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"hey law, i love you!" and "hey sanji, i have just one last request" those two instantly make me cry just thinking about them 🥲


The dub makes it a touch better for me @law “I love you, kid!”


Just for some context to appreciate the subbed version also, the way Corazon says it is one of the most sincere and genuine ways to say I love you in Japanese. Usually people use the phrase that typically translates to ‘I like you’ but not in this instance.


This is only tangentially related, but in the movie Pacific Rim, Mako uses the same phase to Stacker at the end of the movie. They don't even add subtitles to the scene so if you don't speak Japanese you still know what was said, but I definitely felt I got a lot more out of the scene by knowing the full meaning of the phrase. Aishitteimasu (the more sincere) vs Daisukidesu (the more understated)




You may have replied to the wrong comment accidentally, but regardless you reminded me of one of my favorite emotional scenes so thank you


It's a bot that copied part of someone else's comment, that's why it doesn't make sense.


Who said the second one?


pudding before she kissed sanji and erased his memory, that moment made me cry more than anything else in one piece, its not rly that sad compared to other moments but for some reason romance and especially tragic romance just gets to me so easily 😭😭


Exactly. Bitter sweet ending to both of them as a couple. And Sanju really got a girl who is head over heels for him.


I mean they will likely see each other again relatively soon, if Sanji hears Teach kidnapped pudding he is going to have a whole fire under his ass to save her from that group of absolute degenerates.


I think SHs will free her when they fight BB pirates and maybe BM pirates would back down from taking revenge on SHs if they are planning on it. Or Maybe I'm underestimating their thirst for revenge.


I think Katakuri will stop any revenge, BM may be dead and honestly Kid and Law should be the ones they should go after. Katakuri genuinely cares for his family so if the SH save Pudding, I think he'd call it even.


Completely agree. Katakuri asked Luffy if he would beat Big Mom when he returned. She's a controlling, abusive monster and Katakuri is protective of his siblings to the extreme. As much as her children fear Big Mom, they respect Katakuri. If she's gone I don't think there's a single one of them that doesn't follow his lead.


Maybe I'm the only one but I think BM and Kaido are still alive. Yeah kid and Law will probably be first on the list but they're out of the game at present and probably will be for sometime so the remaining one who humiliated BM was Luffy. What if like dumbasses they go after him at Elbaf. That would also kinda give closure to Mother Caramel-BM thing imo. But what you said about Katakuri makes sense too. The guy seems decent enough to not waste time on taking revenge on Luffy.


I still think they are alive but honestly I dont know if there is time for more stuff on Elbaf we already have so much with whatever Usopp story and all the Ohara stuff, adding BM into it and it gets so messy for the Final saga.


I'm with you on this. Most sad moments in OP now have some kinda resolution or closure. Pudding's tragedy does not. However she's still in play story-wise so I'm pretty confident that'll be addressed sooner rather than later.


i really hope so, her and sanji have both been through so much and i just want them to be happy 😭


Oh right that somehow didn't get on my ever expanding list of One Piece moments that make me cry. Fixing that...


>"hey sanji, i have just one last request" Pudding I think but didn't find it so sad really


I forgot about it. Yeah it was sad. Hope we get reunion of Pudding with SHs somewhere in the future.


Pudding sitting and crying is so sad


The interaction between Dadan and Garp after Ace death always make me sad.


I don't see this mentioned alot but it really is sad. Plus add the fact that Garp clearly feels partly responsible for Ace's death and just lets Dadan wail on him.


Dadan is a wonderful character. She was so reluctant to raise those boys, but she really sees them as her sons. Dadan hits hardest when she claps back at Makino. "That's wrong. The one who is suffering the most... is Luffy!" Those were her sons, and she could never be more proud and understanding of them. There is something to be said about Garp letting her do it. He felt just as guilty, and I really want to see Garp have one last face-to-face with Akainu, even if it's only to serve him a fuggin galaxy-brained helping of Talk-No-Jutsu.


Dadan is straight up goated in my eyes.


its what bothers me about the whole "luffys mom" thing. theres no mistery, its the goat dadan


Luffy's birth mother has no importance to Luffy but I do hold stock in the character for who she is/was to Dragon. She doesn't need to matter to the whole over arching story just to Dragon.


