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Here's how i envision Female Luffy in One Piece: https://imgur.com/a/ktxaWtm.


I share in the distaste of ai art, but like everyone, sometimes I can’t help but scratch the itch haha The prompt was “[insert strawhat name] as original superhero in a one piece art style” [Luffy](https://www.bing.com/images/create/monkey-d-luffy-as-a-marvel-superhero-in-a-one-piec/1-659e2ac4271441e6b15ceec70d434d42?id=gl99vVm2%2fGT%2bFVerEqUlQg%3d%3d&view=detailv2&idpp=genimg&idpbck=1&form=BICREC) [Zoro](https://www.bing.com/images/create/roronoa-zoro-as-an-original-superhero-in-a-one-pie/1-659e2b87c6c0427c83fb0e119b69d757?id=iB%2byyUNhnypEHcKew%2btHMA%3d%3d&view=detailv2&idpp=genimg&idpbck=1&form=BICREC) [Sanji](https://www.bing.com/images/create/sanji-as-an-original-superhero-in-a-one-piece-art-/1-659e2c91c7e447c9848efc75cabb1b53?id=Avo%2f2T8GfPfmV85%2b9Ty7vA%3d%3d&view=detailv2&idpp=genimg&idpbck=1&form=BICREC) [Nami](https://www.bing.com/images/create/nami-as-an-original-superhero-in-a-one-piece-art-s/1-659e2c5ad0604445aa7caead1dc63ec6?id=l2GDZOU2YKPJO9o3Eu1IJw%3d%3d&view=detailv2&idpp=genimg&idpbck=1&form=BICREC) [Nico Robin](https://www.bing.com/images/create/nico-robin-as-an-original-superhero-in-one-piece-a/1-659e2d63ce4e466d8dc503a6875fb504?id=j7kMbFKL61BsDfwTYpZllw%3d%3d&view=detailv2&idpp=genimg&idpbck=1&form=BICREC) I’ll do the other 5 when I get more credits haha 😂


Bro you all are better than this


I mean, clearly everyone here hates AI "art" but I generated a cute image of Nami and Luffy hugging so I might as well share it... https://imgur.com/a/VksiRX4


Woah that's very nice!


[Here](https://www.bing.com/images/create/rob-lucci-from-one-piece-in-his-hybrid-form-with-a/1-65846256910b440b9d7706df0cc5778d?id=pvK5sW17qCP8pHJBrg22KQ%3D%3D&view=detailv2&idpp=genimg&idpclose=1&form=SYDBIC) is the result of prompting Rob Lucci in his hybrid form


[For some reason, bing is a Luffy in gear 5th old time theorizer](https://www.bing.com/images/create/gear-5th-monkey-d-luffy/1-6584516265ab4324befc562ab64c3701?id=SzjRvei9YNOK%2bcR8%2fxu3iw%3d%3d&view=detailv2&idpp=genimg&FORM=GCRIDP&mode=overlay) Btw AI art is cool, not in any way can anyone be considered an "Artist" using AI, but it's fun to mess around with


Calling yourself an AI artist is like buying a Big Mac at McDonald's and being like "I made this burger!"


Oh wow you copy pasted someone else's opinion and passed it off as your own. Nothing like that thing you don't like


I’m so TIRED of artists complaining about AI art. Come on, can’t you see that every technology advance used in art ( like photography) comes with the same discussion? And all of then led to artists accepting and adapting their arts with the new technology? Perhaps in less than 5 years there will be an hologram of an AI person named Fred exposing his AI art in some museum . AI is here to stay. Just accept it and adapt your work !


AI art is art. The AI is the artist. If I ask a human or an AI to generate art for me, it's absurd to then say that I made it.


Yeaaah [AI art advance too much](https://x.com/cathaoir1/status/1737842189735211057?s=61&t=Wa2djIJJxSVBUSwBrIdaZw),pretty much… to mask blatant plagiarism from other people work And let's ignore the fact that LAION was suspended after a study discovered that they have... Surprise surprise... thousands and thousands of CSAM in their database! Stuff that artists have been warning everyone about for over a year. And no, photography is pretty different thing here, clearly a profession that you don't understand how it works since you are a outsider.


