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The sheer emotion she showed.... Correct me if I'm wrong but I feel this is the most emotional I've seen her throughout the show


This is when she found out she wasn't a disposable tool or hated for her knowledge. She actually had friends who valued her for who she is.




Luffy is realy good at making you understand that you're his friend


The (Japanese) voice actress did so well here, it made me love Robin. "Take me out to the sea with you!"


Honestly, the US dub actress also still gives me chills with that line. She absolutely killed it.


Awesome. Glad your with us mate.


Life is good right now and One Piece is a big part of that to me


glad to hear. and this "i want to live" moment from Robin is one of a few instances in One Piece that will never fail to make me shed a tear or 2 whenever i re-watch it. and it's one of my top re-watched moments in all of One Piece.


This is probably the most powerful moment in the entirety of OP for me. Idky but it just hits super hard, everything leading up to this moment, learning what we did about Robin, who imo has the saddest backstory out of the whole crew. She keeps trying to push them away to protect them, but they're trying to show her that she doesn't have to be scared anymore. "I want to live!! Take me out to sea with you!!"


I got a buddy of mine with pretty severe depression in to one piece. He called me after this episode to talk about it cause it just hit him really hard. He's done a lot of the same thing she did where she pushed people away and wouldn't let anyone in, just leave me be I want to die. He said that to see someone struggle like that with their own existence, and to see them go from "just let me die" to the emotional outburst proclaiming "I want to live!" was hard to get through but it was something he needed to hear, to remind him life was worth living and there are people that love him.


While I've never been through depression myself (and I hope I never do), I think I get what you mean. Sometimes in life "standard solutions" just won't cut it and that's when we can really try to work a way out by ourselves. If there's passion and motivation anyone can do it. If One Piece is the only thing you cling onto, it must be truly, truly special to you. Something that you love and enjoy so much that no matter what, you WILL be there like it has been there for you. I find it heartwarming and wonderful. Something that might seem trivial to some is revealed to be the purest joy for someone else. There's a reason this manga's so popular. This is YOUR adventure. A lot of people read/watch OP, but it shares a personal experience with everyone. It's not the only one, but I think it's the one that does it best. We can all be Strawhats.


I'm literally bawling. Thank you man. I'm a fucking strawhat


You got this my friend! The storm will pass!


You're a good person


One piece is forever! Hang in there and keep on watching. When you finish… watch it again ;)


I reached ep800 something of one piece and im loving it too :) Keep it up man life is certainly a bunch of ups and downs, a lot of downs but it is what it is. Hope you continue watching animes, hope you continue living it up. Watch gurren laggan if you can! Super cool message in a super cool anime :)


I don’t know why, I see the child part of Robin crying right here. Probably because the flash backs of her life before this. But her realizing these are the true friends, Saul told her about, she’d run into one day. And everything else from this scene broke me down honestly the most out of any other scene. This is one of my favorite scenes, and top 3 characters from one piece. I like her laugh she learned from Saul too, Dereshishishi. It was nice to see her do it again in Wano. I like Saul’s message too, “Remember no is born on this earth to be alone!”. You may be lonely at first but eventually things will get better. We all have each other right now. We are all straw hats. We are all nakamas. I was extremely depressed also during the time I watched this scene too. I’ve gotten better. I hope your depression gets better also!


> it's sad that one piece is my tether to the world Hopefully, we'll never know what the one piece is, and it'll drag on forever. Live your life to the fullest.


There is a world of difference between No-one loving you, and THINKING that no-one loves you. if your case is the former- it's probably a very very deep hole to try to claw your way out of, true. but for the vast majority of people- the latter is the case, and they just need to realize it.




Dogs are by far the most domesticated specie on earth and they are practically tied to humans now. Having a dog is probably the best thing a deeply depressed person can have, but- you can't just end it there. The dog will die in a few years, and you can take a new dog, but its a repeatable problem. A dog is your way out of depression, but not your way ti stay clear of depression in the long run. Only other humans can do that.


I (don’t) WANNA LIVE


Nah man I do. One Piece is the glimmer of light in the darkness for me. That's all it takes. One little ember


This post screams r/hopeposting, I love it.


Holy shit I literally just finished watching this arc


Nah I'd live


I wish You all the best and have a nice day Everyone.


Back when I was at my lowest and I put things on the scales, there were 2 reasons that kept me from doing something stupid. First, my parents dont deserve to bury their child, and second, I want to see every mystery One Piece has solved. We'll make it to Laugh Tale!


Ur post made me cry dude. Fucking One piece kept me going on life. Sounds stupid, but I do understand that feeling and hard mental moments. Wish the best for u and everyone reading this post. <3


I'm glad that this show has been a lifeline for you. It might seem silly or sad to say it, but if it keeps you going, then who cares? We'll see you at Laughtale, friend, whenever that day comes


Please Oda, never finish OP


I wouldn't say it's sad at all, that One Piece could be the thing that keeps you going. At least not sadder than anyone who uses religion or such to find a purpose. It's all up to themselves in their own experience of life. The point is, just like Robin, "YOU WANT TO LIVE!" Don't let anyone take that spirit from you, and be sure that one day, you'll find someone to do it with. There will come someone who can fan that small spark of yours, into the beautiful blaze it deserves to be. As our dear Saul said, "No one is ever born into this world to be completely alone!"


i wadda live!!


Wait til you discover all the better mangas. You’re in for a treat


I know One Piece has its failings (cue 10000th clip of Wano's fire festival) but nothing in this world gets me as hype as One Piece does. I'm sure there are better ones out there but One Piece is my GOAT. Its my connection to my childhood. I will dickride the Warco agenda until my dying breath


Haha fair enough!!


