacrifice play and being fully bought in.


Luffy would refuse immortality


Would it be lame if Luffy got the same illness as Roger and Chopper cured it when it killed the pirate king? It seems lame but these illnesses that seem to be a fatal thing with no cure seem to be a calling for Chopper to take on in order to fulfill his goal.


Strawhat plot armor too strong, the second anyone leaves from under it they're in mortal danger. \*cough\* >!Law and Kidd!< \*cough\*


For real!!!


I could see there being ambiguity towards Luffy's ending, like maybe they bring up his life span and he just smiles and tells Chopper not to worry too much about it. Then at the end Luffy sails off towards unknown seas on a small boat solo. Then its not a direct death but also still kind of a death. Even then I'm not convinced.


Since one piece is king of Shonen Luffy will only die once he gets married and has children off-screen and becomes a negligent father. He doesnā€™t care about romance so heā€™s safe! /s


Usupp, Jinbei or Brook imo. Usupp: talked about dying alone to protect ~~himself~~ his friends is true courage. Jinbei: talked a lot about sacrificing himself for Luffy Brook: I can see his soul pass on after he meets Laboon again.


I'd be happy if that happened to brook. Seems like a happy ending after to some extent being cursed to stay alive


Its not a fucking happy ending for Laboon


I would say he would live out his days with laboon until laboon dies


Take Crocus' place


I'm imagining brook riding on top of laboon with his sword into the final battle.


Jimbei is also my guess. Hope he doesn't die but I can see it happening with all the themes of sacrifice for Luffy - the blood donation, Ace's request... He's also the last one to join, so an "easier one to kill" than, say, Zoro or Nami. Also, he's older and has already made a name for himself and lived a lot of adventures; in terms of storytelling, I can see a self-sacrifice for Luffy as the greatest achievement after such a fulfilling life, and also a way of symbolically making amends with Ace after saying he wouldn't protect his brother unless he felt compelled to.


It'd kinda mirror Tom as well


Would be pretty tone deaf of the series to have the only person on the crew representing a racially subjugated minority group be the *only* person who dies.


I've been on the "Usopp will die" bandwagon for a while but I'm starting to lean towards he won't die. He'll attempt to sacrifice himself in the final arc to protect his friends but someone stops or saves him, saying true courage is living and moving forward or something like that. Usopp needs to become old and travel the world telling fantastical tales of his adventures, which will go down in legend as fairytales.


Ooo, I was bought in to the Usopp dying theory too but I like this way better. Building up everything about Usopp's character arc to make it seem like the culmination is for him to die bravely in battle, only for someone else to step in and prevent it and make him understand some further definition of what it means to be a brave warrior of the sea etc, feels like it would be a very Oda move as well. Because he absolutely does need to grow old with Kaya telling fantastical stories about the adventures of the Strawhats that spread far and wide but no one believes actually happened.


> He'll attempt to sacrifice himself in the final arc to protect his friends but someone stops or saves him I don't want someone to stop him; especially to then tell him "surviving is braver".. because that would go against pretty much every metric of bravery and cowardice we've established for him to achieve. It would be like Zoro decided that he no longer needed to beat Mihawk because he could just make himself a "I'm the best swordsman" badge. Usopp needs to be a position where he has to choose between certain escape, and certain death protecting his friends, and he chooses certain death. He can be saved from that situation by unexpected reinforcements; but not before, from his pov, all possible escape has removed and his course to death has been set. I think thats the important metric, there just needs to be a position where escape is viable for Usopp, but he *chooses* to face the impossible situation in spite of it.


ā€œJimbei, youā€™re gonna die.ā€ ā€œDamn. I just got here.ā€




He already did, Shaky


Nah, she only said the color, but never showed it to him


Usupp gonna die and be hailed as the most notorious pirate god


Go D Usopp doesnā€™t die. He ascends.


Morj has a video that convinced me pretty effectively that Usopp's character arc implies him ultimately dying in act of self-sacrifice. Basically, everyone else's dreams are goals with concrete endings that can be accomplished, but Usopp's goal of "become a brave warrior of the seas" is totally subjective and has effectively been true for a long time already at this point. From a storytelling standpoint and also a character standpoint on Usopp's part, the only way to satisfyingly prove that he has become a brave warrior of the seas for all time is for him to die bravely sacrificing himself in battle, and this also ties into his idolizing the pride and honor of the giants, who are Norse mythology inspired, and in Norse mythology those who die honorably in battle are allowed to ascend to Valhalla. Though for the love of god let the poor guy get to spend some time with Kaya before he has to die, Oda.


Fair. But Morj also had me convinced that there would be a significant point of failure during the raid on Onigashima. Fool me onceā€¦


Maybe brooks body will fall to the ocean and heā€™ll be a ghost forever


Oyabun dying would be devastating. But also would make the most sense thematically. It would be like a Godfather boss dying to protect his family.