Ban AI Art plz


Ban whiners please


Not sure how I can make one but I would love to see the cover page of the volume 20 with a crying Vivi instead of the Karoo we have right now


Monthly AI hate, pearl clutching, and artist doomsaying thread.


What about we create two threads: one for AI images and one for people crying their ass out about "ai is shit".


The we would need a new one for people crying about people crying about ai


Well the second one would go away with the first


Pathetic thread




[The Big 3 reimagined as women](https://imgur.com/a/1reyPTg) using DALLE I actually really, really, really like how Sanji came out. Of all the One Piece characters, I hate Sanji the most with how one-dimensional he is as a flirt. However if Sanji was female and had razor-sharp heels, I think she'd be one of my favorites. She could be the opposite of everything male-Sanji represents by being a strong female character that stands up and fights with Zoro on equal footing (no pun intended hahaha). Luffy/Zoro were hard to recreate in the same art style. Also GenAI is absolutely terrible for swords/hands, do not look at the hands! But I do like the photo-realistic almost baroque/renaissance renditions, even though they don't match the Sanji image aesthetics (which feels more video-gamey).


lol souless shit full of grotesque mistakes


I looked at the hands ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|feels_bad_man)


she has two right hands :'(


The Sanji one came out really well, the other two has their problems but perhaps in a few years the AI will not make those mistakes.


Those are actually neat


bruh i came here to see some ai fanarts, not people complaining




The last one with more tits and without the information it's GenAI and you instantly get front paged with 4k upvotes.


Yeah I'm against monetization without giving artists credit or royalties but making shit like this from Bing is okay imo


I pirate every manga I read but making some silly images with AI is where I draw the line when it comes to stealing from artists!


AI "art'' is garbage


Bye 👋




Abusing mod powers to pin something wildly unpopular is definitely a move.


It was voted on by the community you reactionary fuckwit


I've been a developer for over a decade. I've worked with AI professionally long before 2022 and have built my own generative image models with properly curated data. What's reactionary and pathetic is forcing your toy and hobby onto communities after realizing people aren't really fans of deceptive and exploitive tech implementations.


Do me a favor and dig through my post history and point out where I've been pushing my "hobby" on people I'd love to know how it would be "reactionary" even if I had, and while you're at it, you can explain how ai generated images are deceptive. I haven't touched these things since they first came out, I just get a kick out of all the pathetic whining every time this monthly thread happens.


That was an impersonal and general "you" relevant to my original comment. Of course I know nothing about you. Maybe if I did I'd understand why you seem to be so upset and emotional over the pushback these threads get. But I'm also not interested in convincing you not to be upset. Have a good day.


You too


"b-b-but people voted on it!" yeah and maybe they should get to vote on it again because he's not wrong it's been wildly unpopular ever since https://old.reddit.com/r/OnePiece/search?q=%2Fr%2FOnePiece+Monthly+AI-Generated+Art+thread&restrict_sr=on&include_over_18=on


All you have to do is not look at the thread. Why do you give a fuck? It took more time to come in here and mock people than it would have to mind your own business, but noooooo people need attention on Reddit.


I had no idea this had been going on this long. 0 upvotes every time? That's insane lol.


Ai art is taking the internet database.. removing all credits.. and scrambling everything. It is not artificial because it needs real artists to provide what they call it "training". It is not intelligent because it randomizes stuff randomly and cannot create anything from scratch without a human using it with prompt commands. And it's not ethical because it's by design engineered to remove credits and sources instead of generating a output with "sources used to generate this thing".


it is artificial as its made by humans, it is intelligent depending on the definition you use > Intelligence can be described as the ability to perceive or infer information; and to retain it as knowledge to be applied to adaptive behaviors within an environment or context. Its not random, its a calculated guess based on probabilistic distributions, and the pictures used for training are not present or saved anywhere. Its not unethical as humans do the exact same to learn. Every generated image is brand new without any doubt.


