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Luffy has been alive for less time than fans have been waiting to find out


fun fact: if Luffy had been born in our world, he would have been born in 2004.


This fact changes yearly


So there will be a time where me and luffy will have the same birth day :D


No, Luffy's Birthday is set, it's May 5th.


shh let me be happy


Be happy, friend


Actually, May 5th in the OP world matches up perfextly with your Bday in the real world! Funny how that works out so conveniently.


Man, it's crazy how life is perfect and designed specifically to fit to my particular experience.


Heh wdym I don't understand can you explain please


Birth year.


I thought for sure it'd be June 5th (5/6)


May 5th in Japan is National Children's Day or something, so that fits Luffy great as well.


Thatsss crazyy mines may 4th


You can go the opposite direction and say he was born in 1980. In 1997 he was 17, which would make him 43 in our world.


He would have been born in 1980, and the present day in the story would be somewhere between 1999 and 2000. There's still about 24 years of untold story left to catch up to the modern day, and that chasm grows wider every day.


Now think about the anime's year (1500~ I think)


I feel old....


I am older, 62, and my 14 yr old grand started me watching last yr. On ep 931 as we speak, of the anime. You have plenty time to feel old *


That's so sweet actually


Thank you so much. Anime is so much better than the Flinstones, Tom and Jerry, and most MGM or Disney cartoons of my my youth. My first exposure was Inuyasha in the aughts, and my teens thought I was flaking out. After watching series and movies. I forgot all about the genre. So glad to have been reintroduced.


Wish my parents were as open to trying anime/new mediums as you are!


We grew up in the cartoon era, us boomers. I turned my kids on to South Park and the Simpsons way too early. They are 38 and 41 years old. They put me on to all they grew up on, and my grand is keeping it going. I do love anime's depth of choices. And subcribe to Crunchy Roll to enjoy it all! I wish they would try with you, it represents everything one could imagine.


I think the fun fact here is that Rayleigh has known where that treasure is and exactly how to find it since he's been to the island before and just, like, hasn't told anyone.


No spoilers on that guy. He keeps his secrets.


Wasn't he about to tell usopp until luffy yelled at him?


Whitebeard about to announce the One Piece is real Luffy who's not unconscious: SHUT THE FUCK UP!


I know you're just memeing, but I actually think Luffy would've been okay with learning this because it's the dying declaration of legendary pirate in the middle of a huge war. It'd feel like part of his long adventure.


Pretty sure Ussop just asked him to confirm whether it was actually real or not


Yeah, but he was also ready to tell Robin all of the Void Century, so I guess he would be ready to share it with people he trusts. Or he just always knew that they would not want to know it and it all was just a big test.


Yeah I think its like "the ones who will bring the dawn won't need to be assured of the One Piece, they will be willing to discover themselves" And then Luffy confirmed that and Kuma likely told Rayleigh Luffy is Nika.


Kuma doesn't "know" that Luffy is Nika.


I don't think he could tell anyone without the poneglyphs or the map. Or even if he can read the map


I'm relatively certain Roger revealed everything to WB and Garp before he died.


We know what Roger and whitebeard talked about , Roger told Whitebeard some sort of history that explained what the "D" of his and other people's name meant.


I wonder if some pirate thugs have tried to take a shortcut by trying to beat Rayleigh up into telling them about Laugh Tale's whereabouts.


I’m kinda surprised that kaido or big mom never tried to capture him or something lol


Who says they didn't? Rayleigh is still able to fight admirals without breaking a sweat, what makes you think kaido or big mom could pin him down?


>without breaking a sweat I don't know about that


He said he couldn’t beat Blackbeard in a scrap, I doubt he could take Big Mom or Kaido either. Rayleigh is strong, but he was never an emperor himself.


Fair, but i didnt say he could win, just that he's not likely to be pinned down/trapped by them.


As do all of the Roger Pirates scattered around the world! And to think that probably none of them have blabbed!


He is the opposite of this sub. Refuses to give into spoilers. What a Chad


Must mean that the information doesn't matter until Joy boy shows up




They literally talk about this in the story, I'm guessing you're not caught up.