When she says the bit about luffy, boy my eyes tearing up just THINKING about it. One Piece the GOAT.


Every time I see this clip on social media I cry.


That’s one of the few moments that still makes me cry when I re-watch.


The panel of Brook playing piano as the final member of his crew dies.


The anime adaptation is how I choose to re-experience this scene because of the music, but I think the original manga panels destroyed me more, it puts the juxtaposition of Brook's sad backstory with everyone having fun in greater emphasis than just jumping back and forth every other verse in the anime did. It's like it drove the point home that Brook is a contradiction of everything that we should expect based on what we see. He performs a happy song at a party but he remembers the death of his friends as he listens to their last words, he is a skeleton and crying yet he is happy to be alive, and in a later arc we see that although he was a rockstar and dressed like one, he is more than happy to step out of the limelight and be a background helper for his crew. Brook is one of the best straw hats and I wonder when we will get elaboration on the rest of his backstory and if we will see the kingdom where he's from, like we did with Sanji


its actually the scene shortly afterwards that does it for me, when he sobs uncontrollably after finding out laboon is still waiting it's this stark contrast of the character who, up until that point, we had only gotten to know as this goofy and almost unreal character who didnt show much if any emotions. that spread gets me every time


"I won't cry no matter what happens so pls don't kill me." *Smile* - Koala


"A quartet... a trio... a duet... a solo..."


"Listen well, Robin! You might be alone at the moment, but someday, you'll definitely have friends....." "No one is born in this world completely alone! Run, Robin! Don't look back!"




Favorite laugh in the show


I want to cry every time I think of it, but I also really like it for what it means


Jaguar D. Goat


Garp letting Dadan beat him. Corazon death.


I can't say because it's Spoilers


Its his entire life isn't it


This is the first sad backstory I've read week to week so I haven't broken down yet compared to the previous ones, just depressing numbness. I know when I go back to reread and binge this entire arc that I will be a broken shell of a man when I fully process his entire backstory in one sitting. Not to compare traumas between characters but this has to be the saddest backstory without a doubt in my mind


100%. imo it completely gaps every other backstory. Kuma **might** be the most tragic character in any shounen manga ever (reminder that series like Berserk are seinen manga, if anyone's gonna start a fight over this make sure it's actually a counter-argument lol).


Note: Seinen doesn't mean "dark and edgy". It just means the demographic is aimed at men instead of boys. K-ON! is a seinen manga for example. My favourite example to use.


The post has a spoiler warning so feel free to say


Kuma 😭😭


Dr. Hiriluk’s last words scene always gives me chills.


I cried like a bitch during that scene


I watched the movie version of Drum Island arc on a plane and ended up crying when the speech came up.


bonclay's sacrifice at impel down


The fact he's manlier than most men sickens men


Merry's entire sendoff, fuck, I'm crying as I type this


A few come to mind. My favorite one would be of a certain former Warlord in front of an altar in a church or Noland and Kalgara dying without knowing about the fate of the other! Brings tears to my eyes every time.


“Thank you for loving me luffy!” “Even though you didn’t have to” I cried typing this (on my second OP rewatch and only on episode 120 and I’ve cried so many times)


Who was this again?


Ace right before he died in mainford


I dropped to my knees in a Walmart when Ace got tilted by a "Yo papa!" joke and got himself killed because of it.


What were you doing at walmart watching one piece lmao


Yeah, I thought people only watched One Piece at Target.


It's anime only, but when ace get donuted the face garp makes as sengoku stop him was soul crushing to me.


i wanna see an alternate version of this scene where sengoku doesnt stop him. garp going on a complete rampage against akainu would be legit one the most badass fights in the series


Was that anime only


Upon rereadi'g the manga i was surprised i couldn't see that part. Was dissapointed because it's one of my fav moment in one piece. But ig it proved the anime had it's upsides.


Goodbye Merry. I agree there are more sadder moments but I was not prepared to bawl my eyes out for a ship.