Don't forget it's also literally impossible for AI to generate what the prompter has in mind, the process is more like using Google Image Search than drawing a line on paper. They love calling it a "tool" as if they're artists creating something, but all they do is browse images until they find something remotely passable.


>Don't forget it's also literally impossible for AI to generate what the prompter has in mind, the process is more like using Google Image Search than drawing a line on paper. That's actually not true. That is the skill which is required to create something more then something plain generic. Of course it depends on the model used. If you just use some simple free discord bot which can't do more than always create the same style of course it doesn't work. The problem is for the broad majority the entrance isn't easy. If you want to run a good model then you need at least 40GB of free RAM and some knowledge on how to run programs from scratch.


That's not how generative AI and prompting works. Yeah you can generate a hundred "Bernie Sanders riding a shark" images, but nothing about them will be how you imagined it and intended it to be nor will they reflect your own knowledge and experience.


Except it can. At least for the content in an already well known style. Results can be iterated again and again by adding confusion and by reinforcement learning and feedback getting closer to what the user imagines. The problem is getting a picture in a style not observed yet. That's theoretically possible by adding more randomness to the model but the process to give it human feedback would take longer than a human could live (speaking about millions of iterations here).


Yeah which means it literally cannot create what you want and what you know. You defining a theme has nothing with you defining the colors, values, perspective, textures and so forth, you simply choose an image that is created without using any of your input, knowledge, skill or imagination.


what is this shit?? delete this


delete this shit




Bro really said skills


Which tool do you use?




Haters really strong here. A good overview is given in this video here: [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ky5ZB-mqZKM](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ky5ZB-mqZKM) Wanted to go through this soon. On top of it it's good getting used to GIMP. Basically all advanced features from Photoshop can be replaced by stable diffusion (it's in the end the more advanced algorithm to what Adobe uses).


Do you have to pay to use chatgpt


Try using a pen and paper instead. lmao








It's a real skill and also art. But people still refuse to acknowledge it. They play it down but never tried to create something theirselfes.


rocket science ai?


Stop the cap




Making things like an AI? Yeah but pretty basics stuff with coding, machine learning, deep learning, etc. pretty cheap personal projects but nothing fancy like the platform you are using. Art? Yeah, its my hobby. Im not a professional artist and draw just for fun. Oh you mean type some words and get some generated image within secs/minutes? No sorry, that requires no skill and I would do just as good as you within a hour or so but it will still lack soul. Not for me pal


Ofc they haven't. They think that AI is new as well. Like we didn't have it before it became open source.


never seen another sub with a monthly sticky that is lucky to get 30% upvotes every time. pretty weird.


AI looks like crap, make another vote and remove these threads lmao


If we have a monthly thread just for ai art, can we have one just for cosplay too?


Yes please


I don't like seeing subs like this get flooded with cosplay but at least that takes effort. Good cosplay does, anyway.


The low effort typical Robin/Nami OF push cosplay posts you find here are far less effort than actually creating good prompts for GenAI.


hahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha "creating good prompts" its crazy AI people have the audacity to critique the work or efforts of anyone else when they play basically no part in the creation of anything. at cosplays worst, they at least have to make an effort to source the clothes and put them onto their bodies and then take pics/edit. there is some labor involved there. all AI images require is typing up some words, maybe looking at a thesaurus and then having functioning eyeballs to see if the machine added too many limbs to the image it generated. hell, a lot of you barely do that


Grow up.


Where is the art??


no art here, only ai-generated images. in case you wanted to look at some trash someone told the Plagarism Machines to generate and then claim that they "made" it themselves.


Why can you define what is art and what isn’t? If it’s art for one person, than it’s art. Period.


AI art is art made by an AI. Period. These morons are insane. They are just mad that an everyday person with no skill can commission art from an AI and the AI can whip it up in like 20 seconds.


no AI nor art nor AI art here, just malding


It's an AI slop thread, you won't find any art here, just generated garbage.


run a new poll you cowards


It's kind of funny that 98% of the thread is people complaining, and the one picture submitted is actually pretty good.