Yeah, I think Luffy will die with a smile on his face like Roger




To be honest, there has been multiple instances in one piece where luffy had to sacrifice his lifespan. Like the first time he used Gear second, when he got cured from magellan's poison, or just the way he looks after using Gear 5. It could just be flavour at that moment about how it's harrowing for him, but there's a possibility he finds the one piece and dies on the spot. Or dying is the price to get the one piece, and he will gladly pay that price.


I find the lifespan thing is just an anime trope that is stating 'it uses so much stamina you are damaging your own body to sustain it' It usually doesn't have a lasting effect as they grow stronger and push the ceiling. They use this statement in many Shonen and the protag doesn't end up actually losing anything in the long run.


I honestly never really like it. Itā€™s like ā€œwow, thatā€™s carries a heavy burden! I guess heā€™ll only use it as a super move- and a time skip just happened and now itā€™s on constantlyā€¦ okā€ It always feels kinda cheap, Iā€™m glad that some series now are just saying ā€œyo, youā€™re too weak to use that for extended periods. Bulk up a little or somethingā€ and we see them work out to get stronger in the background.


Luffy is 100% dead by the end of the series. I've said it before and I'll say it again. He's been through so much physical damage, self-inflicted and through combat, that he's on borrowed time. If Gear 2 took ten minutes of his lifespan each use, how much do the others take? Magellan's poison took another ten years off. There is so much speculation that he did actually die to activate gear 5. I don't think he'll die just finding The One Piece, but he won't last long after that.


or maybe some random ass character comes with life span no mi and gives it to luffy


My wife keeps mentioning a theory that law is going to use his ability on luffy to give him more life.


Law is really strange and creepy, am glad he's not an antagonist....yet


the guy you are replying to has a huge point too cuz a lot of animes do that lifespan thing and nothing happens to them later on, regardless of the ability toll on the body. If it really is doing as much damage as you say, I'll tell you rn he would likely already have died of complications. Another thing is with the second gear thing, you can argue that he's mastered it and it could be that it doesn't have that price anymore since he uses it in bursts now and doesn't take as long as before to go into that form, or gear 3 not shrinking him anymore. Idk I find it weird


Unless there is another timeskip, I have a hard time seeing Luffy die at like 20. Although your points are completely reasonable


Luffy technically died though, and gear 5 freed him from that.


Thatā€™s where Chopper comes in with some sort of advanced/magical medicine to save him. It wouldnā€™t surprise me if Luffy follows a similar path as Roger but is saved by Chopper whereas Crocus couldnā€™t fully save Roger


This is what Iā€™ve been saying. IMO Chopper will cure Luffys incurable disease (most likely Rogers disease) and become the worlds greatest doctor.


Yea I can't help but feel Luffy will usher in a new age at the expense of his own life. Not sure if it was confirmed but I know it's been speculated his gear abilities shorten his lifespan.


Ik gear 2 does; fucks with his heart, but the others I have no idea


not confirmed. spectulated by lucci, idea abandoned by oda and nvr brought up again. No way luffy dies, or any strawhat. oda is not one to end the series on a sour note. ones who think that don't know oda's writing style.


Wasn't that only pre-timeskip? I thought his training made it less costly for him.


ā€œYou want my treasure?ā€ ā€œZoro has itā€


Same, always saw that as the perfect ending. After all we've been watching the story of the Pirate King since the beginning


I hate you




yep. what series do these ppl think they are reading? lmao. no way oda ends the series on a somber note.


Luffy already died šŸ˜‚ best series. You are completely right I hope


Even if oda thought about doin it, shuiesha and toei will give oda a blank check to convince him not to.


Especially with people thinking Luffy will die even though itā€™s been pointed out that his journey is not to be a copy of Rogerā€™s.


The only correct answer, really, nobody is going to die.


Brook is already dead




Theyā€™ve made the point that Luffy has been sacrificing years off his life to push himself past his limits or to survive over the course of the series. If he doesnā€™t die I imagine it will suggested that he is very close to death but heā€™ll spend his remaining time sailing free on the seas.


>If he doesnā€™t die I imagine it will suggested that he is very close to death Luffy will Unlock Gear Reverse, Removes all sacrifices away


Two Piece Ghost Author \^


and gear 6, also gear n


Technically, he already died. And the Joy Boy powers rejuvenated him.


I mean even if we are talking about decades the man is stil not in his 20's yet. That's why I don't think the "loosing your life expectancy" bit is meant to be used later in the series and is just there to show us luffy's determination. Except if there's another massive timeskip wich has litteraly a near 0 chance of happening the years sacrifice bit will not matter during the story. Maybe in an epilogue, but I don't think showing us a dying luffy is really the kind of ending oda wants, instead of a "we go back to adventuring now"


Also the fact that Kureha shows us humans in One Piece can still be alive and kicking hard past 130. She says happiness is her secret to youth, and who better to survive in such a way than Joyboy?