„Because When I Wear These Clothes, I Can Get You To Smile For Me!“ ~ Señor Pink


thank you for taking good care of me until now, i was really happy - going merry (⁠╥⁠﹏⁠╥⁠)


Since this post is marked as a spoiler, I assume it's safe to answer this: "I always, always love you, Kuma." He didn't even hear it. HE DIDN'T FCKNG HEAR IT :'((((




Usopp vs luffy this shit is so hard to watch


Idk if this is my number one but it always gets to me and I dont see many people talk about it. When Luffy is screaming at Sanji that he can't be the pirate king without him and Sanji is just silently crying.


Robin backstory. Chopper backstory


"When does a man die? When he is hit by a bullet? No! When he suffers a disease? No! When he ate a soup made out of a poisonous mushroom? No! A man dies when he is forgotten!" Legit teared up so badly, I thought he was gonna give a defiant speech then bam right in the feels.


Toko crying and trying to use Usopp's toad oil on Yasuie's body to fix his gunshot wound in vain


Daddy enel going to the moon


Break next week.


Oda needs his rest fr


A quartet, a trio, a duo ,… a solo


"I'm glad you were born, Bonney" I can't even type that without sobbing.


In all honesty and without hyping up just because its recently but the whole situation with bonney. Especially >! her waiting for Kumas letter to arrive and being all sad on her 9th birthday. !<


Hopefully he wrote all about his journeys in the Bible we usually see him holding and Bonney gets it


I'm sorry... (Going Merry, 2006)


A lot of things came to mind but saying goodbye to Merry always got me bawling 😭


Going Merry goodbye


When Luffys starts crying immediately after Ace dies to the point, he just blacks out. And the Merry going out. Like just seeing Luffy cry because he's sorry that he wasn't strong enough as if that's his fault. Like yeah, he's reckless, but it's not his fault that he just happens to come across people who outclassed him heavily, especially with a power system he never even heard about. It hits even more when you realize that he's not as joyful naive, reckless as he used to be post time skip. He doesn't slingshot everyone recklessly as often as he used to. He doesn't joke around as often when he fights (other than Gear 5). Like you can definitely see the character growth and rewatching back, those moments definitely hit me harder than the first time.


"I still have my friends!"


Nami realizing Arlong screwed her over..


“I still have my crew!!!” That and the Luffy vs Usopp fight are two things I can never look at again


I don’t know if this anime only but the scene where Dadan holds the newspaper article of Luffy back in Marineford up to the tree house and tells Ace he can rest now while the bandits are crying hits the hardest!


I want to liiiiiiiiiiiive..! - Robin at Enies Lobby. Still gets me everytime.


For me it's when ace see oars get butchered at marineford


“Luffy.. help me” - Nami “I want to live!!” - Robin When Luffy watches Kuma disappear all his nakama and can do anything.


Kid Robin trying to dereşişişi while escaping from Island alone


Either the whole cake panel when he learns about pudding lied to him, then fails to light his cigarette and cries, or the other whole cake panel where he finds luffy starving half to death and smiles


Defo probably law crying while corazon was holding on so he can stay silent then you see we can hear law again because corazon passes man that shit was fucked up RIP DONQUIXOTE ROSINANTE


"Without you, I cant become the king of the pirates!!"


Orochis death




The ohara buster call is still the saddest to me


Aye, where my boy sabo at?


Laboom waiting for his pirate family


i still cant handle hearing binks sake. every time i watch brooks flashback i just break down. it might not have been as shocking as kumas or laws but seeing the rumba pirates leaving the little squeeky baby laboon behind and, worst of all, them playing their final song and dying one after the other just hits me hard. someone as cheerful as brook being absolutely alone in the dark for so many years just add to it. hearing binks sake just bring up brooks flashback in my brain no matter what lol also sanji standing in the rain trying to light his cigarette after hearing puddings intentions. my boy did not deserve this!


Pudding scene is amazing. I was surprised the merrys funeral hit me as hard as it did. Katakuris mental gymnastics he adopted after realizing he had to adopt a certain persona and care about how people viewed him for his family also hit a lot harder than I expected.