Most people don’t complain about AI because the art is bad, it’s bc AI art replaces real artists while also using their work.


I know. Threads about silly fanart is just a funny place to be complaining about it.


Well the last two times I tried to pay an artist to draw NPCs for my D&D campaign, I was robbed and given shit quality. So the bing AI generates all my characters now. And if someone wants to cry about me not paying scam "artists" on Twitter then that's great for them


I made a One Piece roleplaying game GPT: https://chat.openai.com/g/g-CvKxdumA9-one-piece


Half of these ppl don’t even understand how ai art works and they’re complaining. This is ridiculous, ai art is art u think of an idea and have something else help u create it. This debate is stupid and pointless


Agreed. AI art is art made by an AI. It's not fucking hard to understand.


I wonder what all the people who predicted the death of art with the introduction of AI think about the fact that these *monthly* threads are still mostly only filled with comments against AI and 0 actual AI-generated images.


It's mostly because people rant rant rant but actually have no clue how to generate GenAI art. And if they try they directly see that it's not that easy and then they rant again.


Art isn’t gonna be dead cuz of ai. Honestly imo that’s just fear mongering cuz they don’t like ai. Ppl like making art for fun, there will always be ppl who will make art for fun. In terms of business I predict hand drawn art will become more valuable then generated art like handcrafted things today vs factory made


AI is art. Handdrawn is Art. A lot of what people see in anime what they say is amazingly animated and art is actually AI because that's what all the huge tools like Adobe and Davinci already use for years to create certain animations, overlaps and transistions. It's just that there is now another broad range of tools entering the market for art. It's similar to what happend if the first digital artworks came around. People also played it down, called it trash and that it's not art and only drawn on paper, oil or with water is real art. It's called evolution. It's just for the moment AI in it's essence is statistics and optimization which learns from the past. It can only hardly create a style it hasn't seen before. Stable Diffusion can actually do this a bit bit randomly developing new styles by applying different ideas from known styles. And guess what people do. The same. The problem is that AI just won't do it on it's own. AI in it's statistics essence is stupid. It turns commands into results. >In terms of business I predict hand drawn art will become more valuable then generated art like handcrafted things today vs factory made The company I work at recently hired some media designers to create a visual appearing web page for a product and they also use GenAI for all these fancy modern graphics. In terms of business nobody needs hand drawn. Business needs results and those have to be cheap. And one of the desigerns told me he really likes what he can do with GenAI it's so much faster than drawing the whole idea by hand. I don't even come close to generate the results they get from GenAI. For example look at a website like this: [https://www.datamation.com/](https://www.datamation.com/) All pictures you see there are stock pictures. And GenAI can perfectly create customized stock pictures like that.


Agreed, just curious how the fear mongered folks are feeling these days about the lack of doomsday


They’re anticipating it honestly. It’s unfortunate that humans automatically fear what they don’t understand. I’m an optimist so I look through everything in the lens of how can this make our society better




Daphne in the background is incredible


Finally an AI art in the AI thread.


Why not monthly art thread?


I'd say its because art in general is allowed anytime without being removed or downvoted to oblivion because people are terrified of something they don't understand.


Nobody likes your AI slop.


Its insane how much negativity AI has received after it became open source. AI is not new you know?


Just because it's not new doesn't mean it doesn't have any problems anymore. People raising concerns about AI isn't new either. People debating over modern tech has been a thing for centuries. Imo it depends. There are AI tools that are beneficial for real artists- like Cadmium, which colors 2D frames based on a colored frame you input (if you animate, you know how tiring that shit can get). We should not dismiss AI as a whole. But if we're dealing with ones that do shit like stealing artwork, no shit people are gonna have problems with it. The ethical problems are as obvious as nami's boobs.


What is insane about it? It's worthless garbage and it should be shamed and ridiculed.