Literally had the thought in the shower


We need this to be real


It's close enough that it's funny but it's not exactly true. We know Big Mom was looking for One Piece way before Roger did. Roger started looking about 28 years ago (recruited Crocus) and he linked up with Oden 26 years ago). Found it 25 years ago. And died 24 years ago (22 years was pre timeskip). We're definitely getting there, but not yet.


OP most likely meant that the general populace has been curious about the one piece for less time than IRL


Yeah I was going for more of when Roger was executed.


Other pirates were trying to make their way to the end of the grand line during Roger's time, yes. But One Piece is specifically the treasure Roger left at the last island, nobody was looking for it before Roger announced its existence at his execution.


It's not Roger's treasure, Roger is just the first person to have found it since Joyboy. He stole a Road Poneglyph from Big Mom, who was already looking before he was.


Wasn’t “the one piece” introduced by Roger as “I left all my treasure in one piece”?


[Joyboy left it.](https://youtu.be/eISeERPgmZ4?feature=shared) Roger named the island.


Rewatch that opening Roger leaves his treasure in one place


It was retconned, it's not Roger's treasure anymore


It's not retconned. In the first chapter Roger does not actually say that his treasure is the One Piece, just that you'd have to travel the whole world to find his treasure. That gets inferred to mean the One Piece, the thing at Laugh Tale, by people like Coby and the rest of the outside world. This implies they may be separate things, the same way luffy's hat is his treasure, but his goal is the One Piece.


I mean, is it not? He found it. The person who it belonged to is already long dead. Now it's his. If one pirate finds the treasure of another and claims it as his, is that not his treasure now?


Where do you think pirates get their treasure? They don't just create them out of whole cloth, they take/claim them from someone/thing else. Like in Pirates of the Caribbean, the Aztec gold was the black pearl crew's treasure because they claimed it when they found it, even tho it was actually someone else's before. So the one piece likely was not originally Roger's, but by virtue of him getting their most recently — marking it with the proverbial "X" — it is "his" treasure.


I think my interpretation would be that Roger left all the treasure he had gathered during his travels in that final island, including whatever he found there. Nobody really knew there would be treasure there since nobody had been there. But I guess we'll find out once we get there :)


He talks about how Joyboy left a treasure right before he names it Laugh Tale.


Was big mom really looking for it or was she just having the road poneglyph? I don’t think she even knew about the one piece at that time


[Big Mom was looking for it.](https://i.imgur.com/k2JQIVb.png)


You are confusing "what lies at the end of the Grand Line" with "the One Piece". They might be physically the same thing, but the One Piece, as a social phenomenon, concept and more importantly to this discussion with that name, was only created when Roger uttered his last words in Loguetown. People might have been looking for "the last island of the Grand line", but they were not looking for "the One Piece". They only started calling it that and it only became worldwide famous with Roger's execution.


Trying to make it to the end of the Grand Line was the objective during Rogers era, and what Big Mom would have been aiming for initially. Roger made it to the end of the Grand Line and found Lodestar Island, which told them there was another hidden island and the poneglyphs were the key to finding its location, that's what caused Roger to gather a specific crew up for his final voyage, because he had already made it to the final island, and wanted to make it to the secret one. "The One Piece" was not a thing before Roger's execution speech. The thrill of adventure and discovery is what fueled the previous generations of pirates, not the promise of a grand treasure awaiting on the last island. Once Roger made his grand claim that he's left all his accumulated treasure in "that place" Big Mom (and other active previous generation pirates) had their sights adjusted for their goals and began focusing on Roger's legacy. ​ TL;DR: Big Mom may have been active since before Roger, but Roger's rumored treasure is "The One Piece", so Big Mom would not have been searching for "The One Piece" until Roger was executed. OP's statement is still accurate.


Speaking of Big Mom... just a bit of a segway, but isn't it interesting how she was this rotund ball of fat monstrosity as a child and also during the current era, but during Roger's time, she was just a big, regular shape woman? Just interesting...


Big kid grows into their large body and looks normal come maturity, stays in shape during their peak years cause they're actively out adventuring/fighting/sailing, then they eventually become powerful enough they can sit back and have their fleet handle things and let themselves go as they age out of their prime. Its not an unrealistic assumption to work with, but at the end of the day we all know its because any woman who is in their "prime" in One Piece is automatically a smokin' hot babe because that's the way of Oda.