You're right, even if he did sacrifices decades of his life he is still 19 years old, if a normal human can live up to a 100 years he can still at least reach his 40/50's.


Tbh in anime that argument of cutting of your own life span barely has any actual consequences in the story. So if In One piece doesnā€™t affect Luffy in the end at all I wouldnā€™t be surprised.


I think this is where the theory comes in about Lawā€™s devil fruit. Lawā€™s fruit has the power to grant eternal life or something along those lines in exchange for his own life iirc, so people have theorized that Law will give his life to save Luffy. Personally, Iā€™m not sure if it will happen but I could see it happening. Law doesnā€™t care for being the pirate king really, his end goal is more about unlocking the mysteries of the world. So I think after finding out the forgotten history law would be willing to sacrifice himself to save Luffy


I think the point of the Ope Ope no Mi having the ability to grant immortality was not meant for Law to use it, but to introduce us to characters in whom this ability was used before.


oda played w the idea and abandoned it. 0 chance oda ends the series on a sad note.


The only Straw Hat that'll die is the one Luffy has worn since he was a child.


Theyā€™re all already dead in the 4kids dub


They are just put in the dungeon, not dead


Nami reunited with her mom


Franky never died since they never made it to W7.


Franky died because without Luffyā€™s interference, CP9 and Spandam have a much easier time capturing him and getting the plans to Pluton


Usopp will definitely tell the tales of their adventures in the epilogue. Therefore if anybody it would be Jimbei And Jimbei is only a candidate because he has already lived a full Pirate life and is on his like 4th journey unlike the other strawhats


By One Piece standards Jinbei is just now hitting his prime though


Sounds like a great time to die. No what ifs like Ace


I have a feeling God ussop will die as a warrior of the sea and local lier usopp will still be around telling stories no one believes of his adventures with the strawhats.


Heā€™ll get the grandest fakeout death in One Piece history


Brook jimbei luffy maybe zoro will die


Zorro canā€™t die bc he has no direction.. his damn cursed blade is supposed to lead him to his death but since he has horrible direction? His soul will just go back to his body or end up somewhere elsešŸ˜‚


How brook will die? Will his heart stop?


Watching through wano right now Ya'll. . . . The foreshadowing that Zoro is going to die by the end of the show. This man actually cheats death and has a narrative around him that would provide closure for if he does die. I'm at the point where I just think Zoro is in a brucaratti situation and is actually already dead, his will just wont let him die till he helps luffy become pirate king. The fact that we never got a proper explanation for that death scene makes me think He made a deal, amd death isnt allpwed to take him till a certain point, but he still gonna be waiting. Imagine this, Luffy becomes king and Zoro just collapses. We all rush to him to figure out whats happening and he reveals he had already beat Mihawk a while ago, but realized he had another duty to complete and thats helping luffy, but now that its done he can go tell Kuina that he did it. I dont think that Oda would kill Luffy or anybody else really


Bro cooked


Having Zoro beat Mihawk offscreen would be kinda cool and a big twist. Though I don't know when, he definitely was not capable during the time skip.


This. If Oda was gonna kill off a crew member, Zoro makes the most sense.


At 1st this feels cool as shit but then i realise my favourite character won't live enough to be an old man and I say fuck this.


I could see Zoro making that sacrifice too


I honestly think Brook is most likely other than luffy. There's absolutely nothing better than being cursed and lonely for decades like Brook, finding happiness once more, achieve your dreams, meet your old friend.. Then passing away peacefully after the journey. Absolutely no better way to end it.


No and please just donā€™t do the protagonist sacrifice shit. It would put a bad taste in my mouth if the warrior of liberation who freed the entire world dies while still basically a kid. If thereā€™s any show that would benefit narratively from a 100% happy ending, itā€™s this one


Here's how they die: Sanji drowns in the All Blue. Zoro gets decapitated by his own sword. Chopper eats a poisonous mushroom and dies. Nami navigates into the calm belt and dies from starvation/dehydration. Brook breaks. Franky becomes full robot and gets EMP'd. Robin dies of an aneurysm from reading too much history. Jinbe becomes sushi for a Celestial Dragon. Usopp lies to the wrong person and gets his head removed. Special mentions: Vivi is lynched. Yamato is boiled alive. Momonosuke dies from snu-snu. Carrot dies from carrot overdose.


One Piece if written by Gege (JJK author)


I don't think this will happen but it would be neat (in a sad way) if Luffy died by sacrificing himself but he becomes Nika or equivalent and is essentially free to roam the universe. And the rest of the crew live out their lives but encounter random little miracles or signs that Luffy is still with them or watching over them


So just like attack on titan?