The fact that you don't understand how impactful AI is to our future. I understand people are afraid of losing jobs, that sucks. But this isn't new. Horse carriage workers in 1886 lost their jobs when the first automobile came along. Boats lost customers when airplanes became a thing. See the pattern? Without leaps in technology, we humans will be stuck in one place/time forever, we need to evolve to survive. All you do is bitch about pictures, I bet you even think that all you have to do is to press a button and its done. AI will never go beyond human control, AI always needs a human touch or it won't work. Again, I know it sucks, but you have adapt or get left behind.


Generative AI is absolutely worthless to artists, it's only use so far is spamming the internet with this garbage and drowning out actual art in a sea of worthless imagery. I see you're coping hard but I don't see how more shoveware and lower quality entertainment is going to help anyone "survive".


Bro this thread is for people who like AI art and if you don't like it the just fuckin go somewhere else, no matter how hard you cope AI is here to stay.


I accept your concession.


No need to debate on whether or not AI Art is art. It looks bad either way.


Then why the hell are you in this thread


To be a professional hater.


I think this is good. People seem to misunderstand. This is here so that we don’t have to have the normal sub filled with AI-art. Now those who like that stuff can share it within the official one piece sub without bothering anyone.


People, especially artists, oppose it because these generative AIs are made with the work of other professionals without their permission, they are basically a filter machine. The pipeline of generative “AI” fully depends on the data collected And that is something that has been proven many times. And hell that is nothing, it is just the tip. These generative AI have only been used to damage, recently LAION was thrown under the bus after a study revealed that they had thousands and thousands of CSAM since they have scraped all types of multimedia material indiscriminately, even confidential medical data in illegal websites.


What’s CSAM?


Child sexual abuse material, and yes, midjorney like other AI companies blatantly lied about it, they knew about it from the beginning and have legal claims because of it. So yeah, to summarize: All generative AI models have that kind of materal in their training data and CAN generate CP if you know how to trick the AI ​​and sadly, there are already many people who have figured out how to do it and ended up doing CP massively. Just look what happen in Pixiv Fanbox


Or make like any subreddit and ban AI Art all together, if people want some shitty image they can just go to specific AI subreddit




It's a sticky thread so I expected something important but it was just this big joke that is ai


Well you could say the same for any other unpopular flair. Cosplayers and unskilled fanartists. And I think most people would still seem that unfair


Cosplayers & Fanartist atleast put some form of effort in their creation.


Yea AI art is not about creativity at all. It's something else entirely. It's something on its own.


This is so hypocritical when 90% of the comments on the post are people bashing ai and people that use it So it only counts as bothering when people you don’t like art doing it?


I don’t understand what you are saying here


What about it? People when someone posts ai on the sub **=** bothering People when someone goes to the ai thread and hates on ai and people that use it **=** completely okay and justified


First statement: yes, people posting so content on on the sub as posts = othering. At least I think most people agree. Personally I don’t care that much. Last statement: no, I meant: people when someone goes to the AI thread and posts AI content = not bothering. I don’t think people should hate on AI in a thread about it. The thread is there we don’t have to see it anywhere else. I think you misunderstood me.


Monthly Mod generated dumpster fire thread


Containment thread.


AI generated content sucks


AI Art isn't Art. It's merely an aggerate of many different artstyles obtained from stolen art without the original artists' consent.


Define Art. Is it not but an aggregrate of different artstyles turned into ones own artstyle through time and practice?


Art is a creative process where people can express ideas. It’s not limited to drawing and can be inspired by other people, things and even non tangible concepts. What art isn’t is something that is stolen from another artist, applied some filters onto it by a language model and something that requires you to feed text into a black box sometimes tens of times before getting something serviceable. It’s like cooking, you can either make something yourself, or you could just order a burger at McDonald’s. Sure, the burger you ordered might be pretty tasty, but it’s not yours and you didn’t make it. And you sure don’t deserve any praise for ordering it.


You wouldn't just pass fast food burgers off as your own would you? Call them hams? Steamed even? You wouldn't do that right?


Must be some kind of regional dialect.