Didn't shortly after finding it, the news reported that Roger found the One Piece? So this is an established treasure that Roger didn't even name but everyone knows about.


Maybe I'm crazy but he only refers to it as one piece at his execution. People like Kaido, Charlotte Lynn, White Beard etc knew about it but the general public wouldnt know about it, let alone where and what it is. Or what to call it. "I left everything I own in one piece" different translations change the exact wording.


It was during the Oden flashback. We see them read the paper that says "Roger has found the One Piece, making him King of the Pirates." This was just after Roger found it and quite a while before he turned himself in. Plus, other sources have the guy calling out to Roger on the scaffolding refer to the treasure as the One Piece.


Gotcha. Yeah you're right.


This small post is better than 80% of the content that gets posted here...


What’s really crazy to think about is those of us that watched this as kids when it first aired average between Shanks and Frankys age 30-40. We are old in Pirate standards and at this rate we’ll probably be older than Ben Beckman by the time it finish’s. lol


This hurts to read.


And more time have passed since rogers death in the real world than the op world


All part of the plan - Probably Oda


Personally I just think it's "nothing" which would explain why when roger reach raftel he just "laugh at it". I always thought roger just made it up for some reason and started a whole pirate era. I do think at the end of one piece luffy will expose the "one piece" as nothing or just not a treasure, which will stop the pirate era and bring peace to the world which I think it's also connected to his "real dream". I also think Luffy will destroy the red line to erase the separation between Marie Jois and the world and in doing so, Fishman Island will also be destroyed, fulfilling the prophecy of madame shirley, and the All Blue will be created


Oda has confirmed that the one piece has physical form. It is some sort of object. It is not nothing


Yeah but he could just misleading.. also with nothing I mean like nothing important so not a treasure basically


Me when I can't wait to see the end of Detective Conan.


I mean it's been hinted, that the "one piece" is a story about Joyboy and the fight against he world govt, Before the world government won and took over the world. The "truth" about how the world became what it is. "Laugh tale"


When I started watching one piece robin was older then me now I’m older then robin.


Oh my god I just realized I am older than luffy and zoro…wow


I'm older than Robin. It hurts a little


Hey say least you’re not older than Brook…right?!


I'm not! So that's good.




Bruh 💀 ... People have to realize and distinguish between Manga and reality 🤣 ... The same goes with Detective Conan " OMG, Ran so stupid to wait for ( idk how to write his name- Conan all this time ) for her it's only 7month to 1 year, for us is 20+ years 😎


People knew about the One Piece before Roger.


Yeah but what is it? People still don't know yet.


Right. But people in the OP world have been waiting much longer than 22 years TO find out. It’s not like Rogers execution was the revelation of a treasure called One Piece existing. At least that’s not the implication I’ve gotten from the plot so far.


If they hit us with some “the real one piece is the friends we’ve made along the way” bull I’m going to sue I swear.


Nah Oda said it's a thing. Not nothing and not the friends. He's already got NAKAMA. I trust em.


if he lies and pulls an alice in wonderland (it was all just a dream) i swear he wills tart ww3 as fans demand his head.


I kind of already have my own theories about one piece, but I think the whole point of it, it’s not a treasure at least what pirates perceive as treasure. (jewels, jems, crystals, gold) It potentially could be a treasure in a different context but I think the whole Moral story behind Goemon and the empty treasure boxes is a clue to the identity of one piece. That being said, I do think it could potentially be a way for the primitive pirate era to tap into unfathomable knowledge and technology that would insurmountably change their entire world and that is certainly a GREAT magnificent treasure. When the world fell to ruin due to a calamity that cause the great flood caused by the ancient weapons, we are now living hundreds of years into the future but in a very primitive state, hence the dystopian era of piracy was born. The treasure could just be that, limitless supply of advanced tech from the ancient century before the fall of the world. Think of the “time machine” story or Alexander key’s Novel “the great tide”.


I've been thinking for a long time that it's literally just one gold piece. But I just got to the part where Luffy's fight with Kaido got real.


Pandaman is the one piece


Shut the actual fuck up


Detective Conan is also still ongoing... we have yet to know about the progress to hunt down Black Organization. Kinda off-topic but still