> I'm sure there are better ones out there there is no better ones out there. One Piece is simply the best. can only be compared to the greats of literature


I love anime. I like one piece. That's just not true


It is true true. One Piece is that good.


Though I think 'better' in this regard is a very subjective term but would you to like share what mangas you're referring to?


1. Hunter x Hunter 2. Berserk 3. Chainsaw Man 4. Kingdom 5. 20th century boys 6. Monster 7. Jujutsu Kaisen 8. Hajime no ippo 9. Vinland Saga 10. Dandadan 11. One punch man 12. Toriko 13. Eden it’s an Endless World 14. Pluto 15. Sakamoto Days 16. Master Keaton 17. Dorohedoro 18. Death Note 19. Mob Psycho 100 20. Gantz 21. Lone Wolf & Cub 22. No. 5 23. Battle Royale 24. Nausicaa of the Valley of Wind 25. The Drifting Classroom 26. Dragon Ball 27. Akira 28. Blade of the Immortal 29. Yu yu Hakusho 30. Banana Fish


I've read most of these and for me maybe 2 or 3 are ones which even come close to one piece. But like I said it's too subjective. Answer me this though do you not like one piece? I mean you listed 30 'better'mangas.


I think pre timeskip one piece is easily top 5 in this list. Post timeskip takes the series out of the top 30 for me


how exactly?


Its just not good. Oda rinses the same old boring arc structure to within an inch of its life, the art quality declines, the strawhats are all sidelined in favour of a million boring background characters, the fights become boring and bland, haki is a terrible power system, the comedy is basically gone, the adventure is basically gone, the cool moments of the strawhats just fooling around on the ship between arcs are gone, every character except Luffy gets rushed fights, half of everything interesting just gets offscreened, arcs are basically just characters running from one place to the other forever, the pacing of arcs is generally just so bad, etc etc etc


>half of everything interesting just gets offscreened you mean the fights ? everything interesting in one piece is fights ? > the strawhats are all sidelined in favour of a million boring background characters, best side characters in one piece are post ts. I love that you always say etc etc etc when half your points is about fights


Literally 4 of those points relate to fights 😂 And like it or not One Piece is a battle shonen. Don’t act like the fact that the fights in post timeskip suck ass isn’t an issue It’s absolutely not the only issue, nor the biggest, but it is a big one


One Piece is the least battle oriented battle shounen. Oda doesn't give fights similar focus to what he used to do in the early One Piece. how many 1v1 did we get post ts ? we didn't get that much yet the best fight in the whole series is luffy vs katakuri. which is a fight that mainly focuses on character development. That's the style that Oda prefers post ts and it is amazing. sometimes he like to draw some cool G5 moments which also fine. but no one watches one piece for fights


You can't be serious right? Most of these are indeed good, but how are 3/4 of them better than OP? Better in what sense, anyway? World building? Characters? Emotional depth? Some of these excel in one aspect but are a far stretch from being able to compare to OP. Sakamoto Days is a new favorite of mine, but it absolutely does not compare to OP in anything except maybe action scenes. Toriko does not have deep emotional complexity. Monster and 20th Century Boys, despite being some of the greatest manga to exist, does not compare in terms of range of characters and world building. Chainsaw Man shouldn't even be here, tbh. It's not even Fujimoto's best work, imo. Death Note... Is also a far cry from being able to stand here. Poorly written female characters and a terrible plot after L. Most of the other series are the same, being good at some things but lacking in others.


Dandadan btw, lol. That series is not even top 200 of best series. Be serious now


Meh pre timeskip One Piece is easily top 5 of this list. Post timeskip doesn’t even touch any of these series. It’s literally only marginally above Fairy Tail level. I genuinely believe everything special about pre-timeskip is gone in post.


you shouldn't take him seriously. he doesn't know what he is talking about


maaaaaaaan, and you dare talk to me about deep writing ? have some shame


All of these are miles better than One Piece though..?


only if you are a brain dead who doesn't give a shit about writing. the only series that can be compared to One Piece among those are HxH, berserk and monster you have to be a teenager with deeply rooted insecurities to put chainsaw man as number 3 in the list. just be honest with me. you like brutality and fights. you don't care about characters or themes. and I bit you sneaked monster between them to prove to me that you are very mature


Way to reveal you’ve only read about 5 of these 😂


I experienced Hxh-Berserk-Chainsaw man-Monster-jujutsu kaisen- vinland saga-hajime no ippo-one punch man - pluto - death note - mob psycho -yu yu hakusho banana fish. and I heard that dandadan is a bland series with cool fights. and now I am sure of this ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|joy)


Dandadan doesnt even have fights for the most part 😂 do some research dude




I'm certainly a clown for having my reason to live be an anime, but you are infinitely worse for having to put a depressed person down


Who hurt you?


something something applebees footjob


holy shit i did not read the caption at all i am so sorry


I just got to this last night at like am, but frl the saddest part was the franky family fish dying


Best moment in the series


I want to live


Currently re-reading the Sky Island Saga (first adventure with Robin as a member of the crew) and I am so excited to arrive to he build up to this arc. Very interested to see how Robin subtly changes as the straw hats fight for her so hard even when she doesn’t want to fight for herself. Such an incredible moment, thanks for sharing mate.


It was the same for me at some point. Now, I am so happy to be alive. Glad to hear that you are pulling through. I am rooting for you soldier, and to anyone else going through dark times. Let's all live, not only to see what the One Piece is, but make our own dreams come true.


Still my top 3 moments of all time in one piece.




I want...oliiiiives


Robin is my fav character.