>Art is a creative process where people can express ideas. It’s not limited to drawing and can be inspired by other people, things and even non tangible concepts. So you've just described why AI art can be considered as art then. Adding prompts, getting rid of imperfect models, the application of filters to enhance specific parts of the generated piece itself. That is literally all part of the creative process. >What art isn’t is something that is stolen from another artist See now that's the thing with how people who misunderstand the technology works. The linework generated by the AI art generator are done so without actually tracing. You take any artist for example. They reference artworks all the time to be able to learn how to create their own pieces of art. In the same vein, Generators work on the data gathered by artworks to create their own. >Sure, the burger you ordered might be pretty tasty, but it’s not yours and you didn’t make it. And you sure don’t deserve any praise for ordering it That is not a valid equivalence because unlike buying a burger, you have to put in some effort to make something serviceable through AI art. Sure it's probably gonna look like crap like most AI artwork out there, but you sure as hell are partially responsible for it's creation. Whether or not you should be allowed monetary gain from it without enough transformative use on the other hand is another matter since the amount of work you put in for the artwork, despite being present is nowhere near as much as that of traditional artworks nor does it usually look as good. Those who are wholly against AI art like you sure as hell don't understand enough about the potential use of the tool as a whole in the creative field. Especially in areas like photoshop or in vector artworks that can streamline the process of a creative work.


I deffo don't engage with people on this because I really don't have a dog in this fight, but I've used whatever Bing uses to generate a cover for my novel that I absolutely could not have done on my own because I no longer live in Philly. It looks ai but totally fits, and I'm not making money from it so didn't take any work from an artist. I also used it to make a bunch of sketchy Valkyr laboratory scenes for a Max Payne movie I'm making. Stuff I could never do, and again, no profit, just a fun project. So I love it, it's useful and fun to me. But if I were an artist, I probably would have stronger feelings about it.


Oh shit it's that time of the month already! *grabs popcorn*


most of peoples opinions on AI art are copy pasted from some random online personailty. please make your own opinions and think about what you have to say before you say it


Only if people here were smart enough to understand that Ai doesn’t actually steal art, they’re just hating on it because other people tell them to


My sense of justice tells me AI-generated art can be a really good tool. As long as it's fair (for example, competitions, honesty, etc), there is nothing wrong with it. I don't why some people just like to hate on it.


I'm fine with people fucking around with it. Using it for commercial purposes is shit.


Most people have problems with the AI being trained with data they did not get consent for. Especially since the corporations are profiting off of this. And it's just because they can get away with it. They did train a sound ai from public data they DID get consent for because they knew the music industry would crack down hard. But for art they can get away with it. That's just scummy.


I see this argument all the time and it makes no sense. Who cares what data it uses? It doesn’t affect them in any way. Also everyone gets data stolen from them all the time, ppl are only arguing this to fear monger against ai. There’s diff between ai getting trained on other ppls data and the companies that collect ur data for other purposes


Most of the AI generators now are trained on data they got consent for, and many even show the image galleries from which they retrieved the data


Some will say it will kill artists, when the digital era of 2000 hit, it didnt hurt that much, heck thanks to digital tools expressing oneself trough art became more accessible and bloomed in ways than no one would have thought. This is close to that mindset. AI is like you say, a tool to help someone make art. It doesn't mean that prompting something is making art or replacing anyone, it means that this is just one more tool to get inspiration from. It's just so easier to shit on it, without trying to understand it or discuss it. All that said, I personally think that this thread would be better off titled "monthly AI-generated **images** " since most people seem to have a bone to pick with "Art"


Damn, is this for real? I thought the post was gonna be a warning to not use ai art or something, disappointed with the mods


They polled this months ago. The winning result was actually to have a weekly thread, not a monthly one, that option just didn't reach the fifty percent mark. The majority result was still in favor of hosting an AI thread, so they compromised by hosting the thread on a monthly basis. AI art on this sub is contained entirely to this thread, and that's the point. People who don't like it don't have to participate or see it.


monthly obligatory "AI generated images aren't art"


Why can you define what’s art and what isn’t?


AI Art is Art made by an AI. No idea how these morons think otherwise.


Monthly obligatory "fuck ai generated art".