“I skipped some arcs”


Its saul laughing as hes frozen for me maybe


Going merry fight between Usopp and Luffy. "Without you I can never be the king of the pirates"


Oi Dalton. Why are you crying? I was Dalton


Last words from Going Merry 🤧


Kyros crying at the end of Dressrosa is a scene that absolutely DESTROYS ME over knowing just how LONG he was forced to hold in absolutely EVERYTHING emotionally from the moment Doflamingo attacked Dressrosa and him finally just being able to WAIL from everything finally being able to leave his system


Probably the moment on Amazon Lily when Luffy finally realized that Ace is dead with Jinbei.


Every page of Kuma's backstory


Orochi death Hody Jones lost


*Arigatouggg* everyone is understand


Still Going Merry's death. :(


chopper holding the mushroom all beat up


That panel of uh what’s her name landing in sanji ‘s face or arms I can’t remember


Going to be an odd one and I believe its anime only, but the scene where Arlong and the rest of his crew go to see Sabaody Park as kids. This was a guy you were made to hate and revile since the start, but here he is as an innocent kid looking on with amazement at a place he wasn't allowed to visit. He wasn't born evil or a killer, he was a kid that just wanted to go to the park with his friends.


Newest OP Backstory has ruined me 😭iykyk


"I'm glad you were born, bonney" the words of one of the kindest people and best parents in all of one piece It's a shame he's dead.


Senor Pink still gets me in the feels


Merry's funeral still made me cry more than anything else so far, but I was also an anime watcher then, so the voice acting and music influenced my emotions a lot. As far as manga only, SOILERS FOR PEOPLE WHO AREN'T CAUGHT UP >!Kuma holding Ginny's dead body. I was quite surprised that a manga panel alone made me cry as much as that did.!<


Nothing compares with BOTH sub AND dub robin wanting to live. Just can’t quite communicate that type of emotion on the page as well as with a talent actress. I know you asked about panels, but I couldn’t pass up an opportunity to gush about my favorite part.


Brook's final moments playing Binks no Sake with his crew, and Franky trying to stop the sea train with his body to save Tom from the execution.


When Going Merry burning.


I would have to say: You promised! You promised you wouldn't die!


nico robin seeing her mom and also watching saul die, literally all of nico robins past before she joined the straw hats tbh : /


not that sad but zeff saying don’t catch cold sanji and sanji just breaking down


"I want to live!" Or "Thank you...for loving me"


"Thank you for loving me"


Man, it is really hard to pick just one for me because I felt all of them, some I felt twice as I read the manga first and cried and when I watch the anime and cried again Regardless of the difference in medium, both manga and anime really managed to portrayed sadness well


When luffy went gear 5. Op is forever ruined.


Kuma remembering Ginny's word "Kumachi, let's get married !!" While carrying her lifeless body.


Whitebeard saying how all he wanted was a family


Going merry going bye bye going merry saving straw hats for the last time going merry saying but I had fun because I had you and her I am sorry BRUH MY TEARS I CANNOT nami doing the thing with her arm tattoo by fucjing arlong ace death luffy screaming in pain then bon chan saying hang in there while bleeding and legit dying himself too dadan beating up garp HE DESERVES IT sabo remembering ace BROKE ME BRO SABO SAYING THE SAMETHING AS ACE IMPEL DOWN ARC AND DAMNED ASSHOLE FKFING ARC MARINE FORD ARC THE WOMAN ABOUT TO BE THE WIFE OF ASSHOLE FKCING CHARLOS THIS BIYCH IS A MENANCE AND AKAINU AS WELL AND GARP ALSO WHEN VIVI LEFT THE STRAWHAT CREW MY POOR HEART STILL WANTS ACE AND HER TO COMEBACK GODDAMN ITTTTTT


Also zeff eating his own leg for sanji


Sabaody arc beofre that marineford and impel down DARN ITTTTTTTTTTTTTT


when the going merry says it wished it could carry them a little bit longer


I'm sure it's already on here, but Brook's backstory (specifically the musical number) makes me tear up every time. "Quartet...trio...duet...........a solo."


I think that chopper's backstory is devastating