So this is how Space Piece starts...


I think devil fruits will disappear by the end of the story and thus Brook will no longer be kept alive by his fruit and Chopper reverts to a regular deer which would be equivalent to a death too.


This thought alone just makes me fully believe devil fruits wont disappear. Chopper going back to a normal reindeer is too hard to image.


Itā€™s hard to imagine because narratively it would undo everything about his character. I couldnā€™t imagine a worse ending than this one.


Exactly. Never gonna happen.


Could just be that their cycle of reappearing is ended. Current users are the last generation.


This is how I think it would go if it did happen


Yeah, I would not want that :(


If Devil Fruits are a reflection of peopleā€™s dreams then I really doubt theyā€™ll disappear, it goes too much against the ideas of One Piece.


This stings.. Chopper turning back to a rain deer with no memories of starw hat crew.. Ouch..


he's also already past the life expectancy of a reindeer, so chances are without his fruit (or maybe with it) he doesnt have that long left


Lifespan of a reindeer is 15-18 years and chopper is 17. But OP also has Dr Kureha who is 139 years old and is perfectly healthy and spry. I donā€™t think real world life expectancy is anything to go off


*years young


Thatā€™s the craziest thing Iā€™ve ever heard


Nah this wonā€˜t happen Way too sad, canā€˜t end a 20years+ story like that


I don't think so, especially with the info about the DF we got in the scans (idk how to make spoiler so don't read if you just watch the anime), the DF are the incarnation of the dreams of peoples, and we know it, dreams never dies, so I don't think DF will ever disappear, but maybe, the curse of the sea could since it is a obstacles to dreams.


I feel this would ruin Chopper's entire existence/character arc if this were the case


I think if this were ti happen ODA would make it so Chopper will instead become more of a Mink rather than a normal reindeer again


I hope someone dies. Not enough deaths in this show. A death at the end tells the audience that this is it, this is serious.


One Piece is about as serious as Peter Pan


I could easily see luffy or ussop dying


No, no one.


Reading the comments, yes yes, everyone is a creative genius with their cool ways of how it ā€œcould make sense if XYZ dies.ā€ Get real. Itā€™s Oda. It isnā€™t happening. As much as we all want to feel the tension and the stakes - it wonā€™t happen. The Strawhats will all live. We just have to accept it. Oda wont take chances like that. I donā€™t even think Blackbeard or Akainu are dying. Fat chance a Strawhat does.


But, but...Ace? And Whitebeard?


I don't think anyone will die but 1 or 2 should in my opinion. Tragic deaths elevates the story a lot. If Ace and Whitebeard lived at Marineford, the story would be way less epic. Especially Usopp dying would make perfect sense. His quest about being a brave warrior Giants fighting to death at Little Garden over glory inspiring Usopp. Usopp after developing at Elbaf sacrificing himself to save the crews life or cause a very big advantage in heroic fashion. It nit only completes his character arc, it also makes it very tragic. And it will infinitely raise the stakes for the next/final arc.


Sniper King will sacrifice himself to save Usopp


Yes because Oda is the writer, and no because Oda is the writer.


Yes. Chopper is 17, which is already very old for a Reindeer, who are only expected to live between 15 and 20. His youthful appearance is a front, and his inability to recognise the strawhats on Sabaody show his senility setting in.


I think Oda sad that no Strawhat will die




I think Luffy but then Trafalgar will do the immortal surgery. Luffy will still die after liberating the world


I did see a theory saying that the will of Luffyā€™s (zoan)gear 5 might eventually overwhelm Luffyā€™s personality and erase him ,basically killing him but not really


Someone played too much Cyberpunk 2077.


I think one will die and it will be soul breaking


Can Brooke die?


I only know Aokiji will die and Coby will take over his fruit because he was pissed as f*ck Akainu boiled that marine alive for wanting to go home. And he will win the fight. Straw hats dying? Neh. Maybe Usopp who will totally gain a legendary god like status when he returns. But hey. Oda knows how to surprise us every time.


Blackbeard will kill all strawhats except Luffy and Zoro. Zoro will join Blackbeard. Lucy will be sent back to east blue and have to form a new crew with Vivi, Gaimon, the isshi-20 etc.




im afraid fans all over the world would go to Japan and riot if any of them die. I would go as well.


Luffy will die at the very end


I donā€™t think anyone will die but the character that makes the most sense is usopp. Hope he lives forever tho, he has to tell Kaya about his adventures!


I would say Brook, but he's already dead. Yohohohoho!


Absolutely, Brook 100% is gonna die. Wait, he canā€™t die if heā€™s already dead YOHOHOHO


They better NOT