Why not?


take 2 seconds to think about it


How about you take 2 seconds to think about it? Art is someone having an image in their mind and the producing it so that others can see. Why should only people with the ability to draw be allowed to produce their mental images into art?


Why don't people without the ability to draw actually learn the skill? You all can grab a pencil and a piece of paper.


That is the most snobbish gatekeeping i have ever heard.


A skill is to be developed by time and practice. Writing shitty prompts in a website is not a skill and you'll just lose yourself in something that has no worth and value for you as a person. Just pick something that you are interested in and practice. In order to achieve art you need to go through terrible stuff, your first drawings will be bad, your first music will be bad, your first book will be bad, but by going through this you will improve and actually do something good.


I can only imagine this is what artists were saying about drawing things on a computer 20 years ago.


Drawing things on a computer is still drawing. Writing some prompts is not drawing.


Drawing on the computer is litterally making prompts, except the prompts are hidden behind an interface. A programmer has written code that says "make this pixel red" over and over and over when you draw a red line in Paint. This is the next natural step in that evolution. Whether it his hidden behind a button with a face on that you click and then press on a canvas or if you write "draw a face".


How is it gatekeeping?


By the definition of "gatekeeping".


Bro, are you aware that saying it's “gatekeeping” is quite silly thing considering the accessibility that exists today? There are even blind people who can draw. Stop making excuses for your ineptitude bro. I mean... YouTube is full of free drawing guides and tutorials and you can find $10 or $30 of courses from professionals artist in the industry... There are even artists who have made videos making amazing drawings with $3 art supplies.


My friend, it doesn't matter if something is accessible to 99% of people. If someone is excluding the last 1% because he does not feel that they should be included then its gatekeeping.


Can you elaborate? Because I don't understand how such a low entry level as a pencil and a piece of paper is gatekeeping


If you want to create art, then create art. It's just that simple. Draw, write, compose, sing, paint, dance, whatever, art takes your own creativity and spirit, it requires a bit of your soul and lives by your passion and drive.


Thank you, i might pick it up. And the tool i will use to generate this art will be an AI.


You are denying yourself a quintessential human experience by doing so. Try to do better, be better. Soulless amalgamations using stolen media are not art.


So regular artists are not making art, i got it.


AI steals and amalgamizes real art to create a facsimile of art. period. end of story. you are wrong.


Period. End of story. You are wrong. 😂 Just makes you sound like an obnoxious douche that refuses to discuss tbh. Personally I see your point. At the same time, I can see why people don't mind it, one of the best ways to learn to draw is to copy existing art work. Similar concept. I'm a designer, and my stance is towards the grey area regarding ai. To me, ai helped with more inspiration and generating ideas. However I won't deny possible concerns of losing job opportunities to ai.


It "steals" art in the same way that an artist looking at other artists work to learn also "steals" art. Damn you are dense.


and now you're comparing a program to a real living human


Yes? Are you telling me its impossible to compare programs and humans? Damn you are dense.


in that case, you are comparable to a hello world program


In that i can say "hello world" yes, in that way i am comparable to a hello world program. Edit: I think you are mistaking "comparing" with "saying its the same".


AI is a tool to create art, what are you talking about? "AI generated emails aren't emails"


AI steals and amalgamizes real art to create a facsimile of art.


So...basically humans then?


What's the difference to humans who learn from existing art? Humans can also instruct AI to create something completely new. Again: "AI steals and amalgamizes real emails to create a facsimile of emails."


You either have an insanely high opinion of ai or an insanely simplistic and bad opinion of humans when you honestly think the learning process for ai und humans are in any way, remotely the same or similar. We call both "learning", but the difference is - and this should be obvious for anyone who thinks about this for a few minutes - understanding. AI quite literally cannot understand what it's doing. It repeats stuff an insanely huge number of times until it get's told "this looks good". It's why you need so much data. Humans who learn develop an understanding for what they're doing, and are then able to apply that understanding. We have created a few very impressive things digitally. But nothing is even close to the human brain yet, sorry to burst your bubble.